X Twins

By Matthew Burt

Published on Jul 24, 2007


Disclaimer: this is story is fictional and says nothing about any member of the X-Men or any character related to Marvel. This does contain violence and may be sexually explicit. All Marvel Characters are copyright of Marvel Comics and Created by Stan Lee.

Rise of the Twins

It was like any other day, Stefon woke, showered and as always, dressed to impress. Today he wore a pair of low cut jeans and a dull red tee that showed of his swimmers build. His shoulder length auburn hair was tied up into a ponytail and his teal green eyes have a sparkle to them.

Stefon- "Sarah, you almost ready to go? I would like to get there before Alex this time. Think you can handle that?"

Sarah- "Just give me a second wouldja!"

Sarah came down the stairs the same 5'10'' as her brother but with dyed light blue hair and frost colored eyes. She also wore a long-sleeve white turtleneck and a long navy blue skirt. The total opposite of her twin.

Sarah- "I am sorry to make you late for seeing your boyfriend."

Stefon- "He is not my boyfriend and is for a fact going out with that new girl, Lorna Dane, so even if I wanted him, witch I don't, I couldn't have him."

They hopped into Stefon's jeep and were off to Bayview High.

Bayview High School

Alex- "What is you sister wearing and why did she just give me that look?"

Stefon- "Who knows why she wears what she wears and at to the look, she just figured out that you are going out with Lorna and never thought that you would go out with some one who has green hair, or any unnatural hair color for that matter."

Alex- "Well then she will at least get off the idea of you and me being an item. So I'll see you round, The girlfriend will be peeved if I don't go and say hi to her before class begins. Bye!"

Stefon then walks to his locker and grabs his Pre-calc book. On his way to class he notices a new kid staring at him. He is of a runners build, has blue eyes and silver hair.

Stefon walks into his classroom and sit down only to find the new guy walk in and sit down somewhere behind him. Throughout the entire class he feels as is this guy is drilling a hole in the back of his head.

Still thinking about this at lunch time he walks over to where is sister is siting.

Sarah- "Yeah, I am sure that he following you next you'll be telling me the grim reaper is standing on the roof."

Stefon- "Don't believe me, just look over there."

Stefon points over to the youth and there he is standing in the corner glaring at them.

Sarah- "O.K. that is just creepy. Lets get out of here and go home."

They walk out to the quad and get to the front lawns only to find that he is there waiting for them.

Stranger- "Where do you think you two are going?"

Stefon- "Home, what's it to you?"

Stranger- "You aren't going anywhere. The Brotherhood of Mutants is looking to up its ranks and you two are the perfect candidates."

Sarah- "What a way to welcome your new mates. But the fact that we aren't mutants never crossed your empty mind!"

Stranger- "Really, not mutants you say!" Before either one of them could react, he ran to the other side of the building and gr abed a Javelin to only hurl it at the twins. Before they knew what was happening they both threw up their hands and a wall of fire and ice appeared before them.

Twins- "How did we do that!"

Stranger- "Not mutants huh!"

By then the entire school was on the lawn and were watching in awe and fear at what was transpiring.

Alex- "Quicksilver, What are you doing here and where is Scarlet Witch? You never travel far from one another!"

Quicksilver- "She is here taking care of Lorna Dane! Better known as Polaris! And you must be Havok, Cyclops's little brother."

Stefon- "Your a mutant, how come you never told me?"

Alex- "I could ask you the same thing!"

Sarah- "You two can make up later, now we need to deal with him and I don't know if I can make that ice come out again!"

Alex- "Don't worry, I'll take it form here."

He puts one hand in the air and the other out in front of him, but before he can do anything Quicksilver takes off and starts running around him in a Circe creating a vacuum. Alex is having trouble breathing and before he falls to the ground Stefon runs to where they and sticks his foot out to trip quicksilver. When Alex stands up Quicksilver is gone and The whole school is looking at them with disgust. Stefon and Sarah grab Alex and drive out of the parking lot. When they reach the exit Lorna is standing there a bit beaten up and she gets in and they all go back to the twins house. _____________________________________________________

Send me feedback at stefonx@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 2: School for the Gifted

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