Yesterdays Letter

By moc.loa@namreganamehT

Published on Nov 22, 2004


I do not know any of the members of 98 degrees nor do I know their sexual preference. But we can all hope. lol This story is not real. Don't read this if you are not supposed to. Thanks to the emailer it was much appreciated. Feedback lets me know that I should continue the story. Let me know what you think and what you want to see happen.

Previously on Yesterday's Letter:

"Hey Ryan" Drew was talking to me but he seemed shy again for some reason.

"Ya Drew"

"Um. Ah .. Do you want to get something to eat with me?" Should I or not. Its late almost 11 and I have to get up in 6 hours. What the hell its not everyday a boy band member asks you to dinner.

"Sure thing, but you have to do something for me"

"What?" he asked almost too quickly and Nick spun around looking at me.

"You really need to take a shower man. Your kind of smelly" I started laughing so he'd get the hint I was playing around.

"Well ok. Ill go take a shower and then ill meet you upstairs and we can go." Oh so its just going to be me and Drew for dinner how nice.

After he went into the locker room I was suddenly surrounded by the other three guys. "Now listen to me you little shit" Dang I was being yelled at by Nick the supposed nice one Drew claimed. "You better not do anything stupid or ill have to kick your ass" the other guys agreed with him.

I obviously said something but I think so much I don't really know what I say sometimes. All I remember is Nick saying "You little fucker" and pulling back his fist just when I heard Drew Yelling "Nick!"

With Drew yelling at Nick from the locker room door we turned our heads. Nicks punch didn't land on my nose like he had intended, but it hit me in the ear. On my freshly acquired earring. Not fun! It hurt a lot. But ill live I just wanna complain about it a little bit.

"Nick what the fuck was all that about?" Whoa he was pissed. I could see it in his eyes. "Wait I don't even care. Just get on the bus and leave. Ill have Ryan bring me and the other guys if they go back later."

"No you're coming with us" He charged at Drew. Drew stuck his foot out and Nick tripped over it and ran headlong into the water fountain. Sitting on the floor he looked about ridiculous. "But if you knew..." Cut off I love it.

"I said I don't care. Just leave. Get on the bus and leave. I don't want to see you for awhile." At this point I'm about to laugh. Drew was sending his brother to his room on the bus. It was so cute. If I started laughing I was gonna have to go into the locker room.

"But Drew" Nick was actually whining now. I had to leave. I got up and went into the locker room and sat down on the bench. I sat there for a few minutes and during that time I heard some more shouting and some banging around. I wasn't worried about anything I knew that the other two would break anything major up if they needed to. I was so spacing out that I didn't notice Drew come in and sit next to me on the bench.

"Hey, are you alright?" There was such concern in his voice I knew he was for real. "I thought maybe you came in hear cause your head hurt." I looked over at him into his eyes. I could just get lost in his eyes. "You are alright aren't you?" He started to lean in towards me.

"Well.." I said standing up putting my hand on my ear.

"I knew it! You are hurt. I'm gonna kill that bastard brother of mine!" Drew jumped up and started to walk to the door. I grabbed his arm and spun him around.

Putting my finger on his lips to silence him I told him "I came in here because I was about to start laughing out there. You were sending Nick to the bus like some kid getting grounded from mom. It was just making me giggle some. I'm ok I promise you. Just a little sore in the ear area, but ill live ok?" He didn't look like he believed me, but then he started busting out laughing.

"I did go a little mom on him didn't I? But he deserved it. He's always ruining things" Now I'm starting to think why did Drew come out of the locker room at that time anyways.

"Hey, um why did you come out of the locker room right then Drew?"

"Well I was gonna take a shower and then realized my stuff was on the bus. I was gonna go get it and I heard Nick yelling at you." makes sense doesn't it Ryan?

"Well is just so happens that I have a locker full of stuff you could use." Should I offer I'm sure its not what he is used to. I buy the cheapest stuff I can find. I work at the Y I have no money.

"Sure lets see what you have." We walked to my locker and he got some stuff out of it and started to head back to the shower area.

"Hey I'm gonna go upstairs and see if I cant get a few files done while you're getting ready." I heard the water turn on and him yell ` ok see ya in a few'

I walk out of the locker room and start my way up to the front desk. Now let me tell you that the workout area is in the basement so I have to go up a flight of stairs. Now me being the coordinated individual that I am I can fall UP the stairs. I'm so talented I know. I'm just glad that this particular time no one was around to see my embarrassing moment. I'm also glad that I didn't make my usually noises when I did it because I heard voices coming from the other side of the door to the lobby.

Now I only just met the guys and I don't watch tv enough to know from interviews their voices to I had no idea who was talking until I heard names.

"Nick you didn't have to go and hit him like that" Who was defending me? I'm curious as all get out, but I was too short to see through the window in the door. Being 5'6" sometimes sucks ya know.

"Well what was I supposed to do after he said that he wasn't just looking for a piece of ass like some people. Just let him get away with it?" Obviously that was what I said. Hmmm kinda funny if I do say so myself, not really though.

"I agree with Jeff" So Jeff was my defender. "I don't think he meant you were always looking for a piece of ass I think he just used it as an example that he is a good guy." OO I have two defenders that's good.

"I know. I just don't think before I do things sometimes." Nick kinda sounded depressed. Maybe he realized that he alienated his brother and hurt someone for no reason. "Why don't you guys go get on the bus I wanna apologize to Ryan before him and Drew leave for dinner." Oh no there was no way I was gonna go out there without Drew. What if something happened and I ended up a bloody pulp? Not good.

"Well I think they make a cute couple. They even look a little alike. Same build, height and even the same crazy hair. Just let them be for now who know maybe this guy is what Drew needs to get outta his funk."

"Maybe so Jeff maybe so." Justin said.

At this point I heard Drew coming up the steps. I put my finger to my lips to get him to be quiet.

"Um..why are we standing on the landing and whispering?" He clearly was confused, but he looked so cute no knowing what was going on.

"Well I was walking up the stairs when I heard talking. And since then I've been doing what I do best at work. Eavesdropping. They are talking about you and me. Nick wants to apologize to me before we leave, but I didn't wanna go out there alone so I just waited here till I saw you." Drew grabbed my arm and pulled me into the lobby.

"Hey guys I thought you'd be gone already" He was pretty good at the spontaneous thing wasn't he? I chuckled just a little bit in my head.

"Well we got to talking and I think I need to talk to Ryan alone" Nick said almost pleading with Drew to let him talk to me.

"You had your chance downstairs, but you turned it into a big ordeal Nick!" Go Drew tell him what you think. "If you wanna talk to him you do it now because we are leaving"

"Ryan I'm sorry I acted the way I did. I just react before I think sometimes. Can you forgive me and not hold it against me forever? Please?" He was begging for forgiveness, but was he really meaning it or was he just trying to smooth things over with his brother? Who knows

"Well maybe, maybe not" Drew and I both said at the same time. This made us look at each other and laugh. It was at this time that I noticed Drew was wearing my clothes from the locker. They looked good on him. Since we were the exact same size they fit him really well. Obviously at this point Nick noticed the same thing I did.

"Why the fuck are you wearing his clothes? Get on the damm bus we are leaving now." Damm Nick was seething now. One minute he was nice and all friendly apologizing the next mad as a bull. Maybe he was bi-polar or something.

"Nick shut the fuck up I'm not going with you guys"

"Drew get your..." cut off again I still love it.

"Nick shut your damm mouth. Think about it my stuff was on the bus. I thought you guys were gone so I borrowed some clothes from Ryan it shouldn't be a big deal at all." I could tell he was getting upset his eyes were starting to water up a little.

"Drew I said get on the bus you don't need someone like him" Someone like me? And just what am I like I wonder? Drew just grabbed my arm and pulled me down the staff hall. I thought he was just mad, but then I heard the sniffles. He was crying. This isn't good. I pulled him into the back kitchen and flipped the light on.

"Drew" how do I put this "Is he always like that to people he doesn't know"

"No. He's only like that to anyone I try to even be friends with or try to get a date. Its fucking ridiculous. I am a grown man I can take care of myself. I haven't had fun since 98* started. Its always do what Nick does, think like Nick does, I'm tired of it. I can think for myself." Wow this was deep it wasn't just Nick being an ass to me seems like he doesn't want Drew to have his own life.

"Well how about this? I don't think either one of us really wants to go out and eat now. Why don't we go back to my place and I'll fix us something to munch on and you can stay the night. That way you and Nick can calm down and you can talk to him tomorrow." sounded like a good plan to me.

"I don't wanna talk to him tomorrow. He's just going to get mad again and not listen to anything I say. I just don't want to deal with it."

"Drew that's not how you get anything solved. Ill go with you to talk to Nick if you want to." Hopefully that was a trump card and he'll go for it.

"You'd do that for me?" there was just a glimmer of hope in his eyes thinking maybe things would be ok. He was still crying I leaned over and wiped a tear off of his face.

"Yes Drew I would do that for you." I don't know why but I just felt like I couldn't say no to him.

"Hey guys" I stiffened at the sound of someone's voice. Thinking it might be Nick again I just sat there looking at Drew.

"What Jeff?" His voice was devoid of all emotion like he was numb from everything.

"Um...we are going to take Nick with us and try to calm him down so you can go eat something. Hopefully we can get him to see how stupid he is acting." Jeff seemed like a nice guy to me.

"Ok. I think I'm gonna stay at Ryan's tonight so I can think about things."

"Ok. Have fun guys. Call if you need anything." With that he left.

We got into my car and started driving. We drove back to my house. I was silently hoping that no one would be there to make a scene about me having a boy band member in my house, let alone staying the night. As we pulled into the driveway I frowned knowing that one or more of my friends were definitely at home.

"Whose car is that in your driveway?" Drew asked I could hear a hint of nervousness. He probably didn't feel up to meeting new people.

"Well it looks like I have a friend or two over. Ill go in first and tell them if they cant act normal when you come in they can just leave. Stay here." I got out of the car and walked into my house.

"Where have you been. We tried calling your phone forever and no answer!" My friend Amy practically yelled at me.

"I was at work with some clients. Now listen and listen well. One of them came home with me to chill for a bit. If you can't act normal then you need to leave now. I don't want his day getting worse than it is. Understand?!" Its great. I have gotten used to talking like Ty at work so people know I'm a no nonsense kind of guy. Amy looked taken aback a little.

"Well ok ill be as normal as I can ok?" That didn't sit well with me.

"I'm warning you Amy. One mess up and you may never see the rest of 98* got it? You will be exterminated tonight if you make an ass outta yourself."

"Ok I get the point."

"Let me go out and get him ok?" I walked back to the car and saw Drew leafing through one of my work notebooks. I opened his door and scared the crap out of him. He really was engrossed in whatever he was reading.

"You scared me. I was just reading some of your writing here. Hope that's ok?" Oh no it was my notebook that I write my loose odds and ends of poems or short stories. "I like this one. It'd be a good song if it were finished."

"Well most of them never do get finished. They just are there so I write them down just for whatever reason." I was so embarrassed now. "Amy promises to be normal if you come inside. Although she doesn't know who I brought home from work. I told her you were a client and in a sense you are. I didn't say anything else that could be incriminating."

"Thanks. That means a lot. Lets go" Walking up to the door I got a bad feeling about this.

"Oh my god its Drew from 98*" oh shit she's screaming at the top of her lungs. Talk about being tacky and star struck. "I have to call Anne, she'll have to come over and meet him." I just gave her a look that would have nailed her to the wall if it could have. "Oh sorry its nice to meet you Drew. I really should get going. Don't worry I'm not going to spread the word around where you are."

"Thanks" Drew replied, but I'm not so sure he believed her. She sure took her sweet time getting her stuff together and leaving. I think she was hoping we would invite her to stay and chat with us. But I was thinking that Drew really didn't want the extra company after what all had happened today.

"Wow I thought she would never leave" Drew looked like he was about to pass out. He is probably really tired. Damm I forgot that the sheets on the extra bed were in the washing machine.

"Is she always like that?"

"No Drew she's never like that. It was just she met you and you're someone famous. She's just not used to rubbing elbows with ya'll. But we do have a problem. The sheets for the extra bed are in the wash so if you want to stay up long enough for them to finish that's cool. If not then I can take the couch and you can h ave my bed."

"Don't be stupid. We can share your bed. It'd big enough." I had to admit I liked that idea. Its been so long since I've slept in bed with someone. I'm a very snuggly type of guy.

"Well as long as you keep your cold feet off of me that'll be cool."

"Alright lets get ready for bed then." We got ready and hopped in bed when the phone rang. I hate the phone I really do.

"Hello" I really hated phone calls especially this late.

"Hey I hear you have a certain boy band member in your house. Are ya gonna get it on?!"

"Um Anne go to bed. We're just getting some rest right now." Good grief this is going to be a long night isn't it?

"Oh so that's what they call it these days huh?"

"ANNE goodnight!" I hung up the phone and got back into bed. Not even a minute later the doorbell rang. Dammitt "If that is Anne and Amy you're gonna have to call the cops Drew cause I'm gonna shoot them." He laughed at that. "Laugh it up chuckles you'll see how funny it is when you hear the shots."

I stagger to the door realizing how tired I am. Drew is right behind me in his boxers. I finally get the door open and see him look past me to Drew.

"You bunch of fucking whores" I hear as everything goes black.

See ya for the next installment.

What happens next? Who is "HE"? Nick, one of the guys, or someone else?

Email me what you think good or bad. Tips. What you'd like to see happen in the next couple of installments.

Next: Chapter 3

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