You, Me and Baby Makes Three

By B.E. Kelley

Published on Jun 14, 2013



This story is a work of FICTION. The events described are my own invention. Any similarities to actual events or persons are strictly coincidental. The author retains the copyright, and any other rights, to this original story. You may not publish it or any part of it without my explicit authorization.

This story contains depictions of consensual sexual acts between teenage males. It is intended for mature audiences only. If you find this type of material offensive or if you are under the legal age to read said material; please proceed no further.

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You, Me and Baby Makes Three

"Hey Chandler, what's the matter sweetie?" Ashley called after him.

Ashley was making her final rounds for the night; she walked past the boys showers and was almost knocked down when Chandler shot past her. The boy was only wearing a bathrobe and flip flops and it sounded like he was crying. Chandler was a special camper, Ashley had grown close to him over the summer and seeing him in such a state gave her cause for concern. He wasn't heading for his cabin, he'd run off towards the lake and she had to follow after him.

Ashley Mitchell was a 23 year old graduate student at the University of Vermont, where she studied business. She was a hard worker, she had no family to speak of and had to support herself, she thought working at a summer camp on the Maine coast would be a great way to spend her summer and she'd been right. She loved the kids and had taken a special interest in Chandler Williams, he wasn't like the other 15 year olds, he had a quiet way about him, he was intelligent, well read and they'd really hit it off. Ashley knew that Chandler's kind and gentle nature had caused him some problems with the other boys and she assumed that his behavior tonight was the result of more of their hazing.

She found Chandler, sitting on the beach, his knees drawn up and his face buried. She could hear his crying so she sat quietly next to him and rubbed his back gently.

"Wanna talk about it?" asked Ashley.

"Why do guys have to be so mean?" Chandler sniffled, as he wrapped his arms around Ashley and rested his head on her shoulder.

"They were picking on you again?" asked Ashley.

"In the shower," Chandler nodded against her shoulder.

"What happened?" she asked.

"I can't tell you, it's too embarrassing," Chandler sniffled.

"Hey, I thought we were buds, you can tell me anything," said Ashley.

"You swear you won't laugh?" asked Chandler, he looked up at her with his big doe eyes and they glistened in the moonlight thanks to the tears.

"Chandler, have I ever laughed at you?" she smiled.

"No, but this is really, really personal," said Chandler.

"I promise, I won't laugh at you," Ashley assured him.

He rested his head against her shoulder again, and she rubbed his back while his body jerked with a few more sobs. She was about to prompt him when he broke the silence.

"I was getting ready for bed and decided to take a shower, when I got in there, some of the other guys were still washing up and well, I uh..." he staggered.

"Chandler, you can tell me," said Ashley, soothingly.

"I got a boner," said Chandler, hiding his face against her.

"Is that all?" Ashley giggled.

"Is that all?" Chandler demanded, "everyone saw and started calling me a faggot and a queer..."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh and those are awful things to say, but doesn't that happen to everyone?" asked Ashley.

"No! It's never happened to anyone else, not at school, not here, it's because I'm a freak," Chandler cried.

"Hey, you're not a freak, sometimes boy's just get excited, you can't help it," said Ashley.

"Wake up Ash, it's because I'm gay," Chandler practically whispered.

"Come on Chandler, you're just a baby..." Ashley began.

"I am not a baby," Chandler interrupted, why did everyone have to reduce your feelings just because you were young?

"I know, I just mean, you're so young, are you sure?" asked Ashley.

"I'm as sure as I can be, I've never done anything but girls don't have, uh, any effect on me," Chandler blushed in the moonlight.

"So you've never done anything with a girl, maybe you just haven't had the right stimulation," said Ashley.

"I don't know, I'm pretty gay," Chandler chuckled, in spite of his mood.

Ashley didn't know why she did it, maybe it was because she was feeling down after breaking up with her boyfriend, maybe because she was touched at how Chandler had shared his most personal feelings, maybe it was just the full moon and the soft summer air, for whatever reason, she moved Chandler's hand so that he was cupping her breast.

"Ashley," Chandler exclaimed, when he realized what he was touching.

"It's alright," said Ashley, as she pulled away from him just long enough to remove her shirt and bra.

Chandler looked at her in shock, his mouth hung open and he didn't know what he was supposed to do. Ashley took care of the problem for him when she took his hands and placed them against her breasts. Chandler was fascinated by the soft glands, he'd never done anything like this before and as if on instinct, he rubbed and caressed Ashley's breasts. After a few minutes, Ashley laid him gently on his back and opened his robe, he hadn't had time to get dressed, when he stormed out of the boys locker room, he was naked beneath the robe.

Ashley reached down and fondled his erection and got a surprise of her own. Chandler couldn't have been more than 5"9" and 130 pounds but at over 6 inches, he was hung like a much older boy. Ashley eased out of her shorts and panties, then placed her vagina against the boys throbbing cock.

"Ashley, wait, should we be doing this?" asked Chandler, nervously.

"It's ok, we're not doing anything wrong," she assured him, and slowly started to lower herself onto his erection.

"What, about protection, you know, a condom, ohhhhh," Chandler moaned as his head entered her.

"It's alright, it's not that time of the month," she assured him, as she slid down.

The sensation was like nothing he'd ever known, his cock felt like it had been swallowed up by the warm, wet pussy. She rode him slowly, gently bouncing up and down on his engorged penis until his body shuddered, then went rigid. She knew he'd climaxed, it hadn't taken long and she hadn't expected it too, she pulled off of his rapidly deflating member and lie next to him on the sand.

"So, what did you think?" asked Ashley.

"Wow," was the only word Chandler could come up with.

"Still think you're gay?" asked Ashley.

"Yeah, I mean that was nice but, well, I wish you were a boy," Chandler blushed, "why did you do that anyway?"

"I don't know, I guess I just wanted to give you an opportunity to see if you really preferred boys," said Ashley.

"I'm sorry," said Chandler, as if he'd disappointed her.

"Don't be, it was nice," said Ashley, "I had no idea you were such a big boy."

"Yeah," Chandler giggled, "I've always been kinda big."

"Well, when you find that special boy, he'll be very lucky," said Ashley, as she kissed him on the cheek.

"This feels kinda weird," said Chandler, "I mean, we could get in trouble if anyone found out."

"Hey, we didn't do anything wrong, we're just two friends who had a special moment together," Ashley assured him.

"Yeah, and don't worry, I won't tell anyone, I swear," said Chandler.

"You're such a sweetheart," said Ashley, she kissed him again, on the cheek, then both had to get dressed and return to their respective cabins.

Camp ended that week. On the last day, Chandler said his final goodbye to Ashley, she hugged him and winked, knowing that their secret would remain just that, a special memory both would be able to look back on in the future. Chandler boarded the van that would take him to the train station, for the ride back to Connecticut; he waved at Ashley and watched her until she was just a dot in the distance, part of him was sad that he'd never see her again.

Five years later...

It's taken me a while to get back into the swing of things, since my operation, but finally I was able to start running and swimming again. When you're used to regular exercise, you tend to get cabin fever really quickly when you can't have it. It was also taking me time to get used to my piano again, something felt off since the surgery, I couldn't quite place my finger on it but things just weren't flowing the way they used to. I chalked it up to being out of practice and started to devote a lot of my time to getting back to the high standards I held myself to.

I was halfway through Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue, when the phone started ringing. I ignored it at first and tried to finish the piece but I knew if it was mom and I didn't answer, she'd just keep calling. She'd been watching me like a hawk, since my surgery, and I guess I couldn't blame her, I mean, I'm her son and I could have died, so I tried not to bristle to much at her constant attention and over protection. I grabbed my phone and smiled when I looked at the caller id, Dr. Fiancée flashed across the screen.

"Hi Honey," I greeted, I think he could tell I was smiling from 2,500 miles away.

"Hey Brayden, whatcha doin?" asked Chandler.

"Just banging away at the piano, Gershwin today," I stated.

"Cool, listen I wanted you to be the first to hear the good news, I'm coming home next weekend," said Chandler.

"Why?" I asked.

"I think you mean, "Great, I can't wait to see you," Chandler giggled.

"Of course I can't wait to see you, I just mean it's a long flight to come home for the weekend, especially when you get out of school in a month," I explained.

"I know, but I have a four day weekend, it's Mother's Day and I haven't seen you since the surgery, I wanted to come home and check on you," said Chandler.

"I'm ok Chan, back to my normal routine and everything," I stated.

"Can't a guy see for himself?" asked Chandler.

"Yeah, absolutely, you're right, I can't wait!" I exclaimed, I don't know why I argued to begin with, I love Chandler and I was desperate to see him.

"Good, then you can pick me up at Kennedy next Thursday, my flight lands at noon," said Chandler.

"I'll be there, have you told your parents yet?" I asked.

"Nope, fiancée's first, rent's second," Chandler giggled.

"Ok, Mom and Nicky just drove up, I better help with the grocery's, I'll see you next week," I stated, "I love you Chan."

"I love you too Hon, see you soon," said Chandler.

I was all smiles when I went out to my mom's car and grabbed a bag from my 12 year old brother, Nicky.

"Let me help you with that, kiddo," I said, then took the bag.

"Thanks, what are you so happy about?" asked Nicky.

"Do I seem happy?" I smiled.

"Well, I know that big grin has nothing to do with my meatloaf," said mom, noticing my smile.

"Chandler just called, he's coming home for Mother's Day weekend," I smiled.

"Won't that be nice," mom smiled and kissed me on the cheek, then walked into the kitchen.

Nicky waited until mom was out of earshot before offering his own comment.

"Try to keep it down this time, last time you guys kept me awake all night," Nicky grinned.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"You know, "oh Chandler, oh God, oh yes," Nicky moaned, then laughed.

"Oh shut up," I laughed, and smacked him in the back of the head.

I helped mom and Nicky unload the groceries, then I went back to my room, Dad wouldn't be home for another hour and then we'd all have dinner together. I lay down to take a nap and couldn't get Chandler off my mind.

I first met Chandler when I was 14, shortly after my parents adopted me. I lost my mom at birth and my father was killed while we were vacationing in the Connecticut countryside. I was adapting to my new family and my new school, I sought something familiar to help me settle in and quickly joined the swim team. I was a diver, Chandler was a swimmer, we were in the same circle of friends but I'd never considered him as a boyfriend, I was obsessed with AJ.

AJ was my best friend, he was in most of my classes, he was on the team too and we did just about everything together. AJ was warm and friendly, I felt drawn to him, he was also the cutest boy in the 9th grade with his golden blond hair and big blue eyes. The more time I spent with him, the deeper I fell in love with him, he was always at my house or I was at his, we had regular sleepovers, at which he would sleep in his underwear and I would wake up snuggled in his arms. I was sure he was gay, we never really talked about girls and the few times we did, he got all blushy and embarrassed.

When we were 16, I got brave and came out to AJ, that didn't go so well. I took him to the park, we ran there a lot and I knew a nice quiet place where we wouldn't be bothered. He could sense I was nervous, I was always shy but never with AJ, when I sat there, looking grim and not saying anything, he knew something was up.

"You alright?" asked AJ.

"Uh, yeah sure," I replied.

"Then why are you being weird?" asked AJ.

"I'm not being weird, I'm just relaxing," I covered.

"Come on, you said you wanted to come to the park and talk about something, now you're acting, I don't know, funny," said AJ.

"Ok, look, I want to tell you something and I don't know how you're going to take it, so maybe I am a little nervous," I explained.

"Oh brother, we've been best friends for two years, you know you can tell me anything so just spit it out," AJ grinned.

"Fine, it's just that, well, I really like you," I blushed.

"Duh, best friends, two years now..." AJ started.

"I don't mean like that, I mean like you like you, you know, like love," I was almost as red as a fire engine at that point.

"You're gay?" asked AJ.

"Yes," I replied, I couldn't bring my eyes up to meet his.

We sat there for a long time, neither of us saying anything, when I finally looked over, I caught AJ's punch, right in the eye. I'd never been hit so hard, I landed on my butt and all I could do was stare up at him.

"How could you?" AJ demanded.

"How could I?" I asked, I didn't understand where he was going with this.

"All those times I slept at your house or you slept at mine, in my bed, in my underwear, I trusted you and you were perving on me?" said AJ.

"No, it wasn't like that, I swear," I spluttered.

"Yeah sure, how many times did you reach over and touch me in my sleep?" AJ demanded.

"AJ please, I wouldn't do that to you, you know me better than that," I reminded him.

"I feel like I don't know you at all, I'm not gay Brayden, and I want you to stay away from me," said AJ, as he stormed off.

I was devastated, I didn't understand how I could be so off the mark, I was convinced that he was like me but I'd never been more wrong about anything in my life. I also couldn't believe how cruel he was being, he was the nicest, sweetest person I knew and my love brought out the demon in him.

Fortunately the situation resolved itself rather quickly. After a couple of days, AJ came over and apologized for hitting me and wigging out on me. He said that his initial reaction was one of shock and hurt, that he let those emotions rule his thoughts but that after thinking about it, he felt terrible. It would be a long time before we were close again, but eventually we managed to salvage our friendship. In the meantime, the cat was out of the bag, in his anger, AJ told everyone I'd come out to him and the black eye he'd given me seemed to confirm what he told them.

I didn't deny it, I was out, it had been hard to do and I didn't want to go through that again, that's when Chandler found his courage. I was sitting in my room, working on some homework, when my mom knocked on the door and said I had a visitor. I figured it was AJ, we had started to make amends and had talked about going to a movie, instead, it was Chandler Williams.

"Chandler, hi," I stated, in surprise, as he walked into my room.

"Hey," he greeted.

I knew him from school and swimming, sometimes he ate lunch at our table or he'd come with us when a group went to the movies, but he'd never been to my house.

"So what brings you by?" I asked.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing," said Chandler, nervously.

"Uh, I'm fine," I replied.

"So uh, that rumor going around about you at school..." Chandler started.

"What rumor is that?" I played dumb, I didn't know what this was about but if he was going to sit there, in my own room, and give me shit for being gay, he wasn't going to get away with beating around the bush.

"You know, about you being gay," Chandler blushed, "I was just uh, wondering if it was true or not."

"Yeah, so what if it is, are you here to give me shit too?" I said roughly.

"No, no not at all nothing like that," Chandler spluttered.

"Then what is it that made you come over to my house, you've never felt the need before," I stated.

"Because I'm gay too," he blurted out, I think he was exasperated by my badgering and he let that slip just to shut me up.

"Wow, really?" I asked, after we'd sat there for an awkward moment.

"Yeah, I came over to ask if the rumor was true and tell you about myself, I thought maybe we could..." he trailed off.

"Maybe we could what?" I asked.

"You know, go out, or something," said Chandler.

"You came over to ask me out on a date?" I asked, I couldn't believe this was happening, it's the last thing I expected when he darkened my door.

"Ok, here it is, my last shred of dignity," said Chandler, "I've liked you for a while, I'd see you at practice and in class and well, I think you're really cute and then I heard you came out and I thought there might be an opportunity for us to get to know each other better."

"You think I'm cute?" I blushed.

"Yeah, very cute," said Chandler, he was blushing too.

"Yes," I replied.

"Huh?" asked Chandler.

"Yes, I'd like to go out with you," I smiled.

"Really, you would?" asked Chandler.

"Yeah, I think that would be fun," I smiled.

"Ok, yeah, cool, I'll call you with the details," said Chandler, then he bolted from my room.

I sat there dumbfounded; I'd been so obsessed with AJ that I never considered any of the other boys I knew might be gay. Chandler was cute too, he was tall and skinny with big hazel eyes and this reddish brown hair that stuck up all over the place, after practice, when he forgot to comb it. I didn't know him well but I knew he was extremely smart, he was in all my Advanced Placement classes, he was a great swimmer and while we didn't hang out a lot, he'd always been friendly. He was pretty dorky, he had a corny sense of humor and that appealed to me, I'm the self-proclaimed Prince of Dorkness and I was one of the few people who ever seemed to get Chandler's jokes.

He called me that night and we mad plans for our date, a couple of days later, I picked him up in the Volvo I'd inherited from mom, when she got her new car, and drove us out to dinner. We ate at a burger joint that was popular with the kids at our school, we talked mostly about our classes, swimming and some of our mutual friends, then we went to the movies. I had a great time, so did Chandler and at the end of our date, we both agreed we'd like to try this again. That's when we were hit with another awkward moment.

We were sitting in my car, outside his house, the date was over, we made plans for another date and it was time for him to go. Neither of us was sure what the next move should be, both of us had the same thought running through our minds, "should I kiss him, should I wait for him to kiss me, should I just say goodnight?" We found our courage simultaneously and turned to kiss each other, the problem was we both thought we'd dart in for a quick peck and ended up bashing each other's noses, hard.

"Oh shit," I grunted, that really hurt.

"Ouch," Chandler groaned, then we both started laughing.

When the giggle fit subsided, we tried again, I leaned forward, he leaned forward and our lips slowly made up the distance. It was a soft kiss, we pressed our lips together and held them there for a moment, then pulled away, blushing and grinning at each other.

"That was nice," said Chandler.

"Yeah, real nice," I smiled.

"Was it your first time?" asked Chandler, "you know, kissing a boy?"

I'd done some things with guys, I had a few run in's with boys I met online and there was this one time while on a university tour... anyway, we'd each had our experiences but neither of us had actually kissed a boy before.

"Yeah," I blushed.

"Me too," Chandler grinned, then he kissed me on the cheek and bolted from the car.

That's the night I fell in love with Chandler Williams, he was sweet, kind, cute and compassionate, everything I ever wanted in a boyfriend. From that moment on, we did everything together, we spent the next two years as happy as two gay boys could be, we had the same ups and downs as everyone else in high school but we always had each other and there was nothing we couldn't face together.

We spent our senior year planning for our future, I was going to be a lawyer, my birth parents had both gone to Yale and I was determined to follow in their footsteps. Chandler wanted to be a doctor, his father was a heart surgeon and he was eager to follow in his dad's footsteps. We both applied to Yale and we thought we'd be shoe-ins, we had the grades, we had the right extracurricular activities, we had Ivy League written all over! It was a cruel turn of fate when I was accepted and Chandler wasn't.

The nice thing about Chandler is his ability to roll with the punches, being rejected by our dream school didn't faze him at all. He decided that he'd go to the University of Connecticut, it wasn't ideal, we wouldn't be able to live together, as we'd planned, but our campuses would only be an hour apart and we'd see each other every weekend. His good cheer buoyed me as well, he was right, an hour wasn't a big deal and we'd be so busy with our studies, during the week, that we wouldn't have time to miss each other anyway. That's when fate dealt us another blow.

Towards the end of our senior year, Chandler got accepted to Stanford University, all the way across the country, in California. He knew I couldn't turn down Yale, it meant too much to me, it was a link to my birth parents and I'd devoted my entire high school career to getting in. Chandler offered to stay with me and go to UConn, but I couldn't allow him to do that either. Stanford has one of the best pre-medical programs in the country, a degree from there would allow Chandler his choice of medical schools and we both had our eyes set on Harvard. I'd be a pretty crappy boyfriend if I let him risk his dream just to be close to me, and I felt that he'd resent his decision, later on.

We didn't like it, but we resolved to try the long distance thing, we knew our love was real and we both felt that we could make it work. The day he left for California was one of the hardest I've experienced since my father died. As tough as it was in the beginning, once we got into the swing of things, the distance wasn't that bad. We still talked all the time, but we were both so busy with school that we didn't really have time to miss each other. There were days that I'd come back to my residence hall, so exhausted from the rigors of university life, that I'd fall asleep with all my clothes on and skip dinner. The same was true for Chandler, he worked himself to the bone and the time we did have together was that much more special.

I got one of the greatest Christmas presents I've ever received just a few months ago. Chandler was home for the December holiday and we picked up right where we'd left off during his last visit. We made love, caught up on the changes in our lives, since the last time we were together, and enjoyed our families during the holiday season.

Two days before Christmas, Chandler was sleeping at my house, we lie in bed, naked from having just made love, when he announced that he wanted to give me my gift. I told him I didn't have his yet and that we should wait for Christmas Day, but he insisted and produced a small box. I was nervous, the last time he'd given me a box like that, I'd opened it to find my father's signet ring, Chandler had taken it from my desk and had it sized to fit my finger. It was a sweet gesture but it enraged me, I remember my father wearing that ring every day of his life and I wasn't ready to have it altered in anyway, it felt like I was losing a piece of him.

I nervously took the box from Chandler's hand and when I opened it, I was both relieved and surprised by the simple gold band I found inside.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Brayden Kerry," said Chandler, as he slipped the elegant ring on my finger, "will you be my husband?"

"What?" I exclaimed.

"I love you, always have, always will," Chandler smiled, "I'm not saying we have to do it this week, we both have to finish college first, but I want everyone to know, here and now, that I'm yours, your mine and that what we have is forever."

"Yes, absolutely yes, of course, yes, yes, yes," I gushed, between kisses.

After that, we made love again, in fact that was the rather athletic performance Nicky referenced, all these months later. Two weeks later, my fiancée was heading back to California and two weeks after that, I was in my doctor's office for a check-up. It all started with a simple toothache, I went to my dentist for relief from the pain, but he couldn't find anything wrong and recommended that I see my regular doctor, in case it was referred pain caused by an unknown condition. Doctor Keller subjected me to a full battery of tests, when the results came in, I was on my way to the hospital for an emergency bypass.

You can imagine my shock, I'm only 20, I was a varsity diver all through high school, I still ran or swam laps every day and treated my body like a fine tuned machine, I was the last person who should be having heart surgery. It turned out to be a genetic flaw, a weakness in one of my arteries, that had to be repaired before I experienced a major cardiac event.

"What do you mean, major cardiac event?" I shuddered to ask.

"I mean a massive heart attack, Brayden," said Dr. Keller.

"Oh my God," I sighed.

"I'm sorry, but you need to go to the hospital right now, a heart attack of this magnitude, I'm afraid it would be fatal," he explained.

I made my parents, and Chandler's, swear not to tell him until I was out of surgery. There was nothing he could do, he was 2,500 miles away and all that would happen if he were told is he'd worry. When the surgery was over and I called him, he chewed me out for keeping it from him and insisted that he was coming home at once. I tried to talk him out of it, he couldn't afford to miss any school, he was at a critical juncture in his education and there was no room for any slip in grades. He didn't want to listen to me though, and I had to enlist the help of Dr. Williams, his father, in order to keep him in California.

I hated my recovery, I didn't like sitting around the house with nothing to do, I didn't like that I had to drop out of school for the semester, didn't like my parent's watching over me like a fragile egg that might crack at any minute, didn't like my fiancée being on the other side of the country, didn't like any of it. I guess you could say I was a grumpy bugger. I missed Chandler, I wanted him with me but I had to resist the urge to say so, I knew if I spoke those words out loud, he'd be on the first flight home and that might jeopardize our chance at going to grad school together. It was bad enough I was taking time off to recover, we couldn't both afford to take our focus off of school. To say that I was excited for his arrival now, would be an understatement.

The week flew by in a flash and the next thing I knew, I was waiting at the arrivals gate at Kennedy Airport in New York City. I hate waiting, I'm so impatient when I want something and I paced anxiously as the minute hand on my watch slowly ticked away. Chandler's flight landed right on time but since you can't wait at the gate anymore, I had to endure another interminable 10 minutes before I saw him. I was leaning against a column, tapping my foot against the floor, when the crowd of passengers broke and I saw him coming towards me. He was wearing a faded red Stanford t-shirt, sun bleached khaki shorts and flip flops, his rusty brown hair looked like he'd just woken up and I can't remember a time in my life when he looked more beautiful.

When Chandler saw me, his weary expression broke into a wide smile and we all but ran to close the distance. I threw my arms around him and hugged him so tight, I'm amazed I didn't break him. His grasp was just as strong and neither of us wanted to let go. I was overcome, I nuzzled my face into his neck and couldn't help myself, I just started to cry. I'm not normally a crier but it's been a hard few months, I had my chest cut open and human hands had touched my heart, it was a lot to handle on my own. Yes I had the love and support of my family but I wanted Chandler and now, after all these months, he was in my arms and I couldn't help myself, I bawled like a baby.

"It's ok, it's ok," said Chandler, as he rubbed up and down my back.

"I'm sorry," I replied, when I pulled back, wiped my eyes and then gave him a little peck on the lips."

"It's ok, I missed you too," he smiled.

"It's not just that, it's everything that's happened, I guess I didn't realize how much I needed to see you until you were standing in front of me," I explained.

"You have no idea how bad I wanted to come home, I started packing my bags twice but each time, you called and brought me back to my senses," said Chandler.

"We'll, you're here now, let's not waist anytime hanging out at the airport," I smiled, "do you have any bags?"

"Nope, traveling light," smiled Chandler, holding up his backpack.

He'd only brought a few essentials, he kept a lot of clothes at his parent's house, considering it's where he spent all his time away from school. I grabbed his backpack and slipped it over my shoulder, then led him out to the parking lot, he looked a little confused when I tossed his stuff in the trunk of a silver Audi.

"What happened to your Porsche?" asked Chandler.

"Sold it."

"What? But you love that car!" Chandler exclaimed.

"After the operation, mom kept complaining about it, said it was too much stimulation for someone in my condition," I explained.

"Brayden, you know that's crazy, right?" asked Chandler.

"Yes, but when you think about it, I scared my parents to death, I know it's an irrational fear but if selling the car makes them rest easier, it's worth it to me," I stated.

"You're such a momma's boy," Chandler teased, "I like this car anyway, it's more you, less sporty, more dignified."

"Oh just shut up and get in," I giggled.

The truth of the matter is, I like my Audi too. When we were both buckled up, I put the top down, we held hands and drove home to Connecticut, with the warm spring sun, shining on our faces. When we got to Chandler's, we let ourselves into the kitchen, I dropped his backpack next to the door and went to the fridge to grab a bottle of water. When I turned back, Chandler had this sly grin on his face, that grin, that hair, he reminds me of a little fox when he does that.

"Whatcha thinkin?" I asked, playfully.

Chandler crossed the kitchen, grabbed the water bottle from my hand and put it on the counter. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me softly on the lips, at least at first. After a moment's kissing, we were passionately embracing, hands roaming each other's body, reacquainting ourselves with familiar places, our tongues darting in and out of each other's mouths. I felt Chandler pop the button on my shorts and pull down the zipper, they pooled at my feet and he started to grope me, hard, through my briefs.

"Mmmm, what about your parents?" I moaned, between kisses.

"Screw'em they can get their own fiancé," said Chandler, as he sucked on my bottom lip.

"I mean won't they be coming home," I giggled, as I tugged his shorts off his slender hips.

"It's only 2, they won't be home for hours," said Chandler, as he pressed against me, his 8 inch cock straining against the tight confines of his boxerbriefs.

"Still, you've got that nice comfy bed..." I started.

"You're right, let's go," said Chandler, he grabbed my hand and darted out of the kitchen, we left our shorts on the floor as we raced upstairs.

When we got to his room, I jumped on Chandler's bed and shimmed out of my undies, then shot them at his face like a rubber band. He caught them in his mouth, growled and shook them like a dog with his chew toy, it was adorable. He quickly shed his undies and t-shirt, then pounced on me, pressing his body against me as our tongues resumed their duel. He started pushing up my t-shirt but every time it got halfway up my body, I pushed it back down. On the third try, Chandler pulled away from me and tried to lift my shirt.

"No," I panted, then kissed him again as I slapped his hands away.

"Hey?" said Chandler.

"What?" I asked.

"Why can't I take your t-shirt off?" he followed.

"I, I don't want you to see it," I blushed.

"Brayden, don't be silly," said Chandler.

"It's so ugly," I whined.

"Hey," said Chandler, resting his hand on my cheek and making me look into his eyes, "you are the most beautiful boy I've ever known, nothing about you could ever be ugly, understand?"

I let out a sigh, then raised my arms and took of my t-shirt.

"See what I mean?" I asked, now that the 8 inch scar in the center of my chest was exposed.

I waited for him to say something but after a few seconds of silence, he started to kiss my scar, the entire length of it. He kissed from the top to the bottom, then licked his way back up, up my chest, up my neck and into my mouth where I sucked him greedily inside. I felt the head of his cock pressing against my opening, I spread my legs wide, then wrapped them around him as he pressed inside of me. He's a big boy, it took moment to get used to the invasion but once I did, it was like welcoming home and old friend. We did it slowly at first, Chandler giving my time to get used to his length and girth, then we picked up the pace, he slammed into me and my cock rubbed between us, we climaxed together and held each other as we came down from our sexual high.

We were exhausted after all that exercise and fell into a deep sleep, when I work, Chandler was resting his head on my chest and stroking my scar. I lie there for a moment, purring at his soft touch, then I reached up and ran my fingers through his unruly hair.

"Oh, did I wake you?" he asked.

"It was time to wake up, and what a great way to wake up. You don't think it's ugly?" I asked, nodding down at my scar.

"You know what I think?" he said.

"Nope," I grinned.

"All this scar is, is a reminder that you are precious to me and I should be grateful for every moment I have with you," said Chandler.

"I already put out, you don't have to keep buttering me up," I teased.

"I mean it, I love you and every minute of my time with you is something I cherish," he insisted.

"Thanks baby, I love you too," I smiled, "but we better get dressed, your parents should be home soon."

We put on our t-shirts and undies and trotted down to the kitchen, talking and giggling the whole way. We should have probably been paying more attention, if we had been, we wouldn't have been embarrassed by walking into the kitchen, in our underwear, in front of Chandler's mom. She was grinning from ear to ear, and holding up our previously discarded shorts.

"Hello boys, looking for these?" Mrs. Williams teased.

"Yeap, thanks mom," said Chandler.

He grabbed his shorts and put them on like it was no big deal, then hugged his mommy hello. I, on the other hand, was blushing like an idiot as I grabbed my shorts and quickly slipped them on.

"Sorry mom," I blushed, after she released Chandler from her hug.

"It's alright, I'm just glad you boys had the good sense to take it upstairs before it went any further," she teased and hugged me.

I love my future in-laws and they've insisted I call them mom and dad since before Chandler and I got engaged. Dr. Williams was consulting on my recovery, basically making sure that my doctors were taking proper care of me, and we played tennis at least once a week. Mrs. Williams had me over for dinner all the time and sometimes we met for lunch, she says I've been just as much her son as Chandler since I was 16, so I better get used to the attention. I ate up the attention, my mother died giving birth to me, I didn't know what having a mom was like until I was 14 so I had a lot to make up for, I think I needed two moms, just to catch up.

With my shorts back in place, I said a quick goodbye to Chandler and his family, this was only going to be a short visit and I understood that I had to share him with his mommy and daddy. I left him with them that night, so they could catch up, then we spent most of the weekend together. On Sunday, the Williams joined us at church, then we took our moms out to brunch, to celebrate the love and care they give us throughout the year, and to tell them just how much we appreciate it. When brunch was over, I went home with Chandler and his family, then he and I climbed into his car.

Chandler drives an old Mercedes E320, it's a very un-Chandler kind of car. When we were in high school, he had a really nice BMW 330i, one evening, we were driving home, we'd gone out for ice cream, and hit a dear. Dear are a menace in Connecticut, the damn things are everywhere and that night, one leapt out onto the highway as we were cruising along at 55 miles an hour. The animal destroyed the front of the car and part of it came crashing through the window. When we finally stopped, I couldn't move, something was wrong with my shoulder, I looked over at Chandler, his face was bloody and covered in bits of glass, he wouldn't respond to me and I thought he was dead. He dear miraculously survived, got up and ran out into the woods. I took Chandler's hand in mine and held it tight, then closed my eyes, if he was dead, I wanted to be dead too.

Fortunately, I only broke my collarbone and Chandler came out of the accident with nothing more than a broken nose and a few bruised ribs. I thought about that every time we got into his old Merc, it had been his moms car and when his was wrecked, his parents had passed it down. I knew it was a sturdy and safe automobile and I was glad he had it, I couldn't stand the thought of what might happen if we were ever in another accident, damn dear!

After a quick stop at a local florist, we drove out to the cemetery. My parents are buried side by side and Chandler gave me some space, while I placed my flowers and had a little chat with mom and dad. It's silly, to sit there and talk to a pair of tombstones, but it helps me to check in with my parents from time to time and let them know how I'm doing. When he sensed that I was about finished, Chandler came up to me and held me for a minute, then we made our way back to the car.

"Brayden, do you mind if we go somewhere and talk for a while?" asked Chandler.

It was his last full day in Connecticut, the next night, I'd take him back to the airport and he'd board a red eye flight to San Francisco, so that he could sleep his way back to school. I figured that this was his trip and if he wanted to spend his time going somewhere to chat, that was fine with me.

"Sure, anywhere you want," I smiled.

"Thanks," said Chandler, then he started the car and put it in gear.

He drove out to the river and when he parked, we found a nice quiet spot and sat on a bench along the bank. There was a little family a few hundred yards from us, a mom, dad and two little boys. I looked at them and smiled, they were a cute young family, Chandler and I couldn't wait to have a family of our own. When I looked back at Chandler, he was crying, no, that's not the right word, he was sobbing.

"Honey, what's wrong?" I asked, as I pulled him close.

I held him for a long time, his sobbing was such that he couldn't get a word in, that worried me. I'm the one that cries, not Chandler, granted I'm not bawling all the time but little things like music and movies occasionally get to me. For Chandler to be crying, especially like this, something had to be terribly wrong.

"I'm going to lose everything, I'm going to have to quit school..." he spluttered.

"What's happened?" I asked.

"My parents are going to disown me, you're not going to want to marry me..." he went on.

"Honey come on, you know none of that is true. I love you and your parents love you, now tell me what happened, we'll figure it out, I promise."

It took him several minutes to calm down, and even then, he had tears running from his eyes. I patiently waited for him to compose himself, then he sat up and took my hand.

"A couple weeks ago, I was coming home from my organic chemistry lab and there was a woman waiting at my door..." he began.

Organic chemistry is one of Chandler's most difficult classes and he spent a lot of time in the lab, it was important that he not only get a good grade but also come away with a solid understanding of the material because as a doctor, he'd use it for the rest of his life. He was pretty tired when he got back to his little student apartment and didn't recognize the woman on his doorstep until he got closer. He hadn't seen her in five years but she was still beautiful, with her soft blond hair and demure shape, Ashley Mitchell hadn't aged a day since they'd left Maine.

"Hi Chandler," she smiled, when she saw him approach.

"Ashley? Oh my God, is that you?" Chandler exclaimed.

"It's been a long time, hasn't it?" she stated.

"Yeah, wow, you look great," Chandler smiled, then hugged his old friend, "what are you doing here."

"I'm a marketing executive now, I had some business to take care of up in San Francisco, I heard you were at Stanford so I drove down for a visit," said Ashley, "is this a bad time?"

"No, not at all, come in, come in," said Chandler.

They went inside, he offered her some coffee, then they sat at the small dining table to catch up.

"So you're in marketing?" asked Chandler.

"Yes, I finished my masters, landed a great job in Chicago and I've been living there ever sense," said Ashley.

"That's great, I'm really happy for you," Chandler smiled.

"And I'm so proud of you, premed at Stanford, that's fantastic," said Ashley, she certainly seemed well informed.

"How on earth did you find out I was here?" asked Chandler.

"Yeah, well, about that..." said Ashley, suddenly appearing nervous, "I uh, hired a private detective."

"Private detective? But why?" asked Chandler, very confused.

She tried to find the right words, she'd rehearsed this in her head but that all went out the window the moment she saw him. Instead, she opened her purse and handed Chandler a picture of a 4 year old boy in a soccer uniform, he had big hazel eyes and short reddish brown hair.

"His name's Theodore, I call him Teddy," said Ashley.

"He's a cutie, when did you..." but Chandler couldn't finish his sentence, it suddenly dawned on him where he'd seen hair and eyes like that, every day of his life, the mirror.

"No," said Chandler.

"I'm not sure but I believe so," said Ashley.

"But, how can that be, you said that it wasn't that time of the month and..." he spluttered.

"I know, it was foolish and stupid and I should never have done that with you, you were just so sad and I wanted to do something to make you feel special," said Ashley, dabbing at her eyes.

"You said you're not sure?" said Chandler.

"There were two other possibilities, but DNA testing ruled them out," said Ashley.

"Oh my God!" said Chandler.

"I'm sorry, I know this is a lot to spring on you..." said Ashley.

"A lot to spring on me? You're telling me I have a son!" Chandler exclaimed.

"You need to have a DNA test, but I think that will confirm it," said Ashley.

"Oh my God," Chandler repeated.

"It's ok, take a deep breath," said Ashley.

"You kept this from me for five years, how could you do that?" asked Chandler.

"Chandler, I was scared. I was all alone, I don't have any family and I found myself pregnant by a 15 year old boy," said Ashley, "I was afraid of getting in trouble, afraid of..."

"Of what?" asked Chandler.

"I was afraid that your family would take him from me and have me put in jail for molesting you. Teddy's all I have, I couldn't take that risk," said Ashley, "and I didn't want to hurt you, it wasn't your fault and I didn't want to ruin your future plans."

"You don't know my family, if anything my parents would have helped you," said Chandler.

"I'm sorry, I was scared," said Ashley.

"So why are you telling me now?"

Ashley started crying, Chandler found her some tissues and waited for her to regain her self-control.

"I'm dying," said Ashley.


"I have ovarian cancer, the doctors have given me 6 to 8 months," said Ashley.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry," said Chandler.

"He's such a good little boy, Chandler, he's so smart and he hardly ever cries," Ashley gushed.

"Ash, what are you getting at?" asked Chandler.

"I'll be gone soon, I don't have any family, I can't stand the thought of Teddy going to a foster home, I had to find you," said Ashley.

"You want me to take him?" asked Chandler.

"If he's yours," said Ashley.

"I, I don't know anything about being a father, I'm gay, I'm engaged, I'm getting married to a boy..." Chandler panicked.

"That's ok, I didn't know anything about being a mom at first, it comes to you, you pick it up over time," said Ashley.

"You don't care about your son being raised by two gay men?" asked Chandler, trying to buy himself some time to process what was happening.

"Chandler, I have no problem with gays, you're a sweet guy, I'm sure your, uh, fiancé is a wonderful person, I wouldn't hold your being gay against you," said Ashley.

"So what happens now?" I asked.

"I had the DNA test a week ago, the results should be in next week," sniffled Chandler.

"Ok," I replied, I was in shock, I couldn't believe the story I'd just heard.

"Brayden, please, please forgive me," Chandler pleaded, "I was with her before I met you, I was just a stupid kid, I didn't know..."

"Hey," I stopped him, "I'm not mad at you, this isn't anyone's fault and I'm not going to hold it against you that you had sex with someone before me."

"You're not mad?" he asked.

"Of course not, I just need to think," I replied.

"Ok," said Chandler, in a meek voice.

I sat there for a moment and looked out at the river, then my eyes were drawn back to the little family, playing down stream. I looked at them and they were so happy, they had everything Chandler and I wanted but we'd told ourselves we had to wait for. There was always going to be something in the way, we had to finish school, then we would be busy with our careers, anyway you sliced it, there was never going to be a right time. Chandler had to finish school, you don't take time off and then go back to medical school, but I was already taking time off, I didn't need to worry about money, I'd inherited quite a bit from my father. All these things were running through my head when I made my decision.

"Tomorrow morning, let's go downtown and get our marriage license," I stated.

"What?" asked a stunned Chandler.

"Our marriage license, we'll..." I started.

"You mean you still want to marry me?" asked Chandler.

"More than ever, I love you Chandler, this changes nothing," I informed him, "Well do this together."

"Brayden, I just sprung this on you, are you sure you don't want to think it over?" said Chandler.

"I love you, I want to be your husband and I want you to be mine. We've always talked about having kids, maybe this is a blessing in disguise," I explained.

"What about school?" asked Chandler.

"You'll go back to school, I'll come out and join you and we'll raise this baby," I stated.

"What about your school?" asked Chandler.

"I'm already taking time off, I can afford to wait to go back," I informed him.

"I don't want you to have to give up on anything to be with me," Chandler sighed.

"Chandler, be serious, I'm not giving up on anything, I'm embracing you and our potential little family. It's not like we're going to be destitute if I'm not a lawyer, you know we don't really need to work, either of us," I reminded him.

"You're absolutely sure this is what you want?" he asked.

"I want this," I replied, taking his hand in mine.

"And I want that," I said, nodding at the little family.

"I love you," Chandler smiled.

"I love you too and we're going to be ok," I assured him.

He hadn't told his parents yet, it was the whole crux of his trip home but he hadn't been able to do it. Chandler's parents adore him, he's they're baby boy and can do no wrong in their eyes, that's a lot of pressure, it forces you to live under some pretty high expectations. We agreed to have breakfast together, the next morning, then tell his parents, before coming back to my house, to tell my parents. We'd do it together, we're a team now, a family, me and Chandler.

Chandler and I both did a lot of thinking that night and when I picked him up for breakfast the next day, we both had some clear ideas about what was going to happen. For starters, we didn't rush out and get married that afternoon, we didn't need to. The first priority was to make sure that Teddy was actually Chandler's son, everything would be moot if he wasn't. If the DNA test came back positive, we would go to Chicago together to meet him.

"Are you sure you don't want to go alone, at least the first time?" I asked, over coffee.

"No, you need to be with me, I want him to know that he's going to be our child, I don't ever want there to be this "your son, my son," kind of thing between us, Teddy and our future kids," said Chandler.

"Thanks," I smiled.

He didn't have to be so generous, it WAS his child, I suspected he might want some time alone with him and I was ok with that but Chandler insisted on being partners.

"That's the only way this works, we share everything," said Chandler.

After meeting Teddy, I would get an apartment in Chicago so that Chandler could return to school. The idea was that Chandler would visit on weekends and we would give Teddy time to get used to us. We also wanted someone there when the inevitable happened, neither of us wanted Teddy sitting at some hospital, or worse, in some temporary foster home, while we made arrangements to fly to Chicago after his mother's death.

Once we were sure that Teddy was Chandler's son, then we would get married. That was more of a legal question then anything else, Illinois doesn't recognize gay marriage or gay adoption. In order for us to have equal parental rights, we would need to be married before Ashley died, in Connecticut. We also felt it was the right thing to do, call us traditional, which sounds strange because this arrangement would be anything but, but we thought we should be married before welcoming a child into our home.

Once Ashley passed, and we tended to her final needs, Teddy and I would move in with Chandler, in California. I was going to be a stay at home dad for a while, there was no sense in transferring because by the time all of this would happen, Chandler would only have a semester left at Stanford and we'd be on our way back to New England. Our graduate school plans changed, rather than Harvard, Chandler would try to get into Yale Medical School, so that I could finish my degree and so that we could get Teddy settled in. We knew that no matter what happened, long term, we wanted to be near our parents, we're close to our families and we want our kids to be able to enjoy grandma and grandpa.

If worse came to worse and Chandler got into Harvard and not Yale, we'd get an apartment in Cambridge, I'd arrange to have all my classes on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, then take the train north for long weekends. It wouldn't be ideal, we'd have to hire a nanny but we were confident we could make it work. Actually, we were confident about all our plans and once we'd agreed on everything, we drove over to Chandler's house.

We sat on the couch and I held his hand while my poor baby had to endure the embarrassment of explaining to his parents how he'd lost his virginity and how we were dealing with the consequences now. At first, Mrs. Williams was pretty upset, to her way of thinking, her little boy had been molested by some horrible monster. Dr. Williams saw things a little differently, he knew what it was like to be young, he knew how boys are and when Chandler assured him that he had been a willing participant in the experience, his dad took him at his word.

"Brayden, I trust you have an opinion on this?" asked Dr. Wallace.

"Yeah dad, we talked about it and we think we have it all figured out, for starters, we want to get married this summer," I began.

Chandler and I spent the next half hour going over our plans with his parents. They fired a lot of questions at us and seemed pretty satisfied by our responses. In the end, they were both looking forward to being grandparents, even if they missed out on all that pesky baby stuff that grandma's and grandpa's seem to enjoy.

The next step was telling my parents and much to my surprise, my mom took things about as bad as Chandler's had.

"You poor thing," said mom, as she hugged Chandler and rocked him in her arms.

After mom settled down, we explained our plans and she was the first person to put a damper on things.

"Honey, are you sure this is the right thing for you?" said mom.

"Mom!" I exclaimed, I couldn't believe that she was questioning this, she knows how much I love Chandler, I couldn't believe she was suggesting I should reconsider my marriage plans because of this.

"Chandler, sweetheart, you know we love you, it's just, Brayden, I'm worried about your heart, the stress," said Mom.

"I'm fine, all the doctors have said so, I don't know what more I can do to prove it to you," I grumped, I was getting real tired of being treated like I was so fragile.

"But you were fine before your surgery," said Mom.

"Lynn," said Dad.

"I'm not trying to make you feel bad, sweetie, it's just, I love you so much, I don't want anything to happen to you," mom sniffled.

I wanted to say that my heart was sound, that I would be fine but I really didn't know. I mean, I knew what the doctors said and I trusted them but life is such that you never know what's going to happen. Each of us does a thousand routine things a day and during that time, anything can happen that might alter our lives forever. You can't predict that and you can't live your life in fear of it but before I could explain that to mom, dad beat me to it. He was on my side completely and he won mom over with a simple concept.

"Lynn, stop worrying, don't you see what a special thing this is, our boys are going to be daddies," said dad.

Like Chandlers mom, she was too excited about being a grandma to concern herself with anything so trivial as my health. I looked at dad and he gave me a wink, that's happened a lot in our relationship, I'm glad he always knows what to say.

That evening, I took Chandler back to the airport and we said our goodbyes. He looked nervous when we parted, nervous but there was a confidence in his eyes, I hope my eyes reflected the same thing. We both said we wouldn't get to excited, after all, the possibility still existed that the DNA test would come back negative, still, I couldn't help myself. Once I left the airport, my car found its way to this little store Nicky likes, where I bought Teddy a little Red Socks cap and t-shirt. I don't even like baseball but, well, it was just the cutest thing.

The next week, Chandler and I talked every day, the DNA results could be in at any time and we were both pacing like expectant fathers in a hospital waiting room, in a way, I guess that's what we were. The call came on Thursday, I was playing my piano again, when Dr. Fiancé flashed across my caller ID.

"Hey," I answered.

"Hi," said Chandler, nervously, "I just got a call from the DNA lab, they gave me the results of my test."

"And?" I asked, I was on the edge of my seat.

"They ruled me out, I, I'm not Teddy's father," said Chandler.

"What?" I replied.

"They're going to send me the analyses in the mail but yeah, I'm not the father," said Chandler.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, are you?" he replied.

"Yeah, it's just, I was so sure, he looks just like you," I stated.

"I know, I was sure of it too," said Chandler.

"Should we get another test?"

"We could but the lab we used is highly respected and I looked over their procedures, it would be almost impossible for my sample to have been tainted, I'm just not the father," said Chandler.

"How do you feel?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, it's still setting in. I guess I'm a little relieved but at the same time, I was kind of psyched up for us to be doing this, I feel a little..." he started.

"Disappointed?" I finished.

"Yeah, I guess," sighed Chandler, "I know we said we wouldn't get to excited, but well, I couldn't help it, I went out and bought him a little baseball glove and everything."

"That's ok, you're not the only one who got carried away, I got him a little baseball cap and a t-shirt," I admitted.

"Funny how we both picked out baseball stuff, we don't even like baseball," said Chandler.

"No kidding, Nicky was going to have to teach him how to play catch," I replied.

"You know, I pictured you teaching him how to play the piano, I would have wanted him to be like you," said Chandler.

"Are you sure you're ok?" I asked.

"Yeah," said Chandler, "I'll be ok, I guess this is for the best."

"What's going to happen now?"

"I'm not sure, Ashley said that the other possible fathers had already been eliminated, he'll probably go into foster care now," said Chandler.

"Yeah," I agreed.

"Honey, can I call you later, I..." said Chandler.

"Sure, I understand," I replied, "hey Chandler?"


"I love you."

"Thanks, Brayden, I love you too."

That night, Nicky slept in my bed, we have this unspoken brotherly agreement, if ever one of us needs a snuggle, we'll be there, no questions asked. I couldn't sleep, I finally turned on my bedside lap and looked at Nicky's angelic face as he slept. I stroked his short black hair and thought about what might have been. I guess what I was feeling was a sense of loss, Chandler and I were so ready to make this work, then our child just slipped away, he'd be swallowed up by the foster care system and he'd never know how much he touched our lives.

Over the next several days, I looked at Teddy's picture a lot. I kept the photo Chandler had shown me, of the smiling little boy with his rusty brown hair, big doe eyes and blue soccer uniform. I couldn't let it go, something kept pulling at me, a sense that this was meant to be somehow. My mind churned that over for several days, then I woke up one morning and headed for the airport.

School was over, finals had been taken and Chandler was just clearing out of his student apartment. I woke up with an overwhelming desire to see him, so when I landed in San Francisco, I rented a car, then found a restaurant and picked up some Chinese food. When I got to Chandler's apartment, he was out so I convinced his landlord to let me in, set up the food and waited for him to get home.

"Jesus Christ!" Chandler exclaimed, when he walked in and found me on his couch.

"Surprise," I smiled.

"What are you doing here?" asked Chandler, as he crossed the room and hugged me.

"I woke up with a craving for Chinese food and had to come out," I snickered.

"Brayden," said Chandler.

"I just needed to see you," I explained.

"I'm leaving tomorrow, I would have seen you when I got home," he reminded me.

"I know, but this couldn't wait, we need to talk," I stated.

We sat on the couch, holding hands, and I explained the reason behind my sudden arrival in California. Chandler listened intently, he looked nervous at first but once he realized what I was saying, he started to smile.

"You're sure?" he asked.

"I've given it a lot of thought, we'll have to alter our plans some, but it's like we said, there is never going to be a perfect time and this feels right," I replied.

"I think you're right, I've been going over and over this in my head and it's just what we need to do," Chandler nodded.

I hugged him, then we kissed, we were both smiling. That night, I helped Chandler pack up the rest of his things, we made love on his twin bed and the next morning, we boarded a flight for home, with a slight detour to Chicago.

Six months later...


"Yes, this is Brayden Kerry."

"I understand, when?"

"Alright, we'll be in touch tomorrow morning, thank you."

The call didn't come as a surprise, when Yale-New Haven Medical Center scrawled across my caller ID, I knew what I'd learn when I answered. As soon as I hung up, I dialed Chandler's number, in California.

"Hey," he answered.

"Hi, it's done," I sighed.

"Have you told him yet?" asked Chandler.

"No, he's in bed, I'll wait until morning," I replied.

"Yeah, that's probably for the best. Do you know what you're going to say?" asked Chandler.

"Yes, I've had a lot of time to think about it," I stated.

"Right, are you ok, I know you guys got pretty close," said Chandler.

"I'm alright, you haven't seen her since we had to admit her to the hospital, I'm glad she's not suffering anymore," I sighed.

"I talked to all of my professors, they know what's going on, I'll be able to catch the first flight out in the morning," said Chandler.

"Good, this will be easier when we're together," I replied.

"I better get going, I have to pack," said Chandler.

"Yeah, I should get some sleep too," I stated.

"Hey, do me a favor?" said Chandler.

"Sure, name it."

"In the morning, hug him for me?" said Chandler.

"Babe, I do that every morning. You think I'd let him forget his other daddy?" I asked.

"Of course not, but thanks, Brayden, I love you."

"Goodnight Dr. Husband, I love you too," I smiled on my end of the phone.

I sat at my desk for a moment, and was about to pick up the phone to call the rest of the family, when I heard little feet pad into the room.

"Well there's my little fox, what are you doing out of bed?" I asked.

"The tefelone woke me up," said Teddy, as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

"Ah, I think you man the telephone," I grinned.

"That's what I said, the tefelone," said Teddy, he crawled up on my lap and rested against me.

I put my arms around him and hugged him tight, then kissed the top of his head.

"Did mommy go to heaven?" asked Teddy.

"Yeah, I'm afraid so kiddo," I sighed.

"What's gonna happen to me now?"

"Well, you remember a couple of months ago, when you and me and mommy and daddy Chandler went to see the judge?" I asked him.

"Uh huh, for my anoption," said Teddy.

"That's right, for your adoption. Do you know why me and daddy Chandler adopted you?" I asked him.

"Yeah, cause you love me."

"That's right, we love you very much. But you see, mommy was very sick and she knew that she wouldn't always be here to take care of you so she had a big talk with me and daddy Chandler, and we all decided that when she went to heaven, the three of us would be a family," I explained.

"So I can stay with you forever and ever?"

"Yeap, me and you and daddy Chandler, that's our family."

"What about grandma and grandpa and nana and papa and Uncle Nicky," asked Teddy.

"Well yes, they're our family too," I confirmed.

"Good, I like them," said Teddy.

"We'll have all the time in the world to talk about this, why don't we get you back to bed, little mister?" I asked.

"Ok, daddy Brayden, can I sleep with you tonight?"

"Sure kiddo, let's go," I replied and scooped him up in my arms.

I climbed into bed and Teddy snuggled up right beside me. He warmed to me and Chandler almost as soon as we met. Six months ago, our flight home took a detour to Chicago, where Chandler and I presented our plan to Ashley, we wanted to adopt Teddy. When she told Chandler that he might be Teddy's father, she explained that she didn't want him to spend one minute in a foster home. He touched our lives and then the DNA test pulled him away, but we couldn't accept that, we didn't want him in a foster home either.

To say that Ashley was relieved would be an understatement. She was so afraid of leaving Teddy alone, when she passed, and was so grateful that Chandler and I were willing to pick up where she left off. I think she was happy that her son would be raised by someone who knew her, and could tell him about her when he grew up, rather than with strangers. She also liked the idea of Teddy having two sets of grandparents and a little uncle to call his own.

Our plans changed, because we were adopting Teddy, and neither of us was his natural father, we had to move him to Connecticut, where gay adoption is protected by law. Chandler and I got married that June, in my parents backyard, with our closest friends and family on hand, Teddy even managed to be our ring boy. After that, Ashley moved into a room in Chandler's parent's house, while Chandler, Teddy and I, moved into the guest cottage in the back yard. Ashley couldn't take care of herself anymore, she needed constant care, so we hired a nurse to look after her, while Teddy grew accustomed to being with us. I thought things might be a little tense between Ashley and Chandler's mom, given how we met her, but mom's heart melted the moment she met Teddy, she adores that boy, in fact, our new house better close escrow quick, before she spoils him rotten.

In the fall, we all went back to school, Chandler, me and even Teddy, he started kindergarten. I was glad that Chandler was able to be home for Teddy's first day, he didn't have to catch his flight back to California until after we dropped Teddy at school. Ashley was very strong, she out lasted her doctors prognosis and lived another 8 months, in that time, I sat up with her at night, learning everything I could about her so that I could pass it all on to Teddy. A month ago, she took a turn for the worse and we began waiting for the inevitable.

They say the only inevitabilities in life are death and taxes, death certainly came for Ashley, but I think there are other inevitabilities too. I think Chandler and I were inevitable, as I look back at our relationship, we were on a collision course from the beginning, it was meant to be. There is so much we want to do in life and there are no guarantees, but as I lay there that night, holding my little boy in my arms and waiting for my husband to come home, I couldn't help but think happiness was inevitable too.

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