You Said You Wanted to Be Used

By Sergio Gambitt

Published on Feb 15, 2024


You said you wanted to be used

Story Themes: mind control, manipulation, domination, exhibitionism, public humiliation, money exploitation

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Chapter 3.

After our last adventure at the sneakers' shop I willingly decided to give Stu some time. Plus I have a life, friends to see, things to do, and Stu didn't have any exclusive over my sex life. So while he was going on with his boring office routine, I was fooling around and having fun, always making sure to keep my social network pages updated. I just love the attention I get from them, and it already happened more than once that the more I post cheeky stuff online the more I get contacted by the soon to be next preys.

Or my old ones.

It took him only four days to call me again. It was over an innocent picture I posted in a pub with a friend. Just a couple of beers, hamburgers and fries, and two boys having fun together.

It started as a casual conversation. How are you, what have you been doing and such.

I played along, pretending to ignore the nature of our relationship. I am a friendly guy, there is no need to be a bitch to the people I use, as long as they still know their place.

So we started chatting about where to go when eating outside. I usually am more chilled, beer and fast food work well for me, but of course he was more on the fancy side. He told me about this high level restaurant he went with his colleagues. I have heard about the place, it just looked like the place where suited men went, and that I always tended to avoid. Just not my scene.

But he kept talking so much about how delicious the food was and that if I gave it a chance I would've liked it, that I thought, what the hell, let's play along.

"It looks like you want to invite me there for dinner." I said in a very cheeky tone.

"Oh... yes, why not. It could be nice. You'll be my guest."

Of course I will, I thought, that was obvious. But I kept on playing nice.

"It's just really not my environment. I mean, I wouldn't even know what to wear."

"Oh, just a suit and a tie would work."

"You don't understand, I don't own a suit, never have. I'm more into sporty and casual outfits."

"Ohhh I see..." moments of silence from him on the other side of the phone "Well... I know a place where we can get you one."

"Do you want to turn me into one of your employees?" I joked "I mean, I don't mind getting a paycheck from you, but you'll never be in charge of me."

He laughed.

"I know... I know, Sir. It would just be hot to see you in a different outfit, for a change."

"Well, I like the way that you are offering to buy me a new outfit. So why not?"

"But I didn't..." he started, and stopped immediately. He knew he didn't offer to pay for it, but I said it already, so what could he do? Take it back? He just added: "It... it would be my pleasure, Sir."

So we arranged to meet in the evening at the tailor shop. He made a reservation at the restaurant for later that night.

I went there as casual as possible. Tight jeans, t-shirt and the same Adidas sneakers he bought me the last time we met. He was going to dress me up, there was no point in going out fancy before the time. He, on the other side, was wearing a dark grey suit with a matching tie over a white shirt. Quite standard, but he wore it well.

As soon as we went inside we were approached by a man in a black suit with a fancy handkerchief in the upper pocket of his jacket. Salt and pepper hair, over 40 and probably closer to 50, but in great shape for his age.

He came to greet Stuart as soon as he saw him, it was obvious that the two of them knew each other already. Then Stu introduced me.

"Hello sir, I'm Gary. How can I be of service?"

As he was shaking my hand I noticed two things. Judging by the firmness he was holding my hand and the fact that he was alone in that small shop, he must've been the owner. And the way he was checking me out while doing so... he was definitely into men.

"We are going to have an elegant dinner tonight," answered Stu while placing a hand over my shoulder "and we need to dress him up."

"I see..." said Gary studying me from head to toe "That would be a quite a change from your current style."

"I know," I replied "but I am open to give it a try. I'm sure I could rock anything you throw at me."

"Indeed, young man. You sure have the body for it. So what was on your mind?"

"I do like bright colours, I love to stand out. And I won't give up my sneakers. They are pretty much new, and they were very expensive when we got them." and I gave a meaningful stare to Stu, who immediately blushed and lowered his eyes.

"I understand... I think I might have something you'd like. Come with me please."

We moved to the desk and Gary showed me some of his products. One that really caught my attention was a bright blue suit, with a matching vest and a pearl white shirt.

"That's a really good choice," Gary complimented "the blue and white go perfectly with your sneakers, and we could add a bright red tie to complete the look."

"Yeah, that'll do."

"Swell! Now let's talk about the size. You are compact but well built, and the fabric of the suit is tight and stretchy, so it won't be difficult to find something to suit you perfectly. I just need to take some measurements. So if you'd like to follow me in the dressing room it'll only take a couple of minutes."

We went after Gary to the back of the shop. There was a big velvet red curtain, and behind it a large room with a couple of chairs and a table. All over one of the walls, a huge mirror up to the roof. Gary extracted a measuring tape from his pocket and approached me.

"If you'd be so kind to raise your arms so I can measure your chest..."

"Wouldn't it be better if I remove my t-shirt?"

"Oh. Yes, of course. I didn't want to embarrass you."

"I am not shy. I actually love to be watched." and winking to him I took off my t-shirt. From the mirror, I saw Stu instinctively licking his lips, while Gary's eyes were wandering up and down all over my torso. Then he snapped out of it and remembered what he was there to do, so he came closer and placed the measuring tape around my chest. I didn't shower that morning, so even though I was not really smelling, my armpits had my distinctive scent of musk and testosterone all over. Gary noticed too, because while approaching them he lingered a second to long to take a big sniff. I smiled at him, and he quickly moved on to the other chest measurements. Then he went down and reached the waist. He placed the tape around it, wrote down the size, and then looked at me, unsure what to say next.

"You need to check the size of my hips, uh?"

He nodded.

"And that would work better without my jeans, correct?"

He nodded again.

"You should've only asked. Told you I love to be on display. But I'm going to ask for some help from our audience." and I turned to Stu, who was enjoying the show from afar "Why don't you come here and help me with my sneakers?"

He looked at me helpless. It was obvious that he already knew Gary, and he was struggling with the idea of showing his submissive side to somebody closer to his everyday life. But on the other hand... the sudden bulge in his pants was leaving no doubts about what was going on in his head. So I made it easier for him and sat on the chair close to him. Then I lifted one leg and placed my sneaker on his lap.

"Come on, it's not gonna unlace itself."

Reluctantly, Stu's hands moved to my sneaker, holding the sole with one and unlacing it with the other.

"Aren't you uncomfortable doing it while standing up? It would be better for you if you'd do it on your knees, don't you think?"

He looked around for help from Gary, who was just standing there with the tape in his hands and an astonished but somehow amused gaze in his eyes. I pushed my sneaker a little bit under his lap and over his crotch, and that woke him up.

"Yes... Yes, Sir."

Like in a dream, Stu went on his knees and unlaced my sneaker. Then he removed it and placed it on his side.

"Good boy, now on with the other."

I moved my white sporty sock covered feet under his crotch, and placed my other foot right on his crotch. Without a protest, he put his fingers on the second one and started working on it, while I fondled his balls and cock with my other foot. It was not a surprise to discover that he was hard, so I gently pushed his cock and he produced a little moan, but not soft enough to go unnoticed by Gary, who by now was just enjoying the show. Then Stu managed to take off the other sneaker too, and finally looked at me again.

"And now on with the main thing." I said and stood up in front of him, my crotch at his eyes' level "Help me take off my jeans, will you?"

He stared at my crotch, mesmerized. Now he was just too embarrassed to look at Gary again. He was already defeated by his own arousal, and I could feel with my foot his cock twitching with every new humiliation. So he just moved his fingers to my waist and unbuttoned my jeans. That's where I decided to help him, and in one sudden movement I pushed them down. They both gasped. Under them, I was wearing some red briefs. Now, usually underwear are designed to cover every kind of bulge. Not this one. It was made with very thin fabric, almost transparent, and it had a pouch where to put cock and balls that left them hanging freely between the legs. Plus, seeing Stu between my legs was getting me horny as well, so even if not completely hard, I had a very generous semi erection dangling a couple of inches from his face, that by now was as red as my underwear.

"You are not gonna be much of help if you just stand there like an idiot."

Both Stu and Gary snapped out of it and quickly moved their gaze away from my crotch. I pointed down at my legs.

"Chop chop, remove my jeans."

Stu nodded and grabbed them with his hands. Now, I have to say I was wearing skinny jeans, so he had to touch my hairy legs on the way down to my feet in order to complete the task. Not that I wasn't enjoying the rub, and by the look of his crotch neither was he.

So, there I was on my feet wearing only red briefs and white socks, Stu on his knees in front of me and Gary beside us. I turned back to him acting all innocent.

"There, now it'd be easier for you to finish measuring me."

"Of... of course." and he moved toward my hips and ass. That's where he started having some issues. See, my cock was getting bigger and bigger inside my briefs, and raising to the ceiling. He tried to circle it with the tape without touching my genitals, but it was getting harder by the second. I watched him struggling a couple of times to find a polite way to do so, then I decided to intervene. I took both of his hands and placed them firmly over my bulge, then I pushed them in. This way my almost fully hard cock was pressed between my legs and he was keeping it there with the pressure of his palms.

"There, isn't this a better way to do it?"

"Yes... Indeed." Gary answered trying to stay as professional as possible.

"Actually, I was thinking that it would be even easier if you go lower. On your knees maybe, just like your pal Stu. Don't you agree?"

"I... Yes, you are right." and he went down on the floor. He stayed there for a moment, then added: "Do I have permission to... touch you?"

"You are already touching me and I'm not complaining. I don't mind a little rub myself."

He smiled, and I released his hands from my grip. Then I added:

"Now back to work."

He nodded, and went back to work the tape around my ass, hips and inner thighs, occasionally moving away my hard cock and balls to make way for the tape. I was enjoying every second of it. From time to time I was moving my dick around to make it land on his cheeks or forehead, and make it rest there while he was sliding the tape all around my lower body. When he was satisfied he looked at me again and said:

"I think I've got it. With your permission I'll go get the perfect size for you."

"Sure bud, we'll wait for you here."

He went back up and left the room, trying with a little bit of embarrassment to hide the growing bulge in his pants. I was left in the dressing room alone with Stu, still on his knees in front me. I finally turned to him:

"He seems like a nice man, your friend Gary. How do you know each other?"

"He... he makes all my suits for work."

"Do you mean you never had any kind of sexual interaction with him?"

"No! We only... only kept it professional. I didn't even know he could be into... this."

"Well, of course. There is not really much to do between two submissive men..." I said, almost to myself "But I must say that the whole thing turned me on. I mean, look at the size of my cock."

Stu moved his gaze on my bulge. The thin fabric of my briefs was tended to its limits under the push of my hard dick.

"I am afraid that if I stay this way I won't be able to wear anything. Don't you think?"


"So it would be better to blow off some steam before he comes back."

"It'd be better... yeah..."

"Do you have any suggestion?" I moved my bulge closer to Stu.

"I could..."

"Yeah... ?" I swung my dick in front of his face.

"...make you relax?"

"So glad that you offered to suck me off," I placed the tip of my underwear covered cock on his lips "go for it, puppy."

He couldn't jump on my dick faster. He opened his mouth right away and engulfed the tip in one gulp. I laughed.

"Easy... easy there, pup. It's not going anywhere." I pushed away his face and extracted my balls from underneath my briefs "Here, why don't you start making love to my nuts first?"

He put out his tongue and started lapping at my balls like a little dog happy to see his owner. I laughed again, enjoying my ball massage.

"That's it pup, lick them good." and I freed my cock from my briefs, to jack it off over his forehead while some drops of precum were landing on his hair. I closed my eyes for a minute or two in ecstasy, and when I opened them again I noticed something new. In the mirror in front of me I could see a couple of eyes lurking from behind the red curtain of the dressing room. Gary was back, and was looking at us in awe. He noticed me looking back and he sort of panicked. He was about to leave when I placed a hand firmly behind Stu's head and ordered, loudly:

"Don't. Go. Anywhere."

Stu moaned. Gary stopped. I smiled at him.

"Stay there. I know you love it."

Stu moaned again, Gary froze.

"You want my cock, don't you?"

Stu muffled a "Yes Sir", still making love to my balls. Gary took a moment, then nodded slowly.

"Atta boy, all yours." I pointed my cock to Stu's mouth and he went down on it right away, until his nose was buried in my pubic hair.

"You love staying on your knees in front of me, don't you?" and while face fucking Stu with one hand I looked at Gary pointing down to the floor with the other. He knew immediately what to do, and went down slowly on his knees behind the curtain. This was so fun.

"You know what?" I added looking back at Gary, my cock still being worshiped by Stu "I am feeling generous today. Why don't you take out you little cock and give yourself pleasure while you enjoy me?"

I didn't need to say it twice to Stu. He fumbled with his pants while still sucking me off and started jacking off. More slowly, Gary did the same with his. He was bigger than Stu's, but still smaller than mine. While Stu was greedier, Gary was playing with himself at a slower pace, almost in a trance. But I loved his lusty gaze on us. What can I say, I am a huge exhibitionist. So I decided to give him a show to remember. I grabbed Stu by the tie and assaulted his throat.

"Oh yeah baby, that's the way I like it. Take it all, take it deep. Show me how much you love me and my cock. Give me pleasure. Give me everything I ask. Be mine to use." Stu was almost chocking but I didn't care. It only took a couple more strokes for me to start spurting my spunk down his throat. I lowered my gaze over Stu to see him red in the face and tears in his eyes, so I pulled out. Three volleys of cum landed on his lips, forehead and shirt. Then I looked up to Gary again: "You may cum now. Cum for me baby."

It happened at the same time. Gary moaned and busted his nut all over the floor while Stuart was doing the same, still unaware of what was happening behind the curtain.

"Now, look at the mess you made. Be a good boy, clean it up." and I forced Stu's head on the floor while looking at Gary. Stu started lapping his own cum from the floor, while I was pointing to Gary's handkerchief and to the puddle of cum in front of him. He immediately got what I meant, and used it to clean the cum off the floor. Stu was still busy with his job, so I mimed to Gary to go away and give us five. He nodded and disappeared behind the curtain. I focused on Stu again and patted his head.

"That was very horny. Aren't you happy you offered to buy me the suit?"

He looked at me again, gratitude in his eyes.

"Yes Sir. Yes, I am." he answered sincerely.

"Now get presentable. I'll help you." and I used his tie to remove the spots of cum from his head and shirt. I put back my cock inside my briefs and helped Stu up.

That's when Gary came in carrying the suit and trying to act nonchalant. There was a bit of embarrassment between the two of them, that I cheerily cut down by grabbing the suit and bringing them both back to reality. They both helped me putting it on. Gary was occasionally touching my privates with malice, there was a new kind of complicity between us that Stu was completely unaware of. By the time the suit was on me it was perfect, enhancing my body where it had to and complimenting my ass and bulge perfectly.

We all agreed that it was the one, so we approached the counter. I nodded to Stu, and he proceeded with the payment. Gary smiled when he saw how sheepishly Stu complied with his task. After the transaction was done, Gary looked at me and produced a white and blue handkerchief from a drawer, that he placed in the upper pocket of my suit.

"And this is a present from me, I hope to be of service again."

"I'm sure you will." I replied, and took one of his business cards next to the counter "Tell you what, I'll post a selfie wearing this suit on my social networks and tag your shop. How about that?"

"That would really be appreciated."

And that would be the perfect way to keep in touch and meet again, I thought.

"How about Stu, don't we want to give him a present too?" I put my hand inside Gary's pocket and took out the same handkerchief he used minutes before to clean his cum from the floor "This would look nice on him, don't you think?"

Gary smiled with complicity, took it from my hands, folded it and put it inside Stu's pocket.

"Indeed, well thought."

I kept the suit on and had Gary folding my other clothes in a bag. Then Stu and I got out.

"Well, that was interesting."

"It was. Thank you, Sir."

"Are you ok?"

"My legs are still shaking, Sir, but in a good way. And you?"

"Hungry. It's great that you're treating me with a restaurant dinner. Off we go, pup."

And I walked toward his car in my brand new suit, him following me while holding my bag, like a good cash slave should.


If you enjoyed this story and found it arousing email me at with your comments. I'm really eager to hear any feedback and exchange mutual points of view over the subject. Please bear in mind that English is not my first language, but I'm open to suggestions.

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