You Will Eat Pussy

By Rabbit Test

Published on Feb 9, 2017



This story is a work of fiction; any apparent resemblance between the characters in this story and any actual persons living or dead is purely coincidental and unintentional.

Do not read this story if you are under the age of 18 or if explicit sexual fiction is illegal in your jurisdiction.

WARNING: If lesbian sex, incest, anal, and anal fisting upset you - find something else to read. Some of my stories are/will be way, way over the top.

------------------------------------------------------- Story 1. "Initiating Her Pets" Story 2. "Lost Inside Lisa's Twat" Story 3. "Lesbian Day at the Beach" Story 4. "Family Pussy House (part 1)" Story 5. "Her Private Place" This story is part 2 of something else... ------------------------------------------------------- This work is copyrighted to the author (c) 2017. Please do not remove the author information nor make any changes to this story. All rights reserved. Thank you for your consideration. -------------------------------------------------------


Young women are indoctrinated against their will into serving pussy.

by Rabbit Test 5 (

"OK, Cindy, so you understand, right? For Dodi to return home, she has to make amends to each of you; You and your mother for a year for treating you all so badly." The cadet sat next to the 15-year-old girl, Dodi's younger sister.

Cindy had long dark hair and was half Hispanic. Her skin was tan and smooth.

"But why does she have to do that – touch me?" The girl was nervous. She had never thought her sister would return home after all the strife and bad blood she'd created, let alone have to touch her body intimately.

"Well, dear," the cadet put her arm around Cindy's waist, joining them at the hip. "As the rules state, when we indoctrinated those chosen for... realignment... then they are destined for servitude to make up for all the pain that they've caused.

"So, your sister Dodi's options were either, one: She could have been auctioned to the highest bidder. Two: She could have served the woman at our facility, or three: Come home and make amends. Your mother wanted the third option - for her to serve at home."

Cindy fidgeted a little uncomfortable with the cadet being so close to her; The cadet measured the girl's acceptance of her closeness to know if sending Dodi home would be an acceptable solution. "You know what that means, don't you Cindy? You will have to let Dodi please you at all times for the next 12 months.

"Are you OK with that?"

Cindy shifted in her seat and then met the cadet's eyes. "Well, mom always wanted Dodi to get fixed and return home. She told me Dodi had to be good to me..."

The youth's innocence and attractiveness were apparent to the cadet.

The woman then suddenly pressed her lips against Cindy's mouth.

Confused and nervous, Cindy didn't pull away. With minor prodding of her tongue, the cadet got the girl to open her mouth and the child let the grown up's tongue enter. During some soothing exploration, the 15-year-old seemed to be enjoying herself and unconsciously raised a palm to the cadet's cheek as they gently bathed their tongues in each other's saliva.

Satisfied, the cadet broke the kiss.

"Very good, then. You appear to be ready for your sister's transition."

Then as a second test, the cadet snaked her free hand across Cindy's belly and then down to her crotch. Still recovering from her kiss, the girl opened her legs slowly. The woman then settled her fingers inside the little one's jeans and across her moist sex.

"Thank you, dear," the older woman said. Retrieving her hand, she licked her wet fingers. "I think Dodi will fit in well here at home."

And with that, the cadet gave the young girl another quick kiss before getting up.

"We will be in touch."

The next week, Dodi was returned to her family.

One month later...

Cindy and her friends were in her bedroom finishing up their homework. The midday sun shone through the upstairs bedroom window. Cindy was at her desk working on some math problems with headphones on. Julia was on Cindy's bed with an open book while Emma was prone on the carpet writing on some papers.

Cindy's mother, Karol, rapped on the girl's door before sticking her head inside. "Honey?" she said. Then in an apologetic voice "I'm sorry, but I have to go to the store. Can your big sister stay with you?"

The girls directed their gaze to the doorway as Karol stepped into the room. There stood Dodi, with her long dark braids resting on her shoulders. She had a rich-girl, spoiled brat figure: pear shaped with a muffin-top - just a little bit over sized for her frame.

At only 5'3" and of Cuban descend, Dodi wasn't unattractive by any means. In fact, she was very pretty and sexy... especially to the girls in the room visually inspecting the twenty-four-year-old standing naked with one hand inside the backside of her mother's slacks, buried in the crease of her ass. From Emma's vantage point on the floor, she could see Dodi's fingers moving back and forth between Karol's thighs.

Cindy pulled her headphones back and off her ears. "Aw, mom – you promised! I have to finish my homework for the test tomorrow!" Cindy was disappointed. Her mother promised to take Dodi for the day so that Cindy could catch up on her studies: Cindy had fallen behind since her sister's return simply because Dodi couldn't keep her hands off her.

"Pleezzz," her mother pleaded in a weak voice – Dodi was making the older woman's crotch weep; the "V" of her pants were getting wet right in front of the young girls. In moments, the girls could see Karol's pussy stain grow before their eyes. With her other hand, Dodi turned more toward her mother and slid her other hand up under the woman's blouse to caress her left breast. "Don't leave me mommy," Dodi purred in her mother's ear. "Or let me go with you. It would be fun!"

Karol looked at Cindy pleadingly. The little girl sighed. "OK. Mom."

"Thank you, dear." And with that Karol took hold of Dodi's arms and removed them from her private parts, and escaped down the hall. Disappointed, Dodi took her wet hand and wiped her mother's secretions on her mouth and nose, licking her fingers.

The girls stared at Cindy's sister standing at the doorway as the tan girl started playing with her wonderfully round tits and pointed nipples; That, and her shaved pussy made the naked woman standing in the doorway look like a wide-hipped, little girl's toy doll.

"Dodi, you can eat Emma's ass while we finish our homework."

Emma chirped her excitement as she lifted her skirt and quickly slung off her panties. The naked woman moved behind and in between the prone girl's legs.

Bending over, Dodi lightly rubbed her face over the young girl's cheeks. The warmth of Dodi's face on her cool bottom skin caused Emma's derriere to have goosebumps as the youngster relished it when the adult woman molested her backside.

Dodi's nose caught in Emma's crack and the aroma of the little girl's ass drew her deeper between the globes of juvenile ass flesh. Extending her tongue, the naked woman began to bath Emma's little star before working her determined oral muscle into the tight pubescent rectum.

"Oh, Cindy... thank you!" Emma grunted with a smile as the adult tongue forced it's way into her sphincter. "You're a special friend to me."

Watching her friend slowly drop her head onto her homework, Cindy watched her sister then lie down on the carpeted floor, prone like Emma, and anchor her hands onto the adolescent's hips pulling the small girl's pelvis deeper into her mouth. Emma arched her back as Dodi began to slurp.

Cindy knew Dodi's penchant for ass, and so could return to her work.

Replacing her headphones, Dodi's sister continued her homework as her friend on the floor succumbed to her older sister's anal worship. On the bed, Julia rolled over on her stomach so she could watch her friend get her ass eaten while reading her book.

A short time later, the smell of sex permeated the room.

The girl on the bed ever so slowly slid off the side and eventually made her way between Dodi's legs.

Turning on her side, Julia rested her head on the larger, brown, grown-up bottom, nuzzling it like a pillow and continued to read her book. Now and again, the girl would briefly interrupt her train of thought and turn her head to kiss, lick or explore Dodi's rear end.

From her training, Dodi had learned to relax when a stranger, much less a little girl, would touch her in such a way. When she was sent to the academy, she reviled any intimate female contact like what Julia was doing to her now (let alone the fact that she was tongue fucking a 14-year old's asshole at the same time).

In the beginning, Cindy had mixed feelings about her sister's return. Dodi had been so cruel to her, always calling her a kiss-ass and threatening to fuck her up the ass with something. What was it all about this ass stuff her sister seemed obsessed?

It was a couple of weeks back that Cindy learned a little of Dodi's indoctrination.

She was asleep when she was woken by an irregular rocking motion. Dodi had snaked her way naked into her bed that night, the girl quickly realized. Dodi was on her side behind her, her mouth was sucking lightly on her calf as they laid head to toe.

Cindy twisted her shoulder to see the shadow of her sister's hips jerking back and forth in the moonlight.

"Stop it, Dodi. I have to go to school tomorrow." And then she redressed her pillow and settled herself to enjoying the woman's gentle leg licking.

"Cindy," Dodi whispered. "Will you do me a little favor?"

Lifting her head, the girl looked down in the dark at the lump behind her feet. "What..." Dodi seemed to suck harder on her shapely lower leg. Embarrassed for saying, but still gyrating her hips a little.

"Dodi – stop – what do you want?"

The older sister slowly lifted her upper leg, bending her knee. Cindy peered into the darkness that was her sister's open crotch. At first, she though Dodi was fucking herself with her fingers, but upon closer inspection, the girl realized her sister had three fingers buried in her rectum.

"Wh... are you having sex in your bottom?"

"Yes," the older girl breathed.

"What did they do to you there...?" Dodi still embraced her sister's lower legs as Cindy turned over to face her sister penetrating herself. "Why, do you like that...?"

"I don't know," Dodi admitted. "It makes me feel full."

The older girl didn't stop gliding her fingers in and out of her forbidden orifice. "It's like feeling full," she said. "My lover always kept herself in me..."

"Your lover!" Cindy was shocked. Her sister had someone she could call her lover back at the academy?

"Please help me, Cindy," Dodi pleaded.

"What do you want me to do...?" Cindy said with a little trepidation.

"Put your hand inside me... pleez!"

"My hand? You want my whole hand in your bum?"

"I've had bigger things there. You can do it, Cin. Please help me! I miss her so much!"

Cindy's mind had turned on her sister since her return. She felt more sorry for her than angry. Her former life as a debutante and socialite was now reduced to serving women and sneaking into bed with little girls to caress and lick their legs.

"Put your hand on my pussy and get it wet."

Intrigued, Cindy lifted her hand to the dark blotch in front of her and applied her sister's vaginal secretions on her hand front and back. Dodi couldn't help but moan a little as her little sister rubbed her fingers all over the surface of her sex.

Then Dodi removed her fingers from her backside.

"OK. Now start putting it in here..." The woman guided the girl's pussy-sticky fingers with her butthole- sticky fingers toward the loose rectum. "Go ahead, sis. Put them inside me."

Cindy hadn't done anything like this before.

The confused girl pushed two fingers passed her sister's thick anal ring and was surprised at how easily they went into her.

"Go ahead, put them all in me," Dodi whispered her encouragment. With small in-and-out motions, Cindy was able to add all four fingers up to her hand inside her sister's pliable rectum.

"Fold your thumb, Cin. Put it all inside"

The little girl was nervous; Dodi could sense it.

"It's OK, really sis. I've had bigger things in me there. Go ahead – it'll fit"

Cindy dropped onto her back and did as Dodi instructed. In and out, Cindy pumped slowly until her big sister grasped her wrist and forced the little girl hand inside. An audable, moist `plop' sounded: Cindy's hand was inside Dodi's asshole. The older girl moaned in pleasure.

"What do I do now?"

"Move it back and forth a little, baby.

"Yes, like that... Ooh, that's feels so good!"

Dodi guided more of her little sister's hand inside her using the shaft of the girl's forearm like a large dildo in and out of her rectal ring.

"Oh, Cin. I love you! You make me feel so full!"

"You're really hot inside, Dodi." The girl adjusted herself better to help her sister. Dodi in turn nuzzled Cindy's crotch.

"Thank you – thank you – thank you, Cin" The older girl said between kisses on the girl's little pussy.

After a few minutes of pleasure, Dodi became reminiscent. Prompting her little sister to lifting her leg, she sucked and pulled and probed Cindy's sex.

"First these big Amazon-like women came out and made us kiss them. (smack) The whole first week I was knocked to the floor and a big woman forced me to kiss her all day (suck) so we'd get used to being held by women, they said. And for us to hold other women in our arms (smack).

"It didn't matter how board I got – usually after the first hour (slurp) – they just wanted all of us more comfortable accepting women so privately. (suck) So much kissing... (kiss) I've had my tongue in so many mouths... (slurp) women's mouths, women's teeth, women's tongues (smack)... Every time, I'd try and stretch my tongue so deep inside hoping someone would choke (kiss)... but no one did.

"They actually loved it. And I became a target (big lick)."

Cindy dropped her head back onto her pillow as her sister teased one of her pussy lips - licking it like an envelope and then sucking it like a teething child. The girl turned her head toward her trapped arm buried in the wide ass.

"It's OK Cindy if you get tired. You can rest your arm and hand in there. You make me feel so warm. You make me feel like I'm a part of you... I love you sooo much!"

As she said that, the big girl pressed her face into her little sister's "V", then continued...

"At first, I found it incredibly offensive. (suck) But it was unavoidable. (slurp)"

Cindy was getting somewhat excited at Dodi's tale and began attentively pumping her arm in and out of the rectum again.

"I grew accustomed to other woman's mouth juice mixing with mine. (slurpgulp*) I did wonder if a woman's saliva tasted any different from a man's? (suck) I couldn't remember (kiss)... I know now I only want another woman's (smack) like your wonderful pussy... (slurp) you're draining into my mouth!"

She smiled at her sister's sex, then gave her pussy a gigantic mauling followed by a huge suck of the little girl's sex ending with a loud smack.

"You taste sooo good, Cindy."

Cindy pumped her arm several more times for her sister. Dodi hummed quietly by muzzling her mouth with Cindy's pussy.

"By the third week (kiss), other girls much further along paired up with us beginners (slurp) – a different girl each night (lick) – to help guide us (suckgulp*) along in our homosexual re- (kiss) realignment (smackkiss*).

"I resisted like the others, but (slurp) the public sex... (lick) the humiliation (suck), time after time (suck), wore on us (smackkiss*). Celia saved me (kiss kiss* kiss* kiss* kiss*)."

The information was a lot for the little girl to comprehend fully. But the thought of a savior to her big sister made her sigh.

Also, she was fascinated with her sister's anal ring. Watching it pucker and collapse as she stroked her arm in and out, Cindy was mesmerized. "She was your lover?"

Dodi stopped her preening, focusing on her fullness and her Celia. Tears filled her eyes as her body responded in ecstasy.

"Yyeeessss... Oh, Cindy, that feels so good!"

They had been together three times before: Once in the kissing room and twice in the butt fucking gym before they actually paired up.

Celia thought Dodi was sexy and looked for her first when she entered a training room. Tan Dodi and alabaster Celia were like stripes on an animal, contrasting, yet natural together and exotic.

So when the two met up in the kissing room, the Amazon was especially gentle and patient with Dodi, snuggling with her, teaching her how to kiss properly, passionately, deeply. How to use her hands and her body while she kissed became a little competition between them – to see who could get the other most wet just by kissing.

In the butt fucking gym, Celia gave Dodi special attention and became her personal trainer.

The first time Dodi was led into the gym, girl pairs already dotted the room. Most couples were big girl/small girl, but there were other groupings including experienced girls with the less experienced.

Some were introducing girls to fingering their assholes, others were out right butt fucking with large dildos and strapons of all different sizes and colors.

Dodi recognized Kimmy from her initiation. Her eyes seemed glued to a pair close to her: A husky blonde Amazon was butt fucking a small brunette from behind with a monstrously large strapon. The brunette was wailing in ecstasy.

Kimmy began to panic and cry. One of the trainers, another big blonde, Cloe, lifted the sobbing girl and took her over to the corner. Sitting down, she sat Kimmy across her lap, holding her, softly, but firmly.

"I... I can't do it! Don't fuck me with that thing!" Kimmy's was shaking.

"Oh, baby. No one will fuck you if you don't want," Cloe counseled.

"But everyone is getting their bottoms... no... I can't..."

"You need to calm down." The bigger woman held Kimmy further wrapped her arms around the girl's shaking body. "Nothing bad is going to happen to you." Wiping away Kimmy's tears of fright, Cloe kissed the girl and played with her breasts.

"Listen to the little one over there. Does she sound like she's in pain?"

Kimmy tried to focus on the sounds in the room. Dodi watched fascinated by the sight of the huge cylinder riding in and out of the small woman's stretched rectum.

Kimmy seemed to be calming down with the bigger woman cradling and caressing her.

"See, beautiful. Everyone is happy here."

"But I never..."

"I know baby. No one's touched you there before, right?"

The little one nodded.

"Well, let's see what the fuss is about. OK? Watch, I'll hardly do anything."

Cloe's hand strayed from Kimmy's chest down to her crotch. Kimmy embraced Cloe as the Amazon methodically stroked her crotch.

Dodi was so caught up in watching both the helpless waif in Cloe's arms and the vigorous ass fucking going on all around her.


Before Dodi stood Celia, tall, about 6'3", shoulder length red hair, athletic. Standing in front of her, the woman's breasts were at eye level; Dodi's kissing instructor was on the full end of a B cup and she had a narrow waist.

"He... hello." The smaller girl raised her head to meet the woman's eyes.

"I'm Celia. I will be your trainer," she said with a knowing smile.

Dodi was relaxed and full, and half falling asleep. Cindy's still arm in her behind gave her gut a settling familiarity. The older girl didn't realize how much she missed the act until now. She was her sister's glove; Her sister was an intimate interloper discovering new sexually private lesbian covenants.

Dodi preened over the contours of her sister's lower body. The valley of Cindy's sex lay below in a dark valley shielded by thighs frosted in the moonlight.

Cindy had drifted off to sleep. Dodi rested her face against her little sister's thigh and imagined it was Celia's loving arm inside her belly.

Both naked, Celia held Dodi cradled across her lap. Dodi's brown legs were apart and Celia's pale hand rubbed her pussy, getting it wet. Dodi was putty in the Amazon's hands and trusted her completely.

"OK, honey, just relax for me," Celia coached, then kissed Dodi deeply. And as their tongues played, the big woman's index finger began to stray for the brown woman's vagina across her perineum and anointed her holy gateway with pussy juice.

Dodi's tongue-play slowed as the finger dallied with her sphincter for several minutes until finally making its presence known inside the girl's colon. Celia sucked Dodi's tongue into her mouth as the girl's rectum slowly began to dilate giving the Amazon's finger smoother access – each of them sharing an invasion of flesh into their respective internal cavities and hence their symbiosis began.

In her mind, the brown girl was in a quandary; "OK, the finger is in my bottom.", "How does it feel?", "I don't know how it feels.", "It's there, I feel funny.", "I think it feels OK."

And then "I love kissing this girl", "Her tongue is so soft.", "She's so beautiful.", "I will let HER touch me any way she wants."

They broke the kiss and Celia found the girl's ear, "Can I put two in, baby? You feel so loose. Let me put in two."

Dodi stared into Celia's brown eyes, then slowly nodded yes.

"Oh, baby," Celia said in a low voice. "You are perfect!"

The brown girl buried her head in the crook of the large woman's neck. Together they were sweat caramel and cream. She latched onto the pale woman's skin and lightly bit down in anticipation of what was to come next.

Celia began working her finger in and out of Dodi's bum while massaging the girl's inner labia areas and birth canal with her thumb, avoiding her clit on purpose. All she had to do was smoothly join her middle finger next to her index, gradually joining two as one... stretching the brown girl's anal ring further, Dodi groaned and sucked and bit her lover.

The red Amazon was incensed by the girl's passion and deliberately concentrated on reading Dodi's body language, and adjusting her control.

Dodi saw over Celia's shoulder spying Kimmy getting ass fucked with a small hand held vibrator, and her eyes smiled knowingly. The girl sucked on Chloe's tit with exuberance. Cloe had her head back enjoying Kimmy's reciprocation.

Dodi held onto Celia for the ride of her life, slobbering all over the woman's neck and shoulder with quick breathes, spittle ridden exhales, and excited anticipation. The large woman picked up the pace.

Finger fucking both of the brown girl's holes with fingers and thumb... and then she did it – Celia sprang her thumb free of the girl's hole and then mashed the sobbing digit into her clit, round and round, back and forth...

Dodi's body went crazy!

Her thighs became earthquakes and her pelvis shot up in the air. The small girl howled into Celia's neck.

Her hips bucked wildly and suddenly liquid began spraying all over Celia's hand and Dodi's pussy. The mix of pussy cum and urine splashed all over as Celia's palm, anchored by the two fingers already inside the girl asshole and acted as a shield over an exploding bottle of pop. The Amazon's palm quickly capped the well as the girl's fluids squirted from any opens remaining.

Dodi's hips came back down to Celia' lap twitching violently, and began to sob uncontrollably. Not because it hurt her, or because she was embarrassed or humiliated: Dodi had never orgasmed like that ever in her life before! She was a live wire and couldn't control herself!

With both hands, she held Celia's head and embraced to Amazon.

"I love you! I love you! I'll do anything! Anything! I love you! I love you!" Dodi growled in a low voice only Celia could hear.

Kissing the larger woman over and over; Dodi's tears ran down her cheeks. Celia, overcome by the girl's response, licked her tears, sucked her lips, and kissed her back, hugging and holding the little woman to death.

"You're so beautiful! Oh, baby! My darling little brown girl!"

And the two remained linked for the afternoon, there on the gym floor, holding and kissing each other with a ginger amount of rectal exercise. Celia never once removed her hand from Dodi's quim; She continued her training, slowly moving her fingers in and out of the girl's rectum. Her thumb returning to the hole from which it sprang – her entire hand massaging the two rings that bound them together.

Celia held Dodi's head against her chest as she gently rocked the brown girl in her rectal bliss.

"Cindy, honey. Time to get up," the girl's mother opened the door. "Oh my...!"

Karol was not prepared for what she was staring at.

There laid her daughters, both naked, the 15-year-old on her back with her left arm coming out of her 24-year-old's behind, also on her back. The mother stood there lost at this jigsaw puzzle that didn't make sense in her mind.

Dodi was shaken awake with a strong cramp in her gut. Instinctively, her body tried uselessly expelling the little girl arm inside. Trying to shake the cobwebs from her mind, the older sister tried getting up to go to the bathroom and realized Cindy was still in her.

"Cindy. Cindy. Wake up."

The smaller girl tried to turn over to avoid the voice and in turn tried to take her arm with her tugging on the appendage trapped inside her older sister. Dodi moaned as the arm inside twisted inside her colon.

"Cindy! Wake up!" Dodi said through gritted teeth.

The sunlight was above the horizon and shining in the window. Their mother was still frozen at the bedroom doorway. Again Cindy went to wipe her eyes to find her left hand wasn't where her brain thought it was. Dodi repeated her moan.

Pleasure? Dodi wasn't sure. The feeling was interesting, yet alien to her.

"My arm is asleep. I can't feel it," Cindy complained. "It's all tingly."

"I... I think were' stuck together..." Dodi moaned out loud. "I think I'm cramping up..."

"Oh...!" Cindy tried to pull her arm out of her sister, but the older girl's asshole would not let go. Dodi's rectal ring gripped the girl like glue on paper. Dodi's entrance stretched outward as Cindy tried to withdraw.

"Ohh, Cin! I think that isn't going to work... hold on..." Dodi bent at her hips absorbing another cramp.

Karol broke from her trance. "What were you girls were doing last night...!"

Both girls eye shot up to their mother. Cindy re-doubled her effort, flexing her hand inside Dodi and trying to twist her arm around in her older sister's anal matrix. It was the ring that seemed to trap her...

Dodi could only lay on the bed and writhe in... pain? She still wasn't sure what she was feeling. Maybe she was too used to Celia's work outs back at the academy, but her body spasmed having the foreign intruder inside her for so long.

"OK, you two. I think the solution is to get you into the tub with a lot of soap," Karol acted as casual as if the girls were caught being scamps. "Can you both make it to the bathroom?"

"We'll try mom," Cindy said.

The girls watched their mother leave, and then hear her hurry down the hallway. The sound of running water in the bathtub was the girl's que; The joined couple slid off the bed carefully and made their way down the hall.

Karol watched her precious girls come toward her; Dodi was on her feet staggering forward, bent at the waist with Cindy on her knees, shuffling and sometimes falling forward into her sister's bottom from where her trapped arm extended.

Karol rubbed her crotch as the girls came closer. It was an erotically bizarre sight for her brain to comprehend: Was what she was witnessing sexy as hell, or something repulsive and degenerate?

Regardless, the mother then helped her daughters into the tub of warm water where she ended up taking liberties at molesting each of them any ways. Kneeling next to the tub, Karol held out the soap in hand. "Here you go, Dodi. See if you girls can free yourselves."

After Karol's oldest snatched the white bar from her hand, the mom pulled out her cell phone and dialed. "It's going to be a mess when your hand comes out, little girl." Karol tweaked one of Cindy's nipples. "But we can take a shower after...

"Hello, Mrs. Kline? Yes. Cindy won't be able to make it into school today. The scamp got into something last night, and she's recovering from it this morning... Yes... No problem... Yes, Emma Stevens can bring her homework over after school... Yes... Thank you."

At the same time, Dodi had lathered her hand and then slid it into the water and ran it around her anal ring and Cindy's arm. Then Karol joined in. It felt both strange and exciting for both girls to see their mother took over the task for freeing her conjoined daughters.

Underneath the warm soapy water, Karol used the bar of soap to massage the connection point, working her fingers arounds the sphincter. Karol kissed Dodi intimately while trying to get her index finger inside her ass, and then work it around the thick inside lip of her daughter's rectum.

Dodi blindly reached up and found one of Cindy's tits and played with it. Eventually Karol's work allowed Cindy's arm to slide out of her sister's gut, followed by everything else Dodi had stored in her making the water fowl.

Then everyone stood up. Cindy's arm was slimy and brown and a little smaller than her other arm.

As the girls stood holding each other so they wouldn't slip and fall, Karol turned on the shower sprayer and rinsed the girls and the tub clean. With the shower head still on, Karol then hooked the sprayer head back to the shower handle.

"Let's get cleaned up."

Karol dropped her robe and climbed naked into the shower with her daughters. She lathered one hand and massaged her oldest daughter's still quivering, stretched anus.

They didn't stop until the water ran cold.

Coming out of the shower, the cadet stepped into her bedroom still drying herself and stopped in front of her dresser with the larger mirror. Jasmine crawled over to the lithe woman and hugged her lower legs and kissed her calves with an open mouth.

"Oh, my pet. Do you want your little girl tonight?" the cadet said as she brushed her long autumn hair.

The Amazon on the floor licked and kissed the back of the cadet's' knees. Between the sucking noises she was making, Jasmine hummed an affirmative.

The studs on the blonde's two-inch leather collar sparkled. "I don't know, my love... you're so big and I'm so small – you might break me..."

"Never," Jasmine intoned, rubbing down the cadet's calves and smooching the back of thighs.

"You're getting close to my naughty place, love."

"Mm, hmm..."

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