Young and Hung: Gary and Harrison

By ku.oc.liamtoh@19sinoda

Published on Jun 14, 2010



Hey Guys, i'll keep it short. If you are underage or do not wish to read stories with homo-erotic content, go away! This is my first time writing, any feedback (Or pics ) it's, hopefully first if many shirt stories to come.

Gary knocked. Quietly, "I think we should go, I mean it's obvious no one's there..." he began, while backing away from the snow covered doorway.

"Don't be so childish" chuckled Harrison, knocking louder this time. "Besides you owe me one, remember?"

"Hey!" Gary exclaimed, "You said you'd never mention that ever again! And besides, as I recall she ended up sucking your-"

"Good evening boys"

Gary and Harrison turned in horror to now find Harrisons Grandmother Agnes in the once empty doorway.

" Hi grandma." Began Harrison, desperately trying to find a plausible way to finish the sentence, despite Gary laughing his ass off beside him.

Gary and Harrison had been best friends for a few years now. They met at college, not that any of them were academic in the slightest. Harrison had been dropping his younger sister to her yoga practise, and decided to wait and watch, rather than go and find something else to do for an hour. Harrison looked through the tall glass window in the college foyer, watching the group of girls in their frilly pink costumes warm-up by doing a few basic stretches. After a quick warm up the class took their positions and Harrison saw one of the group was male. Harrison had actually giggled to himself, assuming this boy to be a raving homosexual, probably owning a pair of legwarmers for each day of the week. But as the class got into its full swing, Harrison began to notice the fantastic bodies of the girls stretching, each position more erotic than the next, he also noticed Gary, the boy from before standing at the back of the room recording the sexual scene via his mobile, with a gigantic grin bared across his face.

After Practice Harrison couldn't help but walk over to Gary and compliment him on his ingenious method at perving on girls. From then on their friendship blossomed and the quickly became inseparable.

Tonight, however was going to be a true test of that friendship. Harrison had been 'invited', or to better put it 'ordered' to attend his family's traditional new year's party. Luckily He had persuaded Gary to join him.

"I didn't know your sister was blonde when she was little" said Gary, pointing to a family photo pinned to the fridge in the kitchen.

Harrison punched Gary playfully in the arm "That's me you douche!" he retorted.

"I can't help it if you look disturbing feminine" teased Gary whilst surveying Harrison's front room for any signs of life, let alone fun.

"Yeah, it's pretty dull, I think we're gonna be in for a long night dude" sighed Harrison "But look on the bright side."

"Bright Side...?" Questioned Gary.

Harrison moved to reveal behind him a mountain of larger, spirits, ciders, cocktails, and other exotic drinks .

"Free Booze!" Smiled Harrison.

The Rest of the night seemed to whizz by in a whirlwind of shots, card games, more shots, and a hell of a lot of disapproving glares from Harrisons older relatives.

Midnight soon came and the boys realised that they had (Unintentionally) had quite a fun night, as the crowd began their countdown.


"Shit!" Muttered Gary


"What?" asked Harrison


"I promised myself that this year i'd have a fit girl to kiss on new years."


Harrison firmly and sweetly embraced his friend.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!!" filled the room as the gathered crowd began to laugh and sing.

"What was ...that?" asked Gary Puzzled.

"Well," Harrison Explained "I wanted to show my gratitude for you coming here tonight, and you said you wanted to kiss a fit girl. I guess my 'Disturbingly feminine' appearance will have to do!"

"You idiot!" laughed Gary whilst trying to wrestle his friend to the floor.

After another two hours of more shots, and a Bloody Mary (Gary wanted to try something new) the two boys decided to try and find a sofa to sleep on.

Unfortunately being 2'o'clock in the morning, they were the last ones up and all the sofas were taken by the rest of Harrison's expansive family.

"Dude where are we gonna sleep? Your dad's even sleeping on the stairs!"whispered Gary.

"Let's try my old room." Suggested Harrison.

Sure enough, Harrisons old room was empty, bar the countless Boyzone posters covering his walls.

"Hey, when I was 16, they were great!" Muttered Harrison, seeing Gary'trademark smile.

"I was gonna say mate, 21 is a bit old to still have a band like them on your walls." Said Gary.

"Well." Yawned Harrison, "Here's my bed."

Harrison's teenage single bed seemed tiny in comparison to his luxury king-size bed that he had at home. Having Gary trying to muscle his way into the bed aswell didn't help things either.

The two drunken lads began tried to get settled, as they began what felt like a balancing act in the tiny bed.

"Heheh" Giggled Gary

"What's so funny?" Laughed Harrison

"This is never gonna work" Stated Gary. "Look why don't you just sleep on me, besides, I'm used to having the feeling of a girl on top of me anyway."

"Ok, Fine." Agreed Harrison "But if you put this on facebook i'll kill you..."

Later that night Harrison woke up in a hot sweat, beads of sweat dripping down his naked torso. The drink had made him horny, and his hormones were taking control. A growing erection grew in Harrison's boxers. Gently he tried to position himself so he could take care of his 'problem' then get back to sleep, but it was impossible in a bed this size. Desperate to find a release, his eyes turned to Gary. Harrison took a minute or two of poking and prodding to make sure Gary was well and truly fast asleep. After reveiving no sign that his best mate could tell what was happening, Harrison gently pulled out his throbbing hard cock out of his sweaty boxers. Harrison wasn't huge like some guys, but he was proud of his 6 inches, but he was even more proud at how thick his dick was.

Harrison started grinding against Gary's Outstretched hand. It felt so good. The tightness of Gary's hand made Harrison want to push harder, and harder with his excited cock.

"Oh yeah..." moaned Harrison, as quietly as he could "Oh fuck, oh.. ah!.."

"Like that do you? You horny bastard?" Replied Gary

Harrison jumped in shock, he couldn't believe what he'd just been doing to his best friend.

"I'm... Listen Gary I'm SO so Sorry! Please just underst-"

"Harrison Don't stop, I'm as horny as you tonight, just get that cock of yours back over here!"

Gary grabbed Harrison as they shared their first passionate kiss, soft at first, then growing in intensity. But that wasn't the only thing; Gary's cock had also sprung to life, his 7 and a half inches were begging to be freed.

"ah yeah that's it" gasped Harrison, as gary wrapped his hand around Harrison's throbbing cock and started to jerk it.

"oh yeah Gary, shit man, i didn't think this sort of thing could be this good!"

"you ain't seen nothing yet." Winked gary as he slowly lowered himself towards Harrison's crotch.

"heh man what are you doing?" exclaimed Harrison "Oh...OH! OH Oh fuck gary, you sucking that thing like a pro!"

That was the first time Harrison saw his trademark smile from that angle!

Gary moved up and down Harrison's hard cock, savouring the sweaty taste of his best friend. He sucked and sucked, and occasionally gave his tongue a little flick, which would make Harrison go wild.

"I'm gonna cum Gary, Oh fuck gary im gonna cum in your mouth!" "Im Cumming!!!"

Harrison Collapsed in a heap on the bed underneath Gary.

"That was Great," said Harrison, "but i want my go now" he grinned wickedly

"Come and get it stud." Said Gary laying comfortably on the bed with his hands behind his head.

Harrison straddled Gary's chest, facing his feet. He then lowered his body to suck his best mates rock hard cock, whilst Gary could stroke and spank Harrison's perk ass.

"Umm,Ahh Yeah" Groaned Harrison has he sucked on Gary's cock. He Loved it when people rubbed his ass. Harrison sucked harder and harder, getting Gary more excited by the minute,

"I wanna fuck that tight ass of yours Harrison, and i wanna do it now!" Moaned Gary.

Harrison was visibly nervous, but Gary swiftly flipped Harrison and began to rim his tight, virgin ass.

"Aaahhhhh!" gasped Harrison, clearly in bliss.

"That's what the girls normally say" grinned Gary, "Do you like it?" teased Gary.

"YES!" moaned Harrison, "please don't stop, Lick my Ass, Fuck yeah." "Fuck Me Gary. Please! Fuck Me hard! Now!"

Gary did as his friend begged him and slowly pushed his cock into Harrisons sweaty ass.

"AH! Oh! GARY! Harder please fuck me Harder!"

The Alcohol in their Veins pushed them harder and added to the ecstasy. Gary Fucked his best friend for over twenty minutes, violently humping away whilst Harrison groaned and moaned until eventually Gary began to get close.

"Im gonna cum inside you Harrison, fuck your ass is tight.

Gary Exploded inside Harrison, leaving the two boys piled ontop of each other, exhausted.

The next morning not much was said about the night before. Not that there was an awkward atmosphere, just that both lads knew that last night was just a one off. If anything the previous night had brought them together more. But that night would always be a night that they would both remember, and possibly repeat in the future...

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