Young Love True Love

By lovell winn

Published on Sep 21, 2000


WARNING: This story may contain descriptions of sexual acts between boys. If this bothers you or isn't legal where you live kindly leave now. The story and the people in it are fictional and any resemblance to people, living or otherwise, is purely coincidental. This work is the property of the author.

Young love, True love by Lovell Winn

I've never loved anyone the way I've loved Ryan. I'll never love anyone that way again. He was my first and my only love. True love--between two boys--our story. I was introduced to Ryan by a mutual friend. Actually I'd known him for a bit too but I found him rather shy and could never seem to get close enough. He seemed to be one of those people that are just out of reach. I found him quite intriguing. Nearly 5'11", light brown hair, grey/blue eyes and medium build. He was quite cute and I would often find myself staring at him and compare him to myself at 5'6", reddy/blonde wild hair that never seemed to want to stay in one place and blue eyes the color of cornflowers with a medium build. I'd often dream of him at night and what I would like for him to do to me...the sheets were always damp in the morning. This never concerned me. I knew he was as gay as I was. We'd both been 'out' for quite a while and neither of us was ashamed of the other knowing it. Ryan would talk to me but he was always painfully shy. I would do my best to draw him gently out...on the advice of my friend and I noticed it starting to work. The day Ryan smiled at me was the day my heart stirred.

I guess I knew then--so did he. We seemed to be drawn to each other. A bond was forming between us. We needed to be together. Love was blossoming very slowly but it was there. I made a bold move one-day. I sat beside him in the living room on the couch watching television, and laid my fingers gently on his suntanned ones. He took my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. I looked into those eyes of his and saw a shy smile; I grinned back at him and squeezed his hand in return. I watched a bit more of the movie and felt a hand on my thigh and without even looking copied his action and placed my hand on his. Having his hand there was a bold enough move for him, for me too. He was so shy and both of us had never been in love before. I turned and looked into those eyes and suddenly found myself lost in them, drowned in his soul. I felt a stirring in my heart. Was this love? I knew it was for I saw the answer in my Ryan's eyes. I felt myself drown in those grey eyes and I was glad to do so. I leaned over and gently kissed his lips tasting them as I'd so wanted to do for such a long time. I felt him eagerly return my kiss. My heart beat so fast and I felt each beat of my heart in my groin as well. I tried to will my heart to slow down. I knew I had such a goofy grin on my face, yet I couldn't help but smile. I saw the same smile mirrored on his face. I shyly asked if he was attached to anyone and my heart did flip-flops as I learned he wasn't. He asked me the same question and I said no....but I'd like to be his if he'd have me. He said he'd like that very much. From that moment on we were boyfriends, lovers, confidantes, best friends...and so much more. Love blossomed and shone. My first love, I was so glad. My heart sang. I spent as much time with him as I could. We decided our first encounter needed to be special and it was. Every waking moment my thoughts were pretty much filled with him--his looks, his sweet, shy smile. I felt like I was walking on a cloud all the time. I was deliriously happy and in love.

The next day I was on his doorstep and before I knew it I was being dragged up to his room. I stood in the doorway, gone were the toys of our boyhood...replaced with a computer, tons of books, and posters of rock stars and they were cute! Ryan placed a solid kiss on my lips. My shy lover rocked my world when he did that. He and I were getting bolder and not so shy. I smiled at him and sat on the bed. Soon our first encounter was underway and was pure delight. Neither of us knew if we were top or bottom and we really didn't care. We just seemed intent on pleasuring each other as much as was humanly possible. As we lay together afterwards I smiled at him and kissed him gently on the nose. I was sleepy and so blissfully happy and told him so. He responded that he was too. It made all the difference in the world knowing I had brought him as much pleasure as he brought to me. We fell asleep in each other's arms two young happy boys not knowing what the future would hold only knowing we wanted to be together. I awoke the next morning with my arm around him tucked into him neatly. He rolled over and smiled at me and gave me a kiss, such a sweet kiss it was too. I'll never forget it. I'll never forget the way his fingers trailed down my stomach that morning down to my toy and how he gently, lovingly played with it and set my world rocking. I'll never forget how I held him and played with him and set him going and kept him on the edge of passion and drove him wild and how sweet he was. I'll never forget his kisses, his sweet, shy smile. Each encounter we had seemed sweeter and more passionate than the one before. We were truly in love us two. We decided to spend the day together. We got up and had a quick shower...together of course! We saw it as conserving water and more time to explore each other's bodies. I had never been washed by another person other than my parent and this was an experience to have all of me so lovingly washed and cared for I felt very much like his baby and Ryan told me so I was his baby. I moaned in delight when he gave my boyhood a lick and promise to take care of it later. He washed my hair taking care that no shampoo got in my eyes at all. I felt spoiled. I gladly returned the favor and washed all of him bending down to give his boyhood the same lick and a promise though I admit I did give it a bit more than a lick. Ryan moaned with pleasure. I grinned and hummed on him causing him to moan more and reluctantly left his boyhood to finish cleaning him and wash his hair as he had done for me. My own boyhood was enjoying this immensely. Ryan grabbed a couple of towels from the warming cupboard and handed me one. We dried each other off and raced into his bedroom and got dressed. Oh, he was so cute dressed in tan shorts and dark blue shirt it set off his eyes. No matter what he said he definitely was tanning up and I loved him so much it made my heart hurt. Tears welled up in my eyes as I put on my grey shorts and my light blue shirt. Ryan pushed me down on the bed and wanted to know why I was crying. I shook my head and wouldn't tell him, couldn't. He lifted my chin with his hand and asked me again. I looked deep in his soul and knew I could tell him anything. I told him how much I loved him with all my heart and soul. He sat down beside me and held me as I cried. I laid my head on his shoulder and cried my tears out. He rubbed my back and held my hand and waited for my emotions to get back under control. He alone knew my past and knew what all this meant for me. He knew the reason for my tears and let me get it out of my system.

I loved him so much more for that. My tears slowed into hiccups Ryan continued to hold me and rub my back. I nuzzled and kissed his neck in thanks and breathed deep his scent. I wiped my eyes and blew my nose and looked deep in his eyes. All the love I had for him I saw reflected back at me. I sighed happily. We spent the day at the movies, and in the park. Holding hands, stealing soft kisses, not really caring who saw. That night we made plans to spend the night together again. In the middle of the night I awoke to a bad dream sweating and shaking. My Ryan held me softly cooing and reassuring me that all was well and I was safe and that he would never leave me. As I drifted off to sleep again he gently brushed the hair back from my forehead and a tear slid down my cheek that he kissed softly away. I smiled and realized I wanted to be with him the rest of my life and made a promise to tell him so in the morning.

The next day dawned bright and clear and I woke to a soft gentle kiss on my lips. I parted mind and felt his tongue explore inside mine. In no time at all we were deep in another encounter and pleasuring and driving each other wild. As we relaxed afterward I propped myself up on my elbow and looked in Ryan's eyes as I traced a finger down his smooth chest. He shivered and I hugged him to me. I looked in his eyes and a tear slid down my cheek as I told him how much I loved him...with all my heart. Quietly he took my hand and repeated the words to me. I vowed to love only him and he vowed to love only me. Quietly in the bright sunshine of that morning, lying there in his bed we pledged our love to each other repeating the words of undying love such as two boys only could. No two people were more serious or happier. Till death us do part.... We both meant these words as we sealed them with a kiss that was deep and full of love. Oh my sweet one, he was absolutely the most gorgeous guy on the planet. He laughed when I told him and jumped up racing for the shower. I followed and jumped in there with him. We took our time showering and enjoyed it fully, got dressed grabbed something to eat and spent another blissful day together. The whole world seemed alive to us. Everything just seemed better and happier. The days that followed were wonderful. I spent all of my time with Ryan, every waking moment. Going to the movies, bowling, visiting the arcade. Two young boys in love prowling about the town. Of course we had our private time as well when we whispered sweet nothings to each other and showed each other how much we loved each other. We would sit at Ryan's computer and go on the net and read stories together and try out some things that we read there. We'd sit and giggle and blush and just enjoy ourselves immensely. My shy sweet boy I loved to see him blush. He loved to see me blush too and would often make suggestions that would make me blush right down to my toes.

As I made my home from Ryan's one afternoon, little did I know how much my world was going to change. I walked in the door to find my mum just hanging up the phone. I could tell she had gotten some bad news. I asked her what had happened. She took me into her arms and sat me down on the couch. She looked in my eyes and told me that Ryan had been killed. I couldn't believe it. I'd just left him not a half-hour before. I'd just kissed him and said I'd see him in a little bit. All of a sudden my entire world went dark and dreary for there would be no more Ryan, no more love. I cried then. I cry now. For I miss him still. I write this in remembrance of him. My first and only love. My Ryan!

If you have any comments please email me at, flames will be ignored. I would like to thank teller_of_tales for his help proof reading the story. I would also like to thank my friends for their support during the writing of this you know you are. Many thanks.

Next: Chapter 2

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