Zac Goes to Smallville

By moc.liamg@88enyawb

Published on Jul 24, 2008


This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives properties or possessions. I do not own, write, or have any knowledge of the Smallville script or future characters.

This Chapter has a little bit of line reading for the actors things in parentheses are being done by the actors according to the script.

Zac Goes to Smallville Part 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recap -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Tom threw Zac a towel and Zac wiped off his abs and his hole before putting on his shorts and his shirt. Tom and Zac walked out to the living room together and they saw Justin and Michael sitting on the couch drinking some beers.

"Uhh... how... how long have you guys been here?" Tom asked.

"Just got back" said Michael with a smile.

"We were thirsty and decided to get some beers from the fridge" said Justin.

"He was giving me a tour of his pad" Zac lied.

Zac went and sat on the couch next to Justin. They all sat around and joked a little before practicing their lines.

"Yeah that scene sounds like it is going to be awesome" said Michael as they finished their scene.

"All the heroes in one room with the villain" said Tom.

They all started to laugh Justin looked down at his watch.

"Dude, Zac look at the time it's already 6:00" said Justin "we gotta go we have stuff to do before tomorrow."

"Alright" said Zac "we'll see you guys tomorrow then?"

"We'll see" said Tom.

"We have some scenes to do tomorrow" said Michael.

"We don't start till after tomorrow" said Justin.

"That sucks I hope you guys have fun tomorrow" said Zac.

"See you two later then" said Tom.

Zac and Justin went outside and got into the car. Justin kept sneaking glances at Zac and he had a smirk on his face.

"What?" Zac asked.

"What?" Justin asked back.

"You keep staring at me" said Zac.

"Did you know that the scripts were under the passenger's seat?" asked Justin "Michael found them while I was driving."

"No way that's so awes-" Zac stopped and thought for a second "so, when did you guys get back then?"

"We got to the end of the street and turned around pretty much" said Justin.

"Did you hear anything?" Zac asked.

"Like you cheating on me?" Justin asked.

"What are you talking about?" Zac asked.

"You were stroking it with Tom" said Justin.

"Oh yeah... I got super horny" lied Zac "sorry about that."

"Its ok dude you were just bonding it's no big deal" said Justin.

"So why did we need to go home?" Zac asked.

"If you haven't noticed I'm a little stubbly" said Justin "I like to shave up before I play Green Arrow."

"That doesn't explain what I need to do you said `we have stuff to do'" said Zac.

"You should shave up too for you role of Bruce Wayne" said Justin.

"Do I even have any shirtless scenes like you?" Zac asked

"It never hurts to be ready dude" said Justin.

They arrived at the hotel and got out of the car and went inside.

"Do we have anything to shave with?" Zac asked.

"Yeah" said Justin walking over to his bag and pulling out an electric razor.

"Okay let's get started which of us is going first?" Zac asked.

"I will" said Justin.

Justin took off his shirt and Zac did the same and they both made their way into the bathroom. Justin turned on the razor and started with his face removing all the stubble then moving down his neck, slowly down to his well defined chest and finally to his abs Zac was watching so intently that he could feel his cock start to get rigid. He thought Justin was finished when Justin started to undo his pants and lowered them with his boxers and Justin started to shave off his pubes as well going around his cock. Zac knew he was semi hard right now cause it was looking a little on the swollen side. Then Justin handed Zac the razor.

"Dude you just shaved you crotch with that" said Zac.

"Dude today you ate my cum" said Justin.

"Yeah and you ate some of mine" said Zac "what's your point?"

"Wait what are you talking about?" Justin asked.

"I saw you after we were done jerking off together, you ate my cum off your hand" said Zac.

"Yeah it's just something me and my brother used to do after we were done" said Justin.

"Well you still used that razor on your crotch" said Zac.

"Just take the razor it's no big deal here watch" said Justin.

Justin bent down and lowered Zac's pants and boxers in one motion and Zac's cock which was almost fully erect flopped out.

"Looks like someone was getting turned on watching me" said Justin.

Then Justin shoved his face into Zac's pubes rubbing Zac's cock and pubes against his face and for the finale took the head of Zac's cock into his mouth and started run his tongue over Zac's piss hole.

"There, not only did I rub your pubes on my face but I did you one better" said Justin.

"Tell me about it" Zac said trembling.

"What's wrong" Justin asked him.

"Dude you just sucked my dick" said Zac.

"Big deal" said Justin

Zac started to shave his face then he went to his happy trail and started to demolish it and followed it down to his pubes.

"There... done" said Zac handing Justin the razor.

"What's wrong dude you seem sad" asked Justin.

"My happy trail is all I have going for me" said Zac.

"Okay I think my hearing might be going out did you just say that a patch of hair was all you had going for you?" Justin asked

"I mean towards my sex factor" said Zac.

"What are you talking about?" Justin asked as he stood in front of Zac and looked him up and down "You've got a nice chest and great abs your face and your eyes...your eyes."

Justin put his thumb on Zac's chin and kissed him on the lips. Zac stuck his tongue into Justin's mouth and Justin massaged it with his own. They both stood there with their pants around their legs with no shirts on. Justin started to lower his hand to play with Zac's cock.

"I can't do this" said Zac breaking the kiss.

"You don't seem too against it" said Justin still holding Zac's cock.

"You're married and you're probably just horny" said Zac moving away from Justin and pulling his pants up "I don't want to be used not anymore it is starting to get hard to tell what's real and what's not."

"Zac you think this is just about me being horny?" Justin asked "'cause you're dead wrong I'm not just horny I feel something for you don't ask me to explain it. I just do, I get it if you don't want to do anything with me or if you're not into that it's cool."

"It's not that I'm not into it" said Zac stepping out of the bathroom and going to sit on the bed "I started out using people for sex then I find myself on the opposite end of it I've done it with at least five guys already and now it seems like it turned around on me it feels like they're using me."

"Wait five guys and you're talking about it like this is recent" said Justin moving into the doorway to the bathroom and leaning "so, who all have you had sex with, do I know any of them?"

"You know today when you and Michael left to get the script" said Zac.

"You were screwing Tom?" Justin asked.

"More like he screwed me he was pretty quick to toss me to the curb when he was finished" said Zac.

"I wouldn't do that to you" said Justin moving over to Zac and putting his arm around him.

"Yeah now but what about when we're done filming" said Zac tears starting to form in his eyes "and you go back home you'll go off to Lindsay and your daughter and I'm back on the curb."

"I'll tell Lindsay that I need some time to figure out some stuff" said Justin "but you're right I'm not going to just break it off with her... I'm not even sure what this is."

"I can't help you if you don't know what you want" said Zac.

"I want you that much I know" said Justin.

"Yeah sure for a quick fu-"

Justin kissed Zac on the lips cutting Zac off.

"Zac I will never use you for a quickie" said Justin.

The tears in Zac's eyes started to fall.

"What's wrong?" Asked Justin wiping away some of Zac's tears with his thumb.

"It's just I want to believe you-"

"Then what's the problem" said Justin "I'm telling the truth I want you and I don't want to share you."

Zac kissed Justin and Justin leaned Zac back and ran his hand under Zac's pants. Justin started to kiss down Zac's neck, and then made his way down to Zac's chest, he kissed Zac's abs and stopped holding his head just above Zac's shorts. Justin stared as if it were a present on Christmas day. Justin started to lower Zac's pants slowly and Zac's cock flopped up. Justin moved down and started to suck on Zac's balls. Justin moved his hand and started to play with Zac's hole a little and Zac started to moan. Justin kissed up Zac's body and then kissed Zac on the lips.

"How far do you want this to go?" Justin asked.

"As far as you want but know this" said Zac "I've wanted you inside me since we met."

Justin moved down and back to Zac's cock and started to suck while using his fingers to play with Zac's whole some more. Justin now had two fingers in Zac's hole. Then he put Zac's legs over his broad shoulders and started to eat out Zac's ass lubricating it with his saliva before he started to fuck him. Justin played with his cock a little getting it nice and stiff. Then Justin started to slide his dick into Zac's ass to more moans of approval from Zac.

"Does it feel good?" Justin asked as he slid his cock in further.

"Yes" said Zac staring into Justin's eyes.

After Justin got his cock all the way into Zac he started to slowly pull it out and they both moaned in unison. Justin started to cum in Zac's ass and he dropped his head in embarrassment.

"It's okay it's your first time with a guy" said Zac "it's new to you."

"That doesn't make it any less embarrassing" said Justin "I wanted to make you feel so good."

"You did" said Zac.

"How about you go instead" said Justin "you still haven't came and I can still make you feel good."

"You mean me on top?" Zac asked.

"Yeah" said Justin.

"I guess so" said Zac.

"Zac..., Zac, Zac, Zac" said Justin.

"What?" Zac asked.

"Wake up" said Justin "dude you wet the bed."

"What no I..." Zac felt wet "... did."

Zac jumped out of the bed and Justin was standing on the opposite side. Justin was wiping his hands off on his pants.

"Wait" said Justin "this is sticky did you have a wet dream?"

"No" said Zac not believing all that had been a dream.

"Who were you thinking of wait you were mumbling in your sleep?" Justin Asked.

"When did I fall asleep I thought we were going to shave?" Zac asked.

"We were then you fell asleep on the ride here" said Justin "I shaved still-"

"How did I get in the bed?" Zac asked.

"I carried you in" said Justin.

"And I'm only in my boxers" said Zac.

"So what I undressed you" said Justin "so what was the dream about?"

"Nothing" said Zac.

"Wait you were mumbling before I woke you up" said Justin "what was it?"

"No I wasn't the dream it was me and Vanessa" said Zac.

"No you said something about I've wanted you inside me so you were having..." said Justin grinning "... a gay sex dream aha."

"No" Zac pleaded.

"It's no big deal who was it about?" Justin asked.

"No one" said Zac.

"Come on dude quit lying who was it?" Justin asked again.

" was about you ok" said Zac and he raced off into the bathroom.

"Dude, wait come on what's wrong" said Justin "I don't care, come on."

Zac had tears streaming down his face now.

"Come on let me in" said Justin "Zac I'm not kidding I'll break down the door."

"Leave me alone" Zac spat out through his tears.

Zac heard something slam into the bathroom door.

"Oww" said Justin "Zac you gotta let me in now I'm bleeding."

"No you're not" said Zac.

"Z...Za...Zac..." said Justin breathlessly.

"Quit playing around Justin" said Zac a smile forming "Justin...Justin...Justin."

Zac opened the door and saw Justin lying on the floor and ran to his side.

"Bah..." Justin jumped up and Zac fell on his ass "got ya!"

"You're an ass" said Zac.

"I had to get you out of the bathroom" said Justin "you were acting like such a-"

"Fag that's what you were going to say right" said Zac "you're an ass."

"Hey can I finish my own sentences" said Justin "I never said that if you're gay that is cool with me."

"Even when I'm in love with you?" asked Zac.

"Yes" said Justin.

"Why are you gay to?" Zac asked.

"No" said Justin "I've always been bi."

"What... does your wife know about that?" asked Zac.

"Yeah she knew before we got married" said Justin "she's cool with it."

"Why didn't you tell me that earlier?" Zac asked

"You just told me you were gay" said Justin "and I was supposed to up and tell you `oh yeah I'm bisexual'?"

"You should have told me" said Zac.

"This works both ways" said Justin "and you're the one that wants my cock buried in your ass."

"Blow me" said Zac.

"You wish" said Justin.

Zac went over to him and punched him in the abs. Justin grabbed Zac's hand and pulled him into an embrace.

"What are you doing?" Zac asked.

"I just want to hold you here" said Justin.

Zac broke down and started to cry in Justin's arms. Wondering how he had ended up here. This all started with Lucas asking him to come along for a Smallville party. Now he stood here in Justin Hartley's arms crying. Justin lifted Zac's head by his chin and kissed Zac through his tears. Zac kissed back and started to stick his tongue into Justin's mouth and Justin reciprocated. Zac let his hands roam Justin's body and Justin rubbed his hand under Zac's boxers traveling his ass. Zac kissed down Justin's body and made his way to Justin's boxers. Zac started to suck on Justin's cock through his boxers. Zac lowered Justin's boxers and Justin's nine and a half inch hard cock flopped out. Zac stared at Justin's cock in awe of how perfect it was the length, the thickness and the color. Zac took the head of Justin's cock into his mouth and used his tongue to play with the tip of Justin's cock. Justin began to moan as Zac started to deep throat his cock.

"Goddamn Zac who taught you to suck dick?" Justin asked.

"It's a long story" said Zac pulling Justin's cock out of his mouth and stroking it "is it the best you've ever had?"

"It might just be" said Justin moaning as Zac started to deep throat his cock again.

Zac sucked Justin's dick some more and Justin played with his own nipples as Zac went to town on his cock. Justin took his cock out of Zac's mouth and they moved over to the bed. Justin laid Zac down and kissed down Zac's body following his happy trail. Justin pulled Zac's boxers down and Zac's eight inch fully erect cock flopped out. Justin licked up the length of Zac's cock. Justin then took the head of Zac's cock into his mouth before taking the cock all the way into his throat.

"You're not too bad at this yourself" said Zac.

"It's not my first time" said Justin and he continued to suck Zac's cock.

Justin started sucking on Zac's balls occasionally slipping his tongue into Zac's ass. Justin started to focus on Zac's hole eating it out and Zac moaned with pleasure. Justin moved back to Zac's cock sucking it while sticking his fingers into Zac's hole.

"I'm assuming you were talking about me being inside you when you were talking in your sleep Zac" said Justin "but I don't just want to be inside you but I want to be a part of you."

"God yes" moaned Zac "make love to me Justin."

Justin got up on the bed and put Zac put his legs over Justin's shoulders. Justin pressed the head of his dick into Zac's ass. Zac moaned as Justin pushed his cock deeper into Zac's ass. Justin leaned in and kissed Zac while he continued to fuck Zac's hole and Zac moaned between kisses. Justin started to nibble on Zac's neck and Zac nibbled on Justin's ear. Zac squeezed his hole tighter putting more pressure on Justin's cock.

"God I think you might just be the best I've ever had" said Justin.

"I think... I think..." sputtered Zac as he came close to cumming "I LOVE YOU!"

Justin sunk his cock deep into Zac ass and he and Zac began to cum in unison. Justin pulled his dick out of Zac's ass once he shot the last of his load. Justin had Zac's cum dripping from his abs. He sat next to Zac on the bed and looked over to him and just stared into Zac's eyes.

"Did you mean that Zac?" Justin asked.

"Maybe" said Zac.

"Did you or didn't you?" Justin asked again.

"I did" said Zac "okay happy now."

"Actually yeah because I love you too" said Justin "how did this happen?"

"What do you mean?" Zac asked

"Well I'm married and I've honestly never loved anyone more than Lindsay... until you" said Justin "and we just met how long ago it just doesn't make sense."

"Maybe we should go out and have some dinner just the two of us sometime" suggested Zac.

"That would be co-" getting cut off by a cell phone ringing.

Zac recognized it as his own instantly he ran over and looked at the caller ID. He cringed as he saw that it was Vanessa.

"Hey V what's up?" Zac answered.

"We need to talk and not over the phone" Responded Vanessa

"Well I'm kind of in Canada" said Zac.

"You'd better buy a ticket back here then I'll be at your place" said Vanessa hanging up the phone.

Zac felt sick thinking of what she might want to talk about so badly. Then he nearly collapsed as he realized he had left the sex tape in the open.

"Hey babe what's wrong" said Justin putting a hand on Zac's shoulder and he shrugged it off.

"I have to go" said Zac.

"Where?" Justin asked

"To LA" said Zac.

"You can't" said Justin

"I have to save my relationship with Vanessa" said Zac.

"Will you be able to make it back in two days?" Justin asked.

"It's like a two hour trip to LA and back" said Zac "I'll be back before the shoot."

Zac changed into some shorts and grabbed his wallet and a few other things before going outside.

"Hey I'll drop you off" said Justin running out holding the keys.

They both got into the car and neither one spoke a word the entire ride to the airport. Justin pulled up to the drop off station and turned to Zac.

"So do you wanna figure this out when you get back?" Justin asked.

"What?" Zac asked completely distracted by the phone call.

"Us" said Justin.

"Hello I'm having an emergency" said Zac getting out of the car "see ya."

Justin sped off as soon as Zac shut the door.

"What's his problem" said Zac to himself.

As Zac got ready to board the plane he hoped it wouldn't be too late to fix things with Vanessa.

Justin -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Justin drove home from the airport feeling like shit. He was pissed that Zac would tell him he loved him and then turn around and treat him like dirt. He understood if it had been Lindsay he would have rushed off in an instant but he wouldn't have treated Zac like some two bit whore. As far as Justin was concerned Zac just figured things out for him. The worst thing about this was that he was pissed and hurt but somehow a little horny. Justin pulled up to the hotel and got out of the car. He walked up to the door and saw someone waiting outside his room in a rather large coat and blue jeans.

"Who are you?" Justin asked.

"Justin Hartley great to meet you" said the man grabbing Justin's hand and shaking it.

"Actually I think that's my name" said Justin he chuckled a little.

"Oh sorry said the man Mark-" he said.

"Mark Wystrach right sorry" said Justin cutting Mark off "I wasn't expecting you till tomorrow."

"Yeah I got here early" said Mark "and your wife told me which hotel you were in."

"Let's go inside you can stay here my roommate went to take care of something at home" said Justin opening the door and going inside.

"Wow it looks like a tornado went through here" said Mark removing his jacket revealing a long sleeve button up shirt that arms pushed up so it appeared short sleeved.

"Yeah we were in a rush" said Justin trying to play it off moving things around and picking up a little.

"So when do you start shooting" Mark asked looking around the room.

"Day after tomorrow" said Justin "what brings you out this way?"

"Just out on vacation looking to have a good time" said Mark "can you keep a secret?"

"Sure" said Justin.

"It's my boyfriend I feel like he is smothering me" said Mark

"Oh yeah, well why don't you tell him that?" Justin asked.

"We've been dating a while but now he is all about the sex he wants it and I've never done it before" said Mark seeing the look on Justin's face added "with a guy other than some blowjob hand job stuff."

"Well it's not that much different than being with a girl" said Justin.

"Two things about that he's a total top" said Mark "and how do you know that?"

"Ah, so my wife never told you I'm bi" said Justin.

"Wait so you've had sex with a guy before" Mark asked.

"Yeah" said Justin "it's nothing big it is almost the same."

"I bet you're a top too" said Mark "so for you it would be."

"Most guys that see my dick want to bottom for me" said Justin with a giant grin on his face "sorry we just met and I'm already talking about my dick."

"No prob we're both guys here" said Mark obviously attracted to Justin.

"Talking about a cock that drives men to bottom must make you curious" said Justin wanting to forget about Zac "too bad you wouldn't be able to do anything anyway 'cause I'm married and my wife is your friend."

"Right" said Mark a smirk now forming on his face "that didn't stop you from fucking your roommate now did it?"

"What I have no clue what you're talking about" lied Justin now a little worried.

"Well the cum on the end of the bed and the trail to the bathroom might suggest you do" said Mark adjusting himself.

"Yeah and that hard on your sporting tells me I'm right about you being curious" said Justin going over to the bed and sitting on top of the dried cum on the bed.

"Curiosity never hurt anyone" Mark replied.

"Except the cat" said Justin he placed he grabbed his own cock through his shorts "and it will hurt when this gets inside you."

"You must be dreamin'" said Mark.

"Or is it your lucky day I can break you in for your boyfriend" said Justin.

"What if my boyfriend or your wife finds out?" Mark asked.

"Are you planning on telling them?" Justin asked placing a hand on Mark's thigh.

Zac -------------------------------------------------------------------------

As Zac's plane landed he practically ran through the airport to get to the rental office he needed to get a car and fast he hadn't realized till now he'd flown into the wrong airport and it would take him longer to get home. After he rented his car he made his way to his place to talk to Vanessa. Zac thought of what had been on that tape. He tried to figure out any possible excuse or just some reason for what was on it.

He had bottomed for Lucas on the tape he kissed him and told him to pound his ass and after it was all done he had sucked up Lucas' cum. How would he explain any of that without sounding like he was completely gay? Zac figured maybe he could lie about say it wasn't him maybe the video wasn't very good. He congratulated himself as he got on the freeway for the long ride home.

Justin -------------------------------------------------------------------------

"No I'm not planning on telling anyone anything" said Mark scooting away from Justin "and nothings gonna happen."

Justin was really starting to get horny so he started to remove his shirt, then he began to unbuckle his pants.

"Fine then I'm gonna hop in the shower" said Justin "that offer does have an expiration date."

Mark stared at Justin's rippling chest and abs as Justin removed his shoes then his pants and left on his boxers.

"Just so you know I take long shower so there probably won't be any hot water left when I get done" said Justin walking up to the bathroom door and removing his boxers so Mark only got a glimpse of his ass.

Justin closed the bathroom door and let the water warm up. He hopped in and waited for his plan to take effect. Mark sat on the bed deciding whether Justin had been joking and whether or not to go into the bathroom with him. Mark stood up and walked to the bathroom door. He built up his nerves standing there in front of the door. Then slowly began to unbutton his shirt and threw it to the ground then dropped his pants to the ground as well. Mark grasped the door handle and entered the bathroom in only his briefs which were tenting obviously since his cock was already fully erect. Justin pretended not to notice just starting to rub soap on his body when Mark entered.

"Hey Justin," said Mark "has that offer expired?"

"Huh, what offer?" Justin asked pretending not to know.

"Oh, you were fucking with me" said Mark "me too gotcha ha ha."

Justin opened the shower curtain and Mark could see Justin's semi hard eight and a half inch cock "Giving up so easily?" asked Justin taking in Mark's bulging pecs and nice abs his brown hair a mess from removing his clothes.

"Yeah," Mark said not realizing what he was saying entranced by Justin's perfectly, toned, soapy abs, pecs, and ever growing cock his mouth stuck open.

"Don't just stand there come join me before the hot water runs out" said Justin smiling.

Mark threw his briefs off his nine inch hard cock flopping up and practically ran to the shower to get to Justin. Mark kissed Justin on the lips and they both stumbled as Justin helped Mark into the shower. Mark laughed into the kiss while Justin stayed silent sticking his tongue into Mark's mouth. Mark could feel as Justin's nine and a half inch cock reached its full length as it rubbed against his own. Justin kissed down Mark's body with such ferocity he was practically leaving bruises on him. Justin started to sucks Mark's dick first taking in the large head of his cock and working the eight inches into his throat. Mark moaned with pleasure as Justin went to town on his cock. As Mark neared his climax Justin took Mark's cock out of his mouth and began to stroke it. Mark began to cum shot after shot down the drain he shuttered as the last of his man juice shot out.

"Now it's my turn" said Justin standing up and kissing Mark again before turning him around "I'm gonna fuck you till I'm done."

"Don't fuck me too hard don't want to start bleeding" said Mark.

"I'd never dream of hurting you Zac" said Justin not realizing.

"Wait what did you say?" Mark asked.

"I'd never dream of hurting my sack" said Justin thinking of something quickly.

Justin started by sticking his index finger in Mark's ass using water as lube. He slowly added more fingers as Mark moaned.

"Now it's time for the real thing" said Justin.

Justin placed the head of his cock on Mark's hole and could see him tensing up.

"Relax that is how you get hurt" said Justin.

"Sorry" said Mark.

Justin slowly started to push his cock into Mark's hole until the head of his cock popped in and Mark began to moan again. Justin slowly slid the rest of his cock into Mark inching closer to his plump ass. Once Justin's cock was entirely inside Mark's ass he slowly started to pull his nine and a half inches out. Justin then began to slide back in picking up the pace a little and Mark moaned some more. Justin picked up his pace even more until he was pounding in and out of Mark's ass hearing the slap of their wet flesh hitting. Justin reached around Mark to find that Mark was now hard again and jerked his cock.

"I guess that means you like it" said Justin.

"I guess so" moaned Mark.

Mark could feel he was close to cumming again and tried to hold it in not wanting to seem like a premature ejaculator. As Mark held his wad he slowly started to clamp down on Justin's cock and pushed into him more to make him cum soon. Justin felt the pressure on his cock and came near his climax. Justin began to shoot his load inside Mark shot after shot inside him till he had done at least seven. Mark feeling the cum spatter inside him couldn't hold his load anymore and began to cum again. Justin pulled his cock out of Mark's ass and rinsed off a bit and stepped out of the shower to dry off.

"Clean up before you get in bed I don't need any more cum on it" said Justin leaving the bathroom and going to lie down in the bed feeling worse than he had when he pulled up to the hotel.

Zac -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Zac slammed the car door as he got out of the car at his apartment. He ran to the door with his bag over his shoulder and struggled to get the keys out of his pocket. As soon as he got the keys out of his pocket the door opened. Vanessa stood there tears still streaming down her face.

"Vanessa," said Zac relief in his voice "oh god, I missed you" he said trying to wrap his arm around her for a hug.

Vanessa backed away "No don't" she said "Did you think I wouldn't find out?"

"Find out what?" Zac asked.

"Don't act like you don't know" she yelled "I saw the tape!"

"Shhh don't yell get inside you're delirious" said Zac pushing her into the door and closing it behind them.

"I'm delirious you were getting fucked by Lucas its disgusting!" she yelled at him.

"It wasn't me" said Zac sticking to his alibi.

"Oh so you watch gay porn of two guys that sound just like you and Lucas fucking in his apartment" said Vanessa "good thing I found out you're gay now before we did anything drastic."

"No, Lucas must have left the tape on accident" said Zac "and a lot of people could sound like me on tape."

"I can't believe you're lying straight to my face" said Vanessa "at the end of the tape you walked straight past the camera."

"I didn't mean for it to happen" Zac said tears starting to stream down his face.

"Sure you didn't" said Vanessa "that's why you said something about Tom and Jensen. Who are they? And that video was in Lucas' apartment, how many times did you do it when you were at the party, or did you even go?!"

"Yeah we went" said Zac "that was the first time."

"You're lying" she yelled "I called Lucas he told me about it after I told him about finding the tape."

"You called Lucas?" Yelled Zac, "how dare you pry in my life."

"I have a right when you're screwing other guys behind my back" said Vanessa "and just so you know we're done."

"No" said Zac "Vanessa I love you."

"Apparently not as much as you love cock" said Vanessa.

"Come on Vanessa" he said and leaned in and kissed her on the lips.

She pushed him off and slapped him across the face, "How dare you" she said moving to the door "do you know what the worst part of all this is?"

"What?" Zac choked out through his sobs while he held his cheek.

"That you taped that after you saw what happened to me" Vanessa said "you're lucky I care for you enough to have destroyed that tape instead of feeding it to every network that would take it."

"Vanessa I care about you too" Zac said as she opened the door.

"Don't..." she said through her tears "Zac... you can't do this... you're not the one who gets to be hurt here."

"Why" Zac asked "because I love you?"

"Not enough to stay true to me" Vanessa said turning to walk out the door as flashes of light began to parade the air.

"Goddamn paparazzi!" Zac yelled getting up and slamming the door Zac slid to the floor and began to cry again.

He wanted to know why all this had happened to him and thought of one thing "Lucas"

Phew, that's the end of the tenth installment. Sorry that took so long to get out to you guys. I've been real busy with work. Hopefully everyone still care enough to read it. Hope you enjoy this one I think it might be the longest one but not really sure. You can expect a few more but I don't know how soon they'll be done no promises I'll try not to make it as long as this one. As always feedback is welcome I love all of it.

Next: Chapter 11

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