Zac Goes to Smallville

By moc.liamg@88enyawb

Published on Aug 19, 2008


This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives properties or possessions. I do not own, write, or have any knowledge of the Smallville script or future characters.

Zac Goes to Smallville Part 11 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recap -------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Goddamn paparazzi!" Zac yelled getting up and slamming the door Zac slid to the floor and began to cry again.

He wanted to know why all this had happened to him and thought of one thing "Lucas"

Zac waited till he heard the last of the cars drive off. He stood up and opened the door and looked out seeing no one.

"Bastards must have followed me from the airport" he said to himself going back inside.

Zac went to the bathroom and splashed some water on his face to wipe away the tear stains from his face. He grabbed his phone and called Lucas. No answer.

"Damn it" said Zac putting the phone back in his pocket.

Zac went back outside and locked the door to his house and went to the rental. Zac got in the car and sped off to Lucas' house. Zac was ready to lay into Lucas for saying anything to Vanessa.

As Zac pulled up to Lucas' house slamming the car door he went up to the door and started banging on it with all his force. He waited and didn't hear anything and started to bang on the door again. Someone popped their head outside the door and told him to quiet down. Zac heard someone running up the street.

"Zac what the hell are you doing here" said Lucas.

"I came to yell at you, you stupid jerk" said Zac getting angry.

"About what?" Lucas asked.

"About you telling Vanessa everything about me" said Zac.

"I didn't do anything" said Lucas now speaking in a loud whisper "except apologize and tell her that I never meant for it to hurt her."

"You had no right" said Zac now speaking in a loud whisper.

"I was on the tape she called me in tear asking about it" said Lucas "I'm not going to lie to her for you. It's not my job to keep up with your fuck buddies. I admitted that it was me on the tape and that you were as well."

"I cared about her and you hurt her" said Zac.

"Bull shit" said Lucas "this is your fault. If you could keep your dick in your pan-"

"Don't you pull that shit" said Zac "you wanted me to fuck you."

"I need to go inside before you out both of us" said Lucas walking up to his door.

"Don't you walk away from me" said Zac "I'm not done with you yet."

"Well I'm done with you" said Lucas as he opened the door the light from inside glinted of the tears on his face.

"Oh your crying" said Zac "bull shit I-"

"Come here!" Lucas half yelled to Zac and Zac listened "I trusted you I lo... liked you and you treated me like dirt. So as far as I'm concerned you need to get back in your car go to Canada... AND GO FUCK YOURSELF and if you ever come to my house this early again I can guarantee you everyone will know your secret!"

Lucas slammed the door in Zac's face leaving Zac angrier than when he had arrived.

"Fine" said Zac "I have to catch a plane anyways."

Zac went back to his car upset that Lucas was right this was his fault there would be no way to fix it. He had to deal she was gone the one thing that kept him thinking he was straight. He started his car and started a long drive to the airport. Zac didn't notice that he had made the wrong turn ending up at the wrong airport.

"I'm sorry sir this ticket is for the wrong airport" said the woman behind the counter.

"What, you're kidding me?" Zac asked "it's right the-"

Zac stopped just realizing he was at the wrong airport.

"Sir I won't be able to let you board without a proper ticket" said the woman.

"Can I buy a ticket back to Canada for today then?" Zac asked

"Unfortunately we are sold out" said the woman "but we do have some for tomorrow night."

"I need to get there today so I can have time to sleep before I start shooting my scene tomorrow" said Zac.

"I'm sorry sir unfortunately w-" Zac walked away before she finished.

I wonder if I could still make it to the other airport in time. Then decided it would take too long to get there in time. He paced the airport trying to think of something he could do.

"Hey, are you Zac Efron" said a voice from behind Zac.

"Yeah" said Zac turning to face the man.

"I heard a lot about you from my friend James" said the man holding out his hand "Chad."

"Wait your Chad Michael Murray" said Zac "great to meet you."

"You look like... is something wrong" said Chad.

"Yeah I'm supposed to be flying out to Canada to shoot some episodes of Smallville" said Zac "but I came here by accident and my tickets were for a different airport."

"That sucks man" said Chad "some of the cast and crew for One Tree Hill are going out there for a party maybe you could swing by."

"Maybe if I figure out a way to get there" said Zac.

Chad's phone rang and he answered it.

"What?" Chad asked.

"You're kidding me" he said.

"I can't believe you are doing this to me."

"See you when I get back then" said Chad hanging up the phone.

"Well you're in luck" said Chad to Zac.

"What happened?"

"My date just cancelled on me" said Chad with some anger in his voice "so if you want you can take my extra ticket."

"I guess I could" said Zac thankful.

"Let's go change the name on the ticket then" said Chad.

They made their way to the counter and got everything squared out then Chad checked his luggage. They got on the plain and sat in their first class seats.

"I can't believe this" said Zac "you have to let me pay you back."

"I will" said Chad a little seductively

"What exactly did James tell you about me?" Zac asked.

"Nothing just that you're a cool guy" said Chad "said he wished he could have spent more time with you."

Zac turned and looked out the window as the luggage was being loaded onto the plane. As they started to take off Zac looked around the cabin noticing there weren't many people on the flight wondering why that woman had said there were no more seats available. The people that were on the plane were asleep since it was such an early flight. This was including Chad who had a blanket draped over his upper body and his head had fallen over so he was leaning on Zac's shoulder. Zac tried to shift and Chad's hand moved over to Zac's lap. He heard Chad take a deep breath and lift his head a little.

Chad wiped his mouth "oh shit dude why didn't you move me or wake me up?" Chad asked.

"I didn't want to embarrass you" said Zac shifting uncomfortably as Chad placed his hand on Zac's lap again.

"Now I'm embarrassed `cause I drooled all over your shoulder" said Chad.

"Sorry" said Zac.

"Nah its cool my fault did you leave me there 'cause you liked it?" Chad asked squeezing Zac's thigh a little.

"Uhh... no" Zac said caught off guard.

"I think you did" Chad whispered in Zac's ear.

"What if I did?" Zac asked.

Chad ran his hand deeper down Zac's inner thigh his hand brushing against Zac's cock. Zac could feel his cock starting to stiffen. Chad pressed his lips to Zac's neck and started to slide his hand under the waist band of Zac's shorts.

"What are you doing" Zac asked "someone might see us?"

"Everybody is sleeping" Chad whispered back.

"I just don't feel comfortable" said Zac.

"Follow me" whispered Chad then he stood up and walked down the aisle to the bathroom.

"You're kidding" whispered Zac looking around and making sure no one was awake.

Zac tucked his cock under his waist band so it didn't stick out and looked down the aisle for the flight attendant not seeing one he went down to the bathroom door.

"Excuse me sir I think someone's in there" said a voice behind Zac.

"Oh I didn-" Zac stopped as he turned and saw Chad "what the hell you scared the sh-"

Chad cut Zac off with a kiss and pushed him into the bathroom. Chad pulled Zac's shorts down a little as the backed against the sink. He grabbed Zac's t-shirt and lifted it over his head breaking the kiss for a second. Zac was practically sitting in the sink shorts around his knees wearing no t-shirt making out with Chad trying to forget all the events of the night. Chad wrapped his hand around Zac's eight and a half inch hard cock and began to slowly stroke it. Zac moaned into Chad's mouth and started unbuckling Chad's jean. Chad's pants fell to his ankles and he stood there in just his blue checkered boxers. Chad broke the kiss and tor his shirt off revealing his smooth chest well defined with his large nipples. He leaned in as if to continue kissing Zac but then lowered himself and started kissing down Zac's body starting with Zac's pecs and sucking and biting Zac's nipples. Then he brought himself to Zac's cock and he traced his tongue up the length then took the head into his mouth. Chad took the entire length of Zac's cock in his throat as Zac moaned with pleasure. Zac started to pump his cock into Chad's mouth and Chad started to moan and the feeling on Zac's cock made him cum. Zac bucked his hips and Chad swallowed all of the sweet nectar.

"Yeah" said Chad getting up to kiss Zac again.

"That was great" said Zac tasting his own cum from Chad's mouth.

"My turn" said Chad moving Zac and sitting on the sink.

Zac kissed Chad some more and kissed down the center of Chad's body. Zac kneeled down and removed Chad's boxers revealing Chad's nine inch hard cock. Zac began to suck Chad's cock while stroking it with one hand and playing with Chad's balls with the other. Chad moaned as Zac played with his balls and sucked his dick. Zac deep throated the cock with ease and began to moan still using the same technique Lucas had the first time he sucked Zac's dick. Lucas moaned as Zac moved his hand from Chad's balls and was now pinching Chad's nipples. Zac took the cock out of his mouth and continued to stroke it. Zac ran the tip of his tongue across Chad's piss slit.

"Oh fuck" said Chad as he began to cum.

Zac didn't expect it and the cum began to spatter against his cheek.

"That was hot" said Chad.

"You're not the one with cum on your face" said Zac.

Chad stood up next to Zac and licked the cum off Zac's face with one big lick. Chad held out his tongue still full of his own cum and Zac sucked it off.

"Thanks I really needed that" said Chad and kissed Zac again.

There was a knock on the door and Zac jumped "Excuse me everyone needs to return to their seats we're about to land" Called a voice on the other side of the door.

Zac felt all his feelings rush back to him and he started to cry again.

"What's wrong?" Chad asked.

"This is wrong the only reason I did this was to pay you back and to forget all my problems" said Zac.

"Its fine dude besides that wasn't the way you're going to pay me back" said Chad.

"Chad come on I have a friend and it's getting kind of serious" said Zac thinking of the way he had treated Justin he added "at least it was."

"I promise only one more thing okay then we'll be square" said Chad.

"Okay" said Zac and they both started to put on their clothes.

"I'm going to go out first" said Chad wait a few minutes before you leave.

Chad went out the door and Zac locked it behind him. He waited about five minutes then slowly walked out to his seat. Chad was fumbling with the phone Zac assumed Chad had knocked it off while playing with it.

"So who's this friend you're getting serious with?" Chad asked as they got off the plane.

"Uhh... I don't really want to talk about it" said Zac.

"Fine whatever" said Chad "I have a limo meeting me here."

"Can you drop me off at my place?" Zac asked.

"Sure" said Chad.

"Thanks so when's the limo getting here?" Zac asked as they waited outside after Chad had got his bag.

"It's right there" said Chad pointing at a limo turning the corner and stopped in front of them.

The driver got out and took Chad's and Zac's bags and put them in the trunk. The driver opened the door for them and the both stepped inside.

"It's about time I've been waiting for you forever. I see you brought a friend" said a voice on the other side of the limo he scouted forward "nice to see you again Zac" said James.

"Hey James" said Zac "long time no see."

"You did seem a little distracted last time I saw you" said James "didn't want to bother you."

"I see you got my message" said Chad.

"What message and why is James here?" Zac asked "no offense."

"None taken, I don't even know" said James "Chad called me and said to get in the limo that pulled up to the airport. How did you guys meet up?"

"So that's what you were doing with the phone" said Zac to Chad.

"Yeah I figured you might want to see him again" said Chad "and I remembered his flight was only a few minutes ahead of mine `cause I was waiting for bitch."

"So Zac hitched a ride with you" said James.

"And now we're all in the limo" said Chad "hey driver remember what I told you."

"Yes sir" said the driver and rolled up the divider window.

"What are you doing?" James asked Chad.

"Zac owes me for the plane ticket" said Chad "thought you might want to join in."

"Why would you think that?" Zac asked Chad then turned to James "what did you tell him?"

"Nothing" said James in a high pitched voice.

"Thanks for confirming it guys" said Chad "the way James described your meeting I knew there was something more."

"Are you gay Chad?" James asked.

"Nah bi I thought you knew" said Chad.

"Well it doesn't matter our deal was just you and me" said Zac.

"I don't remember making any specifications" said Chad.

"Fine" said Zac and he crossed his legs and arms sat there.

"Hey Zac what's up?" James asked.

"Well I'm kinda involved with someone right now" said Zac "I think."

"That sucks `cause I really did miss y- hanging out with you and Jensen, that day was a blast" said James placing his hand on Zac's knee.

"Can you just take me home Chad?" Zac asked.

"Okay" said Chad "I'll take a rain check."

"Common Chad I need to fix things with Justin" said Zac.

"Fine" said Chad "so its Justin is it. Justin Timberlake?"

"No... Hartley" said Zac.

"That Green Arrow guy?" Chad asked.

"Yes" said Zac " can you take me home now."

Chad knocked on the divider and the driver rolled down the window and Zac gave him the address for the hotel.

"We'll be at a bar not too far away from here" said Chad as Zac got out of the limo.

"Thanks see you later" said Zac.

"I'll call you so we can hang out shoot some hoops" said James.

"Sure" said Zac as the driver shut the door.

Zac watched as the limo drove off then went up to the door of his and Justin's room and knocked. It took a while before he finally heard movement inside.

"Who is it" said Justin standing behind the door clearly trying to hide nudity "ah... so you've returned."

"Yeah" said Zac "let me in."

"Actually I can't" said Justin looking back into the room.

"And why the hell not" said Zac he pushed on the door and entered the room.

Zac saw someone else lying in the bed clearly nude as well. The person sat up covered themselves with a blanket.

"Who's this Justin?" the man asked.

"Yeah who is this?" Zac repeated.

"Zac this Mark" said Justin "Mark this is Zac."

"Did you fuck him?" Zac asked.

"I was upset over how you treated m-" Justin started but Zac cut him off

"Did you FUCK him?" Zac asked again with more intensity.

"YES alright but I wouldn't have" said Justin "if you weren't such a DICK."

"Don't pin this on me" said Zac "you're the one who couldn't keep your dick in your pants."

"Look who's talking I believe you're the reason we have this problem anyway" said Justin "why did she want to see you so badly?"

"To break up with me" said Zac.

"Over what, did she find out about all the other guys?" Justin asked.

"Maybe," said Zac he could feel all the emotion start to rise again "I'm not going to sit here listening to your bullshit anymore."

Zac grabbed the keys for the rental off the table and went to the door.

"Zac wait" said Justin "I didn't mean tha-"

Zac cut him off by slamming the door behind him. Zac ran to the car and jumped in and sped off toward the first place he could think of.

That's the new installment it's a bit shorter than the last one not to mention a lot less sex sorry. Hope everyone likes it lots of good commentary on the last one. Thank you for all the great ideas some haven't been implemented completely but I'm setting the stage for them. I love all the fans and the feedback keep it thanks.

Next: Chapter 12

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