Zac Goes to Smallville

By moc.liamg@88enyawb

Published on Aug 21, 2009


This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives properties or possessions. I do not own, write, or have any knowledge of the Smallville script or future characters.

Zac Goes to Smallville Part 17: Zac Goes Back ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recap ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Justin was fast asleep when Zac entered the room. There was still a heavy smell of alcohol and vomit in the air. Zac went straight to the bathroom and jumped into the shower. He sat under the hot spray as he contemplated how he possibly would tell Justin that he had slept with Sam. Zac felt the tears in his eyes as he pictured the look on Justin's face as he told him he had been untrue again. He realized without trying he had probably just helped Justin through his indecision. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zac woke up the next day Justin was already up and it smelled as though he had sprayed air freshener though there was still a slight odor of alcohol and vomit.

"Hey sleepy head" said Justin as he stepped out of the bathroom completely naked drying his hair with a towel.

"Hey" said Zac getting aroused just looking at Justin "how are you feeling?"

"Better" Justin said sheepishly "I know I've been out of it lately-"

"Out of it you've been drunk off your ass for the past week" said Zac.

"I know" said Justin "I've been over doing it lately."

"I know" said Zac "I was the one keeping you from drowning in the toilet remember?"

"Yeah and I'm sorry about that" said Justin "at least I have all weekend to make up for that."

Justin got on top of Zac on the bed still completely naked.

"I need to tell you about something that happened last night-" Zac started.

"Shhh..." Justin interrupted kissing Zac "save it for later I need you right now."

Justin kissed Zac on the lips again this time sticking his tongue into Zac's mouth. Zac sucked on Justin's tongue and took off his shirt while Justin removed Zac's boxers. Zac was already rock hard Justin was thrusting into Zac so that their hard cock's rubbed together slathering each other with precum. Justin kissed down Zac's body making his way to the eight and half inch cock. Justin licked the head before engulfing it. Zac moaned in ecstasy as Justin deep throated his cock. Zac watched Justin's head bob up and down on his cock. Justin took Zac's cock out of his mouth and pulled himself back up so he was face to face with Zac.

"I want you inside me" Justin breathed.

"I thought you preferred to top?" Zac asked.

"I do but since you're the only one who's ever fucked me it actually feels really good with you" said Justin "I don't think I'd let another guy fuck me other than you."

"I need to tell you something Justin I-"

"Where did you put the lube?" Justin interrupted.

"It's on the table" said Zac "but-"

Justin grabbed the lube and was back in front of Zac in no time "I said save it" Justin interrupted again kissing Zac on the lips.

"But-" Zac tried to say but Justin had already lubed up Zac's cock and was attempting to sit on it.

Justin had his eyes squeezed shut as he felt the pressure of Zac's cock pushing on his hole. Zac remained still as Justin started to slide his ass down Zac's cock. Justin gave a sigh of relief as the head of Zac's cock slid in and now he worked on the remaining shaft with more ease. Zac watched as Justin began to take the rest of Zac's cock into his ass. Once he had the full length in him Justin paused for a minute to get used to Zac's cock. Then slowly Justin began to lift his ass off Zac's cock. A few moans escaped Zac's mouth as he felt the pressure of Justin's tight ass on his cock. Once Justin got a little over halfway up the shaft he began to slide back down on Zac's pole. As Justin began to get used to the feeling he started picking up the pace. Zac moaned harder as Justin continued to bounce up and down on his dick. Justin leaned in and kissed Zac passionately on the lips. Zac wrapped his arms around Justin and sat up to lay Justin on his back. Zac put his hand on Justin's chest as he began to pound him.

"Oh that's the spot Zac right there" Justin moaned "keep going."

Zac continued to pound Justin's ass and Justin continued to moan out in pure ecstasy. Zac pulled out of Justin's ass and had him get on all fours before reinserting his dick. Justin began to stroke himself as Zac pounded his ass. Zac felt the wave of energy rush through him signifying that his climax was close. Justin neared his climax as well and started to clench a little. Feeling the increased pressure on his dick Zac began to cum in Justin's ass. Once Justin felt Zac begin to release his seed inside of him he began to release his own onto the bed. Zac collapsed onto Justin and Justin lay down on the bed.

"What did you want to tell me?" Justin asked.

Zac instantly got up and went to the restroom to get a towel to clean up. Zac came out the bathroom with a towel in hand and threw it to Justin.

"So, what was it?" Justin asked.

"Okay remember that we're in an open relationship now" said Zac.

"Okay" Justin said hesitantly.

"Well... Uhh... Ok" said Zac stalling.

"Spit it out" said Justin.

"I slept with Sam last night" said Zac in a rushed whisper.

"What was that?" Justin asked.

"I slept with Sam" said Zac.

"Oh" said Justin.

"Come on Justin talk to me what are you thinking?" Zac asked.

"I'm thinking..." said Justin

"What?!" Zac asked.

"That you're a liar" said Justin.

"Huh?" Zac asked.

"You had me agree to this stupid open relationship so you could sleep around without feeling guilty right" said Justin.

"NO, I told you that I wanted that so you could-" said Zac.

"So I could what? Sit around here wondering where you are" said Justin.

"You weren't sitting around here wondering anything" said Zac "you were so drunk it's amazing you could reach the trash can."

"All because I've been contemplating whether you and I being in a serious relationship should affect my marriage" said Justin "but obviously it won't since we're over."

"What over some one night stand?" Zac asked.

"No over all of them" said Justin "it's too much."

"What?" Zac asked hoarsely as his eyes began to sting.

"The fighting the getting back together" said Justin "first you fuck Chad and I fuck Mark then you go fuck another group of guys to get back at me. With all the screwing going on I don't think the person to get fucked is my wife."

"And I should?" Zac asked tears starting to spill over.

"You chose it" said Justin starting to cry as well "you `claimed' you wanted the open relationship so I could catch up to then you try to use it against me in an argument so you wouldn't be the bad guy. I can't trust nor can I put my faith in the fact that you'll give me more happiness then my wife and my daughter. I won't break my home for you and you definitely won't be breaking my heart." Justin cleared his throat "We can finish out the week in the same room until we can get another room if you want otherwise I'll leave."

"No need I'll leave" said Zac tears now streaming down his face.

"You can take the car if you're going anywhere far I can catch a ride with Sam to the shoot tomorrow" said Justin.

Zac grabbed the keys and started to run as soon as he closed the door. Once he got to the car he jammed the key in the ignition and tore off. Over the few weeks he'd spent in the city he had begun to get used to it he just drove without any real destination in mind he ended up at the bar the one where he'd first had drinks with his new cast mates. He pulled into a parking space shut off the engine and began to let it all out. he cried for how he hurt Lucas how he'd screwed over Vanessa how he'd screwed over Tom and how he'd screwed over Justin. Once he'd cried over everything he'd done he sat up grabbed some tissue and mopped up his face. He then got out of the car and went inside. He saw Tom and Allison and Cassidy all sitting at a table and went sit with them he ordered a coke and they all sat around joking and laughing. Once the bar closed Zac decided he would stay with Tom. Zac had Tom follow him back to Justin's room so Zac could drop off the car. Zac parked the car and went to take the keys to Justin. When Zac got to the door he heard Justin talking so he knocked. Justin opened the door wearing only some sweatpants.

"Hey Justin I just came to drop off the keys" said Zac "who were you talking to?"

"Just Lindsay and Isabella" said Justin holding up his cell.

"Cool" said Zac "here are the keys to the car."

"Great" said Justin putting his phone on mute "so you're staying here."

"Oh... no" said Zac "Tom's waiting for me outside so I just need to grab my bags."

"Ahh..." said Justin "figures."

"What?" Zac asked as he squeezed past to put his stuff back in his suitcase.

"He's the one you've been after all along" said Justin smiling to himself "right?"

"Don't talk about stuff you know nothing about" said Zac feeling the frustration from their earlier fight start to rise "I'm going to be sleeping on the couch."

"I'm sure" said Justin.

"I don't have to explain anything to you we're not together anymore" said Zac as he zipped up his bag "Why do you care who I do or do not have sex with anyway?"

"Feelings don't go away that quickly" said Justin.

"How would I know I'm just a slut who moves from one guy to the next without stopping to think of who I'm hurting" said Zac.

"I never said that" said Justin.

"I know I did" said Zac "I've been doing it since Lucas screwing one guy to the next and I'm done I'm going on hiatus from it."

"From what?" Justin asked.

"Sex" said Justin

"With guys you mean?" Justin asked.

"No anyone guys, girls, transvestites, hookers, everyone" said Zac.

"Now that's hilarious" Justin laughed out "I think the whole time we've been together there have been two nights we didn't have sex and you were still doing stuff on the side."

"Laugh your ass off asshole" said Zac "I have ride to catch."

"If you want to sleep in a bed you can stay here" said Justin "you don't have to leave."

"Yes I do" said Zac "I can't stay here too many memories."

"Well I'll see you at work then" said Justin holding out his hand.

"Yeah see ya" said Zac shaking Justin's hand with his free hand.

Zac walked out back to Tom's car as Justin went back to his phone call. As Zac got in the car Tom drove to his house. They drove in complete silence on the way there. Neither one said anything until Tom pulled up to the driveway.

"So we're here" said Tom.

"Yeah" said Zac.

"Man what is wrong with you?" Tom asked as they walked up to the door.

"Nothing happened" said Zac looking uninterested.

"Well your mood level definitely dropped after you dropped off the key" said Tom opening the door to let Zac and himself in.

"So what's your point?" Zac asked looking bored still.

"You two weren't together were you?" Tom asked.

Zac looked back still using an uninterested expression.

"Did you break up?" Tom asked.

Zac still didn't respond.

"Why?" Tom pushed further.

"Why does it matter?" Zac asked.

"I wanted to know why you were so down" said Tom.

"Just leave it alone" said Zac "is there a separate bedroom or am I sleeping on the couch."

"Oh I was thinking you would be sleeping in my room" said Tom.

"Yeah that's not happening" said Zac "I'm done with sex."

"Ha that's funny" said Tom.

"You guys really have no faith in me" said Zac "if it's gonna be a problem I can go stay with Jensen and Jared."

"That's funnier then you swearing of sex" said Tom "they are the horniest guys I've ever met. You'll be lucky if you get any sleep if you go over there."

"Whatever do you have a separate room or not?" Zac asked.

"Yeah I'll show you the way" said Tom.

"Thanks" said Zac.

Tom showed Zac the room and let him set down his bag before showing him to the bathroom to use the shower. After Zac cleaned up he went to the spare room and jumped into bed. A few tears escaped him as he slipped into unconsciousness even though he knew it wouldn't make up for all the pain he had put the people he cared about through.

------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry about the wait for this installment I've been super busy with work. I still love all the feedback thank you so much keep it up I promise I will try to have the next part out sooner.

Next: Chapter 18

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