Zac Goes to Smallville

By moc.liamg@88enyawb

Published on Dec 20, 2007


This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives properties or possessions.

Zac Goes to Smallville Part 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recap ------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hey Zac I grabbed your stuff from the hotel I didn't want to bother you while you were with the man of your dreams. When you get this just meet me at my house you know where it is. -- See you then Lucas"

Zac got in the car and sat there once again assessing all that had happened and what else could possibly do next. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Zac decided he'd go straight to Lucas' house first since he needed the stuff in his bag and it was already late enough in the day that Lucas should be back from his shoot by now. Zac got in his car and threw the jacket and tie to his suit into the back seat then. Zac started the car then drove out of the parking structure and onto the freeway for a long drive. This weekend had been a blast but how would he tell Vanessa that he had cheated on her a total of five times with three guys. He had been sucked by Lucas Grabeel and the fucked him, been sucked by and sucked Jensen Ackles, and there was not much he didn't do with Tom Welling. He couldn't tell Vanessa she would be crushed he would make sure it never happened again and not tell her.

Zac turned on his radio as he drove and what was playing none other than Lucas Grabeel's "You Got it." He listened to the song singing a little with it and moving around with it. Lucas' song went off and Zac quietly listened to all the other stuff on the radio. After a few hours Zac saw the exit he needed to take to get to Lucas' house. Lucas' condo was right off the freeway Zac saw Lucas' car sitting parking lot two- story structure. Zac parked next to it and got out of his car and walked up to the door.

"KNOCK, KNOCK" said Zac as he used the knocker and the door opened a little and he peaked in "Is anyone home."

Zac entered the house looking around a little and he closed the door behind him. Zac's bag was sitting in the living room but he continued to look around to see if there was anything wrong with Lucas. Zac listened for any noise a shower, a toilet flushing, a moan, a scream, a cry, but there was nothing to be heard. Zac went upstairs to check around the house some more.

"Lucas come on buddy are you trying to scare me cuz it's not going to work" lied Zac already thinking the worst.

Zac reached in his pocket for his phone so he could pre-dial 911 as he walked down stairs and headed for the front door scared there might be someone still there. As he went to reach for the door it flew open and hit him in the face. He jumped and screamed while he was covering his face and fell on his ass when he saw Lucas standing there clad in a T-Shirt and sweatpants.

"Oh god Lucas" said Zac panicked "I thought you were..."

"Geez relax I was just out going for a jog and I guess I forgot to close the door" said Lucas calmly "you're such a diva."

"Very funny" said Zac in mock laughter still fumbling with his nose "you know I was genuinely worried about you."

"Yeah well your nose is bleeding you know" said Lucas holding out his hand "come with me to the bathroom I'll help you clean that up."

"I thought you were mad at me" said Zac taking Lucas' hand and getting up "owe my butt hurts now... and not in the good way."

Lucas turned on the spot "and what pray tell does that mean?" Asked Lucas.

"Nothing can I get a drink and some tissue" Zac quickly changed the subject.

"Uhh... sure" said Lucas forgetting what he was doing before and he led Zac to the kitchen and Zac sat at the table.

"I heard your song on the radio man" Zac threw out.

"It's only on like Radio Disney" said Lucas as he brought Zac the box of tissue, a pitcher of Orange Juice, and two glasses "did you like it?"

They chatted a little while Zac stopped his nose from bleeding and they drunk some orange juice. They talked about what they were filming now and their upcoming filming of their new High School Musical installment. They laughed and had fun and Zac felt like they had never fight at all as comfortable as he was with Vanessa. He felt bad about what he had done yesterday and apologized again.

"It's alright" said Lucas "there is one thing you could do to make me feel better, though."

"What?" asked Zac skeptically.

"What did you mean by that comment earlier about your butt?" Asked Lucas taking a drink of his orange juice.

"Okay... When you left without me yesterday I went home with Tom and things got a little messy -"

"You got fucked by Tom Welling" Lucas said spitting his drink at Zac a little more ecstatic than Zac thought he would be "that is amazing news that is almost equivalent to me getting fucked by Zac Efron."

"Yeah just like it" said Zac wiping his face.

"So... said" Lucas slowly "was he huge, did he use weird pet names, did you like it, does he have any weird birthmarks or scars, I thought he was married, what happened to her, did you use protection, did you get to suck his dick, is he actually gay or j-"

"Lucas, Lucas calm down" said Zac cutting him off "just help me clean up and I'll explain it."

Lucas took Zac to the bathroom and Zac explained everything about how Tom had accidently gotten him drunk, how they had snuggled up for warmth, and how they had done it again in the shower before Zac left. Zac explained while Lucas cleaned the orange juice and blood from Zac's face.

"Well that sounded like fun" said Lucas blotting up the last of the blood and juice "wish I could have been there to see it."

"Did you have fun at the party at least" asked Zac finished with his story.

"Nah I was still pissed at you so I was kinda sulking all night" said Lucas.

"Sorry about that I realized I was a jerk" said Zac.

"Well if I stayed maybe we could have had make up sex" said Lucas.

"Probably" said Zac and Lucas leaned in and pecked him on the lips.

Zac grabbed Lucas' head and kissed Lucas hard on the lips sticking his tongue in Lucas' mouth and Lucas reciprocated. Lucas started to unbuckle Zac's belt and pants.

Zac broke the kiss "we shouldn't I have Vanessa..." said Zac feeling guilty.

"She doesn't ever have to find out" said Lucas leaning in again and kissing Zac again.

Lucas kissed Zac passionately and moved his head down to Zac's neck and nibbled on it. Zac took off Lucas' shirt as Lucas lowered his head from Zac's neck to suck on Zac's cock through the red silk boxers. Zac proceeded to take off his own shirt and under shirt then began to run his fingers through Lucas' hair. Zac moaned as Lucas wet the front side of Zac's boxers with his mouth.

"I was hoping I'd get this chance again" said Lucas stopping for a moment.

Lucas pulled down Zac's boxers and started to suck Zac's dick. As Lucas took Zac's cock into his throat Zac felt he owed Lucas and since this was Zac's last time with a man before he stuck to Vanessa he thought he'd give Lucas a last time gift.

"I want you to fuck me" Zac blurted out to Lucas as if he had heard his thoughts.

"What?" Lucas coughed out pulling the cock out of his throat.

"I want you inside me" said Zac "get some lube."

"You want to record it?" Lucas asked wanting to document his conquest.

"No" Zac said without pausing. He knew this was a terrible idea and was surprised Lucas had suggested it "I'll end up like my girlfriend."

"I would never let it get out you can have the tape if you want I would never do anything to hurt you" said Lucas.

Zac kissed Lucas on the mouth feeling more comfortable "your positive..." Lucas nodded "... Then it's fine with me."

Lucas led Zac to his bedroom and sat Zac on the bed and went to set up the camera in the corner so it was pointed at the bed. Lucas got the lube out of one of a nightstand next to the bed. Lucas had Zac lay down on the bed with his legs over Lucas' shoulders and lubed up his own dick and Zac's hole.

"Are you ready" asked Lucas.

"When you are" answered Zac.

Lucas put the tip of his dick to Zac's hole and slowly pushed it in. Zac loved the feeling of the pressure on his hole as the head of Lucas' cock pushed through it. Lucas slid his dick into Zac until he was completely inside. Lucas leaned down and Zac wrapped his arms around him in a passionate hug as Lucas slowly pushed in and out of Zac savoring the feeling. Lucas turned his head and Zac began to kiss him sticking his tongue in Lucas' mouth.

"I love you" Zac whispered in Lucas' ear not thinking.

"What" said Lucas back sure he had heard wrong.

"Pound my ass" Zac said not believing he had just said that.

Lucas did as Zac asked sitting up and putting all his might into it as Zac placed his hand on Lucas' abs and gently clawed his stomach leaving small white marks. Lucas put his hand on Zac's chest and applied a lot of pressure as he slammed his dick into Zac's hole making a cracking sound with each push as his body slammed against Zac's. Zac felt Lucas cock expand in his ass and Lucas pulled his cock out of Zac's ass and began to cum on Zac's chest and abs the feeling of Lucas' cum on him made Zac cum the first shot went straight up and hit Lucas on the chin and the rest down into Zac's pubes. Lucas collapsed face up next to Zac on the bed he wiped the cum that had hit his chin.

"Good distance" said Lucas sticking his finger in his mouth "taste ain't half bad either."

Zac ran his finger from his abs to his chest wiping up the cum and sticking into his mouth.

"Better than Jensen and Tom" combined said Zac thinking aloud.

"Jensen" Lucas asked.

"Long story" Zac said.

"I'm gonna hop in the shower you can get in after" Lucas told Zac getting up and leaving.

Zac lay on the bed and thought about what had just happened. His thoughts shot to Vanessa and Zac got up put all his clothes on and ran out of the house into his car and left.

------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's the new installment of the Zac goes to Smallville. I'll work on the next part. I forgot to put my email address in the last chapter sorry. Love the feedback seeya.

Next: Chapter 6

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