Zac Goes to Smallville

By moc.liamg@88enyawb

Published on Jan 15, 2008


This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives properties or possessions.

Zac Goes to Smallville Part 6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recap ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Zac lay on the bed and thought about what had just happened. His thoughts shot to Vanessa and Zac got up put all his clothes on and ran out of the house into his car and left. -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Zac sped home so he could clean up and go meet Vanessa and put an end to all this weirdness he had been through. As Zac drove on he wished he had never gone with Lucas to that party Lucas had turned him into some sort of fag or something. Zac thought if he could get to Vanessa she could fix it all. Zac pulled into the driveway of his apartments. Zac went up to the door and stuck his key in the door and unlocked it and opened up the door. He entered the living room and quickly made his way into the bedroom and made a beeline for the bathroom not noticing the large lump in the bed. He got undressed after turning the shower on and wrapped a towel around his waist out of habit since he has only been living alone for a short while. His underwear and pants were wet with Lucas' cum still he took them out to put them in his dirty clothes basket. When he entered the bedroom he noticed someone was in the bed. Zac made his way over to the bed and lifted up the covers.

"Vanessa" Zac said loudly waking her.

"Hey Zac you're finally back" she said stretching.

"What are you doing here?" Zac asked her as she sat up.

"You said before you left that I was free to come here if I wanted" Vanessa answered with a little yawn and rubbing sleep out of her eyes "remember?"

"Oh... yeah" recalled Zac and noticed the clothes in his hand and threw them under the bed without Vanessa noticing.

"I got lonely and your bed smells like you" she sat up and kissed him on the lips she was wearing a lingerie top that usually got him in the mood.

He kissed back a little and drew back "I was gonna hop in the shower I'll be right back" he said to her.

Zac made his way back to the bathroom and hopped into the shower and started cleaning his legs getting some of the extra cum that had leaked from his ass. Zac heard the bathroom door open and Vanessa entered the shower.

"Hey, mind if I join you?" she said "It's been a while I've missed you."

Vanessa kissed Zac again more passionately than before and he kissed back. Zac immediately noticed that it wasn't as good as Lucas, Jensen, or Tom. Vanessa began to run her hands over Zac's wet chest and abs and Zac remembered being back in Tom's shower. Vanessa lowered her hand and began to play with Zac's cock which began to grow. Vanessa lowered herself and began to suck Zac's dick it was good but compared to Lucas it felt pathetic. Vanessa stood back up and Zac figured it was his turn so he started to go down on her. The taste was alright but cum there was no beating it he needed to fuck her that would fix him he thought. He stood up and put her against the wall and stuck his cock in her pussy and played with her tits a little this was what he was missing the pussy was better than he remembered. That is when Zac realized.

"Oh shit" he said pulling out "Vanessa I'm not wearing a condom."

"It's okay I'm on the pill" she said back calmly pulling him closer so he was inside of her again and he began to pump again.

"You've never let me fu- make love to you without one before" said Zac as he pumped in and out of her.

"Well absence makes the heart grow fonder" she moaned as Zac continued to fuck her.

Zac continued to fuck her as they kissed as he got used to the feeling he realized pussy wasn't as good as ass. Without the condom the pussy wasn't that much worse than ass just a little looser. The feeling of Lucas' and Tom's asses when he was pounding the shit out of them was unbeatable.

"Should I pull out?" Zac asked her breaking their kiss.

"It's up to you" she moaned out.

He fucked her for a while longer and began to cum inside of her he shot two or three times inside her and was done.

"Uhh... did you...umm...O?" Zac asked Vanessa uncomfortably.

"Not yet I'm close can you go a little longer" she asked him.

"Sure" he said and began to imagine it was him fucking Tom again.

He thought about how he and Tom had fucked in the shower which kept him hard. He fucked her for quite awhile until he was about to cum again before she finally started too shortly after she did he came again.

"Wow someone was waiting for that" Vanessa said.

Zac finished his shower and left before Vanessa. Zac toweled off and went into the bedroom to get dressed. Zac put on his boxers, shirt, and shorts then went outside to retrieve his bag. Zac got his bag and checked his cell phone he had two missed calls from Lucas and another from some other number they had left a message. Zac checked the message it was from the casting directors at the Smallville set they wanted to audition Zac for the role of a young Bruce Wayne. Zac called the number left on the voice mail the person that picked up explained everything to Zac and Zac hung up when the man was done "Score" Zac thought he went back inside to tell Vanessa.

"Vanessa" Zac shouted as he entered the door "you'll never believe this."

He entered the room Vanessa was getting dressed her hair still wet "I got an audition for the role of Bruce Wayne on Smallville" Zac said to her.

She smiled "that's great" she said a little less than excited.

"What's wrong?" He asked Vanessa.

"They film in Canada which means you'll be away again" she said.

"It's okay it will probably only be for like two or three days" he said not really worried about it.

"Well that is great" she said and her phone began to ring "Hello" she said and then began to speak in Spanish which meant it was her parents and that she didn't want him to understand what she was saying, "Zac I have to go home sorry we can talk tomorrow."

"Well tomorrow is the audition and if I get the part I have to go the next day so I'll have to pack" Zac explained to her.

"Oh... well... I guess I'll see you when you get back" Vanessa said as she walked out of the door.

"Vanessa" Zac called out to her "same deal as before feel free to come by here while I'm gone."

Zac decided after that sex he had that it was time to work out to get a little more in shape for his part. He pulled the card out of his bag for that gym he had been told about now seemed as good a time as any to go check it out. Zac got his phone out again and dialed the number on the back of the card. He figured if he was going to the gym that Jensen goes to it would be better if he called and ask if he wanted to go with first rather then run into him uncomfortably. The phone rang a few times before going to the voicemail.

"Jensen it's me Zac just calling to see if you wanted to go to that gym with me see ya" said Zac.

Zac hung up the phone, went and got his gym bag out of the closet, and got directions online he was about to go out the door when his phone started ringing. Zac looked at the caller ID and saw that it was Jensen.

"Hello" Zac answered

"Hey it's Jensen just got your voicemail I am already at the gym you can come meet me and I can give you a guest pass so you can work out today and deal with membership paper work some other time" Jensen's voice said.

"That sounds cool I needed a workout before my audition" said Zac.

"Audition for what?" Jensen asked.

"Tell you when I get there" Zac responded.

"I'll be waiting out front" Jensen said.

Zac got into his car and drove off to the gym using his directions. He pulled into the parking lot and saw Jensen standing outside the door. Zac parked and went up to Jensen.

"Hey so how have you been" Jensen asked Zac.

"I'm good" said Zac "how about you?"

"Fine" Jensen said.

"That's good" said Zac.

"Well, what is the audition for" Jensen asked Zac loudly.

"Oh nothing big just a role in Smallville said Zac calmly.

"Are you just guest starring for an episode, what's the part?" Jensen asked more calmly.

"Just the part of Bruce Wayne" said Zac "nothing big."

"What you actually get to be a superhero" Jensen asked excited once again.

"Technically no" Zac said "I get to play a billionaire teenager if I get the part."

"Don't worry about it you have it already" Jensen said reassuringly handing Zac a card "let's go inside."

They entered the gym and showed their passes to the attendant at the desk and went to the locker room to put their stuff down. As Zac and Jensen worked out Zac was looking around at some of the celebrities that were working out. He saw some pretty big celebrities working out he wanted to go talk to them all but figured it wouldn't be the best idea. After a few hours Zac and Jensen went to a bench press to finish up there workout and put some weights on it. Zac laid down on the press and picked up the bar and Jensen spotted him.

"So did you have a good time at that party" Jensen asked Zac smiling down on him.

"What do you think" Zac breathed out between reps not wanting to think about it.

"It was pretty fun" said Jensen and Zac noticed a bulge forming in Jensen's sweats.

"You better calm down" Zac said getting up from the bench and letting Jensen make his reps.

"What?" Jensen asked sitting on the bench and readjusting "whoops."

"If your show films out in Canada too" Zac started "why are you out here?"

"We are on break" said Jensen "nice to know you don't want me here."

"No I was just wondering about it" said Zac "will you be there when Smallville is filming?"

"Sometimes, we will be filming again in two days" said Jensen finishing his reps and sitting up.

"I'll be out there by then" Zac said as they walked back toward the locker room "maybe we can hang out."

"Sure sounds fine" Jensen said "I'm gonna go for a steam would you like to accompany me?" Jensen asked Zac.

"Uhh... sure" Zac said not sure if it was the wisest decision.

They went to their lockers and took off their clothes before wrapping up in their robes. Zac thought he saw Jensen peak over as he tightened his robe. They made their way to the steam room and Jensen opened the door and let Zac enter first. They were the only ones inside from what Zac could see. Jensen took off his robe and hung it on one of the hooks.

"I thought you were supposed to wear covering in these things" Zac said.

"No one will know I always steam in the nude" Jensen said sitting down barely visible to Zac in the steam "feel free to keep yours on."

"No, I just thought those were the rules" Zac said going to the hooks and hanging up his robe next to Jensen's.

Zac slipped but grabbed onto some sort of dial on the wall to keep from falling. Zac noticed the steam getting thicker in the room.

"Zac are you messing with the steam control" Jensen's voice called "turn it back down."

Zac turned the notch but the excess steam that was already in the room would take a while to dissipate. Zac walked slowly towards where he had seen Jensen sitting, he heard Jensen now humming.

"Why are you humming?" Zac asked still unable to see trying to follow the voice.

"Self entertainment" said Jensen "you're taking forever."

Zac got close to the voice he felt for the bench and felt it. Zac left his hand on the bench and turned and sat down but apparently the spot he had been touching was next to Jensen and he sat directly on his lap.

"Hey what are you doing" said Jensen.

Zac was about to jump up but felt Jensen's strong hands grab him on his hips "I get it you want a continuance on our other encounter" Jensen said "that's why you were asking about hanging out."

Zac didn't know what to do he wanted to be true to Vanessa but the strength of Jensen's hands controlling him was getting him hard which Zac noticed from the feeling on his back that Jensen was hard too. Zac couldn't help it and decide to lean back putting his head on Jensen's shoulder which motivated Jensen to move his hand over Zac's moist sweaty abs and his other hand down to Zac's cock. Jensen began to suck on the spot between Zac's neck and shoulders as he slowly stroked Zac's dick. Zac began to moan slightly as the door to the steam room opened.

"Anyone in here" the voice asked through the steam as the figure entered and closed the door behind.

"Yeah" Zac said after jumping off of Jensen's lap as Jensen's teeth dug into his skin a little so he was sitting with Jensen to the right of him.

"So what's your name" asked Jensen to the figure that was still unclear in the steam.

"James" the figure said as his face became visible and he held out his hand "James Lafferty."

"Zac Efron" Zac said shaking James' hand.

"Jensen Ackles" Jensen said shaking hands with him as well.

"I see you guys are letting it all hang out" James said a towel around his waist noticing they were naked but luckily soft from the surprise of his appearance "I don't want to be the odd man out" and he undid the towel.

"This week has been a bitch" said James sitting near them to the left of Zac and leaning back.

"One of those weeks" said Jensen moving his hand to rest on Zac's thigh and Zac quickly knocked his hand away "my day is starting to get hard."

"Yeah this week started with water getting shut off at my apartment" James said then "I couldn't get any tail so I've been pretty moody lately when I finally got some chick yesterday she blue balled me."

"That sounds shitty" said Zac.

"Tell me about it I had an early shoot today and I came by the gym and I was gonna get my rocks off in here" James said "pretty pathetic huh?"

"That's funny `cause right before you walked in-" Zac jabbed Jensen in the side and he stopped.

"We were talking about the same thing" Zac said trying to avoid James finding out anything.

"Beating off in here?" James asked.

"Yeah" said Jensen before Zac had a chance to respond "just a couple of guys getting off in the same room."

James scooted over towards Zac and Jensen on the bench "so what did you have in mind?"

Zac could see James' sweaty pecs and abs and cock wasn't too bad from what he could see it was circumcised and the length seemed good for being soft. Zac wondered how big his cock would be hard and without thinking he put his hand on James' thigh.

"What are you doing?" James asked Zac rather calmly for being rubbed by a guy.

"Sorry it's just your thigh it is really nice, how do you get them to look like that?" Zac asked trying to think of a lie.

"Oh just a little exercise I run a lot" James answered "so about this jerking off thing."

"Just start when your ready do what you want" said Jensen putting his hand on Zac's thigh who once again smacked it away.

Jensen started to stroke his own cock and it started to get hard again and the other two started stroking their own cocks. James stroked his dick and slowly began to run his other hand up from his sweaty abs to his pecs and began to play with his nipples. Zac began to play with his nuts as he stroked his dick faster than the other two trying to cum and get out of there as fast as possible.

"You'd better slow down there Zac" said Jensen "you're gonna beat us by a mile if you keep at that pace."

"Oh I didn't notice must be nervous, it's my first time doing anything like this before" Zac lied.

"Maybe I should help you so you keep up with us" said Jensen moving his hand onto Zac's thigh once again.

"Then... uhh... James would feel left out" said Zac looking over to James.

"If he does I can help him out too" said Jensen crouching on the floor between Zac and James and looking over to James who had a rather surprised look on his face.

"Isn't that going a little too far?" James asked them.

"Nonsense" Jensen reassured putting his other hand on James' lap "it'll be like in high school."

"I never did anything like that in high school" said James a little uneasily "but I guess it's never too late to try."

"You're right" said Jensen moving his hand slowly to James' and Zac's dicks at the same time.

Jensen slowly began to stroke both cocks at the same pace. James leaned on the wall just as he had when he was stroking his own cock with his eyes closed still tweaking his own nipples but now rubbing the other hand over his abs. Zac stared at James as he continued to rub over his body loving the way his body looked. Jensen leaned in and began sucking Zac's nipple without James noticing. Zac loved the feeling as he felt Jensen begin to nibble on Zac's nipples. Zac ran his hand through Jensen's hair while watching James making sure he didn't see. Jensen moved his head and started to kiss Zac on the lips very passionately. Zac began rubbing all over Jensen's back and Jensen moved his hand so it was on the small of Zac's back "He's good he can make out like this and continue to jerk James off" Zac thought. Zac felt Jensen's other hand run up his thigh and knew James was probably watching now and quickly pushed Jensen away.

"What were you two doing" James asked them.

"We got carried away" Zac said.

"I was sucking on his nipple so I decided to suck on his tongue" said Jensen Zac was surprised he was being so forward.

"Wait first you were feeling up my leg and he really wants to help us out and now this you guys are gay aren't you?" James asked putting all the clues together.

"No" said Zac "we're friends with benefits."

"Whatever it was it looked kinda-" James said getting cut off by Zac leaning in and kissing him "I am really horny" said James justify himself as Zac pulled away.

"So am I" said Zac lying down on the bench and James leaned on top of Zac and began to kiss him on the lips.

Zac began to stick his tongue in James' mouth but James beat him to the punch Zac began to massage James' tongue with his own. Jensen started to eat out James' ass hole as Zac and James continued there make out session with James occasionally moaning into Zac's mouth. Zac rubbed James' chest with one hand held his and James' cocks together with the other stroking them in unison. Zac was starting to get into the man to man sex thing again forgetting about Vanessa he wanted taste James' dick he needed to. Zac broke the kiss and began to slide underneath James' body kissing all the way down to James' cock which he began to suck as soon as he got to it. Jensen now moved over to Zac's balls and began to suck on each one before he started to suck on Zac's cock. James started to fuck Zac's face and Zac made sure his teeth wouldn't do any damage and tightened his lips around James' cock. Jensen started sticking his fingers in Zac's ass as he deep throated Zac's cock.

"Hope you're ready for this" said Jensen spitting on his hand and rubbing it on his cock and Zac's asshole and slowly began to insert the head of his cock.

James stopped fucking Zac's face and stood up and kissed Jensen before getting up behind him. James spit in his hand and rubbed on his dick and Jensen's ass. James started to stick the head of his cock in Jensen tight hole. Once James had the head of his cock in Jensen's ass he started to slowly thrust into him pushing Jensen's dick deeper into Zac. Zac tried not to moan too loudly as to draw anyone's attention to the steam room as Jensen's cock slammed into him. Zac loved the feeling of Jensen's dick he knew he was close to cumming. Jensen was in heaven his dick in Zac's ass and James' cock rubbing his prostate he couldn't think of a time he felt better. James had never felt anything as good as Jensen's ass he could feel the energy building as he came closer to his climax. Zac started to cum all over himself and James started to cum in Jensen's ass. As Jensen felt James cum inside him he started to cum in Zac. Zac began to clean out Jensen's ass with his tongue after the cocks were out of their asses. James began to lap the cum out of Zac's ass. When they were done they all exited the steam room and went to their lockers to get dressed. James had the locker right next to Zac and Zac could see him peaking over as the dressed.

"Well I have to go home and pack" said Zac feeling dirty "see ya.

See ya said Jensen grabbing his bag and leaving rather quickly.

Wait said James to Zac as he was leaving.

"What?" asked Zac wanting to get out of their and forget about everything.

I just wanted to get your number so we could hang out sometime said James.

Zac handed him a card and left without saying another word. Zac got in his car and drove home to prepare for his audition tomorrow.

------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's it for the sixth one hope you like it sorry it took so long. Love the feedback I know James has nothing to do with Smallville but I couldn't resist hope you like it.

Next: Chapter 7

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