Zac Goes to Smallville

By moc.liamg@88enyawb

Published on Mar 6, 2008


This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives properties or possessions. I do not own, write, or have any knowledge of the Smallville script or future characters.

This Chapter has a little bit of line reading for the actors things in parentheses are being done by the actors according to the script.

Zac Goes to Smallville Part 9

------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recap -------------------------------------------------------------------------

"It's ok if I just sleep in boxer's right?" Justin asked Zac.

"Yeah that's cool I sleep the same way" said Zac.

Zac got under the covers and Justin did the same. Justin clicked the lamp on his side off and then reached over Zac and turned off his as well.

"Night babe" said Justin and gave Zac a peck on the lips.

Zac knew he was probably thinking he was at home but couldn't help but smile as he fell asleep next to Justin Hartley who had just kissed him.

"Rise and shine sleepy head" said Justin as he walked through the door "I got coffee for us."

"Hey when did you wake up?" Zac asked sitting up and yawning.

"About a half hour ago" Justin responded setting down the coffees on a table in the room "I wasn't sure how you like your coffee so I grabbed a whole bunch of stuff."

"Cool" said Zac standing up and stretching he realized he had some massive morning wood and quickly covered himself.

"Dude what did I tell you?" Justin asked seeing Zac "I don't care if you have wood, or if you jerk off, piss, burp, or even fart in front we're like brothers got it?"

"Yeah" said Zac removing his hands.

"Now go take a piss and get rid of it" said Justin "don't be surprised if one morning you wake up and I'm beating off next to you."

"I wish" Zac mumbled under his breath.

"What was that?" Justin asked.

"I have to piss" Zac lied as he started to piss.

"How do you want your coffee?" Justin asked.

"Two creams and five sugars" said Zac.

Zac walked out and got his coffee from Justin and took a swig before going to his luggage to get a shirt.

"Did you want to practice lines or martial arts?" Justin asked Zac as he rummaged through his stuff.

Zac pulled out a shirt and put it on "whatever you want to do is fine with me" said Zac.

"Here take this" said Justin handing Zac a script "read the Lois lines so I can practice for the scene."

Zac sat down his coffee and Justin stood in front of him. Justin stood still for a while before giving Zac a nod to tell him to go. Justin took off his shirt first.

(Lois enters the Oliver Queen apartment) "Ollie what are you doing back here" said Zac.

"I still have business to take care of here" said Justin "and I still live here you do know you walked in my apartment. (Zac turns to go back up the elevator) Lo I don't want to leave things the way we did."

"You are going to have to deal with it (Zac has tears running down her face) you need to follow your destiny of jumping off rooftops and saving damsels in distress and I can't spend all day praying that you'll come home to me" said Zac.

"Lo I would give up all of it up for you" said Justin (drops to his knees).

"I would never ask you to do that Ollie" said Zac "I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I did."

"There are other people in this world that can pick up the slack I'll leave behind." Said Justin "Without you I feel completely powerless my aim is three thousandths of a centimeter off right now."

"I can't do it I'm sorry maybe one day it will be different but till that day you and I are through" said Zac (Turning around).

"Wait (Justin puts his hand on Zac's shoulder and Zac turns around) can you stay for a little" said Justin just as friends.

"Last time we were both here all the glass in the room was shattered and I was tied up and knocked out" said Zac.

"I won't let anything happened to you" said Justin (Justin embraces Zac and kisses him passionately).

Zac let the kiss go on until he started to feel his cock get hard and broke the kiss "Uhh... I think that is all for today" said Zac getting more confused.

"I am so sorry I got carried away in the moment it's in the script" said Justin.

"It's ok I was just surprised by it" said Zac.

"I am so sorry we can go ahead and practice martial arts" said Justin.

"Yeah I need to go to the bathroom again first" said Zac walking into the bathroom.

Zac turned the water on and splashed it over his face and looked into the mirror.

"Look at you... you're pathetic" said Zac to himself in the mirror "you are acting like a child. You want to have sex with guys and claim to be straight. Justin kisses you by accident and you freak out, this is after fucking a guy in a bathroom the night before and giving a damn. If you're not going to admit it to anyone then admit it to yourself. Without Lucas I have to be my own voice of reason."

Then Zac started to think about what has happened with Justin. What if Justin hadn't just kissed him by accident? What if it was all some plan. Justin had been so gung ho on Zac practicing love scene lines with him. Zac decided he needed to make a move he'd go slowly just in case he was wrong and Justin was completely straight. Zac exited the bathroom Justin jumped off the bed and shut off the TV he was wearing sweats now.

"You ready to practice?" Justin asked Zac.

"Actually I was thinking we could do some brotherly bonding" said Zac.

"Ah... sure what did you have in mind" Justin asked.

"My brother and I used to beat off together at home when we were younger" said Zac "it might make me a little more comfortable around you."

"Well... I used to do stuff like that with my older brother" said Justin sitting back on the bed "so I guess it is good for bonding."

"So you want to?" Zac asked.

"Yeah come sit down we'll just sit here and relax and beat off a little I haven't beat off since yesterday afternoon so I'm good for one" said Justin leaning up against the wall "you didn't happen to bring any material did you or are we stuck with just imagination."

"Didn't bring anything" said Zac sitting on the bed and leaning against the wall he and Justin were about a foot and a half apart.

"That's ok I'll make due" said Justin rubbing his crotch through his sweats.

Zac took off his shirt and threw it to the ground as he rubbed his crotch through his boxers. Justin took off his shirt as well and removed his sweats and continued to rub through his boxers. Zac's fully erect cock eight inch cock was starting to poke through Zac's boxers. Zac pulled his cock through the slit on his boxers and started to stroke his dick.

"That's a nice one you got there" said Justin "how big?"

"I'm eight inches" said Zac "how about you?"

Justin pulled his hard cock through the slit "about nine and a half inches" said Justin.

Justin laid his head back on the wall and started to stroke his cock. Zac stared as Justin stroked his own dick and Zac stroked his own. Zac wanted to grab Justin's dick as Justin stroked it. Zac wanted to know what Justin's cock tasted like but if Justin was straight he would probably get his ass kicked for sucking on it or even touching it.

"Zac why are you so far away" asked Justin opening his eyes "get closer bro."

Zac scooted closer till their shoulders were touching "is that better?" Zac asked.

"Fine" said Justin.

"So, how does your wife like your cock?" asked Zac.

"She loves it" said Justin "how about your girl?"

"Your cock she doesn't like it as well as she likes mine" said Zac.

"So when you and your brother did this kind of stuff how far did you go?" Justin asked.

"Nothing to weird just a little measuring and poking or prodding" said Zac.

"That's all you did me and my brother used to touch jerk and one time and only one time he uhh..." Justin stopped and took a deep breath "he sucked me off-"

"What the hell" said Zac laughing "you let him suck you off that's so gay and isn't that like inkest or something he wanted to suck you off he must be gay."

"The word you're looking for would be incest and no he only did it `cause I asked him to" said Justin "and only if I jerked him till he came and I licked it off my hand and he only did it for a minute and we were like 11."

"Well I guess that makes it ok" said Zac "was that the last time you did anything with a guy?"

"Well we did occasionally beat off together afterward never as freaky as that though, and that hasn't been since like high school" said Justin "but I'd do it a little more if you... uhh... wanted to bond a little."

"Uhh... how about just a helping hand" said Zac not wanting to freak Justin out.

Justin reached over and put his hand over Zac's and started to stroke Zac's cock as Zac removed his hand from his own cock. Zac closed his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of Justin's hand. Justin took Zac's hand and put it on Justin's cock and Zac began to slide his hand up and down Justin's cock. Justin took his hand off of Zac's cock and spit into it Zac opened his eyes. Justin put his hand back on Zac's cock and started to stroke it again Zac loved the feeling of Justin's saliva on his pole.

"Dude that feels so good" said Zac.

"It's just like using lube" said Justin.

Justin reached over and now put pressure on Zac's perineum with his index and middle fingers and Zac started to moan like crazy as he nearly exploded.

"Justin that feels... so... GOOD" said Zac.

"It's just your chode dude" said Justin "you never knew about it?"

"Huh... no..." said Zac as he tried to contain himself.

Zac started to move around as Justin continued to stroke him while still putting pressure on Zac's gouch. Zac moved too much and Justin's index and middle fingers slipped into Zac's ass hole. Zac could no longer contain himself.

"Oh FUCK" said Zac as he began to shoot load after load into the air and it fell back down onto Justin's hand.

"That was a nice load sorry about sticking my fingers in your ass though" said Justin "can you go get a towel?"

"Wait let me get you off first" said Zac reached over and started to play with Justin's perineum. Zac applied pressure as he crouched over Justin jerking him off at the same time. Zac stroked Justin's dick faster and faster and Justin began to moan in ecstasy as he came close to climax.

"Oh fuck yeah" said Justin as his loads shot straight up hitting Zac in the face as shot after shot hit Zac on his chin and cheek.

"Nice load" said Zac wiping his cheek with a finger and sticking it in his mouth.

"Dude you just swallowed that cum" said Justin "you didn't even hesitate."

"I usually lick up my cum when I jerk off" Zac lied getting scared "I guess it must have been a force of habit." "We had better get to practicing those moves" said Justin getting up off the bed and going to the bathroom.

"Uh... yeah" said Zac standing up as well and going to get a towel to wipe up the rest of the cum.

When Zac walked in he saw Justin standing there licking his fingers clean. Zac didn't say anything he walked back outside the bathroom and stood out of site.

"Hey bring me a towel out here too" said Zac.

"Yeah... uhh... sure" said Justin and Zac saw him as he came out of the bathroom wiping his hands with towel before throwing it to Zac.

"So what did you want to practice?" Zac asked.

"How about the moves for our scene together?" said Justin "I believe I am supposed to win that fight."

"That scene starts out with me beating up a criminal and pulling a gun on him doesn't it?" Zac asked.

"Yeah and I come in and you have to fight me I beat you but you use some gadget to get away" said Justin.

They practiced the scene until they had it down packed. When they were done practicing they were both exhausted.

"Look at the time we gotta get ready" said Justin looking at the clock "you can have the first shower."

"Where are we going?" Zac asked.

"Oh Tom wants us to go by and practice some lines with him today I think he is making lunch" said Justin "we're supposed to be there in an hour."

"You know you could tell me this stuff beforehand" said Zac.

Zac got undressed and went into the shower and cleaned up. Zac thought about Justin hiding the fact that he was licking up Zac's cum. Zac thought Justin had to be gay or at least extremely curious. Zac was starting to get hard again thinking about Justin so he just consintrated on his shower so they could get to Tom's place. Zac got out of the shower and dryed off before going back in the bedroom where Justin was already waiting naked.

"Finally" said Justin.

"I'm getting tired of people saying that when I get out of the shower" said Zac.

"Well since you want me to tell you everything" Justin started "I should probably tell you that one of my wife's friends is coming out here either today or tomorrow and he wants to meet me or us if you want to come with."

"Sure" said Zac "I'd love to go. Who is it?"

"The guy that took over my role on Passions" said Justin.

"You had better get in the shower before we're late" said Zac.

Zac threw on some basketball shorts and a t-shirt and waited for Justin. Zac watched some TV Passions just happened to be on and Zac looked for the guy that played Justin's character. It didn't help that Zac didn't know what Justin's old role was but he did look at the hot guys. There was in particular that stood out above the rest of them. He thought the name was Nicholas Foxworth Crane at least that's what he heard. Justin stepped out of the bathroom and Zac shut off the TV. Justin got dressed and he and Zac left the room and went to the car.

"You grabbed the scripts right?" Justin asked.

"Of course I did I'm not an idiot" said Zac "they're in the back seat."

They pulled up to Tom's place and got out. Zac and Justin walked up to the door and knocked. The door flew open and Tom was standing on the other side.

"Mike they're here" Tom yelled.

"Did you grab the scripts" Justin asked.

"I'll go get em" said Zac holding out his hand and Justin gave him the keys.

Zac walked over to the car and opened the door. When he looked inside there were no scripts in the back seat. Zac riffled around before giving up and admitting he hadn't put them in the car. He went back up to the door where Justin was still talking to Tom and Michael Rosenbaum had now joined them.

"Uhh... Justin I can't find them" said Zac.

"You said you put them in there" said Justin.

"I don't exactly-" Zac got cut off by Justin.

"Forget it I'll go get them" said Justin he turned to Michael "still think he's stuck with me?"

"Wait up Justin I'll go with you" said Michael.

"You're staying here then?" Tom asked.

"Yep" said Zac and he went into Tom's place.

"I have some drinks in the fridge if you want some" said Tom.

"So this is your other pad" said Zac looking around and it looked almost identical to Tom's other place.

"You like it" said Tom walking up to Zac and standing inches away from him.

"So the guys should be back in a little bit" said Zac.

"About a half hour to get there and back" said Tom.

Tom leaned in and started to kiss Zac on the laps. Tom moved his hand and rested in on the front of Zac's pants. Tom slid his hand under Zac's waistband and into Zac's boxers and started to play with Zac's semi hard now seven and a half inch cock. Zac gave into his emotions and started to kiss Tom back he started to take off Tom's shirt. Tom broke the kiss and took Zac's hand and pulled him into the bedroom. Tom threw Zac on the bed and took off his own shirt before getting on top of Zac again. Tom and Zac began to kiss again now Zac was undoing Tom's jeans as Tom stuck his hand back down Zac's pants to play with Zac's now fully erect eight inch cock again. Tom's cock was now at a full ten and a half inch cock and Zac could feel it through Tom's boxers. Zac remembered how it felt to have that monster inside him and he kind of missed it. Zac slid his shorts down and moved his legs to get them the rest of the way down and kicked them off. Tom slid his pants off and started to kiss down Zac's body till he got to Zac's cock and started to lick up the shaft and took Zac's eight inch cock in his mouth. Zac moaned as Tom deep throated his cock. Tom pulled Zac's cock out of his mouth and put Zac's legs over his shoulders and started to stick his cock in Zac's ass.

"Oh god... just like I remember it" Zac moaned.

"You like it" said Tom and he leaned down and started to kiss Zac again.

Tom slid the full ten and half inches into Zac's ass and Zac moaned into Tom's mouth. Tom slid his dick out slowly and slid it back in. Tom started to pick up his pace till he was slamming Zac into the headboard. Zac could feel energy rushing through his body as he neared his climax. As Zac held it in he started to clench his hole. The pressure got to Tom and he began to cum in Zac's hole as Zac started to cum all over himself. Tom jumped up and went into the bathroom to clean up.

"Dude that was great thanks" said Tom.

"Sure any time" said Zac feeling as though all he had did for Tom was buy him lunch.

"You should clean up they should be here any time now" said Tom.

Tom threw Zac a towel and Zac wiped off his abs and his hole before putting on his shorts and his shirt. Tom and Zac walked out to the living room together and they saw Justin and Michael sitting on the couch drinking some beers.

"Uhh... how... how long have you guys been here?" Tom asked.

"Just got back" said Michael with a smile.

"We were thirsty and decided to get some beers from the fridge" said Justin.

"He was giving me a tour of his pad" Zac lied.

Zac went and sat on the couch next to Justin. They all sat around and joked a little before practicing their lines.

That's the end of this chapter sorry it took so long I've been really busy lately. I'll try to get the next one out sooner but there is a lot I have going on it so it might take a while. Thank for the feedback feel free to send ideas on even character from outside of Smallville that you would like to make cameos. I'm working on one right now I'll try to have it in the next one. Sorry if there are a lot of errors I wanted to get it out so I didn't proof read it.

Next: Chapter 10

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