Zach and Bill

By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on Jan 26, 2016



Zach and Bill

This is a work of gay fiction from the imagination of the author. It is the property of the author and may not be used without his written consent. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is accidental. If you are not of age to read this please leave now. If this type of story offends you or is illegal where you live, leave now. If you are still here please support with a donation. There are many places in the world where gay people are oppressed. Support them by helping organizations that provide them with hope.

Zach and Bill- a start

Zach and Bill were a couple. Both were in their late thirties. They'd met while in school at the state university. It was not love at first sight. They were casual friends for a while but drew closer over a semester. Over the New Year's break they had signed up for a ski trip organized by the student gay group. By chance they'd been assigned as room mates at the lodge. They were total opposites. Bill was an education major and not into sports except for swimming to relieve pressure from his studies. Zach was a criminal justice major. He was an active athlete from a family with a long tradition in law enforcement. Physically they were a match except for Zach's crew cut blond hair. He admired Bill's slim body and dark hair. He also often dreamed of men. It was his secret from his family and friends at home. At the university he felt that he could be himself.

Bill was an outspoken liberal with views on everything. He and Zach were often to be found on opposite sides in any discussion. He knew far too well what it meant to be outside of family and friends. When he told his parents that he was gay while in high school they were not happy. They were strong conservative Christians. They could not understand where they had failed in raising Bill. Luckily for Bill his high school record was good enough to get him into the university with some scholarship money. He had a legacy left by his grandparents to his education. With that and some student loans he was able to lead a normal life in school.

The ski trip was a bit of luck for both men. It was cheap and gave them an excuse to leave their families after a tense Christmas. The room had 2 twin beds and an ensuite bath. The lodge was near the ski lift and the fees were included in the price. They would have to furnish all their own meals except for breakfast. On the bus ride to the lodge they'd met and spent sometime talking, mostly about school and their families. When it came time for room assignments Zach spoke up first and asked for Bill as his room mate. It was a done deal since Bill was too stunned to protest.

While unpacking Bill asked why Zach he had picked him. Without a moment of hesitation Zach replied "I wanted to get to know you better." Bill was silent, not knowing how to respond. Dinner that night with the group at a local fast food place was nice enough with neither spending much time talking with each other. On the way back to the lodge Zach had stopped by the carry out and bought a bottle of bourbon and some sodas. Bill decided that he's get some beer. He didn't want to appear cheap.

Once in the room they decided to put the beer on the balcony to chill and just have mixed drinks. After a few drinks Bill began to freely discuss his relations with his parents. Zach sat there listening. He knew that his room mate had to get it all out. When Bill finished Zach sat next to him on the bed and put his arm around Bill to offer him some comfort. He confessed that he'd never had the courage to tell his family that he was gay.

They sat in silence for a long time with Zach's arm around Bill's shoulder and Bill arm around Zach's waist. The moon light shining on the snow was visible outside the window. At the same time they turned to each other and their lips met in a soft kiss. They broke apart with both knowing that the sexual tension in the room had increased. Neither had been that sexually active and lacking experience did not know what to do next.

To break the tension, Zach announced that he needed a shower. He stood to undress, not caring that Bill was there. The strong, muscular body he saw embaressed him. It was much better than his own thin swimmer's build. Zach was used to locker rooms and the gym so he did not notice Bill staring. He went off to shower.

When he finished his shower, Zach walked back into the room wrapped in just a towel. Bill was in his bed under the covers pretending to read a brochure from the resort. But in reality he was watching Zach's every move. Zach broke the silence, "I hope you dont mind but I sleep naked. I can't stand the tangle of cloths at night. Bill looked directly at Zach face, avoiding where he really wanted to look as he spoke softly "It doesn't bother me." As he spoke he pulled the covers from his body revealing his own nakedness. For amoment Zach was speechless seeing the slim, toned body. His dick immediately hardened under the towel. Bill laughed at the tented towel for minute before speaking "It looks like someone is excited. It must be the shower and the mountain air. He didn't noticed that his own cock had come to attention. Both me laughed at the situation. Then each one climbed into his own bed to sleep.

The darkness of the room hid the fact that neither one was asleep. Bill tossed and turned trying to sleep. Zach was no better. After an hour of trying to sleep Zach took the bull by the horns and turned on the lights. He sat naked on the edge of the bed. He watched Bill for a minute before softly whispering " I guess we'd better face this or neither one of us will get any sleep." He walked the few feet to Bill's bed. Zach slipped under the covers into that tight space. Bill felt him lay there for just a second before he pushed back until his back was against Zach's chest. Zach slipped his arm around Bill's waist, pulling tight to his own body. His hard cock nestled in Bill's crack. Feeling the contact Bill moved slightly to get the full contact with the cock. Doing so gave Zach the permission he needed. He kissed Bill's neck softly as he held him tight against his now throbbing cock.

Bill turned over to face Zach. Their closeness left only one possible thing to do. Their lips met in a kiss that started out soft but quickly grew into one of intense passion. Bill opened his mouth to Zach's invading tongue. Hands were everywhere over each other's body. Zach pulled back looking at Bill. " I hope you want this as much as I do." Bill's only response was to pull Zach into another kiss. Holding Zach tightly against his body Bill rolled over onto his back with Zach laying on top of him. He moved his fingers to Zach's nipple. Softly rubbing them to hardness, he whispered " I don't have much experience because I've never gotten to know anyone that I trusted enough." Zach gave a soft laugh as he reached over to the table between the beds and pulled out a small bottle of lotion from the drawer. He showed the bottle to Bill who laughed. In a minute Zach had opened the bottle and inserted a lubed finger into Bill's crack searching for his pucker.

Bill's shyness evaperated. He pushed his body until he felt Zach's greased finger at his entrance. Feeling the soft opening, Zach pushed until he slipped past the tight muscle. Using two fingers he gradually opened Bill. When he felt Bill push back against his fingers he withdrew them and lubed his cock. He knelt over his soon to be mate, leaned in for a kiss as he moved into the hot, welcoming tunnel. It was a quick mating, both were desiring this with such intensity that they came at the same moment.

Satisfied now both men fell asleep in each other's arms in the same bed. They awoke in the morning both with stiff morning woods. Bill felt Zach pull him closer into his body, not wanting to let the contact end. Reality set in when the phone rang. It was the trip organizer calling to remind them of breakfast. Zach picked up the phone and mumbled a thanks. Zach sat on the edge of the bed next to a sleeping Bill. He wondered what he had done. He never had just casual sex. True, he'd known Bill for a while but never thought of him in that way. Now all of that had been changed by one night. What would he say? How would they act around each other? His thoughts were interrupted by Bill waking. "Who was on the phone?" Bill mumbled, half awake. "Get up sleepy head, time for breakfast." Zach said throwing a pillow at his room mate. Bill sat up, suddenly he remembered the night before. He looked at Zach, confused but somehow happy. He asked himself some of the same questions that had been on Zach's own mind. Neither mentioned anything as they quickly showered and dressed to hurry to breakfast.

At breakfast the conversations were about the schedule for the day. They'd been slotted in for an early run on the slopes then some time on the ice. The slopes were fine with a nice covering of powder. They were grouped in fours with Bill and Zach in separate groups most of the time. When it came time for some skating Bill tried to beg off. He'd had little experience on ice skates. The others urged him to try at least. Once of the ice Bill felt ill at ease. He slipped on the first try, holding onto the rail. As he tried to get his balance, he felt a pair of hands grab his waist and hold him upright. Zach whispered " Don't be a whimp ! Here I'll help you, just hold my hand and go along with me. Don't move your legs, just float over the ice." After a few minutes and a turn around the ring, Bill gained his confidence and was enjoying himself. Zach was watching him closely, ready to come to his aid. Zach didn't know why he felt that way. He just did. Bill caught Zach staring at him once or twice.

After skating for an hour, the group decided to break for lunch. Pairs of guys left until it was only Bill and Zach left sitting by the ring. Bill pointed to a stand selling mulled wine and suggested they try that. He and Zach walked over, bought cups of the steaming brew and found an isolated, empty table. Sitting there silently enjoying the warmth of the wine, neither spoke. The elephant in the room was in both their minds. Finally, Zach could stand it no longer. He either had to talk about last night or ask for another room mate. He put his cup down and held up his hand. " Ok, we need to talk. I don't usually jump into bed with a guy I'd just met. But we've known each other for a semester. We both felt the need for it. Being honest I felt more than a need for release." He shut up after his confession. Bill sat just staring at his cup on the table. He was afraid that looking at Zach would give his own emotions away. Without looking up he spoke "I wanted it too. I know that we've often debated different sides of issues but somehow last night was different for me. It wasn't just the sex, it was a closeness." Both sat in silence finishing their wine. Standing Zach spoke first, "Do you want to try the slopes again or would you like to go back to the lodge, maybe sit by the fireplace with a glass of wine?" Bill only said " the lodge." Zach found a store nearby that had a good selection of wines. He picked out one to take back with them.

After getting settled in the lodge, they sat next to each other alone in front of the fire. They talked about the night and their feelings. Both agreed that it was an unusual experience. Zach asked if Bill wanted to exchange for another room mate? If he felt awkward, he'd understand. Bill was shocked at the suggested and rushed to say "No!" Zach felt warm inside and reached over to touch Bill's hand. Bill said "Let's go to our room."

That's how the pair became a couple. Over the next semester they dated as much as their schedules would allow. In the fall they decided to be room mates and asked the school for a room together. Fifteen years later they were still together. Bill found a teaching job in a medium sized school district. Zach found a job as a deputy in the county police department. They rented a place together and set up house. At some point they decided that they wanted a home of their own and bought a cottage outside of the town with a few acres of land around it. Their neighbors were friendly and never questioned the relationship. Over the years even the police force came to accept them as a couple.

The son of a neighbor, Tim, had been in Bill's classes in high school. He'd often come over to their house to help with chores for some extra money. He knew that they were a gay couple, just like any other couple in the town. He was now in his first year of community college and would often ask the men for help with his classwork. Both guys encouraged him in his studies. But Tim had a secret. One he did not share with anyone. He was gay and had been attracted to other men his whole life. He admired Bill and Zach. They were proud to be themselves and that pride generated a strength that was accepted by the community. Tim also had to admit to himself that he had a crush on both of those men. He never talked about sex, dating, or his feelings with them fearing it would end their closeness. All three of them regularly worked out at the local gym together. Zach was intent on keeping his body in good condition for his job. Bill and Tim joined him working on their own bodies. The gym time was a particular pain for Tim. Being so close to both men, seeing them naked in the showers made him more frustrated. At night he'd dream of their bodies, imaging them in bed, making love.

Tim's frustration did not go unnoticed by the couple. They would discuss the possible causes for it. Both had assumed that Tim was straight, just a late bloomer. Although Tim's parents were friends and neighbors, neither thought it would be a good idea to bring the topic up. Zach feared that the reason for Tim's behavior might be drugs. Bill had known Tim since high school and would not believe that the boy could be involved with that. They decided that the only way to help Tim was to confront him and work through whatever the problem was.

The following weekend both Zach and Bill were at home, free for a rare weekend together. Tim had called on Friday to ask if he could come over the next morning for some help. He didn't mention the topic so they assumed it was related to his school work. Tim arrived just as the men finished breakfast. He did not have any books with him. They all sat at the table over coffee. Bill spoke up first, "Tim, we've noticed that something seems to be bothering you. We're your friends and want you to know that whatever it is you can talk to us about it." Tim sat and stared at his coffee cup for a minute then mumbled some words that neither could understand. Zach asked him again what was wrong. With tears running down his cheeks, Tim sobbed and said "I'm gay!" Both men nodded and reached out to touch his shoulders to comfort him. They then explained about their own coming to terms with being gay and the problems they'd encountered with their families. Tears still ran down Tim' face as he looked up at them and said "But it's worse! I'm in love with two guys. I don't understand why. I just am." Zach let out a chuckle that made Bill give him a hard stare. Zach then spoke softly, "That's not unusual for a gay teen or even a gay man. Love comes in different forms and has different meanings." Bill nodded his agreement.

Tim just sat silently for few minutes before Bill asked him a key question "Have you told either guy yet?" Tim broke down again saying "I can't they'd hate me and never speak to me again." Zach decided to cut to the chase "Tim, this is just hurting you. If you don't face them and tell them you will never know how they feel." Tim jumped up from the table and began pacing the room. He stopped in front of both men "I've never done anything sexual and I'm afraid they'd just laugh at me!" That left both men stunned. Any boy at that age must'd had some sexual experiences of some sort. In a soft comforting tone, Bill spoke up "That's nothing to be ashamed of. It only means that you will be giving whomever you love, a precious gift." Zach joined in "It is a special gift you can only give once- yor innocence." Tim looked at both men intently and asked "Do you both really believe that?" They both nodded in the affirmative. Tim sat back down and reached for their hands. "OK, I'm going to tell you something and hope you will believe me." He took a deep breath and the words flooded out "I'm in love with both of you guys. I have been for years but didn't know what it meant until recently. Please don't reject me!"

Zach and Bill looked at each other. Each had a tear running down their cheek. Both had the same thought "could there be enough love in their relationship to help, to share with Tim?" Zach stood, walked behind Tim and wrapped his arms around him. He motioned for Bill to join him. The two men wrapped Tim in their arms. They let him know that they understood and would be there for him. Words were not needed only the embrace. The three stood holding each other with tears of joy. None of them understood where this would lead but all of them knew that this was a special moment.

Ok, guys this could be the start of something. Only you can determine that. Give me comments:

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