Zach Brimstone

By samuel coher

Published on Apr 5, 2009


Zach Brimstone pt 16

All the usual T's & C's apply. If you are offended by stories involving Boys or same sex relationships, then this is not the story for you.

All week Damien was with me which made it hard for me to get ready for the surprise party I was throwing him. I had Ryan and Jackie handle most of it. Ryan was in charge of the getting everything ready and food and stuff. Jackie on the other hand was inviting people.

Everyone that we knew would be there. Friday came up and still was not able to get his gift. I knew it was my last chance. I woke up with Damien wrapped around me. I slowly shook him awake. He did not budge. I looked down his slender body and notice someone else was awake instead.

I decided to give him a quickie before we needed to get up. My hand found its way down to his hardening member. I slowly wrapped my hand around it and softly stroked it up and down. He un-wrapped himself from my body and laid flat on his back. I kicked the covers off our body and turned on my side to get a better view.

My hand sped up and he started moan. I knew he was up now and was enjoying the wake up call. My hand went faster and faster and I felt his balls tighten up. He called out my name and then came all over my hand and his stomach.

He turned on his side and just smiled at me. I leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on the lips and got out of bed. He followed suit and we both head off to the bathroom. I open the door. I felt his hand on my ass and he gave it a little squeeze. I jumped a little forward and then my foot slipped on the carpet. I flew up in the air and Damien caught me in his arms.

I tilted my head upwards and gave him a goofy smile. I chuckled a little and then he pushed my up right. "Thanks for catching me," I said to him.

"Your welcome, I will always be there to get your back," he said back to me. Then he walked pass me and started the water. We both enter the shower and relaxed a little. It felt good that I was with him and I liked having him around. I felt his hands started to soap me up. He started with my back and then I felt his hands start to lower them on to my butt. He caressed my butt and then he inserted a finger into my hole. It sent a shiver down my spine.

I was slowly getting harder then I was. Then his other hand snaked around my waist and he started stroking me slowly. I just moaned and felt an overwhelming pleasure throughout my body. It made weak in the knees. I almost collapsed on the floor. Damien held me up and continued with what he was doing. He was in completely in perfect timing with fingering me and jerking me off.

A few moments later, I re-gained my balance and was just ready to end this. My body tensed up and I shot my load all over his hand and the wall. I put one hand on the wall and then other was just hanging lifeless at my side. The water flowed over my body and then I felt his hands wrap around me.

His lips came up to my ear and whispered, "You ok?"

I just shook my head because I was speechless. We finished with our shower and got dress real quickly.

After getting dress we went in the kitchen to make some breakfast since we still had some time before we had to leave. We poured some cereal into a bowl and sat down at the table.

"So, what you're plans for today?" Damien asked me.

"Well I got this errand I need to run after school but beside that nothing," I said to him.

"Would you like me to come with you?" he asked.

"I will be fine but thanks for the offer," I said to him.

"Oh ok, then in that case I will go home and finish up some laundry and visit my dad. I am sure he will be happy to see me since I have been here all week long," he said and then just dug into the food in front of him.

We said nothing till we finished eating. "Let's get to the bus stop," I said as I looked at the time.

"Ok," he said.

We went back to my room and grabbed on backpacks. Out the door we went and off the bus stop. As we walked down the street, I took his hand in mine and held on to it for the entire walk. He looked down and noticed and then a big smile came across his face.

I looked over and asked, "What is that smile for?"

"Well I just like this. Us, it is I really nice," he said to me.

"I understand. I feel the same way," I said back.

"What we doing tomorrow?" he asked with some anticipation in his voice.

"Tomorrow is Saturday, hmm." I said to him. He hit me in the arm and I just looked over at him. "It's a surprise."

"Tell me, tell me, tell me," he said and then gave me those puppy dog eyes.

"Those well not work this time," I said to him and looked the other way.

He grabbed my chin and forced me to look his way. I was so hard fighting those eyes. I closed my eyes and just waited for him to give up.

Luckily the bus came and we both had to walk on to it. We sat in the back of the bus. He looked over at me with those puppy dog eyes and I closed my eyes again. "It is not going to work," I said to him.

"Fine then I will not touch ever again if you do not tell me. That means no hugs, kiss, or finger," he told me and then crossed his arms.

"Fine but you will suffer too," I said back.

That got him all piss and he did not speak to me for the rest of the trip. We got to school and headed towards our class. The bell rang and I was just about to give him a kiss and he walked away.

I just thought to myself that hurts, so cold. "See you later babe," I said and then I walked to my class.

"See you later," he said.

I got to my class and Jackie followed me in. "Did I just see you get rejected by Damien?" she asked.

"Yeah, it ok though. I will not tell him the surprise that is going on tomorrow, so in turn he is not going to touch me. I will break him by the end of the day," I said to her with a big smile on my face.

"You go get him," she said and punched me in the arm.

Class started and I was planning my plan to get him to break his promise. Jackie went on about the party and filled me Ryan's part as well. The bell rang and we both went out.

Then I started my plan. I walked by his locker and dropped off a note. Then I went to my next class. The rest of the classes flew by and it was lunch time. I was wearing my jeans this morning but I went to gym and just kept my gym shorts on. I went to our normal spot. I sat down and waited for them to show up.

Jackie did not show up so it was just me and Damien. I figured Jackie was off with Elliot doing stuff I would mind doing with Damien but I had to wait.

"Hey babe," I said as he sat down.

"Hey, Zach," he said back.

I looked into his eyes and I noticed they were not looking at me but down south. That is when I knew he got my note. "Did you get my note?" I asked.

"Huh?" he said to me. He snapped back to reality. "What did you say?"

"I asked if you got my note," is aid again and rubbing my crotch.

"Yeah, I can see that you it is a lovely day out," he said.

That threw me off guard for a spilt second. I knew I got him hooked. I felt my cock growing and then Damien's eyes widen. I did not know how much longer he would be able to take it. I looked down at his crotch and he was having a nice size bugle as well.

"Well since your not touching me, I guess I must go a take care of this myself," I stood up and I had my shorts up just enough that the tip of my cock was hanging out.

See I changed in gym but did not put and underwear back on. I just stuff it all into my backpack. His eyes follow my every footstep. I walked just passed him and his face was at eye and nose level for him to see and get a good whiff of what he was missing out on.

I passed him and then lowered my shorts so no one else saw what was going on. I went into the bathroom and just started thinking about non-sexy thoughts. I splashed some cold water on my face. Just as I was about to leave I got a text.

It read: damn me and my stupid mouth. I want you so bad. Damien. I just smiled and knew one more little push would just send him over the edge. I was going to tease him in our last class. The bell rang and I went off to my last two classes.

It finally became my last class and I walked in. I made sure to take a seat in the back and Damien noticed I was in the back. He took the seat right next to mine. The good part was that the teacher was going to play a movie and the only light was going to be coming from the windows. I made sure that I would have enough light so he could see what was going on.

The lights went out and I start the show. I tossed him a note and it told him to look over. I pulled my shorts up again so you could see the tip of my cock. His eyes were glue on it. I start rubbing it between my thumb and fore finger. It started growing some more and then half of my cock were showing.

I looked up and I say that he was drooling a little. Then I wrapped my hand around my member and start to slowly jerk off. I know I need some freedom so I pulled my shorts up so that my balls now where hanging out in the open, so pretty much my entire cock was out in the open.

He was fighting the temptation. He was tapping his hand on the desk. I knew I got him. I sped up my jerking and then slowed it down. I want to make this last, then I tilted my head back and was holding back my moans. Then I felt another hand push mine away. I let that hand take over.

I looked over at Damien and he had a big fat grin on his face. We both knew what happened and we just started to enjoy it. A few more strokes and I came. Damien used his other hand to cup the cum. Then he brought it up to his face and licked it up off his hand.

That was hot. I pulled my shorts back down and my cock shrink down to its normal size. I asked the teacher if it was cool to go to the bathroom. The teacher let me go and I went with my backpack. I quickly changed and came back. Damien had fallen asleep and I tapped him on the shoulder as I past him.

His head popped up and looked over at me. He smiled and then put his head back down. I knew he was tried so I just let him sleep. The bell rang and we both packed up our stuff.

We walked out the door and I was going to the mall to get his gift. We both waited for the bus and his came first.

"Call me later," he asked me.

"Sure will babe," I said and leaned in to give him a kiss.

He kissed me back and got onto his bus. Then I was left alone, sitting on the bus stop. My bus came I got on. It was a nice bus ride and I just stared out the window. The bus finally arrived at the mall and I headed in.

I went walking around the mall and found the perfect gift. I bought it and then catch the bus back home. It was about eight when I got back home. My house was completely dark and it looked lonely. I entered and turned on a few lights to bright it up.

Just as I turned on the TV, there was a knock on my door. I went to get it and it was Ryan. "Hey cutie," I said to him.

"Hey, so I am bring over and setting up tonight so I would not have to worry about it tonight. Want to help?" he asked and stepped through the doorway.

"Sure let me just make one quick phone call," I said to him. He left to go get the supplies out of his car. I went into my room and made my phone call.

"Hey babe," I said when he picked up.

"Hey, I was wondering when you were going to call. Did you get what you need to get done?" he asked.

"Yeah and I hope it works," I said to him.

"What you doing for the rest of the night? Want me to come over? I'm bored over here," he said to me.

"Well I am going to go to bed. It was a long day and I want to be all bright eyed and bushy tailed for your big day tomorrow," I told him.

"Ok, then I will let you get your sleep and see you tomorrow. What time do you want to meet up?" he asked.

"I will meet you at your house around say ten," I said to him.

"Ok, sounds good. Love you and sweet dreams," he said to me.

"Love you too," I said back and then hung up the phone.

Just then Ryan walked in and was holding a box of stuff. I took it from his hands and we started decorating the house. We finished around two in the morning and I crashed out. Ryan must have gone home due to the fact that he was not there when I got up.

I got up and was getting ready when there was a knock on the door. I was only in my boxers and answered the door.

"Is this the residents of Zach Brimstone?" the man asked.

"That is me, why do you ask?" I asked.

"Ok, where are here to set the rest up," the guy said and then I let them in.

"How long is this going to take?" I asked.

"Depends on how long it takes for you to get dressed," he said and pointed out the fact that I was in nothing but my boxers.

I just realized that and quickly went back to my room. I got dressed and the guy was still just standing in the same spot I left him. "Did you guys finish?" I asked.

"Yep, just need you signature and we will be on our way," he said handing me clipboard.

I signed it and then looked into the living room. It was all set up and ready for later today. "Thanks and have a good day," the man said and then left just as quickly as he came.

I walked around the living room and was amazed at the job Ryan did on this party. I looked at the time and I had a couple o minutes to get my butt over to Damien's place. I ran out the door and down the street.

I got to his house and he was waiting outside. I gave him a weird look and then asked, "What are you doing outside?"

"Waiting on your cute ass," he said and spanked me.

"I take it your ready for you day to begin," I said and kissed him. He kissed me back and then we head out to the beach. We had our boarder shorts and on were just going to spend the day lounging on the beach. We got there and picked a spot not to close to water. We took off our shirts and then he tackled me.

We wrestle around in sand and started rolling down into the water. We splashed around and then we stopped. We looked into each others eyes and went into a kiss more passionate then normal. We the just took off for a little swim in the ocean.

After we got tried we went back up onto the beach and tanned for a little while. I looked at the time and we only had about a half an hour till I needed to bring him back to the house. I looked over at him and he smiled back at me.

I knew he was happy. "Just wanted to say Happy Birthday babe," I said to him and leaned over to give him a kiss.

"Thank you," he told me. "You ready to go back yet."

"In a little bit, I want to get a little more sun," I said to him and flipped over. A shadow came over me. I looked up and he was standing over me. "May I help you?"

He just slowly got on top and we kissed. He broke our kiss and said, "I would like my surprise now please. Then I can re-pay you with something else." He then squeezed my crotch and it started to grow.

I thought to myself damn it; he is not going to make this easy. "Babe, I really need about any hour of tanning or I will be uneven," I said and tried to give my best puppy dog eyes. He busted up laughing.

He stopped laughing and said, "Ok we will be hear for a half and hour and then I am taking you back to your places and we will have some fun."

"Deal," I said and then he got off me.

He laid back down and a half an hour past. The shadow came back over me. "I take it is time to go," I said looking up at him.

"Yep," he said and extended his hand to pull me up.

I grabbed his hand and grabbed my shirt. I put it back on and we started walking home. I got a text from Jackie saying everything was ready. I texted her back, were on our way should be there in five to ten minutes.

We made it back to my house. Damien noticed that the house seemed quiet. I unlocked the front door and I let Damien go in first. The lights turned on and everyone jumped out and yelled surprise. Damien was in shock. He took a step back and then turned towards me.

I just smiled at him and then he walked into the living room. There were balloons of every color and some had happy 17th birthday on it. A table in the corner had food and drinks on it. The cake was sitting on a different table. The sounds system that guy brought in this morning were hanging from the ceiling and it was no blasting hits from every decade.

He walked in to the room and saw everyone from school and his dad and Ryan. I just leaned on the doorway. It was a great party. I knew he was happy. They started to dance and joined in. We all had a good time.

His dad turned down the music and then spoke, "Son, I know you are happy now but I want to give your gift, please follow me." We all followed them outside and waiting in my driveway was a car that I did not know who it belonged to. "Son this is my gift to you."

It was nice car. It was 1964 Cherry Red Mustang. Damien hugged his dad and then went up to his new car. He started it up and it purred like a kitten. We all walked over and looked inside. He was smile and happy as a clam. He turned the engine off and got out. He locked it up and hugged his dad again.

We all went back inside and he started opening the rest of his gifts. He tore through them like a kid on Christmas day. He got some seat covers, some books and other odds and ends.

He finished opening the gifts and then we had cake. I turned out the lights and Ryan lit the candles. We all sung happy birthday to him and I swear I caught him blushing. He blew out the candles and I went to turn the lights back on.

I was not in the mood for cake so I slipped out to the backyard for a quick breather. I took a seat in the chair next to the door and looked up at the sky. I smiled at the thought that Damien was happy. A few moments passed and then the door opened. I looked up and it was Ryan.

"This is where you vanished off to," he said.

"Just need to get some fresh air. Is there any one looking for me?" I asked him.

He took a sit and said, "Nope, just me. You got a nice place here. So I had a question for you?"

"Thanks and what is the question?" I said and look back up at the sky.

"Well first off, that sound system is for you guys. Second I was wonder if we could have another steamy night, I want to try what we did to you the other night," he said.

"Well it does not sound too bad, I should clear it with Damien first but I see no problems," I said to him.

"I must admit something; I am envious of your guys. I would love to find someone that wants to share a life of happiness with each other. It would be great to come home to someone each and every evening. Well I better stop there before I get all emotional and shit," he said.

I looked over and saw a tear roll down his cheek. I got up and went over to give him a hug. He stood up and we hugged each other. I whisper in his ear, "Just give it time, it will come."

We broke the hug and then he went for the door. "You coming back inside?" he asked and tried to get some composer before he went back in.

"I'm going to stay out here for a little while longer," I told him. He shut the door and I went back to sitting down. A few more minutes passed and I heard the front door open and close. I assumed that some people were leaving and then the backdoor opened again.

This time it was Damien. "So this is where you are. What are you doing out here?" he asked me as he shut the door.

"Just getting some air, do not tell me you missed me

already," I asked him.

"Well I did miss you but that is not the reason why I came to find you," he told me.

"Then why did you come to find me sweetheart?" I asked him.

"Well I never did thank you. I just got caught up in the excitement of everything I totally forgot," he said and then saddled me and the chair.

I looked down my body and notice he had a bugle in the front of his shorts. "I take it that is how you want to thank me," I said and reached out and grabbed it.

He moaned at the touch but then pushed my hand away. "No I just wanted to say thank you and give you a kiss. That is for later," he said. "I also heard that Ryan wants to do another threesome with us. I told him it was ok and we will do it after the party."

"Well I guess we got a busy night, are you sure you want to do it tonight?" I asked.

"Yeah I am sure. I was going to ask anyway, plus it would be an awesome gift," he told me and kissed me. I kissed him back. "Let' get back to the party."

He got off of me and then I got out of the chair. We went back to the party and dance and chatted the night away. It was about midnight when everyone took off.

"You coming home tonight, son?" his dad asked him before he took off.

"I think I am going to stay the night here if that is ok?" he said.

"That is fine, just come home tomorrow I want to spend sometime with you," he said and then walk out the door.

He was the last person to leave and then it was just Damien, Ryan and me. We all sat down on the couch and were just relaxing. We did not know who wanted to start our little adventure.

I felt Damien hand go to my crotch and he was rubbing the shorts. Ryan was in the middle this time. I looked over and Damien was reaching over Ryan's lap. I looked down and noticed we all had bugles in our shorts. My hand went straight to Ryan's bugle and was rubbing it as well. Ryan's was work on Damien's member. We all we enjoying the touching and I took it up to the next level.

I got up and took off my shirt and then started to take off theirs. As soon as I lifted Damien's shirt off he went and helped with Ryan's. We both lift Ryan's shirt off. We tossed it to the floor and then we both worked on a nipple. Ryan just tilted his hand back and moaned.

Ryan's hands were on our crotches, making us even harder then before. I stopped working on his nipple and started to move south. I reached the waist line of his shorts and unbuttoned them. He was not wearing any underwear and I quickly removed them. Ryan's cock slapped his stomach and Damien went straight for it.

As Damien was busy going up and down on his cock, I wanted to work on him since he was teasing me all day. I go on my knees in front of him and slowly pulled down his shorts. His boxerbriefs were all tented up. I put my fingers in the waistband and he lifted his ass off the seat to let me pull them off.

His cock was sticking straight out and let my mouth engulf it. I slowly start bobbing up and down on it. He got off of Ryan's cock and moaned out in pleasure. Ryan came off the couch and I felt a tug on my shorts. I lifted my ass of the ground and my shorts and boxers came off in one quick pull. My cock hit the ground and then I felt Ryan's hand wrap around it. He slowly jerked me off. Then I felt his warm mouth on my cock, which in turn made me go faster on Damien's cock.

We were all enjoying ourselves when Ryan took the next step. I knew what he wanted and I figured since we were in the moment Damien would go for it. Ryan stood up and was just looking the both of us then he turned around. He bent over and placed his hands on the couch. He was waiting for us to start.

I got up off the ground and Damien follow suit. Damien started rimming him and Ryan's was enjoying that. I went off into the other room and came back with some lube so it would be easier on him. I started to lube up my cock and reach down between Damien's legs and lubed him up as well.

Damien stopped and then realized what Ryan wanted. He grabbed the lube from my hand and started to lube on his hole. Damien entered two fingers and Ryan moaned some more. Then a third finger was entered. Damien knew he was ready for us.

Damien started to enter him slowly and Ryan screamed a little cause he had not been fucked in a little bit. Damien finally was all the way in and then waited for Ryan to adjust to his cock. A few moments passed and Damien slowly rocked back and forth. Ryan got use to it and then it was time for me to enter.

Damien pulled all the way out till it was just his head inside Ryan's ass. I slowly entered Ryan's ass and we both pushed forward. He screamed out of the pressure that was being put into him. Damien and I stopped and leaned forward. We both whispered, "Just breath."

We pushed a little more every time he took a breath. We kept tell him to breath and then we finally both were inside him. We leaned forward to make sure he was alright. We kissed him on the cheek and he smiled. We slowly started to rock back and forth. I felt Damien's cock rub against mine and it felt so good. Now I know how Damien and Ryan felt when they fucked me. We sped up and Ryan was just moaning out of the intense pleasure that we were giving him.

I notice his hand was jerking him off, so I reached down and under him. My hand replaced his and I kept stroking him. Damien stopped pumping and Ryan's body tensed up. He came all over the couch and my hand. I took my hand off his cock and then lifted it up to my mouth. I licked his cum off me and then Damien started pumping again. I joined in and then Damien leaned over and we kissed. Some of Ryan's cum was on my mouth so Damien licked it off.

I felt my body tense up, so I pulled out and jerk off the rest of the way. Damien was kissing me and I came all over Ryan's back. That sent Damien into overdrive and he came inside Ryan. He gave a few pumps into him and just stood still. He moaned and then pulled out of Ryan's ass.

We all collapsed onto the couch and passed out. I woke up the next morning and noticed that Ryan was gone. I figured he must have left early. I went into the bathroom and the towels were all about the floor. Ryan took a shower and took off. I took a piss and then went to the kitchen to make some breakfast for my baby.

There was a note on the whiteboard. It was from Ryan and it say he would call later to see how everything went after. I made some eggs and bacon and Damien awoke to the smell of it cooking. I felt his hands wrap around me and then he kissed my on the neck.

He whispered into my ear, "Thanks for the best birthday I have ever had."

I turn around in his arms and said, "Your welcome." I kissed him then turned around to finish making breakfast. We eat and talked about everything. We finished our breakfast and then hoped into the shower.

We cleaned up and got dress and I was ready to give him my gift to him. I went back into my room and grabbed it. I held it behind my back and then walked up to him. He looked at me and had a curious look on his face. I pulled the box out from behind me and handed it to him.

He unwrapped in and opened it up. It was a gold ring. I looked down at the ground not sure how it would compare to the car that his dad gave to him. He slipped it on to his finger then use that hand to lift my chin up to see him. I notice he put it on and then we kissed passionately.

I walked him to the door and watched him get into his car. He drove out the driveway and off to his house. I closed the door and just sat down behind it. I had a big smile on my face and was happy that he liked my gift. The smile faded away when I realized I had to clean up this place without any help. I grabbed a trash bag and started to clean up.

Hope you guys enjoyed the story. Love to hear your thoughts and comments. Hit me up at

Next: Chapter 17

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