Zach Brimstone

By samuel coher

Published on Apr 29, 2009


I woke up that morning in a cold sweat. I was having a nightmare. It started out with Damien and me, just walking along the street. Damien had a fat smile on his face; he pulled me off the side of the road into a construction site and we went into one of the unfinished house.

It had the walls up and the door was not on but sitting next to the doorway. Damien dragged me through the doorway and pinned me up against the wall. He forcibly kissed me and we started making out. His hands pinned mine up against the wood and I was taking in the smell of the wood and his scent. Making me a little dizzy, I felt his hands go under my shirt.

Each hand working there way up to my nipples, finally reaching there target. He lightly brushed them with his fingertips. I arched my head back and moan out his name. Then his hands start teasing my nipples. His left hand stopped and lifted my shirt behind my head.

His face stopped kissing me and moved down my body, his tongue working on ever inch of my body. He reach my right nipple and was nipping and licking it. It sent me into pleasure overload. He move over to the left and worked on that one as well. Then he trailed down, his tongue was work on my navel. He tongue fucked my bellybutton and it felt weird at first.

Then he stopped that and his hands undid my button on my shorts that I was wearing. They did not fall off my body like normal. I felt the hand that was working on my shorts go underneath and start rubbing my growing bugle. His other hand was pinning my hands above my head.

Then I felt my shorts dropped down around my ankles, and then my boxers were down there just as quick. I felt his warm breath on my cock and then his hand wrapped around it. He started jerking me off and then engulfed my cock into his mouth. I closed my eyes and he let go of my hands. I let them fall to my side and was just enjoying the moment.

He started bobbing up and down on my cock. I kept my eyes shut and then the dream turned into a nightmare. I looked down to give him a smile and nobody was there. The wall I was leaning on vanished and I fell down to the ground. My cock sticking straight up into the air and I started to freak out. I looked around and my world was just now all fog. I tried to yell out Damien's name but nothing came out.

I tried pulling up my shorts but they seemed glued to the ground. I was stuck and could not do or go anywhere. I turned my body to see if there was anything I could use to break free. I felt so alone and helpless and there was nobody to come save me.

I sat down to cover my body up cause of the cold winds started to blow. I just sat there hugging my knees rocking back and forth waiting for someone to come save me. I looked up and saw something. It was a figure in the fog. It looked like it was moving towards me.

I finally saw who it was. It was me fully dressed and looking a little cocky. He came right up to me and pulled me to my feet. It started to speak, "What you waiting for?"

I could not speak back. "What you waiting for? Go after him."

Just then I woke up in that cold sweat. I just hugged my knees like in the dream but this time I was thinking about it. I looked over at my clock and it was about five in the morning.

I knew I would not be able to go back to sleep, so I decided to go for a walk to clear my head and think what the hell the dream meant. I got dressed and stepped outside into cold morning air. It was awkward that is was cold this early in the morning for being summer.

I started walking down the street; I decided not to walk in the direction of Damien's house because I think I need to be alone to figure this one out. The sun started to rise and the earth waking up. I just kept walking without even noticing where I was walking to. I ended up walking in a circle and ended in front of Damien's house.

I looked at my cell phone and it had one message on it. It was from Damien. It read: Morning. I figured he was up and I decide to go visit him. I walked up to the front door. As I was walking up there, I looked back and notice a few people walking by. I turned back around and Damien was standing in the doorway. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Morning," I said to him.

"Morning, so what you doing here?" he asked me.

"I was going for a walk and ended up here. When I looked and noticed your text I thought I just say morning in person," I said and kissed him on the cheek.

"Ok, well my dad is making breakfast so you want to come in and join us," he said and then moved so I could come in.

"Sure if you do not mind," I said and walked in. Damien hit my ass as I walked by. I turn around and grinned at him. I walked into their kitchen and his dad was making breakfast for them.

"Hey dad is it ok if Zach joins us?" he asked and sat down.

I waited for his dad to answer. I was stand in the doorway and his dad looked at me. I looked at his eyes and it seemed like he wanted to say something but did not want to. That looked faded away and then a warm smile crossed his face. "Sure, he can join us," he said.

"Are you sure? I do not want to interrupt anything that might have been going on," I said.

"Yeah I am sure about it. Please come and have a sit," he said and pulled out one of the chairs. I walked over and sat down. I served myself and we all ate in silence. I finished my plate and went to clean it up. His dad finished his and went to clean the dish with me. He then leaned over and whispered to me, "Take care of him."

Then I finished cleaning my dish and then decided to wait for Damien to finish his meal. He finished and cleaned up his plate as well. We thanked his dad and then went up to his room.

I had the look on my face that Damien knew a little too well. I tried to be cheerful but it was not working this time. Damien looked at me and asked, "What's wrong babe?"

"Well, I had a dream about you going down on me and then you vanished. I could not find you and I was stuck and helpless. Then another me asked what I was waiting for," I said. Just thinking about made me shutter.

"Sorry to hear that babe, I will never leave you," he said and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I noticed something on the ground by his door. I went over to grab it. It was a note from his father. It was addressed to Damien and had another note in there.

I handed him the note and sat down next to him. "I think your dad put this under your door," I said to him. He unfolded the note and I figured it was going to be bad news. The note read: To my son, hope you get this and do not hate me. I need to go away and take care of some business. If I do not return in with the next couple of days, please follow the instructions on the other piece of paper.

He dropped the piece of paper on the floor and then I knew what was going to happen next. He was looking down at the ground and then he swung his around me and started to cry. Hearing his sobs in my ear just made me worry less about my problems. I hugged him tight and knew something was up.

He did not let me go for an hour. I whispered into his ear, "I will never leave you."

He looked up with his teary eyes and kissed me. I knew he want to just get rid of the pain with pleasure or anything. I kissed him back and then his hands started to roam my body. It felt good but I knew it would only be a temporary fix. I was fighting it with all my might not to give into my sexual drive. Then his hands just quickly undid my shorts and I they were around my ankles in seconds. My boxers were all tented up and he was down there making them a little wet. I felt my cock just aching to be released. I reached down and just pulled my boxers off. Quickly he engulfed my cock. I gave into my sexual senses and just moved with it.

He was moving faster then the times before. His emotions took over and he was driving on auto pilot. I did not know how much longer I would last at that speed. I felt that I was going to cum. I moaned out his name and then quickly shot everything down his throat. He swallowed it all down. Then he was still in auto pilot and he flipped me over. His tongue started rimming me and I was enjoying that. He stopped rimming me to drop his pants. He did not waste any time and just took his dick out of the fly in his boxerbriefs. I felt him lining me up and then he just shoved it up there.

I felt so much pain, I yelled out. He did not even give me time to get use to it. It was if he was rubbing me raw. I grabbed hold of the bed sheets and was biting down on the pillow to muffle the screams. My eyes started tearing up. He kept at that speed and then I felt him cum inside me but he did not stop. He finally stopped and realized what just happened. He looked down and noticed that I was in pain and crying.

He quickly grabbed his pants that he had on and ran out the door. I was just looking at the door and saw him run out of it. I was lost in my head. I knew I need to go after him but my body would not move. It was like I was frozen in place.

I told myself, "I need to move. What am I waiting for?"

I was forcing myself to move but it was not responding. I think I was like that for a couple of minutes. "What are you waiting for? Go after him before he leaves for good."

I knew I had to get going or I would lose him. I was in so much pain. I finally was able to move my body; I grabbed my clothes and threw them on in a flash. I was down the stairs and out of the house just as fast.

I looked both ways of the street and there was no trace of him. I knew I needed to find him and then I looked forward. There was one place I figured where he would go. I meet him there once before but it did take a lot of guts to get there. It was his hidden place. I went down the alley way and noticed that he was here. I stopped at the end of the alley and climb upon one of the side walls. The wall was a little loose and I lost my grip and fell down on my back. Still in pain from the fucking and now my back hurt yet I still climbed up. Walking past a couple of windows and then reaching the end of the wall, I jumped down into the dry creek bed. I counted the sewer pipes and entered the sixth one.

Walking in the dark and feeling my way through the pipe. I finally came up to the open manhole and climbed out. It leaded into a small little a cove that was hidden by some bigger buildings. He was sitting in the corner holding his knees close to his body. I then I felt some of the left over pain since my mind went back to normal status. I walked slowly over to him and I did not want to startle him.

"Hey," I said softy.

He looked up at me and just was crying his eyes out. I inched my way over to him. I stood above him then kneeled down. "I am so sorry. You hate me now, I am sure of it," he paused and wiped his eyes. "You are going to leave me like the rest of my family."

"Shut up, I meant what I said. So you gave me a rough fuck, it was your emotions that got to you," I said and wiped away one of his tears. I sat down next to him and cuddle his head in my arms. I stroked his hair and just stared out into space.

He was still having a hard time and I knew it was not a good idea for him to be left alone. My parents were still not back yet and this made me miss them a little. Tomorrow we had school and to make matters worse it was finals week. I figured that his house would be a bad place and my place would not be much better. Then I decided to make a call.

"Hey," I said into the phone.

"Hey, how's things going?" the voice asked.

"I need to ask you a huge favor. Damien just completely had a melt down and we need a place away from it all. I was wondering if both of us could crash at your beach house for the next week or so," I asked.

"Sure, I see no problem with that, just bring some stuff over and we can all just chill. Meet me there in about an hour and we will be just fine. You can fill me about everything a little later," Ryan said then hung up the phone.

I finally got Damien to go back with me. That was a challenge in itself. We made it back to Damien's house and I reached into his pocket. I pulled out his keys and had him sit in his car. I quickly dashed up stairs grabbed some clothes and his backpack. I hoped in and took off. I went to my house real fast and grabbed my stuff and we left to Ryan's house.

We got there just as Ryan was pulling up. I got out of the car and helped Damien out as well. I left our stuff in there and was just trying to make sure he was alright. We got him up to his bedroom that we would be staying at and I put him to bed. After I made sure he was asleep, I went downstairs to see Ryan and Bobby sitting watching TV in the living room.

I knew I had to be strong for him but I did not know how much longer I would last. Every one had there limits and I just was about to reach mine. I walked past them and went out onto the patio. I was letting the cool ocean breeze hit my face. It cooled me down and I start to think about what I was going to do next was.

I heard the sliding glass door open and Ryan was now walking towards me. I notice Bobby went upstairs to check on Damien. I smiled knowing I got great friends. Ryan made it to me, and just stood there. I turned back around and started staring at the ocean again. A couple of tears rolled down my cheek.

Ryan's hand wiped away a tear and then I knew it was my time to speak. I told him the whole story. Then I just told him, "I do not know what to do."

"It sounds like you in a pickle. You love him and do not want to leave him like everyone else but then you do not know how strong you can be for him," he paused. "If it was me I would stick with it."

I looked over at him and he had a smile on his face. "I know I should," I said.

"You strong and I know you can get through anything. Look at what you already been through. This is nothing compared to that shit. So I recommend you get some sleep with your boy up there and then get through finals and you will have a whole summer to relax and enjoy. I will be here and so will Bobby, Elliot, Jackie, your folks and what ever secret his family has," he said to me and put his hand on my shoulder.

I looked back at the door and Bobby was standing there. I walked towards the door and went inside. Bobby went outside and got filled in on what was going on. I went upstairs and slipped into the bedroom.

I stood in the dark for a few moments listening to the peaceful sound. I then stripped off my clothes and crawled into bed next to my lover. Just before fell I asleep I felt something cold on my skin. I lifted up the covers and there was Damien's hand with the golden ring I gave him for his birthday.

I smiled at the thought he has never taken it off since he got it. I put the covers back down and turned on my side. I fell asleep and the next thing I knew, it was morning and the week has begun.

I slowly rolled over and Damien was awake staring at me. "Morning babe," I said to him and kissed him.

He kissed me back and said, "Sorry for yesterday. I did not mean to hurt you or do anything to make you worry."

"It's ok, shit happens. We move on and forward. Do not worry about it to much. We got to get up and go to school. We got finals to take," I said to him.

"Do we have too?" he said and then pulled the covers over our heads.

"Yes but I think something else needs to get you out of bed," I said. I snaked my way down his body and found his underwear all tented up. I start suck his cock through the cloth and I heard a moan escape from his mouth. I slip my tongue through the fly of the boxerbriefs and was teasing him.

He arched his back and I rode the wave that his body made. My tongue slipped out of the fly. I looked at the time and we only had about a half an hour to get to school.

"Babe, I would love to finish but we have to get going," I said to him and through the covers back. His cock was tenting up his underwear and it was very tempting. I jumped out of bed and quickly made a run for the door before I started anything else. I had to wait. He followed me and we both got ready and were out the door.

We both hopped into his car and took off. We just made the bell and bolted for the class rooms.

The day was only half a day because they did not want to overload the students. The bell rang and I meet with Damien outside his classroom. He walked out with a smile on his face.

"I take it you did well," I said to him.

"Yeah and I am happy that class is over. Where are we off to now," he asked and kissed me on the cheek.

"Well I figured we could use a little break from everything," I said and then we headed off to his car. I took the keys from him and told him to sit back and relax. We took off to our next place of fun.

We drove on the freeway and the traffic was ok. We finally made it to Six Flags and he was all excited. We got out of the car and he hugged me and kissed me. I fell back onto the hood of his car. People started to look and I did not care. He finished the kiss and pulled me up off the hood of his car.

I grabbed his hand and we walked together to the entrance of the park. Ryan got me tickets for this park since he would not use them. I looked over at Damien and gave him a smile. We got into the park and had a good time.

It was starting to get late and we decided it was time to head back home. I looked at my phone and it had a million text messages. I guess I just ignored it and was just happy to be in the moment. I looked at them most were from Jackie and Ryan. I replied to them and Damien was driving us back to Ryan's place. I figure he knew that we were staying there.

We came to the house and it was dark and cold like both of ours were. We entered and found a note on the counter. It read: Hey guys just had to take care of some business. Well be back in a few days, have fun in the place and do not make too much of a mess. We both went into the bedroom and got ready for bed.

I stripped down to my boxers and sat down on the bed. I watch Damien strip down as well. He looked so hot bending over in his boxerbriefs. I went up behind him and grabbed his ass. Quickly he stood up straight and turned around.

I notice the bulge in his underwear. I squeezed it a little and he moaned. "I guess I should finish what I started this morning," I said to him.

He just shook his head to agree with me.

I got down on my knees and start licking the outline in his underwear. I hooked my fingers in the waistband and slowly pulled them down. His cock springing to life and slapped him on the stomach. I grabbed it and he moan again at the warm touch of my hand. I start to jerk him off and then tease him by licking the tip of his cock and nothing else.

His hands went to the back of my hand and pushed gently. I opened my mouth and started taking him in inch by inch. I let him start to face fuck me. My hands wondered around him and I start to massage his round butt cheeks. His speed picked up and I was gagging a little. I relax and he went all the way in. I had my nose in his nicely trimmed pubes. His balls were resting on my chin. He let my muscles work on his cock.

His hands now just playing with my hair and messing it up all over the place and my hands roaming around his backside, I finally took my chance to finger him again. My left hand started to insert into his hole and he arched his back. His hand fell back and a long deep moan came out of him.

I felt his cum flow down my throat and then his cock was starting to shrink in size. It finally fell out of my mouth and my fingers still inside him. He just leaned up against the wall and grabbed my hand. He pulled my fingers out of his ass and pulled me up. We went into a wild embrace. Hands all over the place, then I felt him pulled down my boxers and turn around so I could use my tool on him.

I reached over to the night stand and got some lube so it would not hurt. He looked back and told me, "Do it without the lube like I did you yesterday."

"You sure babe?" I asked and kissed him.

"Yes, I am," he said back to me.

So I put the lube down and slowly inch my way into him. He was in pain I knew it. He was screaming out in pain. I stopped and pulled out. I could not see him in pain. It hurt me.

He knew right away that I was not going to do it so he needed to take charge. Damien felt that if he was fucked without lube it would at least make them even for what he did. So he pushed me down on to the bed. He quickly got on top of me so I would not be able to move he pinned me down. Then he sat down on my cock really fast. I looked up into his face and notice some small tears rolling down his face.

Right then I knew that he want to make up for what he did yesterday. He started moving faster and faster. I was turning to stop it but he was just a little stronger then me at the moment. Then I did the next best thing since I was not going to be able to stop him. I would make it quick. I start to getting into it am make it only last a couple of minutes. I cum inside him, my dick popped out of him and he was rubbing his ass.

"You ok babe?" I asked him shyly.

"Yeah," he said again and kissed me.

He lay down next to me and we cuddle for the rest of the night. We fell asleep in each other arms and woke up the same way. I woke up to him smiling at me. It was not a good smile but a goofy one.

"What's with that smile?" I asked him and kissed him good morning.

"Nothing, I am just happy to be with you," he said to me.

"Well you ready for the next set of finals?" I asked him.

"Sure but can we just wait a couple more minutes before we get up," he said to me and he pulled me in closer.

"Sure," I said and just enjoyed the moment. We finally started to get ready for school.

Next: Chapter 20

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