Zachs Junior Year

By Zach Davis

Published on Oct 23, 1999


Reader: If you're under 18, you are supposed to go away and wait until you can handle this. If you don't approve of male-male sexuality and explicit description of gay sex, you have stumbled into the wrong place; stop reading and close the file. For everyone else, I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did putting it together. Feel free to e-mail your thoughts.

If you jumped into the middle of this story, you might want to go back to find out about the birthday present Zach gave Robert

Zach's Junior Year - Pt IV - New Rules

That night, after dinner we each worked at our desks and studied as though nothing had happened. When we went to bed it was just like normal. Well, I made damn sure not to be looking at him as he undressed. Maybe Robert seemed a little quieter than usually, but we both had heavy reading assignments we were working on so it was difficult to tell if anything was amiss.

Then, Thursday night, about two minutes after Robert turned out his light, I heard, "Zach?"

"Yea?" I knew by the question in his voice this wasn't going to be a just a "did you remember to pay the phone bill" question.

"What you did the other night, when I was having that wet dream.."

I could feel my blood run cold. The next second my face and chest exploded with heat; I'm sure I was blushing enough to glow in the dark. Please don't let him say he wants me to move out. "Yea.."

"I guess that means you jack off too when you get horny?"

"Yea.. I guess most all guys do. That's what they told me in school."

"Look, you're my best friend here and I don't want to screw that up so if this is too weird, just tell me to shut up." There was this long pause, then, "The only thing I miss about home is having my own room after my brother left for UCLA `cause I didn't have to hide when I wanted to jack off. Ahh ... could we agree that we both jack off, and it's OK to do it; ya don't have to hide or try to wait till your alone?"

My mind was racing: He's as nervous about talking about it as I am! Damn, did he say not wait till your alone - he's going to do it while I'm here? Unbelievable! Trying to sound a cool as I could, I said "It's fine with me, if you're cool with it. Yea, were not little kids. Jack off whenever you want."

"Yea, great."

A bout two minutes later, I heard Robert take a deep breath and then his bed creaked and sheets rustled. There was still a lot of light in the room, so I could tell that he had taken off his briefs and the tent in his bed was moving up and down in that famous motion. When I realized that he was really doing it, I could feel my gut tighten and my heart start to pound; my cock of course had been rock-hard since the conversation began. I thought: I've got to get him out from the covers, but after the other night, I didn't want him to think I was going to grab him any time he got naked (of course that would be fine with me), so I better not push too much. My hands were absolutely shaking as I threw back my covers and made it obvious I was pulling off my shorts. "It doesn't take much to get me horny either." I said softly, "But you're gon'a make a mess of your sheets if you hide under there." I laid there on my bed making slow obvious strokes with my left hand so Robert could see my cock if he wanted to.

He didn't wait a second and the covers were off. There he was, naked head to toe. His cock straight in the air being slowly stroked, his tight abs and chiseled chest taking slow deep breaths. I could feel rivers of precum running down my shaft and over my hip. I could see he had turned his head and was watching me just like I was watching him. I moved my hand up so the bit of foreskin I had would slide over my crown, with quicker strokes I started making slurping noises. I could see Robert react, his head jerked a little more to the side, then he changed his pattern, longer, more steady strokes all the way up then back down. I saw his other hand move up and start to rub his chest. That was about all it took, two strong full strokes, my hips arched and my throat made a groan that I made no effort to stop. That first load exploded so hard it hit me in the face, then several more covered my chest and belly before settling down and drenching my pubes. I let out an exhausted sigh and just laid there exposed and sated. When I came, all my attention had been drawn there. Now I looked back over toward Robert. He had all but stopped his action to watch, now he started stroking with all he had. Suddenly it hit. His knees bent, feet pulled up toward his but, his hips launched into the air, his chest tighten and squeezed out a sound almost like a whimper. This one was doing him, not him doing it. I couldn't really see the cum fly but I heard it hit his pillow then his face turned as hit hit there. He held the arched position and kept pumping the shaft for a few seconds then collapsed. I could hear him catching his breath.

After a few seconds, when the world started to make sense again, I grabbed my shorts and mopped up the mess. Robert took the cue and did the same. I dropped the mess on the floor and pulled the covers over me. I turned on my side, facing Robert, and said "Good night dude, I'm going to sleep so well."

Robert said. "Good night Zach, You're one hell of a roommate you know that."

It was not very fancy for jack off technique but sharing that intimacy with Robert gave it more power than I could have imagined.

The next morning, we both had an eight o'clock class, so we were up with the same alarm. Be both climbed out of bed naked. Robert smiled kind of sheepishly at me; I smiled and shrugged. We both pulled on a pair of sweats. I found something to busy myself with at my desk while he went off for a shower. I didn't dare shower with him this morning.

I didn't want Robert to think I was an obsessed sex machine, so I was determined not to exercise our new pact again right away. None the less, things did loosen up in our room. I gave up the pretense of sleeping with clothes. I suspect the first night he assumed I was going to start jacking off when I dropped my shorts on the floor and climbed into bed nude.

After a couple of nights he ventured a comment, "You sleeping naked now days?"

I confessed, "I have since I was about fourteen, but you're almost the only person that knows it. Since we decided to stop hiding things, I figured why bother sneaking them off in the middle of the night."

After that, there was a slight but noticeable increase in nudity around the room. I didn't cover up to get out of bed, just walked over the the dresser bare-assed and picked out the clothes for the day. I was pleased to note that Robert was less quick to slide out of one thing and into another. One morning, still naked as a Jaybird, he made a production of making sure he remembered to put a report into his pack so he wouldn't forget to turn it in. Another time he came back from the shower, put on his T-shirt then stopped to comb his hair before putting on any underwear. I began to entertain serious illusions that he was putting on a show for me. Unfortunately, and I suspect not by coincidence, he was never hard when he would let me see him.

In spite of my raging fantasies, I'm not very brave, but one day not too long into this new phase, I woke up with the infamous morning erection. Robert's alarm had just gone off so he was awake and stirring. I started to consider slipping into my shorts like I used to do, then thought "hell here's a chance, use it". I tossed back the covers with my cock straight in the air for just a second before I put my feet over the side and sat up. When I stood up, it was pointed straight at Robert; he was definitely watching as I walked over the the dresser to get fresh briefs before heading to the the toilet, which I badly needed. Robert was getting out of bed (maneuvering for a better look?), so I turned to face him while I stepped into the jockeys. I let the waistband catch under my balls for a second while I pulled up the back, then popped the front equipment into place. Roberts eyes weren't missing a bit of the show.

I couldn't keep from muttering a face saving, "I hope its not crowded down there this morning, I can't wait for a line." As I headed toward the door.

Robert chuckled and replied, "It better not be or you've got a problem."

Next: Chapter 5

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