Zack and Cody

By Collin Ireland

Published on Oct 22, 2009


DISCLAIMER: The Suite Life of Zack and Cody and all characters are the property of the Walt Disney Company and the Disney Channel. The writer has no knowledge of the sexuality of Cole and Dylan Sprouse or Jake T. Austin or any of the other actors on the television show. All events are completely fictional and do not reflect actual events. This story is a fictional parody that does not reflect on the sexuality of the actors or the characters.

Note: This story series includes depictions of gay sex between young teens. If that's not your thing or if it is illegal for you to read this story, then stop. This story is completely made up and does not depict anything true.

Sorry it's been a while since I last wrote, but since I started school again it's been hard to find time to write. Anyway, I'm going to try to keep up with this story and try to get more out more frequently.

Okay, so a quick recap for people who wanted to skip the first parts and go straight to this one (I have no idea as to why you would want to do that, but whatever). So we left off with Zack pulling a prank on Cody with a cute younger friend. Zack had feelings for the cute boy, but something in the back of his mind kept him from going to the next step. Cody came back and took it upon himself to teach his brother a lesson, so Cody fucked Zack and the two fell asleep in each other's arms.

Zack walked into the suite on the 23rd floor of the Tipton Hotel in Boston, Massachusetts and found his brother lying on the couch. Cody was fast asleep and asleep on his chest was a cute boy around fourteen years old. Zack just smiled and walked over to the sleeping pair. He gently brushed the hair out of his brother's face. Cody slowly opened his eyes and noticed his brother standing over him and the boy sleeping on his chest.

"So did you two have fun?" Zack whispered to his brother.

      • THREE DAYS EARLIER + + +

"Hey, who's that?" Zack asked Cody as they sat on the couches in the lobby of the Tipton.

"Who?" Cody asked.

Zack pointed to the check-in desk and Cody smiled.

"Oh, you mean the cute boy talking to Moseby, right?" Cody said slyly to his brother.

"Yeah," Zack replied coyly. "He is cute, isn't he?"

"You're getting really good at this, Zack, you know that?"

"I am, aren't I," Zack said and smiled and got up from the couch he was sitting on. "I'm gonna go talk to him."

"Woah, woah," Cody yelled at Zack while he pushed his brother down. "You can't do that!"

"Why not?" Zack countered.

"Because if you want someone that cute to sleep with you, then you have to get him to like you first." Cody said.

"Oh," Zack said, beat. "That actually makes sense."

"That's why I'm the smart one," Cody said and got up from the couch.

"Smart ass," Zack mumbled under his breath as he followed his brother.

Cody walked over to the check-in desk and casually leaned against it. The cute boy looked at Cody and smiled sheepishly. Cody smiled back as Zack leaned against the desk too and smiled at the boy.

"Hi," the boy said quietly.

"Here you are," Mr. Moseby said as he handed the boy his room key. "Room 2387. Enjoy your stay at the Tipton Hotel."

"Thanks," the boy said quietly and grabbed the key from the manager of the Tipton Hotel. The boy turned around, grabbed his suitcase, and started heading for the elevator.

"What are you two doing?" Mr. Moseby asked Zack and Cody in his usual drawl.

"Nothing," Zack and Cody said in unison and followed the boy towards the elevators. The boy had already boarded an elevator and the door was closing.

"Hey!" Cody yelled as he and Zack ran to the elevator. "Can you hold the door?"

"Yeah," the boy said as he stuck his arm out and the door stopped moving.

"Thanks," Cody said as he and Zack walked into the elevator.

"Which floor?" the boy asked.

"Twenty-three," Zack said, mesmerized by the boy's cuteness.

"Hey, me too," the boy giggled. Zack almost lost it right there, but kept his composure cool.

"I'm Zack," Zack said and pointed to Cody. "And this is my brother Cody." Cody smiled and waved at the boy.

"I'm Jake," the boy said and held out his hand to Cody. Cody took the boy's hand and was surprised at how strong his grip was. Zack then shook his hand and was also surprised.

The trio in the elevator was silent for a few moments as the elevator slowly rose. Zack looked at Cody, but all Cody did was shake his head and mouth, "No, not now." Zack looked hurt, but understood it wasn't the right time.

"So," Zack said, breaking the awkward silence. "Where are you from Jake?"

"Oh," Jake said, blushing a bit. "New York. I'm here to visit a friend and sightsee a little."

"Yeah, maybe we could show you around, if you'd like us too," Zack said.

"Oh, that'd be nice. Do you two visit here a lot?" Jake asked, brushing his long, dark brown hair from his face.

"No," Cody said. "Our mom works in the hotel. We live here."

"That's so cool. Do you guys like living here?" Jake asked, looking at Cody.

"Yeah," Cody said, snapping his gaze from Jake's eyes. "It's so much fun. While you're here you definitely have to try --"

The elevator suddenly jerked to stop and the door opened. Cody was shaken and stumbled to the floor of the elevator. Jake stared at Cody for a second and then burst out laughing, Zack joined in, patting Jake on the back. Cody just shook his head, stood up, and joined the two in laughing.

"Well, since we're here, we might as well get off," Zack laughed, pushing his brother and Jake off the elevator. Cody and Jake stumbled out of the elevator and Cody fell on top of Jake. Cody couldn't believe that he was on top of the cute boy and looking straight at his face. Jake looked up at the boy on top of him and smiled. Cody smiled back, but didn't move.

"Uh, Cody," Jake started, after several awkward seconds passed. "Could you get off of me, please?"

"Oh, sorry," Cody said as he slowly got stood up. He tried to cover his erection, but Zack caught it before Cody turned around. Zack just smiled.

Jake grabbed his suitcase from the elevator and waved goodbye to the twins and headed for his room. Zack and Cody turned around and entered their suite.

"Oh my God," Cody exclaimed, as soon as Zack shut the door and looked around to make sure their mom wasn't home. "That was too close, but he's so cute that I don't even care."

"Yeah," Zack said. "So what's our plan of action?"

"We need to get him naked, or at least shirtless, so we can see what we're dealing with."

"Yeah," Zack said, nodding in agreement. "Want to go to the pool?"


"Think about it," Zack said while smiling. "You're a teenage boy in a hotel by yourself. What would you do first?"

"Let's go swimming!" Cody exclaimed as he headed towards his bedroom.

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The twins walked into the pool area and put their towels and shirts on a table. Zack immediately jumped into the deep end and splashed most everyone around the pool and got several dirty looks. Cody just shook his head and sat down in a lounge chair to watch his brother splash around in the water. Zack noticed the door to the pool area open and in walked Jake. Zack nodded to Cody and Cody turned around and motioned for Jake to come sit at their table.

"Hey Cody," Jake said as he sat his stuff on a chair and removed his shirt. Cody lightly moaned. Jake's tan upper torso was well defined with a slight definition of abs. Jake smiled at Cody and jumped into the pool.

Cody looked at his brother and raised his eyebrows. Zack nodded his head and swam over to Jake. Cody jumped into the pool and swam over to the other side of Jake. The twins had the cute boy surrounded and began tickling him underwater. Jake started thrashing around in the water and began to fight back by attempting to tickle the boys. Jake failed and Zack had his hands around his waist and Cody had his arms around the boy's neck. All three were laughing and continued wrestling. Cody discretely grabbed Jake's ass, so Jake grabbed Cody's ass. Cody looked at Jake and smiled. Zack, not wanting to be left out, dunked Jake underwater and grabbed his shoulders. Jake resurfaced and dunked Zack.

The trio splashed around and wrestled and played grab-ass in the pool for a good hour. When they got tired they climbed out of the pool and went over to the hot tub. The warm water and jets felt good on their tired bodies. Jake sat between Zack and Cody. Cody looked at his brother and just smiled. Zack reached underwater and grabbed Cody's hand. Together they brought their hands towards Jake's swim trunks.

Jake felt something on the front of his trunks and couldn't help but smile at each brother on either side of him. Jake reached for the front of each twin's swimsuit and felt the large bulge of each boy. Cody's hand went inside Jake's trunks and Zack's was rubbing Jake's flat stomach. Jake's hands started rubbing each boy's growing erection. Jake started moaning as Cody started moving his hand up and down Jake's growing shaft. Jake was moaning lightly as he gently jacked on Cody and Zack's growing members. Zack turned his head toward Jake and whispered in his ear:

"We should go the locker room. There's a sauna in there that no one uses."

Jake nodded his head and gently let go of each boy's throbbing cock. Zack let his member soften before he clambered out of the hot tub.

"I'll be waiting," Zack whispered over his shoulder to his brother and Jake.

Jake's cock went soft so he climbed out of the hut tub and smiled to Cody as he headed towards the men's locker room. Cody waited another minute then he too climbed out of the hot tub. As he was walking towards the locker room he bumped into someone.

"Sorry, my bad," Cody said as he looked at the person he had run into.

"No my fault," apologized an extremely cute, blonde, shirtless boy, who smiled at Cody.

Cody smiled back and walked into the locker room. The blonde boy looked at Cody and couldn't stop but wonder what he was hiding in those shorts. So the blonde boy followed Cody into the locker room....

Any questions or comments or concerns about this story would be helpful in making the next installment even better. So don't be afraid to e-mail me at Also if you have an idea who the mysterious blonde boy should be, just send me a message and maybe I'll use your suggestion, you never know! And, as I have noted before, I am not one of those author's that says they aren't going to write anymore if they don't get enough feedback. Also, thank you for taking the time to read my story and read the boring part at the end. :)

Next: Chapter 5

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