A Boy Called Horse

By Alessandro Abbondanti

Published on May 7, 2014



Fastest update ever. It might be the last one for a while. Spring semester is always much busier for me than fall, but I'll try to get at least one more out before Spring Break.

I do want to clarify something. Nico isn't meant to be a gay character, necessarily. He's a 12-year-old boy who's coming to terms with his sexuality; he's questioning and curious, a little confused about the feelings he has for both boys and girls. This is true of all the characters, except perhaps Drew, who's faking it as best he can. I thought I had made that clear, but I've received several messages telling me that gay boys don't find themselves turned on by girls, even early in puberty.

With that said, I also want you to be aware that the story will focus on Nico's homosexual experiences, which is why it's in the gay section. I won't leave out mention of his reactions to the girls or women that he finds attractive, because that is part of his experience as an adolescent, but I also won't put anything on Nifty that depicts straight sex. If I do decide to write a straight or bisexual sex scene, I will treat it as I did in my Mr. A series--the gay-only version will go on Nifty, and the "unabridged" version will be available separately.

Let me know what you think; I look forward to feedback. Suggestions welcomed. Constructive criticism welcomed. Idiotic or abusive statements disregarded.

Since I don't get paid for this, communication and input from fans is what keeps me interested in writing. If it's possible to publish erotica like this and make money off of it, which I seriously doubt considering the content of this and the Mr. A stories, I would love to hear about it.

Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction; any resemblance to real persons living or dead is entirely coincidental. If you're not old enough to read this, go away. This story is fantasy. It didn't happen. It will never happen. Don't do it. This story contains depictions of consensual sex between adult and teenage males. All roles in the movie of my life, however, are played by people aged 18 and over. If you are not interested in reading about this (or other male-on-male sex), STOP READING. This story is mine; don't steal it or post elsewhere without my permission. (That means I own it, and I have copyrighted it, in case you were confused.)

Nico lay with his fingers intertwined behind his head and stared at the ceiling. The sun shone through the window, making the light blond hair on his legs shine. He knew that he had dreamed again after he and Drew jacked off, but he couldn't remember the dream. The dream that preceded his wet dream remained vivid, however, from the view of Drew's mom's breasts to Mr. Beck's tented shorts and Drew's contact with his hard cock under the water. He felt his cock beginning to grow, and the guilt that followed his first masturbation seized his thoughts.

He looked to his left. Drew lay on his side with his back to Nico. Nico watched the regular, measured breathing of his sleeping friend. He couldn't believe that he and Drew had not only jacked off together, but had also touched each other's dicks. He pressed his lips together and sighed.

Drew stirred and rolled over. He opened his eyes and saw Nico looking at him. He grinned and rubbed his eyes. "What?"

Nico shook his head and forced a smile. "Nothing, man. Just wondering if you were gonna sleep all day."

Drew examined his friend's face. "You sure? You're not getting weird about last night?"

Nico rolled onto his side to face Drew. "I'm trying NOT to be weird about it," he confessed.

"What's bothering you?"

Nico shrugged, an awkward movement while lying on his side. "I mean, I learned from my uncles and cousins that jacking off is wrong, and that doing stuff with other guys is gay, and we did both last night." Nico realized that despite a pretty open relationship with his parents--he generally felt like he could tell his dad anything--they hadn't talked much about sex or sexuality.

"I'm willing to bet my PS3 and Xbox that every guy in your family has jacked off and probably still does, just like I said last night."

Nico didn't say anything.

"And the 'stuff with guys' thing, unless you think that Gary and Travis and David and me are all gay...," Drew trailed off. Nico didn't respond. Drew continued, "Besides, my parents never say that their gay friends are 'wrong,' so even if it is 'gay,' that's not the same thing as 'wrong.'"

Nico nodded. He remembered meeting one of his dad's colleagues and his "partner," as they had called him. His parents hadn't made a big deal about them being gay nor made it seem wrong.

"So why does it feel wrong?"

Drew shrugged. "I think it goes along with the first time. I felt guilty the first time I did it with Gary, but we both agreed that we liked it and it was fun, so it didn't matter."

"I guess you're right," Nico said. Whatever was "wrong" with what they did was all in his head. He had enjoyed it, and Drew had enjoyed it, and obviously many of his friends had done it at some point.

There was a knock on the door and then Mr. Beck entered. Nico quickly pulled his sheet to cover the stain between him and Drew.

"Time to shower and get dressed. We're leaving in 30 minutes to meet Nico's parents for brunch."

Nico and Drew both hesitated.

"Let's get going, boys. I'll strip the sheets and take them to the laundry room and deflate the bed while you guys shower." He paused. "Unless you want your mom to do it."

"Ugh. Alright, Dad," Drew said and threw off his blanket, endeavoring to keep the spots of Nico's cum hidden.

Nico thought Mr. Beck must have seen the stain, or at least suspected something. Why else would he volunteer to strip the sheets before Mrs. Beck could? Still, Nico piled his sheet over the stain and, he hoped, also managed to conceal the evidence of his wet dream on the top sheet. Even if Mr. Beck suspected, it didn't seem right to be so open about it.

"C'mon, Nico, I'll take you to the guest bathroom." Drew climbed out of bed; Nico grabbed his bag and followed Drew out of the room.

Thirty minutes later, the families sat down for brunch, and then went their separate ways. Nico spent the rest of the afternoon finishing his homework. His parents allowed him some free time on the computer before dinner. After dinner, Nico and his dad played FIFA soccer on Xbox, and then the family watched TV before bed.

As he got ready for bed, Nico wondered if he should talk to his dad about Elena and asking out a girl; he also considered asking his dad about sex. He didn't intend to confess what had happened between him and Drew, but he thought about asking hypotheticals. Although he had accepted what Drew told him, and his guilt was mostly alleviated, bad feelings had snuck up on him throughout the day, and he had to work to put them out of his mind. Maybe his dad would be able to assuage his concerns once and for all.

But by the time his parents came to say goodnight, Nico's resolve had disappeared, and he settled into bed.

The next two weeks passed without much excitement. Nico continued to walk naked to and from the showers after gym class, and Matt and Gary were the only other guys brave enough to follow his example. Drew, Travis, and David always wore their towels to the shower-room, but weren't as worried about covering up during the shower as many of their classmates were. Nico didn't understand why the other guys were so hesitant; he was the "odd" one, not they. Surely by now they had realized that they all were pretty much the same.

As all boys his age do, Nico continued to struggle with random and awkward boners, but a combination of loose shorts and a downward pointing cock helped prevent too conspicuous tenting. His gym shorts were the most likely source of embarrassment, so he continued to wear his sliders every morning.

As soon as the recreation league soccer season started, CUFC practice increased to three times a week and games were held on Saturdays.

Nico could barely contain himself the night before his first game, and he forced his parents to drive him to the field early the following the morning.

"Hey, Nico," Coach Jamie called, waving Nico and his dad over. "You're a little early."

Mr. Cavalloni grinned and shook Jamie's hand. "I know, but we figured it was better to have him bouncing around out here than at home." He chuckled.

"Well, I'm kind of glad you're here," Jamie said. "I wanted to talk to you about which position would be best for Nico."

"I prefer striker," Nico stated matter-of-factly.

Jamie grinned. "I thought you might, but I want to play you in different positions to figure out what's best for you and the team. Since this is just a friendly game and doesn't count towards our overall league record, I have a little more leeway for that."

Eager to show his son's skills, Mr. Cavalloni endorsed Jamie's plan.

Only the fields where the older teams played had bleachers, so the spectators for the U13s either had to sit on the grass or bring their own chairs. Nico helped his dad carry a few chairs from the car and set them up. Soon, the rest of the team and their opponent began arriving.

Throughout the game, Nico proved himself an excellent midfielder and forward, but wasn't the best defender. He was overly stingy with the ball, preferring to keep it rather than pass to a midfielder or cross to the forwards. Coach Jamie had to yell at him repeatedly not to go across center field.

Nico's team easily defeated their opponent. After the game, Coach Jamie told Nico that he would keep him forward, since it was obvious that was the position he enjoyed the most.

The Becks had called in the favor the Cavallonis owed them and asked if Drew could spend the night with Nico so that they might have a night alone. The Cavallonis readily agreed, and Drew arrived a few hours later for dinner.

"Unfortunately, we don't have a pool," Nico said apologetically after dinner, "but we can play Xbox, go for a ride, get online later, or do whatever."

"Sounds good," Drew said.

They headed into the backyard. Nico grabbed the soccer ball from the patio and juggled it with his knees.

"You were really good today," Drew said, watching his friend's legs go up and down, trying to catch a glimpse of Nico's cock and balls bouncing under his shorts.

"Thanks," Nico said, smiling broadly. "You were pretty good, too, but need some work passing."

Drew grabbed the ball in mid-air. "Then why don't you help me?"

Nico shrugged. "Okay."

For the next hour, they ran around the backyard, kicking the ball back and forth. They practiced passing and dribbling, and Nico tried to teach Drew to steal the ball. Nico came close to Drew and felt the back of Drew's hand touch his crotch. A thrilling shiver ran up his spine; a tingling sensation arose in his cock.

He re-focused his attention on stealing the ball and kicked it at the fence they had designated as the goal. "Now you try." Nico took the ball and began dribbling it towards Drew.

Drew replicated Nico's movements. Nico felt Drew's crotch press into his hand and was surprised to find that his friend's cock was hard. In Nico's distraction, Drew managed to take the ball and shoot it at the goal.

"Nice," Nico said, running up to grab the ball. He turned to throw the ball to Drew and saw the tent in Drew's shorts.

Drew smiled at Nico's compliment. "Thanks," he said. "You gonna throw the ball in or what?"

Nico nodded, startled by the nonchalance his friend showed when it was obvious that he had a hard-on.

They continued playing, and as the sun began to set, they decided to head inside to play some videogames.

Later, they headed up to Nico's room to get ready for bed. As Drew's mom had done, Nico's parents came in to admonish the boys not to stay up too late. The boys promised they wouldn't, and a few minutes later they had changed into their sleep clothes. Since Drew was spending the night, Nico's parents had moved their TV into Nico's room. Nico had tried to convince them to let him have the computer or to bring up the Xbox from the living room, but they had refused, saying that allowing a TV in his room was good enough.

Nico's bed was larger than Drew's, so they could both sleep in it, and an air mattress wasn't necessary. They lay next to each other on their stomachs watching TV.

Nico began yawning and put his head down on his hands. He looked over at Drew, who didn't seem tired at all.

"How come you're not tired?" Nico asked.

Drew shrugged. "I dunno. I guess I'm just excited to be spending the night somewhere new." He grabbed the remote and turned off the TV. He gave Nico a serious a look.

"What?" Nico rolled onto his side, raised his head, and rested it on his hand. His endowment slipped down over his left thigh, hanging heavily in his boxers.

Drew shot a covert glance at the bulge on his friend's thigh. "Any more messy nights?" Drew teased.

Nico blushed, but smiled good-naturedly. "No, but that's probably 'cause I started jacking off."

Drew's eyebrows went up. "Oh really?"

Nico nodded. "Not like every day," he said quickly. He didn't want Drew to think he was some sort of masturbation fiend. "But a couple times a week. Always in the shower, so there's no mess."

"Good call," Drew said approvingly. "My mom never said anything about those sheets, so either she didn't notice or..."

"Right," Nico said. "Or she didn't want to talk about it."

Drew turned on his side to face Nico. His cock tented his boxers. Nico was again impressed by the cool way Drew displayed his hard-on when they were alone together. He felt his own dick begin to grow.

"I don't know about you," Drew said, "but it's been a couple days for me."

Nico swallowed. "Same here."

"You want to?"

Nico hesitated, thinking about the guilt he had felt after their first time. His cock didn't hesitate, though. It was filling with blood and already pushing against his flannel boxers. "Yeah," Nico said hoarsely, finally accepting that he really did want to do it again.

Drew grinned and shimmied out of his boxers. Drew's hard, 13-year-old prick curved up towards his stomach.

Nico followed close behind. Unlike Drew, his semi-hard Italian teen meat still drooped down over his thigh, heavy with blood but not yet fully hard. He grabbed his dick and held it up against his body, measuring how far up his body his semi reached. He looked back and forth between his dick and Drew's; Nico's chubbed up cock reached closer to his navel than Drew's completely rigid prick.

Drew was staring at Nico's cock; his own dick, though untouched, twitched and throbbed. "Fuck, bro," Drew said huskily. "I really can't believe how huge you are."

Nico and Drew looked up from each other's crotches and locked eyes. Nico grinned broadly. "Thanks, man." He enjoyed the praise as much as he enjoyed jacking off. His dick grew, quickly ballooning to its full length and girth.

Drew watched Nico's dick grow to full hardness. "It's fucking fat, too," he breathed.

Nico wrapped his right hand around his dick and lazily slid it up and down the shaft. The boys watched each other stroking. Drew's dick began leaking precum, which the older boy spread over his cockhead and along his short shaft. Nico wrapped his index finger and thumb around the corona of his glans and squeezed. He closed his eyes and moaned as pleasure spread throughout his body.

Drew scooted closer to Nico. Nico could feel Drew's warm breath on his cheeks. He opened his eyes and looked directly at Drew. Another wave of pleasure washed over his body. He unconsciously slid his tongue over his teeth and against the inside of his bottom lip. He slid it back and forth, pushing it against his lip as he concentrated on the increasing euphoria he felt emanating from between his legs.

Drew moved his body up, closer to the foot of the bed, so that the two tween cockheads were at the same level. A drop of precum appeared on Nico's cockhead, and he used his thumb to spread it around his swollen tip. He shuddered, brushing roughly against the crown. Drew's cock was slicker than Nico's; a steady stream of precum oozed from his shaft.

Drew reached for Nico's cock, more confident than he had been previously. Nico moved closer to Drew. Drew grabbed Nico's dick and held it against his own, head-to-head. He squeezed their dickheads together, coating Nico's helmet with his precum. Nico groaned when he felt Drew's slick ooze cover his glans. His head swelled and throbbed against Drew's smaller cock.

Drew didn't bother sliding his hand along the shafts of their cocks; instead, he worked their connected glans, squeezing and stimulating the bundle of nerves contained within. Without thinking, Nico began moving his hips, pressing and sliding his dick against his friend's.

Both boys were breathing heavily. Nico's tongue poked out of his lips. He closed his eyes and curled his toes. He gave a low groan, starting deep in his throat; he felt his nerve endings explode, and wave after wave of pleasure tore through his body.

At the same time, Drew squeezed their dicks tighter and let out his own quiet whimper. He felt Nico's cum dribble out onto his cockhead and released his own load. His first rope of cum spurted up to his stomach, but the rest of his load mixed with Nico's, completely coating their cockheads.

Their breathing slowed, and their cocks began to soften. Drew released their cocks. Nico's dropped heavily, reaching down to the bed. The last drops of his boy seed dripped onto the sheet. Nico shuddered, regaining his senses.

He looked at the line of jizz on Drew's stomach. "I guess it was your turn to shoot," he joked.

Drew grinned. "Well, I didn't want you to show me up again, so I've been holding back. I'm guessing you haven't!"

"I guess I just don't have the buildup I used to." Nico laughed.

"Jacking off will do that to you." Drew rubbed his fingers in his load. "What are we going to do about this mess?"

"I guess we should have thought about that first." Nico got off the bed and, holding his softening dick in his hand to make sure no cum dripped onto the floor, rushed to the bathroom. A few moments later, he returned with a wad of toilet paper and a stack of clean sheets. His crotch was clear of cum. He tossed the toilet paper to Drew, who rolled onto his back and wiped the cum from his stomach and crotch.

"I have to change the sheets every Sunday, anyway," Nico explained. "I'll just do it now."

Drew got off the bed and helped Nico remove the stained sheets and replace them with a clean set. "Good thing you don't have a comforter on your bed."

Nico nodded. "I took it off a couple nights ago because it was too hot."

"What are we going to do with these?" Drew pointed to the pile of dirty sheets on the floor.

"I guess stick 'em in the hamper in my bathroom and hope my mom doesn't notice." Nico looked questioningly at Drew.

"Sounds good to me. I don't know what else we'd do. If you decided to wash 'em yourself, that would be suspicious, right? Does your mom empty your hamper, or do you take it down yourself?"

"I have to take it down myself, so I'll try what you did and hide them under other sheets and towels."

"And maybe next time we should grab the toilet paper ahead of time," Drew said. Nico didn't miss the certainty with which Drew spoke of their next time together, and for the first time understood that it was likely to become a regular occurrence.

They climbed back into bed and went to sleep.

Nico awoke before Drew the next morning and decided to take a shower while his friend slept. When he came out of his bathroom wearing only his boxer-briefs, Drew was awake and sitting up on his bed.

"Good morning." Nico smiled. "The shower's all yours when you're ready."

Drew rubbed his eyes and looked over at Nico. "Thanks for letting me sleep. I'll get up in a minute." As he spoke, his eyes flitted up and down Nico's body, admiring the 12-year-old's muscular legs and flat stomach; it was obvious that Nico was going to end up broad-chested and fit, just like his dad. But Drew especially admired the way Nico's underwear hugged his flaccid cock and cradled his boy balls. He felt lucky that he had been able to experience his friend's large, hard cock, even though he had done no more than touch it.

Drew got out of bed. "Morning wood," he said, drawing attention to his boxers.

"Trust me, I know the feeling."

Drew stumbled into the bathroom, brushed his teeth, and got into the shower.

Mr. Cavalloni came into the room while Drew was showering and Nico was getting dressed.

"Good, you're up," he said, glancing around the room.

"Drew just got into the shower." Nico said, pulling his shirt down over his head. "What's up?"

"Your mom just finished making breakfast, so you guys should come down as soon as possible."

"Okay, thanks, Dad." Nico smiled.

Mr. Cavalloni looked around the room again; his eyes rested on the bed for a moment. "See you in a few," he said and shut the door behind him.

Drew headed home shortly after breakfast, and Nico and his family spent the rest of their Sunday as usual, working and hanging out together.

Later that night, Nico sat at his desk finishing his assigned reading for English class when his dad came in and shut the door.

He looked up from his book. "What's up, Dad?" Nico turned in his chair to face his father.

Mr. Cavalloni walked up and stood by his soon. He hesitated. "I see you changed your sheets in record time this week."

Nico's face got warm. His mind raced, trying to figure out what to say.

"I'm sure your mom was glad not to have to remind you over and over again," Mr. Cavalloni continued.

"Yeah," Nico said, suddenly inspired. "I didn't want Drew to have to hear Mom telling me about the sheets all the day."

"Let's talk about something," Mr. Cavalloni said and walked over to the bed. He motioned for Nico to follow.

"What is it, Dad?" His dad's serious tone made him nervous.

"I feel like maybe there was another reason that you changed your sheets so quickly today."

Nico didn't respond; he shifted nervously on the bed.

"I want to tell you something," Mr. Cavalloni said. "You know my cousin Vieri?" Nico nodded. "He's about a year older than I am. A bunch of us on both sides of the family were born around the same time, and we were constantly together. During the summer, especially. It wasn't unusual for one or more of us to spend the night at another's house. One night when I was about your age, I was at Vieri's house, and his parents thought we were old enough not to need a babysitter."

Nico was unsure where his father was going with the story. His cousin Vieri was a little like his dad, though heavier and a little shorter.

"Vieri's older brother Tonio was out with his friend. Vieri and I were just talking and joking around when Vieri said that he wanted to show me something in Tonio's room. I felt kind of weird going into my cousin's room when he wasn't there, but I followed Vieri."

"Okay...," Nico said slowly.

"From under Tonio's mattress, Vieri pulled some magazines. Penthouse, Playboy. You know what those are?"

Nico nodded. "I've heard of them."

Mr. Cavalloni took a deep breath. "He started flipping through the magazines to show me the pictures he thought were the best, and then he told me that there was a really good letter in the Penthouse magazine that I should read. I'm sure you know my reaction to the pictures, and reading the letter only made it worse. Vieri asked me to read the letter aloud, and I did. When I got to the end, I looked up from the magazine and saw that Vieri had his penis out and was masturbating."

Nico's eyes went wide.

"I had never done anything like that before, and it really surprised me, but, like I said, the magazines had affected me the same way." Mr. Cavalloni had spent the entire day trying to decide if he should talk to his son about this. He knew it would be a difficult and embarrassing conversation, for both of them, but he also remembered how he had felt at that age and how hard it was not to have anyone to talk to. He knew it was important to make sure his son was comfortable with what was happening to his body and that he wasn't embarrassed about anything.

Nico couldn't believe his dad was telling him this. He was redder than ever.

"Vieri encouraged me to do it with him. So I did. I had my first orgasm that night, in Tonio's room, with my cousin Vieri."

"Dad, why are you telling me all this?" Nico asked.

"Well, I remember how guilty I felt right after. It took me a while to accept that it wasn't a bad thing, and I wanted you to know that those kinds of things happen, and there's nothing wrong with it." He paused. "I'm not saying you've had the same experience, nor that you will, but I wanted you to know that if you do, don't be ashamed or guilty."

The Cavalloni men were silent for a few minutes as they processed what had just transpired between them. Nico was amazed by his dad's openness, and Mr. Cavalloni was wondering whether he had made the right decision. He hadn't told anyone about anything that had happened between him and other guys, but it seemed to him that his son's well being was more important than any embarrassment his admission might bring.

Finally, Nico said, "Thanks, Dad. I mean, I don't know if I needed to hear all that," he grinned, "but, like, I'm glad you told me."

Mr. Cavalloni smiled at his son. "I figure if I want you to be honest with me, and really know that you can always talk to me, I shouldn't be afraid to be honest with you, right? I know how difficult it is at your age. Every guy does. And no matter what they say, we all pretty much go through the same thing."

Any residual guilt that Nico felt about what he and Drew had done left him. This was his dad telling him it was okay, not another guy his age, not some other adult speaking vaguely about what "many guys do." It was an honest and open example from someone he loved and respected, someone he trusted completely.

"So..." Nico started. His dad raised his eyebrows. "There's this girl at school I like, and I don't really know what to do."

Mr. Cavalloni grinned at his son. "It's getting kind of late, so how about we talk about it tomorrow?"

Nico smiled. "Okay, Dad." Mr. Cavalloni got up to leave. "Thanks again."

Life went on pretty much unchanged for the next few weeks. Nico followed his dad's advice about Elena, and tried to get to know her better by asking questions about her interests and family. He learned that she also played soccer, but only for the girls' rec league, because LMS didn't have a girls' soccer team. Soon, they were texting and Snapchatting each other on a daily basis.

CUFC continued winning game after game, and Nico led the team in goals and assists.

He and Drew stayed over at each other's house a few more times, and each time they ended up jacking off together. Drew was eager to try more, but he knew that given Nico's interest in Elena, it might be difficult to convince his friend to go further.

Nico discovered that on days when he jacked off in the morning, he was less likely to experience random hard-ons, so he started jacking off every day. He had to get up earlier than he used to in order to make sure he had time to take care of his morning wood. He stopped masturbating in the shower and started busting his loads in bed. His parents, or at least his dad, knew he had begun jerking off, but he saw no reason to invite questions by taking longer and longer showers each day. Each night, therefore, he gathered some toilet paper and hid it in his nightstand before his parents came in to say good night. Each morning, he used the toilet paper to clean up his load and then flushed it down the toilet before brushing his teeth and showering.

Although his completely random erections had decreased, he was still unable to control his body's response when he took notice of Elena or Miss Bartow or any number of other girls. Strangely, he found himself beginning to have similar reactions when he was around Drew. He had been drawn to Drew's bright green eyes before, and he knew that Drew was considered "cute," but was surprised during math one day when he found himself gazing at Drew and becoming aroused. Drew noticed Nico staring and gave him a big smile.

Nico had decided that what he and Drew were doing didn't make either of them gay. Drew had pointed out that many of their friends had masturbated together, and Nico didn't think they could all be gay. Plus, his dad definitely wasn't gay, and he had confessed to similar experiences when he was Nico's age. He wasn't sure why he was suddenly responding to Drew the same way he had responded to Elena, but he figured it was because Drew was the only source of sexual experience he had, and his brain was simply eager for more.

As the end of October neared, a notice went out that tryouts for the LMS soccer team were coming up. Nico had proven himself as a member of CUFC, but even though Coach Jamie was also the school coach, he knew that he had to tryout just as everyone else did. And he was unsurprised when he made the team.

There was no varsity or junior varsity team in middle school; everyone who made the team, regardless of age or ability, was on the same team.

Nico's thrice weekly CUFC practices were replaced by nightly LMS practice. Since nearly everyone who played for CUFC also played for a school team, Jamie was okay with this arrangement, even though it meant some loss of cohesion during each Saturday's league games. Still CUFC continued to win.

The day of the first LMS soccer practice, Coach Jamie and Mr. Faggi assigned the team members lockers in the cordoned off section of the main locker-room. After making sure that everyone's locks worked and reminding the boys of the rules, Mr. Faggi left. Coach Jamie told the boys to get changed and meet on the field.

Changing in the locker-room for gym class had ceased to be any concern for Nico, but as he stood not only among a few friends but also among the 8th graders, some who seemed to tower over everyone else, Nico paused. Sure, his friends had pronounced his cock huge, and he was the biggest in his gym class, but he had no idea about the older boys. He glanced around the room and decided it didn't matter. Even if the older guys were more developed, he had nothing to be ashamed of. As he changed into his sliders and the remainder of his kit, Nico made no attempt to hide his body.

Brett, the 8th grader Nico had seen Connor with, had made the team. And when Nico sat down on the bench to lace up his cleats, he noticed that Brett was watching him. Brett was a few inches taller than Nico and had close-cut brown hair. He was lanky and had long arms and legs; Nico imagined he was quick on the field. Given Brett's height and reach, Nico was unsurprised to see him wearing the goalie's uniform.

Nico wasn't sure how to respond to Brett's attention; he still didn't know what the expectations were when dealing with the older boys. Should he be himself? Should he act deferential so they knew they were in charge? He just smiled and finished tying his cleats.

Coach Jamie ran practice at LMS very similarly to what he did at CUFC. Brett turned out to be a pretty good goalie, and for the first half of shooting practice, no one got a ball past him. Nico watched Brett closely and saw that he was slower at getting to balls that came to the right side of the goal. The next time Nico was up to shoot, he aimed at the upper right corner of the goal; the ball sailed past Brett. Brett cursed; Nico and the other guys cheered. Nico looked at Coach Jamie for approval.

Coach Jamie waved Nico over. "You found his weakness," Jamie said proudly. "Good. You're observant and smart, good at reading. Keep at it." He smiled and slapped Nico on the ass, sending him back to the line.

By the end of the day, many guys on the team were winded and exhausted. "We're gonna keep working on your stamina, boys," Coach Jamie called to them before dismissing them from the field. "If you can't play for the whole game, you can't win."

As they headed back to the locker-room, Nico whispered to Drew, "Do you think everyone's going to shower?"

Drew shrugged. "I dunno. Why?"

"Well, I was going to shower, but I don't want to be the only one. That would be weird."

Drew laughed. "Well, I'm going to shower, 'cause I don't like to be sweaty, and I doubt my mom wants my sweaty, grass stained legs and arms in the car."

"Well, since I'm riding home with you..."

Nico undressed and wrapped his towel around his waist before heading to the shower-room. He thought modesty was the best course of action until he knew the team better. It turned out that most guys had decided to shower rather than head home sweaty and dirty. Nico found an empty stall in the shower-room, threw his towel on the bench, and stepped inside. As usual, Drew took the shower across from Nico. Travis took the empty stall to Nico's left.

Nico glanced quickly to his right to see who his other neighbor was; it was Brett. He was already washing his hair and had his eyes closed to keep the shampoo from them. Nico brought his gaze down to Brett's crotch, hoping his interest wouldn't be noticed. He swelled with pride. Although Brett was much taller and had more pubic hair, his soft dick was definitely not as large as Nico's. He looked to be about Gary's size.

Nico placed his head under the shower spray and let the water wash over him. It seemed he didn't need to worry about any shortcomings not only among his peers, but also among older guys. He smiled and soaped up his body, scrubbing the grass and dirt from his elbows and knees, washing the sweat from his body.

As he entered the locker-room the next afternoon to change for practice, Nico ran into Mr. Faggi on his way out.

"Hey, Nico," Mr. Faggi said. "I hear you're doing well for Coach Jamie in CUFC. I figured you would."

"Thanks, Mr. Faggi," Nico said, beaming. "But I was wondering why you don't coach here? I saw you coaching at the rec fields."

Mr. Faggi laughed. "I used to, but Jamie is much better at developing the skills at this age. I coach at Collins Prep."

"Oh." Nico was a bit confused. "But you teach here."

Mr. Faggi nodded. "Collins just needed a coach for their upper school team. If one of their PE teachers leaves, I might go over there, but who knows? I have a lot of time invested at Lee."

"Well, hopefully you won't go until we do." Nico hadn't realized how much he enjoyed Mr. Faggi as a teacher until the possibility of him leaving came up.

"I'll try." Mr. Faggi laughed, thinking he didn't want to leave any sooner than he had to. He was really beginning to enjoy Nico's daily exhibitions in the locker-room, and as an added bonus, some of the others were following Nico's lead.

During shooting practice the next afternoon, the guys adopted Nico's plan of attack and began kicking to the right side of the goal, and some balls managed to get by Brett. Brett was learning to read the kickers better, but he was also overcompensating for his weakness by edging to the right side of the goal too early. After Brett blocked his last shot, Nico began examining the goalie's movements more closely. He noticed Brett's premature sidling. When his next turn to kick came up, Nico paused, considering his best approach to score on Brett.

Brett, thinking Nico was hesitant because he had managed to block the last five shots, called out. "Let's go, Horse! Stop wasting time!"

A bunch of the guys laughed.

Nico was taken aback, unsure how to react. "Kick it, Horse!" a couple of the guys shouted. Nico refocused on the ball. He took a few steps back, so he could make a run up to the ball. Brett began moving right before Nico reached the ball; Nico faked kicking right, but pivoted at the last second and sent the ball sailing to left side of the goal. Brett had no chance of reaching it.

The guys cheered. Nico grinned stupidly. Coach Jamie patted Nico on the shoulder as he passed by on his way to the goal to talk to Brett.

Nico and Drew hung back as the rest of the guys went ahead to the locker-room.

"Horse?" Nico said to Drew.

Drew chuckled. "Pretty accurate nickname, huh?"

"I guess," he agreed doubtfully. "But I'm not sure I want you guys calling me that all the time. People will start wondering about it."

"It's not like the rumor hasn't gone around the school." Drew grinned wickedly.

"Ugh. I'm sure not everyone has heard, and what about the teachers?"

"Relax. I don't think anyone's going to be calling you that in the lunchroom, if that's what you're worried about."

In the locker-room, several of the guys again congratulated Nico on managing to find Brett's weakness, and each one of them called him "Horse" instead of Nico.

"Good job, Horse," Brett said with a wide smile. "You're pretty good."

Nico blushed; he appreciated the compliment from the older boy. "Thanks. You're pretty good, too."

"Could be better." Brett shrugged. "Think you could help me out? I got a goal in my backyard, maybe you could come over some time and kick around with me, help me get better at reading."

Nico, always eager to play ball, readily agreed.

That night, Nico told his parents about practice, including the compliment Brett had given him. His mom and dad recognized how proud Nico was that an older teammate admired his skills, so when he asked them about going to Brett's, they agreed to meet Brett's parents, but made no other promises.

Before the CUFC game that Saturday, Nico and his parents walked up to where the U14s were playing.

Brett saw Nico approaching and waved him over. He stood with someone Nico recognized.

"Dr. Trenton!" Mrs. Cavalloni was surprised to see the doctor who had done her son's sports physical. Dr. Trenton was obviously a few years older than she looked. "I didn't realize you had a son!"

Dr. Trenton smiled at the Cavallonis. "This is Brett," Dr. Trenton said.

"Nice to meet you." Brett shook Mr. and Mrs. Cavalloni's hands.

"Obviously you know my son, Nico," Mrs. Cavalloni said. "This is my husband Luca. Luca, this is the doctor who gave Nico his physical so he could start playing with CUFC."

Mr. Cavalloni shook Dr. Trenton's hand. "I hear Brett wants Nico to come over and help him practice."

Dr. Trenton looked Mr. Cavalloni over. A quick glance at Mr. Cavalloni's crotch told the doctor that Nico had gotten more from his father than his good looks.

"That's what Brett tells me," Dr. Trenton finally said. "Are you guys okay with that?"

"Absolutely," Dani Cavalloni responded. Dr. Trenton's ogling hadn't gone unnoticed, but Dani was used to the attention her husband received, just as he was used to the looks she received. "We just wanted to meet you first. If we had realized you were Brett's mom, we would have agreed immediately."

"Great!" Brett said. "Maybe this afternoon?" Brett looked back and forth between Nico and his mom.

"I think tomorrow afternoon," Mrs. Cavalloni said, "provided Nico has finished his homework and any chores."

"Tomorrow it is, then," Dr. Trenton said.

Nico and his parents hurried back to the U13 field.

Saturday's game was the quarterfinals of the rec league championship, a fairly meaningless title, but one for which CUFC strived every year. Nico's team was undefeated going into the game, and when the final whistle blew, their record remained intact.

Elena texted Nico that night to say that her team had lost their quarterfinal match, so her season was over.

"How'd you guys do?" she asked.

"We won!" Nico bragged. "I think we could have mercy ruled them, but Coach Jamie took me and Drew out near the end."

"That's great! So semifinals next weekend?"


"Maybe I'll come and watch it..." Elena said. Her team had always played at the same time as Nico's, so they had never seen each other play.

The idea of Elena watching him play made Nico excited and nervous. "That would be cool," he texted back.

Nico awoke earlier than usual on Sunday, eager to make sure he had completed his homework and other chores in time to go over to Brett's house. Finally, around 3 o'clock his mom relented. "Okay, okay, stop asking." She smiled. "Call and ask if it's okay for you to come over now."

Thirty minutes later, Nico's parents dropped him at Brett's house. Nico climbed out of the car in full soccer kit. "We'll be back about five," his dad called through the opened window.

Nico turned and headed up the walk just as Dr. Trenton opened the door and waved to his parents. She led Nico through the house to the backyard, where Brett was already kicking the ball around.

"Hey, man!" Brett smiled. "Ready to play?" He dropped the ball on the ground and headed to the goal.

"I guess you take this pretty seriously." Nico was impressed that Brett not only had a real soccer goal set up in his backyard, but also had the penalty lines marked in the grass around it.

Brett nodded. "Yep. I really want to play at Collins next year, and hopefully in college. I usually come home and practice with my dad at night after school practice. Sometimes one of my other friends comes over. None of them are as good as you, though."

Nico blushed. He appreciated the compliments, but sometimes they made him feel awkward.

"Alright, Horse," Brett said with a grin. "Let's get started."

As 5 o'clock neared, their practice came to an end, and they headed inside. Brett filled two glasses from the water dispenser in the refrigerator and handed one to Nico. He led Nico to the breakfast table.

"Where's your mom?" Nico looked around.

"Probably went out to pick up dinner. She hates cooking." Brett laughed.

Nico grinned. "That's the opposite of my mom. She hates to eat out; it's not healthy enough."

They sat silent for a few moments.

"So where'd you move from, Horse?"

"Colorado," Nico answered. "And where'd that name come from?"

"Well, you've heard the phrase hung like a..." Brett trailed off and grinned.

"Ahh," Nico said. He hadn't actually heard the phrase before, but it hadn't been hard for him to figure out what Brett had meant. At summer camp a few years before, he and some of his friends had been shocked when they saw one of the stallions approach and mount a mare. A counselor had quickly appeared and moved them away, but not before the boys had noticed the immense size of the stallion's penis.

"I'm sorry if it embarrassed you," Brett said. "It was a name that was just in my head, and I didn't actually mean to use it. It just sorta slipped out."

"No, it's cool." Nico smiled weakly. "I just wouldn't want people calling me that, like, in public and around school. Too weird."

"Gotcha. I'll stick to Nico off the field."

Nico's parents arrived a few minutes later, and he headed home.

The first LMS soccer game was that Thursday night, and the semifinals for CUFC were that Saturday. Coach Jamie ran them hard on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. By Thursday, the team was ready and eager for their first game.

Their opponent took an early lead, scoring twice on Brett, but Nico's team came back strong in the second half, scoring three unanswered goals. Nico again distinguished himself on the field, scoring one goal and assisting in another. Drew scored the final goal, breaking the tie with five minutes remaining. It felt good to start the season with a win, and Coach Jamie was just as excited as the players.

LMS had no practice the following Friday, but Coach Jamie called a practice for the CUFC U13 team. He wanted to see the team in action before their semifinal match on Saturday. The U13s hadn't been to the championship game in several years, and even though this was one of the best teams he remembered coaching, he didn't want to take any chances.

Despite the butterflies in his stomach, Nico was eager to get to the field Saturday morning. Not only did he really want to win their semifinal game and move on to the championship game the following week, but also it was the first time that Elena would see him play, and he wanted to impress her.

He paced up and down the sidelines, looking at the parking lot every time he heard a new car pull in. Finally, just before game time, he saw Elena walking towards the field.

"She made it," Drew said, nodding at the dark-haired girl. He grinned at his friend, trying to ignore the eagerness with which Nico had been waiting for Elena.

"Cool," Nico said simply.

The semifinal game proved challenging. Midway through the second half, the CUFC team was trailing for the first time in the season. Nico saw his parents and Elena on the sidelines, cheering on him and the rest of the team. Nico scored two goals in the second half with assists from Drew, putting the team in the lead, where they stayed until the end.

The sidelines erupted and Nico's teammates surrounded him, patting him on the back and praising his play. Nico put his arm around Drew, praising him for his assists. Drew smiled happily.

Nico came off the field and walked to his parents with Drew and Travis close behind. Mr. and Mrs. Cavalloni were beaming at their son. His dad tousled his son's hair; his mom kissed him on the cheek. Behind his parents, Nico caught sight of Elena. He smiled at her and waved.

Mr. Cavalloni turned around to see whom his son was greeting. When he saw the dark-haired, olive-skinned girl approaching, he understood. He turned to the side to let Elena pass.

"Hey Elena!" Nico said eagerly, wiping sweat from his eyes. Nico's parents looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

"You were great, Nico," Elena said. The two looked awkwardly at each other for a moment.

"Elena, hello!" Drew called, stepping up next to Nico. "Wasn't I great out there? Helping Nico score those two goals?"

Nico shoved Drew. "Shut up."

Elena laughed. "Yes, Drew, you were good, too." She smiled. "So I'm having a birthday party next Saturday. You guys should come."

"I'm not sure," Nico said, looking at his mom over Elena's shoulder.

Mrs. Cavalloni interjected. "I think that would be great," she said. Elena turned around, and Mrs. Cavalloni introduced herself. "I'm Nico's mom, Dani Cavalloni, and this is his dad, Luca."

"Nice to meet you," Elena said, shaking their hands. "So Nico can come?"

"I don't see why not," Mr. Cavalloni said, "but why don't you introduce us to your parents?"

"Okay, c'mon," Elena said, leading the Cavallonis over to her mom and dad.

"Sounds like someone likes you," Travis teased Nico.

"No way," Drew countered. "She was way more into me."

"You wish," Nico said with a grin. "Besides, I don't think she 'likes' me. She invited all of us to the party."

"We'll see," Travis said with a laugh.

The next week passed quickly. Nico again practiced with Brett on Sunday. On Monday, Elena was waiting for him at his locker and gave him an invitation to her party. That afternoon, his LMS soccer teammates, who had heard about the previous Saturday's game, expressed their admiration for his abilities. Thursday night's LMS game was easy. Their opponent was outmatched, and Nico's team won 4-0. Friday afternoon, Coach Jamie again called a CUFC practice. Saturday was the U13s chance to win the rec league championship for the first time in years.

Nico had been so busy during the week that he hadn't thought much about Elena's party, but as he wound down after practice Friday night, the same anxiety and eagerness he had experienced the previous weekend flooded back. He was not only going to play a game that was bigger than last week's, but also he was going to hang out with Elena outside of school. He slept fitfully Friday night and awoke early Saturday.

Elena didn't come to Saturday's championship game, for which Nico was somewhat thankful. He wanted to direct his full attention to the game. The championship match turned out to be an easier game than the previous week's semifinal. As the end of the match neared, Nico's team led by one point. The other team pushed hard and made many shots on goal to try to tie the score, but Brett managed to deflect each one. In the end, Nico's team came out on top.

To celebrate, Nico's parents took the team to a local pizza place

Later that afternoon, Nico, Drew, and Travis went to Elena's house. There were a number of people Nico didn't know, but he recognized most of them. David and Connor were already there when Nico arrived, and Matt and Gary arrived soon after. Elena and her friends had the downstairs of the house to themselves. The room was a little awkward. For the most part, the guys and girls were segregated. Rarely, one of the guys would muster the nerve to talk to the girls for a few minutes before returning to the pack. The girls never approached the guys, but occasionally giggled and then looked away when the guys looked in their direction. Even when they were watching movies, the groups remained separate.

Elena's parents came in only occasionally to bring more snacks and drinks and, near the end, the birthday cake. Shortly after the cake had been devoured, the party began breaking up, and by 8 o'clock, the Nico, Drew, Gary, Matt, Elena, and a few of her friends were left.

The remaining boys and girls talked together more; everyone felt much more comfortable in the smaller group.

Mandie, one of Elena's friends whom Nico recognized from gym, suggested they play truth or dare.

"I don't know about that," Nico said. He had never played truth or dare before, and he wasn't sure he wanted to start.

"C'mon, Nico," Matt encouraged. "Don't be a pussy."

"Yeah, Nico, let's play," one of the other girls put in.

Nico relented. "Okay, okay."

The boys and girls sat across from each other to play. The questions started out pretty tame. After a few rounds, Mandie gave Nico a serious look. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth," Nico said.

"Have you ever had sex or done anything sexual?" Mandie asked without hesitation.

The other girls gasped and giggled. Nico was horrified. He didn't want to say yes, because the only experience he had was jacking off with Drew. He considered saying no, but he didn't want to lie.

"Well?" Matt asked with a grin.

"Um... how about dare?" Nico said.

The guys laughed. "I guess that means no," Gary said.

"Shut up, Gary," Drew responded. "Like you're so experienced."

"Okay, okay," Mandie said. "Dare it is." She huddled with the girls and whispered. She looked up at Nico with a triumphant smile. "Show us why they call you Horse."

"Oh, come on." Nico blushed. His friends and teammates often referred to him as Horse in the locker-room and on the field--he was getting used to it, but blatant references to his size still sometimes made him uncomfortable. He liked that his friends admired him, but he wasn't a "show-off." There were certain times it was appropriate for people to see what he was packing, like the shower-room, but Elena's basement didn't feel like one of those places.

"You said dare," Mandie said.

Nico looked at Elena and shook his head. "I just feel too weird about it."

Elena was blushing; Nico didn't know if she was embarrassed because she had told Mandie to make the dare or if she was embarrassed by the whole situation.

"Lame," Matt intoned in his deepest voice.

"It's not a very good dare, anyway. Everyone knows why." Drew patted Nico on the shoulder. "Plus Elena's parents are here."

"I said show, not tell." Mandie looked right at Nico.

"Stop, Mandie," Elena said. "Come up with something else or we're going to the next person."

"Fine. Nico, I dare you to kiss Elena."

Nico's heart raced--his first kiss. He had often thought about kissing Elena, and also doing much more. He had backed out on the truth about sex and the dare about flashing; he couldn't say no to this dare. His palms were suddenly sweaty.

He crawled across the floor so that he was on his knees in front of Elena. She sat up. Nico looked into her dark brown eyes. She looked down and brushed her hair behind her ear with her left hand. Nico took a deep breath and moved his face closer. Elena looked up. Nico cocked his head slightly and brought his mouth to hers.

It was awkward at first, closed lip, but then Elena parted her lips. Nico did the same, and when their tongues touched, a jolt of electricity flowed down his spine. He wanted to put his arm around her and pull her to him, to feel her breasts pressed against him. His dick began to grow, snaking down the left leg of his boxer-briefs.

Mandie cleared her throat loudly, bringing an end to the kiss.

Nico pulled away from Elena; he knew that his semi-hard dick showed in relief in his khaki shorts.

"I think I hear someone coming," Matt said.

Nico scuttled backwards to join the guys; his semi quickly deflated at the sound of Elena's father's footsteps on the stairs.

Mr. Bustos reached the final step and came into the room. "Nico, Drew, your parents are here. Matt, your mom just called, and she said it's time for you to head home."

"Thanks, Mr. Bustos." It was a quick walk from Elena's house to Matt's.

"Elena, your mom will bring sheets and blankets down in a bit and make sure you girls have everything you need."

As the boys walked upstairs, Drew said to Nico, "I guess they're staying over."

Gary turned on the stairs and whispered to Nico, "And I can guess what they're going to be talking about." Nico blushed.

The boys met their parents in the hall and followed them outside. Matt said goodbye and headed up the street.

"Where are your parents?" Nico asked Gary.

"Parents weekend at my brother's college. I'm with Drew tonight and tomorrow night."

"Oh. Cool," Nico said. He was surprised to find that he was jealous of Gary spending time alone with Drew, especially since he could imagine some of the things they might do together.

"Maybe you can spend the night, too," Drew said, looking from Nico to his parents.

"Fine with us," Mrs. Beck said.

"Can I, Mom?"

Mrs. Cavalloni looked at her husband. He gave a non-committal shrug. "Okay," she said, "I guess, but we'll have to go home first to get your stuff."

"Yes!" Nico said more enthusiastically than he had intended.

"Awesome." Drew and Gary grinned broadly.

They all headed home, and about an hour later, Nico arrived at Drew's house with a change of clothes and a toothbrush.

Drew's parents told the boys that it was too late to go swimming, so they spent the evening in Drew's room. Since Drew only had two controllers for each of his game systems, they had to take turns playing; while two played, the third watched. About an hour and half later, Drew's parents came in to tell them to turn off the games and remind them not to stay up too late. Drew's dad again brought the air mattress.

"I don't know if three of you can fit on here," he said, as the air pump whirred and the mattress slowly inflated. "But Drew's bed is obviously available if not." As soon as the mattress was filled, he removed the pump and left the room.

Nico and Gary put the sheets that Drew's mom had brought on the mattress. It was a tight fit, but all three boys squeezed onto the mattress and sat with their backs against Drew's bed to watch TV.

"So how about that Truth or Dare game?" Gary asked after a few minutes. He grinned and looked over at Nico, who was on the other side of Drew.

Nico blushed. "Ugh. I can't believe Mandie dared me to do that."

"I can. She's kind of... experienced. Yours wouldn't have been the first she's seen."


"Oh yeah," Gary confirmed. "I mean, she hasn't seen mine, but Matt can fill you in."

"Oh wow." Nico was impressed. It probably had been Matt who had put in the question about condoms during the sex-ed portion of gym class.

"But yours would have been the biggest she's seen," Drew threw in.

Gary nodded. "I'm kind of surprised you didn't do it. I woulda just whipped it out."

"Yeah, I know. You're a pervert." Nico grinned. He did enjoy the admiration that he received thanks to his endowment, and he wasn't embarrassed of it, but he wasn't comfortable with the idea of "showing off" just for attention.

"At least you finally got to kiss Elena instead of just staring at her," Drew teased.

Nico punched Drew in the arm. "Ass."

"What about the truth?" Gary asked

"What do you mean?"

"Have you ever done anything sexual?"

"Oh, well..." Nico trailed off. He looked at Drew. Drew shrugged. "I mean, I've only ever jacked off."

"Ahh," Gary said. "You guys done it together?" He looked from Drew to Nico.

"Yeah, we have," Drew said. "Just like you and me have and you and me and Travis and..." he trailed off.

"Man," Gary said. "I can't believe you didn't tell me, Drew."

"Sorry. I didn't think Nico would want me to."

"It's too bad your parents don't let you have a computer in here," Gary said. "We could look at some videos." He grinned at the other boys.

"I don't think we need videos," Drew said with a grin. "I mean, all Nico has to do is think of Miss Bartow, or Elena running around in gym class."

"Shaddup," Nico said.

"I'm with you there," Gary said. He started rubbing his crotch.

"I'll be right back," Drew said and crawled over Gary to get out of the bed. He hurried out of the room and returned with a roll of toilet paper.

"Looks like someone is ready to go," Gary said with a nod towards Drew's tented shorts.

Drew grinned. "Always!" Drew took off his shirt and pulled down his shorts. He stood naked at the edge of the air mattress, his thin, 13-year-old boymeat rising towards his stomach.

Gary pulled off his shirt and continued rubbing his crotch through his shorts.

Nico was hesitant. "Are we really doing this, you guys?" He had been jealous when he thought of Drew playing around with Gary without him there, but now that it looked like the three of them were going to jack off together, he was nervous.

"Why not?" Gary unzipped his shorts and slipped them off his long legs. He pulled his semi through the fly of his boxers and began to pull on it with two fingers.

Drew got back on the mattress between Gary and Nico. "You just gonna sit there?"

Gary's cock was now fully hard. It appeared he was more of a show-er than a grower. Although he was definitely bigger than Drew, almost 6-inches long, his cock didn't grow as much as Nico's when it got hard. "C'mon," Gary urged. "Or are you afraid that I'll actually be bigger than you hard?"

Nico laughed. "No way, man, not a chance."

Drew backed Nico up. "He's right, Gary. He's got you beat...by a lot."

"Prove it, then," Gary taunted. Gary was pretty sure Nico had him beat, but he wanted to see for himself. "Show me that you're not just a show-er."

Nico's cock responded to Gary's taunts. He knew he was bigger. He was pretty sure that Gary knew it, too, but the fact that Gary was covering his desire to see Nico's dick by displaying false confidence turned Nico on.

"Alright, bro." Nico took off his shirt and shucked his shorts and underwear. Nico lifted his chubbed up cock from its position on his left thigh and lay it up, so that the head was reaching towards his stomach.

Gary leaned over Drew and looked at Nico's semi. "Not bad, but I don't think it's bigger than mine." He leaned back and sucked in his stomach, holding up and showing off his hard dick.

Nico leaned over to look at Gary's cock. His dick was almost as big as Gary's, and he wasn't even hard yet. "We're just getting started." Nico spoke confidently; more blood rushed to his dick; it lurched upward.

Drew watched his two friends, each confident in the size of his prick. He hadn't touched his dick yet, but precum was oozing from it and running down the shaft.

Gary wrapped his thumb and forefinger around the base of his cock and squeezed, making his dick swell larger.

Nico ran the tips of his fingers up and down the shaft of his Italian meat; it continued to lengthen and expand. When it had reached full hardness, he held it up and squeezed the base as Gary had done. "I'm pretty sure I win, dude."

Gary looked at Nico's swollen, quivering cock. "Fuck, man. I knew you were gonna be bigger, but I didn't think you were going to be THAT big." Gary got up on his knees so that he could get a better look at Nico's cock.

"Can you do this?" Gary released his dick and flexed his kegel muscles, making his dick bounce and sway.

"I dunno," Nico said. "How'd you do that?" Nico got up on his knees.

Both boys were now kneeling over Drew, their hard cocks jutting out over his stomach. Drew looked back and forth between Gary, whose dick was the biggest he had seen until a few weeks ago, and Nico, whose size always impressed and excited him.

"You got these muscles, like at the base of your dick or something," Gary explained. "If you flex 'em, you can make it bounce. It also feels good. You've probably felt 'em before, when you cum."

Nico knew what Gary meant. He had felt those muscles tense and relax when he pumped his cum out of his dick. He had flexed them before while jacking off without realizing what he was doing. Soon, Nico's long cock was bouncing up and down, swaying just as Gary's had done. A clear drop of precum appeared on his cocktip.

Drew's attention remained on his friends' two large cocks. He watched them take turns bouncing their dicks, showing off to each other. If one of them moved just half an inch closer, their swollen cockheads would touch. Nico's pearl of precum fell from the tip of his dick and dropped onto Drew's stomach.

Nico's head, Drew noticed, was wider at the base than Gary's, but narrowed at the tip to form more of an arrow- or spear-like glans, much like an acorn for which the tip was named. Gary's cockhead was more bulbous, like a mushroom top, and the tip was wider than Nico's. He looked down at his own cock, inches smaller than either Nico or Gary, but similar in shape to his Italian friend.

"Hey Drew," Gary said suddenly. Drew quickly looked from his dick to Gary's face. "Did you show Nico this?" Gary quickly brought his fingers down between Drew's legs; he slid them under his friend's hairless ballsac and pressed against his prostate.

Drew moaned and thrust his hips up; more precum oozed from his dick.

Nico was shocked by Gary's sudden movements. "What the hell was that?"

Gary looked at Nico, but continued moving his fingers between Drew's legs. "There's a spot, right behind your balls between your legs that feels fucking awesome when you press on it while you're jacking off. I don't know why, but it does. I always cum harder when I do it."

Nico tentatively reached behind his balls. He moved his index finger around, pressing it in different areas between his legs until he found the spot Gary meant. It was near the muscles that he flexed to make his dick bounce, but when he pressed against it, a wave of pleasure flowed through his body. Nico closed his eyes; he shuddered and moaned involuntarily. His body twitched over Drew, and he reached out with his free hand to steady himself. He grabbed onto Gary, bringing them closer together. Their sticky dick heads touched.

Nico opened his eyes. Gary was grinning at him. "Felt good, huh?" His fingers were still between Drew's legs, massaging the smaller boy's g-spot. Drew moaned, opening and closing his legs, stretching his hamstrings and calves, pointing his toes towards the TV.

"That was fucking intense," Nico said. "Holy crap."

Gary removed his fingers from Drew's prostate. He pressed one hand against the spot where his thigh met his crotch and curled his fingers behind his ballsac. With his other hand, he began stroking his dick.

Nico wrapped his right forefinger and thumb around the base of his cock and squeezed, pressing down against the pubic bone. His cock rose larger. With this left hand. He began stroking, working his hand from mid-shaft to tip, paying special attention to his glans. Another drop of precum dribbled from his piss slit. He rubbed it around; his cockhead glistened.

Drew placed two fingers on his dick and also began jacking off. His eyes darted back and forth between the swollen, twitching pricks of his friends.

Nico stared at his own dick, watching his hand glide up and down the length of his shaft. In his periphery, he could see Drew working his dick. Nico stopped stroking and looked directly at Drew's cock. His friend only used two fingers, while he could use his whole hand and then some. Nico knew Drew's hard cock was slightly smaller than his soft cock, but he wondered just how big he actually was.

Seeing that Nico's cock was now free, Drew released his own dick and grabbed Nico's with his left hand. Nico was surprised, but didn't object. He slipped his right hand down below his balls and started massaging his prostate while Drew worked his cock.

"What about me?" Gary said.

Drew grabbed Gary's dick with his right hand. Gary reached down and started to stroke Drew. Nico stopped his prostate massage and slid his hand between Drew's legs. While Gary slid his fingers up and down Drew's slick cock, Nico attacked his prostate with his fingertips.

Drew produced far more precum than either Gary or Nico, and he leaked even more thanks to Nico's ministrations on his g-spot. A puddle of clear, sticky fluid gathered in his crotch.

Despite the attention he was receiving from Gary and Nico, Drew didn't let up on either boy's cock. He squeezed and jerked both shafts, enjoying the length and heft of Nico's large, Italian meat. Gary's large balls swung heavily between his legs as he started thrusting himself into Drew's fist.

"Oh fuck," Gary moaned. "I'm getting close." He released Drew's cock and started jacking himself again, pushing Drew's hand from his stiff meat. His hand, slippery with Drew's precum, flowed easily up and down his shaft.

Drew returned his hand to his dick, but he didn't let go of Nico's cock, and Nico didn't let up on Drew's prostate.

Nico watched the ease with which Gary's hand was gliding up and down his long shaft. He spied the puddle of precum at the base of Drew's cock. He reached for it, coated his fingers in it, and rubbed it on his shaft. Then, he spit in his hand, and replaced Drew's hand with his own.

All three boys closed their eyes, focusing only on their own cocks and the feeling that was building up, the tingling pleasure that grew in the tips of their dicks.

Gary was the first to cum, grunting and twisting his body. Nico and Drew opened their eyes and watched his 13-year-old baseball jock jizz drop heavily onto Drew's stomach. Gary raised his eyebrows at Nico and grinned.

Drew came next. He held his breath; a quiet whimper escaped his throat. He pointed his toes and pressed his fingers between his legs. He looked right at Nico, watching his well-endowed friend shudder as he approached orgasm, and then shot two volleys of blond boy cum up to his chest.

Nico's eyes grew wide when he saw how far Drew shot. He hadn't been able to shoot since that first time he and Drew had jacked off together, and he had only seen Drew shoot once before. Seeing his friend's cum fly and land on his chest, one rope of it crossing his brown nipple, took Nico over the edge.

Nico pointed his long dick down at Drew's stomach, figuring it was better to follow Gary's lead than to mess up the sheets. A flush spread across his upper body, speckling his chest with red dots. With a quiet moan, Nico gave in to the pleasure that had been building. It spread through him, and he released his cum onto Drew's stomach. A continuous flow of Italian boyjizz spilled from his piss slit.

Nico breathed out heavily and squeezed the last drops of cum from his cock. He looked at the mess on Drew's stomach. Although he hadn't shot, as he had hoped he would, his load was thicker than either Gary's or Drew's, but it looked like Gary might have produced more.

"Wow. That was intense," Nico said, still catching his breath.

"Tell me about it," Gary said. "It was fucking hot, too."

Drew looked down at his body. "Will one of you hand me the fucking toilet paper before this shit dries on me?"

Gary and Nico laughed. "Sorry, man," Gary said, "but I didn't know where else to drop it."

"And I just did what Gary did!" Nico grabbed the toilet paper from the foot of the mattress. He tore off a few squares for himself and Gary before handing the roll to Drew. Gary and Nico cleaned the residual cum from their softening dicks. Drew unrolled some toilet paper and laid it across his chest and stomach. The boys' mingled cum quickly soaked through.

"Ugh," Drew said in mock disgust. He loved the feeling of his friends' cum on his body, and the rigidity of his cock was proof. He unrolled more toilet paper and endeavored to mop up the mess. Soon, he held a sticky wad of tissue in his hand. His cock had finally lost its tumescence.

"I'm going to go flush this," he said, standing up on the bed, "and return this toilet paper roll to my bathroom." He pulled on his boxers before leaving the room with a wadded mess of cummy tissue in one hand and a roll of toilet paper in the other.

In the bathroom, Drew examined the wad before tossing it into the toilet. He stuck out his tongue, hoping to taste the mixture of boy cum that soaked the tissue. The paper dissolved against his tongue, giving him hardly any taste of his friends' spooge. With a disappointed sigh, he tossed the paper into the toilet and flushed.

When he returned to the room, Nico and Gary were wearing their boxers and lying silently on the bed. They watched TV for a little bit before turning off the lights and going to bed.

As I said in the Author's Note, let me know what you think of this. Good? Terrible? Concerns? Suggestions? Something you want to see? Feedback and communication with fans is what keeps me interested in writing, since I don't get paid for it!

If you didn't like it, well, don't bother telling me that unless you have a specific reason why and a suggestion for improvement. I rely on the readers to keep the story going and to keep it good!

To get updates as soon as I've finished them or to check out my other stories, including Mr. A and His Boys, I suggest joining my Yahoo! Group. The group is called Mr. A's Boys, and you can subscribe by visiting http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mr_as_boys/ or sending an e- mail to mr_as_boys-subscribe@yahoogroups.com. I will send notices to the group when a new story is posted to Nifty and I will also post the stories (including any bi versions) in the Files section. I encourage your input and comments on the stories via the group, or if you prefer, in private emails to me. In the group, you can also post pics of yourself as well as what you envision any of the characters from the stories looking like. Anything illegal will be removed immediately upon discovery.

Feel free to contact me, email: alessandro.bendotato@gmail.com; AIM: grossoitaliano (same on Yahoo! and MSN, although I'm rarely on those). If you e-mail, please put Nifty, Mr. A, or A Boy Called Horse in the subject line.

Next: Chapter 5

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