A Gay Life to Live

By Jaime Carranza

Published on Apr 27, 2013


A Gay Life to Live Part VI The Birthday Party

Disclaimer: this author does not know any of the actors on whom the characters of this story are based. All rights to One Life to Live and all its characters are the property of Disney, ABC, and Prospect Park. The sexual acts depicted in this series in no way reflect the sexual preferences of those mentioned. All characters included in this story are over 18 years of age.

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Nate Salinger’s brother, James Ford’s jaw had dropped to the floor. When he decided to come surprise his brother with a visit, little did he imagine that he was going to find his brother completely nude with another man, who’s hairy abs were completely covered in the semen they had both just unleaded.

As Nate turned around to try to calm his brother, he completely lost track that not only was he naked, but he was sporting a boner that had still not gone down.

“Dude, do you mind getting dressed. I don’t want you poking my eye or something with that thing,” said James.

Nate quickly put on some jeans, but for some reason, Travis O’Connell made no efforts to get dressed and just sat on the bed, leaning on the wall, with his legs crossed, giving anyone who could come in a nice view of his now flaccid dick and his hairy balls.

“James, I can explain,” were the first words that came out of Nate’s mouth.

“It’s ok Nate, you don’t have anything to explain. You were doing your thing, and I burst into your room unannounced. I was just not expecting you to be fooling around with another dude. I thought you were in love with Dani.”

“Well, I really love her, but during the past couple of weeks I’ve come to realize that I like having sex with men more than I like to have it with women. I guess I’m gay or bi, I don’t really know.”

“So you like sucking cocks and taking it up your ass and all that stuff?”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

“It’s ok man, I’m cool with it. You don’t have to worry about me judging you or anything. Hey, some people like vanilla, some people like chocolate, right?”

“Thanks for saying that bro, that’s really cool of you. Please don’t tell anyone, I don’t want anyone to tell Dani until I’m ready to tell her myself.”

“My lips are sealed Nate. By the way, hairy nude dude I haven’t met, I’m James, Nate’s brother.”

Nate had completely forgotten about Travis.

“Hi, I’m Travis. I actually know who you are. You dated my ex, Starr.”

“Well this is awkward.”

“Hey, I’m sitting here with my balls hanging loose, so I think we went beyond awkward when you burst into this room.”

“True. So baby bro, who else knows your gay? Just so I don’t screw up or anything.”

“Matthew, Jack, Travis here, and Cutter Wentworth, who’s actually blackmailing Matthew, Jack, and me, because he knows we’re having sex. Oh and I guess David Vickers, since Matthew went to get his help”

“First of all, Matthew and Jack are gay too? But, we’ll get down to that later. Second, David Vickers knows? You are aware that by telling him all of Llanview, Pine Valley, and Cherryville are going to find out about you, this making Cutter’s blackmail pointless?”

“You really think David will blab?”

“I would be surprised if he hasn’t updated his MyFace status to: Just found out my little bro and his friends are gay.”

“Oh man, you’re right. Shit, Todd Manning is totally going to kill Jack and me. Him for being gay, and me for sleeping with him and cheating on Todd’s daughter.”

“I’d say that is one safe bet. I’ll handle David, but if you really want this to remain a secret, don’t let anyone else find out.”

“Thanks, bro. Listen, I’m should probably head off and meet with Matt and Jack. Sorry to run on you. Can you wait for me here, so you can help me with whatever the plan is to shut Cutter up?”

“Sure Nate.”

Nate left his room, remembering to lock it this time, leaving Travis, sitting on a corner of Nate’s bed and James sitting on the edge of the bed, both completely silent.

James broke the silence.

“You have no intention of getting dressed are you?”

“Nope. I’m kind of a nudist.”

“I see.”

“Well, to be honest that’s not really the real reason. See, judging by the boner you are sporting and which Nate neglected to notice in all the commotion, I’d say I have a pretty good chance of fooling around with two brothers all in one night.”

James’ face grew purple with embarrassment. He tried to hide his crotch by crossing his legs and kept as cool as he could.

“Is that so? What makes you think I would want to fool around with you? My brother may not be sure of his sexuality, but I am.”

“Wow! Did you really just say that? The 90s want you to jump to 2013 man. You don’t need to be gay to get aroused by a gay situation. Otherwise you wouldn’t have that woody you are now trying to hide.”

“Whatever, what If I have one? I haven’t had sex since January of last year, when Starr and I broke up so she could go back to her ex, Cole.”

Travis’ dick had begun to rise.

“Hey man, unlike your brother and his friends, I can keep a secret. Wanna go a couple of rounds? You don’t have to touch me or anything. Let me do all the driving.”

“I don’t know. What if Nate comes back?”

“With all the mess he’s in, I’m sure it will take him at least an hour to come back.”

With those words, Travis came out of his corner of the bed and sat next to James, rubbing his crotch through his jeans while kissing his long neck.

After a few minutes, Travis began to undo James’ jeans and fished his now rigid seven and a half inch uncut dick from his blue boxer briefs.

“I like this. The bigger the brother, the bigger the dick. Let’s see if it tastes just as good.”

Travis sucked James’ dick like the pro he was, slurping on the purple mushroom head, while he stroked the foreskin back and forth with one hand, and massaged his smooth shaven balls with the other.

“Damn Travis, you really know how to give good head. I don’t think I’m going to last very long.”

Travis kept sucking and jerking, until he felt James’ balls begin to tense, signaling that he was about to come.

“Go ahead man, shoot! Shoot it in my face.”

A couple of seconds later, James shot about ten strings of cum all over Travis’ face, some landing on his chin, and even some on his hair.

“Damn Travis, thanks, I really needed that.”

“The pleasure was all mine,” said Travis as he got up to get dressed. He put on his jeans, leaving them unzipped, so that his thick black pubes were visible, and grabbed his underwear and shredded wife beater, stopping in front of the mirror to clean James’ drying cum from his hair and face.

“Anytime you want relief, give me a call,” said Travis, as he wrote his cellphone number on James’ hand. After that he left and closed the door behind him.

James zipped his jeans and opened the window, to vent out the musky scent Nate, Travis, and him had left in the room. He then sat on Nate’s bed to wait for him.

Having picked up Jack and Matthew from La Boulaie, Nate decided to go talk to James before they went and proposed David’s plan to Schuyler. Still having James’ advice fresh on his mind, he thought talking to Schuyler and having one more person find out about their secret would defeat the purpose of them trying to stop Cutter from blackmailing them.

The trio did, however, bring with them the ruffie David had given them, which was a clear liquid in a silver flask that David had his father Bo had given him in some sort of Buchanan tradition.

The Palace Hotel was filled with balloons and banners, in honor of the birthday of its owner’s step-grandson. Renee Buchanan had given instructions to all the employees of the Palace to make sure that Joey Buchanan had the time of his life today. She had separated the biggest suite for him and a group of his friends to have a blast. She told one of the waiters, a cute college student in his twenties named Enrique, to send up the best champagne in the Hotel, and any other liquor from the bar that Joey and his friends asked for.

Renee also gave Enrique the guest list, which wasn’t very long, to avoid any party crashers. The guest list consisted, besides Joey, of his former brothers-in-law Christian Vega, Will Rappaport, and Brody Lovett (who had gotten a pass from St. Anne’s Sanatorium, where he was staying), brother Rex Balsom, friends Ty Moody, Ron Walsh, Riley Coulson, and River Carpenter, and his cousin Matthew Buchanan.

Joey was very excited, since all his friends were coming from all over the world to celebrate with him. His brother Kevin was the only one who had excused himself. Another reason Joey was happy was that his father Clint had given him, in Buchanan tradition, a silver flask, which he quickly filled with vodka.

Once they got to their room, Nate, Matthew, and Jack updated James about David’s suggestion and showed him the ruffie.

James agreed that David’s plan was the best way for Cutter to back off, but he suggested it be Travis instead of Schuyler to trap Cutter. They all agreed.

They decided that they would call Cutter to a room in the Palace Hotel, give him the ruffie so he would pass out, put him in bed with Travis so as to make it look that they had had sex, and take a picture. According to David, the ruffie would make Cutter really horny and he would not remember the next day what had happened. They called Travis and he agreed to join them, in his case, just for the fun of it.

Matthew stated that they would have to do it tomorrow, since he had to attend his cousin’s birthday party.

James suggested that while Matthew was at the party, Nate and he would make the reservations for a room the next day, and that Jack should return home, so his parents would not suspect anything to be off. Matthew was to keep the silver flask with him at all times.

Back at the Palace, Joey’s guests were arriving one by one. Enrique was in charge of receiving them and collecting their invitations. He was standing next to the bar, where a huge punch bowl stood in the middle.

While he was greeting his guests, Joey put the silver flask that his father had given him, on top of the bar; later forgetting he had left it there.

The last of the guests to arrive was Matthew. When he entered the suite, Enrique asked for his invitation. As Matthew was fishing it out his pocket, he put the silver flask containing the ruffie on top of the bar. After handing Enrique the invitation, Matthew grabbed a silver flask from the bar, not realizing he had grabbed Joey’s and not the one he had brought with him.

About two hours into the party, Rex was kind of bored of drinking champagne, and went to the bar. He then noticed the silver flask lying next to the punch bowled. He screamed from that side of the room to the other: “hey, anybody knows what’s in this flask?”

“That’s mine, its Grey Goose vodka,” screamed back a tipsy Joey.

Rex tried the punch and decided it was too mild for a party, so he three in the entire content of the silver flask into it and ordered Enrique to serve a glass to everyone at the party. By this point, Matthew had left the party, since all night all he could think of was eating Nate’s hairy asshole.

Enrique served a glass to each of the party members and Rex proposed a toast in honor of Joey.

As the hours progressed, the guests kept drinking the punch, along with many other liquors and Rex, River and Riley even smoked a joint. Everyone was wasted and inexplicably horny.

“Why is it so hot in here?” asked Ty while he was taking his shirt off.

“That is the best idea you’ve had all night man,” said Rex as he began to take his shirt off. Eventually, the rest of the group also took their shirts off, to Enrique’s surprise and delight.

Enrique could not decide which of the hunks in the party had the most sculpted abs and pecs. He remained behind the bar, so that the group would not see that he had major wood.

River was so high and horny he took of his pants and started dancing in his bikini briefs on top of the main table. The rest of the guys cheered and whistled. Not one to be left out, Rex also got on top of the table and began stripping, first taking off his shoes, then his jeans, then his socks, and finally his black boxer briefs. The group all jeered at Rex’s boldness as he was dancing in all his glory, with his five inch uncut dick, dark blonde trimmed pubes, and clean shaven balls for all to see.

A very drunk Ty suggested that they have a competition to see who had the biggest dick. Slowly all of the party guests removed what remained of their clothes.

Watching all of this occurring, Enrique almost broke on of the glass water pitchers in the bar with his hard-on. “Is this a birthday or a frat party?” he thought, without stopping to look at the naked Greek gods in front of him.

Joey had a six inch cut dick, with dark brown hair pubes, and relatively small ballsac; Christian was eight inches, uncut, trimmed dark brown pubes, and egg sized balls; Will was seven inches, cut, thick black pubes, and hairy egg sized balls; Brody was eight inches, uncut, thick blonde pubes, and golf-sized hairy balls; Ty was seven inches, uncut, sparse dark blonde pubes, and egg sixed balls; Ron was nine inches, uncut, clean shaven, and big balled; Riley and River were both six inches, with Riley having dark brown thick pubes and River having black trimmed pubes. They both had egg sized shaven balls.

The mixture of sweat, alcohol, crotch musk, and pot made the room smell intense.

After rubbing themselves to get hard in order to be measured, it was decided that Ron was the winner of this contest.

Rex then proposed that they have another contest to see who could shoot the most cum. They all agreed, but Ty said that he was going to take a long time to cum if he had to masturbate, but if someone sucked him off, he would come faster. Rex, a great detective even if he was wasted, had noticed Enrique checking them all out. He proposed they offer Enrique to suck their dicks until they were about to come.

Everyone agreed. Enrique enthusiastically consented.

All the guys stood side by side, as if for a military inspection, and Enrique kneeled in front of them, and one by one sucked them off. As soon as each of one of them was ready to shoot his load, Enrique went to the next guy. After all were finished, they declared Christian to be the winner. Not only had he shot twelve ropes of cum, it had landed about three feet from where they were standing.

Not more than twenty minutes later, all the party members were passed out, either in one of the couches, in the rug, or in the king sized bed.

Enrique, still in ecstasy over what had transpired, quietly left the room, not before rinsing his mouth with Listerine so that Renee would notice in his breath the nine dicks he had just had in his mouth.

As soon as he went down to the lobby, Renee asked: “from the noise, I’m guessing that was one hell of a party, wasn’t it?” Enrique could only grin.

Once alone in their dorm room, Matthew and Nate, now more relaxed that David and James were confident that their plan was going to work, were fooling around.

Nate was on all fours, spreading his ass cheeks with his hands in order to give Matthew’s tongue better access to his hairy asshole, which Matt was eating as if it were a gourmet meal.

“Oh yes Matt, eat my ass, lick it. You know you drive me wild.”

“Do you like it when I eat your ass as much as I like doing it?”

“Oh yes, keep doing it, I love it.”

As Matthew’s tongue did its work on Nate’s asshole, his left hand was jerking Nate’s dick, while he was masturbating his own dick with his right one.

The silver flask, supposedly containing the ruffie meant for Cutter, was lying on top of his night stand.


Next: Chapter 7

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