A High School Tale

By kavika

Published on Aug 22, 2011


A High School Tale

By Kavika

Chapter 2

After leaving the high school office Iggy walked home. He usually took public transportation but he decided to walk to give him the extra time to think. He called his mother to let her know that it would take him a little longer to reach home. He replayed the scene in the school's office. Carson Andrews was the boy he was to tutor. He saw him in his mind's eye. The tight shirt had revealed his strong chest and the fact that it could barely hold in his muscles. His arms looked strong and suddenly Iggy wondered what it would be like to be held in them. His heart beat a little faster as he remembered the boy's blue eyes. They had captured Iggy. He also remember the sadness in them. He wondered what kind of pain would cause that look. He smiled as he remembered the boy's smile. He was surprised he hadn't melted into a pool of liquid boy...melted from that beautiful smile. His mind spoke, 'Can I tutor him? Can I even focus being around him?" The battle was on in his mind as he weighed the facts. 'He needs the help. I can do this. I just have to focus on the matter at hand, getting his grades up.'

He stopped as he pulled the piece of paper from his pants pocket. He chuckled to himself, 'I could throw this paper away but I've already memorized the number.' He thought to himself. "I don't even know if he's gay," he whispered. He stuffed the paper back into his pocket as he reached the street in which he lived. He looked at the time on his cell phone. He had a couple of hours before he had to be at his family's restaurant.

"Familia Sanchez" was the name of the restaurant owned and operated by his parents. They did good business and were living their dream. Iggy was a waiter on the weekends. He worked for free but was able to keep the tips he earned and that helped him in keeping some money in his pocket. He enjoyed it but sometimes the work was hard. His father and mother (Francisco and Paola) did the majority of the cooking. The recipes were passed down from his grandparents. He felt a sense of pride when he thought of all the customers who came again and again to eat at the Familia Sanchez restaurant.

"I'm home," he called out as he entered the front door of his home. His little 8 year old brother David came running into the front room. He jumped into Iggy arms. "Hey little man, how ya doing?"

"Hi Iggy, you wanna play horsey?"

Iggy got down on his hands and knees, "Climb aboard, little man." he said. He galloped around the living room. He heard the giggles of David as Iggy tried to buck him off his back. Somehow David always seemed to stay on.

"Whoa horsey!" David squealed.

Iggy felt his brothers arms surround his neck in a hug. "Good horsey."

Iggy grabbed his younger brother and in two seconds had him on the floor. He started to tickle his brother. David squealed again while trying to escape his older brother.

"Stop, stop...I give up!" He cried between his fits of laughter.

Iggy finally had pity on his brother and released him from his torture.

"Where's everybody?" Iggy asked.

"In the kitchen" David Answered.

"Thanks buddy." David ran off to find other things to occupy his time. Iggy made his way into the kitchen for some water.

He walked into the kitchen to find his Tia Rosa. She was the matriarch of the family and the babysitter. She was in her early 60's. She was a small stature of a woman at 4'5". She had long black hair that was always kept in a thick braid. She had been with his family since he was a child. He always regarded her as a mother figure. She was at the stove stirring something in a pan as Iggy walked in.

"Hola Tia," he said as he kissed her on the cheek. "How was your day?"

Rosa smiled, "Oh hi Mijo. I have a good day. Tienes ambre? (Are you hungry)? I just made some carne (meat)." She said in her broken English. She was always trying to feed him. In her opinion the boy was too skinny. As much as she tried Iggy always politely declined.

"No gracias Tia. I have a couple of hours before I have to be at work and I have a little bit of homework I have to do." He grabbed an apple from the fruit on bowl on the kitchen table.

His sisters Eva and Caroling were sitting at the table doing their homework. His other brother Jaime was just coming in from the back yard.

"How's the homework?" He asked his sisters.

"I hate math," Eve declared. "I don't know why I have to learn it."

"If you know math then you can do all sorts of things," he responded. "If you don't know math how would you know how much money you have in the bank? And if you don't know math then how would you know if you got the right change when you paid for the things you buy?"

Eve gave a sigh of defeat, "Okay, I get it."

Iggy smiled, "I knew you would, you're a smart girl." he chuckled

Carolina giggled, "I'm reading Iggy," she said in a shy voice. Carolina and Jaime were the 10 year old twins.

Carolina loved to read. Iggy would always find her with her nose stuck in a book. Jaime on the other hand was a whirl wind of boy. He was always running here and there. Sometime Iggy felt like taking some rope and tying him down. His brother did get good grades so Iggy never gave him any grief about his need for speed.

"What are you reading sis?"

She held up a book, "I'm reading Harry Potter."

"Oh that's a good book."

He turned to his younger brother, "Have you finished your homework?"

Jaime smiled, "Yeah I finished it. I only had spelling."

Iggy smiled, "Good job." rustling his brother's hair.

He looked at his younger siblings, "I'm going to go up stairs and do my homework and try to rest a little before work tonight. Try not to give tia a hard time."

"We won't," they replied in unison.

He headed up the stairs to his room. He was lucky that he had his own room. His parents figured that a teenage boy needs his privacy. He agreed with his parents. His room was small but he had enough room for his bed, a desk, and chair. A small table stood near his bed with the alarm clock and a small CD player. He had a huge closet to store his clothes and shoes. His walls were decorated with posters of various pop stars and sports stars. He enjoyed watching sports but had no interest in playing them. He took off his shoes and climbed onto his bed. He sat against the wall as he opened his book bag and pulled out his homework.

Across town Carson Andrews was driving his old Toyota pick-up. He pulled into a park near his home. He made his way over to the baseball diamond. He was there to pick up his brother Parker. Parker was 14 and enjoyed his time playing video games and baseball. Carson tried to spend as much time as he could with his brother. They were both devastated when their father died a couple of years earlier. His death was unexpected. They both knew their father hadn't been feeling well. By the time their father had gone to see a doctor the cancer was too far along to attempt treatment. Three weeks later they stood at their father's graveside. His mother, Mary Parker lost her high school sweetheart and life almost seemed to stop for her. She was a strong woman and realized her children needed her more now than ever. After sorting out things with the insurance company the house was paid off and Mary and her two boys tried get on with their lives. Before James Andrews died he had spoken with his eldest son.

"Carson, I know this is going to be hard on you son. Your mother is a strong person but she's going to need your help. She will try to do it all on her own but I know that if she does she's going to burn out real quick. Can you promise me that you'll do everything you can to help her?"

Carson had made that promise to his father. Each and every day since he had re-played that conversation in his head. As promised he had done everything he could to make life for is mother a little easier. Her job as an aid in a legal office paid well but the long hours sometimes would take a toll on her body and mind. At times she wouldn't get home until the late hours of the evening. That would mean that Carson would have to make dinner, make sure Parker had done his homework and that he had finished his own school work. He didn't have the luxury of a social life. Along with taking care of his brother he managed to hold down a job of delivering newspapers. The newspaper only delivered three times a week but the money was enough to help relieve some of the financial load on his mother. He purchased his wrestling gear and it wasn't cheap. Singlets, shoes, head gear all added up fast and he didn't want to burden his mother with the cost. He even managed to keep Parker in the gear he needed to play baseball. Carson had to grow up fast, but he was content with life. He cheered as he watched his brother hit a homerun and then begin his trek around the bases. Carson was glad that at least his brother would have an easier road in life.

After the practice Parker walked up to his brother. "Did you see that home-run I hit?"

Carson smiled as he rustled his brother's blond hair, "Yes, that was a nice hit squirt." Parker had inherited his blond hair from their mother. Carson's brown locks were passed down from his father.

Parker gleamed at his brother's praise. He hugged his big brother. He looked up into Carson's face. "Thanks bro." Without blinking an eye Parker stated, "I'm hungry."

Carson laughed, "When are you NOT hungry?" He smiled at his little brother as he released him from the hug.

Parker returned his brother's smile

Let's call mom and she if she's going to be home on time.

After a brief conversation with their mother they were on their way home to wait for her.

They had just finished their homework when Mary Parker walked in the door.

"Mom, can we get pizza for dinner?" Parker asked.

Mary smiled, "I had a wonderful day. Thanks for asking."

Parker blushed, "Sorry," he said.

"Hi mom," Carson said as he kissed her on the cheek. "You're in a good mood."

She smiled, "I got a raise today. A ten percent raise."

"Wow, that's great mom," Carson exclaimed.

"Way to go mom." Parker raised his hand for a "high five."

Mary slapped his hand. "Tonight's a celebration. Would you mind if I picked the place tonight?" she asked her younger son.

"No problem mom. Tonight's your night," Parker replied.

Mary smiled at her son. "Thanks honey. A coworker suggested a Mexican restaurant called Familia Sanchez. How does that sound?"

"Sounds good to me," Carson answered.

"Me too," Parker said.

"Okay, Familia Sanchez it is," Mary smiled. "I'm going to go changed and I'll be ready in about 15 minutes."

Carson also went to change. He took off his Under Armour shirt and replaced it with a black t-shirt. He stood in front of the mirror in his room. He saw a younger version of his father looking back at him. He ran his fingers through his brown curls. At times he could feel the presence of his dad. He hoped that his dad was watching over his family. He said a silent prayer of thanks and left his room.

I hope you like this chapter. Thanks for the emails! This story is not all about sex. There will be sex but I'm trying to lay a foundation before we get into the steamy parts. Please be patient with me. Please feel free to write me @ kavika66@gmail.com Thanks!


Next: Chapter 3

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