A New Drink

By dirtymind fuckboy

Published on Dec 2, 2020


This story is based on real life events. If you have any comments to pass on, feel free to write me (Sam) at: dirtymindboytoy@gmail.com

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This story happens after the events of the "upperclassmen dormmates" and "beach trip with dad" which are on Nifty's Gay College category and Gay incest category respectively, and it is unlikely any of this would have happened the way it did if it weren't for what happened then.

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After graduating from college, I landed a job and would be staying on in Boston and planned on moving into an apartment closer to work. However, I still had two months off between the time I had to vacate the university residential and when my apartment lease would start. I decided to store all my stuff with a moving and storage company and have them deliver it to me at the new apartment in two months. In the meantime, I would drive down for the summer and spend some time with my parents and travel for a bit.

It was the middle of the week when the movers were expected to come pick up the stuff at around ten. I had already spent weeks packing up my things, or getting rid of it, and my dormmate Nick was also out for the day. I sat there in the living room couch and reminisced back to my first year in that apartment with Mark and Jake, who graduated before me. It was half past nine so I still had half an hour to kill. Thinking about the memories of what happened throughout the years on the couch got me slightly boned up. I decided to head into the bedroom, where my bags that I wouldn't be storing but taking down with me were and looking through them to find the jock. For old times' sake, it was probably the last time I'd be in the apartment, so I decided to strip off everything and whip on the jock and head back to the couch to have one last playful session.

I did not notice the time go by but soon I was cumming all over myself. My body was full of sweat which soaked into and added to the countless stains the couch had endured by all of us. The room definitely smelled of sex and raw musk, and before I got the chance to pop open the windows the buzzer rang. The movers were here.

I quickly wiped away the cum from my chest and abs and cock and put the jock back on and dressed back into my jeans and tshirt before heading down to unlock the front gate. There were two of them, one being a much larger guy probably in his late thirties with strawberry blonde hair that was shoulder length. He wore khakis and a bright neon green shirt that was a tad small on him, which showed off his belly. The other guy was a much skinner and younger kid who was probably the same age as I was. His hair was slightly darker and much shorter and he had a slightly darker complexation probably from the manual labor he must do outdoors but otherwise they share various similar features. The younger guy was also wearing khakis with a navy shirt that looked quite old. I noticed that both of them were already sweating, probably from picking up from other spots before this, so I quickly invited them up to the apartment and offered both of them a cold beer to combat the summer heat before starting the work. They initially tried to refuse noting something about unprofessionalism but then after a little insisting on my part kindly took on the offer. As I handed them a beer each, I went ahead and started to note to them what items and boxes would need to be moved and stored. They then handed me some paperwork and while I filled it out they nursed on their beers. At this point, I had completely forgotten about the musky smell that lingered in the room.

Once they finished, they worked their way through the dozens of boxes and moved a few of the furniture items I had gotten and started filling up the truck. Just as they were finishing up the last few items, the older guy spoke up and asked me if it was okay for his son to use my bathroom as he really needed a piss after all this time. Taken a back that it was a father son duo, I showed the younger of the two the way to the bathroom. He thanked me and the dad yelled out to his son saying he'll take down the last of the boxes. Whether it was in his nature, I quickly learnt that the son was not reserved or somewhat shy as he left the bathroom door ajar and was pissing very loudly that filled the dead air. As I watched his dad load up the last of the boxes, he came out and thanked me again. His dad then asked me again if I would mind if he too used my bathroom before they hit the road to the next spot again, I of course said it would be perfectly fine. Whilst the dad made his way back into the apartment, I stayed and chatted with the son for a bit and learnt that his dad has been doing this for over two decades now and that they run the whole business together with their uncle and he joined his dad about five years ago.

Shortly after, his dad had made his way back out to the truck again and both of them thanked me for the beer and for letting them use the bathroom. I returned my thanks for helping out with the stuff and noted that it was great chatting. As they drove off, I made my way back up to the apartment. Immediately, I was greeted with a stench that was horrific and raunchy. I made my way to the bathroom, the source of the smell, and to by shock I saw there in the toilet that the guy did not flush after using it. The toilet was filled with a grotesque pile of diarrheic slush. On one hand, I was grossed out by the sight in front of me and yet on the other I found myself hard as a rock again.

The smell had me hooked and paralyzed and I found myself yearning closer and closer to the source, sniffing harder and harder. It was then when I noticed on the floor next to the toilet were the two beer bottles. Except, they weren't empty. I picked up one and it was warm to the touch and brought it up to my nose to smell what was inside, and as I should've guessed from the context, the smell was certainly freshly recycled beer.

I found myself oddly fascinated like never before. Now over the past four years my raunchiness sparked and grew but this was a new sensation. I never expected that something so foul and vulgar would have me feeling this excited. Unable to control my newfound curiosity in what was in front of me, I decided to take the leap into unchartered territories and slowly brought the bottle towards my now dry mouth and pressed it against my lips. Without hesitation, I tilted my head back slightly and the bottle with me and allowed the amber liquid to flow into my mouth. It tasted salty and vile and yet I was unable to stop gulping down. In the deplorable and degrading act, I quenched a thirst I did not know I had. I finished the first bottle and quickly picked up the second, and nursed down on the warm piss like it was nectar from the heavens. The second bottle was filled up higher and was warmer and tasted even saltier than the first. I guess this must have been the dad's while the first belonged to the son.

Images of the duo popped into my head and as my mouth drank down the bottle of dark golden piss, I imagined the dad sitting on the bowl right in front of me, and my mouth locked on his cock instead of the bottle, drinking down his waste straight from the source as he took his massive dump.

I wondered, if the two of them did this to others. If it was normal between the father and son, and at what point they decided they should have left behind their wonderful graduation presents to send me off. Was it the smell of the apartment? Did they spot a cum stain somewhere? Did they notice something in me?

As I guzzled down the last drops from the bottle, I had to unleash my raging boner from my pants and the jock I was still wearing. It only took a slight touch and I was cumming again, all over the pile of shit in the bowl. After cumming for the second time, I gained some composure and decided it was best to clean up a little before Nick got back.

Once the bathroom was spotless, and the air was freshened up, I felt a slight discomfort in my bladder telling me it was time I took a piss myself. As I stood there, at first aiming towards the bowl before me, I decided to pick up one of the bottles instead and readjusted my aim, carefully filling up the bottle with my own piss. It filled nearly to the top, and was foamy and warm. I brought it up and took a swig to taste. It was electrifying and I decided to savor it. I discarded the other bottle, went back to the room to get my stuff and made my way down to the car. I packed up my stuff into the trunk and plopped the filled bottle down in the cup holder.

I texted Nick, telling him where I've left my key and that I was off, and as I made my way down I-90, I slowly sipped on my delicious drink. I was excited to share this new fascination with my dad and see if he'd be as into it as I am. I also looked forward to coming back after the summer and when I'd get my stuff delivered to the new apartment from storage. Perhaps the two of them would be joined by the older guy's brother. I wondered if delicious piss runs in the family.

Next: Chapter 2

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