A Ninja in a World of Heroes

By mason uchiha

Published on Sep 27, 2013


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"Hmmmm?.what's a caramel ma-chi-ato?" I asked the man with a funny apron on behind the counter. He gave me a look that screamed, YOU'RE AN IDIOT. "ugh, caramel macchiato is a coffee drink! Where are you from?" he stated frankly. Oh! I thought to myself. I pronounced it as though it was a Japanese word, makiato. I still don't see why he had such an attitude, should a coffee maker not be happy? I mean how is he to sell this stuff in the morning if he's not happy? Given that the time is now noon, I still see no point in his attitude.

"Yes, can I have a hot chocolate than? And one of your stick cookies over there" I said pointing at the unusual shaped morsel. "What kind of Biscotti do you want?" he asked with more of a flared attitude. "No?I want one of those long cookies, not a biscuit!" I objected with a twinge of anger. "Yes and I am aware of that, now what type of biscotti do you want?" he was now displaying his irritation openly. This stupid boy should watch his tongue! I should use my Tsukiyomi on him and place him in his own head until he's learned the meaning of customer ser??my thoughts were interrupted by a hand placed palm forward on my right, directed at the coffee boy. "Sir, I think this customer is asking for a hot chocolate and a biscotti. What do you think would go great with his hot chocolate? I think a chocolate biscotti will be fine?and can you add an extra-large espresso with a blueberry scone. I'll take care of the tab. Place it under Dick." The hand said placing his credit card on the counter. I turned to view the face attached to the hand, he was taller than me and black hair. Broad shoulders and a muscular 6,2" frame. He was very handsome with his short boyish haircut, he looked to be about 20 or 21 years old.

"Thank you, Mr. Dick! It's so hard to understand this countries way of business. My names Mason, I am a new student here." I extended my hand out. He shook it and smiled. "Nice to meet you, I was visiting my friend and needed a bit of an energy boost. How do you like Metropolis so far?" "Dick, your orders ready" yelled the idiot behind the counter. We grabbed our order and we stood awkwardly for a few seconds. "Well thank you for the hot chocolate and the cookie" I smiled. "I think next time the barista should explain that the cookie is actually called Biscotti. Your welcome Mason, I hope to see you around." He raised his cup to me. I don't know if that was a signal that this was the end of our conversation but I felt the unbearable need to demand he let me pay for my own next time. Assuming there was going to be a next time. I smiled as I turned around to walk away.

This Dick fellow was extremely attractive, if that idiot didn't interrupt us, I possibly would have asked to sit with him?.. Aha I'll go back and demand to sit with him. I stomped back towards the coffee shop, once I reached the door it swung open unexpectedly. I pivoted on my right foot and swung around, avoiding the glass door. While I did so, I dropped one of my many books trying to save my hot chocolate and cookie. "son of a bitch!" I yelled. "will you watch how you swing that door!" I continued. The ice blue eyes peering back at me were cold. He was very muscular with black hair and his shirt seemed two sizes too small. He also looked down on me from his 6,3 or 4 stature.

"You watch where you're going! I was coming out!" he demanded. My anger flared up. People in this country are so rude!

"You watch where you are going, it's not my fault that your too ignorant to watch your step!" I yelled back.

"Hey, Hey guys what's going on here? Conner geez man, this dudes cool. Sorry Mason! Mason this is my friend Conner, Conner this is Mason. We just met. Did you forget something in there?" Dick said looking at me.

"Uhh?.No I thought I dropped something, but guess I was wrong. I found it." I blurted as I rushed to leave. How embarrassing!

I ran all the way home. Well, I live one building over from the coffee shop. I shouldn't be thinking about making friends, I should be preparing for my patrol tonight. Since I am going to be a hero, I should really familiarize myself with the city.

Once inside, I placed my hand on the security panel on the left of my door. I initiated 1109 which was the lockdown code. My penthouse was large and modified to protect me from everything. I would say Uncle Sasuke was crazy but as I watched the first titanium panel slide down in front of the door, I realized this was most likely some outrageous plan devised by Uncle Sasuke and Uncle Naruto to protect me from the world. The second layer of defense, was two panels sliding from each side of the door and then six titanium bars crossing over the first two layers. Geez this was crazy as I watched all the windows and the glass sliding doors follow the same procedure. It's not that I wanted to shut the world out, it was in fact the safety protocol used so that I can enter my secret lair! Hah! I have a secret lair!

I walked into my bedroom and placed my books on the desk, then made my way to my walk-in closet. Once inside I placed my hand on a hidden security console. It scanned me, then requested I place my face on the now extended chin holder so that the system could proceed with an optical scan. Once that was done, drawers and hidden shelves extended from the walls and fixtures displaying my weapons and battle uniforms. The far full length mirror slid open from the middle to display an archway leading into the chamber that held my library, chemical lab, and computers. I walked over to one of the display shelves that had appeared upon entry and slid through the hanging uniforms. I had a all the requirements for every mission possible, when it came to dressing. There were white tops and bottoms with insulated features and feaux fur trimmings, assorted colored trench coats and pull overs, etc. I decided since it was early fall, I should just go with my regular uniform. I pulled down a black skin tight sleeveless shirt that went from my neck to my waist. A pair of black pants, black boots that strapped right below the knee, and a gray flack jacket that all anbu used. I pulled out my fathers old anbu mask, a long red scarf, and black fingerless gloves that went all the way up to 3 inches from my underarm. I pulled out a black belt, that had 3 pouches on the back and a black hooded trench coat that came down to my knees, which had the uchiha symbol on the back. I walked over to the table in the middle of the closet and began pulling out summoning scrolls for weapons. I then fastened my kusanagi blade to the back of the flack jacket. The final article was my father Anbu mask that Kakashi sensei gave to me on my 18th birthday. I then wrapped two black summoning gauntlets around my wrist, after putting on the gloves. I moved into the lair and began equipping my belt with other necessities such as: food pills, grappling hook and lines. If I was going to do my first run tonight, I wanted to make sure I had everything.

I waited till it was about 8:30 pm to suit up. I pulled on the pants and the shirt, then the flack jacket, belt, boots, and gloves. I stood in front of the mirror and my suited up image reminded me of my days in the village. Running missions and being with my comrades, really gave me a feeling of nostalgia. As much as I missed being in the village, I remembered uncle Sasuke's words. "Your destined to leave the cycle of belonging to the village. You're meant for so much more, help so much more people than you can staying here. I believe in your skills and I know you can be the savior this world longs for." He is my uncle, he's the man who taught me most of what I know. Also I knew that everyone in the village would be there for me if I needed to return. I had gotten a similar speech from Uncle Ichigo the last time I was in the Seretei. He knew that I could never truly live my life out surrounded by a world that's always at conflict.

I stepped out onto my balcony and pulled on my anbu mask and my hooded trench coat. I was going to make my parents and family proud. I was going to be the hero that this world needed. I took one last look at the horizon of city lights and skyscrapers as I stepped off of the ledge and cascaded towards the next building.

Ninja's or shinigami couldn't fly, but we could glide with speed. As a ninja my skills allowed me to base my movements off of a surface and propel myself effortlessly through the air. As a shinigami I could use Shunpo, which allowed me to move quicker than most could see.

I must have been free running on the roof tops for about an hour before I perched myself on top of a stone ledge, watching the people below. I pulled out my phone and linked my ear piece to the police scanner that my phone picked up on. "All units, there's a situation down at the museum on central. We got a call about six men entering the museum and people being evacuated after gun shots rang out. I repeat all available units within the central Museum area report to the museum." I pulled up the GPS and found that I was a few blocks away. As I ran from rooftop to rooftop I finally reached a big clearing and could see.

I dropped into the closest ally and ran toward the buildings east entrance. Great the doors lock, I thought to myself. So I began running up the side of the building. FYI ninja's use their chakra to hold their feet to a surface as if gravity had just shifted and I can move around effortlessly. Once on the roof I peered into the museum by the ceiling windows. At the bottom of the museum, I seen four men walking towards another wing. I wonder how I'm gonna get in?

"Kage bunshin no jutsu" four clones appeared at my side. Find an entrance to this place. I ordered. There was a helipad on the far left. If I really think about it, six men walking in off the street. No get-away car in sight. Maybe they were planning on using the helipad to escape. The door was locked so my clone used chidori (lightning blade) to short circuit the electronic locking system. I left two clones on the roof and dispelled the other two. I walked down the 3 flights of stairs to the ground level. I stuck to the darker areas and moved only after declaring it clear. I heard men talking, so I moved in that direction.

"Just grab the jewels in the Egyptian area and I'll grab the paintings. Jim, you and tommy grab the greek jewels. Hurry up our ride should be here in a few minutes. Shoot anything that moves, go!" yelled the burlier man. I decided it would be best to pick off the single men, then move on to the two man cells.

I slowly entered the Egyptian exhibit. I looked for the man that was assigned there. Sure enough next one of the tombs was the man removing the jewels. Jesus don't people ever watch movies and how most of this crap is cursed. I held my index and middle fingers up to my lips. "Nehan Shoja No Jutsu". This was a genjutsu, that the target would see falling white feathers and immediately feel at peace and the instinct to sleep would take over.

The man looked up at the feathers and as soon as he blinked he was asleep and falling to the ground. I held out my fist, "Senei' Tajashu" Three large snakes slithered out from my sleeves and wrapped around the man. I would use them as binds until I figured out how to detain them or found rope.

The next exhibit was the painting exhibit, in search of the man who barked the orders. I used the same jutsu's on him as the other guy in the Egyptian exhibit.

The tricky part was capturing two of them without informing the other two that were centuries by the main entrance. I know they had guns, so that was another worry for me. When I saw one move towards the exhibit's entrance I hid behind the entrance wall. When he came into view I pulled him and covered his mouth. I put him in a choke hold until he passed out. When I stood I was hit in the back of the head by something hard. WTF, I thought to myself. I turned to see his partner holding a pistol. He pointed it at me and demanded I tell him what I did to "tommy". "chidori eiso" as a spear like stream of blue electricity pierced the man's arm. The gun went off and actually fucking hit me in the left arm. Ow! WTF! Two of the remaining men came running from the left and right side of me. Once they were close enough I summoned two large white anaconda's that came from my sleeves. "Jagei Jubaku" as they encircled each man and constricted to a tight hold.

"Put your hands up!" someone yelled. My hands were up and I slowly turned around. "Take off the mask" yelled one of the cops, waiving his gun at me.

"I don't think so, I just did you a favor and nothing was stolen. I stopped them before anything could be damaged." I said calmly. I was not scared of them, or their weapons.

"What the hell are those? are those snakes?" asked another officer.

"Yes, those are mine. Now if you wanna detain them so that I can release them and leave, that would be great."

I stepped back as four officers moved towards the thieves. I released the snakes and they disappeared in a puff of smoke. Just then a man that looked like Robin Hood and a chick in a one piece and a jeans jacket came forward. The robin hood dude had his bow out and aimed at me.

"Who are you?" asked the woman. She was very pretty with blond hair, fishnet stockings, and ankle boots on.

"I'm just the new guy in town" I said stepping back and using the body flame technique. This made it seem as if my body was being engulfed by flames from my feet up, making it look like I was disappearing from view slowly. What I was really doing, was rushing to the roof where my clone alerted me that the thieves helicopter had just arrived.

When I got to the roof, my clone was busy distracting the pilot as I ran towards the copter. They had no intention of landing and getting out, so I figured I would bring it down.

I jumped up about 20 feet into the air. "Yoton: Yokai no jutsu" a large glob of lava spewed from my mouth and blanketed the spinning propellers of the helicopter. The lave melted the metal plates and the helicopter dropped from the sky falling the 20 feet to the roof. I walked over to the door, ripped it off the hinges with my chakra enhanced strength. "Nehan Shoja no jutsu" the same feather illusion genjutsu caused the pilot to fall into a deep slumber.

"Pretty nifty tricks, wanna tell me how you managed to do them?" said an unfamiliar voice behind me.

When I turned around I saw a 6,2 inch man with a black fitted costume and a blue bird scrawled across his chest and down his arms. He had on a black mask that only really covered his eyes.

"No, not really. I'm tired, so I think I'm going to head home. Have a nice night." I turned to leave when I felt his hand on my shoulder and trying to turn me around. I grabbed his hand and twisted while I pivoted and attempted to use his own weight to fly him. He twisted midair and landed on his feet. He attempted again to stop me so I spun and gave him a roundhouse, which he stopped my foot mid kick. I dropped and faked a leg sweep to come up with my palm and uppercut him with it. I then palmed his chest and forced him back a few feet. "Please don't touch me." I asked. "your mask? are you working with Cheshire? Who are you?" he asked.

"I don't know who this Cheshire is, but like I told the other guys: I'm just the new guy in town." I ran and launched myself from the roof and into the ally I came from. I think I needed to invest in a faster mode of transportation.

When I got back to my apartment, I slowly undressed and jumped in the shower. Oh well, tonight was fun. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. I climbed into bed and just replayed the scenes in my head over and over. I think I know the guy in the black costume. Well there is always tomorrow night.

Next: Chapter 3

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