A Quarterbacks Tale

By moc.loa@90ttocsmitttocs

Published on Jul 25, 2011


This story is complete fiction. Only read this story if you're not offended by sexual situations between adults and minors.

Any resemblance by name or description to anyone dead or alive is totally coincidental. If you are not of legal age or if this content is not legal in your area, please do not read this. Please don't post or publish this story without asking my permission. If you have comments, please email me at scotttimscott09@aol.com.


As I sat in my car I wondered how Fish Head had gotten my IM address and what possessed him to send such a fucked-up message.

Then a bulb went off in my head.

Rewind to yesterday.

The lone figure straggling far behind Scott and I as we left the Athletic Center yesterday (after our first sexual encounter) must have been his.

"Fuck!" I yelled out.

What if he saw what took place? What if he told Coach Dave? What if he blabbed it to the rest of The Gladiators? What if he told the whole school?

I had to get to Scott and tell him about the IM.

Going for my phone I shoved my hand into my board shorts' right-hand pocket. All I came up with was a water-logged $20 bill. I then searched my left-hand pocket and came up totally empty.

Shit. I must have left it here at the Coach's.

I turned off my car, ran up the Coach's driveway and around to the back of his house, aiming towards the deck and pool area. Those bug-zapper torch-thingies had already been extinguished so there was not enough light by which to see within the general area.

Figuring I could just knock and ask the Coach to turn on the outside lights I made my way to the back door.

As I lifted my hand to begin to rap I noticed Fish Head entering into the kitchen from another room within the house.

He looked as if he'd just gotten out of the shower 'cause he was vigorously toweling his hair.

And he was totally naked. His white butt, which the material of the orange Speedos usually covered, contrasted with the remaining summer tan washing over the rest of his body.

The Coach soon followed, busily drying-off a hefty-sized set of balls as well as a large cock.

I gulped and stared.

"Well Fish, that went well. Didn't it?

"Yeah Coach. It was pretty sweet. Kinda cool hangin' with the football jocks. I think that Paul guy's an okay dude. And he swallows."

"Yeah. Too bad Paul doesn't play with the same fervor on the field as he does when he's down on his knees suckin' that fat dick of yours Fish."

Blushing, Fish moved closer to Coach and traced his finger up and down the furry chest in front of him as he said "Hey hon, I was thinkin' since our first anniversary is coming up I thought we might go away somewhere to celebrate. Just you and me. Whad'ya think?"

Did I hear that right? They're seeing each other? And for a year? You could've knocked me over with that proverbial feather.

"Way ahead of ya' Fish. It's already taken care of. Just you and me and a king-sized bed."

"Sweet," Fish said as he grabbed him tightly around his thick neck. "I can't wait `Mr. Bear Man'."

It was from the corner of my eye that I saw my phone sitting on the edge of one of the picnic tables; its edge protruding from under an empty bag of chips.

I went over to retrieve it and as I turned back around they were both walking out of the room. With hands on each others' ass they managed to shut off the kitchen lights.

Tip-toeing back to my car, phone in hand, I slipped the key into the ignition. The engine purred silently as I drove away from Coach's house. I was a block away before I turned-on the headlights, just in case Fish and Coach (aka "Mr. Bear Man") were looking out the window.

I tried to call Scott on my way home, but it still went into Voice.


Getting worried. I scrolled through my numbers to see if I still had his `rents' phone number. Shit. I remember I deleted it when he got his new phone and gave me his new number.


Getting home I went straight to my room, showered, pissed and changed into a fresh pair of sleep shorts. I sat down at my `puter thinking I can send an e-mail, so that when he got up and maybe checked his e-mail he would call me.

Signing on to my account I noticed I had 3 new messages. I began to open them up. (I always go from the "oldest" to the "newest"; it's just a quirk that I have.)

First message. Click. A message from my library indicating I had a book due next week. "Yeah. Yeah." I hit Delete.

Next message. Click. It was from "FishHead1".

How did he get my e-mail account?

I read the message: "Don't you guys make a cute couple."

The message contained a JPG attachment.


The picture opened up. OMG!

It was a picture of Scott with his Wide Receiver lips wrapped around my fuckin' cock.

"How did Fish get this?" I thought. Shit, he must have somehow spied on us in the locker room and we never noticed.

Yeah, that's it. Maybe he came through the back entrance to tell Coach about settin' things up with Sam, the deli owner, for the hastily-organized Pool Party--that and to give Coach some head--but Coach had already left. Then, maybe Fish saw that Scott and I were the last ones in the room and decided to perv on us. But why?

I looked back up to the e-mail address bar and I noticed that he had also CC'd the message to Paul.

Message 3. Click. It was from Scott, but it also contained the same JPG forwarded to him from Aaron.

Sittin' at my desk I began to read the message: "Hey, Eric. Fuck you man. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck you. Was this some kind of joke? You set me up you motherfucker. How did this pic get out? Oh, I get it. You hid one of your little digitals under the lockers and set it to take pictures on some sort of time-delay. Then you sent it to Aaron just to humiliate me. Is that right? What are you, some sort of sick bastard dude? I thought I could trust you. You just used me like the dumb jock that you are. Don't you ever talk to me again. Oh, don't worry, I'll play in the Finals and you can bet your ass I'll do my best. But this time it will be for the team and the Coach. It will have nothing to do with your so-called Quarterbacking skills. Quarterback? How can you be a fuckin' leading Quarterback when you dont even have a fuckin spine? Answer that bastard?"

He signed the message "Your EX-friend Scott."

At the bottom he added: "Glad that Aaron was cool enough to let me know what a two-faced liar you are."

I thought back to the party and when I asked about Scott's whereabouts. Aaron had said Scott's dad called sayin' he was sick.

So there it was.

Scott and I had gotten caught in the locker room by Fish.

Fish then showed the pics to Aaron saying I had sent them in order to out Scott to the team.

Then Aaron framed me by telling Scott I had set up the whole thing, when in fact Fish had both taken the snaps and sent them to me and Aaron.

I was devastated. I had nothing to do with this. How could I let Scott know that we were set up. If I tried to approach him on the field or in the locker room he'd probably go fuckin' ballistic; what we did was between the two of us. That's all I would need. I could see it now: "Team Quarterback outed by Wide Receiver. Film at 11."

I crawled into bed, clutched my pillow and cried myself to sleep that night.

When I went into practice after classes the next day Scott`s locker was open and completely empty.

From behind me I heard "Hey Scott, my man. What`s up?"

"Nothin` bro. Ready for the Championships?"

"Sure thing. Oh, and you know what I was thinking`? I was wonderin' if we could ask the Coach if we could room together when we got there. Be really cool to bunk with my new best friend."

"Itd be way awesome dude. Maybe sneak-in some beer. Really chill together." Scott said sluggin Aaron on the shoulder.

I hear a noise next to me and turned around to see Paul, the team's unofficial jock-sniffer, loadin his gear into Scotts former locker.

"Hey dude, what`s up?"

I stood there in shock. My world was not lookin` good. Fish is gettin' Paul to befriend me so he could out me too. With my luck one of them saw me blastin' my load while ogling them getting' their rocks off at yesterday's Pool Party. I could just about place money on that one.

Out on the field during practice we went over all our proven plays seemingly by rote. We knew the formations and all the drills. Our offense and defense were at their best. Except for Scott.

It seemed that he caught every pass from all the teammies except for mine.

Every time I hurled him the ball he just stood there and let it bounce on the ground in front of him; the pigskin ricocheting onto the sidelines. He just smirked and told the Coach he felt his equilibrium must be off due to his illness. He was never sick, the fuckin' liar.

Was this gonna` be his attitude at the Finals? The little bastard was gonna lose the game for us because of some misdirected rage.

After returning to the locker room Scott and Aaron grabbed their towels and headed for the showers.

Paul sat down next to me and asked if I like the Pool Party. I just shook my head sayin' "It was okay."

Then he said exactly what I guessed he would: "I thought it was pretty cool, especially when I looked up and saw you stroking as I went down on Fish. That guy really has a nice piece on him. Dont ya` think?"

I knew I was busted due to my face turning at least 6 shades of red.

"How about you and me goin to the mall tonight and Ill show you first-hand how my hot mouth can give you way more pleasure than that self-gripping Quarterback fist ever can?"

"Sure, why not." I was so pissed at Scott`s sudden misplaced allegiance towards Aaron that I readily agreed to meeting up with Paul. At least I could take my mind off things for a while shootin' off a pent-up load into a fellow jock-lover's mouth.

Scott and Aaron emerged from the showers actin' like the best of buds; goin' overboard with ass-grabbin' and towel slapping.

After they were totally dressed Scott walked over to me and said "Pay back's are a bitch dude. You never know when or where."

"But Scott, I didn't..."

"Yeah, yeah Eric. Oh, and between you and me, Aaron and I spent the night together, and I gotta say hes pretty incredible in the sack. Just sayin bro." He threw his bag over his shoulders, in a show of arrogance I never knew he possessed, and walked out of the room with Aaron nipping at his heels.

Paul and I decided to take our separate cars to the mall and decided to meet in the food court, grabbing something to eat and maybe do a little shopping. I needed to pick up a few things for the trip to the Finals anyway.

When I finally caught up with Paul all he could talk about was sex and how incredibly fuckin' horny he was. The dude was blatantly checking out everything with a cock that moved. He started really pervin' on this one emo dude in particular. I held my tongue.

"Man, that emo look is so fuckin' hot" he said, as his eyes traveled up and down the skinny dude replete with the atypical tight shirt, skinny black jeans and a wide white leather belt. "Emo-boi" also had the prerequisite longish hair chopped off to one side with alternating green and black stripes.

The dude was walkin' with another fellow emo aimin' for the men's room. When they got within earshot I hear one of the guys sayin`, "Dude. I hate this rest room here. Let's go down to the quiet one at the end of the mall. Nobody ever uses it so maybe we can grab a smoke and just hang without anyone giving us their snide, weird looks."

"I'm right behind you bud" his friend said.

With that they both strode towards the south end of the mall.

"Sorry Eric I just gotta see if I can break the taller guy into a little action. He's soooo fuckincute. His tight little ass just might enjoy some tongue action fromyours truly`."

"Whatever dude. Knock yourself out" I said as I sat their and continued sipping on my soda.

After about 20-25 minutes I decided to investigate what was taking him so long in the bathroom. I mean how long does a blowjob take? That's if he got lucky.

As I made my way over to the restroom's entrance a couple of other emos were just coming out. Adjustin' the zips on their tight jeans I couldn't help but hear them commenting: "What a slut that dude is. I mean, like draining three of our dicks isn't enough, and he's still beggin' for more."

I wended my way through the entrance and saw Paul kneeling on the floor vigorously masturbating as a long line of assorted emos, punks and skins savagely fed him their hot horny cocks. I mean the dudes weren't even pullin' their pants down, they were just floppin' their hot dicks out of their zips while Paul feasted hungrily on whatever was placed in front of him. Long or short, thick or thin, cut or uncut, he was takin' them all like a champ. Right in the middle of his blow job the green-haired emo dropped trou, turned around and shoved his skinny, boney ass into Paul's face, thus making Paul's night.

It really was an incredibly hot scene though. Matter of fact I always pictured myself (in my fantasies of course) being handcuffed to a urinal and being force-fed some attitude-driven cock.

I knelt down beside Paul and decided to join in, taking sloppy seconds once Paul was done ingesting the first of many tasty loads. Hell, I knew every one of the guys could cum 2 or 3 times before they were totally drained, and if I played my cards right I could get at least one of those loads.

My anger at Scott was still escalating in my head but I figured I'd drown my sorrows in some really hot streams of semen; thus checkin'-off another item on my bucket list.

As I knelt there suckin' the dicks of total strangers I found myself favoring the skins with their tattooed bodies and arrogant dispositions. They got off on not only being sucked but were vocally demanding on exactly how it should be done. These skins had really bad chips on their shoulders which they blamed on everyone but themselves. I found myself trying to bring them off to a mind-shattering orgasm in the hopes of at least temporarily reining-in their pseudo-Alpha male attitudes.

After about an hour the lines trickled down to a few roaming emos which I let Paul treat himself to. My mouth was sore as hell and my knees were getting tired from the onslaught of the rough handling that these perverted studs were doling out.

As we stood by the sinks rinsing out our mouths, popping in some gum and generally straightening ourselves out, Paul started laughing to himself.

I turned my head to him and asked "What's so funny dude."

"I was just thinking about how pissed your friend Scott is with you. You know Aaron told me what happened."

"Yeah. Well he shouldn't be mad at me. I didn't take those pics nor forward them to the guys."

"I know you didn't dude. You wanna know who really did all that shit?" he asked.

"Yeah. Tell me."

"Scott's new buddy Aaron. Seems he's pretty captivated by him and was jealous that you and him had grown so tight during the past few years. Long story short: Fish sent me the pic in confidence and I thought it would be funny to send it to Aaron. But when Aaron saw it was you that Scott was hummin' he got totally jealous an decided to threaten outing him unless he dumped you."

This totally pissed me off. Scott was too cool to be put through this shit.

I then walked over to him and said "You know what Scott said to me earlier when he thought I outed him? He said, and I quote `Paybacks are a bitch. You never know when or where', end quote."

"What's that have to do with me Mr. Team Quarterback?"

"It's all got to do with this" I said as I pulled out my smart phone. "While your eyes were closed and your mouth was luxuriating in the taste of emo cock, I snapped a few souvenirs."


"And I'm sure that our teammie Matt would be pleased as hell to know you sucked-off his little emo bro' at the mall, as well as ate-out his ass. You remember him: Tight top, skinny black jeans, white belt, green and black hair? You wouldn't happen to have Matt's e-mail address would you?"

I held tightly to my cell and exited the rest room, making my way back up to the food court. Paul soon followed. That's when I noticed Scott aiming for the mall exit with Aaron lagging a little behind. Talk about coincidence.

I hurried up to Scott and grabbed him by his shirt.


"Dude, if I can prove it wasn't me that sent out those e-mails, would you listen?"

"This better be good Eric. You have one chance and if you don't come through I have plans to out you to the entire fuckin' school; especially since 5 minutes ago I saw you on your knees in the men's room shamelessly sucking some no-name fuckin' punk.

Though absolutely humiliated with this latest revelation, I filled him in on all the details that Paul had volunteered. The more I told him, the more outraged he became.

Upon seeing Paul and Aaron laughing loudly and making their way to the garage, Scott became totally unhinged. He grabbed Aaron around his neck and threw the fiercest sucker-punch imaginable. As Aaron was wallowing around on the concrete floor he then jumped over a divider and aimed his fist right toward Paul`s face. The blood spurted out his nose, covering the front of his shirt. He then grabbed both their cells and violently threw them against the foot-thick wall; shattering them beyond recognition.

He looked over at me and doubled-over in gut-wrenching sobs.

I ran up to him and steadied his writhing body, giving him the support he seemed to need.

"I don't know why I ever doubted you Eric. Oh Babe, please forgive me. Please."

Funny thing, this time when he called me "Babe" I didn't fist-bump the air. I didn't feel any cause to celebrate. He needed to explain his rash juvenile behavior before I could learn to trust him again. My thinking was this: Whenever things might get a little rough in a possible relationship between us, was he going to fly-off the handle at every situation, be it real or imagined, or was he going to man-up and deal with things rationally.

I nonetheless took him by his arm and walked him to his car a couple levels up. As he opened his door he meekly turned around and began to offer yet another fist-bump.

I simply moved backwards and said "Later."

Stepping two paces further away I saw Paul and Aaron staggering up the incline to their cars two rows over. What where the odds they were on the same parking level?

Glaring at each other with nothing but out-and-out rage I let the two sniveling assholes pass by me.

It was then that Scott's voice pierced the air of the almost-desolate garage: "Damn it, I love you Eric Martin. You hear me Mr. Quarterback? I love you. I always have and I always will. Please forgive me. It just cut me so deep I couldn`t take it."

I spun around on my heels.

Scott came running towards me with outstretched arms. I could see nothing but the sheer angst and devastation etched on his face. I could be mad no more. So with nothing left to do, I too opened my arms into a wide expanse and sprinted towards him. The moment we reached each other we unashamedly embraced, as tears filled our eyes.

"Welcome back Babe, welcome back." I said.

Paul and Aaron looked in our direction witnessing the whole scenario.

I knew that Scott genuinely wanted to begin building/rebuilding our relationship. And I couldn't help thinking about what he just did to preserve both his honor and mine. Through this one valiant act, he was professing his love for me in spite of what I did in trying to hurt him through the slutty sense of retribution which he witnessed taking place in the mall rest room. It was then that I knew I could never ever let my man down again.

I was falling in love all over again. Well, I never really fell `out of love' in the first place.

"Dude, come over to my house. My `rents went out to dinner, so it'll be just you and me."

I got into my car and followed Scott.

We got to his house and put down our gear down right inside the front door.

We hugged and kissed for what seemed like hours, but it was actually only 5 minutes. Needless to say we were both sporting massive woods but we need to fuel-up for what we were sure to what lie ahead.

As he called for pizza I went to his bathroom, splashed some water on my face and checked my appearance. "I've had better days" I thought, looking at the reflection in the mirror.

Scott came into his room and stripped out of his shorts and top. Walking past me in his naked splendid glory, he headed for the shower.

"I'll just be a few minutes, Babe. Go out and wait for the pizza guy, OK?"

"Yes sir" I said, giving him a mock salute.

He turned toward the bathroom. Then his taut, splendid butt disappeared behind the door.

The pizza arrived and I quickly devoured the first slice. As I picked up a second slice Scott came out of the bathroom vigorously rubbing his head with a towel.


I walked in his bedroom and began to strip out of my clothes when it dawned on me that I didn't have a change of clothes with me. "Dude, why shower and then put my dirty stuff right back on? Sides I thought wed just hang-out naked."

Chill Babe, I'll find you somethin. "Just don't nut in underwear okay. Well, on second thought nut away'."

I had to admit that the thought of wearin' his clothes got me a little hot. It sounded so sexy I couldn't help but to begin chubbing-up somewhat.

I got into the shower and washed the day's grime off me, paying extra attention to my then throbbing bone and pulsating `nads.

Getting out of the shower I felt like a new person. I dressed in what Scott had laid out on his bed for me and joined him in the kitchen as we downed the rest of our pizza along with a couple of sodas.

After we were finished eating he folded the box and stuffed it into the trash. He grabbed a couple of waters and threw thrm into his gym bag.

"Let's go dude."

"Where?" I replied

"To fulfill a wild fantasy."

I bent down and retrieved my stuff and followed him out to his car.

"What's the fantasy?" I implored.

"Well the fantasy will be fulfilled after we practice our plays just one more time."

He started the car and aimed it toward school and off we went.

We snuck into the Athletic Center through a little-used unlocked entrance.

"First we suit up and go over the plays. I just want you to feel confident that I remember them all. And I can still catch a ball."

It felt kinda' weird suitin' up so late at night. But hey this might get interesting I thought.

We grabbed a pigskin off the shelf and made our way out onto the field. As we trudged towards the center of the somewhat darkened gridiron the clouds slowly spread and the moonlight poured onto the turf.

After we'd got through the full regimen of plays we figured we'd use, he insisted in a little game of role reversal: He was gonna' be the Quarterback and I'd be the Center.

As we got down into field position he began rubbing his hands up and down the ass seams of my uni. Damn this was hot I thought.

Looking from between my legs I saw his hands coming up to my ass and then grasp around my waist. He deftly pulled at the strings around my mid-section and carefully tugged my uniform down to my knees.

With that he buried his handsome mug into the hot recess of my ass and licked away in a frenzy. At the same time he pulled my nuts and cock backwards and fondled them with his skillful hands. I was sproutin' a wood like never before.

"Wow." I thought "Talk about a new formation."

As he wantonly ate my ass I lost myself in a visualization of the whole stadium teeming with spectators while Scott savagely ate out my pulsating jock-hole as the school band circled around us mid-field banging their bass drums and blaring their tubas as we provided our own unique halftime show.

"Hold that position Babe."

"Where the fuck did he think I was gonna go" I thought.

He started to pull off my cleats one by one as he balanced my bent-over body. Once the shoes were removed he slid the uni bottoms all the way off and threw them towards the bleachers.

With that he lay flat on his back scooted up between my legs until my jock cock dangled obscenely just inches from his luscious mouth. Once I got down in kneeling position he started wildly slurping on my thick piece of flesh. Hungrily licking at my balls he ran his finger up inside of my top and tweaked my now erect nipples. I single-handedly ripped of my shirt and threw it onto the field. His hands then ran across my pecs and down to my solid 8-pack abs as he sensually rubbed the pronounced ridges.

"K dude. I got a new play, though I hardly think it`s in any of the playbooks out there."

"What`s it called" I asked.

"The SOMF."

"What the fuck`s The SOMF?" I chortled.

"Well to the layperson its actually called The Sit On My Face` Play."

"You mean like this?" I lowered my ass to his upturned face while he lay across the 50-yard line.

Man did he go fuckin' nuts. He slurped and sucked like it was his last fuckin' meal. My pulsating dick was so fuckin' rock hard it literally hurt. My nuts tightened up against my body so firmly I thought they'd burst right out of their sac. I was fuckin' totally blissin'.

This guy was one horny fuck. The more he buried his nose and tongue up my sweaty, musky ass the wider he ripped it open. The guy was fuckin' insatiable. I, of course, just rode his face up-and-down, side-to-side and back-and-forth. The feeling was fuckin' incredible. His tongue wildly licking at my puckered hole as he firmly grabbed onto my thick thighs for leverage.

"So here's my fantasy stud," he finally said after coming up for air. "You're going to fuck me right here on the 50-yard line. We're gonna consummate our relationship right here and now. You have a problem with that?"

I laid fully on top of him and felt his awesome Wide Receiver body laying prone under mine. With him in position my hand began to creep up under the top of his uniform. I feverishly rubbed his abs and pecs while he squirmed uncontrolably on the ground. We kissed each other with total abandon.

I began slithering down his body and placed my mouth on his growing groin. I licked and sucked with such fervor that I practically chewed a hole right through his uni.

Scott grabbed me by my arms and pulled me up to his waiting mouth. He violently shoved his tongue deep into the recesses of mouth, swirling it around and around as he passionately kissed my horny lips. I held onto his thick mane of hair as we continued to explore each other's throats.

I eased back down his body and undid the tie to his uni bottoms. Starting to slide them down his meaty muscled thighs I could hardly get them past his hips. I actually had to reach in and push dow on his erection. Finally the pants gave way as his thick cock shot up and out of the pouch of his jockstrap. His cock was covered with pre and throbbed wildly even in the cool night air. Throwing the pants to the side I tucked my nose under his sweaty hefty nuts and began to inhale that delicious "Scott's Scent."

My mouth began to make its upward journey to the spongy head of his 7-inch cock. I licked and sucked the entire length of his beautiful flesh-stick even licking at the veins pulsating along it.

"Dude, you're drivin me fuckin insane" he cried.

Not wanting him to cum just yet I just blew onto his cock and balls ever so gently; edgin' him to a plateau he never thought existed. I reached up to his shoulder pads and ran my fingers along the straps slowly massaging his stiff nips. He rolled from side-to-side in sheer ecstasy.

Continuing to feast on his tight, toned body I licked every area of exposed flesh. Licking up and down the sides of his body was another turn-on for me. I buried my nose deep into his pits, inhaling his manliness. My happy tongue trailed to the outside of his muscled thighs all the way down to the back of his calves. I made the return trip pigging-out from his knees all the way up to his inner thighs.

With his sculpted, sweaty chest catching the moonlight, it was now his turn to bliss.

"Oh, Eric Babe, just fuckin' take me stud. Fuckin' take me.

"You want it dude? Tell me how much you want it."

He lay their huskily pleading with me to fuck him good and fuck him hard.

"Just fuckin' fuck me man. Shove that fuckin' thick Quarterback cock up my ass dude. Oh please, just breed me with that thick creamy cum. I need to feel that dick rubbin' against my aching prostrate. Make us one Babe. Satisfy my aching, pulsating hole.

Well I had nothing left to do but kneel in between his prone body and give him what he so keenly wished for.

Grabbing him by his cleats I spread his legs as high and wide as they would go. Pulling the straps of his jock to the side I buried myself completely inside him with one powerful thrust. I was buried balls deep into his unrelenting beefy asshole.

I continued thrusting into him so hard and fast that his body actually begin sliding down the middle of the field till we were actually on the 39-yard. I was feeling pretty cocky. (Pun intended.)

His head being turned to the side, he too noticed we were just past to "40" marker. "Dude, we just picked up 11 yards" he said breathlessly. "I would call that First and Goal."

"You think that's picking up yardage? Well, get ready stud, cause I'm gonna fuck you clear into the End Zone.

And that's just what I did.

Between pinching his nips with my thumb and forefinger and alternately munching on his delicious ass I periodically slammed my cock inside his tunnel. Ramming it full of my horny meat, we moved progressively down field achieving First Down after First Down after First Down.

We were now at the 1-yard line. I gave a final thrust of my hips and scored my own TD, flooding his guts with my white hot juices.

Instantly after that he ever-so-skillfully scored the Extra Points as he fuckin' violently shot his own pent-up load so high into the air it actually hurled up and over the Goal Posts, noisily splatting back down to earth. (Well, not really that high but you get my point.)

We lay there exhausted in each other's arms; finally and fully at-one with each other. He carefully placed his lips on mine and gave me the most loving kiss imaginable.

I reminded him of the earlier statement that I had made during our first sexual encounter: "That was still horny, lustful sex' hon. I still want to make love' to you. Warm, tender love."

His sparkling amber-colored eyes knew exactly what I was saying, and he was thrilled.

We got back to the locker room and changed out of our uni's, opting to take another shower when we got to our separate homes. We slipped out the Center and proceeded to Scott's house

Getting out of the car by his driveway Scott literally limped up the walk to his front door.

His parents were sitting outside in the autumn moonlight.

"Must have been some workout. You guys look like you're totally spent" his dad said.

"More than you know" Scott said as he entered the front door. He then looked back and threw me a wicked wink.

"See ya' tomorrow bud."

I wished his folks goodnight and cautioned myself to walk casually to the car, when in fact I actually wanted to back-flips of joy.

(Yeah, I said "back-flips." Is that a problem?)

As I began to pull out from in front of Scott's house I looked out of my moon roof just as he was blowing me a kiss from his bedroom window.

"I so love you Scott" I mouthed.

-- Copyright 2011. Tim Scott.

Okay guys. I'd like to continue this story if I get some positive feedback. Continuing/expanding story lines and new characters can also be handled if you like. You can e-mail me at scotttimscott09@aol.com. Oh, and happy stroking.

Next: Chapter 7

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