A Rose Among Thorns

By Kit Darling

Published on Jul 3, 2015


DISCLAIMER This story contains depictions of male on male, graphic sexual interactions. The characters are high school aged and sometimes have unsafe sex. ALWAYS USE A CONDOM! This is a complete work of fiction and any similarities to persons or events is purely coincidental. Enjoy the story and any feedback is welcome. Do not post this story to any other website unless you have explicit permission from the author. All rights reserved.

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Saturday I stared into my closet, just wearing my towel. Logan was laying on the bed. He had on khakis and a black sweatshirt. His hair was pushed back under a baller cap that had a galaxy painted onto it. "What should I wear?" I asked.

"I like you best with nothing on," he climbed off the bed and came up behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist. His chin rested on my shoulder, and I could feel his warm breath on the side of my face. He grabbed hold of my towel and let it fall to the floor.

Logan rubbed his warm palms against my stomach and down to my dick. I leaned into him as he wrapped a big, strong hand around the shaft and tugged on it.

"Stop, I need to get dressed! Blake will be here any minute!" I slapped his hand off and he stuck out his lip, making a sad face.

"Sorry, Darling," I kissed his cheek and he went back to my bed. I picked out a light blue sweater that had an image of some state fair cotton candy in that paper cone on it.

"What about this and those bubblegum pink skinny jeans I have?"

"Yeah and you could wear your yellow boots," he said keeping his eyes on my penis.

"Hey, my eyes are up here," I said before slipping on a pair of underwear. I finished getting dressed, then climbed on top of Logan.

"You smell so good, like mahogany," I said.

"It's that cologne you got me for my birthday," he said as he leaned forward and kissed me, "You smell like cotton candy."

"I figured it was important to smell like what I was wearing."

"I could just eat you up. Or out," he chuckled from deep within and kissed me with that familiar hunger I'd gotten used to lately.

"I'll let you eat my ass like a cupcake after the carnival if you win me a goldfish."

"Deal," his warm palms gripped my butt cheeks and I laughed into his mouth. We heard the doorbell ring and we adjusted our tenting pants as we went downstairs to answer the door.

Blake stood at the door and his jaw dropped when he saw me. I raised my eyebrows and his cheeks got red.

"Shayla's waiting in the car." We followed him out and got into the backseat.

"Don't you look sweet," said Shayla. YOUR BOYFRIEND THINKS MY DICK IS SWEET! Everything out of her snaky little mouth just angered me and made me want to scream.

"Thanks," I said with a gracious smile. Blake glanced back at me and I grimaced. He grinned and we were off.

The carnival was always held in the big parking lot at the high school. It had a small Ferris wheel and tons of game booths. We went to the ring toss and Logan forked over three of the tickets he'd purchased. I threw the bright colored rings onto the bottles behind the Carney. I ended up winning a little teddy bear.

"Give me some money for a drink?" I asked Logan.

"You have money," He teased and poked me in the tummy.

"I have MY money. I asked you for YOUR money," I poked him back. He rolled his eyes and pulled out his wallet. He handed me a ten, "Get me an orange coke, Igan."

"Anything else, Master?" I winked and kissed his cheek. I took the bill from him and started toward the concession stand.

"Wait, Cori," Blake said. He turned to Shayla, "You want anything?"

"No, I'm trying to watch my figure," she had a sicky sweet smile and I swear I almost gagged.

"Okay, well I'm gonna go get an orange coke too."

"Oh no you aren't! You are going to get a bottle of water. If we are going to run that marathon, this summer, I need you in tip top shape," Shayla said with that putrid grin.

"I'll make sure he doesn't get anything other than H2O," I said with a polite laugh as we turned and walked off. When we were out of ear shot I said quietly to Blake, "And a knife so you can murder that obsessive freak."

"She means well."

"What? I can't hear you over the sound of her whip cracking. Dude get a backbone, don't let her control you," I said elbowing him in the ribs.

"Ouch!" he rubbed his side, "You and Logan look happy together," he changed the subject.

"We are, we have been for a while. I love him," I smiled at my feet. How could I have ever questioned wanting to be without Logan? How foolish, Logan was perfect. He was smart and caring and he loved me, what more could I ask for?

"That's good," he said as we approached the food booth.

"I'll have a Pepsi and an orange Crush, please," I said handing the girl behind the counter the money Logan gave me. She nodded, took my money and gave me the change. A different girl handed me the drinks and thanked me. I smiled and waited for Blake to order.

"Are you happy with Shayla?" I asked him before taking a sip of my coke.

"Yeah...at least, I'm as happy as I can be, I guess," he shrugged but I could see a kind of sadness behind his eyes. He wasn't happy. He wanted to be rid of her but he was scared of being alone.

"Being single isn't a bad thing," I said to him.

"Yeah, it is. You feel lonely and you have no one you can really talk to."

"Isn't that what it's like to date a tyrant like Shayla?" I asked. I took another sip and waited for his reply.

"Yes," he admitted.

"Blake, you can always talk to me. We are friends now."

"Nah, Man, I don't wanna be a burden. Besides I don't want to get too attached again," Blake said, shaking his head.

I felt miserable that he thought he would be imposing on me, "Blake you're never a bother. And you won't get attached. If it helps I'll say your name wrong so that you think we aren't friends."

"Ha-ha sounds like a plan," he patted my back and I laughed.

"C'mon, Lester, it's time to find our dates."

Two weeks later, Shayla, Blake, Logan and I were hanging out at the diner.

"And so I was just like, Cara, you have to put it here or the lighting will be ALL wrong on the Grand March," Shayla yammered at me, while the boys talked sports.

"Oh that Cara. She's incorrigible," I said as though I'd actually been listening the whole time. I bit into my grilled cheese.

"Has Logan asked you to prom yet?" she asked loudly, putting my boyfriend on the spot. I turned his way and gave him a look.

"No, I haven't yet, the time isn't right."

"You don't have much time left," Shayla gave him a look that said "shame on you". I jumped across the table. My hands wrapped around her throat and I yelled, "Die Bitch!" Her sicky sweet smile wiped off her face as I strangled her.

No, I'm totally just kidding. I actually just sighed and asked, "Has Blake asked you yet?"

"Yes, he made me an adorable card with candy on it. Of course I gave all the candy to my sister because I'm watching my figure and we all know Sam doesn't care what she looks like," she grinned from ear to ear.

"You look like The Joker when you smile like that, Shayla," I snapped. Her grin faltered but only for a second and then her eyes grew brighter and her smile got smaller but still as prominent as ever. Blake chuckled and her head whipped toward his.

"That wasn't very nice," Blake said looking at me. I raised an eyebrow.

"I just remembered, Logan, I have a really important thing that's really important! Blake you've got this right?" I stood up and grabbed Logan's hand. We left the restaurant before Blake could protest.

"What was that about?" Logan asked as we got into his truck.

"I can't stand that girl. She is like eating way too many jelly beans. You always regret it in the end. Can we not go on double dates with them anymore?" I asked as I buckled up.

"Oh, thank the gods. I was worried you'd want to keep hanging out with them. I really don't like Blake," he said with a sigh of relief.

"Why not?" I turned to him.

"He's dumb as a box of rocks," he said starting up the vehicle. I had to restrain myself from sticking up for Blake. I just shrugged and we drove to my place. After he parked, I took off my seat belt and kissed him. His lips were sweet as usual.

"Hey so next Monday is Imbolc, February first. I want you to come and celebrate with us."

"Ooh yes! What is this holiday for?" I asked, looking at him excitedly.

"It's a Celtic fire festival. We celebrate the earth returning to the maiden aspect. She becomes fertile again and the crocus' bloom. We honor the goddess Brigid by lighting all the candles in the house at sunset," he responded.

"Sounds like a blast! I'll be there!" I kissed him again and hopped out of the truck. I went inside and walked right past Mom. We were still tiffing about my choice in boys. She constantly had to bring up his sinful religion and I just called her a Jesus freak.

"Corrigan, can we talk?" she asked grabbing my arm.

"I don't know, Mom, can we because it seems like all you wanna do lately is shout and call names."

"I'm sorry. It's not fair of me to judge your boyfriend and his family because of the religion he follows. I'm just worried for their souls," Mom said.

"Mom, they are good people. If your god is real and he does love us all as unconditionally as the bible says, I feel like he wouldn't send such good people to hell."

"The only way to get to heaven is by being saved."

"I'm not having this conversation with you, Mom," I wrenched my arm free and went toward my bedroom.

"Cori! We're not done here!"

"YES, MOM! We are," I snapped, "We are done here! Just because he doesn't worship your god doesn't make Logan any less of a respectable person. I will NOT have this conversation with you again, Mom. Why can't you be like normal moms and ask if he treats me well and giggle with me when I tell you the cute things he does?! Why does everything about Logan have to revolve around his beliefs and religion? Get over yourself, Mom, Christianity is not the ONLY religion. Deal with it!" I stomped away.

"You're absolutely right!" Mom said after I got halfway up the stairs.

"Excuse me?" I asked crouching down to see her better.

"You're right, Cori. I'm sorry. For real this time. I'll keep my opinion on his religion to myself. I want to be part of your life. Please forgive me, Bambino," a tear rolled down her cheek. I narrowed my eyes. That woman was the queen of guilt trips.

"Alright but I swear, one more sass about Logan's religion-"

"It won't happen again, I swear!" Mom said as I came down the stairs and hugged her, "How was the double date today?"

"I almost strangled Shayla."

"That bad, huh?" Mom asked. We went and sat down on the couch and I turned toward her.

"I cannot stand that girl," I said rolling my eyes.

"She seemed like such a nice gir-" Mom began but I whipped my head toward her with a glare, "what a snake! I hate that bitch." I nodded and she grinned.

We heard a knock on the door and I went to answer it, it was Nolan.

"Hey Pal," he kissed my cheek. Don't get any ideas, it was like the way a dad kisses his son.

"Hey, Nolan, what's new?" I asked as I hugged him.

"Not much," he shut the door behind him and we went upstairs to my bedroom. I pulled out my history book and sat down and started glancing over it.

"So I asked Sam to prom finally," he said it so...unexcited.

"Oh my god! That's exciting! What'd you do!?"

"You're such a girl," he tickled me and I burst into laughter. Thrashing desperately to get away from him.

"Just tell me how you did it!" I said when I was finally free.

"I brought her a dozen roses and asked her with a poster I worked really hard on."

"Oh that's so cute!" I rustled his well styled hair. Nolan rolled his eyes, closed my book, and put my homework on my desk. He grabbed out the playing cards and dealt a hand of gin rummy.

"What color are you guys wearing?"


"Purple? Or lavender or mauve or chartreuse?" I asked with an eyebrow arched.

"Chartreuse, I think," he said too quickly.

"Chartreuse is a shade of green, Nolan. You are such a boy."

"That's not fair! You tricked me!" he said discarding a five and picking up the queen.

"It's so easy to trick you," I laughed.

"So has Logan asked you to prom yet?" Nolan asked as I started deciding what I wanted to discard.

"No," I sounded kind of discouraged, "I'm starting to worry. Do you think he thinks it's implied? Because it's not. And I don't understand because a while back, he told me he had come up with something."

"Hmm, maybe he's waiting for the perfect moment? I guess I don't really know."

Monday after school, Logan and I were on our way to his house to celebrate Imbolc.

"So..." I started but didn't finish, I'd been trying to figure out how to ask if he was ever going to ask me to prom. I know it seems so mundane but prom is one of the most important moments in a young boy's life. Especially when that boy is gay and another boy wants to take him.

"So?" Logan asked, looking my way.

"Okay, so maybe you think it's implied and, like, I know we don't have a contract anymore but I just wondered, are you ever going to ask me to prom?" I blurted.

"I don't know, I figured it wasn't that important. Do you wanna go to prom with me?" he didn't even look at me that time. My heart dropped and I looked at my feet.

"No," I replied.

"No?" he kept his eyes on the road.

"No, that's not how you ask someone to prom, Logan," I said, a little bit of anger in my voice.

"Oh well, I tried," he shrugged as we pulled into his driveway. My jaw dropped. What a dick. He climbed out and I decided I wasn't going to let him look chivalrous and quickly I opened my door and got out on my own. That was a mistake, I stepped right into a pile of mud and completely ruined my shoes.

"Dude, why didn't you wait for me?"

"I can get out on my own," I said turning my nose up at him. I walked past him and up to his house.

"Mon Cher, your chaussures, shoes!" Charlotte came out onto the porch.

"Yes well thankfully these aren't my favorite ones," I smiled and hugged Logan's mom close. We went inside and I just kind of let go of the whole prom thing.

Charlotte had prepared some return of the sun cake and a bowl of homemade ice cream to represent the snow on the earth. The sun was going to set fairly soon.

"Everyone grab some matches," Charlotte said excitedly as she handed out match books.

"So how does this ritual work?" I asked.

"We go through the house and light every candle in the house in order to guide the spring to us," she responded delightfully.

"The sun is setting in five...four...three...two...one!" Logan walked off and so did Charlotte. I started lighting candles in the kitchen and I heard Charlotte ask me to light the ones in the den.

Some black curtains were drawn and it was dark as heck in the room. I lit a match and located the candles. I looked up and there on the table, written out in crocus blooms, was the word "prom". I heard Logan come in behind me and he hugged me.

"So, what do ya say?" he whispered into my ears.

"THAT is how you ask someone to prom. Yes, I will go with you."

AUTHOR'S NOTE Omg you guys I'm absolute garbage. I'm so sorry it took this long to post my next chapter, there was a lot of rewriting I had to do after a certain someone e-mailed me with quite a lot of sass. After I realized they were right, I decided to redo what I had already written. I hope you all like this chapter. Thanks again for all the e-mails and shout out to my editor Robbie for being a tolerant goddess. -Kit =^.^=

Next: Chapter 18

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