A Star Is Porn

By Amy Redek

Published on Sep 22, 2012


This story is for persons of eighteen years or over. All comments, good or bad, are welcome and all will be answered.

Part Three.

You name it! We did it. Every position you can think of and I bet we found some new ones. Where we didn't have sex, I cannot think. Top deck of the bus going through Tooting, me sitting on his lap loving the bad road, him jolting up hard inside me. I even caught him in his garage and had it down in the pit underneath a car he was supposed to be working on. Mind you, I had to throw that dress away afterwards.

I carried on working at the pub, though, as the time went on, I started to reduce the number of hours that I could work. Eight hours a day on your feet, and changing barrels was too much to expect of an expectant mum.

I was due in the second week of June, so I really finished working at the end of April, though I still went in to give a hand if they were busy, so I suppose it wasn't surprising that I was in the pub when my waters burst. I panicked. I was a week early and I'd had no warning, just these cramps and then it had started.

I was sitting at a table, legs apart, more comfortable that way, having a drink, when the waters flowed from me. I slammed my glass down on the table and clutched my stomach.

Oh my God. It's started,' I cried, Help me.' Then a sort of calm lassitude came over me. I just lay back heaving as the pains hit, but could watch objectively at the panic that surrounded me. People shouting, giving advice, calling for an ambulance, lots of movement, but nothing seeming to happen.

It did though. The ambulance arrived about twenty minutes later and I couldn't help but laugh at the problem they had getting the trolley through the door. The next minute I was on it with an oxygen mask over my mouth and whisked out into the waiting vehicle. Mike came with me and held my hand as the paramedic asked all the questions. How long between contractions etc. Bloody stupid really as he couldn't hear me through the mask. Mike answered him and they could tell how close I was getting from my body contortions.

It wasn't until I was actually in the delivery room that I screamed. The pain tore through me as though a flame-thrower had been lit inside. Then would come a brief respite and I gripped Mike's hand as in a vice as the pain came again. Closer and closer together they came until I was on fire in my lower belly.

Mike had been ushered out, my legs were up in stirrups and I was being told when to push. It's very hard to describe the energy that you use. What muscles you loosen and what you tighten to force a child out of your body. When you think of the size of the prick that you first accommodated, and now you were trying to expel the result that was nearly ten times as large, it beggars description. Hands were pushing me, pulling me. Voices shouting instructions.

`Push now! Stop pushing! Now push!'

I laughed wildly as I remembered an old coloured woman telling me that having a baby was like having a bloody good crap after constipation.

`Yes ,yes, yes. Keep pushing. Head's there. Push! Push!'

Thinking of that good crap, I gritted my teeth and pushed. My lower body was on fire. I felt the excruciating pain as I grunted and heaved, and then, suddenly it was over.

Cries from the nursing staff as the lump as I thought of it, was lying wet between my spread legs. I couldn't see, but heard the movements, a slap and a small cry.

My heart leapt and pounded. Oh how it pounded. I sagged back, not

having realised that I had arched my back. Sweat was pouring down my

face, which a kindly nurse wiped away. I desperately wanted to close my

eyes to sleep, but nothing could make me even blink until I had seen my


The doctor held up this little bloody body for me to see. The cord still attached. The purple faced little thing, eyes screwed tightly shut not wanting to see the world.

A beautiful baby daughter Mrs Downs,' the doctor pronounced. Congratulations!'

I must have closed my eyes then, because the next thing I knew was that this little baby, all clean and wrapped up was put into my arms. She was now pink and oh so clean. My hand stroked that little thatch of soft hair as I cried and held her tight to me.

Then came the whirlwind of visitors. Mike first, followed by all the people that I knew, and some that I didn't. Flowers came by the bucket load. One bouquet being bought personally by the pub's lecher. He just wanted me to breast feed my baby so that he could watch. I thanked him for the flowers and told him to fuck off, but apart from him, everyone was so wonderful. I was in hospital for three days, I had had to have some stitches they told me, so it was better if I stayed for a few days,

just to make sure that no infection set in. That gave me time to read all the cards that came, wishing the baby and me all the best. Being an ex barmaid, you can imagine that a lot of the cards were on the ribald side.

The nurse kept taking my baby away and putting her with the others. I protested, but they said I needed as much rest as the baby did and I was only given her when it was feeding time. This also seemed to be the cue for Mike to appear. He would and sit and watch me undo the front of my hospital gown and pull out one engorged breast, the nipple huge that I would only have to put near the baby's mouth for it to blindly search and then clamp on like a limpet. What suction as well. Even Mike hadn't sucked as hard as Epsom did.

Lying in bed, sleepily dreaming about my baby, I thought back as to when she had been conceived, and pinned it down to that day at the races, so that's when I named her Epsom. Incidentally, she was born just after midnight, in the early minutes of June 7th, a Gemini baby.

I didn't realise then, but Mike had become jealous of the baby. Now somebody else was the centre of my affections, sucking on my teats. He still had something to fuck that the baby couldn't now have any claims on, but the tits now belonged to the baby.

He just didn't like to share my body even though it was his daughter, but the feeling was there. It never really came out in the open, but I felt the resentment later. There were small things that I felt I was responsible for and so made allowances, not dreaming at the time that is was the baby that had come between us. Well not between us, but creating an intangible air that then couldn't be identified.

He loved us both, of that I am sure, but his irritation showed later, especially at night when she woke up for a feed. He was like a baby himself having his nose put out of joint by what I think he saw as competition.

Sorry to have taken so long over this period of my life, but it was the most traumatic and the best thing that I have ever done; given life! Most of you randy bastards that are reading this want to get back to the raunchy parts, well wait, they're coming! But not just yet!

At this point, life became a bit difficult for us. I couldn't go to work because of the baby, and he didn't earn enough as a mechanic to provide for us. What little savings I had was dwindling fast. A paradox. Dwindling fast! What money Mike brought home, or I should say, gave me, didn't seem to last the week, so some of our savings were used. Also, he seemed to stop a bit more frequently at the pub than he used to, but I didn't say anything. I wanted to, but he would come in expecting me to have a go at him about it, but I didn't. Our love life dropped off

to the odd time whenever he felt like it. Not when I wanted a bit of tender loving care.

Since the birth, my figure had come back and more so. My bust had increased by another two inches with the feeding and all that. Mike and I hadn't had sex for over a week when we went to a Christmas party. We'd got a baby sitter in, though we couldn't really afford it, but I had wanted to go to this party as I hadn't been out of the flat for nearly two weeks and I was desperate for other company. We took a cheap bottle of plonk to the party and went in to enjoy ourselves.

Though I say it myself, I was the best looking girl at the party with my tight fitting dress, the only one I had. Tight because my bust was now bigger, and so I was in great danger of over spilling. So tight that my panties showed the rigid lines of the elastic. Seeing my panties so outlined in the mirror before we left home, I took them off, so that all I was wearing for the party was the dress and my shoes.

As I said, I was the best there, a flame that straight away began attracting all the moths. Everyone wanted to dance with me even getting a few invites from some of the females present. I hadn't, as yet, tasted the fruits of Lesbos, so they were politely rejected. All I wanted was the attention of the male sex, which I got in plenty that night. This pissed Mike off even more so than before with all these men paying so much attention to his woman.

It's funny, but until that night, I thought of Mike as my husband though we weren't married. True, he was trying to feed us, but that's not enough. I needed love and attention as well.

Here I was at this party getting the adoration that I needed and you could see it in the eyes of the partners that I danced with.

The yearnings, the longings, the lust. The youngsters with the first, the older men with the second, and the middle aged with the last. Those that I called youngsters' were those of my age or less. They would dance with tentative steps, hands held lightly, bodies hardly touching. The older men held me close, more of an embrace as we moved around the floor, their eyes firmly locked to the large gap between my breasts. The last would dance as though they were ten years younger and try to show their virility by grinding their tightly enclosed erections up against my belly. If I fancied the man, I would laugh at his witticisms, shake my head so that the blond hair swirled against their faces and grind my hips back into them. Some of these latter men went red in the face when I responded, but some tried to go further.

One guy I didn't like, steered me into the darkest corner and pulled down one of my shoulder straps. My tit promptly popped out of the dress and as his hand closed over it and squeezed, my hand found and squeezed him, but twisted at the same time. He yelped and I folded my tit back into the dress and pulled up the strap.

Don't ever do that again,' I hissed at him, or I'll pull that tool of yours out of its hiding place, and mash it in front of everybody. Now fuck off!'

The one I did like dancing with was Derek Mayall. He was the closest to Mike in looks and physical size. I also like the feel of the size of his cock pressed up against my thigh. Two weeks without and this one made me feel dizzy. Just as we were finishing our dance, his lips brushed my ear and he nibbled my lobe. His hand was nicely placed on my ass as we went back to the table were Mike had just sat down after his dance. I liked this Derek, and perversely asked him to sit down with us as I introduced Mike, as my boyfriend.

I could see that that remark was noted by both of them. Mike then insisted on the next dance, which was more of a perfunctory move of propriety than the desire to dance. When the number finished, we went back to the table where Derek was still sitting, a small knowing smile on his lips. He also had bought a fresh round of drinks for us for which I thanked him. Mike just scowled. When the next record started, Derek stood and politely asked Mike's permission if he could dance with me and this was grudgingly given.

I let myself be led to the floor and whirled away to the beat of the music. The upshot of the dance was that Derek invited me to visit him at his car showroom the following day, and I agreed.

Mike monopolised me for the rest of the evening, and made us leave earlier than I would have liked to. He was showing the amount of drink he had consumed as we (he), weaved his way home.

I paid off and thanked the baby sitter, checked that Epsom was okay, and went and got undressed and into bed. Mike was straight over and on top of me. His hard erection pressing into the side of my thigh, his sour breath making me gag. I couldn't help but open my legs and let him slide inside of me. I was wet already, I must admit. But at the thought of Derek, not Mike.

I went through the motions, oohing and aahing in the right places, but I had an orgasm. Mike could still do that to me, but he didn't go on for long before he shuddered and came into me. He still wouldn't use a condom, so I was now on the pill though he didn't know that. With a final grunt and hard shove, he rolled off of me and with a loud fart, said goodnight and went to sleep.

I was up bright and breezy in the morning. Epsom was already in her high chair being fed her breakfast when Mike made his way into the kitchen. He did look rough with his bloodshot eyes and stubbled chin as I poured him his coffee and asked if he wanted breakfast. He groaned that he couldn't eat, but he drank his coffee and then went upstairs to wash and shave. I kissed him goodbye and he kissed Epsom, and then off he went to work.

I then took Epsom upstairs with me and put her into the baby bouncer that we'd fixed up in the doorway of the bathroom, so that I could have a bath and yet have the baby safe. I took my time with my bath, cooing and going goo-goo to Epsom as she bounced and gurgled as I flicked the foam at her.

As I powdered myself, knowing where I was going, I started to get wet between my legs. I had to wipe myself and exercise great control to keep my feelings and expectations in check. I dressed carefully from my limited wardrobe, not wanting to look too forward or tarty. I had arranged, before Mike had got up, for a neighbour to take Epsom for a couple of hours while I went looking for a job, as I told her.

With Epsom settled at the neighbour's, I took a bus and went to see Derek at his showroom and I was surprised at how big the car showroom was. There must have been about sixty cars there, and all very high priced to my way of thinking. An unctuous salesman asked if he could be of assistance? I replied that he could if he would kindly show me to the office of Derek Mayall.

This he did, telling me on the way that Mr Mayall, he almost bowed as he said this, was the owner and a great person to work for. Fawning brown nosed little bastard, I thought. He obviously guessed that I wasn't a likely purchaser of a car, and I too had thoughts that I wasn't the only female to have come into the showroom with the same request.

As I was ushered into a very surprisingly plush office, which in hindsight, was a fitting backdrop to the man that rose from behind the large desk and come round to greet me with both hands and a kiss on the cheek.

Welcome to my humble office Angela,' he said by way of a greeting. Please be seated. Coffee?' I sat down as demurely as I could, thinking that I'd made a bloody great mistake here and had read the signs wrong last night.

No thank you,' I replied, I'd rather have a large gin and tonic as I think I have made a mistake.'

All at once, he was at my side, down on one knee, his hand taking mine.

No Angela dear,' he said kissing my hand, you haven't made a mistake. It is I who have made an error. I'm sorry.' He looked into my eyes. `Last night you were the most wonderful sight I have seen in years. You took my breath away and stole my heart. I wanted to steal you away myself, but...' he let it hang there.

But I'm glad you came. Come,' he said, pulling me to my feet, let me show you around.' With that, he led me out of the office and showed me round the display areas and the workshops behind. Pride was in his voice as he pointed out the latest equipment for diagnosing problems with regard to the interior working parts of a car engine.

I stifled the urge to show my knowledge of a workshop, albeit from Mike's talk, which I didn't think would be appropriate in the circumstances of my being there. With the tour done, he asked if I would like to be given a test drive in their latest model. Derek said that he could show me that, when properly handled, the best could be brought out of anything man made, and whilst driving, further propounded his double-entendres. How to coax and caress, when to increase the pressure on the throttle, to know when to gently apply the brakes etc. I'd got the

drift before we had only gone a few miles, but I let myself drift off in the luxury of the car ride and I let him drone on till I caught a question in his voice.

`I beg your pardon. I was being mesmerised by the lovely sight of trees, what was it you said?'

`I said, we are quite close to where I live. Would you like to see it?' I could see that we were in rolling countryside and replied that I would love to.

A couple of miles further on, he turned off into a leafy lane, and soon pulled into the drive of a very nice small mansion. We stopped on the gravel drive and he helped me out of the car.

Small by some standards, but pretentious I think. The wife likes it.' He said, as he led me into the hall. I'd rather have a cottage, but she likes the grounds and the view.' He led me on further into the house and into a small salon. Would you like that large gin and tonic now?' he asked, opening a drinks cabinet. He poured a drink for himself until I stammered, Yes please.' With mine poured and now in my hand, I turned and took in the view that the window afforded. I felt him come up

behind me and he placed a hand on my shoulder.

`What...what does your wife do? Is she here?' my voice quavered. I didn't want to meet her now, not now.

No, she's not here. She works in the city. In fact she spend more time there than here.' His hand started to caress my neck and I felt the gentle touch of lips brush my ear. That's why I invited you here. I want you to see what she is missing. I want you to feel...,' his body was now up close and touching me. I could feel alright. His erection was lightly touching my bum. `...to feel, that life goes on outside of the city confines. Come!' he said abruptly, turning away from me. I staggered slightly, as I had started to lean back towards his body, to feel that

erection pressed harder against me.

`Let me show you what we have at the back of this hovel,' I heard him say as he strode off. I quickly gulped my drink and started to follow him, pausing only to set my glass down. Through two doors and down a staircase and through another set of doors and wow! An indoor swimming pool.

`It's heated. Fancy a swim?' he asked.

`I've...I've no costume,' I said.

He threw back his head and laughed. `Costume! Who needs a costume here? Who's to see? We're indoors. Come on,' he said as he started to peel off his clothes. His shirt was already off and his hands had started to undo his belt.

`Well...' I faltered.

He came to me and put his hands on my shoulders, his eyes looking deep into mine.

We've come this far,' he said softly, and I know we can and will go further. Don't be shy now.'

His hands pushed the straps of my dress off of my shoulders and pulled it down over my breasts. His eyes looked down at them as his hands came up and cuppedthem. He looked back up into my eyes, his hands gently massaging my breasts that now had just started to throb.

Magnificent,' he whispered, just as I pictured them last night when they were pressed against me. The perfect symbols of womanhood, so firm, so round, so...' He stopped speaking and kissed me. Crushing my breasts against his chest. It was a French kiss, tongues moving against each other, delving deep into the mouth. His erection throbbing tight up against my belly making my knees tremble and the wetness starting between my legs. He broke off from the kiss, panting.

`Now for that swim.' He turned slightly away and shucked off his shoes, peeled off his socks and in one quick movement, drew down his trousers and pants, kicking them one side before diving into the pool. I had a quick flash of that tool of his before he disappeared beneath the water. I watched him swim away till he was nearly half way down the pool before he surfaced.

`Come in, the water's fine,' he called as he waved. I slid my dress down over my hips and stepped out from the folds as it settled on the floor. I stood for a moment on the edge of the pool, to me it was the brink. Do I turn round and get dressed and try to forget this, or take the plunge? (Ha. Ha.)

I plunged! With my fingers holding my nose, I jumped, and with my eyes closed, I felt the warm water swirl round me as I went under. When having a bath, one gets in naked and lets the water cover one. Why was this different? Why was it so erotic, this water touching and tickling my inner thighs? Why was it turning me on?

I found out that my breasts acted like a Mae West and I couldn't stay below the surface. I shot up like a cork, so fast that the top half of my body came out of the water.

Bravo!' Derek clapped, somewhat inelegant, but a lovely sight.'

He swam up to me as I bobbed in the water, my nipples just below the surface, getting harder all the time in spite of the water temperature. His arms went under mine and he slowly pushed me back to the edge of the pool, my nipples rasping against his chest. When my back touched the sidewall, my arms reached out automatically and my hands gripped the overflow trough. He trod water in front of me, the tip of his cock nudging me.

`Have you ever been eaten out under water?' he asked of me.

`Eh?' was my puzzled reply.

`Have you ever... oh hell, this!' he said, and he ducked down under the surface. His hands ran down my body and then under the cheeks of my bum as his head went in between my legs. I gasped as his mouth and tongue invaded me. I couldn't help it!

My legs shot out straight, albeit, wide open, but with me hanging onto the side of the pool like grim death, my body floated up to the top of the water. The top of Derek's head broke surface, his face still buried between my thighs, his tongue frantically exciting my clit. He suddenly broke off and his face appeared, streaming water. He grinned before he took a great gulp of air and disappeared below the surface again. His mouth and tongue back in at me, it was incredible. My legs started to thrash the water of their own volition as his tongue probed and his teeth nibbled. My mind exploded when he blew hard up into my vagina. The

mixture of water being pushed by the expelled breath of his, created bubbles that burped and bumbled around inside of me. I've said it once, and I've got to say it again. It was incredible!!!

I orgasmed immediately such was the experience. So much so, that I lost my grip and my head went under. Fortunately not far, or for long, as my own inflatable's brought my head back up to the surface, though still spluttering for want of air.

Poor Derek suffered though. My thighs had clamped together, and I almost drowned the poor bastard. I felt him fighting against my legs and realised what was happening, so I managed to relax and let him get free.

There was then two big whooshes! One as his head shot out of the water, and a second when he took air into his lungs. He clung to me as he coughed up the water he had swallowed. We had now drifted back to the poolside, so I grasped the edge to steady us. His hands held my shoulders as he regained his equilibrium as well as his breath.

I think,' he gasped, I think that this, that this is the first time you have done this in water?' his head resting on my shoulder, his chest still heaving against my breasts. His penis was still hard and again pressing up to me. I think it was the fact that the water was warm, apart from his ardour. I had been told that cold water was the quickest way to shrink the male organ. A fact that I proved later on in life. Digressing again!

Well I was in the deep end, as they say, and a rampant cock nudging me, so go for it was my thought.

My turn now,' I said, steering him around so that his back was against the poolside. I haven't done this before, so give me a little leeway, eh?' I begged of him. I gave him a quick kiss on the lips, and taking a deep breath, pushed myself down below the surface, my hands holding his hips.

I kept my eyes open, even though they smarted from the chlorine. There before me, in the swirling bubbles, was this large erect penis. I swear it was bigger than before, though I put this down to light refraction. It looked paler than most, but the heat was there when I grasped it and guided it into my now open mouth.

I clamped on it and mistakenly tried to suck air through it as though it was an air line. I think my teeth hurt him as they scraped their way back up his tool, till the head popped out as I shot to the surface. Coughing water, I could see the spasm of pain on his face.

Sorry.' I gasped, I'm terribly sorry. I hope I didn't hurt you.' He gave me a weak grin.

`I think you have just found out that there isn't any air down there. Just remember that, and please, take it easy. Yes?'

I nodded, feeling very red in the face, so with another big intake of breath, I submerged myself again. This time it was different. Even though water entered my mouth when I opened it, I didn't let it interfere with what I was doing. As soon as my mouth enclosed the head of that big organ in front of me, I expelled the water from my mouth so that the cock and I were one. I then slid my lips further down his shaft, this action, pulled his foreskin down as well. All of a sudden, the head of his cock, released from the helmet, seemed to increase in size. A fact. My mouth went down as far as I could go. The head, when it touched the back of my throat nearly made me gag. I had to draw back quickly.

I was taking too long was the thought running through my mind. I was burning up the oxygen in my blood, so I gave him a quick few pumps of my head and letting go, shot to the surface. I shook the hair from my eyes, `Don't go anywhere just yet!' I held myself steady against him and took three deep breaths and went down again.

I wasn't really getting the hang of this as I quickly took him into my mouth again, expelling the little air that was there, and started to work on that hard throbbing flesh. With one hand manipulating his balls, the other working up and down his shaft as my mouth went the opposite way, I sucked and tickled, and tickled and sucked. I've never believed in the expression, till you're blue in the face, but I think I came into that

category in that swimming pool.

I was running short of breath, when he suddenly shot his load! I couldn't help but swallow it. Unfortunately, I snorted water as well through my nose. So with mouth and throat full of come, and half a pool of water up my nose, I blew.

Just like `Moby Dick', I surfaced in a shower of spume and sperm. The first from my nose, the second from my mouth. As I floated away from Derek, spewing and snorting, (thank heavens for my personal floating balloons), he quickly came and supported me on the surface. He helped me to the side of the pool and down to the shallow end where there were some steps.

With an arm round my waist, he helped me out of the water and led me to a lounger which he made me lie down on. He quickly rubbed me down with a thick soft towel, paying quite a bit of attention to my heaving breasts.

`Are you all right now, Angel?' he asked in a concerned voice. I wasn't that far gone to notice that he had used my nickname. Now where did he learn that, ran through my mind?

`I'm sorry,' I said, close to tears. In fact the tears had started to course down my face as I spoke.

`Sorry? Sorry for what? Darling you were magnificent! For a first timer in the pool? I'm bereft of words.' (He actually said that. He quite often used words that I didn't understand.)

He wiped away my tears and kissed me deeply. My God I thought, the man's in love with me! I started to struggle against this in what I thought would be a downer in our relationship when I then had second thoughts.

If he was for real, well, what had I to lose? He had this big house, pool an' all. A business that I could never surpass. A wife that could probably outdo me in the world of finance, but maybe not in the bedroom stakes. I must admit, I took advantage of the fool.

`Darling, please? I'm alright.' I sat up, moving sharply to one side so that my heavy breasts swung provocatively before his eyes. My eyes seeing his half erection with the heavy hanging balls between his outstretched knees as he squatted next to me.

`I don't think I did you justice,' I said as I reached out and cupped his balls in my hand, his shaft sliding off my wrist, twitching as it bounced free.

`Stand up.' I said, my hand lifting up with him, till he stood erect before me in both his posture and his cock. I swung my legs off the lounger and with my other hand, held the base of his shaft, pulling it down level with my face. The foreskin was half pulled back from the head, glistening redly. I gave it a squeeze, making the eye open slightly into which with lips pursed, blew gently. His penis quivered as my breath caressed him. A pearly dew eased out like a teardrop, shining and

reflecting in the light.

My tongue crept out and took this drop to curl it back into my mouth. Like sweet honey with a slight trace of cinnamon, it was lovely. So nice that I went back for more. I took as much of his length that I could into my mouth, now with a slight taste of chlorine. That didn't stop me from working my tongue round his shaft as I moved my head back and forth. His hands came up and gently held my head as I sucked and licked his throbbing cock.

With my hot mouth and hot little hand working in opposite directions, he quickly started to come for the second time. Gripping me tightly now, I stopped moving and let him finish it, my lips holding him tight as he face fucked me, his come hitting my throat in spurts. I held it there till he finished, before swallowing, and what a lot of it there was! I then licked him clean and rubbed his hard tool against my cheek as I looked up at him.

`How was that then?' I asked as sweetly as I could. I think I also batted my eyelashes at him. His hands were still holding my upturned head, the thumbs gently massaging my temples. His eyes were slightly glazed and there was a trace of spittle at the side of his mouth. His tongue moved out and licked it in.

`Angel. My Angel,' he said in a hoarse voice. His hands now pulling me up till I was standing in front of him, the tips of my breasts touching his chest.

`You are wonderful!' He pulled me tight up against him and passionately kissed me, squashing my tits to his chest and mashing his wilting member against my stomach.

We got dressed and went back upstairs and had another drink. He lit up a cigarette, offering me one which I refused. I didn't smoke then, but I did start eventually as it seemed to calm me when I got into filming. He opened a window to let the smoke out.

She doesn't like me smoking indoors,' he explained by way of an explanation as it discolours the ceiling.' When he finished it, he threw it out of the window and then closed it.

`Time we were getting back, don't you think?'

I agreed, finishing my drink. He gulped the last of his down and we left. We talked of inconsequential things on the drive back, his hand caressing my thigh. I asked him to drop me off before his showrooms, so he pulled up in a vacant parking space and switching off the engine, turned and kissed me. I felt his hand push some paper down the top of my blouse as we snogged. We broke free and I used the rear view mirror to see that my hair looked okay.

We will see each other again, won't we?' he asked anxiously. Conscious of the paper between my breasts, which I knew was money, said, hesitantly, Do you really want to?'

Of course I do Angel,' he exclaimed grabbing my hands and raising them up and brushing them with his lips. You've given me an incredible morning. I love you Angela and I want to see you again, and again, and again! Say yes, please...'

I looked down at his hands holding mine, hoping that by doing so, I was giving him a demure profile. Must practice this in the mirror, I thought, but it must have worked anyway.

`Please say yes Angela. Please,' he begged. I chuckled inwardly.

Okay,' I said softly, again tomorrow? But not swimming.'

Great,' he shouted, banging the steering wheel. But don't come to the showroom. I'll pick you up here. Nine thirty okay? No swimming. I promise.'

I laughed, and agreed the time as I got out and watched him drive away. I waited till he'd turned the corner before I reached my fingers down between my breasts and pulled out a twenty pound note. Two blowjobs and being eaten! Twenty pounds! Wowee! Call me a whore if you like, but I had a child to clothe and feed.

Ten minutes later, it was gone. I'd bought a new outfit for Epsom, a pair of shoes for myself and something for dinner that night. It was stupid I realised later, when Mike asked about the clothes and shoes. The only thing I could think of on the spur of the moment was that I had found the money.

He was sceptic, but accepted it after the lovely dinner that I turned out for him. Also I let him fuck me doggie fashion that night. He likes doing it that way sometimes. Big handfuls of tit to hold onto as he rammed himself up into me. I wouldn't do it very often as he almost pulls my breasts off when he comes. Straining backward as his hips jerk forward, forcing himself in as deep as possible as he shoots his load. I like it better when his hands are at my waist, like Derek did the next day.

It was almost the same starting pattern with Epsom being washed and fed and dropped off at the neighbour's flat before meeting Derek at the agreed place. Different car this time, but he drove straight off to his place and I was careful to wear the same clothes as the day before as I wanted to give the impression that my wardrobe was limited. Which it was in actual fact, but it wouldn't do me any harm with him to advertise it. I tell a lie. Just my shoes, blouse and skirt. I had left off my panties, which he soon found out when I let his wandering hand reach up to my

pussy. The car jinked in the road as his hand felt the wetness and suddenly had to use both hands on the wheel to keep us on the road. When it was running straight, he turned to me and grinned as he made a point of licking his fingers.

We were soon at the house and racing upstairs to the bedroom and within seconds we were naked and pressing our bodies against each other. His hands running up and down my body, my breasts getting the most attention. Kissing and nibbling, making the nipples stand out as hard pebbles with his hard erection pushing up between us clamouring for attention.

I broke off the kissing and dropped down onto my knees and took him straight into my mouth. He groaned as I used my teeth along his shaft scraping their way up to the head and then gently tugging. My tongue went under the foreskin, slowly twisting around inside of the helmet. I could smell the talc he'd used that morning, still lingering in his pubic hairs. The excretions of nectar into my mouth drove me wild and I worked him harder, loving the taste of him. Just me pumping him was

bringing me on, my pussy was soaking wet and I was starting to burn inside.

It took a strong pull to free himself from my limpet lips.

`Slow down Angel,' he begged, groaning.

`I can't,' I shouted at him, trying to grab it again,

I'm nearly coming myself. Oh God!' I quickly turned round and leant over the bed. Now! Now. Quick. Put it in. Fuck me now, please...'

My legs were going rubbery, my belly throbbed and I itched inside. His hands held my hips as I felt the head of his cock push aside my inner lips and enter me. I gave out a groan as he slid into me, filling the aching void and I pushed backward till his balls slapped my bum. He was in! Gorgeous. I came with a shuddering blast, the wave flowing down from my chest, through my stomach to my loins. Incredible!

I screamed and nudged backwards to prompt him to move. Which he did, slowly at first, but built up to a steady thrusting and I could feel every inch of him throbbing as he ploughed my furrow. I thrashed about as I came again, and yet again as he shouted out my name as he shunted up tight to me and pumped in short strokes as he came too.

I fell forward onto the bed with him following, still embedded deep inside and he lay on me panting as hard as I was, gasping for breath. As I lay spread eagled, I could feel his sweat trickling down onto me and mingling with mine.

`You're heavy,' I grunted from beneath him.

Sorry,' he said, arching his body up using his hands, still keeping within me. How's that?'

`Better. I can breathe now. Whoa, don't pull out yet, please!' I begged. I liked that hardness inside of me and wanted it to stay there as long as possible.

`How about this?' he asked as he twisted his hips from side to side, his thighs rubbing my bum as his tool seemed to rotate inside of me.

`Ooooh,' I moaned as it pulsed inside me. He pumped a few more times and then withdrew. I puckered up my muscles, trying to hold him in, but failed, the cool air wafting around my gaping pussy.

I rolled over onto my back, my legs open, my sex wide to his gaze and with a coy look, finger tip in my mouth.

`Had breakfast yet?' was the invitation. It was enough, for he knelt between my spread legs and tongued my wetness. With his tongue raising my little bud to a solid nodule, his teeth sent shocks through it that was like prods of electricity. Within seconds, I orgasmed again and covered his chin with my hot juices and like a well-trained dog, he lapped it up. What a cleansing I got.

He then lay alongside me and we kissed and cuddled, our sweat slowly drying. We both admitted to feeling a bit clammy, so it looked like it was to be the swimming pool again. This time it was swimming only, well, no sex I meant. We swam naked as before, touching each other as much as possible. Him doing more of that than me, as I had more to touch than he had.

We got out after about half an hour and I stood and let him dry me. I then towelled him down, taking my time on his genitals. It didn't take long for him to be fully erect again and after a final sweep of the towel under his balls, I hung the towel on his erection. It sagged down with the weight, but still stood out proud from his body.

Well it's up and running again,' I said, we'd better do something about it, eh?'

He nodded, and I pushed him backwards till he sat down on the lounger.

`Lay back and enjoy it,' I said, stepping astride him, and holding his penis upright, lowered myself down onto it.

I loved that silken sheath slowly filling me as I sank down until I was on his thighs, him firmly deep inside. I loved going up and down on that solid shaft. Derek's hands gripped the sides of the lounger as his passion rose, his hips started to lift up to meet me. I also liked the weight of my bosom bouncing, pulling the flesh tight around my neck and shoulders as they moved. With my head thrown back I uttered a cry as I came.

More of a howl than a cry and Derek's back arched as he too came, in spurts as opposed to my gush. I swivelled my hips as he came, literally screwing him as much as fucking him. I also found that I liked the taste of my own body as well as his as I licked him right down to his balls.

Whilst we were driving back to town, I casually apologised for the clothes that I wore for both meetings. I started to explain when he interrupted by pushing forty pounds into my hands.

`Buy yourself a treat,' he said. I protested, but let him insist, so with grateful thanks, I accepted.

That set the pattern of our relationship that lasted for several years. Not daily, but on a fairly regular basis. The money I kept hidden from Mike as with the clothes that I bought for Epsom and myself. Mike didn't notice the improved quality of our food, or my growing sexual prowess in the bedroom. The latter I think he put down to his own expertise.

Epsom was growing up fast and needed clothes quicker than I could believe. I had to get a job of some kind to explain where the money came from to buy the clothes. Then Lady Luck turned up. If you can call him a her but I'll need to explain how it came about.

Mike and I would go out to the pub together, once a week. This was upon my insistence as he would be out most nights, so I was at least entitled to one night a week. We'd have a baby sitter in and off we would go to the King's Head, of course.

Dave and I were still friends, though we hadn't bonked since I'd been with Mike. The regulars seemed to still like me as they would come over to where I would sitting, asking if I would like a drink, or anything that they could supply. The last usually being said with a leer, as they looked down my cleavage. With my figure better than ever since Epsom was born, I took advantage of the fact by dressing to show it off. Hence low cut blouses, short tank tops or tight sweaters, depending on the weather.

The twins were there as usual, so I went over and sat with them. June and April Day were their names. Their mother had a twisted sense of humour. I must have too as I had named my daughter Epsom Downs! They also had a brother who was christened Paye. Mrs Day had said, that if Paye had been a girl, the name would have been May. As it happened, he was known locally as May because he was a fruit. An obvious one too and would quite often be seen out at night in drag, though he didn't dress like that when he came into our pub.

Well he was my Lady Luck that night. He walked in, well, not quite walked, but then he didn't mince either. It was a cross between the two so let's say he sashayed in giving more than he got in repartee as he made his way to our table and sat down with a sigh.

`Cretins! That's what they are,' he said waving a languorous manicured hand at the tables that he had passed on his way to us.

Words of more than two syllables are beyond them, but here,' he spread his arms towards us, here we have intelligence, wit and humour. Nicely packaged. God, what wouldn't I give to have your figure Angel. I'm so green with envy, and just look at those hands!' he said taking them into his own. `So soft and such perfect moons to those exquisite nails. Look at mine!' He showed his, turning his hands to catch the light.

I couldn't see anything wrong with them, but humoured him by saying, `Mmmm. What is it you do?' I had heard talk, but was not sure.

`I work for a witch!'

He always did tend to speak in short dramatic sentences and always with punctuation.

`She wants blood! Fingers worked to the bone, just look at my nails,' he wailed.

`But what do you do?' I asked again.

He looked about to see if he was being overheard. `I'm a cleaner for an agency,' he whispered after another quick furtive look around him. This made his sisters laugh.

`Listen to the hyenas. If they were to put as much effort into cleaning their own homes as I do, they'd be as distressed as I am. Then she wants me to do more! I ask you! I can't do it! I can't!'

The expression on his face was just too much for me, so tragedian that I couldn't help but laugh.

You can laugh,' he said, you wouldn't be able to do it!'

Piss off,' I retorted, what do you think I do now? Sit on my arse at home and watch the house clean itself? I do mine and still have plenty of time left over to do other things.'

`Well!' he said in what I can only describe as being most camp, without the hand on hip or the slight toss of the head which would normally follow from the way he said that one word.

`Well, if you have that much time on your hands, why don't you work with me. Philippa's always looking for good cleaners. Pay's not bad either!'

He burst into a fit of giggles, hand to his mouth. It took a few moments for the penny to drop with me. With his name... aw, forget it! If you haven't picked it up, you shouldn't be reading this. Go back to your A B C!

It struck me then that this was what I could do. If the hours were flexible enough it could possibly work out. So not without some considerable trouble, I got the telephone number of the agency from Paye, and rang the very next morning.

Next: Chapter 4

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