A Submissive Boy's Story

By Donny Mumford - Laureate Author

Published on Jan 15, 2009



by Donny Mumford

Most everything about my life is average except for a totally unique period of time during the summer of my fourteenth year. Me, I'm average in most ways, just like my life... except maybe in one area. That area involves girls, they tend to think I'm cute and they like to hook-up with me, so maybe that's not so average. I'm average height though... five foot nine inches, weight about a hundred forty... my brown eyes and light brown hair are as average as they can be, "C" student all through high school and the same for my freshman year at college. I've got friends, about the average number, and I'm average at sports like most guys are. I'll be heading back to my average college for my sophomore year any minute now, driving my average pickup. Something many college kid needs to do is find a part time job while at school, that's new for me this year. That's where most of my spending money will come from. A part-time job is no big deal, Mom and Dad got divorced this summer and therefore money is a little tighter this year then in the past. And by the way, that's more prevalent then it should be... parents divorcing I mean. Oh well, it happened and it did surprise me a bit, but not like some huge traumatic event. It appears to be an equitable divorce, making them both happier, so... good for them, they've been OK as parents. My brother, Josh, graduated college last Spring, just in time to avoid the necessity of a college part time job. He's got a full time one now though, working for a computer company in California. We haven't been real close for a few years now, Josh and me... well, actually none of us in the family were especially close to tell ya the truth. We got along fine, but there wasn't any of the devotion to each other you see in close knit families. Maybe we're all narcissistic... maybe everybody is, but some hide it better then we do.

The stuff I'm taking back to college is packed in my hand-me-down pick-up. It's a hand-me-down from Josh, his old 2002 Dodge Ram pick-up which I've always hated, but it's better then the alternative which is no ride at all. I'm just about ready to begin my seventeen hour drive to Orlando, Florida, where I attend Central Florida University. It's an OK school, heh heh, average I guess you could say. I've said my goodbyes, double checked that I got everything I want to bring with me, and now it's bye bye to Lansdown, Pennsylvania until holiday break in December ... I'm off for my Sophomore year of college!

A trip of this length gives one plenty of time to think, and the first thing I thought about was the night before last... particularly that portion of the night where I fucked Sara Petrosshie. She and I had been going out together all summer and she more or less forced the issue of me fucking her... last chance before I left for college, ya know. Let me tell ya, there's something at the entrance to the female vagina that feels like a bone, my boner rides on her bone, or against it, while I'm fucking her and it really generates a hell of a lot of sensations along the shaft, eventually causing quite a nice climax for me. So, I'll give it to the girls for that bone in their vagina... it's cool, but other then that I'm not a huge fan of the female body, vagina or otherwise. Not even a little bit of a fan actually. I had to force myself to fondly Sara's breasts, they always feel mushy and gross to me... and those large nipples, ugh! Oh my God, I was always so relieved when I finally got to drop her off at the end of our dates. Of course, the main reason I go out with girls is so everyone will think I'm straight... hell, I thought I was straight for the longest time myself. Another factor for me having girlfriends is that there are always girls around who apparently think I'm kinda hot or something, so that makes it easy to get dates, and it's flattering too. See, I'm finally being honest with myself about this stuff...

Didn't use to be honest with myself though... not during that summer when I was fourteen. Since then I've gone out with quite a few girls and managed to fuck three different girls a total of five times. One of them three times and the others one time each. That's all I could manage. I tried to make myself want to do more, but I just couldn't get myself up for it! Back then I didn't want to admit to myself I'm gay, but I am... for sure. I never lead any of the girls on... I'm not a cold-hearted prick. I always tried real hard to be up-front and kinda honest with them as far as where our relationships might go. I didn't pretend I was in love or ever intended to be in love with any of them. One girl, Candy Todesco, called be a queer last year because she couldn't handle the rejection. She had it bad for me. The fact that she was so hurt made me feel awful. Since that time with Candy, I've only tried once more to convince myself I was at least bi. I tried with the aforementioned Sara this summer, but alas, it just didn't do it for me... so now I'm quits with the girls... finally, officially quits. I'm officially homosexual and I'm looking forward to where that takes me this year at school... interesting and nervous times ahead I'd guess. So far, I'm the only person on earth who's certain that I'm gay, but I expect that to change in the near future. Of course, I may be the only person on earth who gives a shit about me being certain that I'm gay... hey, it is what it is.

When I was fourteen I had my one and only homosexual relationship. It went on for a six to seven week period during the second half of that summer vacation... that's the summer vacation following my graduation from Middle School, which is to say, after eight grade. Throughout the entire episode I never once thought of myself as a homo. I thought I was going through a rite of passage that special teen boys get to participate in, but rarely speak about. I liked it so much it embarrasses me to think about that fact now... five years later. Truly, it seems preposterous now that I didn't realize what was going on back then, but I didn't. I was totally naive at fourteen, or maybe "stupid" is a more accurate description. Me and my two close friends weren't scoping out porn on the internet, we didn't talk about sex of any kind... we talked about sports and doing mischief and making each other laugh... stuff like that. Maybe other fourteen year old boys are more sophisticated than us, I don't know really, but I know we weren't. Actually, me and my buds were fourteen at the time, but we'd all be turning fifteen around the time school started back up, near summer's end. When that gay episode with Henry ended, I took some time mourning the fact that it was over, and then I went on a five year campaign to prove to myself my sexuality was of the regular, average, heterosexual variety. And, I've already told you how that worked out for me... not what I was hoping for at the time. But, I'm more than fine with the result now.

Anyway, my misguided affair was with Henry Black who was the eighteen, soon to be nineteen year old Eagle Scout in charge of the group of new recruits of which I was a member. There were six of us who were considering joining the Boy Scouts. Me and my two buddies were trying the Scouts because we'd become bored with our summer and because we thought camping out over-night sounded like an opportunity to do some cool mischief. This older boy, the Eagle Scout Henry Black, was assigned to be our group's Eagle Scout mentor... our group consisted of me, Carlos, Billy, and three other recruits from Drexel Hill who we didn't know. Right from the start Henry seemed especially interested in mentoring me. He'd call me into his tiny office at the armory and, while smoking, ask me questions about myself... some of them personal. He gave me the creeps at first... maybe it was the way he sat facing me with his legs crossed, one knee on top of the other... mostly you see ladies doing it that way. He'd swing the top leg slightly as he dragged on his cigarette, blowing billows of smoke toward me as I stood in front of him at attention. So, yeah... it was creepy at first, but the more time I spent with him the less creeped-out and more intrigued I became. Something stirred in my stomach, or maybe the stirring was lower, in my balls. It was most noticeable whenever he'd act serious and pretentious about some inconsequential matter. It gave me such an odd feeling that I'd sometimes, involuntarily, shudder my shoulders while watching him. He had a peculiar, affected, way of smoking too. Holding the cigarette at the end of his index and middle fingers, backwards... the filter stuck out the back of his fingers so when he took a drag the palm of his hand faced me. I've never see anyone else smoke in that manner before or since, and Henry smoked a lot of cigarettes. He'd take long, exaggerated, inhales followed by equally long exhales, seemingly directly in my face. I grinned at that a little bit at first, thinking he was joking with me, but he didn't smile back... just stared with his top leg swinging and his head tilted to the side slightly. Maybe he was trying to figure out what I thought was funny... I guess that's what he was doing. Whatever, I started hoping he'd call me into his office so I could experience that new, weird feeling around my nuts. The whole thing was a complete mystery to me back then in my ultra naive fourteen year old state of mind.

The extra attention from Henry happened a few times during the first meeting, but the big surprise happened at the conclusion of our second Boy Scout meeting two days later. Henry ordered me to stay behind because he wanted me to help put stuff away and clean up the National Guard armory that we used for our twice a week Scout meetings. I felt kind of flattered to be chosen to help him. Henry Black had wavy blond hair cut in a bad regular boy's haircut which means it was severely tapered up the sides and back, his cowlick at the crown of his head was cut too short to lay down, the hair at the front of his head was left too long resulting in a clump of hair hanging in his eyes half the time. He continually finger-combed it back across his pimple covered forehead only to have it fall back down a minute later. Henry sported a faint blond mustache of wimpy blond hairs above a cute mouth with nice white teeth... there was a chip missing at the corner of the left front tooth which I thought made him look cool. Even us fourteen year old boys recognized Henry as being a bit of a pompous ass, he was quite taken with himself as an Eagle Scout, but I thought I also detected a sweeter, vulnerable side to him occasionally, under all that pomposity. He was geeky by most any kid's standards, but there was something intriguing about Henry that drew me to him. Perhaps Henry detected this and that's why he continually gave me the special attention. He did not go to our public high school but instead attended a Military Prep school in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania... a senior this year which is why I assumed he was eighteen years old. I found out later he's actually nineteen. The military school he attended was another thing about Henry that was impressive to me... it seemed so exotic and mature. It's a "private" Military school of course, and that may be why he crosses his legs like a girl and smokes his cigarettes backwards. Private schools can be snooty I've heard and, perhaps, Henry being around these pretentious individuals had picked-up snooty habits himself.

Everyone had left the armory by the time Henry and I finished putting the last of the paraphernalia of our Boy Scout meeting into the closets assigned for that purpose... the job required me to be up close to Henry more than I usually am and as a result his body odor became quite noticeable. During our first meeting on Tuesday all of us recruits, behind his back, made fun of Henry's BO, but tonight it was more pronounced then it had been on Tuesday and therefore should have been harder for me to tolerate, except it wasn't... I kept snorting little whiffs of it thinking it was an exotic odor. Henry's about six foot, one-inch tall with real long arms and legs and big feet and hands. Dirty knuckles and chewed fingernails... the ends of his right index and middle fingers were stained yellow from the nicotine smoke of the cigarettes... a pack of Lucky Strikes filters was always visible in his top shirt pocket. The boy had the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen on anyone, movie stars or anyone! Only thing is, he never seemed to blink which caused me to blink more then I normally needed to do. At first Henry interested me a little, but I was still mostly ambivalent about him, then, as I've mentioned, the more contact I had with him the more I became impressed with him. So, after two complete Boy Scout meetings and five or six individual, private, meetings with Henry, I was quite intrigued by him. Staying after to help him clean-up the armory was kind of a thrilling thing for me. By the time we were done the joint clean-up I'd become totally infatuated with him for reasons I'm not sure of even to this day. There were a couple of obvious ones, like... ya know, I knew I'd never be able to get in a military prep school like Henry, so he seemed kind of heroic to me... kind of special. And something about the way he took himself real seriously I admired too because I'd always thought of myself as kind of a joker, even my best buds didn't take me too seriously. Another thing was the attention he was giving me, that made me like him too. Oh hell, I just liked him more then the other guys did almost right from the start, that's all. I kept my infatuation of him totally to myself of course... ya know, because it was weird man, weird. Maybe it's that I just get impressed with certain people too easily... I've been told I do. I'm too impressionable is what my brother always told me... but, fuck, Josh couldn't get in a military prep school either, so what does he know.

When Henry and I finished putting everything away he began sternly examining each of the two closets as if it mattered that everything was in the exact correct spot. With puckered lips of concentration he glanced over at me as I slouched against the armory's small bleacher section, then he stared at me harder. After doing that for a few seconds he took a deep breath and quietly said, "While I'm doing this Andrew, you stand at attention like I showed you how to do earlier tonight". Thinking how silly this was, I immediately stood up rigidly to my full height. Back then my full height was five feet three inches, I didn't have my growth spurt until I was sixteen. Standing tall as I could, my hands at my side very rigid, exaggeratedly rigid. I was mocking the whole dumb concept of standing at attention, but Henry didn't see it that way. He saw me doing it incorrectly so he got himself at attention too, right in front of me, and looking down at me he did another inspection of me. He reached over with his nicotine stained index finger and flipped it up the front of my nose a few times saying, "Your head should be back slightly". His finger smelled like the old ashtray my mom keeps in the garage for when she sneaks a smoke. I put my head back trying not to smirk or make a face because of the smell. He held that stinky finger right under my nose until he was satisfied my head was properly aligned and perfectly still... when I was standing properly he dragged the finger down from my nostrils, down my top lip onto my bottom one and in the process it pulled my bottom lip inside out. Henry left his finger right there on the wet side of my inside-out bottom lip, an odd expression on his face. I frowned at him, but didn't do or say anything like I should have... shortly he said, "Stay still, you need to learn to follow orders if you're to be a Boy Scout. You think I got to be an Eagle Scout, which only one out of fifty Scouts ever qualify for, without following orders?" When I said nothing, he said, "Of course you didn't think that... I feel you have some limited potential to be one of those one-in-fifty" and with that he let my lip flop back in place... the taste of the nicotine was bitter. I started to relax and he did that creepy shouting of, "A..ten...shun!" so I got back stiff and played his game a bit longer, all the time thinking, 'this is stupid'.. but my dick felt funny and something rolled around in my nuts, it felt good. Once more, I didn't know what to make of that.

Henry said, "Stay as you are..." he was closing, then locking, each closet. Turning back to me, he stared at my face again, his eyes are amazing to look into... the different shades of blue appear to be moving around, maybe they actually were moving around... they fascinated me. Henry reached over and pulled on the hair that had grown over my ears, "Get this cut short for next meeting or I'll need to give you two demerits". He'd said all that in the nicer way he has about him, not the real stern way. He'd said it as if the last thing he wanted to do was give me demerits, but he'd do so if forced to. The way he took himself so seriously was almost hypnotic, I looked back into his face, now seeing an almost friendly expression there, almost. I was standing as tall as I could get now. Without changing his expression, Henry inserted both his hands inside the waistband of my boxer shorts to pull them and my pants up over my hips, "No sagger pants in the Boy Scouts, Andrew Fisher. Wear your pants on your hips." With his fingers inside my shorts I felt the coolness of the back of them on my bare belly. As I mentioned, Henry's hands were big and the fingers long so his fingertips were into the top of my pubic hairs. He dragged both hands toward my belly button until they met over my dick which was gathering blood and stiffening-up. Then Henry tugged upward on my pants, in effect giving me a wedgie, and the damnest thing... my dick stirred noticeably now while I continued staring into the startlingly blue eyes of my Eagle Scout mentor. He held the wedgie up tight against my ass crack in the back, and my nuts in the front, for what seemed a long time while staring calmly back at me... it was almost like he wanted to see what I'd do. That was the second time I needed to complain about his actions, but I did nothing except take short, fast, breaths and continue standing as straight for Henry as I could. A look came into his eyes, it may have been one of excitement, then the slightest nod of his head, to himself I think. He said, "Come with me, Andrew, I'm going to treat you to a special boy scout tradition because I think you have the right stuff". Keeping one hand in the waistband of my cargo short he half led and half pulled me across the armory floor into the men's lavatory. My heart skipped a beat, I'd heard stories about sexual activities in the Boy Scouts but I didn't really believe it could happen to me. Fact is I was curious what Henry had in mind, and I still had that semi-stiffy in my pants which felt nice, so I went along for the ride. Honestly, I thought Henry was a fascinating boy... he somehow excited me. It was a little scary too, which made it even more of an adventure.

Leading me over to a spot were a urinal and a sink sat side by side, then letting go of my waistband, Henry said, in a conversational manner, "This is our answer to the old "blood brother" routine that's so outdated, and for obvious reasons too. Instead of pricking our fingers or wrist to combine our blood and prove we're brothers, we'll touch each others penis... drop your pants now Andrew. You must drop them yourself, I can't do it for you". I hesitated with a questioning expression on my face, Henry quietly said, "Come on, Andrew... lets get this over with" so I unbuttoned my shorts and pulled them down along with my boxer underwear. "Just down to your knees will be fine" he said, as he stared at my half-hard, un-cut dick. Another slight head nod to himself as he reached over and took hold of my member. Obviously it was stiffening up with the touch of his fingers which really embarrassed me, but I stood straight up for him because by now it was apparent I was totally in over my head. I was in new territory, except for one tiny aspect of this incident... my two best buds and me had jerked off together in contests to see who could shoot first and who could shoot furthest, so exposing myself to another boy like this wasn't new, him touching me certainly was though. It had been almost a year ago that my buds and me had turned fourteen years old and we were super excited about our dicks, and cumming, and all that. Carlos' sister almost caught the three of us jerking-off together in their basement once and I think that was the last time we ever did it together. But, as I said, Henry's hand was the first person's hand that ever touched my dick other than mine. One of his hands held my cock and the other fondled my nuts. "This creates trust among us in the upper ranks of Scouts, Andrew. It's almost like a secret handshake thing. You've heard of that haven't you?" I nodded my head dumbly as I concentrated with all my might on not springing a full-fledged boner. My dick, with a mind of it's own, was getting very close to doing just that.

By now I was no longer staring into Henry's eyes, I was staring at his hands on my cock and balls... hands with dirty knuckles giving me a boner. "You're uncut like me. That's very good except you must be conscientious about cleaning under the foreskin"... he was pulling back the sheath that covered the head of my cock as he spoke. It felt so different having someone do that for me and I did short puffs of air out between my lips making quiet, but noticeable sounds with each puff. Henry looked up at me with a smirk saying, "Almost done, you're doing OK so far. Ya know, I wasn't going to tell you tonight, but what the hell, I'll tell ya... I'm making you my assistant for the coming scout meetings and for the the over night camp-out too. If you don't screw-up you will continue in that position throughout the year and they're are privileges that go with the position which I think you'll like. No running laps for one thing, no policing the area for another, eat at the non-coms table and stuff like that." The whole time he talked he was slowly pulling my foreskin on and off the head of my cock and there wasn't any way it wasn't going to bone up. Henry talked in a casual manner, not particularly bossy at all. When it was obvious my cock was a hard, shiny, boner he stroked it fast a half dozen times and then let go of it... my almost five inches of bone stood straight out from my belly, my pubic patch hiding only the very bottom of it. I was taking fast breaths feeling warm all over, but a boner always feels good and Henry had pretty much disarmed me by now with his confident, direct manner. It was obvious he knew what he was doing and I felt honored to be his chosen assistant... chosen to be in the higher ranks of Scouts.

I spent some time looking at my boner sticking out there on it's own, then looking back up to Henry's face, I blushed and looked right back down again. He gave me a rare little wan smile at that and he goes, "I know, this is a little weird, but you're doing OK for a first timer. Here's the part that's like the blood brother thingie" and he leaned down from his high height and licked the head of my boner a glancing lick. It was such a light lick my hard cock barely moved. "OK, now you" and he pulled his pants down like mine were and said, "A leader has to be willing to do what his men do and as you saw, I did it to you first... go ahead Andrew, it's OK, you can touch mine and do just what I did with yours. Get me hard and do that inspection. It's called a short-arm inspection in the military, by the way. It's not just me making it up." I thought I had heard or read about something like that, but couldn't remember details. It did make me feel slightly better about the whole thing though, knowing it was a military procedure that he'd obviously been taught how to do at his military Prep school. Henry had a longer cock then mine by far, but about the same thickness. I'd say his cock was at least seven and a half inches long, the longest I'd ever seen. My dick was middle sized in our three best friend group. Carlos' was longer than mine and Billy's was shorter... and inch in each case. Funny, Billy had the shortest dick but the biggest balls. Thinking that strange thought, I took Henry's cock hesitantly and pulled back the foreskin to reveal a clean cock head. Looking up at him for approval, Henry says, "We'll say that's the short-arm inspection part. Now do the rest, get me hard and lick my boner". I was resigned to following through and, let me tell ya, he got a boner almost before I stroked him twice. He grunted out, "Stroke it, like I said!" ... although seemingly out of breath, he was still being rather casual about this ordeal which made it easier for me to do these things. I stroked him a number of times, it was kinda cool feeling how hard his cock got, a long wood pole... maybe eight inches boned up like this, WOW! When some drips of precum appeared he said, "Go ahead... lick it now, Andrew. Go ahead". Yuck, this was the weirdest part yet... kinda gross. I bent down and did a real quick lick like he did on mine, but he told me I'd missed his boner entirely. Well, I tasted his precum so I hadn't miss the head of his cock, but I did it again because he told me to... also, he'd told me to do it in a more stern manner than he'd used up till now. That made me do the licking part slower this time. With my tongue on the head of his cock Henry held my head in place right there... he was strong. His dick slipped off my tongue but maintained contact with my chin. "This is your very first time so let's try to get you through this. I'll work with you, but you need to try harder, don't be such a doofus ... stick out your tongue and we'll be sure it done correctly. It's my responsibility as your mentor to help you get it right." My heart was pounding because this was weird. Two seconds of silence and then he says, "Hurry up! I don't mind taking the extra time, but it is making me late for a date with my girl friend."

Bending over to be level with his cock, swallowed hard I'm thinking, 'I've come this far and fuck, I really want to be his assistant', so I stuck out my tongue. "For Christ sakes, open wider Andrew" and when I did he slid his boner into my mouth. I was so startled I closed my mouth on it and Henry snapped out, "No teeth! Think for once! You are assistant Eagle Scout material, aren't you?. Your teeth scraped my penis." I was getting confused here, and he seemed so pissed-off, but I nodded my head and opened my mouth again to keep my teeth away from his cock. He pushed his boner in further until the head of it was gagging me at the back of my throat. It was like at the doctors when the doctor says, "Say Ahhhh". I was totally disoriented, hardly able to think how his boner had gotten into my mouth in the first place... and I'm thinking... 'why do I keep screwing this damn thing up. Concentrate and get done with it.' Henry was still pissed-off, but it seemed he was making every effort to sound slightly encouraging... he even snorted a chuckle-like sound and said, "It's Ok, we'll sort this out, but I've got to admit I've never seen anyone fuck this up so badly". It was as if it was all my fault, but he was still willing to help me. He said quietly, "Let's make it simple for you, suck the head of my cock and that will be the blood brother test. Go ahead suck it, but only a little." I backed my head off of his boner and sucked the head of his cock tentatively, hardly believing I was doing it. Henry said, "That's too much" as he pulled my head forward into his groin. My nose went into his smelly bush and his boner slipped down past my gag reflex into my throat. Panic!...but before I could react he pulled back and pushed it in again and just as quickly pulled it back out. "Suck it again if you want". I was so discombobulated by now I thought I needed to suck it instead of the quick lick... but, didn't I already do that? Shouldn't we already be Boy Scout brothers or blood brothers or whatever the fuck we'd be?. I sucked it again though because I'd been messing this up so badly and now Henry sounded like he was losing all patience with me.

He said, "Oh hell, you might as well do it again if you want, you've already sucked me off" and without thinking I did suck the head of his cock again... I didn't know what I was suppose to be doing by now. After that last suck though, I pulled my head away and whined, "I already did that, I think?" Henry said, "Oh for God sakes, yes... you did it many times actually, but I won't tell anyone, Andrew. I should though, you know why... because we do not go in for that sort of queer behavior here in the Boy Scouts! But... what the fuck, I'll try to keep it between you and me. You just blew me, is what you did. You sucked my cock like a gay cock sucker tried to do to me once when I was a kid... boy did I kick the shit out of him. Why'd ya do that? Huh? Why'd ya suck me off?" I stood up straight again and said, "What..? Didn't you say..? Wasn't I suppose to do what you said..?" Henry sounded so tired with this whole messed-up deal, he adjusted my shoulders so they were pulled back, then said, "OK, we'll just say you got carried away, you couldn't resist putting my cock in your mouth and blowing me... that's what you did, Andrew, you sucked my cock like a queer, but I won't tell on you."

I was actually shaking when I asked, " I sucked your cock?" and Henry said, "I know you did, Andrew, you don't need to keep telling me that. It's a bitch though because now we got to finish it off and I really don't have the time. You got me horned-up like my girlfriend does so you're going to have to get me off now like she does too. It's OK, just you and me will know. Turn around." I was "No, please.. you don't mean..." Henry was very stern when he said, "I won't hurt you, trust me like I talked about earlier. You do listen, don't you? You don't want me to tell the other guys you couldn't stop yourself and you went right ahead and sucked my cock, do ya?" I go, "Oh no, please it was an accident. I sucked you off by accident." Henry made a face like I was sounding crazy and then he said, "I'll get you out of this mess, I just told you that. Turn the hell around and hold onto the rim of the urinal there so we can get this over with". Looking down I saw the normal missed pee stains all around the urinal's rim and down below were more piss stains and it had a strong urine smell... stale urine. Henry took one of my wrist and pulled my hand down to the urinal, "Just grab here for a second like I told you to do." I was so totally out of it by now, totally confused... it seemed Henry was being so authoritative though, like he knew exactly what needed to be done, and he did say he'd cover up for me. He wouldn't tell on me, so I gripped the rim of that filthy urinal with both hands, which of course necessitated me bending over. I felt Henry playing around near my asshole and the reality of what was going to happen set-in full-blast then. "No, don't Henry please..." he said, "We got to, you blew me and got me all horny. Boy, you have plump buttocks for a slim boy. Here... you better pull back your ass cheeks and I'll be able to enter your hole easier. Won't hurt so much if you help me fuck you. That's my boy." His voice had that real confident, routine, sound to it now and that incongruously made me think it was alright to do what he said... after all, he was helping me. So, I let go of the rim of the urinal and, still bending over, spread my ass cheeks with both hand. "Spread them more Andrew, really spread them apart if you want an easier entry"... I spread them almost flat asking, "Is this OK, Henry?" Henry goes, "You want this bad, don't you? I'll do you up nice, like I promised". I grunted out, "Excuse me...? What?..."

He put a hand on each of my shoulders then and pulling me back towards him humped his boner way up inside my asshole. It felt like a fat flag pole went up there. Really burned and hurt, but it was done so fast I just gasped as Henry goes, "Good, really nice hole, Andrew. We'll work through this together. Grab the urinal rim with both hands now like I told you before, and I'll fuck you a brand new twat, and then everything will be fine. Keep your twat up higher, Andrew. I'm a lot taller than you" I thought, "New twat...?" But hold that thought, he really started fucking my ass at that point so I wasn't thinking about anything else but that for a couple of minutes. I held on to that urinal's rim for dear life as he pounded his long cock up inside me time after time, his crotch slapping against my buttocks... smack, smack, smack, smack... me going "Oof.. oof... oof.. oof". The hurt went away quickly and after two minutes I was making moaning sounds in between his withdrawals and thrusts... licking my lips and thinking, 'no way this can feel so good... how can this be? he really, really must know what he's doing. This must be what the older guys do sometimes with each other. Ohhhh, it feels so good'.

Henry was grunting with every slam up my ass by now... his boner was so long it felt surreal, my body was rocked up against that filthy urinal with each penetration, the top of my head banging against the back of it where guys direct their piss streams, my hands slippery with stale pee on the rim "Ohhhh... ahhhhh oh oh oh" I couldn't help myself, I let out these sounds of pleasure and surprise. My cock was as hard as it's ever been in my life and I could tell I was right on the verge of cumming so, for some reason, I announced it to Henry... I think I was asking his permission. I said, in a questioning way, "I'm going to cum, Henry...?" Henry goes, "Me too" and then cum streamed straight out of my boner to blast up against the porcelain urinal, burning with the force of the stream and nothing ever felt like that before.... nothing ever felt so good. I sensed, deep inside my bowels, Henry's initial sharp piercing spurt of cum and then everything was slippery and wet. He plowed my hole in a frenzy for a full minute after climaxing and then slowed up to eventually stop, pull his cock out, and let out a long sigh. I felt so empty back there. Henry's spunk drooled out of my asshole and ran down the inside of both my legs.

Out of breath, Henry says, "Stay right there a second more, Andrew". I did what he said... I was appreciating all kinds of new, fabulous sensations shooting around my belly, ass, thighs and down to my toes. It was all totally new, very exhilarating, and then as Henry dabbed at my hole with paper towels I came down off my high a little and tears ran down my face. I whined, "You fucked me like I was a girl, Henry". He spoke matter-of-factly when he said, "I took your manhood basically, Andrew... but you cooperated every step of the way, from sucking my cock to get it hard, to helping me get my boner inside your ass... remember, you pulled apart your ass cheeks." He was being patient but a touch annoyed about the whole thing too. Whatever, facts are facts, he had just fucked me. He wasn't sounding angry, intimidating, or harsh, but rather like he was glad an unpleasant chore had been completed. He got a new dry paper towel and while wiping up more drooling cum from my asshole he murmured, "You wanted it bad I guess. It's not really my thing at all, but it's done now and you're kind of my 'boy' from now on and I guess that's all there is to it. I'll help you out though, Andrew. I accept that responsibility... and it won't be a totally bad thing for you." I was scared then, "What do you mean you took my manhood and I'm your boy?" "Shhhh, you're upset, of course. Here..." and he hugged me awkwardly against his body like I was a six year old. "We'll work together with this. Jeez, you sucked me off, Andrew... what else could I do but finish the job for you." His BO was so strong now, stronger than ever... an ultra sweet, almost rotten odor that somehow made me feel we were back to sort of familiar grounds again and it calmed me down somehow. I wondered how I'd missed the strong odor while we were doing those things here in the bathroom just minutes ago. Some way or other Henry's BO resonated with something in my unconscious mind and became the calming common denominator for the remainder of the bizarre actions between Henry and me, right up till the abrupt end. I though, ' it hasn't even been ten minutes since Henry had locked the closets after we'd put all the stuff away. Less than ten minutes had passed, how did all this happen in such a short period of time? '

My tears didn't last but a second, I swallowed back a sob and asked, "What do we do now, Henry?" He finished wiping my ass, folded a paper towel into a three inch square and put it in the bottom of my underpants, then pulled them up from around my knees, tight around my nuts. He patted my nuts and my ass from outside the underpants and said, "Well for one thing, you and I will take good care of these together from now on" then he did some additional ass and nuts patting to be sure I understood what he was referring to. "They belong to both of us now, but I won't shirk my responsibility, you can depend on me to be servicing you regularly." I shook my head slowly in a daze and found myself leaning against him, feeling weak and beat-up. If Henry said we had joint ownership of my cock, balls, and ass, I guess we did. He put his arms around me again, it felt more like a restraining hold than a hug, and he whispered, "We're like brothers now, real brothers. Do you have any brothers?" I mumbled into his BO infected shoulder, "One, but he'll be going away to college in September". Henry said, "Well, I'll take his place, so you still have a big brother, but you'll need to do what I tell ya to do. I won't tolerate bullshit from you. It's a good thing I'll be looking out for ya, especially now with this additional responsibility you'll have as my assistant. Oh well, as long as I'm the man here and you're the... well, we'll say, you're the boy, we'll make it all work somehow. Don't fucking worry, I already promised you I won't tell anyone about you blowing me and making me fuck you... that's going to be our secret as long as you keep up your end of the bargain." His BO puffed up around us as he moved his arms talking to me, and now it felt like my safe harbor even more than before... yeah, I somehow felt safe with Henry now. He said he'd keep my secret and take care of me, that sounded like a good thing. And, what he had just done to me had felt so good, and still felt real good minutes later. I'm inside a special place now, a secret society kind of thing and it's all thanks to Henry. My buds now seemed kind of immature compared to Henry and me... to be honest, at that moment I thought Henry was awesome.

We hugged that awkward half-hug, half-wrestling-hold, way... both of us swaying in that weird position for a couple of seconds. Henry had pulled my underwear up earlier, but my cargo pants and Henry's underwear and pants were still around our respective knees. Henry seem oblivious to this fact and, back into a business-as-usual manner he said, "You OK now?" I nodded my head and he said, "I need to do something. Relax..." as he lowered his arm to get my head in an headlock under his left arm. I hardly had to bend over at all because of our height differential, the back of my neck squished into his wet armpit, my face looking down at the lavatory floor. I squirmed but he tightened his arm around my neck grunting out, "Hold still, god damnit! Learn to do what I fucking tell you to do..." so I became docile and loosely put my arms around his waist... I didn't know what else to do with them. Henry took out his pocket comb and held it under the sink's running water. I rolled my eyes to the top of their sockets and looked at the comb as the water ran over it, there was a lot of gray matter accumulated near the spine of the comb in between the teeth. When the comb was wet he started combing my hair, then wetting the comb again, then combing my hair... and again, and again. I was limp, he'd totally gotten control of all of me and I wasn't the slightest bit mad about it either, I was now enjoying holding onto his BO body and letting him do what needed to be done to me in order to make everything OK again. The BO, by the way, was all encompassing where my head was now. I resigned myself to it and took deep inhales of the pungent, almost sickly sweet, rotten smell of ripe body odor. Henry was my leader and I wanted desperately to bond with him. I wanted to inhale his smell and be his disciple or something like that. Even as I was doing it I knew it was weird, but the rules had changed... I'd somehow fucked-up and sucked his cock, but even so, he wasn't going to tell on me so he's my hero now. I wanted to be like him so that he'd continue to like me and wouldn't change his mind and tell my friends what I did... my buddies weren't allowed in our secret handshake world and wouldn't understand about such things in any case. I mean, Henry chose me, not one of them... there had to be a reason, right?

"If you're going to be my assistant, I want you looking all proper like." My hair had forever been parted in the middle and kind of long, all around my head. Henry had combed out the middle part and was putting a wet-haired part on the left side of my head, kind of low, like his. He needed to really wet my long hair down before it would stay in this new position. He worked on it with my head sticking out under his left arm as he spoke casually, asking, "Do you know the Mane Street barbershop?" I muttered into his smelling chest, "That old-time shop near Dunkin Donut" He goes, "That's it. Before next meeting, get your hair cut by one of those two guys in there... ask for a regular tapered cut and you'll get a proper haircut. It makes sense for you to look right for the assistant Eagle Scout position... as far as the other matters goes, we'll be keeping those to ourselves. Your proper haircut will also set the example for others to neaten-up their appearance too. I always win the award for best squad at these recruiting camps and I expect to win this one too." He was done with my hair... he straightened me up, letting go of my body, and I leaned back against the sink. Henry wiped some random cum off his soft cock and pulled up his pants. Then, from the outside of my underwear he felt my balls again, squeezed my ass cheeks using both his hands, and after a bit pulled up my cargo pants too, "OK, we're all put back together. Do you feel a new blood-brother closeness, Andrew?" I said, "Maybe... I feel different." Henry said, "Stand up straight." When I did, he said, "Get use to saying, 'Yes, Henry' when acknowledging something I've said to you... or, when we're in Scout meetings say, 'Yes, Sir'. That shows respect and others will learn to respect you too if you respect your betters. OK?" I felt so tired, I said, "Yes, Sir...er, I mean... yes, Henry" He said, "We'll practice that another time, but for now, lets get out of here."

Outside there was a real nice normal summer night waiting for us, it seemed strange considering how unusual things had been inside. Henry sat on the brick wall in front of the Post Office, crossed his legs in that unusual way again, and took two Lucky Strike cigarettes out of a hard pack handing one to me. "It's time you learned to smoke too... I like to have someone to smoke with on breaks" he lit our cigarettes and instructed me to take small puffs, then tiny inhales which got me coughing. The taste was gross, but he insisted I smoke two cigarettes before saying, "OK, this is another area we'll need to work more on later. Now, what do you say to acknowledge something I've said to you?" I quietly responded with,"Yes, Henry" he asked, "If we're in a Scout meeting?" I go, "Yes, sir". He patter my cheek, again like I was a six year old, stood up, and he mumbled at me, "Good boy! Let's go". Henry had his arm around my neck as we walked... again, it was in a dominant manner as opposed to a "buddies" kind of thing. I stumbled along beside him holding onto his waist... the BO wafted up at me with every step, but I liked it fine by now. It was just Henry being Henry. He said, "OK, we've make the best of an unfortunate occurrence this evening. You're young and you made a bad mistake, but in the process of me covering up your mistake we've managed to help you gain some maturity and you've actually learned some respect for your betters... so, that ain't so bad, is it?" Not sure what he meant, I said, "No, Henry, that's not so bad". We walked for awhile together like that, me squeezed uncomfortable up against Henry's side, his arm roughly and tightly around my neck with his sweaty armpit rubbing off on the back of my neck and his cum drooling out from my asshole and squishing between my ass cheeks. When he talked now he sometime slid the side of his face down against the side of mine, his pimples scratched my smooth clear skin. Even I saw the dominant nature of him doing that to me, but I liked it even though it implied I was a little boy, or even his girl, perhaps. I knew he did it to teach me who was boss, he did it, in other words, because he could. I wasn't the least bit resentful...I was grateful he was helping me and I had the sense that he liked me, the same sense that I'd had when we first started putting the stuff away in the closets so long ago. I say so long ago, but it hadn't even been a half hour.

As he confidently handled me anyway he wanted, Henry explained that since we had our next meeting in a couple of days I need to get my haircut at the Mane Street Barbershop tomorrow, Saturday... he wanted it looking fresh for the Monday Boy Scout meeting when he'd announce my promotion to assistant Eagle Scout. He instructed furthermore that until I actually got to the barbershop tomorrow I was to comb my hair like he had combed it so it would be properly trained to lay in this new way, "OK... so far, Andrew, I want you to tell me you're OK with everything I want you to do?" I said, "Yes, Henry, I am". It felt relaxing and comfortable for me just letting Henry be my leader... he actually was my leader in any case, so I was being smart realizing that fact and looking at the metaphorical glass as half full, instead of half empty. I told myself I liked being bossed by Henry and as much as I checked myself out with that to see if I was missing something, it still seemed true. I wasn't fooling myself. Henry was about four years older then me, he knew so much more about everything then I did, he'd accomplished so much more, he was a leader... Henry was a "man" for christ sakes, and I was a boy... at best. Why wouldn't I want to look up to him and admire him... and be grateful he's taken an interest in me.

He let go of my neck, took out two cigarettes and told me to lite them both. I did, then handing one to him, as he did with me earlier, I said, "Is this the right way, Henry?" He ignored that and instead, out of the blue, asked me if there was something he could do for me, something I needed. I coughed trying to inhale like Henry, and then asked what he meant... it seemed he wanted to do me a favor because we're blood brothers. After a bit we finally zeroed in on a favor I really needed... my broken motor scooter. It was out of commission for good unless I could get three hundred dollars for a new motor, which was basically out of the question. I brightened up considerably when he said, "See my knuckles, they're always dirty looking. Ya know why?... that's embedded grease from my job. During the summer I work at my Dad's auto shop fixing car motors, brakes, whatever. I'll put a new motor in your scooter for free. After your haircut Saturday morning, walk to Hanover Street and then two blocks to the left down to the garage..."Black's Auto Repair" you can't miss it. I'll drive you home from there and we'll pick-up your scooter and that very afternoon you'll drive the scooter home". He said it all so matter of factly, I totally believed him. I'm like, "Thank you so much, Henry. I love that scooter and I thought I'd never ride it again". Henry said, "Brothers take care of each other." and with his BO coming up in waves with every movement of his arms, he did the weird hug again... it was a cross between a hug and a violent squeeze like he wanted to hurt me. My dick stirred and I felt really close to Henry at that moment. I hugged him around the waist with both arms saying, "Thank you so much Henry"... he goes, "OK, not too much of that hugging though or you'll be wanting to suck my cock again" He sounded annoyed for the first time in awhile so I immediately let go and mumbled, "I'm sorry". He said, "I'll decide what's appropriate affectionate gestures, you just keep your hands to yourself. It's unseemly for an underling to accost his superior."

Nodding my head that I understood, he stopped walking abruptly and I stopped too of course, Henry took my chin between his thumb and index finger and pulled my head up to look at him, "You understand what I'm saying, Andrew?" I go, "Yes, Sir" and he told me to tell him what he'd just meant. I hesitated, wanting to get it right... "You meant you're my superior and I need to not do anything unless you tell me to. Right?" Henry exhaled cigarette smoke in my face and smiled for the first time in a long while and says, "Good boy... and just think, instead of a disaster tonight, you and me turned it into a huge success, Andrew. We've almost completely buried your mistakes... it's in the past, isn't it?" I said, "Yes, Sir". Henry started walking again, with me matching his steps, we both took last drags on our cigarettes, flipped them into the street and Henry says, "They'll be more of what we did in the men's room, Andrew. You do understand that it's necessary I hope. For God sake, you don't blow a man like me and it's over with just like that. I'll need to fuck you quite a few times so I can feel like a total man again. You've really made it difficult for me, I'm trying not to get mean spirited about it, but it needs to be rectified. You got that?" When he said, "You got that?" I heard the edge to his voice that meant he wasn't fucking around. Us recruits had heard it a few times and five laps around the parking lot was usually our punishment if we responded incorrectly. I said, "Yes, Henry" and then meekly asked, "You're still keeping this our secret, right Henry?" He goes, "If you behave, yes, no nonsense though. You got me?" I said, quite confidently, "Yes, sir!" He went, "Good boy, but for Christ sakes... I told you to say, "Yes, Henry" when we're away from the armory, not "Yes, Sir"" and with that last rebuke we split up. Henry went one way and I went the other on our way to our respective homes.

All these years later, with my pick-up going seventy miles an hour down route 95, it was kinda amazing the way the miles were flying by as I reminisced about that beginning to my "Henry incident". Guess it was four years ago now. My truck's tank had been filled up once already and Maryland was just around the bend. I hadn't thought about the Henry incident all that much in past years, it was more or less buried inside my subconscious mind perhaps. But now, hey... I've acknowledged that I'm gay so it seems appropriate I visit my only gay experience. Of course, back then, I never once entertained the thought that I was gay or that Henry was gay. I chose to believe what Henry said it was... all that double-talk about blood brothers and the secret handshake and what older teen boys in the "know" do for sexy fun before they entered the heterosexual life forever. I'd been let in "the know" early by Henry because my accidental blow-job had threatened Henry's manhood and he had no choice really. He had to open this world to me even though I was only fourteen years old, in order to, you know... to rectify the situation through the process of fucking me till it was obvious he was the man... and I wasn't, or something to that effect. Admittedly it was an outlandish reach, but looking back it's obvious I was letting my true sexuality send erroneous information to my brain. I liked the gay sex aspect of this accidental "Henry incident" so I was able to accept any explanation other then the one about us being homos... any explanation except the real one.

I recall laying in bed that night after Henry fucked me that first time. I was going over everything that happened between Henry and me and I was more or less fine with all of it. I'll be twenty in a few weeks now, but my fourteen year old brain back then was rationalizing like crazy. I remember thinking about guys in prison getting force-fucked up the ass by stronger inmates, but I also remember reading some of the Kinsey report on my computer which indicated that it wasn't unusual for teens to engage in homosexual activities during an experimental short time period without them actually being homos. Back then I was sure I wasn't queer, but I also knew I had kind of a hero-worship thing going with Henry. After all, he'd promoted me to assistant Eagle Scout and then tried to let me enter into the blood brotherhood thingie of Eagle Scouts and when some things went a little wrong, we worked them out OK. At age fourteen I knew nothing about sexual relations in general and everything Henry told me made sense because I wanted it to make sense... and because what he did to me made my whole body feel awesome. The last thought I had before falling asleep was the way Henry, in almost an annoyed manner, had told me that I was his boy now and that he wouldn't shirk his responsibilities in that regard... he said something like that. He clarified it to mean there'd be more nights like last night. It seemed so "deep"... and so adult, and so important. I felt close to Henry really, I also didn't want to disappoint him or let him down in any way... and I decided I wasn't going to let my buds make fun of Henry anymore either. They just didn't get "it" like Henry and I did.

to be continued....... Chapter Two (the trip & more Henry)

Donny Mumford thinat20@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 2

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