A Thousand Loves

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Jul 11, 2023


A THOUSAND LOVES, ONE LOVE by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2007 written on October 25, 1993 translated by the author English text kindly revised by John


"A THOUSAND LOVES, ONE LOVE" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 1 - Profitable Military Service

About two months ago, I met a sixty-one year old man and his lover of fifty-eight. They were on holiday and guests like me at the Hotel San Domenico at Taormina. They were very likeable so we soon became friends. I was struck by the fact that they had been lovers for about thirty-five years, and even more because neither of them made me a proposal, although they were clearly attracted to me.

I soon understood that their desire towards me could not tarnish their mutual fidelity and love in the least. A fidelity they did not impose on themselves, but that they lived in a natural and spontaneous way. This fact made me curious and pushed me to want to get to know them better, to get to know their story.

They told it to me, day after day, including the smallest details, and I found it to be so fantastic that I decided to write it down before forgetting it or altering it in my memory.

So I now offer it to you, so that you too can enjoy reading it as I did hearing it. I have certainly been luckier than you, because I heard it directly from their live voices, enjoying the inflexions, the nuances, reading the expression of their faces, the lights and shadows in their eyes, the light smiles or the sudden gravity.

And I offer it to you because you too might learn, as I learned, something more about men and their loves, and about the love that moves, pushes, animates them. So that we can get to learn not to judge from appearances when we meet them, thinking that they represent but a single moment in an entire life.



Matteo Venini was a boy from Genova Quinto, the son of a school caretaker and a knitter. He had an older sister and a younger brother. He was awarded the teacher training school's licence and, soon after, he was called up for his military service.

He survived his boot camp, like any recruit, somewhat lost amongst all those boys coming from almost every part of Italy - a thousand dialects, a thousand social levels, a thousand mentalities and characters. The first month passed and Matteo kept himself rather aloof, studying the others and the ambience...

Matteo had an unconfessed, and in those times unavowable, problem - he was homosexual. Now, the fact of being with so many men young like him, sharing dormitories and showers with them, on one hand excited him but on the other scared him.

Several of them had girlfriends, a more or less official fiancée, who they had left in their villages. But what they certainly had not left in their villages were their cravings. They wore them, and they were raging in their young and hot blood, and Matteo could feel and guess that they were ready to release their restless desires at the first opportunity presented to them, and this excited him.

But at the same time they were almost all dominated by the myth of the "all he-man from head to toe" and they were cruel in their quips that showed a clear hostility and scorn towards the "fags" (or sissies, pansies, queers, fruits, poofters according to their dialects) and this scared him too.

In fact Matteo, at least at the beginning of his time in military service, was not an inveterate gay boy but just a greenhorn, with all the shyness, hesitancy, paranoia and complexes of a novice who has not yet entirely accepted himself or who has not yet had the chance to compare himself with other similar boys.

Before his military service, Matteo experienced just two escapades. The first one when he was sixteen, with a character who gave him a ride in his car and who started to touch him. He understood at once what the man wanted from him. Like all the boys his age, Matteo was already feeling a urgent desire to experience sex but, differently from his mates, he was aware that he was attracted to people of his own sex. The man felt this desire awaken inside the boy's trousers so he became more daring.

He therefore parked his car in a secluded and deserted spot and without any hesitation busied himself with the boy. When the man opened his shirt and trousers Matteo let him do so; and let him do so when the man sucked and enjoyed him as a real expert, immediately awakening all his fervour. Matteo let him do so when the man totally undressed Matteo and himself, and let him continue when he made him bend at ninety degrees and started to lick his virgin hole... And when the man penetrated him with a few vigorous strokes and started to fuck him, preventing him from escaping, from wriggling away, it was too late to turn back.

After Matteo quickly overcame is first surprise and the initial stab of pain, the man, while continuing to screw him with gusto, also started to masturbate him and to skilfully pinch his nipples, to nibble his neck and ear while whispering to him words filled with lust so that Matteo became aware that, after all, what was happening to him was also rather agreeable. He felt happy having at last his first sexual experience, and started to enjoy the protracted assault to which he was being subjected by the stranger.

After they both reached their orgasm and dressed again, the man asked him if he often hitchhiked on that road. Matteo answered yes - he did so every day, going back to Quinto after school. So the man proposed that he wait for him at the school and then take him home, only making a right and proper stop along the way... Matteo agreed. So they met, day after day, and Matteo let the man fuck him for almost three months. Then one day the man didn't come and wait for him and the tale ceased as suddenly as it had started. He never met that man again.

About a year later, when he was seventeen, almost eighteen, Matteo had his second sexual experience.

One of his classmates who also lived in Quinto, and with whom he often went to study in the afternoons, started to talk about sex during a break in their studies... One word called for another, one allusion raised another, one witticism was answered by another, and then at one point his schoolmate announced that he had never had sex with a girl, but only with men...

They did nothing together on that occasion but his mate told him he knew some men he "amused himself " with and told him that one of them had asked him to find a friend for a threesome... xxxxx Matteo, who after those three months of almost daily sexual activities had lost the chance to do it again, after a brief hesitation, pushed by the powerful yen to be able do to again something that was burning in his veins and in his genitals, agreed to try. So one day his schoolmate met him at the home of that particular man.

He was a juvenile judge, a handsome man in his forties, lean and with well groomed small moustaches. He made them go into a bureau filled with books of codes, laws and pandects, where was also a comfortable sofa-bed. After they had all undressed completely the man started by asking the boys to lick and suck him all over, in order to get a good arousing. Matteo liked to be able to busy himself on that handsome male body to make him excited, and he also liked being able, for the first time, to taste and suck a nice hard member.

Then the judge penetrated both of them in turn, and while he was taking one of the two boys with methodical calm, he sucked the other boy's member, and Matteo felt it was also very good receiving a skilled blow job.

They went to see the judge about once a week, up to the end of the school year. When they said good bye before the summer vacations, the judge gave to each of them a watch as a present - for Matteo was his first watch. At home, he invented the pretext he had won it as a prize in a school contest...

In the following year, the last before graduation, he hoped to find again both his mate and the judge, but he came to know that his mate had moved to another school and that the judge had been moved to Venice.

So his sexual encounters came to an abrupt halt.

Thus, being there at the boot camp and in close contact with so many handsome boys, often half naked, and to notice their not infrequent hard-ons, aroused in him a state of remarkable turmoil... but he never tried to do anything with any of them.

His first destination after the boot camp was in the infantry at Ascoli Piceno, a small chief town of province of the Marche region. Here Matteo started to get the impression he was the object of the erotic attentions of some of his comrades. He then tried to set up some kind of connivance with the two or three he liked best. The first who made an explicit approach with Matteo was a Venetian boy. They had lingered in the showers and his comrade, with a visible erection he didn't even try to conceal, told him he was fed up always having to masturbate himself, because the girls of that place didn't put out, so he now was really horny... and invited him to touch it, to check how hard it was...

Matteo had seized it and instead of just feeling it, he started to slowly masturbate him. Then the Venetian mate rested a hand on the nape of his neck and gently pushed him down, in a silent but explicit request. Matteo bent down and with his mouth, gave the service the mate was requesting...

Another one was a Neapolitan boy in the dorm near to his. Also with him they "understood" each other in the showers but did nothing there. But afterwards the Neapolitan talked with him and Matteo was amazed by the extreme naturalness with which his mate told him he was gay, told him it he had noticed Matteo for a while, and he had a great desire to have sex with him...

He made a date for that same night with him.

"Keep an eye on your watch. After the patrol has done the 00:45 rounds, you get up and go to the toilets. I'll wait for you there..."

"I don't like doing it at the toilets, there is a bad smell..." Matteo objected.

"No, not there. Close by, there is a storage room for spare bed clothes and we can shut ourselves in there. We are in two different dorms, so even if somebody sees us go out, they can't know we have a date. They'll simply think we need to go to the toilets, wouldn't they? There in the store room there is also a pile of old mattresses, we will be comfortable. You like fucking, don't you? I have a great desire to feel all of your clapper inside my ass..."

Matteo hadn't yet had the chance to penetrate anybody and this attracted and made him curious. So, that night, even though with his heart in his mouth out of fear they could be caught red-handed by somebody, when the luminous hands of his wristwatch showed 00:45 sharp, he got up and went to his date.

All went as smooth as silk and Matteo could enjoy the welcoming little ass of his comrade in peace and comfort, and not only that night. They were always fast fucks, but nonetheless very agreeable.

Then there was a Calabrian fellow soldier who one day, at the bar in front of their barracks, made him understand he would have liked doing something with him... and the last one was a Sicilian boy, who was all youthful ardour...

The only really gay one was the Neapolitan. The Venetian and the Calabrian just suffered the lack of women and Matteo was more than happy to provide for their needs. Anyway the best and more interesting of all them was the Sicilian guy. He told Matteo that, since he was just a kid, he had sex with both men and women with the same pleasure. But while with women he liked to act like a young bull in heat, with men he liked above all to be a bottom, and loved to be fucked, with obvious pleasure and enjoyment.

"I don't care at all about putting it in a male's hole as I can do it with women. But women, unhappily, don't have this rod, and so..." he said to Matteo their first time.

Then Matteo was posted to Milan, and with him only the Neapolitan guy, with whom he went on having sex. He was somewhat sad he had lost the others, and mainly the passionate and hot-blooded Sicilian. But military service is like that - you get to know some boys, then you lose sight of them.

After they had been in Milan for a few days, his Neapolitan friend told Matteo he had discovered there were places where they could cruise and that, especially a soldier in uniform, they could also earn a lot of money. He so introduced Matteo to the hustlers' world.

Matteo also discovered that in some streets, in some public gardens, it was enough to just quietly take a walk, mainly but not exclusively in the late evening, and proposals soon showered on him.

Like all soldiers, Matteo didn't at all dislike having some more money in his pockets, and this even more if, to get it, he had to amuse himself with other men. Matteo was a handsome boy, and as a bonus he had the fascination of wearing an uniform, but especially, he was very versatile in bed. Thus he soon became one of the hustlers in great demand. And as his customers were so numerous, Matteo was soon aware that he could choose the ones to go with, so that he could have sex only with men he liked.

Something that amazed him was that even young and very beautiful boys, who in his opinion shouldn't have any difficulty finding a partner, were paying him to have sex. He of course didn't complain about that, but he was really astounded.

A few months before his military service ended, he had two peculiar and very interesting encounters, the one as a result of the other.

He didn't have his first encounter while cruising but when he was in a coffee-shop downtown that he frequently visited in the afternoons. It started while he was quietly sitting at the counter drinking his usual tomato juice.

A few stools beyond was sitting a boy more or less of his same age, possibly just a couple of years older, his blondish hair in a crew cut and with a square jaw, a strait almost Greek nose, long and dark blond eyelashes. Pretending he was not curious, Matteo was observing him through the mirror that was behind the barman. Their glances met several times and Matteo thought the liked that young man very much. He was deciding whether to give him a sign, or to stand up and go to sit near him, when it was the other who stood up and went to sit beside Matteo.

"Excuse me, but I feel we already met somewhere..." that boy told him with a friendly smile.

"I really don't think so, I would remember a handsome number like you..." Matteo answered.

"Anyway... my name is Guido. And yours?"


They talked for a while of this and that, then Guido said, "I'm living close by... Do you feel like dropping in on me to... to listen to some good music?"

"Do you live alone?"

"Yes, sure. Are you coming?"


While they were going up in the lift, Guido asked him, "But you... you do it for money?"

"Usually I do, but with you even for free will be alright." Matteo answered.

Guido smiled, "I usually do it for money too ... but today I have a great desire to suck yours!"

"As you like. But then?"

"Well, then... would you be game to take mine in your ass?" Guido asked, caressing his back.

"Perfect." Matteo answered, with a smile.

As soon as they were in the apartment (in fact a small pied-a-terre, a studio) and had closed the door, Matteo at once opened his trousers and lowered them with his briefs. Guido knelt in front of him and took it in his mouth. The boy was really skilled, a real master of mouth-work. Matteo leaned against the door jamb, his pelvis pushed forward to offer him his hard member, his testicles swollen and the sack contracted by the excitement, his eyes closed to better savour those agreeable sensations.

Guido had leaned his hands cupping his tense buttocks and had started a fast back and forth movement with his mouth. He was moaning every now and then, and was pumping it with increasing speed, squeezing his lips on the strong, slippery rod.

Then Matteo seized his head between both hands making him stay still and set his pelvis in motion at the right rhythm to reach the now not far off orgasm. He ejected in his throat all his male liqueur and Guido swallowed it with greedy gulps to the last drop.

Then Guido stood up, gently pushed Matteo towards the bed, caressing his sinewy, small ass and teasing with a finger in the deep furrow. Guido hurriedly opened his fly and Matteo took out his already hard and pulsing rod, and thought it was the right size to take, and therefore really desirable. He bent forward to work it for a while with his mouth, lubricating it with his saliva, then went on all fours on the bed, stretching his ass well out and then spreading his buttocks with both hands.

He at once felt the tip of his companion's member resting on the entrance, hesitating just a moment, pushing the while, pausing, then start decidedly again, straight to the goal. He felt Guido's glans slipping into his sphincter, slowly widening it, then suddenly it popped inside, followed by the whole length of the beautiful virile member.

When he felt it all inside, Matteo emitted a satisfied sigh and squeezed his butts while Guido was starting to fill him with gusto. Both were moaning at the intensity of their pleasure; both had heavy and short breath and tossed so that the member brushed against the channel's walls with increasing energy.

Matteo felt his own member coming back to life, rapidly becoming turgid, standing up again almost asking a second chance of enjoyment.

Now Guido had seized him by his hips and was violently pulling him to himself, in the frenzied attempt to thrust himself deeper inside, until he unloaded into him with a raucous and prolonged yell.

Then Matteo slipped away, pushed the still panting Guido on the bed, raised his legs still trapped in the lowered trousers and folded them onto his chest and then abundantly wet with his saliva his throbbing member.

"Hey, what are you doing? This was not in our pact!" Guido playfully protested, smiling and doing nothing to escape him.

"You awoke again my yen, handsome! And now I'll shove all of it inside you!"

Matteo was feeling as if intoxicated, nothing more existed around him except his rod aiming at that little, waiting ass. He leaned on Guido, pushed, slipped inside him with just one stroke and at once started his dance, vigorously rocking back and forth in that hot, welcoming channel, with wide and vigorous movements of his pelvis.

"You will break down my ass, like that... Guido protested, but enjoying Matteo's impetuosity.

"No, it is already broken down! How many did you take before mine?" Matteo asked, panting and hammering into him.

"Dozens and dozens... But yours passes all of them..." Guido moaned, enraptured.

"Yeah, just because it is the last one..."

"No, because you know how to use it..." his companion said, pleased.

Matteo felt his second orgasm come, and increased his rhythm and the vigour of his strokes, until he tensed like a bow string and finally relaxed in a set of powerful jets, flooding Guido's guts who moaned together with him, seized by a strong pleasure.

They parted and Matteo abandoned himself on the bed, panting. When they finally felt relaxed, they dressed again.

"Fucking hell, you are a real stallion!" Guido said to him while he was pouring a beer into his tankard.

"Did you like it?"

"And how! Listen, I have a proposal to make you..."

"No, no steady relationship, please." Matteo answered back, taking a sip of his beer.

"No, no, what are you thinking of! Listen, would you like earning a lot of money?"

"Who wouldn't like that?" Matteo answered and had another good draught of beer, set his tankard down and looked at him. "So, then?"

"I know a fellow who is looking for boys like you and I, young, well built and hot... He has a circle of VIPs - industrialists, politicians, artists... ready to pay bags of money for one hour of sex with a handsome youth and hot male. He has the right place, elegant, discreet..."

"A gay brothel?" Matteo asked, getting curious.

"Yes, but very, very chic. Would you be interested in working for him? Do you want me to have you two meet?"

"How much do they pay for an hour?"

"Four or five times what you can earn hustling on the streets. It depends of course by how much you are in demand. A couple a day and you will live as a lord... What do you think?"

"Fucking hell! Let me meet this fellow..."

"Let's go back to the coffee shop. I'll call him from there and will fix you a meeting with him. Of course, he will check you beforehand ..."

Matteo laughed, "On his bed, you mean?"

"Of course. But have you been checked by a doctor to be sure you are clean - no venereal diseases and no drugs, I mean..."

"Sure. Well, let's go to call him."

They went to the coffee shop again. Guido took a token and dialled a number, turning his back so that Matteo could not see which one..

"Hallo? Guido speaking... Yes, sure... I'm here with a new friend I would like you to meet... He's doing his military service, at present... Of course, or else I would not have called you, would I? ... Sure, I mentioned it... Yes, that too... He's skilled, I can grant you... Also, and above average... Yes, versatile and good... Really remarkable... I don't know... no... Well, hold on a moment..." he said and turning towards Matteo asked him, "Could you arrange tomorrow at this time?"

"Yes. Where is he?"

"I will see you there. It's here downtown." Then, speaking again into the receiver, said, "Alright for tomorrow a this time. I'll take him there... Sure... I know, don't worry... Bye bye!" and he hung up.

"So, is he interested in meeting me?" Matteo asked.

"Yes. We will meet here tomorrow and I will see you to his place. How long till the end of your military service?"

"Three and a half months. Why?"

"Because tomorrow he will check if you are fit, but he said he will hire you only after you ended your army service."

"Hire me? You mean with a regular contract?"

"Yes, of course."

"You mean... a contract as... as a gigolo?" Mario asked in a low voice, astounded.

"No, no of course! It is not possible don't you know? No, you will get a contract as a hotel waiter or something like that and, besides the salary, you'll get all the extras."

"But... is it a hotel?"

"Yes, as a front. A four star place. All legal, all put to the test."

"Jeez, if he hires me, you mean, I get a regular job, with holidays, and National Health Service, and all!?"

"Right so!"

"He's a genius that friend of yours. Do you too work for him?"

"Yes, sure. But my job is finding some... waiters like you."

"You do the first test, and he does the second one, you mean?"

"Exactly. And you passed the first one brilliantly. You are a real lecher!"

The following day, Matteo, before the daily leave, took a long shower, wore clean underwear and a well ironed uniform - he wanted to cut a nice figure, because he was really interested in that "job".

He met Guido at the coffee shop. Guido took him by taxi to the Hellas Hotel, a four star just behind the cathedral. At the reception there were only very handsome youths. Guido greeted them - he was well known evidently. Without he needed to say a word, one of the receptionists made a call.

"Doctor, Guido is here with a... Well, very well. I'll tell him." He said, then said to Guido, "In a few minutes... He will call, he's busy right now."

Guido nodded. They sat in the hall. They had to wait just a little, then they were told to go upstairs. Matteo was looking around - it had all the aspect of a regular hotel. They entered a door where was written "General Manager".

Giorgio Monito was a man just of twenty-nine, well built, with a pleasing appearance. He had them sit down while he studied Matteo. They introduced themselves.

Then the man said, "Well, I know that Guido already told you something, but I prefer to explain everything to you from the start. There are very important persons, both Italians and foreigners, who every now and then like to spend one, two or more hours in the company of a handsome boy, healthy, clean, available and kind, safe. What they look for is variety, therefore the boys we hire should be able to perform anything and skilfully... and when I say anything, I really mean anything.

"Our organisation places boys, rooms and everything needed at the special customer's disposal. The system works in the following way - I first of all verify that the applicant, that is the boy asking to be hired, is really able to do anything and to do it well. If there are no problems, the applicant has to go and see our doctor who will give him a complete check-up. Then, we shoot the applicant's photos, both clothed and naked, for his photo-book. Then he is hired in this hotel as a cook, a receptionist, a porter a waiter or for other tasks according to his job abilities and what we need. And he will really work in this hotel according to his role.

"But the personnel of this hotel is overstaffed so that they can always answer the extra calls. Our special customers choose from the photo-books the boy they want, at times one they already know, and that boy, instead of working here for his shift, will work in that customer's room. A number of our customers don't want to be recognized, for obvious reasons, especially the politicians and the clergymen... in that case the meeting happens in a special dark room. The boy is sent in a room with no light where he prepares himself and awaits for the customer. He does anything the customer asks him to do, then, after the customer has left, he dresses again and he too leaves the room.

"Besides the regular salary for the routine hotel job, the boy receives an extra payment directly from me, separate from his wage packet, after each extra service. Is that all clear?"

"Yes, sure, but... How can they be sure not to be recognized, if they are customers of this hotel anyway?" Matteo asked.

"Oh, but they are not the only hotel customers, and not every customer at this hotel stops here for that particular service. This hotel is mainly a front for the boys, and just a few of our special customers use it, exactly those who don't have problems... With the others, the meeting happens elsewhere, in rooms specially equipped."

"I see. And... do we have also to submit also to activities... I mean... whips or similar things?"

"No, no sado-maso, we don't offer that kind of service. At most little bit of leather..."

"And... how many customers per day?"

"From none to a maximum of four, depending on the day. The average is around two per day. It also depends on whother the request is for one, two or more hours. At times, and mainly the foreign customers, ask for a boy to be their escort for one or more days, and in this case we have special tariffs, of course. But it happens very seldom."

"And... can a boy also refuse a customer?"

"Yes, but in this case we subtract the fifty per cent from the following performance, as a penalty. But it never happened, or almost never."

"And what if a boy wants to resign?"

"Same as for any job, the same rules - notice according the law and so on."

"You never had any trouble from some former employee?" Matteo asked, as he wanted to have the full picture of the organization.

"No, never. Amongst our customers we have also police and tribunals big shots... We fear absolutely nothing. But anyway none of our employees has never had reason to complain. And our organization has now been working for six years..."

Matteo reflected a while then asked, "All the employees of this hotel do extra services?"

"Yes, certainly, everyone. They do or did special services."

"And... they also do it... with each other?"

The young man burst out laughing, "Out of working time, if they like... they do what they want. But never during the working shifts."

"All this seems really interesting... So, when can I start?"

"The test with me will be during this week. We will fix the day and time later according to your free time. For the medical check up, we have to wait one or two weeks, as our doctor is now out of town. When we have the check up results, we will prepare your photo-book, and this will happen more or less next month. And then, as soon as you get your certificate of discharge, you will be hired here and you will start your service. Is that all right?"

"Alright, I think. Also because undergoing a test with you... I feel it will be rather interesting and agreeable." Matteo said with a winning smile.

The man laughed again, "I feel you will be a good employee. Very well. So, can we decide the date for the test?" he said opening a diary and checking it.

After they agreed on the date, the young man asked Matteo his documents and wrote down on a file all the data.

Then giving them back, said, "Well, Matteo, I'm longing to put you through the test. You will come here at the hotel for it, alright?"

"I too am longing for it doctor... Giogio Monito." Matteo said reading the name on the name card that the man gave him together with his papers.

They went out. Guido asked him, "Are you pleased?"

"Fucking hell, yes! I'm really longing to end my army service, at this point" The young soldier answered, excitedly.

"When you get your discharge, will you already have a place to sleep?"


"If you want, I can look for one."

"Yes, thank you. Listen, Guido, are you feeling like doing... another test, you and I? Or do you have to look for more employees and test them?"

"No, I look for new ones only when Giorgio tells me so, and for the moment he needs just one. Therefore, if you want we can go to my place also immediately."

"Perfect. Let's go!"


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is


If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at


Next: Chapter 2

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