A Western Saga

By Peterbilt / Devon Campbell

Published on Nov 24, 2014


Chapter Seventeen

Caleb Brown

It turned out that Josh was an avid card player, and a shrewd one. I wasn't, and neither was Lang. When we returned from supper one night Josh drew us into a poker game. My place was empty at the time and we were up in my loft quarters passing the time. Josh and I both lost money, and I decreed right then and there that we wouldn't be playing for money again.

"So what about strip poker. All you'll lose is your clothes," he said.

We played another game and lost our clothes in no time flat. Lang was down to his shorts and one sock, I was down to one sock. That's when Josh upped the stakes.

"How about we make it interesting," Josh said daringly.

I was having to constantly remind myself that this kid was only fourteen. Well, maybe close to fifteen, but still damned young to know how to play poker so good. "As for me, I think a good stiff drink would make it interesting," Lang said. He said it like he was daring me and I took his dare.

"There's a bottle of whiskey down behind the counter," I said.

He got it, rushed back up the stairs and set it in the middle of the table. No glasses, he opened it and offered it to me first. I set the tone; I downed several swigs and passed it back to him. He tried to mimic me but stopped short of the amount I drank. He passed the bottle to Josh. I had to take the bottle away from him.

"That's good stuff," he said, wiping his mouth with his arm. "But that's not what I meant by making it interesting."

"What'd you have in mind," Lang asked.

"First one that gets naked gets to be my boy pussy for the night."

I blinked at his boldness. I thought Lang was going to piss his shorts he was so excited. But he still had on three things, I was down to one sock.

"Well, is anybody man enough to take that bet?" Josh asked as he shuffled the cards.

"Nobody's folding," I said. I really wanted to lose the hand. "But wait, you said whoever gets naked first gets to your boy pussy. What if you get naked first?"

"I won't," he said.

The whiskey was already taking its toll. I lost, and it wasn't on purpose. I didn't know enough about playing poker to rig the game. Or I won, depending on your point of view.

"Is this game rigged?" Lang complained as he tossed in his hand.

Josh blinked and frowned. "Didn't you hear the stakes? Caleb, here, is going to??."

"I heard the stakes," Lang interrupted.

I thought he was going to get mad and I quickly intervened with a lame excuse that there were some things I needed to do.

"Are you reneging on a gambling debt?" Josh asked with an arched brow.

"No, I'm giving you my marker," I said.

"I don't want your marker, I want your ass." I wasn't sure I liked the game he was playing. It wasn't something I expected from him. "But then you are the boss," he said, folding his own cards on the table. I didn't like the sarcasm in his tone. I was glad he held to his promise not to tell anyone that he'd fucked me.

"My marker will have to do for now. That and Lang. He's going to have to take my place for now," I said. "If you don't mind," I added, looking at Lang.

"If I have to," he said drearily.

All smiles, Josh stood up. "See you downstairs, Lang," he said as he was leaving.

"One thing, Josh. "I stopped him. "Where did you learn to play poker like that?" I asked.

"My mother. And this from my father," he added, waving his huge cock around.

"Don't do that with any of my customers, draw them into a card game," I said sternly. "I don't want that reputation."

The things I had to do didn't have to be done at all; I'd given my marker in order for Lang to spend the night with him.

Next morning I stood at the window watching a rider, coming from the direction of the livery stable. He was tall and straight in the saddle. And big, with broad shoulders thrown back, not like an old man. He stopped for a moment to look all around the town then kneed his horse to move on. It became obvious that he was coming my direction. Maybe he was just riding through. I took him in as he rode closer at a slow, jaunty pace. He was in no hurry. I could see that he was a young man, maybe twenty. Closer, I could make out the heavy bulge between his legs pushed out on the saddle, no doubt hefted there so he wouldn't crush it. He tilted his hat and I was jolted with a tremor when I saw his face.

"Josh!" I called over my shoulder, not loudly. He was working in the back where he had taken on some of the responsibilities from Lang.

"Yeah," he said coming out and moving up beside me at the window.

"That look like anybody you know?" I asked.

His what'd-you-want look faded to blank stunned. "Fuck, that's gotta be my brother!" he said in a tone of disbelief.

The youth dismounted, swinging a round, tight butt off the horse to stand on a pair of powerful legs encased snugly in worn denim that also encased his still bulging crotch. Josh seemed frozen to the spot as the youth tethered his horse and came across the planked veranda to the door. I moved to open it for him and greeted him as I would any customer, although I sensed that this was no ordinary customer.

"Welcome to Glory, and to The Hole," I said as I closed the door behind him and moved ahead of him toward the counter. Josh had moved back out of the way still with a look of half frightened disbelief, almost like he'd seen a ghost.

"I'd be looking for a bed for the night, maybe a longer stay, depending on my business," he said.

"I can accommodate you for however long your business keeps you in Glory," I said as I went behind the counter and turned the register for him to sign. I went on to explain what all we had to offer and took a key out of the slot as he took off his hat and picked up the quill. He said he would use a good hot bath after his long ride.

"Or we have showers," I told him. "Water should still be warm from the day's sun."

He didn't say which he wanted and I didn't push him. He would let it be known what he wanted when the time came.

"Josh, would you show this gentleman to room number eight, and stoke the fire under the water kettles in case he wants a bath."

"I think I will take the bath," the man said. He had not paid much attention to Josh till he turned as Josh was approaching the counter and then it was a moment frozen in time. They stood there looking at each other like they'd seen a ghost. The man was stone faced but young Josh seemed shaken.

"Howdy," the youth said.

"Howdy," Josh said.

"I feel like I should know you."

"I feel like I'm looking in a mirror," Josh said, finally, in a shaky voice.

"You might just be. Is your name Joshua?"

"Yes. Yes, my name is Joshua," he replied nervously.

"I'm Zachary, and I believe I am your brother."

"I believed you might be too, when I watched you ride up."

There was a brief awkwardness till Zachary put out his hand. Even that seemed awkward for brothers. But a bear hug might have been just as awkward. This could well be the first they even knew of each other, I thought.

"You was goin' to show me to my room," Zachary said.

"Yes. This way," Josh said, waving toward the back.

"You got any whores doing business in this town?" Zachary asked as they went through the French doors to the back.

"There's one," Josh said.

"Is she any good?"

Josh laughed. "I don't know, I never had her."

"Well, maybe we oughta find out together."

I stepped in the doorway. "Mr. Zachary, I can have your horse taken to the livery stable if you want."

"Yes, thanks."

"And have you had your supper?"

"No," he said over his shoulder.

"It's late but I'll run over to the caf? and have them hold something for you if you want."

"I'd be much obliged," he said. "And for you join us, me and Josh, here."

"I've eaten but I would be glad to sit for a cup of coffee," I said.

I called Lang down from my quarters where he was reading a book. After he'd resisted his father about returning to the East, his father had sent him a parcel of books to read.

"The horse tethered outside, take it up to the livery stable."

"Oh, we have a visitor," he remarked with a casual look through the French doors as he was going to the door. Seeing Zachary in the tub he paused to just look, with a whispered, "Geezusss!"

"Yes, I would agree," I said, laughing.

"Why do I get the horse and Josh gets the stallion?" he whined.

"Just tend to the horse," I told him. "The man may be staying for several days."

I rushed across to the hotel and told them to hold supper for two; Josh would no doubt be hungry again. He was always hungry. I hurried back, hoping to get a glimpse of the newcomer at his bath.

I was too late for the unveiling, he was already in the tub, but I got a preview from the wide shoulders and broad, deep chest sticking up out of the water. He had a good mat of hair across his thick chest and a smattering down his hard stomach that disappeared in the water. I busied myself in the lobby, keeping an eye on the back for when he would get out of the tub. I didn't want to go back there and interrupt the two brothers' meeting, nor did I want to make it appear that Josh couldn't do his job by himself.

I saw how Josh seemed to hover around, anticipating his every need. I thought how good it would be for him to have a big brother.

I kept waiting and watching, discreetly of course, for Zachary to get out of the tub but I missed it. Lang returned from the livery stable with another older man.

"Caleb, this is Mr. Huntingford. He needs a room for the night, and a bath and a shave."

I signed him in and assigned Lang to show him to his room and see to his bath and shave him.

"It's late but I can probably arrange for your supper at the hotel if you haven't eaten," I told the man.

"That would be most kind of you," he said. His speech was as eloquent as his bearing. He sounded English.

By that time Zachary was out of the tub and in his room. I ran over to the hotel to arrange supper for my newest guest, at a table away from the one Zachary and Josh and I would have. "I believe he is English and he will likely want to dine in private," I explained.

When I went back Zachary was dressed and ready to eat. I'd missed it all. The three of us went over to the hotel.

They had seated Mr. Huntingford in the alcove with windows looking out on the prairie. Our table was set on the opposite side, at a front window. I explained that there would be no need to order, they would be bringing us whatever they had to offer at that late hour.

There was another long pause when we were seated. I was determined that one of them would break the silence.

"Figuring we are brothers, how did you find me?" Josh asked, finally.

"We don't have to figure on that, we are brothers," Zachary said. "Jesse left word of a boy in these parts."

"Jesse??" Josh voice as barely a whisper.

"Jesse's our father, in case you didn't know."

"Yes, I know?..knew him."

"He brought you here, I understand."

"Yes, a short time back, but then he left," Josh said.

"Yeah, he had a habit of doing that," Zach said with a wry smile but without animosity. He looked me. "I intend to find work, maybe on a ranch, if there is any, and I'll be looking after Josh."

I nodded, glancing at Josh. Zachary looked at Josh too. "That all right with you, little brother?" he asked.

"I don't need much looking after but I'd like having an older brother."

"Can you read and write?" Zachary asked. His question surprised both of us.

"I can write, enough to get by. And read enough too, I guess. There's not much call for reading. No books or anything."

"I've got a couple of books in my saddlebags. Written by an English author, Charles Dickens. It's called Tale of Two Cities. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way??." He stopped and smiled, embarrassed. "It's a serious book. You'll like it. I'll help you read it if you need me to," he told Josh.

I was becoming more and more impressed with Zachary, and not just his physical attributes.

"Do you know numbers?" he asked then.

"I can count as far as I have to," Josh replied.

He looked at me then, and said, "Does Glory have a school," as if I was responsible.

"No but there is a school fund started, but I don't think anybody sees a rushing need since there's no kids in Glory," I said.

"If there was a school, and a church, maybe there would be kids?.families.," he said

"How did you get so smart?" Josh asked him.

"My Ma was a school teacher. With her it didn't matter if you were smart or not, she made you learn come hell or high water."

Our food came and there was a pause to get settled into eating.

"I'll be paying for this," Zachary told the woman.

"No, I will," Josh spoke up sternly.

Zachary reared back, surprised at the boy's assertiveness but the woman had moved on and there was no chance to argue the point.

"I've got my own means," Josh said. "Pa left me with means to get on in the world. And I'm working at the Hole for Caleb."

"Well, do tell. He never left me any such means."

"Maybe he didn't think you needed it. He saw you were being educated," I put in.

"What he left me is yours too," Josh told him.

I thought it was time to step in and explain the arrangement that Jesse had made for Josh. Zach listened intently, nodding as he chewed his food. I watched him chew, how the muscles in his face rippled and danced.

"Well I guess our Pa knew what he was doing," he said when I'd finished. "But I can earn my own way." Then the questions started again. "Can you fight?" Zachary asked him.

Josh chuckled. "I never had any cause to."

"Well, you're big enough a man would think twice before tangling with you. But there'll come a time when somebody your size or bigger is gonna test you," Zachary said flatly. "I'll teach you to fight."

"I don't like fighting," Josh said.

"Is that what you're going to say when somebody starts pushing you around?" Zachary asked. "You can't be a pussy when it comes to defending yourself, or somebody else. What if you get a girl and some dude tries to butt in and take her away from you? Or worse. I'll teach you to fight," he said again, emphatically. He looked at me then. "Do you know how to fight?"

"I worked a cattle drive," was my answer.

"That don't answer the question, does it?"

"Like Josh, I never had to."

"Maybe you could use some lessons, too, then."

The lady came around with more coffee and said there was one piece of pie left and did one of us want it. I declined and Josh said to give it to Zachary.

"I would be mighty obliged to have it but first, go ask that gentleman over there if he wants it," Zachary said.

The man took the piece of pie and we were lift to linger over the hot coffee. Zachary pushed back in his chair, not to get up, but to stretch his stomach, and reveal that incredible bulge in his jeans.

"Well, Joshua, I think we've covered the important stuff except a couple of things we need to talk about in private."

I knew instinctively what he was referring to and a glance at Josh told me he did too.

"There's nothing I can think of that we need to talk about in private that we can't say in front of Caleb. He knows me better'n anybody else in the world, and he knew our Pa."

"When I said private??," Zachary started.

"I know what you meant," Josh cut in. "Unless it's something you need to talk about."

They were sounding a little surly with each other and I stepped in again. I cleared my throat as I wrapped my hands around my coffee cup and gazed at it while I spoke. "This is something that perhaps you both should hear. I met Jesse when he came into town needing a hot bath and clean clothes, and he asked me if I could shave him and give him a haircut. At the time I ran the bath house that used to be across the street, at the saloon. I never cut hair or shaved anybody before in my life but he wanted me to anyway. He asked me to shave more than his face. And I did. While we ate here at the caf? he listened to my plans for my place across the street. It was an abandoned warehouse at the time. He took a real interest. And he staked me for it. Then after we got done eating?..he needed a place for the night?..he could've easily afforded a room right here at the hotel, but instead he stayed the night with me where I was sleeping at the time, in the loft over the livery stable." I stopped and slowly lifted my eyes to Zachary. He was staring at me.

"And the last night, before Pa took off, he stayed with me in my room at the Hole," Josh put in.

Zachary lifted his hand to that, silencing the boy. "All right, I understand. I wasn't sure, that's all, if I was??the, uh??only one."

"No, you weren't the only one," Josh said quietly. "And probably not just you and me, I expect, if we've got other brothers somewhere."

Zachary smiled. "He never spoke of any others," he said. "But he was mighty proud of us. Did he tell you how his pa, our grandpa, told him to carry on the legacy, meaning how us men were built?"

"Yeah, he told me. And showed me. Told me to do the same thing, but I never did that yet."

"Well, all the more reason for a school, so we can attract some pretty young girls for you to get pregnant," he said.

Josh looked down, reaching for his cup to wrap his hands around it like I'd done. "Tell the truth, Zachary, I don't know if I'd wanta do that?.get a girl. The idea never appealed to me much."

Zachary tightened his lips and it looked he was gritting his teeth. I didn't know if he was working down anger or giving what Josh said some deep thought. "Well, I have. It does appeal to me. But you just told me the best damned news I've heard in a long, long time."

Josh looked up from his cup with a blank look that slowly turned into a tight smile and then a wide grin. "No shit, Zachary?"

"No shit, Josh. You're maybe not interested in girls but I like it both ways." He shoved his chair back and stood up, digging out his money. "And right now, I think I'd rather spend this night with you and me getting acquainted, than with your town's one and only whore." And he went off to pay for supper.

I could tell Josh was about to burst. "You didn't see him, did you, when he was taking his bath?" he asked me quietly as we stood.


"Godd, Caleb, he's gotta be a foot long. Big as my arm, I swear!"

I gripped his arm to reassure him. "He's your brother, Josh, he'll do only what you want."

"I know, and that's the problem. I want him to do everything. I'm scared, that's all. But I'm so damned happy right now, I could cry."

"Don't," I said. "He wouldn't think that becomes you. And don't be scared. Just be happy. Your brother has found you."

"Yeah, and he's gonna fuck me," he whispered with an excited grin. "First my Dad, and now him??Godd, I know he's gonna fuck me blind."

I didn't know whether Zachary fucked Josh blind--I spent my night with Lang in my bed--but the boy was moving about rather gingerly the next morning. I saw Josh and Lang talking and I knew Lang was trying to line Zachary up for himself. That was okay. I would bide my time.

Chapter Eighteen

Skip McCoy

I kept thinking about my brother's letters. I started to take the tattered pages out of my pocket but I didn't need to read it; I knew what was in it, just as sure as I knew what I had to do. And it needed to be done sooner rather than later.

The perfect opportunity arrived when me and Tuck were called to the nation's capital to receive a commendation. The powers that be in law enforcement wanted to give us an award for bringing back the Kansas City outlaws quickly and alive. They knew the army had a hand in their capture but overlooked that fact to get some recognition in the papers. It was fine by us as I'd never been to D.C. and Tuck was eager to show me around.

We spent several days there but it was Tuck who urged me to visit my family in Virginia. I couldn't really argue since it was so close by. I invited him to join me but he claimed I should see them first by myself. We agreed to meet up in Wyoming.

One coach, a horse, a ride in a farmer's cart and several miles walk, I found myself wandering down the familiar road leading to my family's ranch/farm. It was just before dusk and I took the last couple hundred feet slowly to take it in before the light of day was gone.

My brother Richard called it a ranch, his wife, Deidra, referred to it as a farm. I supposed it was both, since they raised crops and livestock both. I glanced ahead to where our folks lived--I would go see them later, probably we all would--then I walked on with a knot in my stomach. There was no one out and about that I could see till I got closer and saw someone come out of the barn. I could feel his eyes on me, as they would when a stranger rode up. I wasn't close enough to be recognized. I came up to the house, blocking his view, and climbed the porch steps but he came around the corner of the house quick enough, carrying a milk bucket. It was one of my brothers but I couldn't be sure which one, it'd been so long. Whichever one it was, he'd sure shot up.

"Skip?" He set the bucket down and walked toward me.

I couldn't keep back the smile that came across my face. "Which one are you, Ethan, or Jeremiah?" I asked.

"Don't you know me? It's Ethan," he said as he rushed toward me. I caught him in a tight bear hug and swung him around.

"How am I supposed to know you when you shot up into a man since I last saw you?"

"Damn, it's so good to see you, and feel you! Know you're alive!"

I sort of wondered about the feel part and the way he was holding onto me. But then I was his big brother. He felt pretty damned good to me, too. I set him down and held him out at arm's length. "Okay, I can see traces of Ethan if I look hard enough, but what the hell has Deidra been feeding you?"

"Wait till you see Jeremiah. He's way bigger than me."

"Well, let's find out. Where is everybody?" I asked.

"Richard and Deidra and Adam are in the house. Jeremiah is over at the other place with??.." He stopped short and a strange look came across his face.

"With who?" I asked with a bewildered scowl. "What's??what's wrong, Ethan?"

"You?..don't know??" His voice was weak and he seemed scared the way he glanced towards the house. "I better get Richard," he said and ran into the house, leaving me standing there completely confused.

Adam came rushing out of the house first, jumped all the steps and ran right into my arms. "Uncle Skip! Uncle Skip! You're finally here!" He was choking me but I didn't mind, and his strong legs were squeezing the air out of me but I didn't mind that either. Past him I saw Richard and Deidra come out of the house and down the steps, hand in hand. They were smiling but they didn't look happy. I was bursting with wonder of what was wrong. They both hugged me and Adam who wasn't letting go. I saw the sadness in Deidra's eyes, and the somber look on Richard's face. And Ethan stood to the side with an expectant look on his handsome face.

When Adam's grip on me loosened and I let him down Deidra hugged me and told me it was so wonderful to see me. She stepped aside for Richard, who put his hand out first then pulled me into a hug.

"It is, indeed. But I'm afraid I have some bad news??I guess we should get it said and out of the way."

Suddenly it hit me, causing a cold chill to slam into my stomach. "Is it Mom and Dad?" I dared to ask.

"I'm afraid so," he said, dropping his head. He looked back up after he'd gathered himself. "They passed away about a month ago, Dad first, then Mom a few weeks later. They're not sure what it was. Diphtheria, typhus, we're not sure. They were both very sick. Mom took care of him as long as she could." He turned to Ethan then and said, "Ethan, go fetch your sister and Jeremiah."

I stood there, numb. Really numb. I couldn't feel anything; not sadness, nor grief?..nothing. It was like the cold that had slammed into me and froze my emotions. It wasn't till Deidra took hold of my arm and Adam wrapped his arms around my waist that I started to cry.

"They're buried back at the big oak, between the tree and the creek," Richard was saying. "It was their favorite place." He smiled and that turned into a soft laugh. "They always went back there for picnics, still like a couple of newlyweds. Just the two of them. No one else unless they were invited."

"Yeah, they were always pretty much into each other," I managed to say through my own laughter. "I'm sorry I wasn't here."

"You got nothing to be sorry for, that couldn't be helped," he said.

"Supper's on the stove, we should go in," Deidra said.

I picked Adam up and carried him inside. "You're getting about too big and heavy to tote," I said as I sat him down. "Looks like your mother is feeding you well."

Jeremiah and Grace came bursting through the door practically shouting with excitement. They nearly squeezed Adam and me to death. "Well, damn, Jeremiah, I think you've been scarfing down more'n your share of the meat and potatoes, from the looks of you," I said as I made a show of feeling his upper arm. It was solid as a rock and he flexed it to make it harder for me. I turned to Grace.

"Grace?." It was all I could say for a moment. Then I forced a laugh. "Lord, no wonder these boys are so ugly, God gave you all the beauty in the family."

She blushed and kissed me, then said, "I know you're only saying that because you mean it."

Supper was somber and cheerful at the same time; the way Mom and Dad would've wanted it. It was good to be caught up on everyone and everything. Things like Grace had a boyfriend, and my two brothers didn't have girlfriends yet.

"What the heck's the matter with you guys?" I chided them.

"It's not us, there's no girls to be had that's worth having," Jeremiah said.

My brothers and Adam hounded me to tell them about my life in the frontier lands. I regaled them with tales about me and Tuck's adventures. Adam's eyes got big and round while I told them all about the Indians, cowboys and settlers, and all of the outlaws we'd captured. I told them about some of our wilder times clear through dessert, Deidra's famous peach cobbler.

After supper Deidra scooted everyone out of the house. Adam got up to go with them.

"Not you, Adam," she said.

He stopped and turned with a surprised look.

"Uh-oh," Ethan said at the door.

"Am I in trouble?" Adam asked.

"No, you're not in trouble. There's something we need to talk to you about."

"Sounds like you're in trouble to me," Ethan said as they were going out the door.

Richard sat in his big chair where he liked to sit and watch Deidra about her tasks in the kitchen. Adam took a seat on the wide hearth of the still warm stove. We weren't going to talk it over, Richard and me; it was simply going to be done. My guts curled in a hard knot as I pulled out a chair from the table and turned it around so I could rest my arms over the back. Deidra busied herself with cleaning up the supper dishes.

"Adam, there's something very important that Skip wants to tell you," Richard began, and with that he turned it over to me.

I took in a deep breath to gather my courage. It was a feeling worse than any time Tuck and me had apprehended an outlaw.

"Adam, there's not any fancy way to say this, and I wish I could've told you sooner but we thought we needed to wait till you were old enough to understand." I hated the frightful anticipation on his face. "You've always called me your favorite uncle, and I've been right proud of that. But the God's truth is, I'm not your uncle. I'm your father." There, it was out and it was like a huge boulder had dropped silently in the room. I hated even more the stunned, disbelieving look on his face now. He instantly turned to Richard, who was nodding.

"You're not my Dad?" he asked timidly.

"No, he's speaking the truth. He's your real dad."

"But?..but you've always been my dad, all my life. And?.." He looked around at Deidra. "Does that mean she's not my real mother?"

Deidra came over, drying her hands on her apron and knelt down in front of him. "No, Adam, your real mother died right after you were born. But I have thanked God every day of my life for the gift she gave me in you."

It was my turn to further the explanation. "I got married real young. Too young. I was only sixteen, your mother was fifteen. She was sixteen when you were born. When she died I didn't know what to do. I was just a kid myself, I didn't know the first thing about raising a baby. Richard and Deidra couldn't seem to have kids and they wanted a family so bad so?..well, it seemed the right and only thing to do, was to let them raise you as their own. And I thank God for them doing it."

He kept looking at me after I'd finished, a look so penetrating it made me shiver inside because I couldn't read it.

"Are you going to take me with you?" he asked, then turned to Richard. "Or are you going to keep being my dad?" Then back to me. "Or are you going to stay?"

I could understand that he was full of questions, and Richard rightfully bounced his questions back to me.

"No, I can't stay, Adam. I'm a US Marshal and that means traveling all over, to wherever the bad guys are to bring them in. So I couldn't take you with me either." I glanced at Richard. "Anyway, I think I'd have to fight Richard to take you away, not to mention Deidra. They've done right by you, Adam. They've raised you into a fine boy to be proud of." By my tone, I was stumbling. Thankfully, Deidra came to my rescue.

"If you look at it this way, Adam, you've got the best of both worlds with two dads."

He wasn't considering the best or worst of his worlds. He was trying to figure things out. "Is this why you stopped calling me son?" he asked her. "And so did you," he added, turning to Richard. "You've been calling me Adam all of a sudden. You never do that unless you're mad."

Richard tried to laugh but I could tell he was welling up inside. "Well, we thought??honestly, we weren't sure how this was going to turn out.....whether you would?.." He tightened his lips, fighting down his emotions. Suddenly he leaned over and picked Adam up and pulled him into his tight embrace, his eyes wet with tears. "God, I don't ever want to stop calling you Son, you'll always be my son no matter what."

Adam was welling up too. "And I wanta always call you my Dad." Deidra had come into the embrace. "And you my Mom." Then he looked at me through his teary eyes. "And I'm glad you're my Dad, too. I just wish my other Mom was here," as he crawled down and came over to hug me.

It was a moment like no other in my life.

"Are we going to tell the others?" he asked Richard and I knew in that otherwise insignificant moment who he would feel was his father.

"Of course," Richard said. "I'll go round them up. While I'm doing that, why don't show Skip where your grandparents are buried."

The moon was high and bright, with only the slightest chill to the evening. As we walked across the pasture toward the huge oak I was jolted again when Adam said, "I guess I'm supposed to call you Dad now instead of Uncle Skip."

I stopped and squatted down in front of him. "I would sure like it if you did. That'd mean I could call you Son and that would make me mighty proud. But it's up to you."

"Well, Mom said I've got the best of both worlds so I guess I will."

I stood up and we walked on, my emotions welling up. "Could I have your hand?Son?" I asked quietly. He reached up and took hold of my hand and I was the happiest man in the world.

At the gravesites he pointed them out. Then he looked up at me and asked, "They're still my grandma and grandpa, right?"

"Oh, yes. Nothing can ever change that."

"Just like nothing can ever change that you're my real Dad and I'm your real Son."

"That's right. But listen, Son, Richard is your real dad, too. Way more'n I am, in a way. So don't ever make him feel like he's not."

He thought a moment then shrugged. "I'll just say I've got two dads without explaining it. If other people can't figure it out that's their problem."

Suddenly my emotions ran amuck. My parents were gone but I truly had a son who I could rightfully and openly claim as my son. It was all too much for me to handle at the same time. I moved to the tree and leaned my head against the rough bark and heaved with dry sobs.

"Dad?.....Dad, I'm sorry Grandma and Grandpa died when you weren't here but I don't want you to be sad," he said, tugging at my sleeve. "Mom said they're in heaven so you shouldn't be sad."

"I'm not sad, Son. It's because I'm happy, because you and me, we can finally be who we really are." I ruffled his hair as I turned away from the tree, wiping my eyes with my sleeve. "We better get back, they'll be wondering about what the news is you've got for them."

Again, he reached for my hand. But as we approached the house he slipped it out of my grip. I wasn't sure why.

Later, Richard and I went for walk. We were sitting on the porch, him in a chair, me on the railing, when he stood up and said, "Walk with me." We walked in the opposite direction from the oak, out past the barn. I was wondering if there was something he was going to spring on me.

"You know how I hate it when you do this, string me a long," I said.

He chuckled. "It's nothing serious. Just something you said earlier that stuck in my mind."

"Oh? What?"

"What you said to Jeremiah and Ethan, about what's wrong with them 'cause they don't have any girlfriends. They are right, there isn't much in the way of girls that you'd want to hook up with except for one reason."

"Have either one of them done that, do you know?" I asked.

"Jeremiah, maybe, I'm not sure. I don't think Ethan. I don't think Ethan is all that interested in girls."

"Oh? What makes you think that?"

He laughed. "Not much I can put my finger on except I'm pretty sure I've interrupted something a couple of times lately."

"Meaning? Stop dancing around it, Richard, we're both grown men." I said.

"Well, they've been staying over at the other place since Mom and Dad died, looking after things. Grace still has her room at the house where she's handy to help Deidra. She's awful good about that."


"Well, you know there's three bedrooms in that house and they share one."

"That wouldn't raise an eyebrow on me," I said.

"Not just the same room, they share the same bed. Even though there are two beds in the room."

"Oh. Well, that might raise one eyebrow," I said, laughing. "You said you think you've interrupted something."

"Well, I went over in the middle of the night once to check on one of the cows that was ready to calve, and sure enough she was right on the verge. I let myself in, quiet like, and went upstairs to have them come down and help me with her. Saw at the top of the stairs that all the bedroom doors were open. I called out to wake 'em up only they weren't asleep. Ethan called back, 'Yeah, we'll be right there' like he was real anxious about something and I never heard so much scrambling. Well that's when I got my first sudden inkling. I didn't go on in the room, I just told 'em they needed to meet out in the barn. Looks on their faces was like the cat that ate the canary."

"What was the other time?" I asked.

"It was even more telling. I went over to the house after supper one night?.it was quite a bit after?..to remind them not to fill the horse tank next morning 'cause we needed to clean it. Like always, I never saw the need to knock or announce myself, I just walked in the kitchen. Well, you know how the screen door's always squeaked. They heard it and there was some mad scrambling again but not before I saw what I saw in the living room. Ethan scrambled to his feet from where he'd been down between Jeremiah's legs that were all sprawled out and Jeremiah grabbed a pillow right quick and put it across his lap. I must've had a look on my face cause Ethan sure did, like he was scared to death I'd seen something I shouldn't have seen. He came right in the doorway, said Jeremiah was having cramps in his calf from spraining his ankle and he was trying to work it out. I had to choke to keep from laughing. He was working it all right, but it sure wasn't his ankle. He stood in the doorway, I know to block my view but I couldn't see around him enough to see Jeremiah get up off the couch so he could adjust his jeans before he came limping out to the kitchen. It was too funny for words."

I did laugh then reduced it to a tight, knowing smile. "My next question, is there a particular reason you're telling me this?"

"Nothing particular except I thought you might want to know and?.well, maybe go over there and check things out for yourself."

I reared back with my brow raised and a smiling scowl and he saw I was taken aback.

"Well, I thought, considering what you and I did when we were kids??." He let his words trail off.

"That was a long time ago," I said in a measured tone. "It's never come up between us since," I added in a curious tone.

"Come on, Brother, getting a girl pregnant don't set your manhood in stone. I've never seen or even heard hide nor hair of a woman in your life since your Clara died. Could be said it's because she was your first true love and you're still pining away but I don't think so." When I didn't say anything he clasped his hand on my shoulder and said, "Truth be told, the way you talked about your partner Tuck is what had me wondering. Anyway, just thought you'd like to know."

"Have you?..?"

"No," he replied. "Never had those inclinations since you and me."

"Not ever, with anybody?"


"I don't know whether I'm proud of you or feel sorry for you," I joked.

We headed back and parted ways, me turning toward the home place where my brothers were staying.

"I'll see you in the morning for breakfast," Richard said. "You're heading out in the morning, aren't you?" It wasn't a question, he was assuming I was, and he was right.

"You always could sense my restlessness," I said. "Good night."

"Good night, Skip. And, Brother, you know next time you visit you should bring Tuck along. We'd like to meet him," he said and headed back towards the house.

It wasn't really late but I made plenty of noise coming up on the porch and I let the screen door bang shut behind me so they would know I was in the place. Going through the kitchen I heard what sounded like surprised whispering and thought I saw some scrambling as I went into the parlor.

"Skip!" Ethan said, definitely sounding surprised. "Didn't know you were paying us a visit tonight."

"More'n a visit, I thought I'd spend my last night here with you boys," I said. "Finish getting reacquainted."

"Yeah, enough reacquainted to last another ten-year's absence," Jeremiah put in.

"Hey, we've all got our own lives," I said, mildly defensive. "You boys'll be striking out one of these days soon. Surprised you haven't already."

I thought they both seemed a little uneasy that I was there and I was thinking Richard was right; I might've interrupted something. My first thought was, maybe they had a woman hid away. But my second, stronger thought was, maybe not. Maybe it wasn't a woman. Maybe it was just my brothers, scrambling apart, like Richard said. I smiled at the thought of it. I stepped over and turned up the lamp. Yeah, there was definitely antsy all over Ethan's face. Not so much on Jeremiah's.

Not being one to mince words, I came right out with it. "What was all that scrambling when I came in?" I asked.

Jeremiah scowled but didn't say anything. He left it for Ethan to answer.

"We wasn't scramblin'," Ethan said.

"Yes you were," I said bluntly. "I heard whispering and saw you two scrambling when I was coming through the kitchen. I could see you in the lamplight. And how come the lamp was turned down almost out?"

Jeremiah looked at our younger brother. "We ain't foolin' him any, no use trying." Then back to me. "God's truth is, I was struggling with Ethan to keep him out of my pants."

Ethan's mouth flew open with a gasp. "You lie! You were begging me to??" He stopped suddenly, his face turning a warm red.

Jeremiah laughed, "Well, if we was foolin' him even a little bit, we sure ain't now," he said.

I chuckled. "You know, I've been around the barn a few times myself. Fact is, I probably beat the path around the barn that you boys are following."

Ethan's expression calmed some. "Gosh, Skip, are?y-you s-saying' ?..w-what I think you're sayin'?" he stammered.

"You and Richard?" Jeremiah asked, surprised.

"Back when we were kids," I replied. "There was nothing by the time we were your age, but that's probably because he met up with Deidra."

"What about after you left?" Jeremiah asked.

"What about it?" I asked.

"I've heard those trails can get awful lonely, especially at night when everybody's bedded down."

I laughed. "That's when it starts getting un-lonely, if you've got the right partner to share your bedroll."

I could see Ethan's eyes fairly sparkling in the soft lamp light that made him look cuter than I'd ever seen him.

"Dang, Skip, you sure come up with the happiest news," Ethan said.

"What is it about my news that makes you so happy?" I asked.

It was Jeremiah's turn to laugh.

"Don't tell him!" Ethan cried, making a lunge for his older brother.

But Jeremiah fended him off, still laughing. "He saw you taking a piss out in the barn; he was up in the hayloft. He's been drooling like an idiot ever since."

"Jeremiah, damn you!" Ethan swore.

I smiled at young Ethan, but I didn't laugh. I stood up and picked up the lamp. "Then I guess you've got no objection to me spending my last night here instead of the other house," I said as I moved toward the stairway.

"Only problem is, you'd have to sleep with one of us; nobody uses Mom and Dad's bedroom," Jeremiah said.

I grinned through my scowl. "Are you forgetting I used to live here? There's more'n two bedrooms in this house". I looked back at Ethan. "But would that be a problem, if I slept with one of you?" I asked. "I mean, it wouldn't inconvenience you."

"I need to go out and count the stars," Ethan said nervously, then quickly added, "NO, no, it wouldn't be a problem at all if you wanted to bunk with me."

"I remember the first time Dad used that term with me," I said with a chuckle. "Being the dumb ass I was, I thought that's what we were gonna do, count the stars, I didn't know he was taking me outside to take a piss."

"You do know, you're gonna be bunking with both of us," Jeremiah said in an even tone. "Truth is, we don't use the other bedroom either?.in case you were wondering."

"I was," I said. "I think I'll go out and help Ethan count the stars." Once again I let the screen door slam shut behind me as I walked out onto the porch. I went down the steps and walked over beside him, hauling my cock out on the way. It didn't take much to work it up and I was quickly letting go with a stream like a horse.

"Dang, Skip, you had to go and do that," Ethan whined.

"Do what?"

"Come out here and take a piss right in front of me."

"I ain't in front of you, I'm standing beside you," I said. I laughed so hard it cut off the stream of piss. "What the hell, Ethan, are you still forgetting I used to live here? We've pissed in front of each other lots of times."

"Not like??this?..I mean, that was a long time ago, when I was a little boy. And I never saw you like?..well, that big," he said, nodding furtively at my cock. "And we didn't know so much about each other then. It's just different now, that's all."

"Yeah, I guess it is. We don't have any secrets from each other anymore," I said.

He was finishing up and by the time he was putting his cock away, I was done too. "Hey, Little Brother, you wanta shake my cock for me?" I asked jokingly. The look on his face was like a frightened deer. "Just kidding, Ethan," I said quickly to put him at ease, and started to put it away myself.

"You don't?.have to?.put it away if you don't want to," he said quickly. "Do you wanta go over to the gazebo for a little bit?" I asked.

"All right. Sure."

So we walked over to the gazebo with my cock swinging free. We moved from the dark side of the gazebo to the other side where the moon shone brightly. Ethan didn't waste any time. He backed up to one of the posts and slid right down on his butt with his legs spread out and his head leaned back against the post. He let his mouth go slack and held his arms out to me. I stepped astraddle him and laid the head of my cock on his out-stretched tongue. He moaned softly as he closed his lips around it and sucked it into his mouth. His hands came up around my butt to pull me in closer as he swallowed my half hard cock right into his throat till my belly was smashed against his face.

"Ohh, fuck, Ethan," I gasped softly. "Man, you've had some experience at this." I was surprised how easily he took me. More surprised at how he held my cock in his throat while it finished getting hard. He gave it a few strokes then eased my hips back.

"Jeremiah," he said.

I glanced around, thinking Jeremiah was coming up on us.

"I practice on Jeremiah all the time," he explained.

I was still looking around, still expecting Jeremiah to come out and join us.

"I saw the light up in the bedroom, he's up there watching," Ethan said.

"Why doesn't he come down here with us?" I asked.

"Cause he knows we'll come up there."

"Will we? When?"

"Soon as I'm done here," he said, and swallowed my cock again. He used his hands around my butt to guide me to fuck his face, which I did gladly.

"How done are you going to be before we go up?" I asked. "I mean, do you wanta get me off?"

He eased me back again, this time laughing softly. "I wanta get you off as many times as you can get off. But at least one of those times I want it to be in my ass."

"Ohhhh, fuck, Ethan. You fuckin' near got me off just saying that."

"First time I'd like for it to be in my mouth, though, see if you taste like Jeremiah. And that way you'll last longer when you fuck me. You'll have to save some for Jeremiah, of course, but I'll do my best to keep you up and throbbing."

"I'm sure you will. I bet you can do that just fine," I said as I went back to fucking his mouth. He looked so cute and innocent with his mouth distended around my cock and I could see his long eye lashes as he blinked, and the wet in his eyes in the moonlight. Suddenly I was going to miss my little brother when I left.

He sucked me for quite a while before he asked me if I wanted to get off and then fuck him there in the gazebo.

"I don't know, but that wouldn't be fair to Jeremiah, would it? I mean, I don't know what all Jeremiah likes to do."

Ethan smiled between kissing the head of my cock. "You sure push out a lot of ball juice," he said. "I love it."

"What about Jeremiah? What all does he like?"

"Jeremiah likes everything I do, plus girls."

"Jeremiah likes girls?" I was a little surprised.

"Yeah, but there are no girls around here you'd wanta consider for a wife. So he likes them just to fuck 'em. And they don't seem to mind 'cause they keep coming back for more. 'Course I tell him they keep coming back for more of his big cock 'cause they think if they keep putting out for him he'll end up getting one of 'em pregnant and have to marry her."

I couldn't take it anymore, just standing there looking down at him. I cupped my hands under his arms and lifted him to his feet and planted a hard, big-brother kiss on him. He whinnied like a pony and I swallowed his squeals of delight. At the same time I reached down and cupped the hard bulge of his manhood.

"Holy shit, Skip!" he gasped when we parted. "I sure wasn't expecting that!"

"I guess you oughta know, Little Brother, I like everything you and Jeremiah like, except I'm not so big on girls anymore."

He was so excited. "You mean, y-you?.you'd suck my cock too?"

"I'd fight you for it," I said.

"Oh, you won't have to fight me for anything, Skip. Does that mean you'd let me fuck you, too?" He laughed nervously. "I'm almost afraid to even ask that but?.well, I've never done it."

"Jeremiah's never let you fuck him?" I asked.


"You wanta know what I would really like?"

"What?" he said.

"I'd like to have you and Jeremiah both fuck me at the same time."

His mouth flew open and his eyes were wide and bright as two candle flickers in the moonlight.

"Aww, Skip, this is gonna be the best night of my entire life."

"Mine too, Ethan, mine too. Let's go up and see what Jeremiah's doing."

"Jeremiah's beating the hell out of his big meat, that's what he's doing."

"Is he big?"

"Not as big as you, but pretty big. Bigger'n me."

I thought of Caleb and his "bigger'n shit," and despite what lay ahead for this night, thinking of Caleb gave me a longing to get back on the trail.

I followed Ethan back into the house as he ran ahead. He stopped and waited impatiently for me to catch up to him. "C'mon, Skip. Hurry up," he whined. He was fairly vibrating with excitement.

"We'll get there, little brother, no need to run." He huffed his annoyance but held the door open for me to enter first. I led the way up to the bedroom and sure enough Jeremiah was already laid out on the bed, naked as the day he was born. He had a nice sized cock in his hand.

"Took you two long enough," he said as we came in.

I ignored him and turned to Ethan as I began taking off my shirt. I was down to my undershorts and Ethan hadn't even moved.

"Go on, Ethan. You gonna keep your clothes on for this?" After hearing his admission earlier, that he'd never fucked anyone, I had a pretty good idea of what I wanted to happen. "What do you boys use to fuck?" I asked him.

"What do you mean?" he asked me. Ethan still seemed frozen to the spot.

"I mean, what do you use to grease his cock? And your ass?" I clarified.

"Spit," Jeremiah answered for him, like it was obvious.

"That's a mistake," I told them while stepping out of the last of my clothes. "It'll feel better for both of you if you have something slick to help. Jeremiah, go see if there's some of that ointment Mom used to use on our cuts," I told him. It would be the perfect thing.

Jeremiah mumbled something about big brothers but did as I asked. When he left the room I stepped closer to Ethan and began unbuttoning his shirt. "What's wrong, Ethan? I figured you'd be naked a long time ago."

"Gosh, Skip, you're so? so beautiful. C-c-can I touch you?"

I almost laughed at his stuttered words and the way he was looking me over but I didn't want to hurt his feelings.

"You can touch me all you want, Ethan," I said, pushing the shirt off his shoulders to fall on the floor. "Don't you want to let me touch you, too? I'd sure like to."

"You? you want to?" he asked uncertainly, sounding surprised.

I eyed his fit young body, covered in ropy muscles that showed the potential to become thick and firm. A soft patch of hair was growing in on his chest and belly, over the defined ridges of his stomach.

"'Course I do. You grew into a fine young man, Ethan." I tilted his head up with my hand on his jaw and a slight tremor coursed through his body as I put my lips on his. I pushed gently against them with my tongue until they parted and I tasted the inside of his mouth. His tongue pushed back against mine and I swallowed down the moan he let loose.

He pulled roughly away from me, his cheeks on fire. "Oh Godd, Skip, I ain't never?," he gasped.

For a moment I couldn't figure out what was wrong until I glanced down and saw the spreading wet mark at the crotch of his pants.

"You never been properly kissed, have you, Ethan?" I asked him. He couldn't seem to look up from his feet. "Hey, it's okay," I told him and pulled him close to me with a hand on his shoulder.

"I-I didn't know it could feel like that," he mumbled into my chest.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about, Ethan. It ain't like we're done, right?" He looked up at me and I was relieved to see the blush fading away. "Now let's get your pants off so's I can get a taste of that load you just fired off before it's all soaked up." I got onto my knees and unbuttoned his pants, pulling them and his underwear down. His semi-hard prick fell out and I caught it with my lips, getting a taste of his sweet cum.

"Oh God, Skip. Aww, God," he breathed out, going hard in an instant. His hips jerked and forced his cock to the back of my throat. Taken by surprise, I nearly choked on it but I couldn't blame him.

"Damn," I heard Jeremiah say as he came back to the room. I pulled off Ethan's cock and turned to him. He had the jar of ointment in his hand. "Geezuss, you suck cock, Skip?" he asked me.

"Mmmhmm," I hummed and smacked my lips. I rose up and took the jar from him. I opened it, taking in the familiar scent of beeswax, herbs and oil. "Now you can watch while your brother gets his first piece of ass," I told Jeremiah. His jaw dropped open but I ignored it. I sat on the bed and scooted back to the center.

"Come on, Ethan," I urged him. I dipped my fingers into the jar and reached between my legs to push the ointment into my hole. My asshole hadn't loosened up but I found it easier to relax and take a cock with less stretching beforehand. I eyed Ethan's hearty cock as he got up on the bed and figured it would be pretty easy to take. He was good sized but not huge. As he got closer I reached out and spread some of the lubricant over his cock, making him gasp at the touch of my hand.

"Listen, Ethan, you been on the other end of this so you know what to do. Don't be nervous, okay? You just push your cock in and your body will know what to do. You ain't gonna hurt me and don't feel bad if you don't last long your first time." He still looked like a skittish colt but he wasn't backing away.

I raised my legs and held them back for him. "I didn't know you could do it like this, face to face," Ethan said as he came closer and pushed his cock down to meet my hole.

"There's more positions than you could imagine," I told him, thinking of some of the crazier ones I'd tried with Tuck. "Come on, now, give it to me." I put my hands on his slim hips and pulled him forward.

The penetration was nice and smooth, it felt amazingly good. I'd expected him to jam it in and I wasn't disappointed on that, but I slowed him down with my hands. I took it in and groaned when he bottomed out. "Ohh, Godd, I?..I'm g-gonna s-shoot," he cried out.

"No, no, just hold still and fight it back, Ethan. You can do this," I told him while I struggled myself not to clench up around him.

"It feels? it feels like?.oh, Godd, so good," he said and ended with a sigh, eyes clenched tightly shut.

"See, you held it off," I said. "Go ahead and start moving when you're ready," I told him. I turned my ass up and let my legs wrap around his waist as I pulled him forward. His eyes snapped open and he caught himself with his hands on my chest. "You wanted to touch me?" I asked him with a smile.

Nodding, his hands roamed over my chest and arms. It seemed he couldn't get enough of feeling my muscles. "Can I kiss you again?" he asked me.

"Much as you want, as long as you start fucking me soon," I replied.

He looked a bit chagrined but still smiled as he fell onto me. He wrapped his smaller body around mine and I put arms around him. He kissed me feverishly while thrusting with short jabs. He snorted air through his nose as his hips pumped and his tongue tangled with mine.

"Ohh?.Oh, yeah, that's the way, little brother, that's the way to fuck. Ohh, Godd, yeah, that feels so good," I moaned and whispered. I wanted to make him feel good but I wasn't lying. He was doing a number on my prostate; he had just the right moves to reach it.

He lasted longer than I expected in that he didn't cum within the first couple minutes. Still, it wasn't much longer than that. He was fucking me pretty hard when suddenly he tossed his head back, his face a grimace, his eyes shut tight. I knew he was about to cum and no amount of trying was gonna hold it off this time. He froze, then his hips jutted, cock throbbing, and he buried his face in my neck as he groaned out his release. I felt the now familiar wetness and warmth of his seed escaping ferociously and held him tight in my arms, milking him with the muscles in my chute to draw out his climax.

"Hell, I could've fucked you better than that," Jeremiah said, breaking the moment.

"That was really good, Ethan, amazing for your first time," I whispered into my youngest brother's ear. Louder, I said, "Now go wash your cock, get all the ointment off. I want your next load to go in my mouth." Ethan shuddered but slowly drew away until his cock pulled free. I was relieved to find him smiling, proud of himself.

Ethan left the room, barely sparing a glance at our brother. Jeremiah rounded on me, showing me his glistening cock, already lubed and ready. He was a bit broader in the chest, his musculature slightly more developed than Ethan's but for all of that they could have been twins. He seemed to have an inch or so on our brother but I was secretly proud to see that my cock was much larger still.

"You're gonna show me how much of a stud you are?" I asked him sarcastically.

"You bet I will," he told me with a cocky grin. I got off the bed and pushed him up against the wall, penning him in with my hands on the wall behind him.

"Listen here, Jeremiah. Richard told me how you've been taking up the slack since Dad died and I know that don't leave you with much time of your own. I ain't saying you need to suck his cock or let him fuck you but you do have to start treating him like your brother and not some convenient hole to put your dick in."

"I don't treat him bad," he began belligerently but I stopped him with a hard glare.

"He just wants a little affection. If you can fuck him, you can sure as hell do that. Stroke him off, hug him? whatever. Just don't treat him like you would a whore. You understand me?" Jeremiah held my eyes for nearly a full minute before he looked away and nodded. "No, you tell me," I said.

"I understand. You're right, Skip, I'll treat him better," he promised.

"Good, now you're gonna fuck me?" I asked with a twist of my lips.

"I'm gonna fuck you so good you won't be able to walk tomorrow," he said, cocky grin back in place.

"Sounds good to me," I allowed. I got onto the bed on all fours with my ass towards him, Jeremiah right behind me the whole way. If he'd asked, I would've admitted I was raring to see what this brother was capable of. I didn't have long to wait. I'd barely settled onto my knees and he was griping my hips. He shoved in and it wasn't rough but it was far from gentle, just like he expected me to take it.

I took it well for a minute as he simply hammered his young prick into my ass, all hard and fast enthusiasm. "Dammit, Jeremiah," I said and pulled away from him, off his cock. I turned on him and saw Ethan had come back. "Just hold on a second," I told a scowling Jeremiah and turned to Ethan. "Ethan, come over here."

He came over to the side of the bed.

"Get on your back," I told him. "Yeah, like that?.good, so we can suck each other." I had him positioned beneath me so each of us would have access to the other's prick. "Now, Jeremiah, just hold on. I'm gonna bend over but you just wait until I say so." I got back into position over Ethan. "Okay, Jeremiah, put your finger in me. Just do as I say," I continued when he'd hesitated too long. "That's it. Now feel around behind where my prick is. There's a little lump? Oh yeah, right there, you found it." I encouraged him as he found my prostate. "Easy, don't press it too hard. That's what makes it feel good for the man being fucked. You aim your cock to rub over that spot. And you don't just jam it in and ride as hard as you can. Try going slow, or just shallow, not too deep. Corkscrew your hips or try pulling all the way out and going right back in. Trust me that'll make it feel better for you and me both. You got that?"

"Yeah," he replied, still feeling around inside my chute.

"That's what made it feel so good when Ethan fucked me. So go on then, get your cock in me." I wanted to give Ethan another little boost.

Jeremiah was a quick learner, immediately putting my tips to use. He was doing such a good job I felt compelled to just concentrate on the feelings in my ass while Ethan worked on my cock. Jeremiah had the makings of an excellent fucker and as it turned out, surprising endurance to boot.

I swooped down and took Ethan into my mouth, feeling the hum of his groan against my cock in his throat. I sucked him off until I could tell that he was close then let his cock go and went for his lightly haired balls. The faint scent of soap rose from his crotch and I followed back along his taint, realizing he must have washed his ass also. I was struck with inspiration to give my littlest brother another new experience.

Pulling off his balls I spread his legs open and pulled them back behind my arms where he could hook them against my armpits and the backs of my arms. Leaning down I ran my tongue right up the length of his crack. He pulled right off my cock to moan a hushed "Awww Goddd." I zeroed in on his tight little hole and proceeded to give him his first rimming.

Jeremiah continued his assault on my ass and made me nearly choke when he pulled out only to ram his cock back into my open chute. I spread my legs wider for him as his breathing became heavier. Thankfully Ethan was still ignoring my cock or the boy might've made me cum. I returned my attention to Ethan's pink, puckered entrance.

I fucked him with my tongue while he babbled senselessly. I gave him a swat on his smooth ass cheek with a muffled command to get back on my cock. Ethan seemed to understand as I felt his lips close around me once again. The ass play seemed to have the effect to make him hungrier for my cock.

I started to feel the telltale signs of climax from Jeremiah and redoubled my efforts to show him how good a talented bottom man could be. He came with a shout and what felt like a heavy load. I was close myself but Ethan wiggled out from under me.

"God, Skip, you gotta fuck me. Right now, Skip, please," Ethan exclaimed while he moved around to get in place, spread out on his back. Jeremiah had barely withdrawn and Ethan was tugging my cock towards his spit-slick hole.

"Wait, Ethan," I began but he was quick to override me.

"No! I'm ready! I wanta do it!" he practically begged.

I wasn't as strong-willed as usual and allowed Ethan to draw me in. I felt the broad head of my cock spread his little hole apart and slip through.

"Godd, you're huge!" he gasped and I checked my entry. "No, don't stop, please don't stop, I can take you." He wrapped his arms and legs around me and bucked up, swallowing my cock with his ass.

I tried my best to fuck him like I'd told Jeremiah. Godd, he was so snug. Not tight, from being fucked so often by Jeremiah, but his ass was like a glove around my cock. I was duly amazed how he took me. He really did want it. I managed to hold off till I'd made Ethan cum without touching himself but it was a close thing. I fucked him through eight or nine shots that left him covered in his own seed before I filled him with mine. I did make a show of kissing him tenderly before pulling away to collapse on the bed beside him; thought Jeremiah might pick up on that.

After we'd all caught our breath I promised to show them something else as soon as they could get it up again. Jeremiah was already up and it didn't take Ethan long when I said that, which was amazing considering he'd cum three times already.

Shaking off my fatigue I climbed astraddle Jeremiah's waist and sat down on his prick. I rode him until I felt I was ready then coached Ethan on how to get in my ass beside his brother.

"Oh, fuck, I didn't know this was even possible," Ethan said.

The two of them fucked me nearly senseless. For a pair of novices they took to double fucking like ducks to water. Pistoning into my stretched hole at the same time, varying their speeds and thrusts then pulling free as one pushed in; it was almost more than I could bear, partly, I suppose, because it was my two younger brothers doing it to me. Ethan lasted much longer, as did Jeremiah, and I grew hard again in no time.

"Goddamn, you guys are gonna ream me a new asshole," I groaned.

"Are we being too rough?" Jeremiah asked.

"No. Keep doing what you're doing," I told them.

The two of them succeeded in getting me off before either of them did and I was properly humbled. I rode back on their cocks and hoped they'd cum before I couldn't take any more. Ethan shot first and withdrew so Jeremiah could roll us over and fuck me to his completion.

I would've fallen asleep gladly right then but the two of them kept me up to the early hours. It seemed neither could get enough of my ass and it was a sweet kind of torture. I was amused by it, I was impressed by it, I was proud of them for it. They double fucked me two more times. When we finally slept it was with each of them curled around me, heads on my chest.

In the morning I managed to drag myself from bed and left my brothers sleeping. I didn't bother with clothes as I went outside to pull some water from the cistern for a much needed bath. Richard caught me, already up and doing chores, but just smiled and shook his head at my cum-covered body.

"Good night, I presume," he remarked in passing.

"Incredible night," I said.

"Breakfast will be on the table soon. The boys up?""

"Are those two never not up?" I joked. Rubbing my face as I went back in the house, I decided to shave before I set out. I kicked the bed where the boys were sleeping and told them to get up, I was going over to the other house where there was hot water to shave. "You don't have, I'll go fetch hot water for you," Ethan said as he scrambled out of bed. He was out of the house in no time, while Jeremiah was slowly pulling on his clothes. "He wants to be around you all he can," Jeremiah said. I smiled. "Don't' blame him." Something in his tone made me glance around. He'd been looking at me and he looked away, but then he looked back at me. ""I don't believe I'm saying this, Skip, but after last night and all you showed us?..well, I like girls, but I can see myself being alone with Ethan now and us doing stuff together. Stuff like we all three did together." "Everything?" I asked. "Probably. Eventually," he replied. "He'd like that, Jeremiah." Ethan came back with a kettle of steaming hot water and set it on the chair beside the wash stand. Then he rushed out of the room. "Where's he going?" Jeremiah muttered. Ethan came back with our dad's razor and shaving mug and his bottle of shaving lotion that mom liked so much. Verbena and lilac, it said on the label. "I think you should use this," he said as he arranged it all on the wash stand. I stood staring down at the arrangement, feeling myself well up inside. Finally I looked in the mirror and saw my two brothers looking at me, waiting to see if I would use our father's shaving gear. Yes. I would. Maybe it was even right and proper. I poured hot water into the basin and dipped the brush in it then worked up a good lather in the shaving mug. "You boys shavin' yet?" I asked. "Jeremiah does, I don't yet," Ethan replied. "Won't be long," I said. "You need to shave your ass, Skip," Jeremiah said, laughing. "If you was more experienced at shaving, I'd let you do that for me," I joked back. "I've got enough experience with a razor. You really want me to shave your ass for you?" I'd been only half joking, and now it was less than half. But I didn't know how much I trusted him with a razor back there, even though he was my brother. "Let him, Skip," Ethan said excitedly. "If I let him, then you boys both gotta eat it," I said jokingly. "How about I just fuck it and let Ethan eat it after I fuck it," Jeremiah said. When I was finished shaving my face I rinsed off the razor then picked up the brush and started working up a lather. I handed the brush to Ethan and sat on the edge of the bed. "Lather it up for him," I said as I laid back and brought my legs up to my chest. "Shit, you're really gonna let me do it," Jeremiah said. "As long as you're not too excited, so you've got a steady hand," I said. "I won't even nick you," he said. So I let my brother shave my ass while my other brother looked on with delight. His eyes were dancing with excitement. I was thinking about Tuck, and how surprised he would be when he got a look and feel of my baby smooth ass. Jeremiah was careful as could be, getting in deep to shave up close around my hole. Then he shaved my butt, both sides. When he was done he gave me a smack and told me to have a feel. I ran my hands over my butt and in the crack. It felt like a newborn baby's ass. Neither of them offered to eat me out and I didn't mention it. I decided to stay for lunch as well, and spent the morning with Adam, getting to know my son. After we ate I said my goodbyes with many promises to visit soon. Ethan hitched up the buckboard to give me a ride to town. I didn't need the ride, I had my horse, but I sensed that he wanted to talk so we rode along with my horse tethered to the back of the wagon. Adam wanted to come along and I really wanted to, but that would've stifled Ethan. Richard sensed it and he smoothed things over with Adam.

"Ethan wants time to talk to his big brother, Adam, just like you had your dad and son time with him," he told the boy.

With wet eyes, Adam said okay, he understood. I knew he didn't and I felt like shit. I picked him up and hugged him and told him how proud I was of him. I climbed up and sat beside Ethan. I looked back once and Adam was standing there with Richard's hands on his shoulders and I saw him make a quick swipe of his eyes with his sleeve. I waved and he waved back. I didn't look back again.

Ethan went on and on about the unbelievable time we'd had, the three of us, and all he had learned about sex.

"I think you'll find Jeremiah's going to start treating you better, now that he knows what a man you are."

"He never treated me bad," Ethan said.

"Or maybe you just love him too much to care how he treated you," I said.

"I do love him. He's my brother. Just like you, Skip. And Richard. Only I love you and Jeremiah in a different way than Richard. I wish I could be with Richard like that but he's got Deidra."

"And you've got Jeremiah," I said.

"Yeah, but I'm sharing Jeremiah with the girls he fucks."

I ruffled his hair, smiling. "One of these days soon Jeremiah's gonna be sharing you with other boys you meet."

"You think so, Skip? I don't know who it'd be."

"Trust me, Ethan, there are boys out there who've got the same thing on their minds that you have. It's just a matter of meeting up with them, then a meeting of the minds after that."

"How will I know if I've met up with one like me?"

"You'll just know, usually by looking in his eyes, and him looking back. And it don't necessarily have to be another boy. It might be an older man, like me, or older'n me. Plenty of them around."

"I just can't imagine who they'd be," he said.

eeI needed to be on my way. I took the reins and reined in the horse. Ethan knew it was time, too. As I got off the wagon I put my hand on his knee and told him something that had been going through my mind since the night before.

"Ethan, I know you're needed here but sometime you should head out my way. There's not that many women out west and an awful lot of men. People aren't so concerned with who you spend time with and how you live. Life could be easier for you out there. I want you to think about it and if you ever want to come? well, you let me know. Richard knows where to write me."

He couldn't answer as he was all choked up but he nodded and leaned down to hug me.

"Skip, could we??" He had to swallow the lump in his throat. "Could we do it one more time? Just let me suck your cock once more, give me the load you've built up since last night so I have something to remember you by." I chuckled softly. "You little shit, you know just what to say to get me spiked again." He smiled, his eyes lighting up. I looked all around as I took his hand and walked him to the back of the wagon. My horse pranced around to the side. I stood at the tailgate and undid his jeans to take his cock out. He put his hands on my shoulders to steady himself as I started sucking him. "Aww, Skip! That feels so good! B-but I?.I w-wanted to do you." "We're gonna get to that," I said as I looked all around again and took off his boots. Then I pulled his pants off of him and shoved his shirt up and told him to take it off. "I want you naked," I told him. Then I got naked too. I was taking a little bit of a risk but not much; the nearest house was far in the distance and I didn't see any sign of anybody coming our way down the road or across the prairie. I turned him around and began licking up and down the crack of his ass. He bent over for me and I pulled his butt apart and wide open and drove my tongue deep inside him as far as I could get. "Awww, fuck, Skip! Ohhh, Goddd?.Ohhhh?.UUhhnnn!....Ohh, shit, are you gonna fuck me, Skip?" "No, just wanta get you heated up," I said, my voice muffled in his warm, sweet ass. I only ate him for a moment or two cause I knew he wanted to suck my cock for my cum, and we couldn't do it all out here in the wide open spaces. I raised him up and turned him back to face me again. "We're gonna do this different so I can keep an eye out at the same time." I pulled him over my shoulder then turned him upside down with his legs laid over my shoulders on either side of my head and his fine little balls and his fine little butt in my face right where I wanted it. And he was hanging upside down facing my cock, right where he wanted to be. He whinnied with delight and grabbed hold of my cock with both hands and began gobbling it like a hungry wolf on a hunk of raw meat. I started eating his ass again. I couldn't get enough of it. I did his balls, too, and as he was sucking my cock so hard I finally sucked his too. "When I cum, don't swallow it," I said. "But I wanted??" "I know, just do like I say." We didn't try to hold off. We were on a mission to get each other's cum, and the longer we took, the more likely somebody might come along. When I was getting close I murmured around his cock that I was about to cum. He groaned and squealed and sucked me all the hard. Only a few strokes before I was blasting his mouth with the night's buildup, like he wanted. It sounded like he was choking, trying not to swallow. Seconds later he was spurting sweet, boy cream into my mouth. It was all I could do not to swallow the sweet nectar. I turned him upright and set his feet on the ground. His cheeks were bulging as he held my cum in his mouth. I leaned down and clamped my mouth over his and drove my tongue in his mouth. He whinnied like a little pony and gave me his tongue in return. His cum dumped into his mouth and we swirled the mixture around, then I started using suctions motions and he pushed the mixture into my mouth. We did that several times as we kissed then I carefully broke away so our lips would close and not lose any of it. Then I smiled and started swallowing. He did the same. When we were done swallowing I kissed him again and we exchanged spit to wash it all down. When I broke away again he was heaving for his breath. "Godd, that was so exciting! I feel tingly all the way through, like our cum is setting my nerves on edge." "It probably is," I said, reaching for my clothes. I handed his to him as well. "You've showed me so much about sex, Skip." "There's more I wish I could show you but we can't here. But I'll tell you some things you can try with Jeremiah. Like, what we just did, have him turn you upside down." "You think he'd suck me, or eat my ass like you did?" "I'm sure of it, just give him time." "But he likes girls, and all the times we've been together it's been me doing him." "Well, maybe the reason he don't do anything back is 'cause he's afraid if he does he won't like girls so much. I told him that won't happen. So I'm betting he'll come around. Why I bet he'll even end up letting you fuck him one of these days. And I'll tell you a secret to getting him to do that. When you're eating his ass, get him going real good then use your finger in his ass. You find that spot I showed you, it'll drive him so crazy he'll beg you to fuck him." "I hope you're right, Skip, but I just don't see that happening." "Now, when he does, and when you cum in his ass, then you get down there and eat his ass and eat your cum out of him. Or better yet have him sit on your face so it'll drain out right into your mouth. Then you guys kiss and you give it back to him. "Geez, Skip he's never gonna do stuff like that." "I want you to write and tell me when it happens."

Chapter Nineteen

Caleb Brown

Eli insisted he would pay me but I was helping him clean out the stables just to be in his company.

"If you're gonna insist on paying me, I'm quitting right now," I said.

"Then I'll pay Josh, or Lang, in your place," he said.

"If you're going to be bullheaded and pay anybody, pay Josh," I said.

In that short time of keeping company with Eli, I got the surprise of my life. I had mentioned how grateful I was for Jessie and all his help in getting me started. Eli chuckled.

"What?" I asked.

"Jesse helped more'n just you while he was in town, and in a lot of ways."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, he sure helped out Mrs. Adler."

"Yeah, I know he gave her some business, he had her make him some shirts. He couldn't buy shirts that would fit him right, he's so big up there."

"Not just up there," he said. He laughed again. "And he didn't just give her some business, he gave her the business."

I didn't know what he was saying at first and my face showed it.

"He fucked her eyeballs out. Just plain fucked her silly."

My mouth flew open with a gasp of disbelief. "How do you know that?" I asked, not sure I believed him. Not sure I believed that of Mrs. Adler.

"Well, I won't say who, but?..let's just say the curtains in her sewing room weren't all the way closed."

I was so shocked I couldn't speak. Eli just laughed at me.

"Nothing wrong with it, mind you. She's a widow, likely having the cravings of a married woman. Kinda opens my eyes to things?..for myself, if you know what I mean."

Every time I saw Mrs. Adler after that I had to divert my eyes.

I still went around to Miss Emma's once in a while, and the livery stable, the Mercantile and the saloon to check and see if Josh and Lang were doing a good job in my place. When I went to check on Miss Emma one day I headed out back of the house like I always did. I went alongside the house and was about to round the corner to the back porch when I was stopped dead in my tracks.

"What in the world am I going to do with a baby at my age, Emma? Another mouth to feed, another child to raise?..I just don't know if I've got it in me."

I stood perfectly still, pressed against the house as it soaked in what I was hearing; it was Mrs. Adler's voice! The widow Adler!

I heard Miss Emma laugh softly. "It's too late to be worrying about it, Helen, you've done had it in you, that's what got you into this fix."

Mrs. Adler--Helen--laughed with her. "I know, and God help me, knowing what I do now, I swear I'd do it again if the chance came around. My God, Emma, he was a man created and sent from heaven for one purpose and one purpose only. To breed. Just like a stallion, he was, in every way, if you know what I mean. It was a once in a lifetime experience I won't ever forget."

"No, I guess you won't, you'll have his child to remind you," Emma said.

"I'm not that kind of woman, you know that. But when he came to see about having some shirts made and I had to measure him, putting that tape measure around his chest and across those shoulders?..and then Caleb reminded him he ought to have some extra room in the sleeves?..well his arms were massive. I was measuring his one arm and I felt a spark inside me that I haven't felt for a very long time. Then when he came back to pick up the shirts?..I always have 'em try the shirts on, you know?.."

"I do believe you're about to swoon just talking about him," Emma put in.

"I almost did when he took his shirt off," the other woman said.

"He changed in and out of the shirts in front of you?" Emma asked with surprised indignation.

"I laid the shirts over the privacy screen and kinda waved him there but he was already unbuttoning his shirt he had on and pulling it out of his pants. When he pulled it off and was standing there bare-chested, I started getting weak in the knees?..truly, Emma, I had to sit back on the arm of the couch. The shirts were a perfect fit, he was very happy with my work but I must've showed something in my face?..I know I did?.I must have looked pale. He was putting his old shirt back on and before he even buttoned it up he came over and took my hand in both his and asked me if I wasn't feeling well. I could hardly get my breath, let alone speak. I waved him off with my other hand but he just kept hold of my hand and was rubbing and patting it and if I was pale, I know I must've been turning a noticeable blush by then. Then he went in the kitchen and brought back a glass of cool water. I drank it and handed the glass back to him, he set it on the table then he did the darndest thing. I was sitting on the arm of the couch, you know, and he picked me up and laid me down on the couch, said I ought to have my legs higher than my head."

To that, Emma burst out laughing, snorting, and I could hear she was trying to muffle it.

"That's not what I meant!" Helen said indignantly. When their laughter died down she went on. "After he put a pillow under my feet he took hold of my hand again, asking if I was feeling better. The words that came out of my mouth, I don't know where they came from. I said I was feeling strange and I didn't understand why he was having such an effect on me. I said it just like that?..why he was having an effect on me. I was so embarrassed that it slipped out like that. He just smiled and said he thought he understood; he said Caleb had told him I was a widow, he said I was too young to be a widow and without a man. He said that sometimes happened, that women got affected by him and when it did he felt somewhat obliged to see them through it, do something about it. I was just saying to him that he wasn't obliged to me but he shushed me and I saw him undoing his belt and Godd, Emma, I knew it was going to happen! He stood up then and was taking off his clothes! When he shoved his pants down I couldn't take my eyes off him. He was absolutely monstrous, absolutely beautiful. I swear, looking up at him standing there, it was overwhelming, like he literally filled the room with his presence."

"Well, he certainly filled something more than the room with his presence," Emma said, snickering again. "Now at what point did he get your legs higher than your head?"

"I'd be hard pressed to say for certain," the other woman replied. "I was feeling so light headed and when I felt his hand brush over my breasts I knew for sure what was going to happen and everything was just a blur after that."

"Good Lord, woman! I hope you weren't so blurred out of your mind that you didn't have the presence to enjoy what he was doing to you."

"Oh, no. It was a wonderful blur. More like I was in a wonderful dream. I never dared to imagine there was a man like him walking the face of the earth. He filled my very being with that magnificent piece. I shouldn't say it but I have never in my life been made to feel like that. Not even with my late husband. He had me twice, with barely a pause between. When he finally finished for the second time and pulled out, it felt like a gulley washer. My, I should feel like such a whore, but no matter how hard I try I can't conjure up anything but warm, good feelings." She sighed. "Heaven be praised, it won't be his child that spurs the memories," she said. "It'll be him. I shall carry the image of him, naked, to my grave."

"Stop trying to feel guilty. You're not a whore," Emma admonished her. "You're a healthy woman too long without a man. There's nothing wrong with a woman having a little pleasure in her life when it happens along. Lord knows the men folk don't deny themselves."

I didn't hear the laughter but I heard Mrs. Adler ask her what she was laughing about, then I heard it.

"Just so happens I've got my own little secret to share, since you did," she said in a quieter tone. "I had my own moment of pleasure a while back. I had myself a cowboy."

I heard Helen Adler gasp. "One of the cowboys from that cattle drive that came through," she declared.

"Yes. And he was a young'n. My God, it was like you said, I can't remember my own man making me feel that way, or maybe I just forgot how it used to be. Nice to be reminded."

I heard them both sigh. Then one of them threw out another surprise, I couldn't tell which till she said Mrs. Adler's name.

"There is something else I think ought to be brought up, Helen, since we're confiding in one another," Emma said. "Two things, really. One that I'm certain involves both of us, and another that soon will."

"And what's that?"


I tightened up inside again.

"I think we've both been enjoying the pleasures of Eli,?..haven't we?"

"I suspected we both were. I wondered if you knew," said Helen. "What was the other thing?" she asked.

"That tall stallion of a young man who arrived in town only recently. He's at the Bergman ranch. Has he come calling?"

"No, but I plan to make quiet inquiries as to where he gets his shirts," Helen replied with a soft chuckle. "Has he called on you?"


"Ohh, My! Oh, dear, right now I have to get back, but you must tell me about him, one day soon!" Helen exclaimed.

"I will tell you this, in case you haven't heard. The man you've been raving about??"


"Yes. That young man is his son. As is young Josh who works for Caleb at the Glory Hole."

"Well my, my, I didn't know that. Is there a wife?"

"As I get it, he's never been married," Emma said.

"Interesting," Helen said. "So my baby will have two big brothers right here in Glory."

"Don't speak of it. Any of it," Emma warned. "Let it come to light as it will."

"If he is Jesse's son?..God, what a man he must be."

"If the man, Jesse, is as you described him?..in your state of delirium?.." She laughed. "Then his son surely outdoes him."

"I have my tape measure in my apron pocket," Helen said.

There was a quiet pause then, "Ohh, Lordy! Am I seeing right? Wait, let me put my spectacles on." Helen cried, laughing.

"You don't need your spectacles; it's exactly what you saw."

"Emma?..Emma, is this your best guess you're showing me, or did you lay your tape measure on him?" They had a good laugh over that. Then I heard one of them gasp. "What?" It was Emma asking so it was Mrs. Adler who'd gasped. "I just thought?..have you?..had your monthlies regular?" "Not enough time's past since the last time," Emma replied. "But he's been careful." "Oh, lordy, Emma, what if you get in a motherly way, too? Why we will scandalize the town. And what if?..I'm carrying Jesse's baby, if you were to be carrying Jesse's son's baby, that would make them??." "It would make them a figment of your imagination," Emma cut in. "Now you had to be getting along."

When I heard the chairs scooting across the floor I scurried off so I was well down the street by the time Mrs. Adler came out of the house. I was in a daze the rest of the day thinking about all that I'd overheard from the two women. If I hadn't heard it with my own two ears I would never have believe Miss Emma and Mrs. Adler even capable of such thoughts.

Chapter Twenty

Caleb Brown

Zachary got on at one of the small ranches a few miles from town where he got room and board besides his monthly pay. He seemed happy. He had some free time to see Josh and sometimes even have a beer on Saturday night at the saloon. As winter came on he had even more free time and would come into town at least once during the week. Josh never did catch on to much book learning and Zachary started lending me his books.

Armed with a dictionary he lent me I made my way through A Tale of Two Cities. I enjoyed it more than I would've thought. My grandfather had taught me to read but I never knew there were books like that. When Zachary would turn up we'd spend hours talking about whatever I was reading. Sometimes we'd practice playing chess, his game, which I never seemed to be able to win. It was frustrating no end but Zachary was a good sport about it and I always had fun with him.

I enjoyed spending time with the big man in the long evenings before he'd go and find his bed for the night. Usually he'd head out and I just assumed he was visiting Leddy or one of the town's women. Sometimes he stayed with Josh and a few times with Lang. I always wished him a good night before contemplating my own choices of bedmates, all the while wishing it was him.

At times work on the ranch or the weather kept him away for a week or more. I worried about him at those times but knew he could care well for himself. Other weeks he would spend several days in town and we'd eat together. However it happened I was always glad to see him and the initial attraction I had to him fell away to the respect and admiration that grew for him as a good man. I often found myself thinking about him on lonely nights.

It was one of those very nights that the stage dropped off a rather elegant but rough-around-the-edges lady; it was running late and it was about dusk when the stage pulled up. She alighted from the coach without taking the hand offered to her and came right into the lobby.

"I am in need of accommodations for a three nights' stay, including a bath and meals and some incidental laundry if possible." She said it like it was a pronouncement of some importance.

"That would be across the street, Ma'am. This establishment caters to men only," I told her politely.

"Well, then perhaps this is the place I should be," she joked in a gravelly voice.

I laughed with her but with some embarrassment. I told Josh to escort her across to the hotel. He came back wide-eyed and laughing.

"She wants me to come to her room later tonight," he said. "She said she would make it well worth my time and talents."

I chuckled. "I kinda wondered about her. Are you going to?"

"I don't know. I don't think so. I never had anything to do with a woman before and what if I went and couldn't do anything. I told her I had a big brother, she laughed and asked how big cause I looked pretty darned big myself. What am I gonna do, Caleb? If I got up there in her room and couldn't do anything I'd just die."

"Well, your brother is only a short ride, go fetch him, I'm sure he would be glad to accommodate the lady."

"Yeah, and he could, too," he said.

"Take my horse," I told him.

A while later Josh returned with Zachary in tow. I never knew how that night turned out except that Zachary remarked that she paid well. I was sure she did for the kind of service he must have given her. Word got around after the lady left town and that night established Zachary's reputation unofficially as the town's stud-for-rent. So now we had a whore and a stud to offer strangers passing through. I found out days later that he was fucking Miss Ella too.

Weeks later, early spring, I took the personal liberty of leaving the worries of the business behind and giving my horse a day of exercise. I seldom rode him because there was no reason for me to leave the town. I wanted to ride out in the direction I'd come and ride back into Glory with an all new perception of the town, try to view it as a stranger.

I couldn't of course, it was all too familiar to me, but it was an exhilarating feeling to see my sign among the largest, and the newest. I rode on through, past the saloon, the Mercantile and the livery stable where I'd worked to start making my way in the world. I thought of Skip, who had given me the push I needed. I wondered where he was. I rode on till I decided to go the short distance further to the ranch here Zachary worked. Oddly, I had not been there before.

I made him out from a distance, his shirtless upper body bared to the sun. He was working at the corral; up closer I saw that he was doing some repairs. Up closer I slowed my mount to take in the beautiful sight of his tanned muscles rippling under the gleam of sweat. Maybe I shouldn't have come; I was only torturing myself. I had not yet had the pleasure of his manly company and I wanted that so bad. Lang had, and Josh, but not I. I really didn't know why; it'd just never happened. He never made the advances and I was too cowardly.

He heard my horse snort and looked over his shoulder. Smiling, he dropped his tools and turned. Godd, no man had the right to be that beautiful, I thought, my eyes raking over his broad shoulders and thick, meaty chest and the slope of his solid, ridged abs into his low slung jeans. "Well, howdy, Caleb. What're you doing way out here? Is everything okay with Josh?"

"Everything's fine with Josh. I just decided to go for ride. All the time I've lived in Glory, I've never been this far on this side of the town."

He pulled a bandana from his rear pocket and wiped the sweat from his face and chest. No, I wanted to say, let me lick it off. His bicep curled into the size of a small boulder when he brought his arm up.

"I was just about to have some cool lemonade the missus keeps in the well. Come have some."

"I will, thank you," I said.

I watched his butt flex and churn inside his tight jeans as we went to the well. He drew up the bucket with the jar of lemonade in it and uncapped the jar. He handed it to me first. I took a drink and handed it back to him. I shouldn't have come; I was going to make a fool of myself.

We stood in the shade of a tree nearby and I let him lead the conversation; partly because I couldn't think of anything to say, I could only respond to what he said. It grew awkward and I was feeling embarrassed, which he noticed.

"Are you sure everything's all right, Caleb? You're acting?..I don't know, not yourself."

"Is anyone else around?" I blurted. I was shocked to hear the words come out of my mouth, and more at my tone. I was afraid I sounded desperate.

"No. They went to a wake, won't be back till late. Why do you ask?" he said with a confused scowl.

"I shouldn't have come here," I said, looking away.

"But?you did?.so?..do you wanta tell me why? Something is wrong."

I swallowed hard and looked back at him. It was my doom; seeing his incredibly perfect body like that, half bared, still gleaming with sweat.

"Are you going to tell me or do I have to take you out behind the barn and whup it out of you?" he said jokingly.

"I'm going to embarrass myself??.," I started

"So, would that be a first?" he quipped. "I've seen the way you play chess," and he laughed.

I forced out a laugh and turned away from him. I walked away, to the corral, and cocked one boot up on the bottom rail, leaned with my arms over the top one. One of the young stallions looked up and pranced away. Zachary had come up beside me, assuming the same stance.

"He reminds me so much of you," I said quietly.

Silence for a moment, and it would've been longer if Zachary hadn't spoken.

"I think I might be starting to get the picture," he said, looking straight ahead, both of us in the same direction.

"If you are, draw me the picture, because I don't know myself," I said.

"My quarters are in the barn. Would you like to see?"

I pulled my boot down from the railing. He did the same and I followed him to the barn. My gut was churning something fierce. Inside, he pulled the heavy door shut and laid the bar across it. He led the way between the stalls to a door at the far end. Inside was a bunk, a small table with a lantern on it, shelves overhead on the walls, one of which contained his shaving gear, and there were pegs for his clothes. Two bales of straw draped with blankets sat along one wall, serving as chairs to sit on, or perhaps a couch.

"Nothing fancy, but it's all I need," he said.

"It's fine. Perfect. It fits you," I managed to say.

"When I said I'm getting the picture?.is this the picture you wanted to see?" he asked as he reached for his belt. He unbuckled it and unbuttoned his fly, exposing his bare flesh in the V of the buttons; he wore nothing under his jeans; I'd seen that before. My heart thudded in my chest at the sight of his dark, hairy flesh and the bush of hair at the bottom of the V.

"I should go out to the horse tank and wash off," he said.

"No!" I said, too quickly. "No, don't. I like?..the sweat?.on your muscles."

"I might not smell so good," he warned.

"You smell fine. I can smell you from here," I said.

"Should I finish this? Or?.do you want to?" he asked, tugging on the flaps of his fly.

"I will," I croaked. In that moment I decided I'd always be Zachary's friend. And if I could be one the people he fucked it would still be better than nothing. He already owned my heart in a way, there was no use in denying myself and hoping we could be something more.

He stood on one of the straw bales, bringing his hips to eye level. He let the flaps of his fly fall into my hands. I held them apart and pressed my face against the warm, bare flesh in the denim V. He laid his hand on my head. His bush of hair brushed against my chin and I could feel his cock alive inside his jeans, pressing against my neck. I let go of the flaps and reached around to tug his jeans off his protruding butt and clasped the hard, twin muscles in my hands. I had to tug the jeans down to free them where they caught on his rising cock. They fell to his knees and his massive cock pressed bare against my neck and chest. He was hugely massive, unlike anything I'd ever seen or imagined. I didn't look down for a moment, but kept my face pressed into his loins. I think I was frightened, fearful of what I would do with it.

When I finally pressed my lips against the root of his cock he moaned softly. I kissed around it, wetting the hairs, then kissed down the inside of his thigh, still avoiding his cock that kept expanding. It lolled against the side of my face and I pressed it with my left hand against my cheek. I nuzzled my face into his crotch, breathing the warm, male musk of him, then licked all around to get the taste of his musk.

"Godd, you taste so good," I murmured. I sucked one of his balls into my mouth, carefully to be sure, it was so large, like a goose egg. I felt him wince but he kept his hand on my head. I sucked on it and mauled it with my tongue, causing more moans from deep in his belly. I let it slip free and took its twin into my mouth and now I took hold of his cock. My Godd, I thought. Still only half hard my hand lacked over an inch going around it. When I popped his other ball free I moved my focus to his cock.

I reared back for my first real look at it. "My Godd!" I whispered, and heard him chuckle. He was even bigger than his father. It was easily nine inches or more hanging out in an arch over his heavy balls, the head the size of one of his balls. "I knew you would be like this," I said. I took his cock in my mouth without hesitation, afraid I might not to be able to get my mouth around it when it was completely hard. The bulging meat filled my mouth with the head and barely a couple of inches of the shaft. I wondered if he had ever found a woman who could take him. Of course, the lady who had paid him, I was sure of that. I wondered if Josh had taken him. Or Lang. I wondered if I could.

His cock was slow to come to full erection and I took advantage of that to suck and literally chew on his massive meat. His jeans had fallen below his knees and at the same time I sucked him I worked his boots off, then his jeans the rest of the way and tossed them aside. I put his boots back on him and he stood otherwise naked. I pulled back from his cock, stroking it with both hands. There was room for a third hand on it. I licked off the precum that was oozing out the wide piss slit and his cock pulsated in appreciation. I sucked the head and drank his precum and the more I sucked and slathered it with my tongue, the more juice he gave me. His other hand came around the back of my head, urging. I held his cock in both of my hands and stroked it as I sucked him in earnest. I did my best but I knew I was lacking. I wished I'd tried to take him before he started getting hard; I wanted so bad to swallow his meat down to his balls. But that would be impossible now.

"Godd, I've never imagined anything so big," I said.

"My Pa was proud of it."

"I'll never be able to do it justice."

"You're doing it just fine," he said.

"The best I can," I said. "But there's only one way I can really do it justice."

"I know," he said. "But are up to that? You don't have to."

"Yes. But I want some more of this. Fuck, you smell and taste so good."

"You really must like the taste of sweat then, 'cause I know that's what I taste and smell like. Like a sweaty horse."

"And rightfully so, with this for a cock," I said. "Godd, it must be a foot long."

"Close, on a good day," he said.

I leaned to the side and drew the sheath back tautly, letting his cock throb and bolt upward in powerful pulsations. "This must be one of your good days," I said.

I wanted him to fuck me, or try, but I didn't want to say it. It seemed suddenly too crude. I felt more than that for him. This was more than sex to me. Riding out here had not been for the sole purpose of sex, or sex at all if it didn't happen. I thought of Skip for the dozenth time and tried to conjure up the feelings I had for him, but these feelings for Zachary surpassed those. Maybe it was because Zachary was here and Skip wasn't.

"Was Josh able to handle you?" I asked.

"Yes. It was a challenge but he was determined."

"What about the woman at the hotel?"

He laughed. "She could've taken me and my horse. She loved every inch of it."

"I shouldn't ask, but??"

"Miss Ella?" he cut in. "She struggles with it but she keeps saying to come back."

"Lang?" I asked.

"No. He pussied out about half way in, cried I was too big around."

"I won't pussy out," I said.

"I don't think you will."

"I'd like to try it," I said.

"Don't rush yourself, but I'm ready too," he said as he stepped down off the bale.

I was quickly trying to think of what position would be best for the first time. Not just physically. I didn't want to be on my back with him bearing down on top of me, I knew it went in deeper that way, yet that's the way it should be. I really had no choice. He picked me up and laid me on the bale he'd been standing on then proceeded to remove my boots. When he pulled off my jeans and tossed them aside I instinctively grabbed hold of my shorts.

"Why're you pulling 'em back up?" he asked laughing.

I didn't know why. I let him pull them off and I was naked from the waist down except for my socks which he left on. He tugged at my shirt and together we unbuttoned it and he took that off of me.

"I like to see some muscle rippling when I fuck a guy," he said.

I wished he'd phrased it differently instead of making it sound like I was just another guy he was going to fuck. I wanted to tell him he certainly wasn't just another guy who was going to fuck me.

He used spit for lube then came up on the bale with me on his knees, his gargantuan cock aimed at my ass like a club. I was so hot and excited, but not so much that I didn't still feel fright. But Josh had taken him, I kept telling myself, so could I.

I didn't expect him to be loving or gentle and he wasn't. I wanted to be fucked--I had told him as much--and he was going to fuck me. It was about his pleasure more than it was mine; I knew that. But I wasn't prepared for the way my asshole was busted wide open and then his massive cock-off-a-horse was plowing into me. It wasn't a hard thrust but it was a steady shove that impaled me unmercifully, inch after inch after massive inch, going so deep?.Godd, deeper still!....till I felt myself floating off into a veiled blackness, escaping from the pain.

I didn't know where I went or how long I was away but when I came back he was fucking me with long, powerful strokes, using all of his cock. There was no pain--I had escaped that through the blackness--rather, it was the most exquisitely wonderful feeling I'd ever experienced.

"Ohhhh, Godd, Zachary," I moaned.

"Why don't you call me Zach. It's shorter, and it don't sound like you've got much breath."

"Yes, Zach. Godd, I can't believe how this feels."

"I can, 'cause it feels that way to me, too," he said.

"It can't possibly. I'm trembling inside. I'm afraid you might fuck me right out of my mind."

"I have had people black out on me. Oblivion they called it. I fucked them into oblivion."

"If that's where you take me, you promise to bring me back," I said.

"What if I go with you into oblivion and I fuck you forever," he joked.

I whimpered at the mere thought of this kind of pleasure into eternity.

"Am I hurting you?" he asked with a screwy look of concern and he paused mid-stroke.

I shook my head, unable to answer. I was unable to speak and I was about to pucker up. He saw it when I bit my lower lip.

"Then what's the matter? What's that look about? I am hurting you," and he began to pull away.

I choked it down and blurted it out. "No! It's just so fuckin' good, Zach, and I love you so damned much!"

I was surprised too but my words jolted him more than they did me. He slowed to a snail's pace and that was wonderful too. I closed my eyes to avoid his look. I shouldn't have said it. I never intended to. A moment later I felt his hot breath on my face. Oh, Godd, was he going to kiss me!? I didn't think I could bear it.

"Do you wanta try that on me again, what you just said?" he asked in a husky tone.

"You heard me, dammit," I said, choking down a sob.

"I heard you but I?..I never?..had anybody say that to me before, and I wanta hear you say it again. To be sure."

"I didn't mean to say it. It just came out."

"Oh. Well, if you didn't mean it??."

"I meant it!" I cut in. "Godd, how I meant it! I just didn't mean to say it out loud."

"Well, if it came out, I guess it's because it was in there," he said. "And if you said it once, and meant it, well, looks like you could say it again."

His face hovered over mine, his eyes searching mine for answers that he didn't even know the questions.

"I love you, Zach. I didn't intend to and I don't know when it happened but it just swept over me like flood water going into a wash and there was no holding?.." My words were cut off by his lips brushing across mine, like he was pushing them back in my mouth. That's how it started out, but I was quiet and he kept doing it, and seconds later it was turning into a real kiss.

He didn't really and completely kiss me till he said, "I never had anybody say that to me, and I never kissed a guy before in my life?.just so you know you're getting the first one, so I don't know how I'll be at it."

He was fine at it. He was stupendous. His full lips covered mine, sucking them into his mouth where he explored them with his tongue. He let me have my lips back then pried them apart to dip his tongue in and explore my mouth. I whimpered with pleasure and squealed with excitement and swallowed his moans as his big cock kept moving in and out of me.

He lifted his face a little. "I don't know if I love you, Caleb, but I know I'm feeling something I never ever felt before so maybe it'll come over me like it did you. But I promise I'll tell you when I know."

The way he said it was so simple and sincere, I was sure for him but I didn't say it. I wanted to believe he'd never gone so far with Josh or Lang or any other man or boy he'd had sex with, not with the words. I felt certain that all those times had been hard, rutting sex, but he kept fucking me and kissing like he couldn't get enough. I responded in kind, lifting my butt to meet his thrusts and accept his cock in the innermost recesses of my body.

"There's one thing for sure that oughta happen to make this what we both wanta believe it is," he said hoarsely.

"What?" I asked, for I didn't understand.

"I wanta shoot my load inside you. I know I can't make you pregnant but I need to leave my live seed inside you so I'm part of you, and you're part of me."

"Yess! I want you inside me, every way you can be. Cum in me so I can carry you around with me even when we're apart." I couldn't believe we were saying these things to each other.

"There's gonna be a lot," he murmured in my ear. "And soon. I'm so close."

"Yes, do it, Zach. Shoot it in me. Fill me up with your seed," I moaned.

He kept his pace till I felt his cock suddenly swell and he slammed it in hard and deep and held it there while it bolted violently as it spewed his man-seed into my guts. I felt his heat and his power as he proved his words, 'there's gonna be a lot.' I clung to him, my fingers digging into his muscular shoulders, my legs wrapped around his lean hips.

"Oh, Godd,?..Ohhhh?.ohhhh, Godd, Zach??Yess, give it to me, you magnificent stallion?..give me your seed?..breed me?..Ohhh, fuck?..Ohh?.Ohhhh?.Ohhhh, I'm cumming too! Ohm. Godddd!...."

It lasted for an eternity yet it was over too soon. I came down from where he had taken me and brought him down with me.

"Godd, Zach," I whimpered as my arms fell and my legs slipped from around his hips.

"Fuck! That was?..fuck, I can't even begin to describe it," he said, breathing hard to suck in air. His powerful arms were trembling and I pulled him down on top of me. His cock was still buried deep inside me, barely losing its rigidity.

"I'm too heavy," he said after a moment, and he rose up again, this time slowly pulling his cock out of my ass. He left a gaping hole. He inched me over and lay beside me on his stomach, one arm laid heavily across my stomach. It was a long moment before he spoke.

"I've had a lot of sex, but I never ever had anything like that," he said.

"Same here," I said.

He waited a moment longer then rose up on one elbow. "We said some things in the heat of passion??.." His words trailed off.

"I would say 'em again," I told him, then added, "But if you wanta forget we said 'em, we can go back to the way things were."

"I don't know if that's possible," he said. "I'm so filled with feelings right now, it's like my insides are tied in knots."

"The feelings might die down," I said.

"They might, and they might not. What if they don't?" he asked.

"What if they don't?"

"I don't know, where does that leave us?"

"What are we afraid of?" I asked.

"Are we afraid?"

"I think you are, Zach."

"Love is a pretty powerful word. Nobody ever used it on me before, and I sure as heck never used it before."

I smiled at him. "You still never used it," I said.

"I didn't?"


"Well, I've always been shy about it?..afraid of the word," he said. "I don't know, maybe?.maybe I was trying to show you,"

"Well if you were, you sure wasn't shy about that," I said. "You fuck like a stallion."

He was toying with the sparse hair on my lower stomach. "I gotta say this up front?..I don't know if I could give up women."

"Nobody asked you to."

"You'd be all right with that, then?..what I'm doing?.. servicing women who come along needing a man."

"I wouldn't want to hog tie you down," I said then smiled. "Anyway, it'd be a shame to deny women your manly talents."

"If I was to follow my grandpa's advice and in my pa's footsteps, I might father children in the process," he said by way of a warning.

"You should," I said. I stroked my hand over his roughly bearded face. "It'd be a shame to let your bloodline die out. You were built for sex, Zach. One look at you and anybody would know the reason God handed down such a creation as your grandpa and your pa and you was to create more like you."

"Tell me, have you ever been in love before, Caleb?" he asked.

"There was a man I thought highly of. I hooked up with him on the cattle drive and he was like the nearest I had to a father except he was more like my older brother. More'n that deep down, but I never admitted it."

"When you say hooked up??."

"In that way, too," I said.

"If he were to show up someday??" He kept not finishing his sentences.

"I would likely hook up with him again, in that way, or I'd want to. But if he knew about you and me, he'd keep some distance between us and push me toward you. He's like that."

He leaned up and kissed me again, squarely on the mouth. "I think I could learn to love you, Caleb, like a man's not supposed to love a man, if you wanted to give me the chance and take the chance yourself." He shoved himself up and stepped off the straw bale and grabbed his clothes. "But right now I have to get that corral fixed before the boss gets back. I'm not independently wealthy like you so I need this job."

"Let me help," I said and rose up to find my clothes as well.

"If you want to," he said. I dressed but he stopped me from putting on my shirt. "Don't," he told me. "I like looking at you," he explained with a shy grin that was totally unlike him.

"I like looking at you, too." We left the barn bare-chested together. I didn't get back to town until late the following day.

Chapter Twenty-One

Caleb Brown

I hadn't heard from Skip in a very long time and it made me wonder if he was dead or alive. I'd pretty much gotten over him, what with his absence, and more because of Zachary, but I still wanted to know if he was among the living. Then one day he was.

I was coming back from Miss Emma's with a bundle of clean towels and washrags when I saw him ride up to the saloon. I didn't know it was him at first, the first minute or so he was just another rider that I hoped would need a place to stay. But then when he dismounted and walked into the saloon I knew it was him. Nobody on God's green earth had that sexy walk but Skip McCoy. I was still standing there, frozen to the spot, when he came back out. As he walked toward me I felt weak all through. So weak that the bundle of towels dropped from my hands.

"Skip?" It came out a bare whisper. I knew he hadn't heard me and I said it louder. "Skip!"

He broke out in a huge smile and his pace quickened then he was running toward me. I ran toward him and we clashed in a tight bear hug.

"Damn, Bigger, what's happened to you," he gushed excitedly. "You've growed up and become a respectable businessman?.."

"Well, I don't know about respectable," I said, laughing breathlessly.

He eased me away from him and craned his neck to look up at my sign, shaking his head.

"Come inside," I said eagerly as I went to retrieve the towels I'd dropped. "You probably need a place to stay, don't you? And a bath. I do shaves and haircuts too," I went on excitedly. "And it's all free to you," I added quickly.

"I need all of that but it won't be free, my boy," he said sternly.

"It's free or you can hop on your horse and ride on out of here," I said, just as sternly.

He laughed heartily. "Well, I guess you have growed up. You would never've talked to me like that before."

"And most people 'round these parts call me Caleb," I told him with a smile. Damn, it was good to see him; strong and handsome as ever.

"Yes sir, Mr. Brown," he said and we both laughed.

"Come on and I'll show you around," I told him, excited to show off my pride and joy.

"Hang on a second, let me go get my partner," he said. Skip turned and called out to another man waiting with their horses. The man, a very handsome man I noticed, came towards us.

"Partner?" I asked.

"US Marshals," he said, digging in his coat pocket to pull out a badge. He showed me the silver star as the other man came up to us. "This is Marshal Franklin Tucker," Skip introduced him. Closer up, I realized that handsome didn't quite cover the man's good looks.

"Call me Tuck," the man said as he stuck out his hand. "You must be Caleb Brown. I've heard a lot about you." I shook his hand and fought not to blush at his obvious perusal of my own form.

Inside I showed them around the place, including a couple of the rooms. Lang appeared and I sent him to get their horses and take them to the livery stable and told him to bring their bedrolls and saddlebags back with him. Josh came out from cleaning one of the rooms and I saw the way Skip looked at him.

"I'd say you've got yourself a mighty fine looking crew working for you," he said with a knowing smile.

"I'll tell you all about it later," I said. "Right now, let's get you men in the bathtub. I can shave you while you're soaking."

"That sounds like a right smart idea," he said. "Except for the shaving part. How long you been giving shaves? Hell, do you even shave yourself?" he added, laughing."

"Long enough that I won't slit your throat unless you move," I said. I went on, in a lowered voice. "Why I've been known to shave a man's ass."

"Well, you're not getting that close to my ass," he declared. "At least not with a razor," he added as he was taking off his clothes, Tuck doing the same. I found myself very curious to see the two of them naked and tried not to stare overmuch.

"Godd, it's so good to see you," I said when he was standing naked, waiting for me to get the water temperature just right. My mouth was watering so I had to swallow my spit. "Especially like this, huh?" he said with a chuckle. "It's good to see you, too, Caleb. Be better if I was to see more of you."

"You will. Oh, you will," I assured him. I immediately thought of Zachary and felt a twinge of guilt that I was carrying on so much inside about Skip. But Zachary would understand. He would have to understand, about me and Skip. And Skip would have to understand, too, about me and Zachary. But that would come later.

"Soon, I hope," he said. Then with his tight smile, he said, "You ever offer the service of taking a bath with a customer if they was to request it?"

"I never have, but nobody's ever requested it." I gave Tuck a sidelong glance look to see what he was making of our conversation.

"Well, I am requesting it," he declared.

"Why don't you two get in the tubs and see if the water's just right," I said. Just then Josh came up and asked if he could be of any help. I seized on it.

"Yes, you can add hot water as we need it, then you can give Marshal McCoy and Marshal Tucker a shave," I said as I started taking off my clothes.

The three of them looked at me with surprise; Josh spoke first. "Wait, you?.you're getting in the tub with him?"

"Yes, he asked me to."

"I never done that before. I didn't know we was supposed to."

"If you're asked to, by all means. Whatever it takes to keep the customer happy," I said. I stepped into the other end of the tub with Skip and sat down, wondering why he was still standing.

"I, uh, have a question myself," he said with a furtive glance toward Josh. "You said he could give me a shave."

"Yes, Josh can shave a man as good as I can. Guaranteed."

"And what kind of a guarantee would that be?" he asked as he lowered himself in the water. The tub overflowed. "If he cuts your throat, you get a free burial."

That brought a roar of laughter from all of us, and put Skip at ease enough that he shoved his foot firmly into my crotch. He glanced at me and I smiled to let him know it was okay in front of Josh.

Josh got the razor and shaving mug and brush and came over to kneel down beside our tub. He lathered up Skip's face and picked up the razor. Skip grabbed his wrist and held his hand out from his face. "I want you to hold your hand out here in front of me," he said, letting go of the boy's wrist. He did and there wasn't a trace of a tremor. "Okay, just wanted to make sure you've got a steady hand," Skip said. While he was shaving Skip I told Josh about my relationship with Skip, how he'd given me the nudge into manhood.

"It was more than a nudge as I remember," Skip said, laughing. "I remember it as more of a thrust."

Josh and Tuck both laughed and Josh turned a little red in the face.

"You're embarrassing Josh," I said. "But he's only half right, Josh, it was more than A thrust and it turned out to be a ball bustin' ass pounding. Godd, I can almost still feel it."

"Almost? I'm hurt. I thought I gave you the fuck of your life, one that you would remember for the rest of your life."

Josh leaned back from Skip, holding the razor out from his face. "You need to hold still, sir, or I'm liable to slice your throat."

Skip laid his head back on the edge of the tub and closed his eyes like he was dead. "This do you, son?" he asked Josh.

"Yes, sir, I'll only be a couple of minutes, then you can move and talk again." Just as he said it he held the razor away, chuckling.

"Aren't I holding still enough?" Skip asked.

"Yes, sir, you are, sorry," and he got right back to shaving, and I saw that he was noticing Skip's big cock standing up out of the water.

Lang returned with Skip's saddlebags and bedroll. Josh told him which room to put them in. Lang rushed back to stand by the tubs, eyeing our new arrivals with raw lust. "Is there anything else I need to be doing?" he asked me.

"Yes, matter of fact, there is. We're empty tonight and the stage has come and gone. Go lock the front door and pull down the shades. When you come back?.." I looked over at Tuck. "Would you like a bath boy, Marshall Tucker?" "I would," he said. "Why don't you join the marshal in his tub, he might like for you to wash his back. "Among other things," Skip put in. "Yes, sir!" Lang said eagerly.

"Well, I have done that before," Josh said, "for a guy with his right arm broken." "Seems it'd be worth a man breaking his arm to have you wash his back for him," Tuck said. Lang was naked in no time, under the watchful eye of the marshal who was looking at him with a hunger. Lang started to step into the opposite end of the tub but Tuck took his arm and guided him to lower himself in the water between his legs then he pulled him back against him. Josh had finished shaving Skip and he stood holding the razor and shaving mug, unsure what to do about Tuck. He couldn't shave him with Lang's head laid back on his shoulder. "We'll get to the shave later," Tuck told him. Skip and I stood up in the tub and Josh took the soap and washcloths and washed us from neck down to our ankles. He avoided Skip's big cock standing straight out from his loins. My cock was standing out too, now, along with Skip's but Josh skirted them both with his washing. Finally, I took Josh's hand and placed it on my cock. "Don't miss the most important parts," I said.

I heard the water splashing in the other tub and looked over to see that Tuck and Lang were standing up as well and Lang was already working a soapy hand all over Tuck's hard cock.

Josh took hold of Skip's cock then with his soapy hands and began washing him. "I was wondering if I was supposed to wash there," he said huskily.

"You know, it'd be easier if you got in the tub with us," Skip said.

"I don't wanna get my clothes wet," Josh said.

"I guess you'll have to take them off," Skip replied with a grin.

Josh was naked in no time and Skip started to help him in the tub. "Well holy shit!" he said when he saw Josh's oversized cock. "I'll get in behind you so I can wash your back," Josh said as he started to step in the tub. "I don't know if I trust you behind me with that thing," Skip said as he took Josh's his arm and his other hand clasped firmly around his butt to help him in the tub. "Caleb's the one you ought not to trust behind you," Josh said amid their laughter.

"There's not enough room for the three of us," I said, stepping out of the tub and giving them plenty of space as they handled each other's cocks. I could see Skip's interest in the boy and his big cock.

I stood aside, drying off, watching them expectantly. I slipped on my jeans and shirt went to prepare the room for Skip and Tuck. I laid their saddle bags and bedrolls on the floor then turned down the covers and fluffed the pillows and lit the lamp. It wasn't what I'd planned but I was prepared to let Skip and his friend have the two boys in their room all to themselves if that's the way it worked out. I would have my time with Skip after. I didn't think they noticed when I slipped out to go to the front and up to my own room. It felt sadly noble, what I was doing, denying myself.

"Why'd you disappear?" I hadn't heard Skip come up the stairs. He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and pulled me back against him and I felt his hard cock against my ass.

"I figured you and Tuck could have some fun with the boys," I told him, trying not to lean too much into his warm body.

"I didn't come all this way to see them boys, Caleb," he whispered and I felt his lips on my neck.

"You seemed interested in Josh," I said.

He pulled me harder against him and the hard muscles of his chest pressed warmly against my back. He ran his hands under the hem of my shirt and I shivered as the rough calluses of his palms and fingers glided over my stomach.

"I got the feeling they're important to you." Skip reached higher and his hands skimmed over my nipples, making my manhood throb in my pants.

"They are, like family," I said then groaned as Skip's strong hands dipped lower on my belly, brushing the waist of my jeans. "I just figured?," I began to say something but found myself unsure of what exactly.

"What?" he asked. His big prick rubbing against my ass made it hard to think.

"I? I don't know, rightly," I admitted. I couldn't explain to myself why I was feeling so reluctant to be with Skip. I'd been with dozens of men since admitting my feelings to Zach but seeing Skip had me feeling edgy. Maybe because I'd once had feelings for him as well, or still did.

"I bet those boys are down there fucking Tuck silly. You don't have to be worried about anybody getting left out."

"I'm not," I answered too quickly. I had half a mind to break away from him but not because I was worried about Lang or Josh.

"Is there someone else?" he asked softly. "You got yourself a man, now?"

I stepped away from him then, unnerved by his words. I brushed past him and walked down the short hall to my room. I couldn't rightly be surprised that Skip followed me. I expected him to.

I drank in the sight of his lean, hard muscles rippling with every step, his big cock swinging like a pendulum. He came to my door, leaning his upper body in with his hands clasped against the door frame. I wanted so bad to put my hands on him but couldn't help the feeling that I'd be betraying Zach. I sat down on the edge of my bed.

"Is there something you want to tell me, Caleb?" he asked.

"His name's Zachary," I admitted and tore my eyes from Skip's body, studying my hands in my lap. "He's not my man."

"But you want him to be, is that it?" For a long time I didn't answer. Eventually Skip let go of the doorframe and came around the other side of the bed. The mattress dipped and shifted while he made himself comfortable. "Come here," he said as he tugged me back to lie against his shoulder. "You don't have to say anything," he told me. We lay quietly for a couple of minutes. "Kind of reminds me of times we shared in my bedroll," he said. He paused then said, "It's okay to talk about him, Caleb. I know you started a new life and I'm glad for it." "I told him I love him but I'm pretty sure he prefers female company. He says he has feelings for me but?.."

"He don't treat you like them men that made you leave the cattle drive, does he?" he cut me off, all righteous and indignant.

"No, nothin' like that. It sounds dumb but?.when we get together he?.he don't just fuck me, you know? I can tell I mean more to him than just a fuck, more like he's making love to me." "You're having an awful lot of trouble getting your words out," Skip said. Suddenly he reached over and turned the lamp way down. "Maybe this'll help. Now, say what you mean, Caleb." he said, lying back down.

I knew what he meant. He wanted me to say it out loud, how I felt about Zach compared to how I felt about him. I didn't want to tell him that there were times when the only thing I ever thought about was Zach but, somehow, having Skip right beside me and talking to him about it was helping me work it out for myself.

"I'm scared, Skip, that's the heart of it. Even if Zach loves me back I won't ever be enough for him. He'll always want more and some day he'll find it. I think I'd about die if that happened," I finished in a small voice.

"Hell, Caleb, you never did do anything halfway," he said, hugging me against him for a second. "Let me tell you something. I never spoke on it but when I was young, younger than you were when we first met, I fell in love with a girl. Got her with child and married her but not because it was the right thing to do. I put a ring on her finger 'cause it was my dream come true. She died giving birth to our son and it about killed me, too. Shhh," he said when I began to ask what happened to the baby. "Let me finish," and he paused to think on what he wanted to say next, or how he wanted to say it.

"What happened to her made me hard-hearted 'cause for a long time I blamed myself for her dying. I thought if I hadn't got her pregnant so young we'd still be together." I worried he was going to choke up but he went on in his somber voice. "I figured she was my one and only shot, and that was gone. I came west then and maybe part of me was hoping I wouldn't survive it. But I did survive, Caleb, and you gotta know this; every second of the time we had together was worth whatever came after. I'd do it all again, even knowing what would happen. Loving can be scary but it's worth the price. It don't make your belly yellow to admit that."

"It's like this man said in one of Zach's books on poetry. He said, 'Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.' That line has always stuck with me, Skip."

"That's puttin' it in pretty words but? yeah, that's what I'm trying to say."

It might've been Skip's words or his arms around me but at that moment I decided I would love Zach with my whole heart and to hell with what might happen.

"That man, Tennyson, he also wrote that knowledge comes but wisdom stays. I suppose he was right about that, too."

"Certainly he sounds like a man with a lot of wisdom," Skip agreed.

Leaning into his warm body I realized the nervous feeling had gone away. It seemed like just deciding for certain that I was going to love Zach made everything better. Still, there was one more thing I had to know.

"Was she your one shot, your wife I mean? You said that you were hard-hearted, but I never found you to be like that when I knew you back on the drive."

Skip laughed and pecked a kiss to the side of my head. "That's something else I should tell you. Men are stubborn as any mule; now there's some wisdom for you. You know Tuck's more than my partner. Well, I knew from the first time I met him that he was something special. Could you believe the most time we been apart was two days, that was when I was being an ass, and then near a week when I went to visit my family. Both times I missed him so much it near hurt to breathe just thinking about him."

It thought it helped that Skip had someone. I doubted I'd have felt so comfortable talking about Zach if he hadn't.

"Anyway," he continued, "like I said, men are asses. Me included. I never would've told Tuck how I felt though it'd been building up inside me for more'n a year. Might not have said it at all but he took me by surprise and said it first while we was talking about how much we'd enjoyed satisfying some twenty-odd young soldiers with our mouths and asses. But that's how it happened."

I about jumped off the bed in shock but Skip held me close. "Wh-what d'you? you can't mean??"

"Sure do, Caleb. You might say I've changed the way I see lots of things. We stayed three days with that company of men," he said with a wistful sigh. "The Colonel even gave us his big tent and made a duty roster so his men could have turns with us and not be up all night fucking and wear us out. By the time we left I couldn't right sit a horse for near a week. Tuck either."

I laughed, a guffawed laugh, in disbelief. "Geezuss, I bet you got some stories to tell," I said.

"You wouldn't believe half of 'em," he replied with a chuckle. "The point I was tryin' to make though, is that your friend Zachary might be just as hardheaded. Give him some time and let him come around to his feelings. If he can say it with his body, the way you say he does, then sooner or later he'll say it with his mouth. Just give him a chance to get there."

I was near desperate to believe him. "Tell me about Jimmy," I said. "And what happened with that old bastard, Jake?"

"Jake stayed the same son of a bitch he always was."

"Did anything ever come of what you did, stealing that food for me, and giving me Ted's horse?"

"Nope. But not for his lack of trying. He tried to get me fired but the boss said I did the right thing by you. Which reminds me, I've got your pay for the time you were with the drive."

"Oh, really! I'm surprised he paid me. What about Ted's wife? Cause I can pay her for the horse now."

"Well you know, she didn't know Ted was dead till I showed up to tell her. She didn't much care about anything else. She wasn't concerned about the horse. I did give her the saddle, though." He took a deep breath and let it out in a sigh. "I watched out for Jimmy after you left, didn't let anyone treat him like they did you. Not after the way I failed you."

"You didn't fail me, Skip."

"Yeah, I did, but not Jimmy. He shared my bedroll for the rest of the drive till I had to leave him with his family. They were in a bad way and needed him."

"I still say you didn't fail me," I told him. We were quiet for a minute and I suppose we were agreeing to disagree on whether Skip had done me a disservice.

He reached over and smacked my bare stomach with his hand. "You know, I did wash my cock," he said with a chuckle.

"If I recall it was Josh that washed your cock. Mine too."

"Be a shame, wouldn't it, to let two nice clean cocks go to waste?" We rolled simultaneously onto our sides facing each other and grabbed each other's cocks.

"I missed you Caleb," he said huskily as his mouth was about to cover mine. "I missed you so damned hard."

I didn't have a chance to tell him how much I'd missed him. His mouth closed over mine and we both moaned when our lips opened and our tongues touched. He tasted just as I had remembered, better even. He helped me out of my pants and I kicked them off so we could press close and rub our pricks together.

He felt my chest and shoulders with his rough hands and broke away to say, "Damn you've grown. How does a respectable business man keep a body like this?"

"Need lots of wood to warm the water in the baths. I chop more firewood than you could spit at. Not to mention all the chores around here and extra work I do around town."

"It looks good on you," he told me with gravel in his voice.

"You look every bit as good as I remember," I replied, hands going over his hard chest and stomach.

"I been thinking a lot about you fucking me," he said. "For a long time I thought you'd be the first if it was to happen at all. Sorry it wasn't, but knowing how good it feels, I can hardly wait now," he told me, eye to eye and so close I could feel his heart beating. I wasn't sure what to say and he seemed to sense the hesitation I was feeling. "You fuck around with Josh and Lang?" he asked.

"Yeah, all the time," I told him, nonplussed.

"You make love to them or is it just fucking?"

"Well?," I said and thought on it.

"Maybe it doesn't have to be one or the other. Friends can share affection and their bodies." And fuck all if he wasn't right. I'd never considered there might be something in between with the two boys. Skip saw the look of wonderment on my face and gave me a wink.

"And when did you get all this fucking wisdom?" I asked him playfully.

"Told you, I've changed. Now, tell me you've got some oil or something. I want you bad but spit won't cut it," he said while taking hold of my cock. "Not with this big guy. It's funny, remember how I used to call you Bigger 'cause you said it so much? Now I see the name was more apt than I ever knew."

I turned partially away from him to reach out and grab the bottle off the table beside the bed. We kept a similar bottle in each room, a mixture of mineral oil and herbs. I held it up between us to say, "Best slick west of the Rockies. My own concoction."

I took my time working him open up with my fingers, between his spread legs. I couldn't hardly believe I was fingering Skip McCroy's hole and watching the tight little ring give way and palpitate anxiously. I sort of wondered that he was so tight after telling me he'd been fucked so many times. I pushed lots of oil into him before applying it to myself so I could set the bottle aside. I eased three fingers into him, then four, and Skip gave out a frustrated growl.

"Come on, Caleb. Don't make me wait no more. I wanna feel you stretching me open already. I can handle it."

"I remember saying those same words to you once. 'I can handle it.' You remember what you said, Skip?"

"You expect me to think and remember with your hand in my ass?"

"You said you didn't want me to just handle it, you wanted me to enjoy it. And I truly did, Skip."

"Dammit, Caleb, I ain't no virgin," he groaned, squirming around on my hand. "You can fuck me." He sounded truly impatient now but I just laughed.

"I do believe I said that as well, Skip."

"Don't think you're so grown I can't bend you over my knee, Caleb Brown! Stop teasing and torturing me."

I smirked down at him, enjoying myself far more than I would've ever thought possible.

"I plan on bending you over every piece of furniture in this room, Skip McCroy. And that's only the positions where I'm behind you," I added with a cocky grin.

"Best not make any promises you can't keep, boy." It was said in jest but one that made my blood boil.

"I'll show you who's a boy," I growled and without warning shoved my cock deep into Skip's ass.

"Awwww, FUCK!" he gasped. "Show me, Caleb. Fuck me good," he told me and pulled his own legs back and open while his hole clamped down on my cock.

Holy fuck it was awe inspiring, seeing my onetime idol holding his hairy thighs open with his big hands, just the base of my cock showing outside his pink rim and the wild look in his eyes that I'd put there. It was a powerful feeling I couldn't rightly name. I reached down and took a firm hold of his ass, spreading the cheeks wider to watch my cock take its first thrust.

I had to clench my whole body to keep from shooting as the spectacle unfolded. A fraction of the inner lining clung to the shaft of my cock as I withdrew, like I was pulling his chute inside out. Then the rim distended as the crown of my head came up against the inner wall of his ring. I knew I had to stop looking or I wouldn't put much of a showing into this fuck. I pushed back into the tight heat, getting a grunt from Skip.

I leaned forward until we were close enough to kiss, holding myself up so Skip had to come to me. He held my body between his legs as he pressed them, folded at the knee, high up on my sides. Reaching, he put his hands on my ass and pulled me deeper. Letting myself down without breaking the contact between our lips I laid over him, chest to chest. I cradled his head in my hands and kissed him as deeply as possible while his hands urged me to move.

I began to pump my hips and fucking Skip in the way I'd always wanted, the way I'd dreamed of doing. He was right, it wasn't about loving but it wasn't about just fucking either. My own emotions were a tangled mess of caring, lust, power and regret. And maybe there was a small part of me that knew I'd probably never have this with Zachary, not the chance to be inside him like this, and I reveled in the taking of Skip's body.

Skip's body adjusted and his hole went from stretched to firm and taut. It was that slight difference, from busted open to welcoming, that I was waiting for. I released him from my embrace and pushed up onto my hands. I look one of his legs and drew it across my body, rotating his hips and ass till his chest and shoulders turned too. I held one of his shoulders while I fucked him on his side, going just a little deeper.

The slick walls of his chute caressed my plunging cock while his hole slid snugly along my shaft, tight as any fist. And the sounds he made?.Fuck! Big, tough Skip McCoy whimpering like a puppy, cursing, moaning and growling on the end of my cock. Those noises made me want to cum but at the same time they made me want to fuck him forever so I'd keep hearing them.

I pulled out and turned him onto his stomach, spreading his legs wide with my knees, and hammered back into him. His fingers raked over the sheets before turning to fists while I rode him. I'd never felt so self-assured. I pulled him up onto his hands and knees so I could saw my cock through him and Skip met every single thrust, pushing back against me so our flesh smacked together as his plush ass met my loins.

Sweat glistened on his back in the low light of the lamp, muscles flexing and twitching like a fine thoroughbred stallion. Pleading to be fucked harder, with body and words, I did my best to satisfy him. He was doing something with his ass so it felt like he was trying to suck me back in even as I pulled out. The feeling drove me wild and I bucked into his sweet ass like an untamed stallion.

It was my fault that it came to an end, sweet though that end was. I reached around to feel his hard cock, not for him but because I wanted to feel the proof of his desire. I wanted to make sure he loved having my cock inside him. Sure enough, he was hard as a rock, hot and throbbing and when my hand wrapped around him, with a howl he began shooting onto the sheets.

His climax, the cries of his completion and the clenching of his ass were like a cyclone that sucked me in. I fired my seed so hard and strongly into Skip's body that the room around me grayed out. My hips continued to plow forward but it wasn't by my conscious effort. I filled him good and heavy with my seed and could feel it squelching out around my cock, running down my balls.

It was a strong orgasm, strongest I'd had in a very long time. Different from the ones I got when Zach was fucking me 'cause it didn't well up out of my ass and my cock but the kind of cum that only came from a powerfully delivered fuck.

When we'd both caught our breath and I'd pulled away to lay beside him Skip said, "You've had some experience to fuck like that."

"I done good?" I asked him, teasing.

"You done real good," he said and turned his face my way, smiling. I tried not to let it show how dearly I took the compliment.

Changing the subject, I asked Skip something I'd meant to ask earlier. "What happened to your son, Skip? Did he die with your wife?"

"No, he survived the birth. Fact is I only just laid claim to him. My older brother was raising him as his son, like we agreed would be best. But when I went to see my family we also agreed it was time the boy knew the truth. Richard's still his main dad, but the boy knows I'm his dad, too. He's pretty happy about it. I always was his favorite uncle, you know, and he's happy to learn I'm really his father. I don't know how things are going to work out, but telling him the truth makes me feel like I've got an obligation to him."

"I understand," I said, thinking of Josh and how Jesse had left him in my care.

"So, when can I meet your man?" Skip asked. "Me and Tuck have to get to Carson City for business but we have a couple days."

"He works on a ranch but he'll be into town for his day off tomorrow night. You know, I'm excited for you to meet him as well." It was true, too. I knew, now, that they'd get along fine. Seeing Skip again, I realized that they had a certain something in common, a sort of swagger.

"I look forward to it, then. And you can get to know Tuck some."

"I'd like that," I told him sincerely.

Skip sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed. "I don't know about you but I could eat a grizzly 'bout now. Haven't had anything but some jerky and a bite of hard tack since breakfast. Tell me this town has a place to get some vittles."

"There's a restaurant over at the hotel," I told him, realizing I was more than a bit hungry myself.

"Let's go collect my partner and your boys. Dinner's on me," he proclaimed as he stood. We dressed and went downstairs.

Chapter Twenty-Two

Caleb Brown

Zachary didn't make it into town for some reason and Skip was anxious to meet him before he and Tuck had to leave. So Skip and I rode out to the ranch. It was early evening, the sun riding low at the horizon and I figured Zachary would be finished with chores and would have time for us. He was nowhere to be seen when we rode. We dismounted and tied our horses and I took Skip to his quarters in the barn. He wasn't there either. "I hear somebody whistling," Skip said. "Might that be him?" "Guess he might be washing up," I said. We went around behind the barn where I knew Zachary had rigged up a shower with a barrel on a rack overhead that he'd drilled holes in at the bottom for the water to run out. He was there, whistling a catchy tune as he rinsed the soap sheeting down his muscular body. He didn't see us and I tugged Skip back out of sight. "Goddamn! Is that him?" Skip exclaimed. "That's him. Zachary," I said proudly, and with a little breathless catch in my breath at the sight of him. I glanced at Skip to see him focused on Zach's manhood. "That's him, all of him?" he said quietly. "My Godd, Caleb?.." I chuckled softly. "If you was a woman, I'd probably be hearing the juices sloshing between your legs," I joked. I nudged Skip and we moved into plain sight. "Hey, Zachary," I greeted him. He jerked his head around and smiled big when he saw me. "Caleb, what a surprise." "You didn't come into town, I thought I'd ride out and see if there was anything seriously wrong," I said. "No, not seriously," he said as he dropped his head with a tight grin under the water running down over him. I'd seen that grin before and I knew there was something more coming. "The boss man had to be gone to take care of some business, asked if I could stick around and look after the place and the missus." "Which I'm sure you did," I said. "I did, at that," he said, nodding, then he laughed, his tight stomach muscles dancing. "This is Skip McCroy, an old friend of mine from when I was on a cattle drive," I said. "Skip, this is a special friend, Zachary." Zach stepped over, extending his hand, water running down his body. "Good to meet you, Skip McCroy; any friend of Caleb's is a friend of mine." He grabbed a worn, dingy towel from a nail and began drying off. I watched Skip's eyes raking over him, watching his rippling muscles. I went on to explain that Skip was a US Marshal and that he wanted to meet him before he and his partner had to leave for a while. Zachary laid the towel over his shoulder and waved us to follow him back around the barn. "Let me get some clothes on, we'll have a get acquainted drink," he said. In his quarters he took down a bottle from the shelf over his bunk and handed it to me, along with two glasses. "Pour two, one of us'll have to drink out of the bottle," he said. Skip actually looked a little flushed in the face, very likely from seeing Zachary naked, and I wasn't anxious to see him put his clothes on myself. I tried to think of something to say to prevent him from getting dressed but I couldn't. Turned out I didn't have to. "If you was getting ready to relax after a day's work before calling it a night, well there's no call for you getting dressed just on our account," Skip said, much to my surprise. Zach paused with his pants held in his hands, then he tossed them aside. "Well, I don't generally get dressed again after a shower," he said as he sat down on his bunk and leaned back against the wall, his legs splayed apart. I'd given Skip one of the glasses of bourbon and Zach took the bottle, leaving me with the other glass. I saw how he was taking in the inviting stance. Zack took several gulps then wiped his mouth with his arm. "Goddamn, that's good stuff!" he exclaimed. "Good for making a man sleep but just as good getting a man riled up and keeping him that way," he said, laughing. Skip raised his glass and said, "And good for breaking down a man's inhibitions." Zachary raised the bottle. "I like that word, inhibitions," he said before he took another swig of bourbon. "Don't like what it stands for though. I don't believe there should be a need for the word, 'cause I don't believe a man's feelings or thoughts or words or actions should be stifled, and that's what inhibitions means." "Are you gonna get sleepy or riled up, or inhibited?" I asked jokingly. "Well, you know I'm not easily stifled," he said laughing. "And it'd be rude to get sleepy, so I guess that leaves riled, don't it?" he joked. Then he added, "But the boss is back so I guess I can't get riled up like I was the whole time he was gone." He chuckled softly. "He could do with a little more riling himself, according to his missus." I thought he was dancing around the obvious. I was sure he'd noticed, too, how Skip was looking at him. It was impossible not to look and I was taking him in too, hoping Skip would notice that I wasn't being overly shy about ogling the big stud. If need be, I thought, I would just get up from the bales we were sitting on and step over and start something with Zach, but I wanted to give Skip some time and see how he operated. "Unless your boss man is a mule, I expect his missus dreads him coming home after having you to pleasure her while he's gone. That tool you're carrying must make her feel like a virgin all over again." "He ain't no mule," Zach said with a soft chuckle. "More like a chipmunk." He laughed. "Every time he rides off to town or over to one of the other ranches, here she comes out to where I'm working." "Well, it's understandable," Skip said. "Easy to see the attraction." "Is it?" Zach said with a sly grin as he sipped the bourbon out of the bottle. He glanced at me and when our eyes met for a second I hoped I conveyed the message he wanted. He reached down and brushed his hand along his cock. "I guess it is somewhat of an attraction, so I've been told." "If I was staring, I'm sorry, but it's pretty hard not to notice," Skip said. "No need to apologize, I don't mind a body noticing. I'm used to it." Skip laughed, shaking his head. "Man, I don't know how any man could get used to carrying something like that around." Zach stood up then, squarely in front of Skip, to refill our glasses. "Just in case you've got any inhibitions left," he said with a chuckle. He poured Skip's glass first and while he was leaned over pouring mine, Skip downed his in several hard gulps. "Well, that's one way of drowning 'em," Zach said, laughing. "Had to," Skip said. "Only thing I hate more'n inhibitions is regrets." He gulped hard as he handed his glass to me, then put his hand around the underside of Zach's hanging cock. "And I would regret it the rest of my life if I didn't?.." He seemed to choke and he swallowed again. He looked up at Zach. "You ain't hit me yet so I'm guessing this is all right with you," he said, pulling on the big cock. "More'n all right, I was hoping," Zach said, then he took a hard drink from the bottle and handed it to me. "How'd you guess?" Skip asked. "Your eyes," Zach said. "You watch a man's eyes, you can learn about all you need to know about him." "Well, I'm glad you pegged me 'cause my mouth's watering for this." With that he leaned in and scooped up Zach's growing cock and pulled it all the way into his throat. "Awwwwh, Goddamn!!" Zach moaned. "Shit, you swallowed that like it's a fish worm!" Skip held it for a long moment, milking it with his throat muscles. "Fuck, I never had a pussy do that," Zach said. Then as Skip was retreating, Zach took hold of his head and eased him completely off of his cock. "Forgot to tell you, there's conditions for sucking my cock." "Name 'em," Skip said. "You suck it, I get to fuck you." "Shit, that's not a condition, that's a dream come true," Skip said. He continued pulling on the huge cock, getting it harder and bigger. "Fuck, looks like twice as much cock came out of my throat as what went in." "And there's gonna be even more going into your ass," Zach said. "Just tell me what you want me to do, how you want me," Skip told him. "I want you on your hands and knees on my bunk, soon as you've got your fill of sucking me." "I wouldn't ever get my fill of this big beauty so??" He stood and began taking off his clothes. Zach unbuttoned his shirt while I joined in to help him off with his pants. "Put his boots back on him," Zach told me. "I wanta know every minute I'm fucking a cowboy." I slipped Skip's boots back on then slid off the bales to my knees. "I can start getting him ready for you," I said as began rimming him. I got to rim him only as long as it took Zach to get the jar of grease off the shelf. He uncapped it, scooped some up with his finger and rubbed it all over his cock. "I think he's ready for you," I told Skip. Instead of moving to the bunk, Skip turned and bent over the stack of bales we'd been sitting on. He crawled up onto his hands and knees, offering his ass to Zach. Zach scooped up some more of the grease and worked it into Skip's ass then wiped the stuff all up and down Skip's sides and his back. He clasped his hands around his hips to position him just right. "How do you like it? You want it nice and gentle, like making love, or do you wanta get fucked." "This is your party, I'm only furnishing the ass. Fuck me any way you want." "Don't forget you asked for it," Zach said. His cock was already positioned and he tightened his grip on Skip's hips and pulled him back as he shoved forward. His cock slid through Skip's clenching hole in one swift thrust of about a second. "AAaaahhhhh!" Skip cried out, tossing his head back. "Don't forget, you asked for it," Zach told him again. "Goddd! That thing is huge!" Skip gasped. "Got into virgin territory, did I?" "Holy Fuck, you plowed into territory I didn't even know I had." "Okay, I'm in, I'm deep, I'm hard and I'm horny. I'm gonna fuck you now." He pulled back till Skip's asshole was clinging frantically to the wide head, then he shoved back in, all the way. Skip let out another yowl but it was barely out of his mouth before Zach gave him another stroke, and from there, Skip's outcries melded into one long, wonderfully agonizing groan as Zach fucked him. I was so hard my cock was aching and I was sweating. "No need to be left out, there, buddy. Strip down, we'll find something for you to do," Zach said. As I was tearing off my clothes I was imaging me crawling under Skip and sucking his cock while Zach fucked him. But Zach had other ideas. When I was naked?..he told me to put my boots back on too?..he took my arm and guided me to stand on the bales beside them. Then he leaned to the side and took my cock in his mouth. "Ohh, Godd!" I gasped and began fucking his mouth as he pulled my hips forward. He sucked me for quite a while before he lifted his head and smiled at me. "Okay, I'm being selfish. You might've had something else in mind." "It felt good," I told him. "Real good." "Why don't you crawl down there under Skip and do some sixty-nining." "All right." It was more than all right, I was eager to do it. I quickly got into position with Skip's drooling cock in my mouth and mine in his. He must've been going nuts with the three point contact he was in?..getting fucked, me sucking him and him sucking me all at the same time. I was in my own little piece of heaven, relishing the feel of Skip's big cock using my throat as a pussy and the constant stream of cock drool he was pumping out. Then suddenly I felt Zach's hand on my face. He seemed to be searching for my mouth. He shoved his thumb into my mouth alongside Skip's cock and stretched my lips apart, almost painfully. Then I saw his cock looming overhead, throbbing violently, glistening with the grease and Skip's ass juices. He was aiming it for my mouth. I panicked, fearful that he would try to shove his cock into my mouth along with Skip's. I knew I couldn't handle them both. I quickly disengorged off Skip's cock, just in time for Zach to find my gaping mouth with his. I braced myself to control my gag reflex as he shoved his cock all the way into my throat. At the same time Skip was still thrashing his hips around, I guessed from Zach fingering his ass. Zach fucked my throat for a moment then pulled out and shoved his cock back into Skip's ass. I went back to sucking Skip's cock. Moments later, he did it again. And again. "Which one of you wants my load?" he asked. Neither of us answered; Skip was busy on my cock and I had Zach's cock practically in my stomach and I couldn't talk. "No answer? I'm gonna share it, then," Zach said. He pulled his cock out of my mouth to fuck Skip some more. His thrusts were harder, more determined, and I knew he was pumping up a load. I also knew what great loads he pumped up and I was anxious to get my share, and also for Skip to feel his power when he shot in his ass. I could see when he started to cum. His cock bulged through Skip's asshole and I saw the thick vein along the bottom well out as the stuff spurted through the long man tube. Then Skip moaned and I knew he was feeling it. I watched and counted six powerful pulsations sending what I knew to be the thick, creamy semen into Skip's bowels. Then Zach pulled back and I was suddenly bathed in the seventh before his cock found my mouth. I reached up to grab his hips to keep him from impaling me and shooing the precious liquid own my throat. I wanted it in my mouth where I could feel it and taste it and savor it. He gave me another half dozen blasts of warm cum that I could definitely feel and still more gushed and poured out into my mouth, covering my tongue deliciously. As he was winding down I sucked his cock hard, using a lot of tongue to slosh his cum around his meat. But then he pulled out and buried his cock back deep in Skip's ass. I realized from a soft, animal like groan, that the re-entry of Zach's cock set Skip off and I quickly grabbed his cock to receive his load as well. My head was spinning by the time it was finished. I saw Zach's legs trembling and he began to pull back. His cock fell heavily in a wide arch over my head and he was searching for my mouth again. I opened it for his cock again. I sucked and licked it and cleaned it as best I could with my mouth still full of much of his load. He pulled out and stumbled back onto his bunk. Skip tumbled to the side and collapsed on the bales beside me. My cock was still painfully hard, and it didn't ease the pain when I began swallowing the two men's loads. It was like tiny blasts of testosterone were exploding inside of me. I could almost feel my hips lurching each time my cock throbbed. "Well, shit, all of that and you're still hard?" Zach growled, sounding a little out of breath. He stood up and smacked Skip on the thigh. "We gotta take care of this boy," he said as he knelt down at the bales and lifted my legs onto his shoulders. "You suck him, I'll eat his ass, that oughta do it." Ohh, Godd, did it! I was still on a high and when Skip crawled over me and buried his head down there to suck my cock and I felt Zach's tongue in my ass, I exploded. I felt like my entire body was exploding as I sent ropes of cum into Skip's mouth. I thought he might share it with Zach but I could tell he was swallowing it as fast as I gave it to him. Finally, we were all satisfied. Exhaustively so. "I'm mighty proud to meet you, Skip McCroy," Zach said and it was the last thing I heard before I fell fast asleep. When I woke up, Skip and Zach were on the bunk, Skip riding high and low on Zach's monstrous cock. I lay on my side and watched, happy seeing them enjoying each other.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Skip McCoy

Tuck and I decided to settle in Glory. It was my kind of town; my kind of men. And Tuck was quite taken by Zachary and his foot long cock. We both were, but I knew Caleb had his sights set on the long-dong cowboy and I kept my emotional distance. I advised Tuck to do the same. "Much as I love you, Tuck, I won't stand idle and let you interfere with Caleb's feelings for the man." He said he wouldn't. Later in that conversation I told him something else. "I been thinking about sending for Adam," I told him.

"Are you sure you wanta bring him into this culture we've got here in Glory?"

"What culture?"

"The man culture."

"A boy his age, looking like he probably does now, he'd run in to that about anywhere," I said.

"But you're going to bring him here to torture me."

"Torture you?"

"You said, looking like he probably does?..if he's anything like you, Skip.?."

"I expect he is a younger version of me, but a better one," I said.

"And I'm supposed to keep my distance?"

"He'd have to make up his own mind about what path he takes, just like I did."

"You saying I wouldn't have to?"

"I said what I said, I'm leaving it at that. Who knows, he might take up with some sweet, young thing, like I did."

"But then you changed paths," Tuck reminded me.

"You led me down that other path, Tuck," I reminded him back.

"Sounds like you're blaming me. You came along willingly, as I remember it."

"No blame, no regrets. Except losing my wife along the way. I think I'll bring him by stage coach; my brother can't afford to lose another horse and saddle to ride out on. It boils down to this; I bring him here, or I go there. I'm not going to waste any more time being apart from him."

Chapter Twenty-Four

Adam McCoy

I was happy my father had sent for me. It was a mixture of sadness and happy anticipation as I said goodbye to Uncle Richard and Aunt Deidra, and Uncle Jeremiah and Uncle Ethan. I hated leaving them, who had been my family all my life, but I couldn't wait to see my father, and this time he wouldn't be leaving.

It was a three day ride by stagecoach, with the last stretch of road at night. The first night there was a small hotel at the way station but I didn't have any money for a hotel room so I slept under the stagecoach. They wouldn't let me sleep inside it. I didn't have any money for food either. I'd eaten what Deidra had packed for me and a lady on the stage was kind enough to share what she'd brought along for herself and her little boy; a grandson I presumed. I was happy to take it; I was hungry.

Then there was the last night, when the stage rolled and rumbled into the night. The lady and boy had gotten off and a man got on; we were the only two passengers. He introduced himself as Rudy. I told him my name. He didn't seem to want to talk about himself but he wanted to know all about me. There wasn't much to tell but he seemed interested in every little detail about me and my uneventful life.

It wasn't till I fell asleep that I found out why he was so interested. I was slumped down in the seat, leaned against the window. It was hard to sleep with the jostling of the coach so it was mostly dozing. At one point I came awake having him say, "You'd be way more comfortable without your boots on," and he proceeded to take them off of me. I let him. I was too groggy to care.

Later, I came awake again with his foot in my crotch! I was surprised but I didn't show it. I didn't want to show any undue alarm for fear of his reaction. Besides, his foot pushing into my crotch felt good. I had a hardon. I just needed to be careful he didn't make me shoot in my pants. He came awfully close a couple of times and the second time I reached down and took hold of his foot to stop him.

"Ah, you're awake."

"I've been awake," I said.

"Well, I know your dick's been awake but I wasn't sure about you. Why'd you stop me?"

"It was feeling too good, I didn't want to mess up my pants."

"Why don't you take 'em off?" He wriggled his foot against me again. "I'll be glad to take care of any mess you're afraid you're gonna make. You know what I mean?"

"I think I do." I said.

"I'm sure you do," he said as he slid off the seat to his knees between my legs and started undoing my pants. "Feels like you've got a real nice man-tool tucked away in here," he said as he rubbed and squeezed the front of my pants.

"It fits my hand okay," I said.

"Bet it does. Both hands, probably," he said as he pulled my pants off and folded them and laid them on his seat. Then he pulled my shorts off and laid them on my pants.

My cock sprung up and smacked hard against my belly and bobbed up and down. It was quivering so hard it hurt.

"Fuck, boy, you've got a man's cock on you," he said as he took hold of it.

"Have I?"

"Yeah, I've sucked my share of cocks, including some boys, but never got hold of a boy your age with a cock this size." He spent a good ways down the road stroking my cock and just admiring it.

I was making ball juice and he leaned in to lick it off. I jumped at the touch of his tongue and that made him laugh.

"No need to be skittish," he said. "I'm not going to do anything you don't want. Just didn't want that sweet nectar to go to waste."

"I just never did anything like this before," I said, my voice embarrassedly weak and shaky.

"Well, everybody's got to have a first time," he said, licking my cock some more. I was so excited I was trembling inside, worse how my cock was quivering and even a little embarrassed at the amount of ball juice I was pushing out of my cock. He didn't seem to mind, he just kept going back to lick it off.

"MMMnnn! Let's see how that fits in my mouth," as he took my cock in his mouth.

I about passed out from the instant wave of pleasure that swept through me when he closed his mouth around my cock. I'd never felt anything like it in my whole life.

I slouched there and gaped at his mouth sliding up and down on my cock, gasping softly as he forced the head into his throat a little more each time.

"Ohhhh, Fuck!" I cried out when he finally went all the way down on me, and I clasped my hands over his head to hold him there. He reached up and I thought he was going to shove my hands away but instead he pressed down on them, even though he was choking. I pushed down hard on his head and clenched my butt muscles, forcing my cock into his throat as deep as it could possibly go.

When I felt him trying to lift his head I moved my hands and he rose up, smiling, as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

"You was choking me with it."

"I thought you wanted it that way, the way you put your hands on mine."

"I did, but I need to come up for air," he said as he fondled my balls. Then he hunkered down and started sucking them. I winced, more from surprise than anything, then settled back and spread my legs out to give him room. He really did a job on my balls, and his tongue lapping under them felt real good, too. Then he rose up and gobbled my cock again.

I stroked his neck as I asked, "You said you would take care of any mess?.does that mean I can shoot my load in your mouth?"

"I'll be downright mad if you don't," he said. "Just tell me when you're getting close."

For the next many miles he was all over me down there. Sucking my cock, sucking my balls, licking under them, even going farther to lick the crack of my ass. That felt real good too. He was on his knees on the floor of the stage and he had me laid crossways on my seat with my legs up in the air. Suddenly he let out a muffled whining sound and buried his face in my butt, pulling my hole apart and he started tonguing my asshole and slobbering all around.

"Oh, My God!" I gasped, pulling my legs higher. It was like he was trying to devour my ass. That did it for me. I was stroking my cock that was still wet with his spit, giving it the attention it demanded till he could get back on it, and everything was happing so fast?..well, I lost it almost before I realized it actually was happening.

"I think?..I'm gonna?..shoot!" I gasped loudly, my voice frantic, for I couldn't hold back and I wanted to give it to him in his mouth, otherwise I would have the stuff all over my clothes.

He quickly got back on my cock and started sucking real hard, like he might eat my cock. I was seeing black and dancing spots as it overtook me and I was just barely aware that I was shooting my load. My body knew it but my brain was like it was spinning around in my head and didn't know what the fuck was happening.

When I came around enough to know what'd happened I lay back in the seat, gasping for air, trembling inside. I opened my mouth to say something but I couldn't even make words. Nothing like this had ever happened to me in my life. He kept sucking my cock and suddenly I realized he had his finger in my ass!! That felt good too.

I could feel his mouth was full of cum. I thought he would lean his head out the window and spit it out but he swallowed it! I couldn't believe he swallowed it! But he did; every bit of it while he still had my cock in his mouth. Then he gulped my cock down into his throat and milked it dry. He kept wallowing my cock around in his mouth till I reached down and took hold of his wrist, wanting him to take his finger out of my ass; it wasn't feeling as good now.

"Holy Shit, kid!" he said huskily as he rested back on his haunches then pushed himself up in his seat. "That was one of the best cocks and the nicest loads I've ever had."

"Thanks." I didn't know why I was thanking him. I rose up, weak as shit, and put my clothes back in order. I leaned into the corner of the seat and gazed out the window into the night and relived the wonderful event over and over in my head.

I let my mind wander and gradually something else came to full realization. Now I understood something I saw in the hayloft back home one time. My two uncles?..my dad's younger brothers?..and the time I'd seen them up in the loft. I'd climbed up to throw down some hay and just at the top of the ladder as I was coming through the opening, I heard soft moaning. I paused there on the ladder and heard it again, along with slurping noises. I eased myself up into the loft and peered all around. That's when I saw a naked butt! I was startled but curious enough to stay and watch. The butt was moving up and down and I could hear soft moaning and guttural noises each time it moved downward. Then I saw a pair of arms lift up around the butt and a groaning "Oh, fuck, man, I'm about to shoot!" and another voice saying, "Yeah, give it to me, I wanta eat it this time."

I couldn't recognize the voices as either Ethan or Jeremiah but I knew it was them. I paused a moment to watch the taut butt muscles clenching and thrusting and listen to the groaning and choking sounds then I eased back down the ladder. I hid in one of the stalls and waited till they came down from the loft, and sure enough it was Ethan and Jeremiah.

Then there was another time when I spied on Jeremiah and another boy younger than him up in the loft. I would never forget the look on Jeremiah's face as he stood there plunging his big cock in and out of the boy's mouth. And I'd never stopped wondering how that would feel. Now I knew. I was curious about a lot of things after that but I was never allowed to move into my grandparents' house with my uncles. I guess my uncle Richard wanted to protect me from that sort of thing. It all suddenly took on new meaning now.

I arrived in Glory the next morning feeling tired and scroungey. The man left the stage before I got to Glory and I arrived the only passenger. It gave me a warm funny feeling that the man was taking part of me with him. The stage pulled up in front of a place called The Glory Hole, like dad said. As I was getting out a young man came out with a handful of letters that he exchanged for other letters tied in a small bundle. I was about to make inquiries of him when I saw my father, Skip McCroy, coming across the street. I was so glad to see him I choked up. He was obviously expecting me, from the big smile on his face. He didn't say anything as he stepped up on the walkway; he just pulled me into a bear hug and squeezed the breath out of me. When he let me go he held me out at arm's length with his big hands clasped around my shoulders.

"Damn, how you've grown just since I last saw you," he said. "Bet Richard and Deidra were glad to get rid of you, the way you must've been eating."

"I couldn't stay a little boy forever," I said.

"No, you couldn't. Why you're as tall as me. And feel those shoulders and arms. Damn, I should've been there to see you growing into such a man." He held onto my arms--I flexed them for him--and tilted my head with his other hand. He looked me right in the eye and said, "We won't be apart again till you decide to strike out on your own," he said.

"Or you," I said, and instantly regretted saying it.

"Those days are over for me," he said. "I've settled here in Glory for good. Me and my partner take turns as sheriff."

"He's the other marshal you told me about?"

"Yeah. Frank Tucker. Tuck. Right now he's the sheriff, I'm his deputy. You'll meet him."

Just then the young man who had greeted the stage and who had taken my bag down, came over and introduced himself. "You must be Adam."

"Yes, sir."

"Well, I'm Caleb, but not sir Caleb."

"From the cattle drive," I said.

"And now the proprietor of The Glory Hole," Dad put in.

"I've got a room ready for you," Caleb said. "And you could probably use a bath and something to eat."

"That sounds good. I feel grimy."

"It's the room next to your dad," he said.

"And we won't be getting booted out," Dad said, laughing.

I didn't know why we would, but he and Caleb both laughed and I figured it was a private joke. Then Caleb explained.

"Before, when I got crowded with customers, some guys had to get booted out to make room for paying customers."

They showed me inside and to my room and dad helped me unpack my stuff while two boys a little older than me were getting a tub ready for me. When Dad saw me glancing at them he explained that they worked there. Caleb appeared at the door and said he would deliver my traveling clothes up to Miss Ella's washery. I started taking off my clothes and my dad went to his own room. Maybe he thought I would be embarrassed undressing in front of him, or maybe he was embarrassed, but I didn't understand why because the tubs were right out in the middle of the of everything. Despite the public atmosphere I wasn't ashamed of my body but I had this little quirk?..I usually got a hardon when I got naked, and being in the company of other males didn't stop it one bit. Still, it was weird, exposing myself so openly to strangers. But there was no choice unless I wanted to come across as a scared, shy little kid. I sucked in a deep breath and came out of my room, following my proud cock to the tubs, and just then my dad came out of his room naked, and that's when I realized my dad was going to have a bath himself, in the other tub. He smiled and chuckled softly when he saw my hardon. I heard one of the boys whisper, Whew.

I sank down into the tub of warm water, relieved to hide my stiff cock, but the water level was such that it stuck up out of the water a couple of inches.

I thought I would just take a bath; I was more than a little surprised when I found out the two boys, Josh and Lang, were going to help me with my bath. One of them, Lang, even offered to shave me.

"I don't need to shave very often," I said, glancing at my dad.

"I can see that but you ought to be clean shaven for your first day in your new home, and maybe a haircut," he said. "I'll have a shave too," he told the boys. "And both of us will have haircuts."

"Could I have some more water?" I asked, still a little embarrassed about my stiff cock sticking up out of the water.

"Sure but don't worry about that, it happens all the time," Lang said.

"Including him," Josh added, laughing, pointing to my dad as he went down one knee at the end of the tub and began washing my shoulders.

"You boys behave, now," dad admonished them.

"I was just thinking," Josh said, "Your girlfriend must've been mighty sad when you left and took that with you."

"Well, he couldn't very well leave it behind," Lang said.

"I didn't have a girlfriend," I said.

"Well, that's a shame."

Josh's hands on me was causing havoc with my cock which still wasn't completely submerged. It was throbbing and quivering something fierce, and when he ran his soapy hands down over my chest it caused a little tingle in my nipples and I was afraid I might shoot right then and there. I wondered just how much of me he was intended to wash. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Josh washing my dad's armpits then across his chest and then he was washing down my dad's stomach, under the water. I didn't dare linger to see how far he went.

"You wanta bring your legs up out of the water for me?" Josh said.

Dad brought his legs up and draped then over the edge of the tub for Josh to wash then lowered them again to rinse off the soap.

"That leaves only the middle," Josh said. Dad didn't hesitate. He hooked his feet over the edges of the tub and lifted his body up out of the water. I watched out of the corner of my eye as the boy began lathering up my dad's manhood, manhandling his cock and balls rather roughly I thought. Dad was fluffed up, even swollen, but I was amazed that he didn't get a full hardon. Lang wasn't even washing that low yet and I had an aching hardon. Josh seemed to spend an inordinate amount of time on my dad's manhood and my dad had laid back with his eyes closed, obviously thoroughly enjoying it. "Okay, you can dunk and rinse off," Josh told him. Dad dropped back into the tub, sending water over the edge of the tub, all over the floor. Then Lang brought shaving mug and brush over to give my dad a shave. I was surprised when Josh got another brush and mug to shave me. I'd only shaved a few times in my life and I had to admit it felt good and made me feel really grown up to be shaved right along with my dad.

I thought my dad and I would have supper together somewhere after our baths but we were joined by Caleb, at dad's invitation, along with Tuck, his partner. That's when I met Tuck for the first time, at the hotel dining room.

"Well, Skip said I'd be meeting a younger version of him," he said, shaking my hand.

Over supper I learned more about how Tuck and dad traded off the sheriff's job every six months and they'd gotten the job simply because several members of the community thought they were the best qualified, having been federal marshals. They were living in rented rooms at Caleb's place while they worked on building a small house outside of town. I didn't ask but I wondered if the house was being built big enough for all three of us.

Tuck said, "If you wanta know anything about Glory, just ask me. I'll tell you things your dad probably won't."

"One thing I am telling you is to stay away from the saloon," Dad said.

"And he don't mean because of the drinking," Tuck said

Caleb explained further. "A lady named Lindy operates out of the saloon?.and I can tell by that smile, you know what I'm talking about."

"Well, if she's singing or playing the piano, I guess I do," I said.

"And she just brought in a sweet, young filly that'd make a perfect match for a young buck like yourself, if you was a mind, that is," Tuck drawled half-jokingly.

"Which he ain't," dad growled. "Damn, Tuck, he's been here all of three hours and you're already corrupting him."

"Just beatin' you to it," Tuck joked.

I asked about work. Caleb started to say something but caught himself.

"What?" I asked him. "Do you know where I can get some work? I don't wanta be a freeloader. I'd like to be able to pay for my room at least. And the prices here are pretty steep."

"I was just going to say, my first job when I arrived in Glory was at the saloon, sweeping and scrubbing the floor and washing off the tables. But I guess the saloon's out for you."

"We'll try the ranch out where Zachary works," dad said. I noticed his side glance at Caleb, as if to see if he approved. I didn't understand that. "I'll ride out there with you in the morning. That is, if Tuck will give me the time off."

"He might have to ride out by himself; I'm expecting a big bank robbery tomorrow."

Caleb laughed and told me, "We don't even have a bank."

The bank, I learned, was Mr. Lawson's safe at the Mercantile, simply because he happened to have the only safe in town. I also learned about Zachary and his younger brother, Josh, and Jesse, their father. And Lang.

"There's also the livery stable," Caleb said. "Eli might find work for you there."

"Yeah, we can go by and see him, see if he's got a spare horse and saddle," dad said.


Chapter Twenty-Five

Caleb Brown

Skip and Tuck and me were sitting around the table after supper. I could see the concern on Skip's face.

"I'm already having doubts about bringing the boy here," he said thoughtfully as he watched Adam leaving the dining room. "Just look at him, there's no way he's going to escape the culture, as you put it," he said to Tuck.

"It's not something he has to escape, not like it's gonna be chasing him or something," Tuck said.

"No, but it'll lure him in. You saw how Lang and Josh were looking at him when he was taking a bath. And you," he added, looking at Tuck again. "It's all over your face right now."

"What's all over my face?"

"Lust. For my son. And we all know Zach is going to be a strong draw in that direction."

"You're buying trouble, Skip," I said. "Anyway, it's not something you can or should try to control. It's gonna be up to him and what's inside him. He has to make his own decisions."

"Caleb's right," Tuck said. "And if you're so worried about him getting suckered into the culture, you might wanta ease up on him about the saloon and Miss Lindy. Give him something different to think about. Cause those hormones boiling inside him ain't gonna be cooled down any time soon."

Skip had his hands wrapped around his coffee cup, moving it around in circles. He looked over at me. "What're you thinking, Caleb?"

"About Adam?"

"And the situation."

"Well, to be honest, if he tried to attack me?.sorry but I wouldn't try too hard to fight him off," I said. "As for the situation??how long do you think it'll be before he figures out about you and Tuck?"

"And why shouldn't he know?" Tuck put in.

"I'm afraid I'll lose him if he finds out about me. He's liable to go back to Frank and Deidra. Which might not be such a bad idea anyway," he added, shaking his head.

"Skip, he's your son. He's so excited about being here he could hardly sit still at supper. The only way he's going to leave is if you throw rocks at him to run him off like a stray dog."

Skip looked at both of us. "What you're saying is, I'd better be thinking of what I'm going to say to him when he does find out." "That'd be smart," Tuck said dryly.

Chapter Twenty-Six

Adam McCroy

My first night in glory I couldn't sleep. I had the gut feeling that my world as I knew it was going to be changing fast. In one day I'd met more people than I even knew back home. I was to have my own horse and saddle and I would likely have my first job tomorrow. And best of all my dad was sleeping in the very next room.

The next morning a strange thing happened. I was up early and the first thing I did was check my dad's room. He wasn't there and his bunk was made up. I wondered where he'd slept; or maybe he got up earlier, but I understood that the staff, Lang and Josh, made up the beds. Caleb met me in the lobby and we went to breakfast. I remarked again about the high prices.

"Glory needs a caf? with regular home cooking and cheaper prices," I said.

"That's not going to happen here as long as this is the only place to eat a real meal," Caleb said.

"Then maybe that ought to be my calling," I said. "I can cook. My Aunt Deidra taught me how. I can bake bread and pies and biscuits. I make real good sausage and rabbit gravy. And meat loaf, and noodles. And there's nothing to fixin' corn bread and beans, and vegetables."

"Well, you've already got a good menu going in your head," Caleb joked.

"Yes, it's a good idea. If I just had a place. It wouldn't take much; a kitchen with a stove, and dishes and pots and pans, and some tables and chairs."

"And the money to do it," he added.

The mention of money put a damper on my excitement. "Aw, I was just talking," I said. I would not realize till later that the seed had been planted. But I was still thinking about my dad. I wanted to ask Caleb if he knew where dad was but something made me not ask.

Back at the Glory Hole I went through the lobby just in time to see dad come out of Tuck's room, carrying his clothes. He let himself into his own room and I could see he was getting dressed. As I approached I saw his bunk was messed up now, like he'd slept in it.

"Adam! How'd you sleep last night?"

"I didn't hardly. I was just too excited."

"You ready for breakfast? Go kick Tuck's door in, wake him up."

"I already ate breakfast with Caleb."

"Oh, all right. An early riser I see. I'll hurry up and eat then we'll see Eli about a horse then ride out to the ranch and meet Zachary and see about finding you some work."

"Do you think I can borrow a horse for a short while, till I get the money saved up to buy one?" "Don't worry about it, we'll work it out."

"I don't want be beholden," I said.

"Adam, you're my son. What I do for you don't make you beholden. Besides, I'm way overdue."

"No you're not. I know you sent money to Uncle Richard."

"This is different," he said.

"Yes, it is. I'm old enough to start making my own way."

Just then Tuck came out of his room and went over to the sink to wash up.

"Fuck, I'm starving after last night," he said loudly to dad's open door.

Dad glanced at me like a frightened deer but I quickly avoided his look. "I'll wait in my room," I said.

I got hired on at the ranch but was assured it wouldn't be full time work. That was okay, I was just happy to be earning some money of my own. I was happier when dad said I could work at the saloon if Frank had anything for me. I found out Tuck nudged him into his decision. Caleb said that Tuck reminded Dad that I didn't need his permission anyway, and I didn't, but I didn't want to go against him either. I liked Frank, and I followed Caleb's advice on how to do a good job that Frank would be impressed with. I also found out from Caleb that Tuck set me up with more than just a job. I didn't know that, though, when I was told that the rooms upstairs over the saloon needed a good cleaning from top to bottom, something that hadn't been done since last year. I wondered why Miss Lindy and her younger girl partner didn't keep their rooms clean like most women would, but I didn't ask questions. The cleaning had to be done starting early in the morning so the rooms would be done by early evening when Miss Lindy and Luanna were downstairs in the saloon entertaining customers. Didn't make sense to me at first but then I didn't know much about how whores operated. To me, late afternoon seemed the best time to start cleaning, when the rooms would be empty for much of the night. Thing was, they weren't empty; yeah, I finally figured that out. Night time was when the rooms got used the most. So I was at the saloon bright and early, gathering up the buckets and mops, scrub brushes and lye soap and cleaning rags. I asked Frank if the ladies were up yet. "Don't matter if they're not, you pound on the door and get 'em up. I told them they had to vacate the rooms for you early this morning. It's the first two rooms at the top of the stairs," he said. "The rooms on down the hall are mine and I see to them myself." I made two trips up the stairs with all my cleaning stuff. Second trip I tapped on the door on the right. There was no answer. I knocked again, a little harder. The woman I knew to be Miss Lindy opened the door. She looked disheveled, standing there with a robe or gown held in front of her. It left a goodly part of her breasts exposed. I didn't blink. I didn't stare either, but I didn't blink and act like a scared boy who'd never seen tits before, although I hadn't "I'm here to clean your room," I said. "Honey, I haven't even had my bath yet," she whined sleepily. Then she swung the door open. "Oh, never mind, I can go across the hall to Luanna's room for my bath," she said as she waved me in. When she was scurrying around gathering up her clothes and a towel I got several glimpses of her naked body from the back and a better look at her tits. It excited me but I tried not to show it. I just hope it didn't show in my pants. She left and I started cleaning. First I moved the furniture and rolled up the big rug and laid it out the window. I didn't know if I was supposed to clean that and I wasn't going to ask. Then I set about scrubbing the floor, down on my hands and knees, using the lye soap and scrub brush with the grain of the floorboards to get the grime from between them. The scrubbing wasn't so bad, it was the rinsing that was a pain in the ass. I had to run the wet mop over the floor a half dozen times with clean water to get up the soap. I also washed down all the woodwork, including the doors and window frames but not with the scrub brush because that would damage the finish. I even washed the windows inside and out. Part way through it I took off my shirt because it was hot in the room. I really didn't know what else to clean so I used a damp rag to dust all the furniture. The room smelled good and clean. I left it to dry before I could put the rug back down and arrange the furniture. Done with Miss Lindy's room, I went downstairs to get clean water for the other room. I hoped I didn't have to do the hallway. I tapped on the door. "It's open, come in." It was Miss Lindy's voice. I eased the door open with the mop handle and froze in my tracks. It was a sight I never in my life expected to see. There was Miss Lindy and the younger girl on the bed, naked, and they were fondling each other and kissing! I was so stunned I could hardly breathe, let alone speak. I knew I should back right out of the door and leave but I couldn't move. I just stood there like a stone statue. Anyway, she'd told me to come in. "Well, come in and close the door," she said. I obeyed like a zombie slave. I moved through the doorway and kicked it shut with my heel, still holding the mop and buckets of water. "I c-came t-to clean the room," I stammered. It must have looked like I was speaking to the bed cause that's where my eyes were glued. "Oh, you can just slop some water around and mop it up and call it cleaned," Miss Lindy said as she was licking one of the girl's tits and fondling her pussy. "Your time could be better spent??if you like what you see." I had to force down a gulp of spit that had built up in my mouth. It was a loud swallow that I was sure they could hear. I set the buckets down; they were getting heavy. I sure liked what I saw, and I suddenly and completely understood what Tuck was talking about and why my dad didn't want me working at the saloon. Miss Lindy sat up on the edge of the bed. "I'm guessing you're a virgin," she said. I nodded. There was no reason to deny it, it was probably written all over my face. "No boy your age who looks like you do should be carrying around the awful burden of virginity," she went on. "Why it's one thing for a young girl to be a virgin, that's expected, but not a big, handsome boy with muscles like that. Come over here." Mention of my muscles reminded me I had my shirt off. I moved stone like to stand in front of her. My mind was numb but through the fog I knew what was going to happen. I was going to get my first fuck. I hoped it was the girl. I wouldn't say no to fucking Miss Lindy too but I wanted the girl to be the first pussy I shoved my cock into. Miss Lindy was undoing my pants. Her hands were nice and warm. She got them open then told me to take off my boots. When I did, along with my socks, my pants fell off my hips, down to my knees. My shorts were tented something awful with what looked like the biggest hardon of my life. It sure felt like the biggest. She helped me off with my pants then hooked her fingers in the waistband of my shorts. I made an instinctive grab for them but quickly let my hands fall to my sides. "I expect you're going to want Rose first, and that's the way it ought to be, but I hope you've got enough in you to give me a good ride too," she said. I couldn't take my eyes off of Rose and she seemed to be watching every move I made as well. "It's going to be a real treat to have a young stallion like you in the saddle instead of those hairy, crude cowboys and smelly ranch hands," she went on. This as she was slowly pulling my shorts down off my hips, slow, like she was opening a Christmas present. When my cock spring up from being caught on my shorts and smacked against my belly, she reared back with surprise. "Oh, My! Ohhh, my goodness, would you look at this, Rose!" she exclaimed, moving to one side to the girl could see me. My virginal embarrassment was suddenly washed away with pride that she, so experienced with so many men, was so impressed with my manhood. Rose looked impressed too, her face a little flushed, but she also looked a little frightened. I hoped I wasn't too big for her. I didn't know how I could be, she'd had so many men fuck her, but maybe they weren't as big as me. I hoped mine was the biggest cock she'd ever seen but I didn't want to scare her, or hurt her. Miss Lindy had one hand around my butt and the other one around my cock, gently stroking the sheath, putting it on display for Rose. I was oozing ball juice and each time she moved her hand forward on my cock more of the stuff came out. "Well, you certainly are ready to climb in the saddle," she said. "I was right, wasn't I? You are a virgin, aren't you?" she asked. I nodded and managed to find my voice although I didn't recognize it. "I never even kissed a girl before," I croaked. "Then I bet you're drooling to kiss Rose's tits," she said. Then she turned to Rose and said, "Hold 'em up for him." Rose cupped the sides of her tits and pushed them up and closer together. The nipples looked swollen and so suckable. My mouth was watering. "She don't need much holding up, hers are still nice and firm, and a perfect mouthful," Miss Lindy said. The fog was gone from my brain, I was fully aware of what was going to happen and my cock was so hard it was quivering each time it throbbed, and it was dripping ball juice. Miss Lindy had displayed me enough; I wanted it to get underway. Suddenly she laughed and said, "Well, where are my manners. I haven't even introduced you. You're Adam, I know that. This is Rose, my prot?g?." I didn't know what a prot?g? was but I took the introduction as a means of getting things started. I leaned around Miss Lindy, putting out my hand and when Rose took it I got on the bed. I saw how Rose's eyes raked over my body and came to fix on my cock. "I'm happy to meet you, Rose," I said. "Likewise, Adam." I was nervous but not scared. This was a moment that must come to all boys. I was more than ready for it but without the social graces. "Feels foolish being introduced all naked like this," I said. "But I'm fine with it. If you are," I hastened to add. I almost said she must be fine with it since she'd been naked so many times for so many men but I had the good sense not to. "I am," she said in a sweet voice. Miss Lindy scooted out of the way but still sat with one leg crooked up on the bed where she could watch. I wouldn't have dreamed I'd want anybody watching me have sex with a girl but it didn't bother me one bit. In fact I sort of liked Miss Lindy watching, especially knowing she wanted me to fuck her too. I wedged one knee between Rose's legs and she spread them out for me. I could see through the light brown hair that her pussy was already opened up a little for me. I guess my cock saw it to cause it bucked real hard and quivered when it throbbed. It was standing up so hard I had to push it down to aim the head into the bush of hair. I thought, Ohh, Fuck, when my cock touched her warm pussy?.Oh, fuck, it's gonna happen. Rose reached down and pulled her pussy open for me, exposing the beautiful pinkish opening. It was moving in there, like it was anxious for me to get on with it. I set the head of my cock into the warm, moist pink and gave a little nudge. My cockhead suddenly disappeared and her pussy lips closed around the shaft. I pushed in further and I could feel the inner lining unfolding to welcome my cock and close around it. I watched the whole time as inch after inch of my cock slid into Rose's body. "Ohhh, Adam," she moaned at one point when there was about an inch or more to go, and I wondered if I'd reached a place that no other man had reached before. "Ohh, Adam, yess!" she hissed as she moved her hands down my sides to clasp my butt, and she pulled me all the way in. "OHh, Godd!" she cried out softly. "Ohh, Lindy, you can't believe how this feels!" "I can imagine," Lindy said. "Just don't use him all up." I was feeling mighty proud, the way she was moaning and I hadn't even started fucking her yet. When I did she shivered all through and raised her legs way up and laid back to enjoy it. I was on fire. My cock felt like a poker sliding in and out of the warm, wet pussy. I nudged hard each time I went in cause I liked the little whimpering, moaning sounds she made. Maybe I was bragging to myself but I just knew I was fucking a part of her pussy that was still virgin. I gave her a good fuck. I could say my best, except it was my only one to date, but it had to be good from the way she was acting. Lindy patted me on the butt and said, "Adam, Honey, I forgot to tell you, you can't shoot your load in her, we don't want her getting pregnant. You have to pull out. When you're ready to cum you can shoot it in me if you want to. Or Rose can take it in her mouth." I hadn't thought that far ahead yet. I was still enjoying the ride, not worrying about the destination. I fucked her for a while longer. I guessed longer than usual, cause Lindy couldn't believe I was going on so long, especially my first time. I wasn't trying that hard to hold off, it just wasn't coming yet. But it soon did, when Rose got caught up in it more and started humping herself up to meet my thrusts and I wasn't in control anymore. Lindy reminded me again that I had to pull out. I didn't know if I could, but I concentrated real hard on getting ready to. "I'm ready for you back here, Adam," Lindy said. I glanced around and she was leaned back against the foot board with her legs spread out for me. I fucked Rose right up to the wire, so close that when I jerked back out of her the first shot of cum spurted right into her still wide open pussy, and I hoped none of it got far enough in her to make her pregnant. There wasn't time to turn around and get my cock in Miss Lindy's waiting pussy, I was cumming so hard and fast. I scrambled up onto Rose's chest to let her take it in her mouth. She leaned up and took what I had left, but not before I'd shot ropes of my semen all over her stomach and tits. I was shaking. I was gasping for air. I was half laughing and half crying in the aftermath of what was the most incredible thing that ever happened to me. I sat there astraddle Rose's tits, sitting in my own cum, while she slathered her tongue all around the head of my cock till I couldn't take it anymore. I eased back and grabbed hold of the iron rails of the headboard to hold myself up off of her so I wouldn't crush her. When I was able I climbed off of her and sat on the edge of the bed. None of us said anything for a moment. "Are you all right, Rose, dear?" "I think so," she whispered. "Are you all right Adam?" "I think so," I replied, nodding. "All right enough to do that again?" Miss Lindy asked. I looked down at myself and my cock was looking squarely up at me. "I'm still hard but I don't know if I've got the strength," I told her. "We'll wait till you do," she said. I fucked Miss Lindy, too, a lot longer than I fucked Rose, but it honestly wasn't as good as fucking Rose. But I did it because I thought I had to. When I went back downstairs with the buckets and mops, Frank asked me if I got everything all scrubbed and clean. I told him I thought I had. He laughed and asked me what happened to my shirt. "It got hot so I took it off. I forgot and left it up there." He laughed harder. "Hell, son, you don't have to make up excuses to go visit Rose or Miss Lindy."

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Adam McCroy

I pondered long and hard about my discovery of Tuck and my dad--or what I thought I'd discovered--but I couldn't see any other explanation. I also pondered if I should say anything, and what I might say. It was on my mind all the time I got hired on at the ranch, mostly on Zachary's word, but I was told it likely wouldn't be full time work and it wouldn't include a room or quarters like Zachary had. I said it was okay, I could ride out to the ranch each morning and back at night on those days they needed me to work. Zachary would have none of it. He told me privately not to worry, I could share his quarters any nights I wanted to.

I was imprssed with Zachary, by his physical presence as well as his mature, take charge attitude. Apparently no one thought to tell him that I wasn't yet part of "the culture" as my dad and Tuck called it, and to keep his mouth shut around me. Or they didn't get to him in time. Zachary and I were cutting wood, him doing the splitting and me hustling to carry it into the shed before the dark rain clouds opened up on us. We didn't quite make it. There was a loud clap of thunder and it was like God was emptying all of rain barrels on us. Zachary snatched the ax out of the chunk of wood he was trying to split and followed me running into the shed with another load of wood. We were both drenched. I didn't care. In fact, I sorta liked it, the way the big man's clothes clung to his muscular frame. "Didn't do much good to run, did it," he said, laughing. "We couldn't have got much wetter if we'd walked," I said. "Come on, let's go to my room; we can get dried off." I followed him, not in any great rush now, into the barn and he led me to his room where he stopped just outside the door. "Better shed these clothes, otherwise we'll leave puddles on the floor," he said as he started unbuttoning his shirt. I did the same and we were soon standing there naked. I was short of breath just looking at him. Godd, he was built! And hung like a horse. I'd never seen anything quite like him, not even my dad. He started to open the door but then hesitated, with a big grin on his face. "You wanta take a romp in the rain?" he asked. "Sure," I said, excitedly. "Out the back of the barn so they can't see us from the house," he said. He led me to the rear door and out we went, running and laughing like two little kids. Even the rain didn't calm my breathing as I watched his rippling muscles. We ran back to the barn and just outside the door he stopped and stood with both arms lifted and his head tilted into the pouring rain. "You look like a rain god," I said. Inside his room he grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me and began drying me off. I could've done it myself but I liked him doing it. When he was finished he used the same towel to dry himself. "That towel's not doing much good on you," I said. "Good enough. It's the only towel I've got. I'll air dry," he said as he draped the towel over a rack. "Now we need a drink to warm us up." I watched him pour two glasses half full of whiskey and he handed one to me. I'd never had whiskey before but I took it. I would've downed horse piss if he asked me to. He downed about half his glass while I sipped mine. "The effect is better if you just down it," he said as he finished his drink off in one more gulp. I sucked up my courage and chugged the stuff down. It burned like blazes and I couldn't help a horrible grimace. He just laughed and took my glass. "Now, under the covers," he said as he pulled the blanket back on his bunk. He motioned for me to climb in. I was shaking as I climbed into the bunk. I was cold but the shaking wasn't from the cold, but from being in such intimate confines with Zachary. When he crawled in he thought I was cold and he spooned his body to mine. "Let's get you warmed up," he said as he wrapped himself around me. I was still shivering from excitement. "I should probably be getting back," I said in a weak voice. I warmed up fast from the heat of his muscular body. Just feeling his massive rubbery cock pressed into the crack of my ass brought my temperature up another notch. There was no doubt that there was going to be sex if I stayed. I didn't want to leave but Zachary was intimidating and I was a little scared of where this might lead; what kind of sex he had in mind. "Not in this weather," he said, hugging me close. "It's okay, Adam, they're not gonna worry about you. They know you're in good hands." I could feel his cock expanding against my butt, the hard pulsations making it harder and harder. "Be honest, now, wouldn't you rather be right here, warm and snug in my bunk, instead of riding back in this storm?" he said as he pressed himself tighter against me and tightened his arm around me. "It does feel good," I managed to say. "Sure does," he said with a soft chuckle, as he slid his big cock up and down the crack of my ass. It felt like it reached way up on my back. He wants to fuck me, I thought, with severe doubts that his cock would fit inside me. But he was soothing my fears with each passing moment and each throb of his cock. "I think you want this, Adam, but do you wanta suck it a little bit first?" he asked. The die was cast. I was going to get fucked. He was just easing me into it. "Yeah, I guess," I replied, even as he was maneuvering into a position to give me his cock. He eased away from me and turned me onto my back then rose up over me, astraddle my chest. His cock loomed large over my face and when he pressed it down to my face the head extended up past my forehead. Godd, I thought, what am I supposed to do with it! When I reached up and took it in both of my hands I doubted I could even get it in my mouth, for my fingers wouldn't reached around it. "I don't think I can," I said. "You don't have to take it all; that'd be a lot to take down your throat," he said as he guided the head of his cock to my lips. At the same time he pressed down on my chin with his thumb to open my mouth. A huge part of me wanted to do this and I didn't resist. "Watch your teeth," he said as he eased his cock into my mouth. He pushed in but stopped when his cock pressed against my throat. "That's plenty far enough, just use a lot of tongue," he said. "We'll save the rest of my cock for your ass." I shivered at the thought of having the huge cudgel shoved inside me. I couldn't imagine how my ass would open up for anything so big. I could imagine that it would hurt like hell. But there was no escape. It was too late for that, and anyway, part of me didn't want to. This was my chance to find out what getting fucked was like, without anyone else knowing. I slobbered and sucked his cock with relish. I liked doing it, and the longer he fed it to me the hotter I got and the more I wanted to feel it in my ass. He let me suck him for maybe a half hour before he eased away from me. "Okay, time to get you ready," he said as he unstraddled me. "I want you to get on your hands and knees crossways on the bunk. I scrambled into position, thinking this was it; this was my doom, yet despite the numbing fear, I scrambled eagerly. With his big rough hands on my butt I closed my eyes and started taking in slow, deep breaths, trying to psyche myself up for what was to come. I fully expected the next thing I felt would be his hot cock pushing against my hole. I was wrong. Instead, I felt his hot breath, followed by his tongue! "Ohhhhh, fuck!" I moaned as he lapped at my asshole. His tongue felt like fine, wet sandpaper, causing the nerve endings around my hole to explode with pleasure. "Ohh, Godd, Zachary, that feels so good." "Just wait," he said, his voice muffled in my butt cheeks. I reveled in the tongue lashing he was giving my virgin ass and more and more I couldn't wait to feel his cock pushing through my hole. More and more I dismissed the fears I had over his foot long cock. I only wondered where it would all go inside me. I wondered how even a woman could take his cock. After a few more minutes of tongue lashing I felt his fingers rubbing and pressing against my asshole. They were slick with something and very soon he'd slipped the tip of one finger through my hole. I barely winced. I'd noticed his big hands, and his fingers were long and thick, almost muscular, and when he shoved it deeper and deeper it was easy to imagine what his cock might feel like. "That wasn't so bad, was it," he said with a smile. "No, it felt good," I said. "Want another one?" he asked. I nodded. He pulled his finger out and paired it up with a second one and I could feel my asshole stretching as he shoved them both inside me. "How's that?" he asked as he twisted his fingers around inside me. "Good." Suddenly I gasped and my eyes popped open when he touched something inside my ass. "Ohhh?.ohhh, fuck!" I cried softly as he rubbed his fingertips over the delicate sensitive spot. "What is that?" He laughed again. "That's your love nut. Bet you didn't know you had one." "No, I didn't." "Most boys don't," he said. "You ready for another finger?" "Ohhhh, yesss!" Now I felt my asshole really being stretched. It hurt a little till he found my love nut again then the pain didn't matter. "You're handling this really good," Zachary told me. "How many fingers are you using?" I asked. He pulled them out and held up his hand with all four fingers glistening with the lube. "Four!" "Yeah, I think you're ready for some cock," he said. He wasn't asking, he was telling me he was going to fuck me. I was ready. I was still a little scared but I was ready. He set the head of his cock against my clenching hole and clasped his hands around my hip bones. Then he shoved. The head of his cock slipped in with little effort, my ass being still stretched open from his fingers. He went in several more inches and then I could feel the big cockhead stretching where his fingers had not reached. It didn't hurt but I was certainly feeling full. He went deeper and deeper, and deeper still. Godd, I wonder where it's all gone, I thought. He maneuvered past a couple of obstacles then his cock burst through a tight spot deep inside me and my ass seemed to explode with pleasure. "Ohh, Godd!" I cried out. I'd never felt such intense pleasure. My head was spinning and I was seeing stars. "You doing okay?" he asked. "Ohhh, fuck, Zachary, I am so okay. You're going so deep. I can't believe how this feels." "Got some to go; couple more inches. Do you want it?" he asked. "Yesss! I want it all!" With one final shove he eased the last of his twelve inches into my ass, into the neverland of my innermost being. When he was all the way in he held us tightly together. His cock throbbed hard inside me, sending little waves of pleasure all through me. "You still okay? You've got a lot of cock in you," he said. "Yes. Fuck me, Zachary. I want to know what it's like to be fucked." I could hardly recognize my own words coming out of my mouth. I'd wondered about this for quite a long time, secretly knowing that my two then-brothers were messing around, and now I was finding out for myself, with the biggest cock ever. Zachary granted my wish. He fucked me. Really fucked me. Not brutally, but he wasn't exactly gentle either. He fucked me every way but loose. On my hands and knees across the bunk, then he pulled me to my feet and fucked me standing up while he twisted me around so he could kiss me. That sent whole new tremors of pleasure through me but his cock didn't go in so deep and I wanted to feel it sliding back and forth through the tight hole way deep inside me. He disengaged and turned me around and laid me back across the bunk, then brought my legs up and bent me in half and fucked me like a girl. After a while he picked me up and told me to wrap my legs around him. I did and he fucked me walking around the room, bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet. All the while the storm raged outside. "Wanta go for a walk?" he asked. "In the rain? Yesss! Fuck me in the rain!" We exited his room and he carried me through the barn to the rear door. He pushed the wide door open and carried me outside. We were drenched again in seconds. He walked down the sloping pasture for a few yards then broke into a run. "Oh, Godd! Ohhhh, fuck, Zachary?.Ohhh?..Ohhhh, Godd?.. fuck me! Fuck me crazy!" I screamed as his cock thrust into my ass and lobbed around like a limb in the rainstorm. The pleasure was so great that I went a little nuts. He carried me back up the grade, back through the barn and into his room, still fucking the daylights out of me. I marveled at his stamina as much as his size. Still dripping wet, he held me tight and fucked me like a raging stallion. I hung on for dear life, wanting to cum so bad I was begging for it. He ravaged my asshole, building me up to a climax that I feared wouldn't come. Suddenly he stopped and laid us across the bunk, him on the bottom, and told me to ride him. I did, eagerly, using my legs for spring leverage up and down his giant cock in order to enjoy its full length, and at the bottom Zachary shoved upward by tightening his butt to lodge his cock inside me tightly. "Awww, Zachary, this feels so good," I groaned, my head back and my eyes closed as I rode him. "I can feel your cock so deep inside me." I fucked myself silly, till suddenly he went off.

I felt his cock swell and throb and felt the stuff gushing though the long tube to explode deep inside me. That set me off and I began shooting cum all over him. It was the biggest cum of my life; I didn't know where it was all coming from. I came so hard my cock ached. Toward the finish Zachary held me tight as I sobbed through the intense climax, pulling me down on top of his cum laden upper body. I had covered his neck and shoulders and chest with kisses. When it was over I was so weak I could hardly stay upright. Zachary eased us over onto our sides and pulled the blanket up over our wet bodies and continued to hold me. "A gotta tell you, that was about the wildest fuck I ever had," he said, nuzzling my neck. "It was the only fuck I ever had." "Did you like it?" he asked. "Ohh God, Zachary, I can't even begin to describe how it felt." "Then just tell me, did you like it enough to wanta do it again?" "I don't ever wanta go back to being a virgin." That made him laugh. "Don't worry, once your virginity's gone, it's never gonna grow back. I just wanted to make your first time something you'll always remember. "I won't ever forget it," I said. "And you can fuck me any time you want."

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Skip McCroy

I knew how badly Tuck wanted my son, from the first time he first laid eyes on him. He made it pretty clear, but I didn't offer him to Tuck. He wasn't mine to offer; it would be his own decision, but I wouldn't stand in the way, especially after Adam spent the night with Zachary in the godawful storm. "Sorry I didn't come home last night," Adam told me over breakfast. I'd already eaten when he walked into the caf? just as I was ready to leave and I sat back down. "I wasn't expecting you," I said. "No good reason to put yourself through that, or the horse. I knew Zachary would look after you." Adam's face started turning red and I knew I'd touched a nerve. "Adam?.? What?" "Dangit, I never could keep my own secrets," he said shyly. "What?" I asked again. "Well, he did more than just look after me." "I see. You wanta elaborate?" I asked. "Well, I?.I'm not a virgin anymore," he said, looking down at his eggs. "I mean not a virgin in another way." "He fucked you." "Yes, and I liked it." There was a long pause. I didn't know what to say and neither did Adam, but it was my place to speak first. "Well, I can't fault you for it," I said finally. "You can't fault Zachary either," he said. "He didn't force me; I let him." "No, I meant I can't fault you for liking it." He looked at me during another pause, then he said, "You and Tuck?.." I wasn't totally surprised he knew but I wondered how he'd found out; who had told him. "How'd you know?" I asked "I figured it out for myself. I saw you come out of Tuck's room and go to your own room, then you came out of your room pretending you'd slept there when your bed wasn't even messed up. That's when I started wondering." I nodded, tightlipped. "I don't fault you for it either," he said, "now that I know what it's all about." "You're awful young to be finding out that much about life, but Tuck's gonna be interested in knowing you have." "Why? Why would he be interested?" "Tuck's had mighty strong feelings for you every since he first laid eyes on you but he would never cross me to get to you." "Does he have to?" I shook my head, laughing softly. "No, I guess not, that cat's out of the bag." "Is that giving me permission with Tuck?" "Do you need my permission?" I asked. "No, I guess not." "The inevitable is always bound to happen, and with you liking it and Tuck wanting you so bad, I suppose we're facing the inevitable." "Are you gonna tell him?" Adam asked. "No. You'll have a way of letting him know and he'll figure it out," I said. "But there is something you oughta know?. something I'm sure you'll be glad to know." "What's that?" "He'll turn the tables on you." "What do you mean?" "Just what I said. It won't be like you're expecting. He likes it too." I said with a grin. "No shit! Tuck would?.he'd let me fuck him?" "He'd hogtie you to make it happen," I said laughing.

The End


In the big push westward, more people decided Glory might be a fine place to settle instead of going all the way to California, and the town grew and prospered.

Skip's brother, Ethan, arrived out of the blue one day at the hotel. He, Joshua and Lang took right up. Ethan found work at the livery, having learned the trade of a wainwright from his brother Richard. He fixed up the wheels, wagons and stages of many a settler or miner who passed through.

With the growing population including six children and several more from the surrounding farms and ranches, a school was built. Zachary taught the classes till a teacher could be found.

A young doctor set up his practice. Skip and Tuck left the Marshal Service altogether to take up permanent residence in Glory, serving together as sheriffs.

Ranchers and farmers coexisted in a precariously friendly way; the small ranches springing up on the east side of the town and the farms on the west side. Skip and Tuck did an admirable job of keeping the peace.

Miss Ella and Eli got hitched. Miss Adler kept up her sewing, making fine dresses and she continued to make rugs and take in clothes for mending.

Mr. Lawson started and operated a banking service out of his store, burying a heavy vault in the ground under the floor to keep the money in.

Lindy Anderson brought her younger sister to Glory, along with two other girls and set up shop in the old bath house adjacent to the saloon. It was right nice the way they fixed it up.

Langston Ford sent for Lang to bring him back east to further his education, which he did, and then he returned to Glory and became the teacher to replace Zachary.

Cattle drives regularly made their route through Glory, what with all the accommodations available. The Glory Hole earned quite a reputation and saw a great many male visitors. Soldiers and lawmen, lumberman and miners, cowboys and trail hands, trappers and hunters, settlers and travelers; many a man came looking for the companionship of other men.

Zachary and I became commonly known in Glory as a couple. It was said that he fathered one of the new baby boys in the town, and one with the wife of a rancher but we would have to wait and see. Like he said, the proof was in the pudding?..he'd pumped plenty of seed pudding into those women, it remained to be seen when the boys got bigger whether they were his.

Meanwhile, Zachary saw the need and decided to serve it by renting himself out to ladies in want as well as men who had the desire for male companionship over that of a female. As word of mouth spread he enlisted several other men and and boys to his stable, including his younger brother, Joshua, Adam McCroy and eventually Ethan and Jeremiah. I never became one of his stallions for rent but my rooms were well used for the purpose.

Every so often, more frequently in winter when the nights were cold and long and work was short, the seven of us would get together. We'd formed a sort of brotherhood. Those nights were always memorable when me, Zachary, Skip, Tuck, Josh, Ethan and Lang would meet up to fuck one another senseless. Like the first time I watched Zach and Josh fuck the brothers, Ethan and Jeremiah and Skip, or the time? Well, those are other stories.

We never heard from Jesse again. He would've been proud.

The End

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