Aboriginal X

By Jake Baker

Published on Aug 28, 2009



I do not own anything in this story, whether it be the setting or the characters etc. Nor do I know anything of the sexuality of any of the creators or characters that are involved with this story, or in any part of the Marvel Universe. This story also contains descriptions of gay sex between men.

Italics indicate someone speaking through telepathy or just personal thoughts :)

FEEDBACK PLEASE ! aboriginal_x@live.co.uk

BLEP - BLEP - BLEP ... This is your Tuesday 6:30 a.m. wake up call, and if this is your wake up call then, ... WAAAAAKE UP !

" Arrr-eer- ... " Julian, my roommate, mumbles as my alarm clock wakes him up slightly. " J-T arerrrrr turn it off now. " Still awake he manages to put his pillow over his face as I turn my alarm clock off. He hates my smoking, as it wakes him up every school morning early.

After a minute of me just lying in bed I can hear the faint sound of snoring, with a chuckle I jump out of my bed and stumble my way to mine and Julian's shared bathroom for a leak and a quick wash. My red silk boxers beginning to ride up my ass I just strip them off and stand against the wall, thinking of how Julian is lying a wall a part from me almost completely nude crosses my mind, and I feel my six inch flaccid cock begin to grow, becoming semi-hard at eight inches.

Giving into my urges and not thinking of what I'm doing, I let my cock take over control of my body from my brain and allow my right hand to slide down my fully naked body, past my pecs and nipples, further down to my abs and finally I reach my clean-shaven crotch. Gently rubbing my cock allowed it to grow to it's full size of nine and a half inches. Not too shabby, Aha. Giving into my emotions and my wants a little more, the need for climax, I feel a wave of intensity flash over me, more hot and something more uncontrollable than I've ever felt before. All of my lust for Julian beginning to surface itself through my jacking off. Wanting to feel the soft yet hard skin of my nipples against my hand, to make my inevitable climax even more powerful, my left hand trails upwards from my body to gently squeeze and rub one at a time as a gentle moan is released from my lips. Grabbing my cock I begin to slide my hand up and down, using my pre-cum as lubrication, growing in speed and stamina as I get further and further into my need for release, surrendering myself to a more primal form of myself my hand become rougher and rougher causing my cock to begin to swell under my grip. And with one final rubbing, my cum erupts sending it flying across the bathroom and hitting the sink in front of me, another wave of cum comes flying out hitting the floor and splattering all over my hand.

Standing there for a minute, still under the effects of the high from a climax, my cravings for a cigarette begin to kick in.

GAH ! ... I hate having to get up so early in the morning, damn Prof X and his rules about smoking inside and in between classes, not that it stops us half the time. Aha

10 Minutes Later

Cleaning myself up took longer than I'd expected, especially as I had to clean the entire sink and floor, God I wish I had some sort of bleach dispensing power at hand, Aha. By the time I met up with my fellow-smokie's, as we were called within our group, I was ten minutes late and had missed out on a cigarette AND some major gossip ! Damn Julian, why does he have to be so hot, well I suppose it's a guys prerogative to jack off, huh ?

" Hi guys, sorry I'm so late, I errrr got caught up with something." Giving a quick wink to Remy, making sure that only he saw, and after an exchanging of smiles from us I notice there is more than just Vange, Remy and Anna here. With them are two new additions to our growing group of smokies, but neither of which are from the main bundle of the group. One of which I recognize, the always hunky and always extremely gorgeous Pietro Maximoff, shockingly enough though his twin wasn't here. Perhaps she doesn't smoke, she seems the sort, WAIT STOP HALT Jake what are you doing ! Get our eyes back on the gorgeousness that is Pietro ! ... Well, and there have been those rumors of him being gay, maybe he knows about them, maybe he is and is interested in me. Hmmmm definitely something to look into Aha. ... Wait who else is here ? ...

Managing to tear my eyes off of Pietro, luckily enough I hadn't begin to tent in my sweats yet, now that would have been embarrassing. Just giving him a quick smile before I start to light up a fag. OH MY GOD, so much pleasure from one little stick. Magical really.

Now what was I thinking ? That's right the mysterious stranger with my friends. Another OH MY GOD, ANOTHER ONE ! It's John Allerdyce, since when did he come here, since when ? How did I not know this ?

John must have noticed me staring at him with wide eyes and my mouth hitting the floor, literally, damn powers. Always flaring up when I least need it. Damn shapeshifters, or whoever this one came from !

Anna began screaming in her mind " Jake ! Put your fucking mouth back to normal now, cummon sugah ! At least try and act hard to get. Aha "

" Thanks for that, I really hadn't notice. Just in case you aren't noticing I'm making a mental image of me rolling my eyes. "

Ignoring Anna now and Vange, who has been trying to get my attention telepathically, bless her.

" Hi, I'm Jake-Thomas, well Jake or J-T whatever you prefer Aha. " Extending my hand whilst taking the final puff with the other of my now finished cigarette, had I really finished a cigarette already ?

" I know who you are man, your friends here have been catching me up on you whilst we were waiting for you. " With his extremely hot Australian accent, I shocked myself with being able to actually concentrate on what he was saying, I suppose mainly due to the fact of me practically leering at his lips. Shaking my hand with a firm grip. " Oh and yes, as I can tell that the thought has crossed your mind, I am gay. Don't worry I know you are too, and I don't expect anything to happen or anything. And by the way, your powers manifesting with the whole mouth thing, admittedly a little weird but extremely flattering. Aha. "

Giving the rest of them a dirty look, mainly Remy. Wait ! That must be why Vange must have needed me for. Glancing back at her, and flashing a brilliant smile, she looked at me a little remorseful but none the less happy that I eventually realized her concern. Looking back at John, as somehow I realize I'm half way through my second cigarette.

" Nothing too embarrassing I hope, ignore EVERYTHING Remy said for a start. " I said with a little chuckle, and the others joining in. " Oh honey, seriously. I could tell you were gay, with the blonde highlights, aha. But shall we just see where things take us ?. Don't get me wrong your unbelievably gorgeous, and to be honest with you I have a little crush on you anyways, despite you being a former bad guy and all. Well I suppose the whole bad guy thing is a little bit of a turn on actually, aha. " Disposing of my now finished cigarette it ends there with a subtle nod and wink from him.

By now it was 7:30 a.m. and all of our first classes of the day started at 9:00, well at least it was a late start today. Thank you Prof. X for that one !

And with all that said, and all of our cravings satisfied, everyone heads back inside to prepare for the day of school a head of us. But, a day without my Hank, some of the faculty members had to be called away for a mission. Why does he have to be an X-Man, I always sit here in the grounds wondering and worrying if he will ever come back to me alive from his next mission, but of course I cant express my feelings of worries about him to anyone, so I put on a happy face and suck it up.

Last Class Of Day

Well I'd had a very busy and stressful day, like WOW. My first five lessons were such a bore, well apart from gym. I always enjoy gym especially when we play basketball. I mean whats not to love about well toned, tall lovelies all running about in shorts and matching tank tops ? Well for the most part I was playing, but on the odd time I was on the bench, that was all I saw. Especially as I had gym with some of the hottest guys in the school, including my friends Piotr and Remy, the Russian and Cajun beefcakes of our little group of friends. Well I say little but apparently we keep on gaining members, well I suppose it's not a shock really. But all of my other classes, Debate, American History, Biology and Politics, well enough said really. Finally I had Geometry, something I'm good at and something I understand. But what I soon discovered about this class was to top it all of, John had been put into my class. And what was even better we sat next to each other at a shared desk in the back of the classroom, only to be partially seen by anyone in the class, including the teacher.

As I walked into the classroom I gave a polite smile to my teacher, Mr. Summers, but immediately rushed to my seat. I wonder why I'm so eager to see John, I mean I have Hank, oh well. He was already sittng there, flicking his lighter casually as he always does, and as soon as he saw me a brilliant big white smile flashed across his face, and I swear I could see his hand move closer to who his crotch.

" Hi J-T, I've been expecting you, aha. " Said, maybe with a little too much enthusiasm, but what the hell he's cute, he can getaway with it. " Well, lunch was ... interesting wasn't it. Aha ? "

" Hey man, well if your talking about the fact that Julian and Cessily couldn't keep their hands off of each other, and practically got it on in front of the whole school. Then yeah, it was EXTREMELY interesting. "And with a little wink from me we both broke out into laughter. " So how are you finding Mutie High ?, I mean like you transferred to here pretty unexpectedly, what's up with that ? "

" I will just say one thing about this school, or the mansion, whatever we call it. It would be so easy to get lost if I were by myself, hence why I chose to find people I already sort of knew to hang around with. That's also why Pietro's with me. I hope you don't mind too much if we join your group ? And to be honest I was just bored with Magneto's whole, world domination, let's enslave the human race. Or simply destroy the human race. " He said imitating one of the X-Men's greatest foes." So I came here and to get away from it all. I mean it's nice and peaceful here, not too much of world domination going on, aha. So yeah that's pretty much why I suppose. "

" No not at all, it's good to get some fresh blood in with us. " I said with a smile

By now Mr. Summers had turned off all of the lights in the classroom, so it was pitch black, and had started a presentation on his laptop for all to see. All could be seen from where I was sitting was the faint glow of his screen. Seeing as how I have my telepathy active all the time, to hide my thoughts, I already knew what this entire topic was about, what the slide show was about, and I also knew the fact that I would be getting an A, I suppose every one's allowed to be a total nerd in one class right ? John didn't seem to bothered about this whole presentation either, so we just continued to chat.

" So John, how long have you known your gay for ? "

" Oh just a year or so I suppose, how about you ? "

" Couple years. There's not too much action here to be honest with you aha, I mean I know of only two other people besides us that are gay an... What he hell are you doing ?!" As I feel a hand slowly sliding up and down my leg but edging closer and closer towards my cock, which by now had started to get hard, I could feel the shock and panic in my face as he leaned over and began to whisper things into my ear.

" How about you and me get excused from class and take this somewhere else, shall we. " I knew I should resist, I knew in my heart that I loved my Hank and he would come home and we would continue on in our relationship, if you could call it that. But John was so tempting, he was suave, charming and completely gorgeous. And then I felt his tender lips on my neck and that pushed me over the edge.

" How are we going to do this ? " I must have said it a little louder as he looked around the classroom first, but not before flashing me a wonderful smile full of ideas and a wink full of lust.

" Just let me handle this, follow my lead. " Thanks God my cock hadn't got noticeably hard. John grabbed my arm as he got up and pulled me behind him around the edge of the classroom to where Mr. Summers was standing. " Errrr ... Sir would it be okay if I took Jake to the nurse please, he's feeling a little queasy, I think he just needs some air. "

" Sure John, go right a head. " He said with a gentle smile. Putting a hand on my shoulder, " I hope you feel better Jake, we don't need you missing out on any important things this topic. " And with that me and John were outside of the classroom and headed towards the stairs.

" Well isn't someone a bit scheming then, I see Magneto had at least a little bit of a lasting influence on you. Now it's my turn, whatever you do don't make and noise and most importantly don't let go of my hand. " With that I grabbed his hand in mine and once again tapped into my powers, this time a mixture of Danielle's illusionary powers and Kitty's phasing, as I used them to turn us invisible to the naked eye. After about 5 minutes of running through wall after wall after wall we ended up in John's room, which he shared with Pietro.

As soon as we were in and I had let go of his hand, he turned me to face him and started us off into a wonderful kiss which instantly got me hard. And as I could feel his erection through his tight jeans, I could tell I was in for quite a ride ...

The kiss was hard, yet soft as John's lips worked their way all around mine, our tongues exchanging between our mouths. Breaking the kiss, I slowly remove his shirt and John removes mine as we kiss, his chest is perfect, his pecs and abs are toned and muscled to perfection, not to mention his big round nipples. I let my hands trail downwards on his bare chest, and back up again to rest on his nipples, gently I stroke one with each hand and gently pinch around each one, making them both as hard as they could ever be. All the while my lips start kissing his neck, with moans of approval from him and groans which urge me on. My lips work my way down to John's nipples where I suck on one whilst playing with the other, hearing him moan a little whilst feeling his own hands start to remove my shirt. Stopping what I'm doing completely I let him remove my shirt, to reveal my naturally tanned and well toned body, he grabs my head and directs me towards his nipples yet again. Swapping nipples every now and again, to suck on each with more and more intensity, all the while still playing with the other one. His groans increase in frequency, urging me to roam his naked torso with my tongue and lips, continuing to kiss my way down he suddenly fall back onto the bed and drags me with him so we are laying next to each other face up.

I undress him completely, and he undresses me to reveal his fully erect pulsating cock, eight inches long and six inches thick, the prefect size. As I start licking his raging hard cock, lapping up the pre-cum with my tongue working its way in between the slit of the head and down to the shaft, and back up again to suck up some more pre-cum. Removing my lips from his cock, my hand grasps it before he can re-open his eyes, keeping him in his ecstasy. Gently squeezing his cock more moans erupt from his lips, thrusting into my hand by his own accord using his own pre--cum as the lube, making my hand as slippery with as if I'd used oils. Feeling him swell in my hand I arrange my mouth above his cock head and open my mouth, waiting for his steamy white seed to fly into my mouth. With a final moan from his lips and a spasm of his hips, his cum comes flying out, the first blast hitting me in the forehead, and the rest entering my mouth. With load after load entering my mouth, I swallow it as if my life depended on it and it gradually dwindles down, with thew lack of cum left my lips and tongue get to work on his now deflating cock to lap up the rest of the cum left over, savouring what I can. Wiping up the cum on my forehead with my hand I also lick that up and swallow it down.

" Wow, Jake, man. " John stutters as he still lays down on the bed his gorgeous eyes now wide open. "That was awesome, that was the most intense cum shot I've ever had ! Now its time to return the favour, my friend. " He says with a sly smile, as he begins to get up off of the bed. Looking at the clock I realize the time, shock spreading across my face.

" John, as much as I would love that, BELEIVE me it's hard to resist. But class is about to finish and we have to go and meet everyone up on the hill. " Damn time, I hadn't realized it had gotten so late. With that we began to get ready, throwing on our clothes and rushing down to where the classes are held to meet the group.

And that's when it dawned on me, I had just cheated on Hank, whom I thought to be my one true love. What have I done. SHIT SHIT SHIT. But he left me, he's on a mission, and a guy has needs. Maybe if I just talk to him about it, no that won't work ...

By now we were all gathered at the hill, for once everyone was here. And I mean the entire group, that almost never happens, what with the girls' cheer leading and all the other activities. Looking around everyone and cataloguing their faces, Remy and Anna, Cessily and Julian, Danielle and David, all the couples were here as well as, Vange, Jubilation, Kwannon, Hisako, Piotr, Amara, as well as those of us who weren't about yesterday, Tabitha, Sooraya, Samuel, Manuel and Nezhno. Not to mention our three newest members, Pietro, Wanda and John, the latter who was sitting a little too close next to me.

And that's when we heard it, the screeching siren sound, the sound of the ultimate danger, the sound which calls every able X-Man to help ...

Next: Chapter 3

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