Adrian and Harry

By Joey Romero

Published on May 25, 2007


Disclaimer: This story falls under the category of fan fiction and is not meant to imply anything about the characters in the original story by JK Rowling. The plot is pure fantasy that came solely out of the mind of the author. The events described herein never happened in this or any other universe. This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Beyond that the rest is total fantasy and fiction. This story does involve sexual situations between people that may be minors in your state or country. If sex bothers you, especially sex between mid-teen boys or adults witnessing teen sex, you may want to go elsewhere.

To all those who read my story I'm sorry for my typing I'm kinda new at this. This how the story should have began in the first place i hope you like the new one

Chapter 1 > A day to remember

Adrian was bright and loving boy at the age of 10 he got along with everyone that knew who he was. But some thing was different today Adrian can fell it in his bones on his way home from his best mates house he walk in the middle of the night as he was walking he could tell some thing was wrong and it was getting stronger the closer he got to his house. As soon he got closer to his house he notice these people coming out with his father . Adrian ran into some bushes to see who these people where but there was know luck they where all wearing black robe and each of them had a mask on there face so he could not tell who these people where coming out of his house. He could tell that his father knew them because the where talking like they where close . After everyone left Adrian's father walk back into his house walk out of the bushes and to his door. Adrian walk in and he notice his father was on the couch crying he walk up to his father and asked why was he crying. His father looked at him and told him it was his mother that she dying like lighting hitting Adrian hard. Adrian drop ed everything and ran to his mothers bed side. He stop ed at her bedroom door preparing for what he might see . He turned the door nob slowly as soon the door open there was his mother in her bed like a lifeless corps. He started to wall to his mother as he did she awoke from her sleep. She turned to her son and said Adrian come here " he started walking to her as soon as he got there he burst into tears crying in his dying mothers arms. Child why are you crying"? I don't want to lose you mum" Its OK my son every thing has to come to a end and its my time to go . No I wont take that Adrian said yelling. Holding him in her arms "my son you will never lose me and you have your father to take care of . Its time for you to be a big boy OK " Ive got some thing for you its past down from mother and child for years see that box over there bring it here. Adrian walked over to the box his mother was pointing at he pick it up and walked back to his mother. As soon he got to her bed side once more he handed it to her. She opened it and pulled out to charms one that was on a neck less and the other that is on a bracelet she handed to him these charms where past down to me from my mother and now I'm giving them to you. Always keep this neck less around your neck it will protect you always . Adrian looked at his mother with tears in his eyes and asked her what do I do with the bracelet ? she looked at her son and said the bracelet was for her to wear but since she can. He would need to give this one to the one who is closes to his heart and know matter how far they where apart the charms would glow when they are near one another. Adrian mother was now slowly dying her eyes where closing slowly her last words to her son was to follow his heart and it will always be true. Adrian held his mother close crying mum please don't go please " mum"!.

Five years have past since his mother had death . Adrian from now being the bright and loving child he once was is now a lonely and sad one . Always alone never with any his old friends everyone that was close to him where lost to him even his father after his mothers death he never took the time to be with is son always working . Adrian was at home like always looking out his window but there was some thing different today he had the urge to go out for a walk. He left the cold depths of his room to held to the park he knew since it was late at night that know one would be at the park but he was wrong he had ran to a boy from school better know as Dudley Dursley and two of his goons . Well look what we have here boys . if isn't freaky Adrian Codwell " what brings you here freak said Dudley with a smirk on his face pushing Adrian to the ground . Dudley and his mates started to kick him come freak aren't you going to fight back come on all of them where yelling at him as they where kicking him . Then all of a sudden Dudley stop and turned to the person behind him. What do you want? Dudley said to the boy behind I want you to stop said the boy" you want me and my mates to stop picking on this freak why should I said Dudley looking anger and the boy . The boy slowly started to pull out some thing from his coat pocket Dudley stop and turned to his mates and told them to stop they did Adrian was still on the ground hurt . Come on lets leave these freaks alone together " they walked past the boy. The boy walk up to Adrian to help him out but Adrian pulled away and said don't touch me .The boy looked at him "I was only trying to help you ", Well I don't need your help I've could of taken them on if I wanted to said Adrian. The boys started to walk away" hey wait said Adrian ."look I'm sorry I really cant trust anyone right now . The boy looked at him and said whats your name ? I'm Adrian Codwell , He look at Adrian "I'm Harry potter. "Nice to meet you. Adrian got up from the ground and started to dust him self off "thanks for your help, well I better be getting home my father would have my head if i don't get home soon well bye said Adrian as he started to walk away." Hey wait do you if I mind walk with you ? Adrian just looked " sure why not I just live up the road" . As they where walking up the road where Adrian live Harry wanted to know more about Adrian so he started to ask some questions . The first thing Harry ask was about his family . Adrian stop in his tracks Harry just looked and said I didn't mean anything by it I just wanted to know. Its OK Harry not many people ask me that. You see my mother die when I was only 10 she got every sick. All I have of her is this pendant she left me and my father well lets just say hes not the kindness man in the world after my mother die he became distant always

at work all the time. Some times i get the feeling that he doesn't want me anymore because hes never home and he can't bear to look at me Adrian the way he did when I was 10 said with a sad look on his face. Harry put his arm around Adrian and said maybe its hard on your father because you remind him of your mum. Maybe your right Harry but I always have this feeling that he has this big dark secret. What about you Harry tell me more about you? well lets see my mum and dad died when I was 1 and i was brought to live in this hell hole of a home with my cousin and his parents. I'm sorry to hear that mate , its OK well this where I live thanks for walking with me to my house Harry and it was nice meeting you goodnight. Goodnight Adrian". Adrian started to walk to his front door when his father came out and started to yell at him as they walked into the house. Harry started to walk home waiting for whats to come when he got home.Harry made it home as he walked into the door his Uncle shouted come hear boy! Harry slow made his way to the living room to see what his uncle wanted . His uncle looked at him and asked him where has he been Harry said that's really none of your business. What do you me none of my business you live in my house so you will go by my rules got it! now go to your room i don't want to see your face for the rest of the night. Harry walked off up to his room . Harry made his way to his room hoping that he would hear from his two best friends from Hogwarts but nothing came in. Not a letter not anything this made Harry upset. Out of all that he been through he didn't expect his friends to leave him out in the dust but that's the way it seems. But it really didn't bother Harry anymore because he knew that he was not alone any more because he mad a muggle friend named Adrian and that made him happy.

Over the summer Harry spent it with Adrian they would hang out do all kind of things with each other. Harry would show Adrian all the good place to go when he wanted to be alone just to think Harry and Adrian spent most of there summer together. Harry told him every thing about is best mates from Hogwarts he told every thing there is to know about Harry Potter ex pet the fact that he is a wizard and Adrian did the same . Harry started feeling really close to Adrian until one night things started to change between them. Harry started to think about Adrian more than a friend he would dream about him every night. Adrian was always on his mind Harry couldn't stop think about him and the dreams that he had would have where so real to him. The dreams that Harry would have of his new friend where Adrian was in his room talking off his cloths slowly Harry notice every inch of is mates body it was like a god Adrian had soft lite brown skin, hair that was dark as night , and the oddest eyes he had every seen the where like a ruby red and in this dream that Harry would have of Adrian it would always end when it got to where he would be taking off his under Harry would wake up . The next morning Harry was out side of his house reliving that dream in his mind but he was a little sad because he didn't want to tell Adrian that he had these feeling for him to scare him away so Harry chose to keep it to him self . Harry saw Adrian walking towards him . Hi Harry said Adrian who was very happy for some reason. Hi Adrian said Harry , whats up? he asked well i was wondering if you would like to come to my house for a while my dad is not home and i really don't want to be home alone and beside I've really don't got anything to do today I'll be waiting a your front door for you OK". So Harry jump at the chance to go to his mates house hoping this would be the chance to tell Adrian how he felt about him.

Harry went down the stair to the front door as he opened it there was Adrian standing like there nothing in the world that can touch him. "Hey you", Adrian turned to Harry with a smile " are you ready to go"? yeah I am . They started to walk to Adrian house Harry was every quite and Adrian was to they both had some thing on there minds but either one of them wanted to say . As soon as they got there Adrian let Harry into his house he asked Harry if he wanted anything to drink but Harry said no. Harry was looking around to see all the things that Adrian had in his house. Adrian was watching Harry walk around his house looking at things checking him out Adrian knew this was once in a life time chance to see if Harry felt the same as he did for him but first he wanted to toy with him he go an idea so he grab Harry by the hand and said follow me Harry did he lead him back to his room. Adrian told Harry to wait here that he had to change for a sec Harry sat on Adrian's bed well Adrian was by his closet doors. Harry remember that this is how his dream started. Adrian was slowly taking off his cloths first his shirt and then his pants just like in Harry dream but when it got close toAdrian's under ware Adrian just took them off right in front of Harry. Harry jaw drop to the floor he could see Adrian's nice smooth ass as Adrian bend over. Harry could see Adrian's nice set of balls they where low hanging and he could see the tip of his cock this drove Harry over the edged to see his mate get naked in front of him. Adrian started to put his cloths back on after the little

show Harry got from Adrian. Adrian turned to Harry and smiled, Harry looked and said whats the smile for ? Adrian told him that he was a little red in the face. Adrian when towards Harry and sat next to him. Harry just looked down to the floor, Adrian asked Harry whats wrong? Harry just kept quite for awhile and then said Adrian there's some thing i have to tell you but i don't know how you would take it. Adrian knew what Harry was trying to tell him he took Harry's hand and said I know Harry I fell the same way. Harry just looked up at him there eyes met each other then Adrian when for the first kiss they shared . They fell on top of Adrian's bed kissing each other Adrian's hand started to roam up Harry's shirt slowly taking his time to make him fell good Harry started to moan at the touch of Adrian's hand. they both started to take each other cloths off once that was done Adrian started to kiss all over Harry's body slowly making his way down to the dark patch of pubes. Until he made his way to Harry's cock slowly licking it up and down taking in the sweet sent of Harry's boyhood . Harry started to moan loudly to the new sensation that he was feeling then Adrian took Harry's cock into his mouth slowly taking inch by inch of Harry's hard cock. Harry started to move over towards Adrian's cock doing the same thing Adrian did both boys were in haven . both bobbing there heads up and down loving ever min of it. Adrian knew that Harry was close to cumming because he started to hump Adrian face even faster and faster until Adrian felt jets of teen cum in his mouth. Adrian pulled off of Harry's cock to tell him that he was going to cum but Harry kept on going fast and fast until Adrian was yelling I'm cumming harry I'm cumming jets of Adrian's cum went into Harry's mouth but Harry didn't pull off until every last drop of white cream came out. The two boys laid there in each others arms just kissing until Harry notice the time Harry got up fast Adrian asked whats wrong he said that it was late and that he had to get home before the Dursley's got home . Adrian grab Harry by the hand and pulled him in for one last kiss and said before you go i have some thing for you he went to his pants pocket and pulled out a charm bracelet and gave it to Harry and said know matter how wide or far we this will show how close we are and it will always protect you. Harry looked at it and said it looks like the pendent your mum gave you? cause is the same one my mum gave two one for me and the other one for some one close to me Harry had a little tear in his eyes and gave Adrian a kiss and said thank you. Adrian looked Harry before he left and pulled him in for one more kiss " I really don't want you to go Harry please stay the night with me. Harry just looked at him with a sad face " you know I want to but i cant I will get in a whole lot of trouble if i don't get home soon". Adrian knew he had to let him go and he did Harry got dress and headed down stair and out the front door . Later that night Harry was so happy he went to his room to think of what just happened then all of a sudden he started to hear voices for outside his bed room window >>>>

so every one tell me what you think of the new version of my story I know first one didn't make any sence but hey you can blam a guy for trying if you have any ideads that would help me out just write me

Next: Chapter 3

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