Adventures of Pete Pants

By moc.liamtoh@remhorbbew

Published on Jan 10, 2011


This is a tale, written by an adult and intented for adult reading. If you're not a legal adult where you live, if this subject matter is illegal, or if you are offended by male/male sex, don't read any further.

URINATION/RAUNCH - adult M2M sex Copyright 2011


I love pee and I love playing with it. One of my favorite ways to play with it is to hold it for as long as possible-then wear it.

My plan for today was to hydrate myself to near desperation before meeting a buddy, Sam, for dinner. I'd also taken a long, intense bike ride and hydrated for that too. Then, dinner, a drink and more glasses of water, followed by squirming and under-the-table clutching until my kidneys ached. At that point, I'd excuse myself and carefully walk to the Mens Room. There, I'd carefully fumble with my fly while allowing dribbles and spurts down my pant legs. If I decided to get my dick out-thunderous relief through my semi-hard hose. Or I would sit on the toilet and happily pee myself through my jeans.

At least that was the plan. Those plans got changed in an unexpected way.

All because of a little crab.

The first stage of my plan was going well: nearly-full bladder on the bus, savoring the bumps and jolts of the ride. And the 10-minute walk from the bus stop through the crowded Pike Place Market to the waterfront restaurant where I was meeting Sam.

I'd gotten off the bus and was crossing Second at Pike, toward the Market. The crosswalk was filled with people, mainly tourists soaking up picturesque Seattle so they weren't looking down. I happened to look over to the curb cut across from me when I saw it, crawling down the ramp-a reddish crab, oblivious to the legs and feet hurrying past.

Not only was the waterfront the OTHER direction, but he'd never make it across Second before the light changed and the cars turned him into a sea gull snack.

"Hey, little buddy; you need help." I knelt and he crawled into my palm. Now safe, I folded my hand over him, clasped my other hand on top and hurried toward the waterfront.

He was about the size of a ping-pong ball with a flat reddish-brown shell. His antenna and feathery legs tickled and the little sharp points on the shell prickled in my hands.

"Ok, now what?" Good question. All I knew about crabs was that some were for salad and others were for cakes, but this one was too small for either. Nor he could keep crawling east, away from the waterfront, but I had to admire his determination. Back into the water he'd go. I could still get to the restaurant in time to meet Sam.

As I walked toward Elliott Bay my bladder sloshed. Instinctively, I grabbed myself with my free hand. Big mistake! My right hand wrapped around Buddy, but I couldn't clench too tightly. This left an opening between my thumb and forefinger, big enough for him to crawl through. I had to clamp my free hand over the other to keep him from crawling out. All I could do was grunt, clench my teeth and keep going. Through the Pike Place Market, down the back stairs, across the parking lot beneath the viaduct and Alaskan Way to the piers.

Still no place I could take him. Elliott Bay and the piers were fenced off about 3 to 5 feet above water level. I could just walk to the edge and toss him over, but I could just see a shrieking gull swoop down and snatch Buddy before he hit the water. Tossing him into the Bay would be a good last resort but there had to be something else.

Two piers north I saw the Seattle Aquarium. Perfect.

"Hang on, li'l buddy. I think you've got a new home." Buddy waved his antennae and tried to crawl between my hands again. I started off, torn between my growing urgency and my desire to savor my desperation while being a good Samaritan to a crab.

Luck was with me. The sign on the door said the Aquarium closed at 6:00. My watch said a few minutes prior. I kicked at the Handicapped button and the door slowly swung outward.

A security guard approached. "Sir? We're closing in a few minutes."

"This shouldn't take long." I opened my hands long enough for the guard to see as I explained the situation. "Thought you might have a place for him here."

"Let's see." He turned back to the admissions desk. As I caught up to him, he was already talking to one of the women behind the counter.

"Awww, that's sweet," she said. The other one picked up the mike. "Staff member to the lobby, please."

They watched Buddy wave his antennae as I tried to keep him safe, all the while wishing one of them would offer to take him.

"What's up, Rosa?"

We turned at the arrival of a handsome twenty-something appetizer. Rosa explained while I, grinning somewhat proudly, displayed Buddy again.

"Interesting," was all he said. Then, with a shrug, "I think I know. This way."

"Thanks, Ben," Rosa replied as he guided me out.

Ben escorted me into the main aquarium area as we exchanged names. His full name was Ben Sakamura. While he did have the slight build and almond eyes of an Asian, his skin was darker and his hair was tight and kinky on his head. Equally dark chest hair sworled above the opening of his rugby shirt. His voice was soft and clear and his gestures were animated. My gaydar went off the minute I saw him and it pinged louder the more time I spent with him. Things could get interesting.

We passed a tank full of ghostly moon jellies while Ben chatted away about sexual dimorphism. "It's too young to tell if it's a male or female. With some species, it's even hard to differentiate between them as adults."

"Perhaps they have something like gaydar." I grunted as I felt a piss contraction.

Ben turned to look at me and smiled. "Want me to hold it while you go to the restroom?"

"What?" I almost peed myself in surprise.

"The crab. I can hold it for you while you go. There's a restroom down that way." He pointed down a corridor.

"You can't just take him?"

"It's a two-handed job."

The more I thought, the more I wanted to see where this was going. It looked like I had to stick around anyway. "I can hold it."

"OK; you're on." He shrugged and walked on, pinching at his crotch.

The cute little bastard wanted a piss-holding contest. I was more than willing to match him dribble for dribble. As a veteran of many such contests, I'd learned that nobody actually loses; they're too much fun.

"We have a tidal pool exhibit," Ben told me. "Your little friend's a helmet crab and he'd do well there." I thought of another little friend of mine and where it would do well.

We walked out of the dank corridor into an open arcade. "Tide pool," he pointed to the left, "but he should be quarantined for a day or so. Crawling away from the seawater's not normal behavior. He could've got confused, but he could also have parasites or a fungus. Or maybe," he grabbed himself again, "somebody just changed their mind about a free souvenir."

I saw my opening. "Maybe he likes being abnormal. Nothing wrong with that."

Ben gave me a look that showed I'd scored that point. "In here." We'd stopped at a metal door just past the tide pool exhibit. The arcade opened back into the aquarium. He punched in a code and pushed the door open. It was heavy and needed a hand to push down the handle and another to open it. There was no way someone could open it one-handed, or even with both hands occupied. I followed him in as he switched on fluorescent lights.

The room was small, cool, damp and smelled briny, like most of the aquarium. I saw two long lab tables with 10-gallon aquariums sitting on them, a sink, and a refrigerator. The walls were lined with shelves with more tanks and lab equipment on them.

"Our lab. I'll put him in a tank." Ben tugged at his crotch again through his dark blue slacks. "He's not normally an air-breather, so we need to get him wet as soon as possible.

Lucky crab. "You got a restroom here?"

He nodded his head as he carried one of the small tanks to the sink. "Along the back there. We've also got a sink here and a drain in the floor." He glanced down at my crotch, then back up at me. "Believe it or not, a lot of guys pee right here. It's more fun." He smirked as he turned to the sink to fill the tank. I needed to keep my hands clasped over Buddy but the sounds of the running water was too much. I clapped my knees together as hot liquid leaked between my legs. My dick stiffened at the prospect of peeing down my pant leg but my face burned to my ears.

Ben, his back to me, bounced up and down and clutched himself again. "How you doin'?"


"Have to add some brine solution and mix it. Just a few more minutes."

I grunted and got myself back under control. "You look desperate."

"Wouldn't've stopped in the lobby but I was right there; then something more interesting happened."

A whimper escaped me; I really really wanted to pee my pants, right now, but I wanted him too, also. My now-damp erection helped to stop my own leak and my black jeans hid the wet spots. Ben's dark slacks wouldn't show much either.

He must be getting close, too. He grunted and clenched his knees together as he finished his duties at the sink. He bounced again on his heels before turning around. "Saline level's good, temp's fine. Tank's ready. Is Buddy?"

Clenching my teeth, I carefully stepped to the counter and lowered my hands into the water. Buddy swam away.

By now, my bladder ached, my kidneys ached, even my ureter ached, despite the pee dribbling out. With no underwear, there was nothing to absorb my pee except my jeans.

"Swimming good." Ben fastened a screen across the top and flipped a toggle. An air pump started bubbling. "Better wash your hands. They can carry disease."

I glanced down at the glistening spot slowly spreading in my crotch. The next thing I looked at was the bulge in Ben's pants.

The water, running into the sink, onto my hands, did it. As I washed my hands my bladder failed. Hot piss erupted down my leg. I could have stopped sooner but the sudden rush felt so good I peed for a minute or so before pinching off the flow. A lump of marble on my crotch threatened to rip off the buttons on my fly. I turned to look for Ben.

He straddled the drain, hands shoved into his pants pockets, a stream of piss trickling into the drain between his legs. He looked at me and grinned. "You lost."

"I went first but we're both enjoying the show."

His grin widened. He suddenly looked so willing. I wasn't going to let this chance pass. "But you won, fair and square. Since I've got a lot left you tell me where to put it."

Ben unbuckled his pants and spread them open. Soaked tighty whities came into view, his hard dick visible through the wet cotton. He actually made wearing underwear look good.

Eagerly, I dropped my jacket and yanked my shirt off, then ripped open my jeans as I approached. My unrestrained and eager rarely-private part sprung out. Ben pulled me to him as our pants slid to our knees. He grabbed my stone fountain and stuffed it up the leg of his briefs.

I started a flow. Body heat washed down our legs. Ben yanked off his own shirt before pulling us tighter and moaning as my bladder emptied into his underwear. Several gallons of piss later, I stopped. Between the feel of our hairy torsos pressed together and my pissing into his underwear, I felt as though I'd just had an incredible orgasm.

"Pull 'em up."

I didn't need to be told twice. I yanked up my jeans while Ben squeezed a glassful of my pee out of his briefs before pushing them, and his slacks, to his ankles.

"Hehehe." He stuffed his wet hose next to mine and buttoned us together. Both hoses were side-by-side, wet and hard against my belly.

He released a short, sharp breath and piss flooded my balls and poured down my legs. Ben grabbed my goatee, pulling my face to his. We stroked each other's torsos while his own piss soaked my pants. He had broad, firm pecs and a flat, muscular belly tapering to a wasp waist, all nicely enhanced by body hair. The texture of his chest and the tang of his pee made me want to blow a load right then.

The stream trickled to a stop. "We're wet in all the right places," he whispered. "Mount me." I pushed my jeans off my hips without unbuttoning them. He turned around and dropped to his hands and knees, right in the piss puddle emptying into the drain.

A dog in heat I was, right behind. I spread him wide and my hard cock, slick with piss and a generous amount of pre-cum, slid in. I stopped at his sphincter. Ben exhaled sharply, twice, and I felt him relax. Now I pushed deeper. He braced himself and met my thrust.

"Pound my wet hole."

"Gonna fill you up."

"Fuck yeah!"

I banged and pounded, almost senseless with lust. Much too soon I felt something gathering in my balls.

"Fuck yeah! Now!" I blasted, filling his guts with my cum. Ben pounded his own cock and, screaming, jizzed into the piss on the floor. His arms collapsed and he slid, face sideways, into the puddle.

I held onto his hips to keep me inside him and his ass clenched me. We both knew what was next. I peed a load up his tight smooth ass.

Finally, I pulled out as my knees gave way. I leaned forward, resting across his back, my hands stroking and caressing his torso, playing among his chest hair. He was ass-up and I smelled cum and piss and his hole as my juices dribbled out of him.

We stayed that way until the piss got cold and I heard my cell phone ring in my jacket. Reluctantly, I broke contact, patting his smooth, firm asscheeks before wobbling to my feet.

"You'll need the washroom too, won't you?"

"I should clean up here first."

Upon my return, he was still sprawled on the floor, ass up, pants down, a blissed-out look on his face. His look and the body smells got me hard again. But I really had to go.

"Need help?"

"I'll hose down the floor; part of my regular duties anyway."

I gave his wet butt a playful slap. "This was all part of that?"

Ben pushed himself off the floor. "It's a perk." He clasped his hands around my neck and drew me close. Silently we kissed; his lips were soft and his tongue was expert. I stoked his chest hair and tweaked a nipple, relishing our final moment.

Reluctantly I broke off as I stiffened inside my soaked jeans. "I've got a dinner date."

"You're pretty wet."

"He'll either laugh his ass off or piss himself with jealously...or both. If I'm lucky."

Ben gave me directions to the nearest exit as he kicked off his soaked pants and briefs. The last I saw of him he was dragging a small hose over to the drain, naked to his socks and shoes. His own hose was still thick.

Once outside, I pulled out my cell phone. Sam had called so I called him back.

"Hey, delayed, be there in a few....I'll tell ya when I get there. Go ahead and order something if you want. But no crab cakes."

Next: Chapter 2

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