Adventures of Phoenix

By Phoenix M

Published on Apr 1, 2013


This story is purely fictional and was written for consenting adults only. If you are underage or are offended by male sex, scat, or watersports; please do not read this.

I would love feedback from everyone who reads this and enjoys it. Suggestions, ideas, or just overall comments would be much appreciated. Just send it to my email

The Adventures of Phoenix: Part One

Hello everyone! My name is Phoenix. I'm your typical 19 year old gay boy from Salt Lake City, Utah. I know what you're thinking, and the answer is no. I'm not Mormon. Just so we're all on the same page here, here's some stats about me. I'm 6' 1", 165 lbs, pretty lean, and (sorry to toot my own horn) very attractive. Normally these characteristics would be to my benefit, however, a couple years ago, all that took a change.

So it's my sophomore year of high school out in a tiny farm town. My class only had 300 kids in it. Unfortunately for me, I couldn't have picked a worse place to grow up as a kid. I lived in a farm town about 30 miles from my high school; population 200. Everyone who lived in both my town and the place I went to school were all very religious and very anti-gay. So what brilliant idea do I have? Come out to the whole town. Sure the entire town ostracized me, but hey, at least I was being myself. Well, certain issues arise when the entire town finds out you're gay; all the closeted guys find out too. This normally shouldn't be an issue, but genius me thought it would be a fun idea to take my dirt bike out for a spin late one night and stop by a few friends' houses along the way to see if I could find any booze. See, alcohol was really the only form of entertainment in my town.

So, I tell my parents I'm going out for a ride and tell them I'll probably be spending the night at a friend's house if they let me. I run out the front door with my helmet and kick start my old Yamaha 250 and blaze down the back roads of town.

The wind felt amazing after a blazingly hot summer day. When temps reach over 100 degrees, it's nice to feel a breeze once the cool air starts coming down off the mountains. So I'm screaming down the road doing almost 50, enjoying the steady vibrations from my bike, when suddenly I see a jack rabbit hop out from the sagebrush. Now normally this wouldn't have been an issue, and I would have just bowled over it with my bike no problem. However with it being night time I panicked and swerved to miss the son of a bitch and my bike plunged right into the deep ruts on the right side of the road. Doing 50, this really isn't the greatest situation and I immediately felt my bike lose control and kick me off.


I felt the bike kick out to the side, throwing me straight into the dirt. I skid a good forty feet, flipping every which way, before finally coming to a rest. I picked myself up, feeling the road rash stinging my legs. I looked down, not surprised to see my jeans completely ripped apart, blood soaking the remaining patches of fabric. I brushed off, wincing as I walk over to my bike. I stood it up, inspecting it for damage. Of course, the only thing wrong with it was the entire clutch handle ripped off. I tried starting it and to my surprise it fired right up, but without a way to put the thing in gear it did me no good. I killed the bike and pushed it to the ditch out of the road and started walking back home.

A couple minutes into the walk I heard an old farm truck come rattling up behind me. I turned around just in time to get a face full of bright headlights. I shielded my eyes and step to the side, allowing the truck to pull up next to me.

"Smooth one Phoenix, you did a number to your bike. I bet your parents are gonna love that!"

It was a good friend of mine, Alex. He grew up next to my friends and is one of the best trap shooters I've ever met. He's a pretty tall individual, almost as tall as me now. He's got way more muscle on his bones though. He was in his late 20's or early 30's and had grown up on a farm his whole life. Never left. So I smiled at him and nodded,

"Yeah I was cruising along and a fucking jack rabbit thought it would jump out in front of me"

He laughed.

"Well come on then, let's give you a lift back to my place. Gotta get you all cleaned up so your parents don't have a conniption fit when they see you."

So I hopped in his truck and started heading back to his place, which wasn't too far off. We bullshitted for a few minutes about how much we hate the "back road" as we call it, and wished the county would blade the damn thing so things like this wouldn't happen. We pulled in his driveway and I hopped out, walking behind him to the front door. I followed him in, and he took me into his bathroom.

"God kid, you sure fucked up your jeans didn't ya? That's what ya get for wearin those damn skinny jeans."

"Hey, I like my skinny jeans."

"Course you do faggot"

Ugh. I hate that word. Ever since I came out people felt they must call me that. Yes, I get the fact I'm gay but I don't need to be belittled every time I turn around.

"Alright dude, get your jeans off, they ain't doin ya any good anyway."

I stood there awkwardly. I wasn't about to take my pants off in front of this guy. I mean I knew him and all but it wasn't like he was a close family friend or anything. I gave him a look of "yeah right", which he replied with a deep glare, almost menacingly.

"I told you to take the fucking jeans off"

I didn't like the tone in his voice, so I drop the pants. My American Eagle underwear stood out against my tan legs. I winced as the jeans brushed against my ripped up knees and shins then kicked my jeans to the side.

"I really liked those jeans. I spent 40 bucks on them.." I said, trying to ease the awkwardness of the situation.

"Good. Now stay here, I'll go get the stuff to clean up those cuts"

I looked myself over in the mirror after he left. My hair was still spiked up in the front like I normally do it, but it was full of dust sticking to the gel. I had some nice scrapes on my chest, but nothing major. My head was fine thank God. Mom was right when she made me wear the helmet. After a few minutes of checking myself out I hear a creak from the floor behind me. I started to turn just before I felt a hand shove me down against the sink. I barely had time to register what had happened when I felt something cold get belted onto my wrist. I tried to turn my head to see what was happening but I was being forced down.

"What the fuck?!" I called out. "What the hell are yo-"

I felt my head get ripped up by the hair and something round get shoved into my mouth and strapped onto my head. I tried to call out but only heard some muffled shouts. I aimed a kick behind me but missed because I couldn't see anything. Next thing I knew both hands had these weird leather cuffs belted onto them and my mouth stuffed with some round ball. I stood up the second I felt his hand release my head. I tried to move, but felt my arms get jerked back. He had run a thing of rope through some rings on my wrist cuffs and tied them through the towel rack on the wall next to the shower. He pulled me tight then secured it with a knot so I couldn't move from that spot. I aimed another kick at him but he just backed up and laughed at me.

"Whaa ahh you doengh tah meh?" I tried to say through the gag in my mouth.

"Oh shut up bitch, you know you like it. Now, you best hold still if you don't want this to hurt more than it already is."

He dropped down to my feet, attaching an inch diameter wooden dowel, fitted with two cuffs on the ends, to my ankles. This forced my legs to be opened a little more than a comfortable stance. He then clipped the cuff to an eye bolt which was screwed into the wall, right next to the floor. So my legs couldn't move, my hands were tied, and I was gagged. I really had no idea what the fuck was going on, but not gonna lie I loved it.

"Here bitch, let's start by cleaning up those knees shall we?"

He took a bottle of rubbing alcohol and soaked a rag with it. I watched him drop down again and began rubbing my knees with the rag. Immediate shocks of pain ran up my legs as I screamed out and kicked my legs, trying to get the rag off me. He just smiled and shoved my knee against the wall and continued disinfecting my legs. After a few minutes of that brutal torture, he looked up at me and smiled. "Having fun?"

He left the room again, quickly returning with a utility knife from his garage. I watched as he came up to me and pulled my shirt out, slicing it from the neck down. A couple slits from the sleeves and he pulled my shirt off, leaving me shirtless and pants-less. He looked down at my underwear and smiled "I don't wanna ruin your fancy underwear, so I'll be nice for once."

He pulled them down a little, revealing my neatly trimmed pubic hair.

"Oh, he keeps it cleaned huh? What a good little bitch"

He grabbed my junk and started pulling on it. Obviously with me being in high school I immediately got a boner from the slight touch. He sensed it and starts jacking my cock teasingly.

"Oh, the faggot likes guys pulling on his cock doesn't he?"

He pulled my underwear back up and grinned at me. "So, are you one of those kinky dirty gay boys? Wanna have a little fun with some unusual things? Oh I think you do. I think you'd love that."

Next thing I knew he's taking his clothes off, before long he's naked in front of me. Total six pack, and really hot cock. He walked right up next to me, pressing his cock against mine. I felt his cock grow against mine, a good 7 inches and decently thick. He backed up again and grabbed a cup from the bathroom sink.

"God I gotta piss. You know who I think is thirsty? I think you are."

He pissed into the cup, filling it nearly to the brim before he stopped himself. He took the cup and held it over my head, pouring a good pint down my face and hair. I felt the warmth from it and the sharp smell hit my nose. He stopped pouring and grabbed my jaw, ripping the gag out of my mouth then forced my head back. He jammed his hand into my mouth and pulled my jaw open. "You better not spill a fucking drop or you're gonna have to eat something a little worse than my piss"

He started pouring the cup again, slowly at first so I could keep up with the stream. But soon he began pouring faster, making it so there was no way I could keep up with it. The piss overflowed and ran down my body, soaking my underwear.

"Oh you little fucker. Look at the mess you made on my floor. You should have chugged it as fast as you chug beer. Oh well. I guess the little faggot wanted something else to fill him up"

He sat down on the toilet, and I watched in disgust as he took a shit. Once he'd done pushing and all that he fished out a few pieces about 4 inches long and held them up to my face.

"You want this? You think this looks tasty? Oh I know you do"

Truth be told, I kinda did. The smell of shit had turned me on a couple times before, but I'd never dared do anything with it. He took one of the pieces and shoved it into my face. He smeared it up into my hair, down to my jaw, and into my ears. Once he'd finished with all that he took the other piece and held it up to my mouth.

"Alright you piece of shit, here's what we're gonna do. You're gonna eat this whole piece, then I might do you a little favor if you're lucky. Got it?"

I nod, feeling my body quiver. I opened my jaw and he shoved it down my throat. I closed my eyes and just swallowed. I felt the bitter sting of it all the way down my throat but found it oddly exciting. I felt my cock get a little excited but he was too busy watching my face to care.

"Oh, so hot. I love this look on you Phoenix. You should wear it more often."

He started jacking his cock and almost immediately shot his load all over my underwear. He gave me another grin and said "You'll be spending the night like this. Hope you enjoy!"

He turned the light off and walked out of the bathroom. I was left tied up in some dude's bathroom, wearing nothing but cum-soaked underwear and another guy's shit. I closed my eyes, finding it nearly impossible to sleep. After what had seemed like an eternity, I saw the glow of the sun through the window. A couple hours later, the door opened.

"Well good morning faggot, I hope you enjoyed your stay"

He untied my arms and legs and said "Now, if you turn on me, you're gonna regret it. Now, come out here and see what I did for you."

I walked through his house and into his garage. To my disbelief I saw my bike fitted with a brand new clutch handle. I couldn't believe it. My dad wasn't gonna kill me after all!

"Um, thank you, uh.. That was.. nice of you?"

I had no idea what to say. This guy just fed me his piss and shit then locked me in a bathroom. But he fixed my bike when he didn't have to.

"This is just a little something for you to keep your mouth shut about this whole thing. Now get home. I don't have time to bullshit, I gotta go move pipe."

He headed out the door and left me standing there with cum-caked underwear and a face of shit. I tried his house, only to find it locked. I hopped on my bike and sped off toward home, stopping where the road crossed the creek. I jumped in the knee-deep water and washed off my face and underwear before hiding in the bushes to dry. While lying in the warm morning sun, I decided to relieve the built up sexual tension from the night before. I found myself thinking about the feel of the shit and taste of it. I couldn't believe how good it felt. Seconds later my load shot all over me. I l just laid there exhausted. I rinsed off and put my dry underwear back on, before blazing home.

I pulled in the driveway and let out a sigh of relief. The Maxima was gone, which meant mom was off doing some shopping in town, which was 30 miles away. Dad's Saab was gone so he was obviously busy with something. I ran up the stairs and opened the house.

"Why the hell are you in your underwear?"

Oh shit. My brother was sitting on the couch in the living room.

"I.. got drunk last night and lost my clothes."

"You lost your H&M jeans? Nice one."

"Yeah.. " I ran off to the shower and cleaned myself up. I headed to my room where I plopped down on my bed naked and passed out. That night I dreamt of shit and piss. What an interesting night.


Well there ya go. My first story. There will be many more to come. If anyone has any fun ideas or suggestions I would love to hear them. Shoot me an email at and give me some feedback. Some of the stories to come will be based off true events while others will be truly fictional. If you have a good idea and I like it, I may incorporate it into a story. I'll be writing often, so don't be shy!

Next: Chapter 2

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