
By MindPieces

Published on Dec 23, 1998


Okay my dear readers, after an extremely long delay, I deliever the next two parts of Afflecktion. I'm sorry for the wait, and I promise that it won't take this long between installments again. I thank everyone for being patient, and I hope this lives up to your expectations. As always, this is a complete work of fiction, and I encourage anyone and everyone to e-mail me at MindPieces to let me know what you think. Enjoy, and Happy Holidays!

Afflecktion- Part 5

My eyelids slowly pulled apart the next morning as sunbeams entered the room. I was laying close to Ben, his arm wrapped around me, the light bouncing off his face as he slept. The look of peacefulness on his face while he was sleeping was truly beautiful. It made me think of that song from Armageddon actually..."I could stay awake just to hear you you smile while you're sleeping...while you're far away and dreaming." I kissed Ben's sweet, closed eyes before getting out of bed, throwing on a pair of boxers, and going to the bathroom.

After my bathroom break I decided that breakfast sounded like a good idea, and made my way down the hallway to the kitchen. I noticed as I walked that my ass was a little sore from the previous evening, but it was certainly worth it. A moment that amazing would be worth anything.

Before I could get to the kitchen and raid the cupboards for cereal, I had to pass by the front room, which is where I saw Matt. He was sitting on the couch, wearing nothing but boxers, looking at the floor with his face buried in his hands. He almost looked like he'd been crying. I wasn't sure what to do...if it was my place to ask what was wrong, but it felt like the right question to ask.

"Hey Matt. Good morning."

"Oh hi David, good morning to you too." He looked up, quickly wiping the tears from his eyes so I wouldn't notice. He tried to sound like nothing was bothering him.

"You doing okay?" I asked as I walked over near the couch.

"Yeah, everything's fine. Why do you ask?"

"Come on Matt, you know you can't fool me with that shit." I sat down next to him and put my hand on his back, rubbing it. "What is it?"

"Oh man...just woman problems is all. I don't know why I'm letting it get to me."

"Woman problems?" I asked, a look of confusion falling over my face.

"Yeah, with Winona actually."

"But you guys aren' know...really dating or anything right?"

"No, and that's the problem." Matt wiped away the rest of his tears and looked me in the eyes.

"Come on, you can tell me what happened."

"Well for the past few months everything has been fine. We had an arrangement you know? We're friends and she agreed to act like my girlfriend for whatever big Hollywood parties I had to attend. But now..." Matt hesitated for a moment...I think he was ready to tear up again.

"But now what?"

He took a deep breath. "But now she says she's sick of pretending. That she has to sneak around to go on dates with other guys, because the press might catch her and it'll be front page news that she's cheating on me. She thinks we should just tell the truth."

A hundred thoughts raced through my mind at once, and my mouth must have dropped open for at least a few seconds.

"Tell the truth about what? That you guys aren't really dating? Or about..."

"About everything." Matt finished my sentence for me.

"But you're not actually considering that right? It'd be insane." I was really starting to get worried about Matt's intentions.

"No, of course I'm not considering it. But she's considering doing it for me."

"What?? Oh man, she can't do that. She knows about Ben too doesn't she?"

"Yeah, she knows we used to be together. I don't know if she knows about you guys though, so you might be safe."

"Unless Gwyneth told you think Gwyneth knows?"

"The only way she'd know is if Ben told her."

My brain was suddenly overflowing with all sorts of unsettling images. Winona could go to the press, spill them the secret that Matt and Ben are gay...and if she knows I'm dating Ben, I'd be front page news in the span of about fifteen seconds. Their careers would plummet, and I'd be left in the rubble. This was definitely not the news I wanted to wake up to.

"Do you want us to talk to her?" I asked. "Maybe if the three of us all sat down with her, she would come to her senses."

"No, I think I can handle it alone," Matt replied.

"What about Gwyneth? Maybe Ben could get Gwyneth to talk to her, they're best friends right?"

"No no no no, don't worry about it yet. I don't want to get the entire cavalry involved...just let me talk to her okay?"

"'re sure you can handle this?"

"Yeah, it'll be fine. I don't want you worrying about it."

"I'll try my best. And no more crying for you okay?" I wiped the remaining wetness from the edges of Matt's eyes, bringing a smile to his face.

"I'll try my best," he responded. " look like you had a good night last night."

"I do?" I asked, not able to hide my grin. I wasn't sure what gave me away.

"Yeah, you're wearing Ben's boxers." Matt started busting up laughing, which was a refreshing change from the crying he was doing moments earlier.

"Oh..." I blushed and started laughing along with him. "Yeah, it was a great night."

"Not to mention all of the candles I had to blow out when I got home. What was the special occasion?"

"Actually...I landed a role in 'Twisted Innuendo'. You're looking at a murder suspect, right here baby."

"WHAT?? No way!!" I could see that Matt was thrilled as he grabbed my shoulders and started shaking me around. "You're going to be a big time actor just like us now. When do you start?"

"Two days. I'm pretty excited."

"Nervous too I bet."

"Yeah...lots of nervousness, lots of excitement. I don't even know how I got the part, I was shocked."

"Trust me David, that's always the thought that runs through your head when you land your first role. And it's a damn good one too, I read the script."

"So do you have any advice for my first day on the set?"

"Hmmmm...well, the most important thing you can do is to not look at it as this huge Hollywood motion picture that's going to be seen by millions of people. Just block all of that out and concentrate on the role...and be your naturally charming self. That's my advice."

"Thanks, sounds like good advice to me." I leaned over and gave Matt a quick hug. "I think I'll head back to bed for awhile. You're going to be okay right?"

"Sure I will," Matt said, flashing that famous smile. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

I laughed and got up off the couch, creeping down the hallway back to Ben's bedroom. I had completely forgotten about the rumbling in my stomach as I pushed the door slowly open, walked in, and closed it behind me.

I saw Ben lying completely naked above the covers, just as I had left him, but this time his eyes were open.

"There you are. I almost freaked out when I woke up and you weren't next to me."

"No need to freak babe, I'm right here." I walked over to the bed and crawled in next to Ben, laying on my stomach beside him. "I just felt like some breakfast."

"And did you get any?"

"No," I said with a laugh.

"So you left me just to take a walk around the living room in my boxers?"

"Actually I stopped to talk to Matt, and then instead of having breakfast, I starved myself so I could rush back in here to you."

Ben started to kiss the side of my neck, then I turned my head toward his and our lips met.

"I really loved last night David," Ben whispered as his hand ran along my back, feeling each muscle, each curve.

"So did I."

"Are you sure? No regrets? I know you'd waited a long time for that."

"No regrets. It was the single most amazing moment of my life, plain and simple."

"Well I'd be perfectly happy to give you equally amazing moments every night if you like," Ben said with a grin.

"I'd love it. And I love you."

"I love you too. Now let's get up and I'll cook you some breakfast. I don't want you withering away on me, turning into some supermodel."

"Sounds good to me. One question first."


"Did you tell Gwyneth about us?"

"About me and you?" Ben asked, sounding a bit confused. "No I didn't, why?"

"I was just curious, no biggie."

"Okay," Ben said, dropping the subject quicker than I expected him to. He hopped up off the bed, threw on my briefs, then grabbed my hand and dragged me to my feet next to him. "Are you ready for your breakfast now monsieur?"

"Just lead the way to the kitchen Mr. Puck."

The rest of the day went by without much excitement. Me, Ben, Matt and Casey went out for dinner and did some shopping, with Matt being kind of mentally distant the entire time. I knew he must have had quite a bit on his mind, and I know Ben could tell something was up, but he didn't mention it. That evening Ben had to go do some work on the set, so the three of us spent the night going to some clubs and getting a little plastered.

When I woke up the next morning I decided to give Jeff and Rick a call, since I promised I would once I found out about the audition. I knew they were going to flip out the second I told them the good news.

I crawled out of bed, leaving Ben behind, and made my way out to the front room. I picked up the phone and dialed the number, hearing Rick pick up after a few rings.

"Hello," he said, sounding pretty upbeat for such an early hour.

"Hey Rick, what's up?"

"Oh David, hi. How are you doing?"

"Pretty good, how about yourself? You sound pretty happy."

"Yeah, I am actually. Now cut the BS and give me the news."

"Oh, what news is that?" I asked, playing dumb.

"About the audition! You were supposed to call us yesterday you know."

"I know, it must have slipped my mind."

"So...?" I could hear the anticipation building in Rick's voice.

"So what?"

"So TELL me! Don't make me come over there."

"Well, I went to the audition, did the best I could do, and by the time I left I was sure I'd blown it. They just kind of ushered me out the door, and I thought that was it."

" was that it?"

"Not quite. I came home and Ben was here, he had just gotten a phone call..."

"Yeah...AND..." I could tell Rick was about to go crazy.

"And I got the part."

"You got the part?? Oh man!! Jesus H. David, that's amazing. Let me tell Jeff."

I heard Rick cover the mouthpiece with his hand, then yell the news to Jeff. After that I heard double the screaming. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Jeff says congratulations too."

"Yeah I could hear that."

So when do you start? When are the Oscars? When do you start making twenty mil a picture?" Rick said with exaggeration in his voice.

"Well I start tomorrow, the Oscars are in March, and probably when pigs fly. Any other questions?"

"Nope, no more questions. I'm just really happy for you. We both are."

"Thanks. I couldn't have done this without you guys though. If we hadn't gone to the set in the first place."

"Well don't mention it. I had some news of my own for you though."

"Oh really? It's good news I hope. I've been having bad luck lately with news in the early morning."

"Yeah, it's good news. But I don't want to tell you on the phone...can you swing by?"

"Sure, no problem. Give me an hour okay?"

"An hour it is."

I hung up the phone feeling a bit confused as to what Rick had to tell me, and why he had to tell me in person, but I quickly shrugged it off as no big deal. The last thing I needed was to get overly paranoid, which God knows happens often enough already.

I made my way back to the bedroom and found Ben still curled up under the covers. I knew he had gotten in late last night and I didn't want to wake him up, so I crawled in bed next to him...deciding that I would have to get him semi conscious so I could tell him where I was headed.

"Hey Ben," I said, putting my mouth right up against his ear. No response. "Bennnnnn...ohhh Bennnnnn."

He eventually stirred and muttered something incomprehensible under his breath, so I figured he was conscious enough.

"I'm heading over to Jeff and Rick's, I'll be back in a couple hours...okay?"

Another low mumble, which I thought sounded like a nod of approval and comprehension. I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before heading to the shower and getting cleaned up for my visit.

I borrowed Ben's jeep and arrived at my destination in almost exactly an hour, just as I had said I would. If there was one thing in life I had mastered, it was being punctual. I knocked on the door and was greeted by Rick, who invited me in. It was certainly nice to see him again, even though it had only been about three days since we had hung out and gotten drunk together.

"So what's this big news of yours?" I asked as I took a seat on the couch in the front room. "You're not going to tell me you're engaged or anything right?"

"No," Rick said, sitting next to me, "I just got a girl pregnant."

I looked at him, seriously for a moment, until I saw him start laughing.

"Damn, don't scare me like that," I replied, letting out a bit of nervous laughter. "So really, what is it?"

"Well I didn't want to make a big deal out of it, like it's some huge announcement. But I guess there's really no other way to do it."

"So come on...TELL me. Don't play those torturous little games I play with you." I laughed.

"I'm gay." A look of utter seriousness passed over his face.

"Come on Rick,'re driving me nuts here," I said, letting out a sigh of frustration. "I drove all the way out here, stole Ben's jeep by the way, so just..."

"David, I'm gay," he interrupted.

I looked him in the eyes, trying to figure out if he was joking. Waiting for that little twinkle in the blue that always showed me he was about to laugh. It wasn't there this time.

"Are you telling me the truth?"

"Yes, I swear it."

I hesitated for a moment, confusion running through my mind. Rick couldn't be gay! It was impossible, I'd known him forever. And if anyone should have gaydar, it'd be me.

"Rick, I don't understand. You're sure you're serious?"

"I'm positive. Are you shocked?"

"Well duh...shocked would be an understatement right now. Why didn't you tell me this before?"

"It wasn't really something I knew before. I mean I always KNEW it, deep down it was there. But I never really admitted it to myself until recently. So it's not like I kept you in the dark intentionally."

"Wow...I think I need a moment to catch my breath here." I took a short pause before continuing. "Can I ask a question?"


"Why was it exactly that you had such a tough time admitting it to yourself? You always had me and Jeff around, and you knew we'd both be supportive of it...what was the point of keeping it in?"

"Come on David, you know how my family is. My parents are Catholic and I'm my dad's only son...I was told from day one that it was my goal to make them proud, to carry on the family name, to settle down with a wife and have two and a half children. It made it really tough."

"I understand, I didn't even think of that. Did you tell Jeff?"

"Yeah, a few days ago actually."

"How did he handle it?"

"He was about as surprised as you were, but he's been great about it. Of course I did have to tell him that between me, you, Ben, and Matt, he's officially a fag hag."

I went into a fit of laughter at the thought of poor Jeff, the only straight boy among us. I almost fell off the couch before I regained control of myself.

"Well he'll always have Casey," I replied, practically out of breath.

"Yep, that makes two of them. They're certainly the minority though."

"Seriously my friend, I want to tell you congratulations." I leaned over and wrapped my arms around Rick, giving him a hug and patting him on the back. "Now I can finally get that toaster oven."

We both sat there laughing and hugging for a few seconds before pulling away.

"Now is there anyone else who's gay that I should know about? This must be National Coming Out Month or something."

"Well I'm the only one that I know of," Rick replied. "Don't worry about Jeff, he's as straight as they come."

"Yeah, like I've never heard THAT before."

Just as I said that, Jeff walked in the room, giving the two of us a strange look. I think he knew we had been talking about him.

"Heard what before?"

"Oh nothing," I said, trying not to laugh at Jeff's obliviousness. I turned back to Rick. "So you're really gay huh?" Now we need to find you a man."

"Well, once you get your Oscar nomination, you can take me to the ceremony and hook me up with some celebrity stud."

"You might be waiting a loooooong time before you get a date then," I said with a smile. "You could be old and gray by that time."

"Nah, you'll get that nomination this year, you just watch."

"I haven't even started yet, it's hard for me to think about the Academy Awards."

"When do you start anyway?" Jeff asked.

I took a glance down at my watch, seeing what time it was.

"In about twenty-four hours."

Afflecktion- Part 6

I left Rick's about thirty minutes later, and the entire drive home all I could think about was his news. Rick was gay? The guy I'd wrestled with in high school, the guy who had told me about each and every one of his girlfriends, even while I was telling him about my crushes. It was a weird thing to adjust to. You think you've learned all there is to know about someone once you're about five years into a relationship. Rick was a great guy, and maybe in some parallel universe, where Ben didn't exist, the two of us could even be something together. But that's not the universe I lived in.

I pulled up in the driveway, trying to clear my mind from the surprise and think about other things. I couldn't believe that by this time tomorrow I would be on a movie set, surrounded by people, acting my heart out for millions to eventually see. I just had to remember what Matt said and forget all of that, or else I'd never make it through the next day.

I walked in the front door and saw Ben sitting on the couch in his boxers reading the newspaper. He looked so damn cute when he woke up in the morning, all stubbly with his pillow hair. Who was I kidding, he looked cute all the time.

"Good morning," I said as I closed the front door behind me and walked over to the couch.

"Good morning to you too Mr. Houdini," Ben replied, half seriously.

"I know, I'm sorry I left. Did you hear anything I told you when you were half unconscious?"

"I think so...either that or I was just dreaming about you. Something about Rick right?"

"Yep, he needed me to come over so he could tell me some news. You won't believe this one."

I walked over to Ben, dropping his keys on the coffee table and straddling him as he sat on the couch. I brought my face close to his and gave him a good morning kiss.

"So what did he have to say?"

"He's gay."

"He's WHAT?" Ben said, sounding about as shocked as I felt.

"Yep, gay gay gay."

"When? How? Is he sure?"

"Yeah, he's sure. Unbelievable huh?" I started kissing Ben's neck, pressing my body closer to his as I straddled him.

"Unbelievable to say the least. You know what this means right?"

"What?" I asked, kissing down Ben's chest.

"He's in love with you."

I took my lips from Ben's torso and looked up at him, a look of disbelief in my eyes.

"Oh pleeeease," I said, letting out a laugh.

"Yep, it's a fact. Every gay man has to be in love with you, otherwise he'd be insane. Do you want us to have him committed?"

I smiled and gave Ben a deep kiss on the lips, before taking my hands and moving him so he was lying flat on his back on the couch. I spread my body on top of his, kissing him and grinding my crotch against his boxers. I could feel him starting to get hard, I loved it. My lips moved down his chest until I found those perfect nipples. I started sucking them, one at a time, flicking my tongue against them. Ben started moaning as his crotch began gyrating faster and faster. A second later I heard a door open in the hallway.

"Hey hey hey now guys," I heard Casey say as he walked past us into the kitchen. "Not on the couch, some of us have to sit there."

I laughed and crawled off of Ben, pulling my shirt down to cover up the raging hard on in my jeans.

"Good morning Casey," I said, giving him a sly smile.

The next day arrived a lot quicker than I wanted it to. I woke up and found that Ben wasn't in bed next to me, so I figured he must have pulled his own Houdini act at an earlier hour of the morning. I glanced at the clock, it was 9:10. An hour and fifty minutes before I had to be on the set. My heart started racing immediately.

I hopped out of bed, threw on some boxers and a tee shirt, then went out in the front room to search for Ben. I didn't find him, but I did come across Matt sitting on the couch, watching television. He was looking a bit distressed.

"Hey, have you seen Ben?" I asked, sitting down next to him.

"He ran to the store, he'll be back in like twenty minutes."

"How's everything going with the uhhh...woman situation?"

"The what?" Matt asked, sounding a bit confused. "Oh that, right. I haven't really had a chance to talk to her yet."

"I know you've been kind of distant lately, and I know Ben must have noticed. Did he say anything to you?"

"He asked but I just told him it was nothing, just stress or whatever. If I tell him what's really going on he'll want to charge in and go talk to her, I know how he gets."

"And you're sure that's not the best idea?" I asked, trying to find any quick solution to this growing problem.

"I'm positive. I can handle this David, don't worry. So today is your big day right?" Matt quickly changed the subject.

"Yeah, I have to be there in about two hours. I'm nervous as hell."

"DON'T be nervous. Just go get in the shower, get ready, and Ben will be here to calm your nerves before you know it."

"Sounds like good advice. And you cheer up okay? It's all going to work out."

"Thanks," Matt replied, giving me a smile.

I went and hopped in the shower, trying to think of anything except being nervous. After that I got dressed and did my hair, even though I knew that they'd be taking care of my outfit, hair, and everything else once I arrived at the set. I walked out of the bathroom and into Ben's room, with about an hour left before I had to be there. I felt a wave of relief come over my body as I saw Ben all dressed, sitting on the bed.

"Oh good, you're home," I said as I walked over and sat next to him. "I'm a mess here."

"You, a mess?" A smile crept across Ben's face. "Look at you, you could stop traffic."

"Well that's the outside, but on the inside I'm losing my mind. What if I do terribly? What if they just laugh and kick me off the set? I mean, doing this is insane."

Ben wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close to him, my head resting on his chest. He gave me a soft kiss on the top of my head before whispering in my ear.

"David, you're going to do fine. In fact, I can give you a complete rundown of what will happen if you want."

"Okay, go for it." I let myself relax as Ben rubbed my back...there was no way I could be nervous when I was in his arms.

"We're going to show up, I'll introduce you around, they'll spend the first few hours with hair and makeup and costumes, and then you'll do your first scene. It's one with we'll do it, you'll nail it, and everyone on that set is going to say 'Wow, this kid can act'. By day number two you'll be a star."

I let out a sigh and closed my eyes, soaking in his words. Somehow it all sounded so true.

"You know, you have a way about you Ben. Just seeing you and having you here makes me feel like the safest person in the world."

"That's because you are safe here. I'd never let anything hurt you."

"I know that, and I love you for it."

"I love you too." Ben gave me a sweet, soft kiss on the back of my neck. "I have a question for you."

"What is it?"

"When you talked to Matt the other morning...did he seem okay?"

"Yeah, he seemed fine. Why?" I hated keeping something from Ben, but it seemed like the right thing to do. I trusted that Matt would have it all cleared up within the next couple days, and then there would be no need for anyone to worry.

"He's just been acting kind of funny around me, kind of distant."

"Did you ask him about it?"

"Yeah, he said it was just stress. I guess if he wants me to know he'll tell me."

"That's true, you don't want to push him."

"No, that's the last thing I want to do. So are you ready?"

"Ready for what?" I asked, opening my eyes again. I had been completely lost just sitting there wrapped in Ben's arms.

"To leave. It's about time to go."

"Already??" I asked, the nervousness starting to build up again.

"Yes, but remain calm. No freaking out on me okay?"

"You're right. Let's do this." I gave Ben a quick kiss on the lips before bouncing to my feet.

"That's my man," Ben said as he stood next to me.

We left the house and pulled up at the studio about forty-five minutes later. The first scene we were supposed to do took place after my character was caught by Ben and was some sort of interrogation scene. They always filmed these things out of order, which I hoped wouldn't confuse me too much. I just had to concentrate on the script scene by scene.

We got out of the jeep and walked inside to the set, where there were crew members swarming around everywhere. Ben started giving me a little tour, introducing me around to some people like the cameramen, the lighting guys, and some of the other techies. I gave each one a strong handshake and a smile, hoping that they couldn't tell how quickly my heart was beating.

"You're doing great," Ben whispered to me as he walked me toward another group of people.

I started being introduced around this new group, which was mostly cast members and extras. The last person Ben brought me in front of was Gwyneth, which made me even more nervous than I already was. I shook her hand and tried to read her face to see if she knew the secret between Ben and I, but I think she was pretty oblivious. The last thing I wanted was for her to go tell Winona about me...the situation was dangerous enough already.

After the string of intros were through, I headed by myself to the hair and makeup trailer, which is where I stayed for about two hours. I had no idea it would take so long, and I got pretty antsy sitting in the same chair with people flying around me, playing with my face and with my head. It was a welcome relief when they told me that I was done and could go ahead to the wardrobe room.

Once I got there I was quickly handed a really grungy looking outfit, which I was told to change into for the scene. My character had a pretty shady background, and a rap sheet that was pretty impressive considering he was supposed to be twenty. It certainly wasn't a glamorous role, but it was good one.

After I changed into my bum outfit, had my hair greasy, my face beat up, and looked as unattractive as humanly possible, they sent me out to the set. The director was just setting up the scene, and I saw Ben and Gwyneth standing in the makeshift interrogation office. I went and joined them, taking my place in a chair in the middle of the room, which is where I'd be questioned. I saw Ben give me a double take as I sat down...he probably barely recognized me now that I was in my flashy new threads.

Before I knew it I heard the director yell "ACTION!". At that moment it was like all of the worries, the nervousness, and the jitters drained from my body. My lines just flowed from my lips, and I could feel the intense feelings that my character was supposed to be feeling. Even toward the end of the scene, when Ben's detective starts screaming at me, I held my own and managed to scream right back. I was just starting to get into it when the director yelled cut.

"Great work David, great work," Anthony said as he walked over to me. "You nailed it in one take."

I looked over at Ben, a wave of relief and exhilaration washing over me. He flashed me a smile and gave me a thumbs up, mouthing the words "I told you so." Maybe this wasn't impossible after all.

The next two days went pretty smoothly, with Ben and I heading to the set in the morning and coming home later in the evening together. We found that working side by side all day without even being able to throw each other a longing glance or a kiss was pretty frustrating, so we were usually all over each other the instant we got home.

Matt seemed to get even more sullen and distant as the days went by. I didn't bring it up again with him, so I had no clue if he'd talked to Winona or not. I did know that I hadn't seen him and Ben plastered all over Hard Copy yet, so something must have been going right.

The fourth day of my acting stint was an outside scene, shot at nighttime. It was actually the exact chase sequence Ben had been filming when I first threw myself in front of him about two weeks ago. Now it had be reshot with me, since the footage with the other actor who had dropped out couldn't be used. One thing I knew for sure was that no one better be jumping in front of my man this time around.

It was a tough evening with lots of running and physical activity involved, not to mention multiple takes. It was tough to get all the actors synchronized, as well as the large crowd of extras that were involved. It was around nine in the evening when Anthony finally told us all to take about a thirty minute break.

I was standing on the sidelines talking to one of my fellow actors when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Ben.

"Hey David, I wanted to run over the next scene with you in my trailer when you get a chance. Is that cool?"

"Oh sure," I said, not sure if he was serious. I decided to play along anyway. "I'll meet you there in just a minute."

Ben walked off to his trailer and I finished the conversation I was having, that way nothing would seem too obvious. A few minutes later I walked over and knocked on the door to the trailer.

"Who is it?"

"David," I replied, as if he didn't know.

"David who?"

"Just open the damn door," I said with a laugh.

The door unlocked and I pushed it open, stepping inside. I didn't see Ben anywhere, and then all of a sudden I saw his arm shoot out in front of me from behind the door. He was holding a single rose. I took it from him and he pushed the door closed behind me.

"What's this for?" I asked, bringing the petals to my nose.

"For the most beautiful suspect I've ever had the pleasure of chasing after." Ben walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He looked great, dressed in a pair of tight blue jeans and a plain white tank top. No matter how many times I saw him, he always seemed to look better. His smell was amazing too.

"Well now that you've caught me, what are you going to do with me?" I put my arms around Ben's neck, moving my face close to his.

"I was thinking of roughing up the suspect. What do you say?"

"Ooooh...just be gentle."

"Never." Ben cracked that famous smile and led me over to the couch, which had already been pulled out into a bed.

I dropped the rose and laid down on my back, still in my grungy character clothes, and Ben laid right on top of me, our hard bodies pressed together. I brought my lips to his, tasting him, feeling his tongue with mine. We must have stayed like that for at least five minutes, kissing each other's lips, faces, and necks. I could feel his cock getting harder in his jeans as his crotch grinded against me. I grinded right back, our bodies moving in sweet synchronization.

"We're definitely going to have to get you out of those clothes," he said as he got on his knees and sat me up. I lifted my arms above my head as Ben yanked off my shirt. I did the same for him, pulling that clinging tank top off his body and throwing it aside. I brought my lips to his hairy chest, kissing first in the middle, just between his bulging pecs, then moving to those perfect nipples.

My tongue danced around each one of Ben's nipples...sucking them, getting them hard. My teeth nibbled on each one lightly, just enough to drive him crazy. I could hear his moans as my hands went down and started undoing his jeans...first the button, then the zipper.

I helped Ben pull his tight jeans off, leaving him only in his boxers. I could see the tent that had formed in them and I reached for it, feeling his hard on through the material. He laid me back down on my back and covered me with his body, his mouth kissing me, his tongue going straight to my nipples. My back arched and I let out a moan as I felt those teeth of his start nibbling on one of my most sensitive areas. My hands were running through his hair, going down his back...I was in ecstasy.

My body quivered as I felt Ben's lips go further down my torso, kissing my abs. I felt the wetness of his tongue slide in my belly button, licking me thoroughly in there before going further down, to the waistband of my jeans. His hands reached up...unbuttoning and unzipping my pants with one quick move. He pulled them down quickly, along with my briefs, leaving me naked and rock hard underneath him. I leaned forward and removed Ben's boxers, unleashing that beautiful hard cock for me to see. I wrapped my hand around it, stroking him slowly.

"Do you know that you get more beautiful every time I see you?" Ben said, his face lingering near my crotch. "Even when you were in those scummy clothes, with that makeup all over you and your hair screwed have this beauty. It can't be hidden by anything."

"You're too good to me," I said, a smile crossing over my face. "I don't deserve you."

"No...I don't deserve you."

Ben opened his mouth wide and took my throbbing cock inside of him, his tongue running along the underside of my shaft. I let out a long moan the instant I felt his warm breath against the head of my penis. He started sucking faster, licking me everywhere. My hips started moving in motion with his mouth...thrusting into him. I motioned for Ben to turn around.

He managed to crawl over me and get into a 69 position without removing his mouth from my cock. I looked up and saw his beautiful balls and hard eight inches waiting above my face...I lifted my mouth up and took him inside. Ben started to fuck my face almost immediately and I handled it, finding a rhythm that matched his thrusts. I could taste his precum running down my throat and could feel mine going down his at the same moment.

I reached my hands around as I sucked Ben's throbbing penis, spreading his ass cheeks apart. My fingers ran all along his crack, feeling the light brown hairs that lined the edges. I found that tight little hole of his and pressed my finger inside...driving him wild. His thrusts started getting harder and his mouth was working my cock over even faster than before. My finger started moving in and and out...faster and harder with each motion.

"David?" Ben asked as he removed my penis from his lips.

"Yes Ben?"

"Can I ask you for something?"

"Anything my love. Anything."

"Will you fuck me?"

The request was a surprise to me, since it was just something that Ben had never asked me for in the past. I took my finger from his hole before responding.

"I'd love to."

"'re in charge then...tell me what you need me to do."

"Just ummm...lay on your stomach for me, and lift your ass up a little. Okay?"

I watched as Ben did exactly what I told him, crawling off of me and laying down beside me. I looked deeply in his eyes and gave him a passionate kiss on the lips before moving to my knees behind him.

"You've done this before right?" I asked as I lined my cock up with his tight hole. I didn't realize what a stupid question it was until after I said it, since I knew him and Matt had been together for quite awhile.

"Never with you, and that's all that matters."

I leaned down and kissed Ben's neck and down his back, running my hands through that beautiful hair. I started pressing my cock inside of him, slowly yet powerfully.

"I love you Ben. If I hurt you just tell me okay?"

"I love you too David. More than anything."

I held on tightly to Ben's strong hips as I pressed more and more of my manhood inside of him. I could hear his moans getting louder, until finally I felt my balls and bush of pubic hair grazing his cheeks. I was all the way in now.

"Ohhh Ben...this feels like heaven." I started moving slowly in and out, feeling the tight hold his hole had on my cock.

"My thoughts exactly."

I reached my hand around and started stroking Ben's throbbing penis while I pumped him...gaining momentum and speed with each thrust of my hips. I was stroking him harder and harder as I fucked him. It was one of the most amazing sensations I've ever experienced. Like complete physical, mental, and emotional oneness.

"Ben...ohhh baby I think I'm gonna blow. Do you want it inside you?"

"Yessss David, yes. I'm ready too, whenever you are."

I bent down and kissed Ben's strong back while I fucked him and pumped him with my hand. I could feel my balls tensing up, and then with one, deep thrust my cum began to explode from the tip of my penis. My body started to shiver as I emptied load after load into Ben's tight ass. Before I was finished I heard him let out a huge moan, and felt his hot love juice shoot out, covering my hand, as well as the couch cushions. He let out a final grunt as his orgasm finally subsided.

My knees gave out and I collapsed on top of Ben, kissing him gently as I tried to catch my breath. My softening penis still inside him.

"That was amazing," I whispered.

"Ohhh David, amazing doesn't even cover it."

We laid there for a few more minutes, in perfect silence. I was just looking down at him, memorizing every curve of his back. It got me to thinking...I only had about one week left. I was supposed to go back to Vegas in seven days...go back to a life that didn't seem to belong to me anymore. I knew it was something I needed to talk to Ben about, but neither of us really wanted to bring it up, and I certainly wasn't going to at a perfect moment such as this. It'd have to wait.

My thoughts were interrupted by a sudden, unexpected knock on the door.

"Shit, who's that?" I asked, pulling my cock out of Ben and rolling over beside him.

Before Ben had a chance to respond, the door slowly opened. We forgot to lock the door!! I saw Gwyneth poke her head in, obviously to tell him something, and all she saw was the two of us, lying naked next to each other on the couch. She quickly apologized and closed the entrance again, muttering something about how the director was waiting. A moment later Ben let out a laugh.

"Oh my God Ben!! She saw us!!" I was about to have a panic attack.

"Don't worry David, it's no biggie. It's just Gwyneth."

"No no no Ben, you don't understand. You have to go find her. Right now."

"Now? Why? What's the problem?" Ben gave me a look of concern mixed with confusion.

"There's something I haven't been telling you about Matt."

This news caused Ben to sit up and wiped the laugh straight from his face.

"What is it?"

"Well I know why he's been acting so strange lately."

"Tell me David."

"Well Matt has been having problems with Winona lately. She's sick of being his cover and wants him to come out and tell the truth about their relationship."

"The truth being...?" I could see that he was starting to get worried.

"The whole truth...about you, about him. And she said that if he wasn't going to do it, she might have to."

"WHAT?? And you didn't tell me this? What were you thinking David? This is my career at stake here!"

"Don't be mad, please Ben. The only reason I didn't tell you is because Matt knew you would flip, and he wanted a chance to talk to her himself."

"That's not going to work, we're all going to have to talk to her. What does Gwyneth have to do with any of this?"

"Well she didn't know about us until just now...and what if she goes and tells Winona? Then she goes and tells the press, and suddenly there are pictures of us together on the Internet in a matter of days." I was almost crying I was so worried, I could feel the lump building in my throat.

"Listen, that's not going to happen David." Ben got up and quickly started throwing his clothes back on. "I'll go talk to Gwyneth right now, and then when we get home tonight we're going to have a chat with Matt. Deal?"

"Okay...what should I do?"

"Get ready. You have a scene to shoot in about three minutes."

I could hardly concentrate on my work for the rest of the mind was swimming with thoughts of the situation surrounding me. Even though I was side by side with Ben for the rest of the evening, I couldn't get him alone long enough to ask if he talked to Gwyneth and what she had said. The shoot seemed to drag on for an eternity, but I was more than relieved when the director told everyone to go home at around eleven.

Ben and I said goodbye to everyone, including Gwyneth, who surprisingly didn't seem to be acting any differently toward me than she had before. We walked out to the jeep, and the second we were alone in there I let it out.

"Okay what'd she say?" I asked as Ben pulled out of the lot and started the drive home.

"Well, I told her what Matt had said, and about what was going on..."


"And she seemed to think I was losing my mind. She said that she hadn't heard anything from Winona about that, and that it really didn't seem like something she'd do."

"Could Gwyneth be lying?" I asked, feeling a bit perplexed.

"Anything's possible, but I don't see why she would. Anyway, I told her not to tell anybody about what she saw tonight, and she said she didn't plan on it."

"Well, now I'm completely confused. Somebody has to be lying here, cause this just isn't connecting."

"I know it's not. I called Matt up tonight too."

"Oh no. What did you tell him?"

"I told him I knew what had been going on, and how I found out. And I let him know that we're going to go talk to Winona tonight."

"Tonight?" I asked, a tone of disbelief in my voice. "Did he actually agree to that?"

"Yep, he just said meet him at home first."

"Was he pissed at me for telling you?"

"At first, yes. But once I explained that Gwyneth actually walked in, he realized you didn't have much of a choice. He'll get over it."

"I hope so. Can you promise me something?" I asked, looking over at Ben as he drove.

"What is it?"

"Promise me this is going to work out."

"Sure, I promise." He gave me a little smile as he said that. It was always those little looks he gave that made me believe whatever it was he had to tell me. He was definitely the strong one.

We rode the rest of the way home without saying much, each of us lost in our own train of thought. Mine mainly revolved around this confusion, as well as the reminder that I had one week left. Seven days. I couldn't believe it.

When we finally pulled up at the house I saw a light on inside...Matt must be waiting I thought. The two of us got out of the jeep and headed to the front door, where Ben took out his key and opened it. I saw Matt sitting in the chair as soon as I walked in, looking even more distressed than usual. The thought of actually going to talk to her must have been driving him crazy.

"Hey guys," Matt lowly stated as Ben closed the door behind us.

"Hey Matt," Ben replied. "You ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," he stated with a small smile. "One thing first though."

"What is it?" I asked.

"I need you guys to sit down for a sec," Matt replied.

Both of us noticed that Matt was acting even stranger than usual, but we did what he asked, sitting on the couch across from him. I suddenly had a very uneasy feeling about me.

"Okay," Matt started. "I needed to meet you guys here first so I could tell you some news."

"Which is what?" Ben asked.

"Well...there are no problems with Winona."

My mouth fell open for a moment, followed by a sigh of relief. It felt like a weight had just been lifted from my back.

"That's great," I replied. "You talked some sense into her finally?"

"No, that's not it," Matt said slowly.

"Then...what?" Ben asked.

"I mean there never WERE any problems with Winona. I made it up."

"You WHAT?" I retorted, my voice rising. "You made it up? You had me stressed out all this time for nothing? You were being distant this entire time for nothing? I can't believe this."

"I didn't make it up to freak you out," Matt said calmly, looking me in the eyes. "I did it because I couldn't tell you what was really wrong, and I needed to tell you something. I had to give you some reason for how I was acting. Then it just got out of hand."

"You can tell us the real reason Matt," Ben said, managing to sound a lot more calm than I had. "No more games okay? Just be honest."

Matt's gaze averted away from me, and fixed on Ben instead.

"Okay, no more games. I'll make it simple." There was a pause, a short hesitation in the air. "I'm still in love with you Ben."


Next: Chapter 4: Afflecktion 7 8

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