Airline Life

By MW Mans Mind

Published on Jul 24, 2018


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The series of chapters are completely true and are the result of the author's life. Any resemblance to any real person(s) is well, true! The story contains consensual sexual behavior between adult males. It depicts unprotected sex and protected sex practices are the way to go if you plan to be around for years to come.

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We woke in the morning to overcast skies. This was the last day at the campground. In lieu of making a hot breakfast we just decided to have a bowl of cereal. My original plans were to leave there in the early afternoon and arrive late to KC. But we decided to head back to KC early, and just relax at my house. We struck camp and loaded up the truck. We both got out new socks and put our shoes on, I threw some clothes into the truck and he threw his bag in the cab. We stood there looking at each other; I reached into the truck and got the key to the lock on his collar. I reached for it, and he grabbed my hand and gently pushed it away with a trembling hand. "I would like to wear it for a while if that is o.k."

"I would be honored for you to wear my collar." I said looking at his crystal blue eyes.

"What is going to happen when we get back to the city Sir?" He asked innocently.

"I do not know, I would like to spread your horizons and teach you how to be the best submissive you can be. I can see that it is in your heart." I said as I took his head and laid it on my shoulder.

"Would you like me to drive or would you like to drive sir?"

"I will drive my boy." I said climbing into the truck. After I got the engine started, I remembered my nakedness and stepped back out of the truck and put a pair of shorts on. When I got back into the truck, I looked at him naked sitting in my truck, and said "You need to at least put on your shorts, to travel, once we get back to my house though, I want you to take them off the minute you enter the door, understood boy?"

"Yes Sir, you said you liked looking at my body, so I was going to remain naked until we needed to get out of the truck, but if you don't want to see my body, I will cover it up." He said downtrodden.

"Just as long as you have a pair of shorts and a shirt to wear if we stop to get something to eat. I do like looking at your body." I said with a smile and took the truck out of park. About two hours down the road, his head was bobbing, sensing the tiredness in him, I lifted the center console and pulled his head to my lap. "Take a rest boy, use me as your pillow. You need your strength." I said as he curled up on the passenger seat and put his head on my thigh.

"Sir, what are the qualities of a boy that you look for, you said that you saw it in my heart?" He said eyes closed and head on my thigh.

"I like a boy that is fit and trim for others to look at and envy, one that isn't averse to hard work, I like a boy that knows that he is a boy. You know you are a boy, so that is something nice, and it makes me happy. But what is your roommates gonna think about your collar?" I said rubbing his head.

"I do not care what they think actually, but they will not be happy with me since I have this collar on, I cannot let him blow me anymore. Besides I do not want him to anyway, I felt dirty when he did it, but I felt different when you did it. It is confusing." He said eyes still closed.

"If he does not like it, and if he wants you out, you can always come to my house, but it wouldn't be as friends, you would move to my house as my boy." I said concentrating on the road.

"Would you consider taking me anyway and teaching me whether my roommates like my collar or not?" He said sitting up looking at me.

"Sure, it wouldn't be easy, you would have daily chores, in addition to your work schedule. And you would have to pay bills, but as soon as you entered my house, you would have to know your place and do as I say, obey me, and be owned by me. Your decisions about things would have to be passed by me first, and that is not negotiable, you wouldn't have any charge, I would possess all power." I said.

He looks at me, curls down back into the seat and put his head back on my thigh, and simply says, "Yes Sir, I will do that."

We drive the rest of the way home with his head in my lap and when we drive up in front of my house, the sun is just setting. I rub his head and he awakens, looks to see where we are and puts his shorts on. I get out of the truck and he ran around the truck to be right behind me. I walk down the steps and open the door, I step inside and he steps to his right and drops his shorts, he starts to take his shoes and socks off, and I say "No, leave your socks and shoes on, I love men's hairy legs, especially muscular ones in white socks and Nike's." Your uniform for me will be exactly what you are wearing now, your collar, white socks, and Nikes. Remember that, for I always want you in those in my presence. Understand!" I say while standing nose to nose with him.

"YES SIR!" He yells back at me.

"Now come with me, I want to relax a bit and I want you near me." I said as I passed him. He followed me to the couch where I sat down, he looked confused as he could not get behind me, "When I sit on the couch or in a chair, you are to be at my feet." He nodded and sat on the side of the couch legs crossed. "My feet and my back hurts take off my shoes and massage my feet."

"Yes sir." He said as he undid the laces and pulled off my sneaker, he took my warm foot in his hands and kneaded it. He lifted my foot to his face and sniffed my foot, and put it back down, all the while kneading it. He looked up at me and said, "Sir your feet do not stink as much as mine do at times." He lifted the shoes and stuck it on his face and inhaled deeply, "Besides, I always liked to do that with my own feet, for some reason I liked the smell feet. I catch myself sometimes seeing a pair of shoes in the locker room at work and if no one is around I smell them." He took my other foot and eased off the sneaker and stuck it on his face. Then stuck my foot on his face and inhaled deeply again. "Now that one is a little worse, but I like the smell". He continued to knead my feet for another 15 minutes. Alternating each foot.

"Now I want you to go and get your shorts and bring them in here." I said looking down at him. He jumped up and quickly got them and brought them back. "Put them on, and go and empty out the truck, and I will tell you where to put the items. Then I have a chore for you."

"Yes sir" He slipped on his shorts and headed out the door. He brought almost everything inside in one load, arms bulging, and his chest sticking out, his pecs flexed. He took a second load from the truck in and I showed him where it needed to go in the attic. Once he was done, he locked up the truck and came back inside. He dropped his shorts right where he needed to and came and sat at my feet. The quickness and the heat caused his body to now glisten with sweat, and his breathing was evening out. "What chore do you have planned for me sir?"

"Well first of all I want you to stand up." I said, he immediately lifted himself to a standing position with his hands behind his waist and his legs shoulder length apart. I stand in front of him. "Kneel before me." He complied immediately dropping with his knees. "I want you to pledge yourself heart and soul to be my boy, when I say pledge, I mean swear your allegiance to me, your servitude, and your adoration." I say with his head bowed at my waist.

"I pledge, my body, my mind, my soul to you sir. You have made me feel like I have never felt before, I do not understand why I feel like this, but I do not want to let this feeling go. You have made something come out in me. I know that I am not gay; I know you aren't trying to turn me, but I enjoy your tastes, your smells, and the feeling of your cock in me. I would like to continue." He says, raising his face to look up at me.

"I will teach you. I will help you understand what is inside you. Besides I may have awoken your bi-sexual side. Now I want to know what you have at the other house just in case you are thrown out." I say placing my hand on his head.

"I do not have much, I have some bed sheets, and my clothes, and a couple books, no furniture, just my clothes." He says rubbing his forehead on my leg.

"I will take you as my boy, just as you are. When we return to work tomorrow, you will go to work as normal, complete your work, but I want you to come here afterwards, and be exactly as you are now. When you arrive in my house, I want you naked and kneeling in front of me. The minute you walk in the door, do you understand?" I say grabbing his hair and forcing his head back to look up at me. "Every night you get off work, you are to do the exact same thing, walk in the door, strip leave on your sneakers and Nike's, and hurry to come and kneel in front of me. Succeed and I will reward you; failure and I will punish you. Do you understand?"

"YES SIR!" he shouts.

"I have to punish you, so you know what the punishments are, do you understand that you have done well, but you need to know the punishment?" I ask

"Yes Sir" He says, "I hope I have not failed you, I know that I do not know everything, but I really do hope I have not failed you sir." He says with an eager and frightened look on his face.

"You have not." I say as my barefoot steps forward and rest the ball of my foot on his nuts, just giving enough pressure to cause pain. I reach down and grab the side of his neck and press in with my thumb along the nerve bundle, while increasing the pressure with my foot, careful not to rest my entire body weight on his delicate nuts. His hands involuntarily move to my hand and my ankle. "PUT YOUR HANDS DOWN!" I yell in his face. He did not comply immediately, and I put my other hand on his shoulder and press deeply on the pressure point there. His hands move down and return to being behind his back. "You NEVER grab my hand, you have how failed me. Now the punishment will be real." I say as I grab his shoulder harder and his neck harder, and his balls under my foot.

"Please ... sir ... it hurts too much" He gasps.

"Enough then." I say as I lift my foot up, and release the pressure on his neck and shoulder, and hold him from falling over.

"I ... am ... sorry sir, it just hurt too much." He says trying to catch his breath.

"That is a typical punishment. If you are being punished, you aren't allowed to stop it. You have failed me that is why you are being punished. Any other time that I do something to you and you cannot handle the sensation, you are to say, 'Red Sir', that will be your code that you have had enough and want me to stop. Is that understood?" I say grabbing his hair again.

"YES SIR!" he shouts up at me.

"Now, since you have grabbed my hand when I was teaching you, you are now going to be punished in a different way." I push him down on his stomach and place my hand on his moist back. "You are now required to do 100 push-ups, I will be pressing down on you, and you must go completely to the ground, and come back up again. Do this part well, and you will be rewarded. Start now." I say as I press down on his back, I feel the muscles strain under my weight. At 50 he is sweating with my hand pressing down on him. He continues and continues, the sweat is starting to make his back slick, my hands slide several times, but the pressure remains the same. At 100, he is breathing very hard, his body is drenched, and he stops with his arms rigid, and awaits me. "Good job are you tired now?"

"Yes ... sir" he says heaving breath into his lungs.

"Now roll over onto your back and put your hands behind your neck." He immediately complies; I reach behind the edge of the couch and grand my barbells, and place one in his hands behind his head. "Now do 100 sit-ups, fully up and back, START!" He complies and starts crunching. His chest is already heaving and covered in sweat. At 60 his range of motion is starting to reduce. I slap his forehead and yell in his face, "DO IT BETTER, YOU AREN'T DOING IT GOOD ENOUGH!" He starts doing more and more correct, when he completes 100, he relaxes back and is breathing very heavily, I reach down to his neck and feel his pulse is very high. "Let go of the weight and get upstairs and wait for me. MOVE!" He jumps up and runs up the stairs, I get up and walk up the stairs, looking at him standing at the top of the stairs still heaving his chest full of breath. His hands were behind his back, and his feet slightly apart. The sweat was running down him. "Get your shoes and socks off and sit in the bathtub, MOVE!" He steps on the heel of his shoes and pulls his socks off and steps into the bathtub, wincing from the cold tub on his ass. I get a brush from the showerhead and turn on the cold water in the tub. His face contorts as the cold-water splashes on his feet and fills up the tub around his nuts. I grab the soap and soap up the brush. I reach over and start scrubbing his legs, and feet, and splash water on his chest and stomach, and scrub him. After his body became used to the cold water, his face now showed the pain of a scrubbing brush across his body. "Now you are clean. Time for you to rinse. Once you are done, you are to dry yourself and come into the bedroom."

"Yes sir" he says shivering.

"Your time is running out. MOVE!" I say as I get up and leave the bathroom, head to my bed and lay on my back. I hear him rustle in the bathroom and come into the bedroom. "Now my balls need some attention. Clean them. I plan on using your ass. If your ass is dirty and shit is on my cock, you will lick it off. Either way when I am about to cum I want you off my cock and suck the load out. Understand me. Now pleasure me, remember what I told you." He climbs on the bed and starts at my ankle and licked he way up my thigh, passing my balls completely, he licked up my side and found my nipple. He licked, and he sucked, and the pleasure was intense. He licked his way back down my chest and stomach, taking his time with rubbing his face in my body hair. My cock bobbed, and he licked and ran his nose alongside it, I felt his goatee rubbing on my balls. He licked each ball carefully, and took each one in his mouth, swirling his tongue on them. He drew his tongue up the bottom of my cock to the head and swallowed my cock in one motion. I reached over and grabbed a small tube of lube off the side table and placed it near his hand and he saw it while he sucked my cock.

He opened the tube and squirted out a little and reached behind himself and lubed his ass. I motioned that it was enough, and he left my spit-soaked cock on my stomach and he moved up and straddled me. He moved my cock and targeted his asshole with the head of my cock. And sat back fast and impaled himself on my cock. He let out a yelp, knowing that he did it too fast, he took a moment to relax, and then started moving forward and back. I reached down and grabbed his sore balls and squeezed and pulled on them. Holding my hand still and with my other hand forcing his hip movement to increase. He rode and rode my cock, and I felt the build-up of my load in my balls and I let go of his balls, saying, "Now, suck the load out of my cock." He let my cock pop out of his ass and he moved quickly to take my cock in his mouth. He sucked hard on my cock and even on the head of my cock, and I let the orgasm take hold of my body. He swallowed and swallowed my cum, and even licked his lips clean. I pull him close to me and put his head on my chest. We lay back and relax in the afterglow.

"Sir, I want to go to my house and get my things and come back here to be your boy. Would you let me do that sir?" He asked looking at me with his crystal blue eyes.

"Yes boy, you may, but for right now you need to nap here with me. I want to take you and have you. I think you will make me a very happy Master." I say smiling.

He got up while I was asleep, drove to his house where he was renting a room and packed up all his belongings into three big duffels and left a note for his roomies. He was back at my house, got naked, and crawled back into bed with me while I woke up. I looked at the end of the bed, seeing his belongings, and looked at him.

He found the key to the lock on his collar and held it in his hand for me to see. When I reached for it, he closed his hand, took both of his hands and put the key into the lock, and then with his strength, broke the key off in the lock. He handed me the top of the key, and then laid down and put his head on my shoulder. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

Matt was caught up in a down-sizing at our airline and took an opportunity at another airline, based in Houston a couple years later. I still have the key top in my bed-side table and look at it on a regular basis. I do see Matt of and on since his move to IAH (Houston).

When he comes to my home, he is wearing the collar still I put on him at the campground, he comes in and strips and kneels in front of me still. Though he is married to a woman, and has two beautiful boys, each with the white-blond hair he has, he has never touched or been touched by another man other than his Sir.

<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Remember that sprayed semen does not work really well with electronics, so be careful reading my stories that you don't ruin a keyboard, phone, tablet or another vulnerable device.

Email me anytime, as I respond to all emails that are legitimate. Keep tuned. If you want to be notified when I post a new chapter, email me and let me know.

Slobbers, MWMansMind KiK: MWMansmind

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