Alan Smith and Joe Cole

By Carl Larsen

Published on May 2, 2005


This story features graphic descriptions of gay sex between two footballers. Neither man mentioned is gay and neither has ever indulged in any of the activities described. This is pure fantasy fiction... More's the pity!

`For fuck's sake Joe! Stop looking so fucking horny,' whispered Alan.

`Wasn't aware that I was mate,' the dark haired guy replied, his eyes fixed on the back of the seat in front and his lips formed into a subtle smile.

`You know you fucking are.'

`Can't help it mate. It's the way I always am.' A grin flashed across his face as he glanced quickly at the blond man sitting beside him.

The two players were in the England team coach. The training session had been a long one and they were now returning to the team hotel. Joe and Alan were towards the back of the coach. There was nobody behind them or beside them but other players were a couple of rows ahead.

`Cole, you're a bastard.'

`For looking horny? And I suppose you never look fucking horny Smithy!'

`Not for me to say.' He smiled knowingly.

The team had showered after the match and dressed in casual gear. It was a very warm evening so both Alan and Joe had opted for trackie bottoms and vests. They looked good sitting there, side by side. The blond haired man and the dark haired man, in scoop necked skimpy vests showing off tanned and muscular arms. Joe was sitting by the aisle with his left foot drawn up onto the seat so that he was angled towards Alan slightly. His eyes were fixed ahead however.

`Can't help it if I look horny Alan, Its just something you've got to handle. Not my fault if you get a hard-on just cos I'm sitting next to you.'

`Sshhhh! And I ain't got a hard-on.'

No?' Joe glanced down at Alan's lap. What you got in your trackies then? A fucking beer bottle?'

Alan grinned to himself. `Yeah, well don't make it any worse. Not here.'

`Why not blondie?'

`Cos we're on a fucking coach you stupid cunt. Now be quiet!'

Joe was quiet for a moment and then whispered, `

`Ain't never cum on a coach? Bet you'd like to!'

`Fuck off Joe. Later mate.'

`Yeah? What you going to do later Alan?'

`You know!'

`No. Tell me. What are you going to do later?'

If you behave yourself now I'll fuck you!' Yessss!' Joe hissed. `Me on my back with my legs on your shoulders and all blond, sweaty and aggressive.'

Alan took a sharp intake of breath as he imagined this.

`My arse will be so fucking hot and tight for you, Alan.'

`Good... Now belt up and behave.'

Joe was silent for a while, glancing occasionally at the beauty of the blond man to his left.

`Trouble is, Alan, its gonna be at least one in the morning til we get the chance tonight. Got that fucking press call and then the fucking dinner. Its fucking six hours away.'

`Yeah, I know. We'll just have to be patient.'

I don't do patient' Alan. Bet you'd like to cum now wouldn't you and then cum a few more times later.

`Maybe, but it can't happen. Now stop fucking teasing me. You'll get my cock later!'

`I could get you off now mate! Fucking horny thought ain't it! Cumming in the back of a fucking coach with the team up front.'

Look, for fuck's sake you bastard,' Smithy grinned, I'm not playing!'

`No? Not even when I know all of your little weaknesses?'

Alan's eyes rolled upwards. Joe was so persistent and the thought of getting off right now was so tempting. But! No!

`Leave my weaknesses out of it!'

`OK mate! I'll behave.' Joe whispered and was silent while he savoured the sensation of having an erection in his trackies. He wasn't going to give up though. He could see that Alan was as horny as hell and he was determined to push this. Casually and slowly his right hand moved up to the large gaping left armhole of his vest. He gently gripped the fabric and slowly and deliberately stretched it open and across his developed pectoral.

Alan's eyes moved to the left.

As he watched Joe pulled the fabric to expose his left nipple. It was clearly erect and, as he stared ahead with a slight grin, his fingers stroked the sensitive flesh.

`Bet you'd like to suck on that fucker Alan! You know how fucking horny you get when you chew my tits.'

Alan was looking directly at the nipple now and very aware of the urging of his cock in his trackies. He adored Joe's perfect nipples and the site of the man tweaking it with ever increasing pressure was making him so uncomfortable.

Put it away you bastard! Later, I'll chew the fucking thing later.' It feels really good now Alan, so fucking hard!' He looked Alan directly in the eye and could tell the effect that he was having. `We're going to give each others' tits such a seeing to later.'

`Yeah! Later! Right! Now put it away before I do something stupid.'

Joe poked out his tongue and winked as he covered his nipple and closed his eyes. Alan was both relieved and disappointed. Relieved because this was in danger of getting out of hand and disappointed because he would gladly watch feast his eyes on Joe's chest all night long. But, for Joe, the teasing was only just starting. He was enjoying it so much as the hardness of his cock testified and he loved making Alan want him. As he had said he knew Alan's weaknesses and he was about to exploit another of them.

Slowly his left hand moved up to his own gently stubbled face and strokes his cheek, then he rubbed the back of his neck, then he rubbed his fingers through the hair on the back of his head before resting. As he did so he lifted his elbow high and then sat back, his furred armpit open and inches from Alan's face.

Alan looked to his right and directly into Joe's pit.

`Oh, for fuck's sake, you bastard!'

`What's wrong Alan?'

`You know very fucking well what's up.'

He gazed on the muscle play of the arm and exposed part of the pectoral and especially into Joe's muscular armpit and the dark fur that looked so tempting.

`Bet you'd like to get your face in there wouldn't you mate? Proper little pit freak ain't you? I know just how much you like to stick your face in my pits and lick them, feel the hair on your tongue.'

Joe knew that he should tell Joe to be quiet but he was whispering and there was no-one close. In any case this talk was so hot!

I love the way you drool gob in my pit and make the hair all wet. I could just hold that fucking blond head and press it into my pit!' And with those words he moved closer so that his pit was just inches from Alan's face. Go on mate, give it a quick lick. You know that you wanna!'

`Fuck! No!' But there was an instinct that made him want to. Almost without realising what he was doing he glanced up the coach to make sure that none of the team were standing up or looking in his direction. A quick look to his left, through the window, and he saw that they were overtaking a truck.'

`No. Can't!'

`Fuck that, mate! Mind if I just draw this curtain across? The fucking sun is strong.' This was no lie and in a snap second Joe had reached over and tugged the curtain across the window. As he did so his stretched arm and tempting armpit brushed Alan's blond hair. He settled back into his previous position and briefly rubbed his right hand through his left pit.

`Come on Alan. You fucking know that you want to!'

Alan looked ahead again and, satisfied that the coast was clear, turned his head and quickly brushed his tongue into the armpit.

`Mmmmm! Alan!'

He had tasted Joe's warm flesh and his senses reeled.

`Come on Alan, have a good lick in there! Show me how much you like it.'

`Shit!' Alan looked at the temptation again and then pressed his face into the warm cavity, licking his tongue through the moistened hair.

Fuck yeah,' Joe hissed, that feels so fucking good!' and as he said this his right hand once again exposed his nipple and started to play with it vigorously, pinching it hard.'

Alan was lost in the pit momentarily but his licking was interrupted by a noisy vehicle that they were passing. He lifted his head and sat back licking his full lips.

`Enjoy that Alan?'

`You fucking know I did you horny fucker!

`Bet your cock is fucking dripping now ain't it?'

`Yeah! He was breathless but knew that they could do no more under these circumstances.

`Felt fucking good having your tongue in there. I can feel how wet your gob is in the hair.'

At that Joe started to tug his vest from the waistband of his trackies. With a few deft movements it was completely untucked both front and back. Alan watched. Alan watched as Joe tugged the fabric up a little to expose his navel and some wisps of dark trail. Joe looked at him and their eyes met. Joe winked. Alan looked down again as Joe pulled the vest up over his abs and massaged the solid muscle. Because of the way that his legs were positioned, and the way that the fabric of the trackies was bunched you couldn't actually tell that his cock was hard. But it had to be hard. It had to be totally rigid.

His hands now wandered over his abs as he grinned cheekily and his tongue brushed his lips.

`Want me to take this off Alan?'

`You can't! Stop it.' Actually there was nothing he wanted more right then. The thought of Joe beside him, stripped to the wait was overwhelming but that would be going far to far.

`Shame! I like to show you my body. I know what it does to you mate!'

Later Joe, later. I'll remove the fucking thing with my teeth.' Yeah, I know you will you randy fucker! You can have a preview though!'

He tool the bottom hem of the vest and slowly pulled it up over his abs and pecs. The guy was so well defined. Alan watched, his mouth filling with saliva, as the vest was finally pulled above both of Joe's erect nipples and the dark haired man looked t him cheekily.

Fuck, I love showing my chest off. You love to look at it don't you. I can see you fucking drooling looking at my nips. I bet your fucking cock is streaming now. I'd love to see that precum oozing out of you.' At that point, his right hand securing his vest above his pecs, he brushed his left hand across Alan's granite hard right thigh. Its cool mate, we can't be seen.' He squeezed the hard muscle.

`Fuck! Be careful Joe!'

`You're telling me to be careful now! Just now you were telling me to stop! Now, I wonder what you would do if I did this!'

With a quick movement his hand moved up into Alan's lap and rested on the solid cylinder of his erect cock.


Yeah. Thought you'd like that Alan! Feels so fucking hard for me. So fucking solid.' He started to enclose his fingers around the cock through the fabric of Alan's trackies and boxers. Fucking huge mate! Just the way I love a cock to be!'

He started to massage the cock in the fabric and as fantastic as the sensation was Alan was frightened that just a little more of this action would make him explode. Reluctantly he gripped Joe's hand and moved it away.

`Later. You can play with my fucking cock all night tonight but not now!' He could feel a flood of precum moistening him.

`OK mate, but you don't mind being able to have a look at my chest do you?' He still held the vest above his nipples.

`Fuck no! I don't mind that at all.'

`Just seems a bit one-sided doesn't it Alan. I like what I see, I fucking love what I can see of you in that vest but I want to see more.'

`You can wait!' Secretly he wanted to show Joe more but two could play these games.

`Does it turn you on knowing that the rest of the team is up front?'

`Yeah, it does'

`I bet Becks would like to be down here with us. Still, I expect he's busy mentally undressing Mike Owen. Bet he's gonna give him a fucking good seeing to later.'

`Maybe Joe.'

`Yeah, but its your cum I'm getting up my arse tonight! Fuck's sake you look so fucking hot in that vest. Hot in both ways. I got sweat on my pecs! Look!'

Alan looked and involuntarily licked his lips as he imagined running his tongue between those pronounced chest muscles.

`Don't you wish we could fuck now Alan? Me bent over this seat and you in the aisle ramming your meat up my arse?'

`You're gonna get such a hard fuck tonight Joe!'

`Yeah? I'm gonna get you soaked in sweat before you do it. And when you stick it up me I'm gonna squeeze the fucker so hard with my arse muscles. You're gonna want to ride me all fucking night!'

`You going to fuck me as well?'

`Wait and see you horny bastard! Wait and see!'

Alan gazed over the near naked chest again, then, checking that all was clear, he placed his right hand on the sweat-moistened muscles. Electricity ran through his body as he felt the solid warm flesh. He had to touch one of those nipples. He just had to.

`Getting brave there Alan! Very naughty. And on a coach as well!'

Fuck off you cheeky git!' he grinned just a quick feel.' And at that his fingers groped around a hard nipple making Joe writhe and moan beneath his breath.

`Fuck yeah! Fucking horny fucker! Feel my nip.'

Alan rubbed his fingers over the tip and then gripped it gently between thumb and forefinger. He knew just how much Joe enjoyed this and looked at the guy's eyes close and his mouth open as he savoured the sensation. He so much wanted to dive onto him and ravish him right now.'

He felt Joe's left hand slide behind across his bicep feeling the solidity of the musculature. The hand felt warm as it pushed beneath his bicep and lifted it slightly. Feeling more confident and so horny Alan assisted by lifting his arm and immediately felt fingers groping into his right armpit, teasing the dark blond hair and feeling the natural moistness.

Fuck, that feels good in there. So fucking hot and furry mate! God! I love your pits as much as you love mine!' He rubbed firmly into the heat and then started tugging at the hair. Sit back with your hands behind your head. Make me really happy.'

This seemed a natural enough thing to do so Alan complied. In any case the thought of Joe admiring his pits was exciting him. He lifted his naked arms and placed his hands, fingers entwined, behind his head.

`Shit! That looks fucking hot Alan!' Even Joe showed a little caution as he looked down the coach and then moved slightly to face Alan and placed a hand in each pit. He felt the moist dark blond hair against the palms of his hands and then rubbed his fingers in deeply. Alan whimpered softly as his eyes closed and full lips parted. The hands rubbed into him feeling his body heat and the firmness of the muscles that surrounded the hollows. He felt his cock lurch under the creases and folds of fabric. He was going to give Joe such a good reward tonight! Right now, unbelievably, he was on the team coach with his hand behind his head and allowing Joe Cole to worship his armpits while Joe himself was exposing most of his luscious chest. This was daring and very erotic. With his eyes still closed he was unaware of what was about to happen but suddenly felt something moist pressing against his lips. His eyes opened suddenly to fix Joe's eyes as his tongue pushed into his mouth. On that fucking coach!

Their tongues met and fought, saliva was swapped before Alan, very reluctantly pushed Joe away.

`Are you fucking mad or what?'

`Yeah I am. Now lets see those pits again,' he whispered in the blond's ear.

Alan settled back as the hands once again pressed into him but, once again something moist touched him. Joe's tongue had snaked into his left armpit and was tracing itself over the most sensitive spot over the soft dark blond hair. Alan quickly checked that nobody was looking and sighed quietly though he really wanted to yell for more. Joe's tongue was insistent. It always was when it washed Alan's pits and he drooled saliva into the hair making a lather with the quickness of his tongue.

Suddenly Alan felt fingers tugging at his vest. He looked down and, as Joe ate his pit, his fingers were pulling the vest from the trackies the way he had done to his own vest. Fuck this!' thought Alan, If that's what he wants.' He lifted his back from the seat a little enabling Joe to completely free the vest from the elastic confines. This was crazy but it was overpowering.

Joe's mouth pulled away from the armpit leaving a string of saliva connecting his tongue and the wettened hair. Lovingly he started to pull the fabric of the vest up over Alan's washboard abs and dark blond trail and finally right up over his hard nipples. He gazed at that wonderful smattering of hair on the blond hunk's sternum and imagined it streaming with sweat and above him as Alan's big, big cock powered into him.

`You're so fucking hot looking you blond fucker!'

Alan was incredibly turned on by the thought that he was exposing so much of his body on the team coach. Joe was worshiping his body with his eyes. It was a worship that was mutual. A worship that meant that their sex was always so passionate and uninhibited. Joe checked once again that there were no curious eyes on the coach then stared into Alan's eyes and whispered, `Want your nips chewed blondie?'

`Fuck yes!'

Still with his arms behind his head and the vest up by his neck he felt Joe's lips brush his right nipple and fingers stroke through his trail. The lips closed around the sensitive nipple and proceeded to suck vigorously. It was all that Alan could do to restrain himself from crying out. He was naturally a very noisy lover but now he had to be silent as he felt Joe's teeth graze and nibble him. He looked down at the dark haired, muscular beauty, at the mouth working his flesh. Regularly he would look up and down the length of the coach just to make sure as he felt a dribble of Joe's saliva dribble down his hot chest skin.

Joe was loving every second of this. He lived for football first and Alan second but right now there was little thought of football in his mind. He loved the hard nipple and the knowledge of the pleasure that he was giving. He also loved the risk of doing this in such a place.

Suddenly Alan saw someone ahead move. Yes someone was standing up.

`Joe! Quick!'

Joe's reactions were always fast and this was no exception. He lifted himself away from the hot body and pulled down his vest, licking up a trail of saliva from his lips. He glanced at Alan who looked flushed as he pulled down his own vest.

`What the fuck is Becks fucking doing?'

They watched as the captain, his back to them, pulled his shirt off over his head revealing the famous tattooed back.

`He's taken his fucking shirt off. I'd do him.'

`Fuck off Alan. You're doing me tonight you fucker.'

There were calls and jeers throughout the coach. One player started singing the theme from The Stripper' and another called, This ain't a fucking photo shoot you poser!'

Becks looked round grinning and then shouted down the coach.

`We've got ages to go yet and in case you haven't noticed the air-conditioning is fucked. Its bloody sweltering so I've taken my shirt off.'

He grinned again and sat back in his seat.

Alan and Joe had been so pre-occupied that they hadn't noticed just how hot and clammy it had become but they quickly became conscious that there was more sweat than there had been. Near the front of the coach another player pulled off his shirt. It must have been ninety degrees on board.

Just then the driver spoke into the microphone.

`Sorry about this lads. Can't do anything about it. Keep cool any way that you can.'

Joe grinned and nudged Alan.

`OK blondie, lets get naked! I'm gonna get rid of this fucking vest.'

Alan felt a surge of excitement surge through his body. Later he would ravish Joe. His tongue, his fingers, his cock would be everywhere. He would fuck his brains out but for now this was so very, very erotic. He watched as Joe started to pull the sweaty vest up over his chest and muscular back, and finally over his head, exposing his moist pits again. He threw it onto the empty seat across the aisle and then grinned at Alan.


`Fucking gorgeous!'

`Yeah, I know! What I meant is are you gonna get your fucking chest out?'

`If you ask me nicely.'

Joe grinned at the blond beauty. `Please!'

Alan winked at him and took hold of the hem of the vest and ragged it off over his body. It stuck to the sweat on his broad back but it was soon pulled off over his blond hair making it look tousled and sexy. He flung it on top of Joe's.

Joe looked it over. The pecs were pronounced and firm and the nipples even harder than when he had tongued one a few moments before. The dark blond hair on his sternum was dampened with sweat. Now they could really admire each other.

`You're fucking gorgeous Alan. You've got me so fucking hard!'

`Yeah?' He knew how hard Joe was likely to be but Joe wanted to demonstrate. He took hold of Alan's right hand and guided it into his lap, into the creases and folds of his trackies where it met a solid cylinder of erect cock.

Fucking hell Joe!' Alan squeezed his hand around the thick solid shaft. He knew every inch of Joe's cock but somehow it seemed more rigid than ever right now. Gonna have that fucker right down my throat later.'

`You're gonna have it up your arse as well. Right deep up that tight hole. See, you're gonna dump a load up my arse and then I'm gonna ram my cock deep up your cunt!'

As Alan heard these words he squeezed the solid shaft and felt a hunger in his arse. A hunger that begged for a hard cock spewing its load deep inside him. He wanted Joe's muscular and compact body using every muscle that it had to power into him, dripping sweat onto him.

`Go on Alan, squeeze the fucker.' Joe's hand wandered back to Alan's chest, stroking the pecs and once again pushing into his increasingly moist armpit loving the feeling of the damp hair. Suddenly he felt Alan's fingers enclose his cock head and he had to hold himself back from orgasming. He had great self-control. He most certainly wanted to cum, but not yet. He brushed his hand down Alan's naked pecs and abs and, looking at him with a lustful smile moved back down to the blond's crotch where his hand, once again, met Alan's huge erection. Alan threw his head back and let out a grunt. He felt Joe's fingers fold around his cock head through the fabric and squeeze him.

`Bet that's as moist as fuck mate!'

`It is!' Alan was dripping precum. He could feel it.'

Joe quickly checked the activity in the coach and then, deftly, placed his hand on the waistband of the trackies and lifted it.

`What you doing?'

`Wanna feel your fucking cock Alan!'


Joe's fingers worked beneath the trackies and the elastic of Alan's CKs, into the heat of his crotch, feeling dense dark blond pubic hair. He looked into Alan's desire filled eyes as he moved onwards until, with his heart pumping, he stroked against a stiff cylinder of erect and veiny footie cock.

`Shit!' Alan's head was thrown back for a second and then he gazed down at Joe's hand as it disappeared beneath the trackies and CKs.

`That cock feels so fucking perfect Alan. So fucking perfect.' He wrapped his hands around the amazingly rigid and fat shaft and started to wank it slowly. He smiled as he saw the reaction in Alan's face.

`Pull your trackies down. Get it out.'

`Fuck! I can't! Not now!'

`You fucking can! Who the fuck is gonna see. Go on. Go on! Imagine how fucking hot that'll be!'

Alan's mouth was open and his eyes were wild. He was sweating. He looked down the coach and then at gorgeous topless Joe beside him.

`For fuck's sake!' His fingers gripped the elastic of both his trackies and CKs. He carefully lifted his arse from the seat and, looking at Joe's expectant face, dragged the garments down, showing his dense pubic forest, and at last freeing his cock and letting the elastic rest beneath his heavy cum filled balls.

`You horny fucker!' Joe was staring at it. He had seen it so many times before. He had had it in his mouth with his tongue lapping up the precum, he had had it in his throat spewing a hot load of cum, he had had it pumping into the hair of his armpit, he had had it deep inside his arse. Deep and slamming, thrusting and pumping, shooting a load into his guts. But it had never, ever looked hornier than it did right now. It was solid. It throbbed. The foreskin was dragged back. The slit was wet and sticky. It stood rigid.

Joe closed his fingers around the head; brushing the sensitive flesh and making Alan buck and groan quietly. He watched as the fingers did their work, squeezing him and pumping out a bead of his precious precum. He watched as Joe fingered up the honey and then lifted his finger and placed it in his mouth, licking it clean. Joe loved precum in his mouth.

`That's so fucking hot tasting. And that fucking cock is gonna ram up my arse tonight ain't! All fucking ten inches of the fucker!'

And with those words he gripped the elastic of his own trackies. Alan looked on entranced as the stunner shuffled the fabric down and exposed his own rigid, oozing and totally perfect cock. It sprang to attention. Its head was dripping with precum that slithered down his veiny shaft.

It was surreal. Here they both were, two England players, at the back of a coach, the rest of the team up front. They were topless, stripped down exposing their chests to each other and with their huge moist cocks free and oozing. It seemed impossible. But it had happened. They gazed at each other's beautiful faces, at their fit and muscled chests and at their rampant cocks.

`You're gonna sit on that fucker later Joe. You're gonna feel it push right up your cunt!'

`I wish you could shag me now Alan.' But even Joe conceded that that wasn't possible. Instead he enclosed the head of Alan's cock in his fingers, applying pressure to the base and pressing a finger into the dripping slit. Slowly and firmly he started to wank it as precum oozed out onto his hand. It was all that Alan could do not to yell out passionate obscenities as he always did when a man played with his cock but he managed to stifle a yell. Instead, with sweat trickling over his pecs and from his pits he looked down at the hand that was working him. Joe's eyes were fixed on the expression of lust on Alan's face. He loved giving pleasure to this man. As he moved his hand down the veiny shaft with a strong grip and wanked Alan in the way that he knew he loved his left hand moved behind the blond's back and moved downwards to his arse cheeks. He quickly checked down the coach and then slid a finger down Alan's arse crack. The blond acted instinctively as he always did when a hot man wanted to play with his arse. He raised himself slightly and moved forward.

`Yeah baby! Let me get my hand down there!'

A large and noisy lorry made the coach judder in its slipstream but nothing would put Joe off what he was doing. Alan moaned almost inaudibly as he felt a finger slide down his crack and rest on his hungry hole. His sweat poured as Joe continued to wank him and apply greater pressure at his arse, roughly rubbing the rim.

`Want my finger in there baby? Want my finger in your cunt?'

`Yeah. Yeah! Push it in me. Push it in!'

He lifted his arse slightly, still looking down the coach for signs of movement. His mouth opened and he let out another long but low moan as the tip of Joe's finger slid past his sphincter and moved in past the first and second knuckle. He clenched it with his arse muscles and wriggled about on it making sure that it rubbed the sides of his chute and the tip brushed his prostate. His wild eyes stared at Joe pleadingly.

`You like that, baby? Like having your arse poked. Fucking ride it babe, fucking ride it!'

Alan stretched out his naked arms and gripped the back of the empty seat in front as he clenched the finger and felt Joe's other hand working its magic on his precum streaming cock. Joe noticed a trickle of sweat running down the side of Alan's body.

`Baby! Put your hand behind your head. Please...'

Alan did so, opening his wet armpit for Joe to gaze into and rapidly busy his face, licking at the sweat and sucking on the hair that was matted and darkened by fluid. He licked deeply and lovingly as he felt Alan starting to shudder.

`Want me to bring you off baby? Want me to make you cum? You want to don't you! You wanna unload your cum from those big blond bollocks.

Alan's face was tortured with the closeness of climax. His eyes widened. `Fuck, I'm gonna shoot. Joe thought in an instant and took his hand off the cock to reach over for Alan's still warm and moist vest. He stuffed some of it into Alan's mouth to stifle what he knew would be the sounds of violent climax. Then, with his finger pushing and pumping into the gripping hole, he went down on Alan. He dived into his lap and enclosed the pulsing head in his lips. His tongue started to stab into the deep reservoir of cum in the slit as his free hand gripped the sweating shaft and started to wank it in firm, rapid, twisting motions.

Alan felt the tongue fucking his slit and the finger fucking his arse. He looked down at the gorgeous head as it worked on him and, with a muffled yell he allowed himself to explode. Shudders devastated his body as waves of orgasm rushed through his frame. He started to buck violently but Joe kept his grip. He felt the cock expand and then, as he carved, a scalding jet of salty cum burst out from Alan's balls, up his shaft and into the hungry mouth hitting the back of his throat. In response he applied even more pressure with his tongue and finger as Alan shuddered again and e bigger, faster wad of juice slammed into him.

Alan, sweating profusely, gagged with a vest, was wild eyed and pulsing with indescribable pleasure. He felt another spasm and another gob of his cum burst into Joe's mouth, and another, and another. Joe's mouth was awash with cum, his throat plastered in it. It made his senses reel and suddenly he went right down on Alan, burying the cock in his throat and feeling it expand and shoot more cum straight down his gullet. Alan could feel Joe's lips in his damp pubic hair and it was enough for one, final and shattering explosion as his entire body lifted upwards and devoted every ounce of its muscle power into the explosion.

He collapsed into the seat, running with sweat and breathless. He looked down to see that Joe was now licking his cock clean, tonguing the cum off his shaft and from his head, lapping into the slit to catch every drop of the precious liquid heaven. As Joe did this he was wanking his own cock hard and fast. He lifted his face from the washed cock and looked Alan in the eye. His lips were coated with cum and a dribble of it dangled from his lips.

`I need to cum babe!'

He pulled his finger free from Alan's arse and placed it in his mouth, licking it as his face contorted. Alan so wanted to suck him off, so wanted to take his cum in his throat but there was no way in which he could reciprocate because Joe was in the aisle seat. Instead he brushed Joe's hand away and encased the nine inches of Chelsea cock in his talented fingers. His other hand pressed a finger into Joe's slit as the half naked sweating hunk started to convulse. Joe had the good sense to stuff some vest into his own mouth, and just in time because within a second his body shuddered and a huge wad of cum shot out over Alan's hand. His crazed eyes looked at Alan's face as he shuddered and exploded again... and again! Wads of cum splattered Alan's hand and forearm and his own sweat soaked chest. Hoe Alan wished that this load was pouring into his mouth and how he wished that he could be finger-fucking Joe but the guy was in heaven nonetheless. Another spasm, another wad of cum, and another, and finally he subsided in his seat; eyes closed and sweat pouring down his forehead.

There was no way in which Alan was going to waste that precious Joe cum. Lovingly and greedily he licked the thick goo off his hand and muscled forearm craving for the taste of the man's fluids. And while he cleaned his hand Joe gathered the cum from his chest and lavishly licked his fingers clean.

They gazed at each other, marvelling in the risk and the pleasure of what had happened. Both men reluctantly pulled up their trackies to cover their wet and still semi-hard cocks and then, still topless, sweat stained and satisfied they sat back in their seats as the coach approached their destination.

`That was fucking fantastic Alan. Fucking amazing!'

`You wait til we do it properly later Joe. Wait til we can really let ourselves go.'

`What are we gonna do Alan?' Joe smiled.

`Anything you fucking well want you horny, beautiful bastard!'

The coach pulled up outside the hotel. There were press photographers there who furiously took photographs as shirtless England players emerged from their coach. That was going to make a good photo spread in the tabloids, but they'd only know part of the story.

To be continued.

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Next: Chapter 2

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