Alex in Wonderland

By Chip Noir

Published on Jul 24, 2006


Alex In Wondeland By: ChipNoir And Eristel Nekoi Dedicated to my horny spiritual baby sis.

Geral Disclaimer: The following chapters include characters (With the exception of Alex) that are based loosly on characters that are property of Lewis Carrol, and those subsiquently whome inherit the rights from him.

The chapters will most likely include sexual content between a legal adult teen male and other legal adult males...Amonst other things. All things consensual in the end. If you do not like homosexual/bizzarely sexual and explicite material, or it is not legal for you to view it as you are underaged or otherwise, please do not read this fiction.

All that said, please enjoy what will probably be the most whimsiest errotic fiction you have ever read.

Chapter One: The White Rabbit's Hole

"Great! You knocked it into the woods Alex! Thanks alot!" One of the other guys was pissed at Alex for hitting the cricket ball too far past the treeline. It was a bright saturday afternoon in sunny Manchester park of England. "Don't worry! I'll get it!" Alex headed into the trees, keeping a lookout for the ball. He was dressed in a pair of light bluejeans, a white button down shirt, a denim vest and black sneakers. Smallish, with watery blue eyes and short blonde hair, soft and feathery. He was often accused of being young for his age, contestibly an adult at 18. He liked to dress casualy, and today was no exception. After all,wasn't a team thing. They were just playing to have some fun. Junior year having let out, it was a wonderful summer break so far. But Alex ha d no idea just how wonderful it was going be.

"Gang way man, I'm so totaly late!" A voice would burst from the bushes the moment Alex got past a particularly thick bundle of bushes. A blurr of white, black, gold and pink, running as fast as it could, despite the abnormaly large pocket watch it carried . "Move it or lose it dude, I'm so freaking late." Alex would just get a glance of the young twinkish man before he was pushed roughly to the side. Did that man have...Rabbit ears?

Alex blinked a bit as he was pushed aside, falling onto his ass "What the? Where are you going?!" He got up, moving to run after the other man, blinking as he noticed the rabbit ears. "Wait! What's going on? What are you late for?" Now, why he decided to follow him instead of just ignore it and resume looking for the ball no one knows. But he was quite a courious person. He had always been labled as "Pondering and Inquisitive" by friends and family. An insatiable apitite to try, taste, and learn new things, and was particularly fond of riddles, quandries, and strange things in general. So this strange occurance certainly pequed his interest.

"No time dude" The rabbit boy had a stoney sort of voice. Now in a clearing, he paused to get his bearing together, raking a white gloved hand through his hair "I'm late, so late for an import date. Oh, I so totaly shoulda skipped on that bong." He glanced at his gianormouse pocketwatch attatched his thong, which amazingly didn't yank the skimpy undergarments off his lush bubble butt. The buttons of his torn off wrist cuffs glittering in the noonday sun as he scratched his head, looking a little bit lost. He was a fine young specinim of a man, with a shock of bright, short white hair, which had two bunny ears poking out.

Alex blinked a bit, getting a good look at what the bunny-boy was wearing, his eyes going a bit wide. Surely someone would have aressted him for indecent exposure by now, right? The white rabbit boy glanced back at Alex, nose twitching, and winked a vividly pink eye flirtatiusly, before he seemed to just vanish, cotton tail and all, into a patch of long grass. Again, Alex was one to try and figure out quandries. "Nobody just vanishes. Where might he have gone?" He pondered aloud. Taking a curius step forward, he leaned in to see where the rabbit might have gone, and then eeped as he fell down a hole that had quite certainly not been there before. "What the?" His arms flailed like wind mills for few moments, before the hole streched even wider, so that he had no more solid ground to retreat to. The hole was much too wide to avoid in any way, and he fell into deep darkness.

Alex found himself falling. Falling up. Falling sideways, floating down, down down... Slowly a light would seep up, and something shadowy would tap the boy's head. It was the cricket ball. At least he had found it."This is weird... It's like I'm floating, not falling..." He blinks as his cricket ball hit his head "Oh! I was wondering where that went!" Other things would tap his head as well. Little foil packets. All sorts of little foil packets, with miniscule writing upon their tiny fronts. He then blinks at the little foil packets, tilting his head a little "What's this?" He takes one of the little foil packets in his hand, looking over it.

'Strawberry flavored' It was cleary...A condom. More of them would float up to flutter around Alex's head. Blueberry, banana, even a kiwi flavored one. No chocolates, that would be quite disturbing. They fluttered around his head, and above, like shiny butterflys, happily fluttering along beside him to heaven knew where. Then other things began to float about. Whips, and chains, dildoes, and anal beeds, and many more toys besides. So many different toys, some the likes of which Alex could hardly have imagine, let alone have seen before. Blinking a bit at the strawberry condom, Alex furrowed his brows. Why on earth would there be so many flavored condoms around? He shrugged consudly and let go of the condom, then looking around, giving a bit of an eep at all the sex toys "What the hell? What's going on? Why does it look like a sex shop in here?" He looked around, hoping to find someone to tell him what's going on. Like maybe that bunny boy. Speaking of which;

"Dude, stash some!" The bunny boy floated down from above Alex, reclinging against a particularly well endowed blow up doll. "Y'never know when you might need one man." Said the playboy rabbit, grinning briliantly at him, wiggling his nose, and then his butt. Leaning over with his butt almost directly in Alex's face, showing off the blue ribbon around the cotton tail that stuck out of his black thong, the white rabbit was reaching for a carrot flavored condom, and seemed oblivius to showing off his bubbly butt.Alex could only blink blushly at the rabbit, and glanced around, reaching out to net a few apple and cherry flavored condoms. Who was he to deny the advise of someone who was so obviusly at home in these strange circumstance. He flushed a bit

"Alright..." putting them in his back pocket before looking to the bunny boy again "Do you think you could perhaps tell me where I am. And how I got here. And better still, how do I get back to where I was?" He asked hopefully, trying to draw his eyes away from that cute twitchy tail.

"Sorry dude, but I haven't got time." Said the rabbit, leaning up and pointing to his giant watch, who's hands looked notably phalic in shape, bright pink cocks against a black background. " Laterz!" And he would drop right out of sight, like a stone in an infinatly black well. Alex however, would come to a rough stop on his tush, landing in total darkness.

Next: Chapter 2

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