Alexander Newest X Men

Published on Dec 23, 2011


By Mouudy contact me at

Subject: Alexander the newest of the X-Men

Disclaimer: All of the standard disclaimers apply. The X-men are the property of Marvel, and I take no credit for the creation of their characters, only my own. This is a fan fiction; therefore anything discontinuous to the normal X-men universe, including sexuality of the characters, is the product of my imagination. Any similarities to real people or events are completely coincidental. This story contains male/male sex and romance. If you find either theme offensive, what are you doing reading nifty stories? And if you are underage or this story is illegal where you are reading, please leave.

Comments and suggestions are appreciated

P.S. Email me and let me know if you like, otherwise I won't know you like it enough to keep writing! Plus writers love emails

P.S.S If you like my stories, I have others Alexander the Newest of the X-men, The Batman, and The Charmed Sons, Lucian the Vampire Slayer. Heir of the Amazons and the Titans. Supernatural Boys. Dark hunters. Justice League

Enjoy! And let me know what you think. Writers like feedback...

Alexander the Newest Of the X-Men

P.S please check out my Real Comic Book Fan Page on Facebook, and hit the LIKE page please? Need 5000 LIKES on it?Thanks guys?

Sorry it's taken me so long to write this chapter, I know it's been a long time in the coming?but got busy trying to make the comic book THE CELT, off the ground. It's really based off of a TV show script I have written, as that's my real dream that I believe I'm going to make happen is?being a script writer. So check out my face book page and help me out?and enjoy this next chapter of Alexander Newest of the X-Men?

Chapter 29-Prophecy fulfilled

The Mansion-

Two days.

Two days, that's all we had, no more, no less.

There was now less than four hours left, till my true powers would completely manifest themselves within me.

I could only hope and pray, that I had learned enough, prepared enough, understood enough, to face what lay ahead.

It had been the most intense time here at the Mansion, since I gave my speech, asking everyone if they would stand together in this battle. Everyone had been training, working indoors in the Danger room, or outdoors on the grounds. The Professor had placed group leaders, working each group of Mutants to their particular powers. Professor X had called Mutants from all around the world, and in a short period of time, the mansion was filled to beyond capacity.

With everyone resting only when they needed it, which wasn't too often, being that everyone was nervous, how could they sleep?

There hadn't been time for long conversations, nor was anyone in the mood for one.

My father had told me all there was to know about my powers, and how they worked. With my Mother, the Professor, Jean, Hellstrom, Satana, and of course my beautiful, sweet, amazingly sexy lover Scott standing watch, always standing nearby to help if they could, add anything they knew, and I'd like to think more so for support.

I couldn't help myself from watching Scott through the corner of my eye, throughout the time we were training. Memorizing every part of him, from the way his hair blew in the wind, to his amazing lips, that always seemed to taste like strawberries, down to his firm Pecs, down the length of his muscled up body.

He was truly a breathtakingly beautiful man, with the most amazing heart.

He was and always would be, my truest love.

I longed for a moment alone?okay, scratch that?an hour alone, just one hour, so we could make love one last time?

I had to stop myself when I would start to feel that way, I couldn't allow myself to believe that I could save a world, and live in one, that didn't have him in it?that wasn't possible.

I would find a way to save him, some way, somehow.

I knew he was watching me with an intensity only someone madly in love ever could. When I listened I could hear his heart pounding sometimes, while he started at me practicing something he deemed too difficult. I could almost feel his heart aching for me, the way he knew mine was for him.

Nonetheless, he stayed true to who he was, and he was truly a person that believed in practice making perfect, so training for the War that was coming all too soon, was something he was all too willing to do.

We were all tense after my Father had explained the extent of my true powers, so much so my knees practically buckled when he explained.

Who knew being the grandchild of Gods from the Dark dimension, Son of the Greatest Sorcerer the world had ever known, would leave me filled with the power to change the world.

No Mutant was meant to have powers like this that is why my Grandmother had tried to keep her daughter separated from my father. She truly knew the disaster it would create in the world, if a child was created by the two of them.

Only, lucky me, my parents just had to find a way to be together, and however short the time had been, find a way they did, and here I am, the freak result of the two of them together.

A Demy-God/Mutant with Superpowers to boot, a force to be reckoned with?only I didn't feel so powerful, nor did I want any of this. Seeing Apocalypse for the first time was enough to make me want to pee my pants, and hide under the covers of my bed. Facing him and my wonderful Evil family was the last thing I wanted to do, with or without all these powers.

I guess you could say I wasn't feeling all that confident about this, though I didn't show that to anyone, or at least I tried not to. I knew they were all counting on me, how could I disappoint them, when they all truly believed me to be some kind of savior?

I couldn't.

"There is only four hours left Alexander, would you like to rest before the battle begins?" my Father asked.

"I couldn't rest if I tried, Father, but thanks for the offer. Impending doom ahead, and all that, kind of makes a guy all wired up, if you know what I mean." I answered.

"Xander, it wouldn't hurt you to rest awhile, even if you just lie down and close your eyes for a while." my Mother said.

Looking up into all their faces, then around at the other groups still working hard, I knew I couldn't stop to lie down, or anything else for that matter. They were all counting on me, and I had to be ready.

No less, I had to be sure I knew and understood everything, if I was ever going to find a way to be prepared to save Scott's life, when the time came.

"X-Men do not rest when a battle is on the horizon, especially one the likes of which we are about to face. With the short amount of time left, I'd like to organize what we plan to do when the time comes. You've not said much Professor X; I'd really like to know what you're thinking?" I asked.

With his hands together, his fingertips under his chin, he smiled at me in classic Professor X style.

"You are a rare person Alexander, I'm truly proud of you, and all that you have learned and the man you've become since you first came here. You've taken everything that's been thrown at you, and used it to make you stronger.

I only say this because?well, I was afraid for you, afraid for the world?a boy facing a battle of this magnitude?well; I just didn't think you or anyone would be able to handle this kind of threat.

I was wrong, and I say I was wrong. The man that stands before me is the kind of man that is the reason I built this institution. You have shown me that you are the embodiment of everything, that I hold dear. Watching you become the man that stands before me, has given me hope for the future I have always envisioned.

I truly believe we can win this battle, and with all my heart I believe in you." the Professor said.

Hearing him struggle for words, saying he was wrong, and telling me how proud he was, only made me feel worse.

The Professor had doubts?

I had always thought he was the optimistic kind of guy, never the doubtful kind of guy.

He probably only added the last part (since time was running out) to make me feel better, or at least I felt that way.

Either way, a pep-talk is not what I was looking for right now, I was looking for a plan.

"Thanks, I think. So do you have a plan, Professor?" I asked.

"Alexander, I meant every word I said, believe me I wouldn't have said them if I didn't. I said them because I believe you needed to hear them, especially from me. I don't have all the answers, and this is one battle that I cannot plan out?for you that is.

I will lead the rest of the X-Men telepathically, but you Alexander, you are our only hope. You will have to decide what happens next, for you that is. This battle is your destiny, I understand that know, and I understand why.

With the foreknowledge Madame Web has given you, only you can truly lead us into battle. I will organize the X-Men in a defensive manner, centered on you. They will focus on protecting you as much as possible, with you doing what needs to be done. Without the information you have, that's the best we can do." he answered.

To me it almost sounded like he was getting even with me, for not telling him what Madame Web had said to me. Maybe I was just being over sensitive, but that was the way I felt.

So in the end, it would truly come down to me.

Alone much?

"Xander, you're never alone! We're going to be fighting side by side with you, the entire time. The same way we always have, we're a family that will never change." Jean said, reading the thoughts in my mind.

"Thanks Jean, I know you guys will be there, and normally that is a refreshing thought, knowing all of you have my back. This time though, to be honest, I really wish none of you had to be there at all. This time, I truly wish I was facing this alone, if only to know that you are all safe.

But this isn't the time for any of that, and the 'that' that I'm talking about is, being emotional right now. The times of emotions are over, they don't belong in this battle, they can't.

This is our last chance to be prepared, Jean, or Professor X, can you call all team leaders here please, because I have a plan. I understand now what you were saying Professor X, and this battle is mine, it's time to man up, and lead." with that, either the Professor, or Jean, I couldn't be sure called all team leaders over to where we were.

Everyone stood facing the Professor as they approached, I hope they wouldn't take offence to a soon to be 18 year old giving orders.

But this was the fate of the world; they would just have to get over it.

Wolverine, Storm, Mr. Fantastic, Spiderman, Captain America, Ironman, and so on, appeared one by one.

Some I knew, and some I had never met, only heard of, which normally would have left me feeling in awe, but not today, today I was about to give orders to people who were used to giving orders.

Please let this go easy?

"It's getting down to battle time, so what's the plan Professor?" Ironman asked.

"For those of you who haven't met, this Alexander Strange, son of Doctor Strange. He is the child of destiny, and the only one with a true chance of leading us to victory. He has asked us to call upon all of you, he will be leading us into this battle." the Professor said, as the group leaders looked at me as if I was a child, trying to fit into a man's shoes. Maybe they were right, but right now I couldn't afford to give in to my nagging doubts.

"He's just a kid Professor, are you sure you know what you're doing?" Captain America asked. But before the Professor could answer, I spoke.

"Some of you know me, some of you don't. But everyone here has already been briefed in the events that have taken place, and about the battle to come, and how I am the key player in that battle.

I don't expect it to make a lot of sense; hell I still don't understand why. Nonetheless, we can only take and handle what is dealt us.

I have trained under the X-Men for a while now, and they have taught me more than I could ever thank them for, but this truly is my battle.

I can understand some of you thinking me leading the way, a mere child as many of you like to put it, is a huge mistake. But I am no mere child. Not just because of age, not for who my parents are, not for the powers I have.

This is about Prophecy, destiny, and the fate of the world, and the fact that I am the Key to that Prophecy. The Prophecy is beyond anything any of us want, mostly me, nonetheless, we can be nothing more than who we were meant to be. This battle is about the powers I have, the powers they want. If they gain this power, they will bring this and many other worlds to its knees.

I can't let that happen, I won't let that happen.

Together, I believe we can win this War, but only if we're all on the same page, and do what is truly needed to be done for the greater good of all life.

So any of you that can't handle a 'mere boy' leading the way, then step aside, because I am here to save life, all life, and I can't have anyone working against me, especially as I face those that threaten the very existence of life.

I am in no way trying to take away the fact that some of you have faced them, and live to tell the tale. But, this is a different War all together.

When there is a night within a day, it shall all begin; one of the Prophecies spoke of. In less than four hours it will be my Birthday, in that moment all my powers will manifest themselves within me. Also, in that moment there will be an Eclipse, which I have just come to realize the meaning of the Prophecy, a night within a day.

Yes I will gain the full use of my powers, but I understand now more about the Prophecy, in that Eclipse, Apocalypse will be his most powerful, more powerful than he has ever been. Meaning none of you have seen him this powerful, it will be beyond your imagination.

Not only that but with the Eclipse, Dormammu will also be his most powerful, because a doorway from the Dark Dimension will able to open on the night of an Eclipse, allowing him the full use of his powers?" I began. I tried to stand tall as I spoke to some of the world's greatest heroes, but it wasn't easy at all.

<Xander, when did you come to understand the Prophecy?> Jean asked telepathically.

<The moment I accepted my true destiny, the moment we began training, everything became clear, even more than I'd like.> I answered, as she stood staring at me in awe.

"With all due respect Xander, many of us have faced both of them, and have defeated them, what makes this time so different?" Mr. Fantastic asked.

"This is not the Apocalypse any of you have ever faced, as you all may very well know, Apocalypse has been here in many different eras. But the Apocalypse you have faced was the weaker version of the one that is here now, this one has been trapped in a world beyond the worlds you've known him to be from. This is the Ultimate version of himself, the most powerful version, one beyond your worst nightmares, and mine.

With the combination of Apocalypse, and Dormammu, both in the strongest forms of themselves, everyone is vulnerable to them.

I am not trying to stand before any of the world's greatest heroes, and say you must follow me. Hell, I would love to just give any of you the role of leader; I didn't ask for this, I never wanted it. But as a wise woman once told me, we can only be who we were meant to be, nothing more, nothing less.

This is my battle, but with all your help, I believe together we would be a force beyond their wildest imagination?" I began.

But, in speaking, one word I kept repeating, suddenly stood out.


The Beyonder, he has been pulling these strings since the beginning, it suddenly all made sense. The epiphany I longed to have, suddenly came to me.

"What is it Xander, what's wrong?" Scott spoke for the first time.

The only thing was a smile suddenly grew upon my face. Much as everyone was suddenly looking at me like I was a crazy person, I just came to the answers I was only dreaming would ever come to me.

"No, there is nothing wrong, everything is right. We're going to win; we're really going to win.

Sorry, for those that don't know me, I get a little excited, especially when I suddenly realize how to win the greatest War I've ever had to face. Why didn't I see it before, it all makes sense now?" I started rambling.

"Alexander, what is it that makes sense now?" the Professor asked.

"Everything, how to make sure no one I love dies, while saving the world all at the same time. I understand what Madame Web was saying, I understand what her riddles were really all about. I'm sorry; I can't explain it, only I just understand it.

Alright, now that you all probably think I'm crazy, let's move on.

Apocalypse and Dormammu are going to throw everything they have at us. Dormammu has control of creatures called the mindless ones, these creatures can shoot beams from the one eye they have. They have super strength, Hulk size strength, and Dormammu plans on bringing the entire Dark Dimensions army into our world.

Apocalypse has set loose, the four horsemen, I don't know who else will be fighting with him, but I'm sure he will have an army of his own, not that he needs one.

Their soul purpose is to gain the powers I have, dead or alive, they will still be able to take these powers?" I began, when I was interrupted.

"Then why not leave, why not hide you? Why are you running to face them, if dead or alive they can still take your powers?" Ironman asked.

"I wish it was as simple as running away and hiding, then I wouldn't have to fear for the lives of my friends, family, life itself. They will stop at nothing to gain these powers, and I'm afraid there is nowhere for me to hide. They will be able to sense my powers, no matter where I am. They will follow me to the ends of the earth, and destroy anything in their way to find me.

That kind of destruction is something I cannot live with, and I will not allow it, if I have the power to stop them. (Looking up into sky) The eclipse is almost complete, the time is almost at hand I can feel the power surging inside me, and I can sense them.

The doorway that has opened allowing them both to enter our world, has opened, I can sense their armies preparing to march.

ARRRGHHH!!!!" I screamed as I fell to my knees, clutching my stomach.

"Xander!" Scott yelled, as he and Jean came running towards me.

My parents were at my side, in the blink of an eye.

"What's happening to him, Dr. Strange?" Scott demanded.

"The change has begun, his powers are fully manifesting themselves within him." he answered, rubbing a comforting hand on my back.

"Isn't there anything you can do, to stop the pain?" Scott begged, as I screamed bloody marry.

My body began to glow red, my insides felt like they were on fire. I wanted to pass out, just so I could stop feeling the pain.

"Scott?argh?tell them to be ready?argh?tell them?argh?what they must do when this begins?argh?" I grunted out.

Scott finished telling them, but arguments began to break out about whether I would be able to do anything, as they watched me screaming in pain.

Captain America and Ironman began arguing with Scott, talking about how they couldn't leave the fate of the world in the hands of a boy, who couldn't even stand.

I could see Scott's anger building; I could hear his heart pounding in his chest, as they spoke their doubts about me. Professor X jumped in, and began helping Scott defend me.

Scott was about to start throwing punches, next to Jean, there was no one better than me who could read his body language.

I couldn't let this happen, I couldn't let them begin fighting, not this close to the time of the eclipse.

I flew up into the air, my arms and legs spread out, my whole body glowing brightly red, in the almost fully eclipsed day. I opened my mind and body to the powers, letting them flow within me.

The pain was so intense, the burning, like a wild fire running out of control, but I couldn't allow myself to fall into pieces right now.

I concentrated on shutting down the part of my mind feeling the pain, and opened the rest of myself to welcoming the powers I never wanted to have. The more I opened myself, the brighter I became, so blinding became the light, all those below me had to look away. After a long torturous time (I had no idea how long I had been up there) the pain began to subside. The burning began to subside; I began feeling more in control of myself. I could feel this new power surging through me, like a puzzle that was finally completed, I was now complete.

I began to float downwards, as I stopped glowing, the transformation completed. I landed before the eyes of all before me, new, like a newborn. Only when I landed, I stood tall, my breathing even, and my fists on my hips.

I was ready.

"Alexander, are you all right?" my Mother asked, but I held my hand up to her, stopping her. With the loudest, commanding voice, I spoke.

"The time has come; the doorway is now fully opened. Dormammu and his minions have entered our world. They're waiting at Stone Hedge, for they know I will come to them.

I will not ask any of you to follow me; I will not ask you to stand by me. The X-Men have made their decision to stand by my side, but they have been by my side from the beginning, they understand the full extent of what is about to begin.

My destiny begins, and maybe even ends on the battlefield today. Whether I'm destined to live or die, I must face these two Villains, I have accepted that, but I will not make any choices for the rest of you.

You have no reason to believe in me, or want to stand by me. But in the end, this is my war, they are coming for me, and they will kill everyone and anything, to get to me. The only thing I wish of anyone is defend the world against their vile armies, while I do what must be done to rid this world of Dormammu, and Apocalypse.

The time to be on the fence is over, it's now or never.

The choice is yours, good luck to you all." I said turning away, and walking towards my family and friends.

"I must go now, the rest of you will follow, but I must be first." I spoke softly.

"Xander, you're not going alone, we're all in this together, a family, one for all and all for one." Jean said.

"This first part is mine, and mine alone. We must say our goodbyes now, the fates are calling." I said somberly.

"My son, I never wished this for you, I tried to protect you from this, but I'm sorry, I failed you." my Father said as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Father, thank you for all you tried to do, but as the Sorcerer Supreme, you should know ones destiny always finds them. You haven't failed me, everything I have gone through, everything I have learned, has given me everything I will need to face what lays ahead. So I thank you, and?Father?I?love you." I said hugging him tighter.

My mother grabbed on, and we hugged tighter than ever before, a true family just found, who knows if it would be lost soon enough.

"Alexander, I believe in you, and we shall all be standing behind you. As the youth like to say, we have your back. Good luck, I know you have what it takes to defeat them." The Professor said.

"Thank you for everything Professor, please protect the X-men, they are my family." I said hugging him.

<Jean, oh Jean, the sister I always wanted, and was finally gifted with. I love you more than words will ever say, my best friend, my sister. I have one favor to ask you, only one, and I beg of you, you must do this for me. It is the most important part of this war, the most important. You have two choices, the first being, knock Scott out and leave him here. I don't want him there; I truly won't be able to do what I must, if I have to worry about him. The second, if he must go, you must focus all your energy on protecting him, stay close by and never leave his side. He is my Achilles Heel and they know that, they will use him against me. I know you would protect him with your life anyway, but please this isn't like before, this is a war that none of us might walk away from. Please keep him and yourself safe for me. I love you, I will always love you.>"I told her telepathically.

<Xander, that's a tall order, but I can sense the seriousness of what you're saying. This is what you're hiding from the Professor, and the rest of us isn't it? It's been about Scott, hasn't it?>"she demanded.

<Jean there is no time, but if you've ever believed in me, please, please, protect Scott with everything and everyone you have.>"I said.

"Hello! I know you guys are talking about me, remember the connection we all have?" Scott said.

The three of us chuckled, at our inside joke.

I grabbed Scott and flew above the clouds, holding him tightly to me.

"Scott, oh Scott, here we are again about to face death, and separation. Scott you are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me, but it seems fate works 24/7 to keep us apart. I hate that, but I can live with knowing your alive and safe. I know I can't ask you to stay behind, you would never, it's not in your blood. Nonetheless, I wish you would, I wish you could just be safe here away from being used against me.

I love you more than life its self, I love everything about you. I've never known, nor will I ever know a man the likes of you. You fill me with such love, hope, promise, and I just can't imagine a world where you don't exist, nor do I want to live in one.

Scott, this war is more than about me, it's about every living thing, and this is the fight that you've trained for all your life. You must promise me that your only concern will be keeping your teammates safe, keeping the world safe.

You must forget who I am, forget what I mean to you, and just keep yourself safe, worry only for you and those that you lead. I know that's a tall order, but you must be the warrior you were born to be, the leader with his head in the game, not worrying about me. Mistakes are made that way, mistakes that can never be taken back. I don't want you to live the rest of your life, wondering if you'd only done this, or that. Lead your group, fight your battle, protect yourself, and get out of there just as fast.

You cannot help me with what I must face, and I'm afraid you could get me killed if I have to worry about you. I need to know you'll keep yourself safe, that that will be your number one priority." I pleaded.

"Xander, you are my priority, we've been to hell and back for one another, I'm not about to lose you now. I understand what you're saying, hell I teach that to all the students, but you're not just anyone, you're my whole world, you're my everything, I don't know what I would do without you. So I will do my job, but that is to protect you, I will always be there to protect you. I love you, and that's what lover's do." he said, kissing me in the most intense kiss he'd ever given me. My mind was lost in this amazing kiss, stealing the very breath from my lungs, stealing my life, my very soul in this kiss.

"Scott, you've been holding back on me, that?that?God?that was the most amazing kiss you've ever given me." I said, feeling the heat in my face.

"I have more to offer you, couldn't very well give you everything, leaving you bored with me later, now could I." we laughed.

"Please Scott, protect yourself, and protect Jean, I need the both of you alive when this is all over. You must promise me you'll stay by Jean; she's going to need you more than she's ever needed you before." I lied. If I could only get him to worry about Jean, maybe I could get him to stay near Jean, where she'll be able to protect him at all times.

"You know I will if she's in danger, I will protect her. You're going to be amazing Xander, I know it, you're going to defeat them, and then we're going to that deserted island I promised you, for that romantic getaway we so deserve. I love you kid, I will always love you, you are my life. But you can't go alone, we're all going together, promise me. If you don't promise me?why I'll?I'll never talk to you again." he stammered.

"Right, after being with jailbait for so long, now you're not going to talk to me. I think your starting to do things backwards; you stay away when you're supposed to be close, and not when you can finally have me.

Scott its time, I must go, no argument, I must do what I was meant to do, same as you. I love you, and I'm leaving my heart in your hands, please keep it safe for me till we're reunited again my love." I said kiss him passionately.

"I love you more than life; your heart is safe in my hands, locked away till we meet again. But, I have something for you, something I've been wanting to give you for a very long time now." he said cryptically.

"Presents, I love presents, what is it, what did you get me?" I asked excitedly.

He pulled a small jewelry box from his pocket, and held it before me, with a huge smile on his face, that melted my heart.

"Xander, you've changed my life, from the second you came here. I've never felt as complete, as whole, as I've felt since meeting you. I want you, in every way, always and forever. (With that he opened the jewelry box, and there was two silver band rings inside) happy birthday my love." he said kissing me.

He took one of the rings out, and began to read.

"Alexander, my life, my soul, my whole being is yours forever. I love you. Yours forever, Scott Summers." he put the ring on to my finger.

"I never felt I deserved someone like you Xander, nor did I think I would ever find someone like you, someone who brought me back to life. Given me a reason to wake up every day, a reason to live, and a life that I never thought I would ever have. With this ring, I wanted to make us official, I hope you will accept it, and know that I love you now and forever."

I then pulled out the other ring, and read what was inscribed inside.

"Scott, don't you know I'm the lucky one, your one of a kind. The strength of a lion, with the biggest heart the world has ever known. I love you, and remember I'm the lucky one, not you.

(Reading the ring)

Scott, you are my world, my life, my breath, in every life we've seen, past, present, future, I love you always and forever. Yours eternally, Alexander Strange." I read, as tears streamed down my cheeks.

"You whispered those words in your sleep, and I wrote it down, thinking what I would ever do with something so beautiful, so this is what I did, I hope you like It." he said.

"I love it Scott, you never cease to amaze me, you know my heart, and you know my soul. I love you Scott Summers (I slid the ring on his finger), and now officially, we are bound together forever. I wish we could make love one last time, before we go, but there is no time, I must leave now Scott.

Please be careful, take care of yourself, and don't forget, it is important you protect Jean at all cost." I said kissing him.

We kissed for what seemed like a lifetime, but was still short.

"What am I going to when I know the best part of me, is you? My heart is breaking, I don't want to leave you, but I have to go, it's time." I said.

He kissed me again, it was as if he knew it would be our last kiss, he left me breathless. I thought I would die in that moment.

"Know that the best part of you will be waiting for you to return, remember, I'm holding your heart for safe keeping. I love you Xander, always and forever, our love is eternal. Time and space can never separate what we have, what we feel, what we mean to each other?remember that always?I love you?" he said, choking up.

"I love you too Scott, please keep my heart safe?I love you..." tears streaming down my cheeks.

We kissed as I slowly lowered us down to the ground, stopping when we became in view of everyone else. Jean came running over, jumping on us, we all fell to the ground laughing, and hugging onto each other.

"I love you two, you've been my everything for so long now?Please take care of one another, please, I will always need you guys, and when this is over, we're going to go dance our asses off at the club. You two still owe me a hot night on the town, and now that I'm 18, it's time you guys pay up." I said laughingly.

"In LA, we'll go where no trouble can find us, and we really will give you that night on the town." Scott said.

"We'd have to do some serious shopping, find some hot ass outfits, my treat." Jean added.

Professor X came over to us, as he heard us speaking.

"The world is doomed, and you're planning your night on the town. We're all going to die." he said.

Then we all started laughing really hard, even the Professor.

One second we were laying there laughing, the next thing I knew it was as if time froze, freezing everyone in place. Suddenly the ground below me opened, and it was as if I was falling through the rabbit hole.

When I suddenly landed, I found Scott was right next to me, as we both landed on a huge bed, in a room I had never seen before.

"What the hell?what's going on?" Scott said, quickly looking around the room for danger.

As I went to move next to Scott, I felt a piece of paper under my hand on the bed. I picked it up, and read it out loud.

"Scott, look there is a letter. Alexander, with all that Scott and you have been through, I felt the two of you deserved a chance to express your love for one another. You don't have too much time, so don't waste any. My gift to you, and don't worry I won't be watching. Madame Web." I read.

"So what, she stopped time or something for us?" Scott asked.

"As a matter of fact, I think she did?I could kiss her?" I started.

"Since she's not here, how about kissing me?" Scott said, as he walked over, pushing me back on the bed.

He grabbed me hard, and began kissing me with a fiery desperation, only an apocalypse could bring on. Not that I would ever complain, about a kiss so powerful, it took my breath away. My hands roamed his muscled up back, as I pulled him into a tighter grip. Feeling the pressure of his body on top of mine, was the most amazing feeling. His cock grinding hard against mine, as our tongues fought inside each other's mouths.

"Scott, make love to me." I begged between kisses.

"With pleasure my love, with pleasure." he cooed.

With that he kissed every part of my body, leaving nothing that his soft lips hadn't touched. He took my cock into his mouth swallowing it whole, moving up and down. Paying special attention to my head, licking around the crown, he stared into my eyes with an intensity that took my breath away.

Raising my legs, he dived into my hole and began licking it up and down. His tongue moving in and out of my hole, as I grunted with pleasure. I moaned more and more, not being able to take it, wanting him inside me so badly.

I grabbed him and flipped him over, taking his cock into my mouth. The taste of honey on my tongue, as I lapped his sweet nectar up. Licking his long shaft up and down, he moaned with pleasure. Grabbing my head, he began to move his cock in and out of my mouth, telling me how great it felt, telling me how much he loved the things my mouth did to him.

He lifted me up to him, and began kissing me. His kisses were urgent, filled with passion.

Fear that this was the last time I would get to kiss him ran through my mind, and I banished the thoughts and focused on the here and now.

He laid me down, taking my legs and wrapping them around his waist. While still kissing me, he slid his cock into my waiting hole. I moaned into his kiss, as I felt the full length of his cock slide inside me.

There were so many things I wanted to say to him, so many things I knew he wanted to say to me, but instead we said nothing. Instead we relished in the feel of being together as one, his body pressed against mine, not knowing where one of us started and the other ended.

His rhythm became more urgent, as I knew he was getting closer. He deepened his kiss, as he grabbed my cock and began stroking me to watch his own. The harder he pounded into me, the louder I moaned.

I knew he was coming as he looked into my eyes, I could feel the swell of his cock as he blew his load into my waiting hole. I began shooting myself, in time with his. The explosion took my breath away, as we both released our loads. We both shouted how we loved each other, as he fell atop me, savoring the lingering effects.

"Scott that was the most amazing experience of my life. Thank you for giving me this?gift?" I said.

"You are the one that gave me a gift Xander, you are the gift. I love you, my lover, my friend, my everything. You really are the light of my life, the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you so much, words just don't seem enough." he kissed me.

"Thank you for your words, for giving me your heart, for being the man that you are. Thank you for loving me, for giving me a home. For making me feel safe, loved, and everything else I never thought I would feel." I said, kissing him again.

We lay there kissing each other, our bodies pressed together for a long time. Finally getting up and taking a shower, while making love one more time as the water cascaded over our bodies.

I could never have asked for a greater gift, than this last time together. Thank you Madame Web, thank you?

We reappeared on the ground, with Jean lying on top of the two of us. Exactly where we were, before Madame Web took us away.

Scott gave me a knowing look, as Jean looked from him to me.

"Oh?wow?now that's some gift." Jean said.

"Evil?evil?evil?" I tsked at Jean.

"Hey, don't blame me when you guys are broadcasting your thoughts." she laughed.

"Though it was an amazing gift, we'll have to remember to thank Madame Web when you see her again." Scott said.

"It's time to go, I love you both. Please remember what I told the both of you, and always remember how much I love you." I said as we all three hugged each other tightly.

My parents walked up to us, looked me in the eyes, my mother with tears in her eyes, my father trying to hide his.

"I love you both very much, thank you for everything." I said.

"We love you son, be strong, and have faith in yourself. We believe in you, and know you will be amazing." my father said.

I floated up into the air, looking down at all the people gathered here. I hoped none would die, and that all would make it through to the people they loved. I was about to say something when Alex, and Lorne came running up. I floated down to them, a smile on my face.

"You didn't think you could go into battle, without your brother here." Alex said.

"Alex, Lorne, it's so good to see you. I wish it were under different circumstances, but I'm still glad you're here." I said, giving them a hug.

"I know I'm not your blood brother, but I still consider you to my family. So if you have to go into this battle, you can count us in." Alex said.

"Thank you Alex, that means more to me than you could ever know. You'll always be my older brother, blood or not. Please, do me a favor, and make sure to keep Scott safe, I beg of you." I whispered the last part into his ear.

"Always kid-o, always. Don't worry everything is going to be fine, it has to be. Scott, you and I have a camping date that you just can't get out of." he teased.

"I'll hold you to that Summers men, I'll hold you both to that." I said, as tears began to stream down my face.

I turned and hugged Jean one more time, and mentally told her to block out anyone from seeing me kiss Scott one last time.

He kissed me with a vengeance, before I floated into the air again.

"My friends, the moment is at hand. I will leave now, and you all will follow. Please remember what I've said, and be careful. X-men, I love you all, you have given me a home when I had never had one before (I said, looking at each of my friends that I have come to love since being here) and I could never tell you enough how special you all are to my heart. Be strong, watch each other's back. Godspeed to you all. A wise man once told me that, with great powers, come great responsibilities. I understand the importance of that message, and believe it to be words to live by. We are superheroes because we were given gifts, and choose to do good with them. I wish you all success, and a safe return to your loved ones. Good luck every one, let's go kick some ass!"

Everyone began to cheer, clapping each other on the backs and making their way off the field. I looked at my friends, my parents, Jean, and then my love Scott. I mouthed the words I love him, and he mouthed them back to me.

I flew off so fast; you could hear a sonic boom explode behind me.

As I made my way over city after city, I heard a boy cry out for help. I knew I had a date with destiny, but I couldn't fly away knowing there was something I could have done. I flew down towards the noise, landing on the street near and alley. I made my way into the alley, and saw five guys trying to rape a boy that was on his hands and knees. One of the guys was shoving his cock and out of the boy, while another was getting ready to slide his cock into the boy's ass. They held a knife to his throat, as they called him names and dared him to make a sudden move.

I walked into the alley, using my heat vision to burn the knife causing the guy to drop it.

"Hey tough guys, why don't you pick on someone your own size?" I asked, coming to stand near them.

"It's five against one, not looking like good odds for you buddy. So unless you want to join this kid on the ground, I'd take a hike if I were you." the one that must have been the leader said.

"I don't think so punk, only low lives would take advantage of a helpless kid. You're all probably trying to compensate for the small penises you have, by using force to get laid." I said.

"Oh you're just asking for aren't you, don't worry will use your pretty full lips on our not so small cocks. Get him boy, I want to use that ass." the leader shouted.

Without even breaking a sweat, I threw each one into a wall, rendering them unconscious. I helped the kid to his feet, and handed him his clothes.

"Thanks?I?was so scared." he said.

"I know, but you're safe now." I assured him.

"I don't understand, how did you do that?you're just a kid?" he asked.

"I am just a kid, but no one seems to understand that. I've been telling them that all along, but it just doesn't seem to matter." I answered.

He looked at me confused, not understand who or what I was talking about.

I was just a kid, but nobody cared. With the weight of the world on my shoulders, I flew up into the air.

It was time to fly to my destiny.

Stone hedge-

Prophecy, destiny, whatever you want to call it has brought me to this point in time. The road I've traveled has been long and enduring. Through all the pain, there truly has been pleasure as well. Pain led me to run away from the orphanage that led me to Spiderman and firestar. That led me to Xavier's school for gifted youngsters, which in turn led me to Scott and Jean. Though the road has been hard, we've grown closer than I ever thought possible for myself. Finding them is the sweetest gift I have ever been given in my life. They mean everything to me, and always will. I thought about all we've been through, the laughs, the tears, the pain, the love. I wouldn't change a single moment of it, and I didn't think they would either.

I let my mind run through all the memories of times shared, with them.

Smiling with the thoughts of them, I arrived at Stone Hedge.

I floated down to the ground, knowing that Apocalypse was already here though he couldn't be seen.

"I know your there, show yourself!" I demanded.

"So the little boy has come to die, has he?" Apocalypse laughed.

"What makes you think I'm going to be the one to die, Apocalypse?" I asked.

"You were already dead the moment you came here, boy." he smiled.

"I guess we're going to find out, aren't we." I said, floating up so I was face to face with him.

"That's the funny thing about Prophecy, it's there to help you, but you must understand it completely if it's to be of any aid." he began.

"What are you rambling about?" I asked, confused.

"The prophecy told you of your powers coming into fruition, but nowhere in it did it tell you to come here. That is the mistake you and your friends have made, boy! If you had never come here, I would never have been freed." he laughed a bone chilling laugh.

"Wha-what? You're talking out of your ass, that's just not true." I said more to myself than him.

"It's very true, boy. I've only been freed from my dimension, here to Stone Hedge. When the eclipse ends, and had you not come, I would have been thrown back into my own dimension. It is you that frees me, it is you that has brought ruin to this world." he laughed.

It couldn't be it just couldn't. Had they truly gotten it wrong, was this what was really meant by me being a key to the destruction of earth. I flew up into the air, thinking maybe if I left stone hedge he wouldn't be allowed to leave. I hit an invisible shield, sending me crashing down to the ground.

"You can't leave now; we are just getting to the good part. You're trapped here, as am I. Till one of us is killed, neither of us can leave." he explained.

I screamed a scream so powerful; it felt as if the earth had moved.

We got it wrong?we got it all wrong?

On the X-Jet-

"Xander?" I said, as I felt the pain of my beloved wash through me.

"Scott, did you feel that too?" Jean asked me, as she heard me shout Xander's name.

"What's wrong with him, can you read him telepathically?" I asked.

"Scott, they had it wrong?all wrong?Scott, none of this would have happened if he hadn't gone there. Once the eclipse ended, everything would have passed. The window of opportunity would have ended, and Xander would have been safe. They got it wrong, all wrong." Jean began to cry.

I turned in a fury at Doctor Strange, grabbing him by the shirt and lifting him up.

"You sent your son to die, without truly understanding the Prophecy! You sent him to die, without knowing what it really meant?" I screamed shaking him hard.

"No?no?this can't be right, I've study it since the day he was born and I learned of it. He has to face them, or they would destroy all life. It's not possible, I couldn't have been wrong?I couldn't?" I saw the true panic in his eyes, this was his son and he thought he was saving everyone.

I set him down, turning away from him.

"Jean, we have to get there now. We need to help him?he's freaking out, I can feel it." I could feel his pain, his anger, his fear?I could sense him.

"Storm, get us there as quickly as possible?please?let's fly this thing faster than we ever have before?" Jean said.

"Everyone hold on, this is going to be one hell of a ride!" Logan said, as Storm nodded to him.

Just hang on Xander, I'm almost there?nothing's going to happen to you?nothing?

Stone Hedge-

Dormammu appeared with Umra, and I quickly scolded myself to get my head back in the game. If I was going down, I was taking them all with me.

"So you've decided to come try and kill me, huh grandma?" I said.

"Nothing personal dear, it's all about the power." she answered.

"Enough talking, let's get this show on the road." I said.

Closing my eyes, I lifted my hand sending all three of them flying back.

"Now this I could get used to." I said.

I spoke to soon, as I was shot with energy blast that sent me barreling through the ground. As I tried to get up, vines sprouted from the earth wrapping around my arms and legs trapping me against the ground. As Dormammu came walking towards me, he was suddenly hit from behind. Apocalypse had turned his arm into a gun, and was shooting him.

"The boy is mine, Dormammu." Apocalypse said, as he lifted Dormammu up and threw him into his sister.

I used my optic beams to slice through the vines, freeing myself.

Flying up at Apocalypse, I hit dead in the chest sending him flying back into the others.

"This is pathetic; you're acting like a bunch of hungry dogs fighting for a bone." I said, shooting my optic beams at them sending them further into the ground.

"He's right you fool, we should be working together not against one another." Dormammu said.

"Which would leave you room to attempt to seize his powers for yourself, I don't think so." Apocalypse answered.

"When we put him down, then we can fight for the power or are you to afraid I will out power you." Dormammu said.

"Hello? Last I checked I was doing the kicking of the asses here, so let's stop talking and continue please." I said, flying over and lifting Apocalypse up and throwing him away from Dormammu. If they teamed up I'd really be in trouble, that wouldn't be a good thing.

Dormammu hit me from behind, sending me flying into the ground. Before I even had a chance to lift my head, he was stomping me into the ground.

He lifted me up by my hair, as I hung limply. His fists began to glow, and began pounding into me. The magic he was using affected me in a bad way; it felt like I was being hit by a Mach truck. He was pounding into me giving me a beat down, as I struggled to raise my arms and defend myself uselessly.

Apocalypse willingly sat out, watching him beat me to a bloody pulp, knowing he would take his chance that he could defeat Dormammu when it came to taking my powers.

"Now Dormammu, do it now!" Umra said.

I hadn't known what she was talking about, but in the next moment I would feel it.

Dormammu's hand began to glow a yellow tint, as he suddenly put his hand through the center of my chest.

"Ahhhhrrrahhhhh!" I screamed.

I was sure my screams were heard around the world, as his hand slid fully into my chest like a knife through butter.

Apocalypse came running at him, when Umra got in his way.

"You can't stop this; it's the only way to make the boy weaker so that he can be killed. So that any of us has the chance at getting his powers, do you understand me you fool?" she said.

Apocalypse shot her with a plasma beam, sending her flying back.

"I understand." he mocked.

I felt like my insides were being torn apart, as I screamed in agony.

That's when the ground began to rumble, as if a stampede of horses was coming our way.

That's when I saw him, my Scott leading an army of superheroes straight for us.

With of wave of his hand, Dormammu created an army of Mindless Ones, while Apocalypse brought fourth his Four Horsemen.

Everyone began to battle, as they met in the center of the large open field. Dormammu went back to the task of sticking his hand through my chest; I screamed an ear piercing scream.

"Get your hands off my man!" Scott shouted.

Scott used his optic beams to shoot the back of Dormammu's head, causing him to drop me. I lay thrashing on the ground, gulping for air.

"Xander! Xander?" Scott shouted as he laid my head in his lap.

I opened my eyes, looking up into the most angelic face I could ever hope to see.


"Hi." he said, moving the strands of hair out of my face.

Apocalypse came up behind Scott and grabbed him by the head, lifting him up into the air before tossing him like a rag doll. Jean came running up, and telepathically caught Scott and set him on the ground.

I pushed aside the pain, getting up to my feet. Just as Apocalypse came charging at me, I flipped up into the air landing with my legs on his shoulders. I used his forward momentum, to flip him into the air.

Looking around, everyone was up to their heads fighting enemies. I had to do something, and quick.

"Scott, Jean, keep Apocalypse busy, while I send Dormammu on a one way ticket to the Dark Dimension." I shouted as I flew towards my parents, as they were battling Dormammu and Umra.

"Alexander, I'm so sorry!" my parents said, as they sent magical blast against the enemy.

"It's okay, you didn't know." I said, smiling as I punched out to of the Mindless Ones.

"Let us have the boy, and we will let you all live." Dormammu said.

"Not a chance, you will never have my son." my father shouted, sending blast after blast at Dormammu.

"It's time to get rid of them, father hold him off while I do what needs to be done." I said.

"Wish pleasure son, show him what you're made of." he smiled proudly at me.

I floated into the air, holding out my arms. I let the power course through me; felt it coming alive as I began to glow.

I pushed through the dimensional boundaries, feeling my way through. When at last I felt the riff open, I began tearing it completely apart.

"Time to go Dormammu, you've had your chance and you've lost." I said, flying up to him and punching him in his fiery face.

I had to maintain my hold on the opening, while trying to move Dormammu through it. Someone hit me from behind, sending my flying straight into Dormammu's grasp. He held onto my neck, as he again stuck his hand into my chest.

I couldn't afford to be lost to the pain, not while I had the doorway open. I grabbed his arm that was inside of my chest, and focused all my energy on burning his arm right off.

The horrid smell of burnt flesh wafted through the air, almost causing me to gag.

"You bastard! My arm!" Dormammu screamed, as I sliced his arm right off using my heat vision.

I grabbed him by the waist, and flipped him backwards causing him to land hard on his back.

He continued screaming holding the stub that was now his arm, cursing me with every breath.

I grabbed a hold of his leg, and dragged him to the gateway. Spinning him around and around, I through him into the rift letting it close behind him.

That's when I heard Jean scream, it stopped me dead in my tracks.

I turned to her, and saw that Apocalypse was holding Scott above his head, bringing him down back first, onto his knee.

Scott's screamed as the snapping of his back could be heard all across the field, causing everyone to flinch.

I pushed off the ground with all my might, flying at Apocalypse hard and fast. I began pounding into him, while he dragged Scott by the arm never letting him go.

"Let him go you son of a Bitch!" I screamed.

He brought his arm up, and began shooting me with as much power as he could muster.

Though I was pushed back, I took the hits still inching my way forward. All I could see what Scott, see the fear on his face, the pain and agony he was in.

Finally getting up to Apocalypse, I grabbed his arm and with a mighty twist, I broke it causing the bone to jut out.

"Let him go!" I demanded, as he pulled Scott tighter into his embrace.

"Give me your powers, and I will let him live." he answered.

"You will give me back my lover, I won't be asking again." I said, still walking towards him.

"He is your weakness, and the reason you will fail today. Already my arm is healed, I am the ultimate mutant. You could only dream of grasping all that I am, of having all the power I wield." he rambled.

"If you're all powerful, you wouldn't want my powers. If you were all powerful, you would fight me one on one." I said.

"One on one, those are for ones who fight with honor, I don't care about honor, only power. Now, if you want your lover to live, give yourself to me freely." he said, grabbing Scott around the throat holding Scott in front of him.

This was the moment, the final moment. It all came down to this.

Losing the one I loved, to save the world around me.

I looked around, seeing friends, and those I didn't even know fighting for the safety of humankind.

If I gave myself over to Apocalypse, they would all be mindless slaves to his rule. If I didn't hand myself over to him, Scott would die.

"Damn you Apocalypse, damn you to hell." I shouted.

"It's a small price to pay, to have your lover left alive. Come to me willingly, and I will set him free." he taunted.

Squeezing Scotts neck tighter, to show me he wasn't messing around.

"Alexander! You can't, he'll destroy everything." My father yelled.

"I can't let him kill Scott, what would you have me do?" I said defeated.

"Xander, Scott wouldn't want you to do this?I?oh God?" Jean cried.

"I'm sorry; I won't lose Scott, not for anyone or anything." I said, holding my head high.

Madame Web said, if I didn't make the sacrifice, everyone would suffer.

But it was my choice to make, something I alone had to decide.

The world now rested in the choices I made, and I was choosing my lover.

"Forgive me Scott; forgive me?I?love you?" I said, tears streaming down my face.

"Alexander no!!!" my parents shouted.

"No!!!" others around me shouted.

But I floated up into the air, moving directly in front of Apocalypse.

I looked at the broken body of Scott, as Apocalypse held him by the neck.

I closed out the sound of all of my teammates screaming for me to stop. I closed out the thought of Scott hanging limply in Apocalypse hands. I closed out everyone emotion I was feeling in that moment, so I could prepare to do what needed to be done.

My body began to glow, the light blinding those that looked towards me.

"What are you doing? I will kill him! What are you doing?" Apocalypse shouted.

"Making a sacrifice for the greater good, doing what I was meant to do with this power. Stopping you from enslaving this world, and sending you back to the jail you came from." I shouted.

I raged, like I had never raged before. Allowing the power to take me over, becoming in tune with all life, all realities at the same time.

I ripped through the fabric of space and time, ripped through the dimensions separating other worlds.

I screamed with the power of it?screamed with the need to do what only I could.

The energy in me building up, the rage fueling it, feeding it?the energy growing, consuming, living?

It was time?

"Don't do this, you will lose him forever." Apocalypse said.

"That was your mistake, Apocalypse. Scott was the key to your failure?He was the key that will lock you in your prison, for all time. If you had never used Scott, I wouldn't be able to do this. His blood will lock you in your world forever." I said.

"No?no?this can't be?BEYONDER, you tricked me! Damn you, damn you Beyonder, I will have my revenge?" he screamed.

He began to lift Scott's body, so that he could throw him.

It was too late, he made the mistake the second he grabbed him.

"I love you Scott Summers?" I said one final time.

Letting the energy explode out of me, I sent it forward taking Scott and Apocalypse out of our world.

I screamed with the rage of what I was doing, as Apocalypse screamed with the rage of his defeat.

When the last of the power shot out, I closed the rift between worlds. Sealing Apocalypse away, and signing my lover's death warrant.

Still floating in the air, I looked around at all the devastation?at all the lives that had been lost this day. I held my arms out, sending a beam of energy destroying all the Mindless Ones left. I waved my hands at the Horsemen of Apocalypse, bringing them all together before me. I used the power, not by knowing what I was doing, but by the need within me. I shed them of the powers Apocalypse game them, and turned them back into who they once were. Righting the wrongs that were done to them, at the hands of Apocalypse.

Time froze of the earth, as Madame Web and the Beyonder appeared before me, in a cloud of smoke.

"You've done it, I knew you would." He said.

I flew at him, wanting to beat him to death, when I hit an invisible shield.

"Damn you, you did this?you made it so Scott was the key!!! I'll kill you, you bastard." I shouted, as I pounded on the shield.

"No Alexander, it wasn't I who made it so. That was not within my powers to do, that was truly beyond Me." he said.

"Xander, destiny, fate, all of it was in motion long before we came to be. I'm sorry you had to do this, but only you could have saved everyone. Only your sacrifice could save this and every other world." Madame Web said.

I fell to the ground, dropping my head as I began to cry.

"I saw the two outcomes that could have been, and if you knew what would have happened had you not sacrificed Scott Summers?let's just say, it would have been hell on earth and all the other worlds. Take comfort in at least that much, take comfort in the billions and billions of lives saved this day by your actions." the Beyonder said.

"No words can comfort me now, Beyonder. I know I had to do it, I understand what would have happened. Don't think for a second I can ever live with the choice I made, even knowing that it was the right one. This day fate, destiny, the powers that be, whoever is pulling the strings, took away my heart and soul?I am dead inside?they've made me do the single hardest thing anyone should ever have to do?so don't tell me to take comfort in anything?just leave me?get out of here?I don't want to look at you anymore?"

"We will meet again Alexander, your destiny is not complete?You have a long road ahead of you?Goodbye for now?You truly are everything Madame Web said you would be, you truly are a rare person." he said, turning and waking back into the smoke.

"I'm sorry Xander, I'm so very sorry. If I could have done anything to change this, please know I would have. Goodbye for now, my friend." she said sincerely.

I saw a single tear slide down her cheek, and knew her heart was true.

When they disappeared, time started up again.

Jean was the first one to my side, followed by Alex and Lorne.

"Oh God Xander?he's gone?he's really gone?" she screamed as she kneeled down next to me, taking me in her arms and began to cry.

I couldn't say anything, there just weren't words. So I sat there crying with her arms around me, as Alex and Lorna encircled us to.

There was a complete hush over the crowd that was gathering around us, leaving the only sound to be heard was the four of us sobbing heart breaking sounds.

I don't know how long we sat there crying, when we realized there was crowd of people standing directly around us with my parents waiting in front of me, so we began to stand up.

I couldn't lift my head up to look at anyone; I didn't want to deal with any of them right now, not even my parents.

Alex was the first to break the silence.

"I don't understand?I mean?I know what happened, I saw it?but couldn't?um?why didn't you stop him?"

"There wasn't a choice; Scott's blood was the only thing that could seal him away. If there was anything I could have done?anything?don't you think I would have done it?" I didn't think he was accusing me of anything, but I still felt the need to explain, not that I wasn't going to give a little Attitude at having to explain. He knew Scott was everything to me, why would I have just let him be killed?he was my life. The pain that threatened to stop my heart cold in that moment, with the realization that Scott really isn't here.

"Nobody thinks you didn't do everything in your power to save him, Xander." Jean said, trying to easy any tension she was feeling.

I suddenly looked up and it felt like the sea of eyes all around me, where looking at me as if they too felt I hadn't done enough to save him.

Maybe I'm reading more into it than that?maybe I'm not?

"Alexander, we should take you home. Son, you've been through a huge ordeal?we should take you home, so you could rest." my father said.

I just realized they weren't the ones I needed in that moment, the one I needed wasn't here?

I just flew up into the sky, and took off as fast as I could. I couldn't deal with the stares, the looks, the words?I didn't want to deal with any of it.

No one telling me how sorry they are about my loss, while thinking they knew was it was like to be the one who had to let his lover die?

I had no idea where I was going?truthfully I didn't really care. There was no place I wanted to be, but one.

Now he'd never be there again?

Scott?how am I going to live without you now?

Don't forget to check out my comic book, THE CELT @

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