Alexs Hollywood Stories

Published on Sep 11, 2022


Alex's Hollywood Stories 3

Copyright © 2017 by P. Ruthford.

This story is purely fiction and bears no truth to any of the names or characters mentioned in this story.

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Apologies for taking so long to update this story, I had a chapter 3 written out somewhere but I have seen to completely lost it, which sucks balls. Chapter 3 was going to be some really intense phone sex between Alex and Liam, but rather than write it all over again, I’ve made Chapter 4 to Chapter 3.

Chapter 3 - Alex’s Hollywood Stories

        It has been a week since Alex had talked to Liam over the phone and had some incredible phone sex, and at least a month since they had mind-blowing sex at his apartment. Thank god, he wasn’t much of a dribbler, otherwise he would have had a lot of explaining to do or any leftover wet spots on his pants. Since then, they hadn’t kept in touch very often, but there had been a couple of times when Alex would be getting ready to pass out on his bed and he would get a text of Liam lying on a bed, presumably the one in his trailer and the text would just consist of him naked, either stroking out a leaking boner or a picture of Liam’s gorgeous ass, that was either filled by nothing or a well-lubricated dildo. It was a wonder that there hadn’t been that many, if any rumours about Liam and his desire to be filled from the back. Oh well, Hollywood had plenty of secrets, so why couldn’t Liam’s bottoming tendencies.

        It was a lazy Saturday and Alex had just finished an insane chest and arms workout at the nearby gym. As he walked home, his short black hair still damp from the shower, he felt his phone vibrate in his back pocket. He ignored it, whatever it was, it could wait. He was too busy enjoying the songs he had playing from his Spotify on his phone into his earphones. It was just almost sunset time, and he was going to take the time to enjoy his Saturday. It had been a bit of a crazy week at work.

        Reaching the steps to his apartment building, he fished out his keys from his gym bag and opened the main lobby door. Climbing the steps to his floor in time to a King of Leon song, he was in a pretty good mod. Unlocking his front door, he put his gym bag on the kitchen counter and walked over to his kitchen to take out some post-workout snacks. He slipped his phone out of his back pocket and unlocked it.

        Hey buddy, you free tonight? A text from Liam.

        Alex opened a bottle of sparkling water and replied Nothing much, probably just gonna stay at home and watch a movie. Why? What’s up?

        Got a break through filming and there’s a massive party happening tonight. Join.

        Alex pondered for a minute. With someone like Liam, the party could mean anything, it could be one of those crazy parties at somewhere like the Hamptons or Beverly Hills like the ones that were in the Wolf of Wall Street. Or it could be a sex-crazed party, all to fulfill Liam’s insatiable sex appetite.

        While Alex was mulling it over, he received another text.

        Come on, pick you up at 8?

        Looks like his evening plans were all confirmed. He replied Sure, what’s the dress code?

        Smart casual.

And with that, Alex planked himself in front of his TV and just enjoyed the rest of his Saturday…

        It was almost 8pm and Alex had just had another shower. Just to be on the safe side. Just because Liam said the dress code of this party was smart casual, didn’t mean that the party was going to end up completely innocent. He put on a pair of jeans, a pink shirt and a grey blazer. It wasn’t too pretentious but also wasn’t too frat-like. Hopefully, it was enough.

        He had just finished splashing on some cologne when the buzzer to his apartment began to ring. He shuffled himself to the intercom, sockless and answered the call.

        “Mr. Newton”

        “Yup, yup, that’s me. I’ll be down in just a second”. Alex ended the connection and sat himself on his couch as he slipped on some shoes. Turning off the light as he locked his front door behind him, he did a final checkup in the hallway mirror. Looking good.

        Alex opened the front door of his apartment building to find a big, bald man standing in front of a black sedan.

        “Mr. Newton, I presume. Mr Hemsworth sent me to pick you up.”

        Taken aback, he stuttered back a reply, “Er. okay, and where is Liam?”

        “We’ll be picking Mr. Hemsworth and Ms. Cyrus on the way to the party.”

        Alex tried to hide his shock. Shit, Miley was going to be in the same cart as him. Would she now that he had fucked her fiance over and over again. That would be such an awkward car ride.

        “Oh, why don’t you just give me the address to the party, and I’ll meet the Hemsworths there. I can make my way over there on my way out,” Alex said.

        “Mr. Hemsworth was clear. I was instructed to pick you up and make my way to the Hemsworth,” the driver said.

        Alex was about to stutter a response back, but the driver just gestured to the corridor. Alex shrugged his shoulder, resigned to an awkward fate and got into the car.

        “Please tell Mr. Hemsworth and Ms Cyrus that we are here,” said the driver on his bluetooth speaker. They had slowed down towards the street that led to the Sunset Tower Hotel.

        For the past fifteen minutes in this helluva awkward car ride, Alex had just sat in the background, playing with his fingers as he tried to come up with a good cover story as to how he knew Liam and why he was the only person that Liam had asked to be picked up for the night. As far he could tell, and from the very short and simple answers he had weaseled out of the driver, they weren’t going to make any other stops on the way to this party. He didn’t even know what kind or who’s party this was.

        The car lurched to a stop. Alex peered outside the black-tinted windows and gazed out. According to the sign in front of the building, the Sunset Tower Hotel. He had heard about this place but of course, this wasn’t exactly a location he would hang out at repeatedly.

        The Sunset Tower Hotel was most definitely a tower, it actually looked quite monolithic with the slightly faded monocolor facade. It looked like a miniature version of the Empire State building.

        He relaxed back into his seat. No point in acting like some Common Joe, underaged and very new to the Hollywood scene. He was sure that people like Miley Cyrus could detect people as green as he was. He wasn’t sure what arrangement Liam and Miley had, but probably not wise to have common-fuck buddy written all over his face.

        He pulled out his phone from his pocket and considered texting Liam to tell him now that he was here, but suddenly the car door opened.

        “Mr. Newton, would you mind moving in?” the chauffeur said.

        “Yeah, oh shit, no worries,” Alex slid to the other side of the car.

        A medium sized, blonde haired lady ducked her head into the car and slid inside the car. The blonde, almost crude pixie cut was unmistakeable. This was none other than Liam’s fiance, Miley Cyrus.

        “Hi, y’all, I’m Miley,” she said, extender he hand after smoothing her dress.

        “Alex, nice to meet you. Huge fan”, Alex said, shaking her hand politely.

        “Aww, thanks”, she said, smiling broadly.

        He felt a twinge of guilt as he tried hard not to picture how Liam looked, naked all over his bed. Miley seemed super friendly and kind.

        “Oof,” came the unmistakeable voice of Liam Hemsworth as he climbed into the car. The added person into the car pushed Alex more to the other side. Thank fuck he wasn’t claustrophobic.

        “Hey man, good to see you again,” greeted Liam, shaking Alex’s hand warmly, “ALex and I met at the gym, he’s been spotting me.

        “Oh, that’s so cool. Nice to meet you,” Miley said, “Hey Charles, can we put on some music please.”

        The chauffeur nodded in the reflection of the rear mirror and soon the sounds of deep house music came through the speakers.

        For the rest of the car journey, Alex engaged in decent, friendly conversations with Miley and Liam. Turned out it wasn’t as awkward or weird that he thought it would be, talking to the fiancee of the guy he had fucked constantly. Of course, the car ride was made better when Miley produced some whiskey from her clutch handbag.

All three of them were so busy laughing and jamming to music that they didn’t realise when the car lurched to a stop in front of a modern large, three-story house with a long driveway. There were already cars parked all along the driveway, as well as the streets. Looking around, it seemed to be the only house for a few metres. EDM music could be heard blasting from the house, as people streamed in and out of the house. Reminding him of all the college house parties he had went to while at college, he opened the door of the car and stood out, breathing in the air of the ocean.

He turned back and extended his arm out for Miley to take it and helped pull her out of the car. She thanked him with a great big smile and took Liam’s hands got out of the car behind her. Together they walked towards the house, Alex just behind, trying not to feel too much like the third wheel he clearly was.

As they walked through the open front doors of the house, Alex looked around and saw crowds of people standing and sitting all around the house. Loud music was blasting from the many speakers he could see, with kegs, bottles of wine and liquor all over. It was a healthy mixture of guys and girls, around their late-twenties and mid-thirties and ridiculously attractive. This wasn’t a surprise to Alex because after all, with faces like Miley and Liam, it only made sense that they hung around people of similar levels of hotness.

“Liam! You made it!” a loud, cheerful voice called out, coming from the stairs. The voice belonged to a tall, brown-haired, blue-eyed man with extremely sharp cheekbones. Chace Crawford.

Thanks for all the emails asking for an update; apologies that is taken almost an entire year. I hope to write more and conclude the story of Alex soon - I’ve planned about 15 chapters so far, just got to get around to writing it. As always, comments, reviews & thoughts are always welcome. Reach out to:

I’ve also got a tumblr where I will write occasional short bits inspired by any hot / sexy pictures I see on the internet and will be taking questions. Please visit when you ahve the chance and say hi!

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Next: Chapter 4

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