All My Tomorrows

By Ritch Christopher (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Nov 8, 2023


All rights reserved. Copyright held by the author. If you are underage or are offended by gay fiction, containing graphic sex and explicit language, please exit now.



Copyright Ritchris 2005

sequel to "As I Remember Him"

A story by

Ritch Christopher



The following afternoon, Richard came to work at Jerry's house at 2:45, just as Jerry was preparing to leave for the police station. As Jerry strapped his gunbelt on, Richard asked David's whereabouts and found that David was inside his bedroom watching television. Jerry stopped as he was about to open the door and asked if Richard would walk him to his car. They covered the distance in silence, but then, as Jerry opened his car door, he turned to look at Richard.

"Is anything wrong?", Richard asked.

"I hope not."

"Sorry, but I don't understand."

"David said you hugged him yesterday and when I came home last night, I saw you in what looked like a cuddling position."


"David told me you were gay..."

"I didn't think you were homophobic like the rest of the River Oaks residents."

"I'm NOT homophobic. I can't be and still do my job properly. I took an oath not to show prejudice in any kind of situation, whether it involved race, religion, politics, gender, or sexual preference."

"Jerry, did David tell you that anything happened beyond the hug?"

"Well, actually, no."

"Then let me assure you that nothing happened before, during, or AFTER the hug. My job, my profession is just as liable to be scrutinized as yours. I could never have sex with a client. My reputation would be ruined and I'd have to move before I could be hired again by anyone."

"I'm sorry, Richard, I didn't mean to insinuate..."

"I think you did and I'm somewhat offended to think you would even speculate that someone of my professional status WOULD or COULD allow anything like that to occur while I'm doing the job I was hired to do."

"Richard, I'm sorry. Maybe I DID jump to a harsh, wrong conclusion. It's just that when I saw the two of you together...and later when David told me you had hugged him...well, I realize now I was mistaken."

"Jerry, I'm curious. Suppose a friend of David's or even a friend of Mark's came by to visit David and David wanted to meet him privately, say, in the bedroom...and he was gay, what would you do if you caught them in an embrace or perhaps in a more intimate situation? I mean, David is NOT a prisoner, is he? He is allowed visitors, isn't he, and neither you nor I has the authority to impose restrictions on him or on what he wants to do. So just what would you do?"

"I...I'm not sure."

"OK, so I'll admit I'm gay, but I don't think I'd ever object to David having a private session with a friend---unless I had designs on David."

"What are you implying, Richard?"

"If I were a detective and looked at the facts...mostly at how you reacted to my cuddling David, I'd almost surmise that YOU had a streak of jealousy or an unusual interest in David."

"That's bullshit!"

"Am I suppose to believe that you never once had feelings for another male...a best friend or buddy while you were growing up?"


"Then do you think that sex between two men is wrong?"

"Of course not! I just said as much."

"Then if David wanted to be hugged or held in someone's arms, you'd have no objection?"

"Absolutely I matter of fact...I suppose it's because you hugged David earlier, he asked me to hug him when he went to bed last night."

"And did you?"

"Only for a brief moment..."

"Suppose someone had seen you, what then?"

"It was just a...a simple that he asked for."

"Then why should my hugging him be any different? After all, you're not related to him, any more than I."

"Look, I'm sorry I mentioned the whole fucking ordeal. I...I don't know what came over me."

"Possession? Jealousy? Pick one."

"I've got to go to work! I'm gonna be late. I...I just don't want YOU or ANYONE taking advantage of him...especially while he's tranquilized on those pills."

"Trust me, Jerry. That won't happen! At least, not as far as I'm concerned."

"I'll try to trust you...just don't give a reason NOT to."

"I won't."

"Good! I...I gotta go!"

Jerry got into his car and sped off to work. Richard went inside to check on his 'patient' and start the afternoon and evening activities.


The sergeant hadn't called the roll yet, luckily for Jerry when he arrived five minutes late for work. Today was inspection day which meant all the policemen lined up in formation where they usually just met in an informal setting in a classroom to go over assignments and to be informed about the crimes committed during the past two shifts to keep everyone up to date concerning the station's activities.

During the inspection and roll call, Jerry noticed two new young policeman whom he had never seen before. They were rookies, fresh out of the academy, named Tyler Bartlett and Nathan (Nate) Simmons. Both looked to be around twenty-two years of age, bright eyed, with brand new uniforms, and shoes shined like laced-up mirrors. Nate was almost portly, but half of his extra poundage was solid muscle. He reminded Jerry of a young Carroll O'Connor or Rod Steiger from 'In The Heat Of The Night'. Tyler was medium built, nice-looking, and would have been a model for a sculpture of 'Typical Inexperienced Rookie'...clean-cut, his face was so closely shaved, one might think Tyler had yet to grow a beard and hadn't even completed his final stage of puberty.

After roll call, Jerry was told by his captain that Tyler was to be his new partner. Nate was assigned to Jim Brock, a ten-year veteran of the R.O. police department. Jerry was not exactly enthused about having to 'baby-sit' with a young sprout rookie. Jerry felt he would have to protect his partner as well as himself should they encounter a serious situation such as a robbery or domestic-violence-with-a-weapon call.

Jerry and Tyler met at Jerry's patrol car where Tyler introduced himself as 'Ty', as that was the name he preferred.

"Then, 'Ty' it is!" Jerry replied.

"How long you been on the force?" Ty asked.

"Just over two years."

"Ever had a partner before?"

"Only when I was in your shoes, training as a rookie."

"Then they gave you a car all to yourself?"

"As long as I stay in the area where I'm now assigned. It is one of the lowest crime rate districts."

"Do you see much action?"

"I usually see where the action has already happened."

"Whaddya mean?"

"Mostly house break-in's...AFTER the robber has left the scene. I take a report and the CSI unit takes over from there. Sometimes I feel more like an inventory know, itemizing all the things which have been stolen."

"That's it?"

"No, I give my share of traffic tickets...guys running stop signs or red lights, a few speeders, occasionally a DUI, usually to a rich kid."


"Mostly marijuana...sometimes coke."

"So that's why you work alone?"


"Wouldn't you rather be on a crime unit, solving murders and shootouts?"

"Ty, there's very little of that kind of action in River Oaks. You're not from here, are you?"

"My folks live in Richmond."

"Then how did you wind up here?"

"I wanted to be a cop all my life. My dad is a lawyer and a big political lobbyist. Me becoming a policeman was against his wishes, but after I applied to the academy and got accepted, he gave in. Then he pulled a few strings and had me assigned to River Oaks. He thought I would be safer here. I conceded and came here to learn the ropes. I thought in a year or two, I could ask for a transfer to a bigger city with more action."

"You wanna be Wyatt Earp or Matt Dillon? You wanna shoot people?"

"Naw, but I wouldn't mind a few car chases or catching a robbery in progress."

"Don't hold your breath waiting for that. I've never even drawn my gun in two years. This is a quiet city, except when I have to answer a call for some kid whose playing his stereo system too loud. The old conservative farts in River Oaks, pretty well keep everything under control."

"Then, while we're working together I won't have to worry about watching your back or mine, yours."

"That worries you?"

"It could..."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't suppose the captain told you much about me?"

"Only your name and that you're a rookie."

"Then it's only fair that I tell you that I'm gay. Do you have a problem with that?"

Jerry felt his stomach drop when he heard the word, 'gay'. "No, I have no problem with it. The only problem that might arise is this: you have to respect the fact that I'm straight, so don't try anything and we'll get along just fine."

"Has anyone...any gay, ever tried anything with you?"

"Not yet, but I don't want to find out what my reaction would be when and if it happens."

"You WOULD back me up, now that I've told you, wouldn't you?"

"I'd back my partner if he were a one-legged leper. Does that answer your question?"

"Yes. I feel better."

"Ty, do you have a...a boyfriend?"

"Not at the present time."

"Then you HAVE had one sometime in the past?"

"Don't laugh, but I had one at the academy."

"You're kidding?"

"What's even more hilarious is, he was one of my instructors!"

"Damn! Does everyone know about him?"

"Oh, no. He's very discrete. We had to meet in the next county every time we wanted an evening together."

"I suppose I shouldn't ask his name?"

"No, you shouldn't."

"But you two are no longer..."

"Boyfriends? Lovers? Involved? NO! Just before we broke up, he was afraid his wife was becoming suspicious."

"He's married?"

"You think ALL gays are single?"

"I...I just assumed."

"Pardon my saying this, Jerry, but you've lived in River Oaks too long. In Richmond, I knew a lot of gays with wives...lawyers who were friends of my dad, doctors...hell, I even know a federal judge who's gay."

"Does your dad know about you?"

"I'm sure he does, but we've never talked about it. I had an idea he knew when he wanted me assigned to a safe place like River Oaks. Lots of gay policemen aren't backed up by their partners and are often killed in the line of duty."

"Why, for chrissakes?"

"Plain old homophobia, I guess."

"That's fucking stupid."

"Tell that to the dead gay policemen."

"How long have you known you were gay? BEFORE you wanted to become a cop?"

"I don't know...since I was eleven or twelve, I guess. I didn't have my first sexual experience with a guy until I was fifteen. But I knew I wanted to be a cop when I was around six, I guess."

"I know this is going to sound dumb, but if you knew you were gay at such an early age, why didn't you become a hairdresser or an interior decorator or a chef?"

"Stereotypes! Most of those ARE gay. But I don't think of myself as being effeminate. I was a boy scout. I like to fish and hunt. I'm an expert shot, in case you're wondering..."

"That's good to know, in case we run across a kid robbing a video game at the arcade."

"What about you, Jerry? Are you married or have a girlfriend?"

"Not married, but I'm working on a girlfriend."

"With your looks, that shouldn't be problem! I'd think girls would be calling YOU for dates."

"I come from the poor side of the tracks in River Oaks. Most of the girls who interest me are debutante-types from affluent families. They all know that a policeman doesn't make enough money to keep them in the style to which they've grown up to expect from a husband or a boyfriend."

"What about the one you're 'working on'?"

"She's from a rich family, but she's a student at UVA."

"So you don't see her much? How often do you take her on dates?"

"I...I really haven't yet..."

"What are you? SHY?"

"A bit..."

"Boy, don't we make the perfect team...a shy cop with a gay partner! What's stopping you from taking her out?"

"It's a long story with a lot of complications that I don't want to discuss."

"All right. But, if she's a real woman with real desires, she'd be foolish NOT to go out with you. I hope this won't make you angry, but Jerry, you're what most girls and ALL gay guys would call a hunk!"

"Are you trying to hit on me with that remark?"

"Hell, no! But a fact is a fact! Surely you must see what you are when you look into a mirror?"

"I just see an ordinary guy with nothing much to offer."

"I think this is one time when the rookie needs to teach his tutor a few things and I'm not talking about police procedure."

"Let ME decide what needs to be taught. OK?"


Jerry pulled his car into Cranston's Mall.

"Where are we going?"

"It's almost four o'clock. Time to stop for coffee and doughnuts."

"You mean cops actually stop at doughnut shops?"

"Where do you think the comedians on TV get the material for their jokes? OF COURSE we stop for doughnuts! We wouldn't want to give the public the idea that we don't uphold our reputation!"


"Come on in, the éclairs are great here!"


David was glad to see Richard as he walked into David's bedroom after knocking gently. If the truth be known, David was eager for Jerry to go to work as he'd been anxiously awaiting Richard's arrival.

"Hey there, fella!" Richard greeted David with a warm smile.

"Hey there, yourself!" David replied warmly.

"How are you feeling today?"

"More relaxed. I don't think it'll take three weeks for those antidepressants to kick in."

"Sometimes they work quicker than usual."

"The muscles in my neck and shoulders don't seem quite as tight. The pain I've usually had isn't there today."

"That's great!" Richard said, enthusiastically. "Just don't get too well too soon or I'll be out of a job."

"Oh! In that case...the right side of my neck is really stiff,"


"I just don't want to put you out of work."

"Oh, I'll have other places to go once my job is finished here."

"Yeah, but I don't want you to go."

"I didn't say I was leaving today or even next week. We still have a lot of work to do before it's time for me to go."


"So don't go faking pain if you don't have any."

"All right."

"Is there anything I can get you?"

"A hug might be nice...I mean, you said a hug was therapy and you ARE a rehab therapist, aren't you?"

"Why do you think you need a hug?"

"I don't know. It's just that I liked feeling someone's arms around me. You know, like last night?"

"Did you con Jerry out of a hug after I left?"

"Did he tell you that?"

"In so many words. He...maybe I shouldn't mention this, but he gave me a friendly most cops do."

"He's gonna give you a ticket if you hug me again?"

"Nothing quite that drastic, but after you told him I'm gay, he looked worried about leaving you with me."

"That's malarkey! I'm not on a night watch. He offered me a place to stay but he never mentioned any restrictions on my activities!"

"I took your side and asked what he'd do if some gay friend of yours or Mark's came by and you two engaged in...well, you know..."

"What did he say?"

"David, it was almost as if he was jealous."

"You're kidding?"

"No...but if you don't mind anything like that going on between you and Jerry?"

"Heavens, no. I'd be afraid to do anything with Jerry even if he instigated it. I'd think he was testing me...and at the moment, I don't want to endanger losing my place to stay."

"Well, he can rest assured nothing will happen between the two of us."

"Does that mean 'no hug'?"

"Of course not. He's at the station anyway, so how's he gonna know?"

"He won't."

"Then, all right."

Richard sat on the bed beside David and gently took him in his arms and held him.

"Oh, God, Richard, I wish Luke were alive. When you hold me like this, I miss him so much!"

"I know you do, David."

"Please don't take this personally because I like being in your arms too."

"Yes, but a friendly hug is not the same as a hug from someone you're in love with."

"It's just that I feel so safe when you're holding me. God, so much has happened. I've lost everything and don't know how to take the first step toward recovery."

"Richard, would it be unprofessional if I asked you to kiss me?"

"Probably...but I wouldn't do it anyway. As I told you, the AMA recognizes hug therapy but I don't recall reading anything about kissing therapy."

"I'm sorry. I...I shouldn't have asked."

"It's all right. I'm flattered. It's just that when Luke and I went to bed together the first time, I suddenly realized I'd been saving all my love for him or someone like him. I know now I could never love Jenny or any woman as I loved him."

"I've never made love to a woman. Hell, I never had the opportunity...OR the desire, but I think I know the way you feel."

"I can't understand why you don't have a boyfriend or a lover, Richard."

"I have had in the past...three to be exact."

"What happened? Why didn't any of the three work out?"

"I...I lost all three of them."

"You mean...they died?"


"I'm sorry."

"Each of the three had AIDS when I met him. It was later that I fell in love with him."


"I went into all three relationships with my eyes wide open. I knew they were going to die...and I knew I would be hurt when I lost them. But...each of them seemed to need love at the same time that I needed it. I loved each until the end and I have no regrets. They all passed happily, knowing they were loved by me. I got whatever satisfaction I could from each relationship."

"Can I ask if all three were your clients to begin with?"

"I know I'm breaking a rule by telling you, but yes, I was employed by all three of them. They showed me how much they needed me and how much they needed to be loved. It was a small sacrifice on my part because I loved them and I needed them, too."

"I realize this is premature, but...say, in the months to come, if I found that I really needed you or that I loved you...?"

"What? Could I love you in the same way?"

"Well, yes."

"I don't know, David. Being with you is different. I knew they couldn't get well and were going to die. You're not. You're gonna recover and I wouldn't know how to leave you."

"Why would you have to?"

"I...I've often thought about a longtime relationship, but I don't know if I could engage in one. That would mean moving in together and making plans for our future...maybe adopting kids...buying a home...sharing my life with ONE person for the rest of my life. I...I haven't thought that through."

"I...can almost understand. Had I known that Luke's and my relationship would be cut so short, I...don't know if I would have fallen in love with him."

"David, that's life. Every morning when a man leaves his wife to go to work, there's no guarantee he'll be home in the evening. He could have an accident, work in a building like the Twin Towers in New York, have a coronary...ALL kinds of miscalculated circumstances can happen."

"Then the wife would be in the same condition that I'm in. No husband, no money, no future..."

"HEY! HEY! HEY! We're both sounding maudlin and you've already told me you feel fine today, so why get depressed?"

"I suppose because life is depressing!"

"Then it's time for a change. Let's decide what we're gonna do today!"


"Have you showered today?"

"You're not suggesting..."

"No, you idiot! I'm not going to shower with you. I told you! I'm not ready to go job hunting."


"Let me give you a massage...the THERAPEUTIC kind, loosen up your back muscles, then hop in the shower while I go into the kitchen and decide what to cook for dinner."

"Wanna know something?"


"In all my life, I've never had a massage by anyone."

"Then let me show you another splendor you've missed. They can feel almost as relaxing as an orgasm."

"Then get started. If I'm forbidden to have sex, I might as well experience the next best thing!"

"Take off your clothes while I go to the linen closet and get some towels to drape over you."

"Drape over me? WHY?"

"Because that's how professional massages are given. The masseur or masseuse never sees the customer's genitals or buttocks."

"Why? We're both men!"

"Because that's how it's done. Can you imagine what Jerry would do or say if he walked in and saw you lying naked on the bed with my hands all over you?"

"Actually, I have a pretty good idea!"

"Then get naked and cover yourself up with a sheet until I get back with the towels."

"Oui, monsieur...or should I say, 'masseur'?"

"Oh, you can make a joke! I see you ARE feeling better!"

"Only because I knew you were coming."

"Christ! Are you hitting on me?"

"No, but I AM glad you're here."

"Me, STRIP!"

Richard left the bedroom to get the towels while David removed his clothes. Then he lay on his stomach, but carefully pulled a sheet up to cover his butt. Soon Richard returned and replaced the sheet with a towel before removing the sheet.

"I found some baby oil in the bathroom and put the bottle in this pot of hot water. That'll make it feel really good."

"I'm ready."

Richard gave David a thirty minute massage from his neck to his toes. He massaged David's butt cheeks underneath the towel. David moaned, groaned, sighed, and purred like a kitten. Nothing, except sex with Luke, had ever felt as good to David. Richard spent extra time on David's feet as that seemed to be what David liked the most. Richard kept the massage on the professional level of a licensed masseur, not the kind of massage which is usually given in a brothel.

"Now turn over so I can do the front of your thighs."


"You want me to massage your back a while longer?"


"Then turn over."

"I...I can't!"

"Too stiff?"

"Yeah, but not like you mean it."

"Oh, you have an erection?"

"Stiff enough for the marines to fly the Iwo Jima flag from it."

"I expected that. If you hadn't gotten an erection, I'd think I'd hadn't done it the correct way."

"You KNEW I'd get an erection?"

"EVERYONE does. It's a massage stimulus response. NOW, roll over! Just be glad you don't have to wear a catheter and I had to change it."

"Could I put a pillow on top of"

"Sure. I'm not going to massage that part of your body anyway."

"Damn! I'm acting like a grammar school kid. Hell, I'm gay. I've had sex with men, so why am I being so embarrassed?"

"I don't know. I'm the therapist and you're my patient. Can you pretend I'm a nurse?"

"That would be impossible. You're a hunk and you know it! How can I pretend you're Florence Nightingale?"

"And how can I pretend you're a grammar school kid?"

"All right, I'll turn over, but don't laugh. I'm at a disadvantage."

"How so?"

"Just that you'll see the size of my penis and I've never seen yours."

"You'll have it hidden under a towel."

"But the towel will look like a tent!"

"Want me to blindfold myself? I can massage you with my eyes closed."

"Are you serious?"

"If YOU are."

"Then do it!"

"Do what?"

"Blindfold yourself!"

"All right---you're the boss."

"No, DON'T! I've changed my mind."

"You know what? So have I! Let's skip massaging the front of your thighs. You go shower and I'll go do my menu planning."

"Look, Richard. I'm...I'm sorry for acting like an adolescent."

"It's probably best that you did. Now there's nothing Jerry can accuse me of."

"I suppose you're right...I'll go shower."

"Pardon my being so observant but it looks as if the Iwo Jima flagpole has lowered its staff."

David laughed with embarrassment. "Must be those pills!"

"Let's hope so!"

David slowly put the towel around his waist and went into the bathroom to shower. Richard went into the kitchen to see what was in the freezer.


Jerry radioed his sergeant to tell him that his 'doughnut' break was over and he and Ty were back on duty.

"I hate to admit it, Jerry, but those doughnuts hit the spot!"

"No more jokes?"


Jerry started the car and began cruising up and down the streets of River Oaks on his routine rounds. Ty was observing all the two-story houses with big lawns and swimming pools.

"Man, this must be the rich side of town."

"All the folks who live in this section are millionaires and they're ALL Republicans."

"I don't suppose I'd be too popular in this neighborhood, being gay."

"That's one thing they don't have to know. So keep it to yourself and act as straight as you can."

"What? Do you think I look gay? I mean, would you have known I was gay if I hadn't told you?"

"Not particularly, but I'm sure you would have let something slip eventually so I'd find out."

"Look, I've already told you I wouldn't hit on you. Most average gays don't hit on straight guys."

"Then why do all the gays on TV act like effeminate idiots? You know, almost two years ago, Richmond wanted to have its first gay pride parade. The Richmond Police Department asked for extra help to keep everything under control and I was one of the ones selected to go."

"What did you think?"

"Frankly, I couldn't understand the gay attitude. I mean you guys want to be treated equally. You want to blend in with the rest of society and when you get the chance or the freedom to take a stand to further your cause, a bunch of fruitcake fags dress up in women's clothing, carry purses, wear wigs, and loads of makeup. Then the straights take one look at the demonstration and they DON'T want to mix with your kind, they don't want their kids going to school with female impersonators. Why don't you get some of those straight-looking doctors and lawyers...the ones you talked about... to march and show that you can look like normal people, not freaks?"

"I have to admit, the 'fems' embarrass me as well. I'm gay, but I'm not one of THEM. Supposedly the country is made up of between ten and twenty percent homosexuals...and the majority of us look and act like normal people. It's just a few who want to flaunt their sexuality that make the rest of look foolish. I mean, I KNOW why we're not accepted as we want to be. I don't want them to represent me or my lifestyle either."

"As long as we're on the subject, would you mind if I ask you a few questions...some I've been thinking about for a long while?"

"Go ahead."

"Have you EVER had sex with a woman?"


"Why not?"

"Have YOU ever had sex with a man?"



"Because I'm not attracted to what a man has in his pants."

"Touché! Tell me, Jerry. Has a woman ever gone down on you?"

"A few times."

"Were you disgusted when she put your dick in her mouth?"


"Did you think what she was doing was nasty?"

"Hell, no!"

"Then why should you get upset if I like to do the same thing she does?"

" know, performing oral sex on another guy?"

"I love it!"

"Do you let him finish?"

"Do you mean do I let him cum in my mouth?"

"Well, I wasn't going to be so graphic, but yes."

"Sure, I do."

"And YOU'RE not the least bit repulsed when he shoots his sperm down your throat?"

"I suppose you've never swallowed vaginal fluid, have you?"

"Well, yes I have."

"You see, the idea of that repulses me. I mean, vaginal fluid is usually mixed with urine."

"What about a man's semen?"

"Want the scientific stats?"


"All right. A teaspoon of semen has about five calories. It's made up ninety percent of sugar, a high dosage of protein and amino acids, testosterone, not to mention vitamins C and B-12, and minerals such as zinc, calcium, and magnesium. A guy can get his minimum daily requirement of those just by giving one blow job...and it won't make you fat!"

Jerry stared at Ty for a moment, then, "Jesus Christ! I'm sorry I asked."

"So if a gay guy's partner is disease free, the partner can actually make him healthier!"

"Good God! I think I've heard EVERYTHING now!"

"You want me to describe the difference between gay anal sex and vaginal sex with a woman?"

"Probably not! I don't think I want to go there!"

"I can't speak from personal experience, but I've heard that anal is much more pleasurable because the penis is held tighter and of course there's no chance of pregnancy."

"I was right! I DON'T want to go there," Jerry said. "Let's change the subject."

"OK. This neighborhood? Do you live in it?"

"My parents do...just a couple of blocks over from here."

"But you don't live with them now?"

"No, I have a small house about fifteen minutes from the station."

"Since you told me you weren't married or had a steady girlfriend, I assume you live alone."

"Yes...well, at least I did until a few days ago."

"You have a new roommate?"

"Sorta. You see, a high school buddy of mine has a brother and he was hard up trying to find a place to stay. He...he had been in an auto accident, so I told him he could move in, temporarily, while he recuperates."

"That was great of you, Jerry."

"It's the least I could do."

"Is he from River Oaks originally? know, since you just said you went to high school with his brother."

" a matter of fact, that's his parents house over there," Jerry said, pointing to the Stanley residence."

"Damn! That looks like a small mansion."

"It is, practically."

"Then why isn't he staying with his parents? It looks like they have plenty of room for him."

"He...he had a falling out with his dad."

"Drugs, drink, or sex?"

"Why did you say that?"

"That's the three main reasons for kids to have a falling out with their parents. I'm speaking from my own personal experience. My dad threw me out when he found out I was gay."

"Damn! Seems like there's an epidemic of that!"

"So he's gay, too?"

"I really shouldn't say...but, yes, he is."

"Man, you've been bombarded twice in the same week...a gay roommate and a gay partner! I think you'd better ask that girl out soon as possible before something rubs off on you from the two of us."

"There'll be a heat wave in the Arctic Circle before that happens! But I AM planning on seeing her Saturday night."

"Well, that's one step in the right direction!...But you said there were complications?"

"You just don't know HOW complicated it is or how much MORE complicated it could get!"

"Don't tell me you're going to ask a nun out on a date?"

"Hah! That would be easier!"

"She has a husband?"


"A boyfriend, maybe?"


"So if he's an 'EX' boyfriend, what's the complication?"

"Look, partners are supposed to trust one another...and anything we say between us STAYS between us, right?"


"She...she was engaged to my new roommate...only he doesn't know that I want to date her."

"DAMN! Out of all the debutantes in River Oaks, you had to pick THAT one?"

"She's the one I've wanted for years."

" now that's she's available...?"

"You got it!"

"Don't you think you should tell him? I mean, if they're no longer engaged...and if he's gay...?"

"I don't want to upset him. His boyfriend was killed in the same accident in which he was injured. He'd probably go into an emotional relapse if he found out how I felt about his former girlfriend."

"This is worse than a soap opera."

"Looking at it objectively and not subjectively, I suppose you're right."

Just then, Jerry got a call from the station. A boy was trying to rescue his neighbor's cat that was stuck in a tree.

"Time to go to work, Ty! This might be the only action you see on the entire shift."

"That's OK, I'm good at climbing trees."

"But you're gay!"

"JESUS CHRIST!" Ty shouted.


"Skip it...just skip it!"

Jerry turned on the emergency light and siren and sped away to the scene of the crime.


(To be continued in "All My Tomorrows" chapter seven.)

Next: Chapter 7

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