All State

Published on Apr 30, 2005


All State 18

By Bald Hairy Man e-mail or

This is an adult story intended for adults. It is a fantasy, so I again remind you that have done away with the requirements of safe sex, and have included no gestures toward common sense either. These are all new stories. Please e-mail me if you have any suggestions or comments.

"Al, are you going to All State this year?" Coach Willy Robbins asked. "If you are, I have a playmate for you."

"I'm going to be there as an official," I said. "I'll be working in the wrestling competition."

"I have a team manager who needs some attention," Willy said. "He's a good kid. Donny looks younger than he is and I think he's more than willing to say good bye to his virginity."

"What makes you think that?" I asked.

"Donny never misses a chance to look at a cock. He's small and short and the team doesn't give him the time of day," Willy explained. "I've seen him peeking. Since he's the manager, he's there before and after practices, he's really interested in me too."

"Do you give him a view from time to time?" I asked.

Willy smiled. "Nothing too obvious, but I did notice he was hard after a show and don't tell session," he replied.

I agreed to get together with Donny. I had a quarter back, Rico Martinelli, who would be good for my old friend Willy. After years of helping young men find their sexual identity, I knew what Willy liked and the boys who would like him. So far, neither of us had made a mistake.

A month later I was in a Comfort Inn outside Roanoke. We had a mix up in the room assignments and Donny and I were sharing a room. Donny was a surprise. Willy had said he looked young. He looked as if he were fifteen or sixteen, but Willy hadn't mention he was pretty. Donny was about 5-6 and 140 pounds, with attractive almost delicate features. While his features weren't effeminate, he struck me as pretty, rather than handsome.

Donny was very soft spoken and polite. He was a little uneasy at sharing a room with a coach, but too polite to say anything about it. We had to be at the gym at the same time, so we just had time to unpack and then get to the gym. I got back to the room at 10:00. He was watching television. Donny turned it off when I came in, but I told him to watch what he wanted. I was going to take a shower.

I stripped and went into the bathroom, leaving the door ajar. A little overt temptation might move things along some. I took my shower and dried off. Wrapping a towel around my waist, I returned to the bedroom. Donny had moved his chair, so he could see through the crack in the partially open door.

"I guess I should take a shower too," he said.

"Go right ahead. I've got the room all fogged up," I said. "It's almost like a steam room." Donny took off his shirt and pants, but left his shorts on. He too left the door ajar. In contrast to his boyish face, his chest, arms and legs were hairy. In another ten years, he would be a very hairy man.

I switched to a news channel and sat in his chair. After his shower, he glanced through the crack and saw me sitting there. When he returned to the room, I got up to give him his seat back. My towel fell and he had a chance to see me naked.

"How did your team do this evening?" I asked.

"We did fine. We won, but it was a hard played game," he said. I stayed naked as we talked about the game. He sat in the chair and I was beside him, watching the news and chatting. The local sports came on. When we heard a mention of his team, we both watched the televison intently. I was standing and Donny was sitting, so my cock was at his eye level.

Poor Donny was trying to pretend to watch the tube, while he looked at my cock, up close and personal. I stayed focused on the sportscast, letting him get a good look. The story changed from covering our event to NASCAR and Donny continued to stare at my cock.

"Do you like it?" I asked.

Donny looked as if he had been struck by lightening. He stammered. "I'm sorry," he whispered.

"There no need to be sorry," I said. "You haven't done anything wrong. Do you like it?"

"It's big," Donny whispered. He was almost inaudible.

I shifted so my cock was even nearer. "It's big enough for me," I said. "You look nicely equipped too." His cock had tented his towel. I reached over and opened the towel, so I could see his already hard meat. "You look as if you're ready for action." I added.

"I don't know if. . .," he said. Donny was shivering now.

"Calm down," I said, putting my hand on his shoulder. "Nothing's going to happen unless you want it to happen. We can just call it a night and go to bed, or we can have a little fun. It's up to you. Just calm down and relax. Everything's fine."

"I've heard about blow jobs," he whispered. "Do you actually blow?"

I took that as an indicator he wanted to play. Getting on my knees I leaned over and began to suck his cock. After about five minutes I looked up and said. "This is a blow job."

"It feels great," he said.

"Do you think you could do the same for me?" I asked. He nodded a bit uncertainly and we traded places. I sat in the chair and he was on his knees. He approached my cock gingerly. I was half hard. His cock was as long as mine, but I was quite a bit thicker, especially my cock head. After the first few licks he relaxed and got into it. Usually I have to warn men about teeth on their first effort at sucking, but Donny was a natural.

"Let's get on the bed and we can sixty-nine," I suggested. We got on the bed and went at it. After ten minutes or so, I made him slow down and we took a breather.

"You have a rich brew of cock jelly," I said. "I like a leaker."

"What's that, Coach?"

"It's the stuff you ooze before you shoot off," I said. "Sweet and tasty."

"I thought maybe it was piss," Donny said, "Yours is sweet too. What do you do if you shoot off?"

"That up to you," I replied. "Usually I tell a guy when I'm getting close. He can either watch it shoot or eat it. It's up to you."

"What do you do with it?"

"It depends," I said. "I wouldn't mind eating yours. Would that bother you?"

"I don't think so. Not at all."

"Is there a lot of cream stored up in your balls?" I asked.

"About a weeks worth," he said. We returned to sucking. About five minutes later a week's worth of stored up cum spurted into my mouth. It was a full load and shot under pressure. I swallowed the creamy man seed and continued to suck until his cock stopped twitching. It took a while and when I got up, Donny was asleep.

I took that as a sign of a job well done and went to bed. Around three in the morning Donny woke. He came over to my bed and slipped under the covers. He spent the rest of the night sucking my cock. Over the next few hours I must have shot off three or four times. Donny just loved to nurse on my cock.

The next day was busy and I didn't get back to the room until almost 11:00. His team had won their game and were staying another day for the semi finals. Donny was on the bed, naked. It took me thirty to forty seconds to get naked and join him on the bed.

"You enjoyed last night?" I asked.

"It was the best night I've ever had," he said in his quiet voice. "I didn't know anything could feel that good."

"It felt good for me too," I said. "I'm glad you're feeling good about it. Some guys feel guilty afterwards."

"How can you feel guilty about anything that feels so good?" he asked. "I'd dreamed about doing stuff like that, but I never thought I'd get to do it. The guys in the dorm talked about sex a lot, but I'm not sure they did it. They called men cock suckers. I wonder if they ever did it?"

I smiled. "I have a feeling more have done it than will admit to it," I replied. "Are you ready to do it again?"


"Do you want to do what we did last night, or try something different?"

"What's different?" he replied. I took that as a yes.

"Donny, I'd like to feel your cock in my ass," I said. "Are you willing to try it?" Of course Donny was rock head by now, so I knew he was ready. I went to my duffel bag and got out a tube of lubricant and a small bottle of poppers. Coating his cock I asked him if I could sit on it.

Donny would do anything I asked him. I straddled his cock and slowly sat back. It took a while to get his cockhead past my sphincter, but one it popped through, the shaft slipped in deep. We both sighed in pleasure simultaneously. I did a hula dance on his cock for a while massaging his cock with my ass.

"Does it hurt? he asked.

"Donny, stroke my cock a few times and tell me if you think it hurts," I replied. My cock was as hard as it ever gets and he understood.

"It's even bigger than it was when I sucked you yesterday," he observed. I was playing with his tits and furry chest. Watching his face I could see him calculating if my cock would fit into his ass. He wasn't sure.

We changed positions. I got on my back and he put my legs in his shoulders. This gave him control. I told him how to slow down when he got close to shooting, so he could have a longer session. Donny was one of those boys who did what he was told. He didn't need to get instructions a second time. He shot off a half hour later, a good run for a young man. As before he fell asleep. In the middle of the night he got into my bed and started to suck. Between orgasms, I got some sleep.

In the morning he told me that he would like to be fucked. "I'm not sure you're ready for it. " I said. "I'm thick for a first fuck. Let's see what happens tonight. We can play it by ear."

Donny's team lost in the semifinals, but they played an exceptionally good game. I ran into Willy and asked him how things were going with him and Rico.

"Al you can pick them. He was ripe and ready for picking," Willy answered. I told him of my problem with Donny. I was afraid my cock was too big for his maiden voyage into anal sex. Willy knew what I wanted. His cock was thinner and a little shorter than mine. It would be a perfect fit. Willy also was always ready to help.

"Maybe I could drop in after the game," Willy suggested. "Rico's team lost, so he's back home now. I'm free," We figured out a plan and I returned to my duties in the wrestling competition. That evening I had dinner with Willy and brought him back to the room.

"Coach Robbins is going to bunk with us tonight. The school won't pay for the extra night, so we can share our room," I said. Donny looked disappointed. He thought that was going to the end of his sex filled stay at All State. We sat and talked a while. Then Willy went to take a leak.

"Coach Robbins and I are old friends," I whispered to Donny. "We play around some. Does the idea of a threesome bother you?"

"No, that would be fine," Donny said. "Are you sure he'd want to? He does the stuff we did? Would he do it with me?"

"Don't worry about that at all. Coach Robbins and I are really old friends," I said. "I know what he likes. We he comes in, you go to take a leak. I'll ask if he's interested." I figured Donny would rather think this was a spur of the moment thing rather than planned. "There is one thing. Coach likes to top. So you think you could handle that?" Donny nodded. I knew he had seen Willy's equipment, so he had some idea what he was getting into.

Wily returned and Donny went to the bathroom. When Donny returned to the bedroom, we were naked and I was sucking Willy's cock.

"I hope you don't mind us getting an early start," Willy said. "Why don't you get naked and join us?" Donny needed no more invitation.

Willy gave Donny the once over. "I've seen a lot of naked men in my life, but I hadn't guessed you were so well hung," he said. "Nice and hairy too. I'm not into boys much. You look like a man." Donny blushed in pleasure. I stood up and we formed close cluster. "Donny, do you think you could give my old fireplug a lick or two?" Willy asked.

That wasn't a problem at all. A second or two later I recognized Donny was in love with Willy. "Don't leave me out!" I cried. We went to the bed and formed a triangle, linked cock to mouth. I sucked Donny, while he sucked Willy and Willy took care of me. We switched after about five minutes and I saw Donny's reaction when Willy's lips touched his cock. Donny was in heaven. During a lull in the action Willy had a talk with Donny.

"You know this is just for fun," he said. "A one shot deal. I'm afraid love isn't my thing. My career would be ruined if I had a lover."

"I'd never tell," Donny said.

"I know that, you're a good man," Willy said. "I would have started this if I had any questions about that. If you want more than I can give, tell me now and we can stop. I don't want to hurt you and I don't want any false pretenses, or unrealistic expectations. If you want more than one night of fun, let's stop right now."

Donny looked uncertain. Then he said, "Well, another hour or two of fun would be good." We all laughed. The rest of the night was good. Willy popped Donny's cherry and both men enjoyed that. I like to ease my cock into a virgin ass. Willy was a throw the boy into the lake and see if he swims man.

Donny was on his back and I held his legs wide open, so Donny couldn't resist Willy's cock. I had lubricated Donny's ass well and had a bottle of poppers ready. Donny took a sniff and when the fumes hit, Willy thrust forward, burying his cock to the hilt. It was okay for Donny, but great for Willy. Normally, Willy has a lot of staying power, but with Donny, he shot off in five minutes.

Donny hadn't popped, so when Willy pulled out, I stepped up to the plate. Donny was so horny, he wanted anything in his ass and didn't care how big. His hole was leaking some of Willy's man seed and was still quivering. I took my time popping through the sphincter. This drove Donny nuts. He wanted something deeper and playing with his hole wasn't enough.

By the end of the night I had spent a good three hours in Donny's ass. The boy loved it. I shot off several times and Willy went in two more times. Donny's ass was filled with a milk shake thick concoction of frothy man seed and man juice. I didn't know you could whip cum, but we did. Every inch of his ass was so tender by the end of the night, every movement of Willy or my cock was exquisitely pleasurable for him.

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