
By Tim the Story Guy

Published on May 11, 2022


Allen IV Part 14

Allen 4:

The Boys In the Band

by tim the story guy

Now it is time for another round of campaign promises. I hope by now, everyone who is interested in my Presidential campaign has read my first round of campaign promises in the Campaign 2008 section of my site. I know I left some people out then, and I hope to make up for it this time around. And no, there are still no promises for closed-minded, intolerant, hate-filled religious extremists. Once again, this will be repeated in the other two stories that are carrying my campaign.

  1. I think it's a disgrace that there is a segment of the American population who's voting rights need to be reinstated every four years. If we announced a plan whereas every white male had to have their voting rights reinstated every four years, we'd be lynched tomorrow. Since I'd rather avoid that, I would propose that the voting rights of African Americans be granted on a permanent basis. And if any state wants to balk on that issue, it's still not out of the question to make it so that everyone in that state has to have their rights reinstated every four years (don't test me on that one Mississippi).

  2. The current pissing contest between the U.S. government and the Canadian government is unacceptable. And who do you think gets caught in the middle, government officials? Not on your life! It's the American and Canadian people who get caught in the middle of this one. Our countries have been close friends since Europeans first settled on this continent (except when the French ruled Canada). Right now Russia is saying to themselves, “Damn, why couldn't they have been acting like this while we were still the Soviet Union?” If we had, we'd all be speaking Russian now. Where did things go so wrong? It's because the current U.S. administration does not have the guts to admit to their mistakes. They'd rather blame their screw ups on Canada. Canada doesn't have the security problems we do. They did not force the current U.S. administration to relax our visa requirements in 2000, so all of our good buddies in every wacko Arab country could suddenly flood into the U.S. We did that to ourselves. I would propose a program to bring our two countries back to the friendly relations we had before our government lost their kahunas. Don't worry, I'm not suggesting we all learn French to make our neighbors to the north feel better. We should at least act like neighbors though. When our friends to the north want to come here, we shouldn't treat them like they're some kind of threat to us. The only threat from Canada is all that damn cold weather, and I really don't think that's their fault either. We should greet them with open arms, like we'd greet a good neighbor to our home. Maybe in return, they would be nicer to us again. If we don't repair our relationship with Canada, they are the only thing that stands between us, and eating Borscht everyday for the rest of our lives.

  3. While we're on foreign relations, we will pull our troops out of Iraq. I know other candidates want to issue statements against the war, without actually committing themselves. In my opinion, they should be committed though (to an institution). Big bad Hussien is dead and gone now. The Iraqi people have stopped killing themselves off so much, and are now going after terrorist leaders. We have no need to be there in the line of fire between all the different factions now fighting each other. The Iraqi government has had more than enough time to establish a military capable of defending them. We have no need to have our troops there dying needlessly. I know Haliburton might not agree with that, but I don't plan on any campaign contributions from them anyway.

  4. Now that I'm currently living in Arizona, I've realized that there is no place in the country windier than the desert. Okay, maybe there's a lot of wind in Washington D.C., but that's only inside the Capitol building. Just in the valley I live in now, we could put up enough wind generators to eliminate ten coal fired power plants. On the off chance that the winds are too light to generate power, we can install solar panels to generate power. I know current solar technology is a little inefficient, but with very little research the efficiency could be improved dramatically. We need to start thinking in these terms, before we have to think in terms of shielding large areas of our planet from the inhospitable environment we will soon be facing here on Earth.

  5. In the same vein, automakers need to begin thinking in terms of building vehicles that do not use any petroleum products. This is totally possible at this time. There are many vehicles out there right now that do not use fossil fuel. Most people are under the impression that the only way to get automakers to do this is to offer tax incentives, and we can't afford that. There is another feasible alternative, which I would endorse as President. Tax penalties for automakers who continue to build vehicles that run on fossil fuels. Such a program would change their thinking overnight. It's also obvious that I don't plan on any contributions from Exxon/Mobile either, huh?

  6. Once we are no longer spending billions of dollars on the Iraq war, and we are pulling in the same amount from automakers who didn't think we were serious about tax penalties, we will build a national high speed transit system. This would be independent of the national rail system, since we would use magnetic levitated trains. These high speed vehicles can be made to run safely (in spite of what happened in Germany, which was maintenance related). It would certainly be safer and less polluting than air travel. Well, there goes my support from domestic airlines. I would suggest though that the domestic airlines merge together, and take the lead in starting the high speed land transit system. The government will have billions of dollars to provide to them in building such a system. Okay, M has had a great idea. He wants to name the system the Speed Heightened Interstate Transit System. Hmm, that might not be a great idea after all, as its acronym comes out as SHITS. Keep trying M.

  7. Okay, enough on environmental issues for now. Women make up about half of our population. Do they make up half of the CEO's in this country? Do they make up half of our government? We need to do something to ensure equity between the sexes, without having the scales tip too far either way. I will propose measures to do just that. States that have an unfair balance of elected officials in either direction will lose federal funding based on how far off they are from a fair balance. Corporations who have an unfair balance in their upper management will be charged tax penalties. Those programs would balance the scales nicely. Since I have used the term tax penalties twice so far, let me clarify the term. I am not endorsing higher taxes when I say tax penalties. It would be totally up to corporations whether or not they think it would be worth it to pay the tax penalty, or go along with our adopted programs. I personally hope that we never use the tax penalty system, although I know there will be those who are bent on testing it. They do still have the option of not being assessed a tax penalty though, so this is not a tax raise.

  8. No Child Left Behind sounded really nice didn't it? It rolled right off the tongue, and gave people a positive sense of promise and hope. In the end though, it was just talk. The fact is, there are only so many teachers in this country to teach our children. As class sizes grow larger and larger due to lack of teachers, our children will learn less and less because they don't have the attention from their teachers that we had as kids. It's clear that we need more teachers, but how do we accomplish this? When the college costs of becoming a teacher are the same as becoming a computer engineer, and a computer engineer makes ten times what a teacher does, which way is the college freshman going to go? We can pay teachers more, but that is limited. There's no way we could afford to pay them that much more. One alternative, and the one I would endorse as President, would be to dramatically reduce the cost of becoming a teacher. We could either have colleges waive tuitions for those who commit to a career in teaching, or give tax credits to teachers until their tuition has been reimbursed by the government. With the first method, we would be counting on future teachers to honor their commitment. I myself believe it would be better to go with the second method, and it would benefit all teachers, not just those who are just starting college. Those who list their occupation as teacher on their 1040 would be given a one hundred percent tax credit until their tuition expense has been repaid to them. If they stop teaching, they would immediately lose the tax credit. Then maybe more people could afford to choose a career in teaching. It certainly makes more sense than the hot air known as No Child Left Behind.

  9. Most candidates make promises only to people who can vote for them. I think I have made it perfectly clear that I'm not most candidates though. I want to be the candidate who cares about what kids think. I have already introduced several measures such as age of consent, lowering the voting age, and an official White House rock band, but I want to do more. I will combine several cabinet level positions, so that I may add one. Secretary of Children's Affairs. This member of the cabinet would serve a term until they turn eighteen, and would oversee the Department of Children's Affairs. As President, I will want to know what children think and want. Now for compromise time. In order to do this I will want kids to promise to do their best in school, and to mind their parents more.

  10. While we're on the subject, I also want to have a new National and Federal holiday. It will be called Summer Vacation Day, and will be held on the Friday before Memorial Day weekend. Kids who are still in school at that time will have an extra day off. It will also serve the dual purpose of providing adults with a four day holiday weekend, which I'm sure most people would enjoy very much.

  11. Immigration reform is a touchy issue. The fact is though that immigrants from some countries are given more consideration than those who wish to immigrate from other countries, which I don't see as fair. We have also changed from the land of the free and home of the brave to the land of the free and the home of those who don't speak English. It should once again be a condition of being granted a green card that you have to be enrolled in English courses if English is not your native language. Also, those who are granted citizenship should have to show their ability to read, write, and speak at least some English. After all, English IS our official language, not every language people who come here can think of speaking. And no, I am not prejudiced against people from countries who's native language is not English. I have lived in Florida and now Arizona. Most of the Latino immigrants who come to those areas to be productive members of American society have been very good about learning enough English to communicate with non-Spanish speaking Americans. This makes good sense from a safety standpoint as well. For example: If someone at work began yelling “Fuego! Fuego!” I wouldn't have any idea what they were saying unless I looked it up (like I did for this demonstration). In the same respect, if I started yelling “Fire! Fire!” a non-English speaking person may not realize what I'm yelling until they notice their clothes are burning. I'm sure everyone would agree that isn't a very safe situation to be in.

  12. In dealing with the terrorist threat, we need to use our heads. I didn't mention that word in talking about Iraq, because they were not a terrorist threat until we invaded them. I propose a program whereas we stop pissing people off to the point of wanting to kill us. It makes more sense than the current program of locking up everyone with a towel on their head at our naval base in Cuba. After all, it's ridiculous to think that all Arabs are terrorists, and they're the only ones we have to worry about. As far as I know Timothy McViegh, Ted Kocinsky, Eric Rudolph, Jeffrey Dahlmer, John Gacy, Ted Bundy, and Charles Manson were not Arabs. We have pissed off more than just Arabs over the years, so they aren't the only ones we have to worry about. And to say that all Arabs are terrorists because some Arabs are terrorists is as stupid as saying all Americans are terrorists because some Americans are terrorists. These people exist all over the world, and in every nationality. Is everyone in the world a terrorist? That is the knee-jerk thinking that led to Guantanamo Bay. There are several things we can do to eliminate this problem. We will honor our commitments to others. We will not force our will onto others. We will not meddle in the private affairs of others. If someone has been offended by us, we will be conciliatory instead of combative. We will not try to rule the whole world. These policies are not meant to make America look like wimps. We will still be on guard, and take measures to ensure our security. And when we find someone who is a legitimate terrorist with our advanced security techniques, we will make them regret the day they were born. We don't have to punish the entire haystack over one needle though.

  13. On the issue of election reform, the more advanced we have gotten, the more room there is for manipulation and abuse. That is apparent from our last election. How can we fill out a lottery bet slip correctly every time, and the machine reads it correctly every time, and our voting system can't have anywhere near the same accuracy? Where exactly are our priorities here? Electronic or computerized voting machines can be hacked and manipulated. A paper ballot with a check box next to each candidate's name, and filled in with black ink then tabulated by machine, cannot be hacked. It's also much quicker than following the complicated procedure for voting by computerized voting machines. It also doesn't leave those annoying hanging chads either. We need to have one uniform national voting procedure that everyone can understand, and isn't subject to outside manipulation by a computer hacker.

  14. Isn't it funny how we can respond to a natural disaster on the other side of the world much faster than to one in our own back yard? No, it's not funny. During Hurricane Katrina most of the storm damage occurred on the Mississippi coast, yet they were the last ones the government were able to get to. The most immediate response (five days) went to New Orleans. The only problem I have with that is that the damage in New Orleans should have been prevented. Prevention is less expensive than recovery. Most damage in New Orleans occurred when the levees protecting the city failed. They were in terrible shape, and the government knew it. If those levees had been properly maintained, New Orleans would have rode out the storm is fairly decent shape. Then our immediate response could have went to the Mississippi coast, which was devastated by wind and storm damage. The fact that it took so long to respond is bad in itself too. We knew that storm was coming well in advance. We knew where it was coming ashore more than a full day before it hit. Recovery teams should have been standing by, ready to move in the moment the storm had passed. If we can do that in Thailand and Indonesia, we can do that in Mississippi and Louisiana. The government that didn't is a prime example of how not to handle natural disasters.

There we have the second round of my campaign promises. I hope this covers everyone, except for the group I mentioned in the opening of course. If not, please let me know. After all, M and I do wish to be the people's candidates. Now, on with the story.

This story is © 2007 by tim, and is protected by copyright law. Please do not copy to distribute, or post this story to other sites without the author's permission. This is a fictional story. Any similarities to actual people or events are purely coincidental. This story may contain sexual situations between teen males. If this subject offends you, or you should not be reading this type of story, you assume all responsibility for continuing. Please send all comments to: Also, my web site address has changed yet again. You can find it now at: And don't forget about the mailing lists for all of my stories (except those that have been discontinued). If you would like to be notified of updates, send me an e-mail telling me which stories you would like to be added to the list for. Nifty is now back to updating stories, but I am still a bit ahead of them. Some of the dates below are estimated posting dates to Nifty. If the date is still in the future, the story is on my web site, and that is the date I estimate it will be posted to Nifty. One way to make sure you always have my most recent updates is to bookmark my site, as my stories are updated there as soon as I finish a chapter. Thanks, and enjoy the story.

Stories on Nifty by tim the story guy:
A Christmas Promise - in the adult/youth section (Posted 12/18/06)
Doctor Bechtel - in the adult/youth section (Last update 01/12/07)
Never Too Old, Never Too Young – in the adult/youth section (Last update 05/06/07)
Physical Attraction - in the adult/youth section (Last update 01/19/07)
Training Day - in the adult/youth section (Completed 09/17/04)
What A Gas! 1, 2, & 3 - in the adult/youth section (Last update 05/05/07)
Interplanetary Incident – in the sci-fi/fantasy section (Last update 05/07/07)
Orgasmia 1 & 2 - in the sci-fi/fantasy section (Last update 05/10/07)
Sweet Sixteen - in the sci-fi/fantasy section (Book 1 finished 01/14/07. Story will continue with Sweet Sixteen 2: Seventeen and Beyond.)
Time To Go (special preview) - in the sci-fi/fantasy section (Preview completed 08/28/06. I have added Chapter 3 to the preview because I feel that it's a much better chapter to finish the preview with. The entire book is still available, and info can be found on my web site.)
Allen 1, 2, 3, & 4 - in the high school section (Last update 04/30/07. Update in progress.)
City Mouse, Country Mouse 1 & 2 - in the high school and rural sections (Last update 05/04/07)
Fate - in the high school section (Last update 02/06/07)
No One Else 1, 2, & 3 - in the high school section (Last update 05/03/07)
Starting Over 1, 2, & 3 - in the high school section (Last update 05/04/07)

Allen 4: The Boys In the Band

by tim

Chapter 14

From the last chapter:

“You want to use songs from my brother's band?” laughed Aaron.

“Yes, but not because your brother is in the band.” replied Sy. “Their songs are great, and the boys in the band are absolutely delicious!”

“Down Sy, they're all taken!” laughed Erik.

“Well, they were excited about me being on Camelot High, so I'm sure they'd love to have their songs on the show.” said Aaron. “I'll ask Allen tonight.”

When Aaron and Erik got home, they were surprised to see that the crew had actually poured a few of the footers. Then they caught up to the foreman before he left, so they could compliment him.

“Well, your mother has been so nice to my men that it's motivated them to work faster.” chuckled the foreman. “I'm seriously considering asking her to take a position as my assistant! Now I have to call the ride company, and tell them we'll be ready for their first pieces a week ahead of schedule.”

Aaron and Erik laughed in excitement at that news.

The next morning, Aaron decided to give his brother Allen a call. According to the band's schedule, they should have been on their way to Pittsburgh.

“Hey, this is Allen.” said Allen, as he answered his cell phone.

“Hi brother, what kind of signal do you have?” asked Aaron.

“Pretty strong right now Aaron.” replied Allen. “What's up?”

“Well, Erik is trying to get me up.” snickered Aaron, as Erik reached around and caressed his crotch.

“So then, nothing new?” laughed Allen.

“Our director wants to use your guys songs on the show, so I thought I'd call and see.” replied Aaron, as Erik reached down under his shorts.

“I don't see any problem there brother.” replied Allen. “If he wants an appearance though, he would have to wait until we get there and wrap up the tour.”

“He hasn't said anything about that.” giggled Aaron, as he stiffened in Erik's hand. “I'm sure he might think about it though, even if we have finished shooting.”

“It sounds like you're about to finish shooting soon there brother!” laughed Allen.

“Well, Erik is trying to get my shorts down now, so I'm sure it won't be long!” replied Aaron with a snicker. “I can talk to you while he's doing that though. Mmm, that's great Erik!”

“That just gave me a very nice mental image there brother!” smiled Allen. “Has he got you in his mouth?”

“Oh yeah!” moaned Aaron. “How's the tour going?”

“It's been getting crazy!” replied Allen. “It seems like we're hotter now than we've ever been!”

”Yeah, I heard about that little flap with the White House!” snickered Aaron. “Oh God Erik!”

“I'm going to let you go brother, so you and Erik can concentrate on more important stuff.” replied Allen as he smiled. “Talking to you has given me an incredible urge to take Rusty to the back of the bus!”

“Okay brother, I'll tell Sy that you guys are okay with the songs.” moaned Aaron.

Once Aaron hung up the phone, he laid back to enjoy what Erik was doing. At the same time, Allen was leading Rusty by his hand to the back of the bus.

The next week saw Sy getting the writers to put a few songs into the show. Aaron told him what Allen had said about making an appearance, and Sy immediately began planning on additional shooting at after their wrap up. The construction crew continued the pace of the previous week at the Martin mansion in Beverly Hills, and Aaron and Erik were looking forward to the first pieces of their coaster arriving. The band continued across the southern part of the Great Lakes. As they got closer to Michigan, Lee got more nervous, even though his father was still sitting in jail in Florida. Mike had a plan though. Lee needed a permanent resolution to his problem, which Amanda was trying to help him with. To help things out, Mike was now planning on filing for adoption of Lee as soon as they got to Michigan, and getting a lawyer there to transfer the adoption case to Florida. He decided to wait until he had set everything in motion, and surprising Lee with the news. He did share his plan with Rusty and Allen though. Since Rusty and Allen wanted to spend as much time with Doug and Darren as they could while they were in Michigan, they suggested that Mike talk to Doug and Darren's lawyer.

The bus arrived in the Detroit area on Thursday afternoon. The arena they were playing was near Doug and Darren's park, so their hotel was very close as well. After checking in, all of the boys wanted to go to the park, so they got back aboard the bus. Rusty called Doug as they were leaving the hotel, and Doug told Rusty to have the driver pull up into the service dock area, where he and Darren would be waiting for them.

“Hey guys, it's so great to see you!” said Doug, as he gave Rusty a warm hug after the boys started getting off the bus.

“We were hoping you guys could come by.” said Darren, as he gave Allen the same hug Doug had given Rusty.

“Nothing would have kept us away from here!” replied Rusty, after giving Doug and Darren both a kiss on the cheek.

Once Allen had repeated the kiss on the cheek to Doug and Darren, Doug and Darren greeted the rest of the boys on the bus with a hug. Then they went back to Rusty and Allen.

“We drove by the garage coming in.” said Allen. “It looks like you're still packing the people in here.”

“It's been one crazy summer so far!” laughed Doug.

“Nothing as scary as the partial deflation of the dome you had to start your soft opening, I hope.” said Rusty.

“Nah, but that led to quite a bit of what's happened since.” replied Doug. “Most of it has been great though, and has made Darren and I very happy. And now after what happened at our competition's park, we have no place to go but up.”

“Yeah, we heard about that.” said Rusty. “That was some crazy shit!”

“I'm sure the whole world heard about it!” laughed Darren.

“Hey Doug, my dad has some matters here in Michigan that needs to be taken care of.” said Rusty. “Your lawyer wouldn't be available to help, would he?”

“I'm sure he'd be happy too.” replied Doug. “He's in our dad Fred's office right now, if you want to see him Mike. You know where that's at, right?”

“Yeah, I go around to the office entrance, down the hall to the left.” replied Mike.

“That's it!” smiled Doug. “I'll call them to let them know you're coming.”

“Thanks Doug.” replied Mike.

“Now Doug, I know the park is busy, but the guys want to know what the odds are of getting on a few rides?” asked Allen.

“You know you don't even have to ask that!” smiled Doug.

“Come on guys, let's go around through the service area to the outdoor section of the park.” said Darren. “The only ones back there are employees, and it goes all the way around the park, and around the edge of the dome. The only time you'll have to worry about being out in the park are the rides on the dome floor.”

“Great!” replied Rusty. “Should I ask the guys where they want to go first, or should we just guess?”

Doug and Darren just laughed, as they started leading their friends toward the Sky Diver coaster. Lee and Liam of course remembered that ride very well, since it was the scene of their nationally televised kiss. The moment Doug and Darren led them up the back way onto the Sky Diver platform, all of the guests on the platform started cheering. Rusty, Allen, and the rest of the boys waved to their fans, before boarding the ride from the employee only side of the platform. While the boys were having a great time with Doug and Darren, Mike was talking to Fred and their lawyer Chuck.

“I think it's great that you want to legally adopt Lee as your son Mike.” said Chuck. “Considering that his father is in jail awaiting trial for attempted murder, and his mother isn't a much better parent, it shouldn't be any problem. I'll get everything ready for you, and we can go to the courthouse in Ann Arbor tomorrow morning. Since I'm licensed in Michigan and Florida both, I'll help you every step of the way, including transferring the case to Florida and finalizing the adoption there. Lee needs a good and loving father like you.”

“Thanks Chuck, this means a lot to me and Lee both.” replied Mike.

Before the boys had to leave to set up for the first of two shows at the nearby arena, they ran across the assistant park manager Tim, and his boyfriend Sky.

“Hey guys, how's my stunt double in Florida doing?” asked Tim.

“He ran into some rough times, but he's doing okay now.” replied Rusty. “He tried to go to Canada to be with his boyfriend Jay, but wasn't allowed to stay. He was really down about that, but Shane's dad Greg is helping him out quite a bit. They're still hopeful that Tim and Jay can still get together eventually.”

“Damn, I'm sorry to hear that!” replied Tim. “Why wasn't he allowed to stay?”

“It was when he, I mean both of you were younger, and still drinking.” replied Rusty. “Your record from then kept him from getting in.”

“I'm glad to know that, so I don't run into the same problem someday.” said Tim. “I think I'll take next week off, so Sky and I can go down to see him.”

“I'm sure he'd love that.” smiled Rusty.

After the boys got set up at the arena, they had another great and very well received show. The young ladies in the headline act heard that the boys knew the teenage owners of the nearby park, so they talked themselves into an invitation for the next day.

The next day, while Mike and Chuck went to Ann Arbor, Rusty introduce their lady friends to Doug and Darren. Doug and Darren were very excited to meet the ladies, since they loved their music. Doug held his hand out to the lead singer of the group, and she grabbed Doug's hand and pulled him into a hug. Then she gave Doug an affectionate kiss on his forehead.

“I hear from Rusty and Allen that you and your friend Darren are gay too.” said the lead singer.

“Yes ma'am, Darren and I are boyfriends.” replied Doug.

“Then it IS true what they say!” laughed the lead singer lightly. “All of the best guys in the world are gay!”

The lead singer than gave Darren a hug and kiss on the forehead, and everyone set out for a much longer day of fun than the day before. The next show wouldn't be until Saturday evening, so they would be able to spend all day with Doug and Darren. Doug and Darren did manage to talk both groups into doing a few songs each later that night, just before the park would close. Although the sign back at the outdoor stage only read that there would be a surprise performance that night, the guests who saw the two groups in the park that day were able to figure it out. Later that day, Doug and Darren did get a chance to introduce Doug's real father, and Darren's real mother. After that, Mike returned with Chuck, and heard that his boys and the young ladies of the other band had agreed to perform for Doug and Darren. He went ahead and sent for the boys' practice equipment, which was also at the arena, and then helped Doug and Darren's entertainment staff set everything up for the boys, including sound and lighting. All Joey and Skip would have to do is check everything over quickly, just before the performance began.

Joey and Skip were doing much better since their talk with Allen and Rusty. They knew Allen and Rusty were right. They had decided that no matter who the father was if Jennifer became pregnant, they would share the father's responsibilities evenly. The baby would be shown that his or her fathers loved each other as much as they loved his or her mother, and that all of them loved him or her just as much.

Toward the end of the day, everyone in the park began making their way toward the outdoor stage. There was only a handful of people waiting in most of the ride queues now, even at the Sky Diver. The back of the park was packed tightly though. The park security staff roped off a narrow path to get to the wooden coaster and flume ride, then the rest of the path was packed with as many people as possible. The boys had fun putting on a short show of their own, then they stayed onstage to back up their headline act from the tour. The impromptu show only lasted an hour, but it left the park guests very happy they were there that day. Doug and Darren wished that their friends could have been there for the following weekend, which was the Fourth of July weekend, but understood their schedule commitments.

“I wish we could be here though.” said Rusty. “You're going to be opening the Cyclone then, and it looks so wicked!”

“We've been doing unmanned test runs on the overnight shift for the past week.” replied Doug. “If you guys can get here early tomorrow, we're going to run it with people for the very first time. It's usually just for upper management, supervisors, and the staff for that ride, but Darren and I can sneak you guys in too.”

“After all, we do own the place!” laughed Darren. “Make sure it just stays between your group though. You'd be surprised at some of the lengths people will go to when they hear something like that. Be here at seven tomorrow morning, in front of the offices. Once we start, no one will be allowed into that section of the park until we finish at eight thirty.”

“Then we better get back to our rooms and get to sleep.” said Allen. “We'll see you guys at seven in the morning.”

Rusty and the other boys met Doug and Darren bright and early at seven the next morning. Once everyone had gathered at the Cyclone, and the entire ride staff was there, the overnight crew turned the ride over to the ride staff. Then the entire area was closed off by park security. The ride crew then performed their own test run on both trains, and everyone went up to the platform.

“Okay everyone, we're ready to go.” announced the team leader for the ride. “Doug and Darren, the front row is all yours.”

Doug and Darren went to the front row gates, which were open and waiting for them, then Doug said, “Okay, I know everyone wants to be the first to ride, but Dare and I have fourteen very special friends with us here today, and we really want them on the first ride with us. That will leave eight empty seats on the first ride, so we'll fill those by rank. Tim and Sky have already said they're waiting for the front of the second train, so after our friends have their rows picked, we'll start with Fred and work down.”

After the train was loaded and checked, the operator released the station brake. The train pulled out of the station, and picked up a little speed to take it around the perimeter of the double inclined banked diving turns, and to the lift hill. As the train approached the top, the boys were trying to comprehend the twisted tracks that laid below them and to their right. Once they passed next to the second highest hill, everyone on board took a gulp and hung on. They now had a very good view of the tracks to their right, and it looked very intimidating for a ride of that size. Between the top of the lift and the brake run, the block brake was the only piece of straight and level track. Everything else was a wild looking combination of hills, turns, and twists. All of the boys screamed and laughed from the first drop to the brakes. They would have jumped right back on after getting back to the station, except they were all too dizzy. Besides, there were still a train full of people waiting for their turn to ride. The boys did get back onto the train Tim and Sky got off of, and were joined by some of the ride crew. The boys had a great time being the first ones to ever ride Doug and Darren's version of the Cyclone. The ride was so intense that by eight thirty, everyone had had more than enough for now.

While the Cyclone was being shut down, and the other rides were being prepared to open for the day, there wasn't much for the boys to do. Doug and Darren smiled as they led their friends to a large conference room inside the dome. Once everyone was inside the conference room, Doug shut and locked the door.

“Okay guys, we have some time to kill before there's anything else to do out there.” said Darren. “Now it's time to make our own fun!”

Doug then stepped up to Darren, and wrapped him in his arms. Doug and Darren locked themselves in a passionate kiss in front of their friends, as they slowly worked at removing their clothes. Once Rusty and Allen followed Doug and Darren's lead, the other boys began joining in. Three of the pairs of boys ended up naked on the large conference table, and the other five pairs of naked boys ended up finding a spot on the floor. All eight couples then made love as passionately as they could. Doug and Darren were in the middle of the table, with Rusty and Allen on one side of them, in the middle of a passionate sixty nine. Doug looked over to the other side to see Joey on his back, and Skip kneeling between his legs. Skip was making love to Joey intensely, and Joey had an incredible look of pleasure on his face.

Rusty saw Doug watching the other couple, and pulled off Allen long enough to say, “To look at Joey you would never know he use to be a straight gay-bashing bully. That was before he fell in love with Skip though.”

“I guess that's why I find him and Skip so interesting to watch.” replied Doug, who then went back to making love to Darren.

By the time it was over, the conference room was filled with moans of pleasure. Then one by one, the boys finished their love-making. The final orgasm was when Joey released himself inside Skip, while embracing his lover tightly. The boys all sat around the room naked, as they recovered from their recent activities. Before anyone could think of getting dressed, Doug and Darren got up. They went around the room, giving every boy there a warm and passionate kiss on their lips.

“We love all of you guys, and we're very happy that you came to be with us while you were in town.” said Doug. “We feel a friendship with all of you guys that will never be broken.”

After that, a pattern started to develop. Rusty and Allen got up next, and gave every boy in the room a kiss that was just as warm and passionate as Doug's and Darren's had been. Then Calvin and Ricky decided to repeat the process. After that it was Lee and Liam, Shane and Terry, Sean and Devon, Snoopy and Chris, and finally Skip and Joey. Even though their love-making was only for their lovers, all of the boys felt a deep love for each other.

Later on, back out in the park, the boys all felt a bond that was the same for every one of them. They all felt as though they were brothers, and that their lives were now forever connected. They all had one of the greatest days of their lives, until it was time to part so the brothers in the band could get to the arena.

The show that night was special. Mike could see a difference in everyone's presence onstage. Rusty and Allen interacted with the other boys much more while they were singing, looking at the other boys almost the same as they would each other. All of the boys had the same incredible smile on their faces throughout the show as well. Their music even seemed to blend together better than ever, making them sound as good as if they were in the studio. When the group first took off, Mike knew that success sometimes strained friendships until they broke. These boys had gone the opposite way though, and that made Mike happy. Mike was so happy as he watched them perform that night, that it made him cry lightly in joy. The crowd could tell that something special was going on too. They cheered the boys as loudly as they possibly could at every break in the music. The boys ended up performing more encores that night than they ever had before.

The lead singer from the headline act met the boys as they finally came backstage, and said, “I don't know what's happened to you boys today, but whatever it is, don't ever let it go. You've just out-performed us by a mile!”

Then Mike met the boys back in the dressing room, and said, “I'll never be able to tell you boys how proud I am of you. Every time I think I've seen the best you can do, you do twice as well. Tonight maybe even ten times as well. There was just something about tonight though. Something,... special. I know I only have three sons and a son-in-law here, but all of you feel like my boys, and I'm equally proud of all of you!”

“Thanks dad.” said Rusty.

“Thanks dad.” said Joey.

“Thanks dad.” said Lee.

Then one by one, the other boys also said thanks dad. Once that was done, and Mike could talk without cracking, he said, “I've heard from Florida today. Since Lee's father is from out of state, they want to clear this case as quickly as they can. The prosecutor has said that the statements from the boys involved are okay, as long as there's one witness to corroborate them. Lee, he is your father, and you can't be forced to face him in court.”

“If I don't though, he walks away, right?” asked Lee.

“Yes son, that's what would happen.” replied Mike.

“That man my be my father, but you're my dad Mike.” said Lee. “There's nothing I want more than to be the one to send him to prison. There's no way he's walking away from what he did to us!”

“All right Lee!” exclaimed Calvin. “Nail him good!”

“I'm so very proud of you my love.” said Liam.

“Okay then, in that case we will be in St. Louis by next Saturday.” said Mike. “I've already called California, and Judith is going to meet us in St Louis. Lee, you and Liam will go with me back to Orlando for the trial of Lee's father. When that's over, we'll catch back up to the tour. I want the rest of you guys to impress Judith just as much as you've been impressing me on this tour. Lee,... son,... I'm very proud of you for wanting to face this like you are. You are a fine young man, just like the rest of these boys.”

“Thanks dad, I love you.” replied Lee.

“I love you too son,” smiled Mike.

The next day in California, Aaron and Erik walked through the construction site behind Aaron's house as they held hands. The crew had Sunday off, so the boys knew they would be alone. In the past week, the crew had poured over half of the footers for their ride. Next weekend though, the crew would be losing some of their motivation.

“After next week, we have to try to find a way to take mom's place.” said Aaron. “These guys get hot and sweaty out here, and they need refreshments to keep them able to work like they have been.”

“Yeah, your mom was doing a great job.” replied Erik, who then began giggling. “But you're the only guy I care about getting hot and sweaty out here! Let's go over here by this supply box, get hot and sweaty, then we'll figure out what to do about replacing your mom.”

Aaron snickered as he followed Erik to a secluded looking spot next to a supply box left on site by the crew. The two boys removed each other's clothes, laying them out carefully on the ground. Then they laid down on the cover they had made, in a passionate embrace.

After about five minutes, the boys were interrupted by a man who said, “What the hell do you...!”

“Oh shit!” exclaimed Aaron “We're so sorry! We didn't know anyone would be back here! Please, don't hurt us!”

“Wait babe, this is your property!” exclaimed Erik, who then looked at the man and asked, “What the hell are YOU doing back here?! You're trespassing!”

“I'm sorry kid.” replied the man. “If I had known you two were doing the same thing we were, I wouldn't have disturbed you.”

“What?” asked Erik in a confused tone.

“John, it's just a couple of kids, doing the same thing we were.” said the man. “You can come on out.

At this time, Aaron and Erik finally noticed the man was wearing nothing but briefs. Then the man was joined by another man in briefs. Both men were sporting very large bulges in their briefs too.

“This isn't just a couple of kids Joe.” said John. “They're both on Camelot High, and one of them is the kid who's having this coaster built!”

“Oh crap boys, I AM sorry now!” said Joe. “Please don't turn us in.”

“What ARE you guys doing back here?” asked Aaron.

“We're on the crew that's building your ride for you.” said Joe. “Since it's Sunday, we didn't expect anyone to be back here. John and I don't get a chance to be together much. The other guys are aways around, and they'd never understand. When they aren't around, we're stuck with our wives.”

“You guys are married?” asked Erik, as he rubbed Aaron's chest.

“Yes.” replied John. “I was working on a different crew five years ago. I knew that I liked other guys more than girls, and I thought the guys on the crew would figure it out. I got married just so they wouldn't.”

“My story is about the same as John's, except it was four years ago.” said Joe. “John and I started working for this crew about a year ago, and we finally told each other our secrets about two months ago. Now, we don't want to hurt the women we married, but we just don't like girls that way. We do love each other though.”

“Oh God babe!” exclaimed Aaron. “That's so sad, and sweet at the same time.”

“Yeah, I guess you two are pretty cool.” replied Erik. “Don't let us disturb you two either.”

“Thanks boys.” smiled John, who then leaned over and kissed Joe.

“If you two boys want a little advice, you may want to come around to the other side of the box with me and John.” said Joe. “I surveyed this entire site, and you can be seen by three of your neighbors, if they were to be looking this way. No one can see the other side of the box though.”

“Besides, the blanket I brought is big enough for all of us.” smiled John.

Aaron and Erik then got up, picked up their clothes, and followed the two muscular and hunky construction workers to the other side of the box.

After both couples had finished what they had started out to do, Erik and Aaron were running their hands over the muscles of their new friends. “How did you guys get so incredibly built?” asked Aaron.

“That's easy kid!” laughed John. “Six years experience as a construction worker!”

“They look really hot!” exclaimed Erik. “Do you think Aaron and I could ever end up being so well built?”

“You boys have great bodies to work with!” replied Joe. “Just make sure they're fully matured first though.”

“You know guys, if you need someplace where you can be together with all of the privacy you want, I may be able to help you.” said Aaron. “I'm sure if I explain things to my dad, and he sees how nice you guys are, he wouldn't mind if you use our pool house anytime you want.”

“Your dad knows you're gay?” asked John.

“Yeah, he's really cool about stuff like that.” replied Aaron. “My brother and I both are openly gay, but he's on the road with his band now.”

“And he won't mind you being such close friends with two grown gay men?” asked Joe.

“Not as long as you don't ever say or do anything inappropriate with us.” replied Aaron. “Oh, and don't leave a mess in the pool house.”

“That might be kind of nice Aaron.” replied John. “I'm glad our company is working for you now.”

The following week, the first pieces of the coaster began arriving, and the crew finished the rest of the footers. Aaron did take Joe and John to meet his dad. After talking to the two men, and hearing their stories, he decided Aaron's instincts about them may be okay. Joe and John used the pool house several times that week, and even stayed there overnight on Thursday.

Back on the tour, the band worked their way from Detroit, to Indianapolis, Chicago. Milwaukee, Minneapolis, and finally headed to St. Louis. The buses had to drive all night after the Minneapolis show, and arrived in St. Louis around noon on Saturday. Mike had the recording company hire a limo in St. Louis to pick up Judith at the airport, bring her to the hotel, and take him and the two boys back to the airport. Before Mike, Lee, and Liam left, Rusty gave Mike a warm hug.

“I love you dad.” said Rusty. “Make sure Lee takes care of his dad for what he tried to do to us.”

“Okay son, and I love you too.” replied Mike. “You boys do as well for Allen's mom as you did for me.”

Meanwhile, Allen was hugging his mom tightly as he said, “Hi mom, I've missed you so much!”

Judith kissed Allen on the cheek and replied. “I've missed you too son! Mike has told us that you boys have been doing really well.”

“Yeah, I guess we've gotten a lot closer on the road.” said Allen.

So, as Mike, Lee, and Liam left for the airport, Judith and the other boys left to get ready for tonight's show. Judith hadn't seen the boys play since the tour started, so she was even more impressed by the boys than Mike was. As the boys left the stage in St. Louis, Allen introduced his mom to the ladies in the headline act. Judith and the young ladies hit it off immediately. The next week was fun for Aaron and Erik. The crane that would erect the ride track came in Monday morning, so the boys made it home from the studio as quickly as they could to watch it, and their new friends Joe and John at work. Joe and John thought it was cool that the boys were watching them, as they worked bare chested in the sun. The other men appreciated the boys bringing them refreshments at long last. Joe and John laughed as they suggested that Aaron and Erik find some attractive lady to serve refreshments throughout the day. Aaron promised to try to find someone for the men as soon as he could.

On Wednesday, Aaron and Erik were going to go for a swim in Aaron's pool after the crew had left for the day. They walked into the pool house as Joe and John were getting ready to make love. Both men were already naked, so Aaron and Erik stripped naked so they could put their swimsuits on.

“Hi guys, don't mind us.” said Aaron, as he and Erik gazed at Joe's and John's naked bodies. “Erik and I are just getting ready to go for a swim.”

“It's too bad we don't have swimsuits, so we can join our favorite younger friends.” said John, as he and Joe also checked out Aaron's and Erik's naked teenage bodies.

“Who says you need swimsuits?” asked Erik. “Just swim in your tighty whities!”

“And what do we wear home?” chuckled Joe.

“The same thing most boys do half the time.” laughed Aaron. “Nothing put your pants!”

Joe and John thought about it for a moment, and put their briefs back on. Then the two boys and two men went out to the pool to have some fun and cool off.

In Orlando, Mike, Lee, and Liam were getting ready for what promised to be a rough week.

I hope everyone enjoyed that chapter. The boys in the band are closer than ever now, and Aaron and Erik sound like they have made a cool pair of new friends. Too bad that last line didn't sound so promising. Please send all comments to: Also, don't forget to visit my web site at: Thanks for reading, and I'll see you again in Chapter 15.

Next: Chapter 84: Allen IV 15

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