Alone Together

By D S

Published on Jun 19, 2002


And so we begin a new arc and try something new. The chapters that will comprise this arc will be a lot more episodic than what I've written before.

This is necessary because I have conceived this arc as one big chapter about Aaron going from being a boy to being a young man, and how that affects Lance and JC. Lots of other stuff happens too, but that is the core around which the rest will revolve. As I go along, it would be helpful to hear from you because there several plot decisions I have not yet made, and getting feedback helps me make them. Of course, also let me know if you love it, or hate it, or just don't care. So please write if you can. The email address is at

DEDICATION: This one is for Lincoln, because he writes great feedback, and he's a Star Wars geek like me.

DISCLAIMER: I don't know NSYNC, and this story is purely a work of fiction.

This story also contains male/male loving (and occasionally some smut). Thus, if that's not your thing, or if you aren't old enough to read this, you should stop reading now. Sorry.


CHAPTER 32: FAR, AND AWAY: Part one: That Shadow.

It is all very well to copy what one sees, but it is far better to draw what one now only sees in one's memory. That is a transformation in which imagination collaborates with memory.

--Edgar Degas Slight not what is near, while aiming at what is far.

--Euripides THAT shadow, my likeness, that goes to and fro, seeking a livelihood,

chattering, chaffering; How often I find myself standing and looking at it where it flits; How often I question and doubt whether that is really me; -But in these, and among my lovers, and caroling my songs, O I never doubt whether that is really me.

-- That Shadow, My Likeness, Leaves of Grass, Walt Whitman (1900).

"No - it makes perfect sense," Justin said, raising his hands in the air palms up. "I just don't know if Mel will go for it."

"But you'll ask her," JC said.

"Of course I'll ask her."

"Ask me what?" Mel said, stepping out onto the deck behind their house, having just got home from work.

"Hey babe," Justin said, taking a comical two-footed jump towards Mel and then leaning forward to kiss her. "How was your day?"

"You have an intensely conspiratorial look on your face," Mel said, ignoring the question about her day as she put her hands on her hips and accepted Justin's kiss.

"Sorry Mel," JC said. "My fault."

"Oh, don't defend him," Mel said, slipping her arm around Justin's waist. "He's quite capable of trying to do so himself."

"It was so much easier when I was dating women who weren't smarter than me," Justin said, rolling his eyes in mock distress.

"Oh dear lord," Mel said.

"Tell me," JC said, laughing. "It was so not easy finding girls that dumb."

"Okay, no piling on," Justin said, wagging his index finger at JC. "Besides - I thought we needed to talk about going to Australia."

"Australia?" Mel said, stepping back from Justin and looking at him.

"Yeah," Justin said. "Where you were born."

"Sweetheart - I know where I was born."

"Anyway," JC said, taking control of the conversation. "Lance and Aaron and I are all going to Australia. Sydney to be exact. We're moving there."

"For good?"

"No," JC said. "For like eight months. Or maybe a year. Lance is shooting a film there. At the Twentieth Century Fox studio. They have a huge shooting set there."

"Really?" Mel said. "I didn't know that. About the set."

"But there's a problem," JC said.

"No," Justin said, interrupting. "Let me tell her."

"Well, someone tell me."

"Okay. Don't get mad," Justin said, waving his hands back and forth.

"I'm not mad," Mel said. "I just want to know what's going on."

"Okay," Justin said, scrunching his neck between his shoulders. "Remember how I was telling you about me and JC working on an album together?"

"The one from when you were in that band."

"N Sync," JC said. "It was called 'N Sync."

"Yeah - 'N Sync," Justin said, nodding at JC. "But then Chris decided to be a jerk and wouldn't give us the okie-dokie to do it."

"Because he wanted too much money."

"Right. Well, sort of," Justin said. "Because he changed his mind, which I think I told you already."

"Yes you did."

"Okay. So now we get to do it."

"All right."

"But JC is going to Australia, which means he won't be here to work on it."


"So JC and I were just thinking that maybe if you and me and the boys were to go too, like to Australia, then I could work on the album over there - with JC, which is what we'd planned on doing, but now that he's...."

"Justin," Mel said, putting her hand on his mouth. "Please stop. And listen."

"Sure," Justin said, shrugging as he took Mel's hand from his mouth and held it to his chest for a moment.

"I just want to know how long you think it will take to finish this record thing of yours."

"It's an album actually," JC said, correcting her.

"Yeah - a record is a song, but an album is like an album, and it can have ..."


"Okay - sorry," Justin said.

"How long?" Mel said, reminding him of her question.

"I really don't know," Justin said, turning to look at JC. "What do you think?"

"I'm not sure either," JC said, looking first at Justin and then at Mel. "This stuff always takes longer than you expect."

"That's true," Justin said. "But it's just the lead vocals. It was mostly done when we cellared it, except for the leads."

"But you know we'll want to remix it, once we hear it."

"Totally, because we don't want it sounding all old-school."

"Well, one or two songs maybe."

"Oh yeah, some old-school, like that one little neo-funk two-step number you and me wrote - that was fly."

"Uh, gentlemen," Mel said, pulling them once more back to the topic at hand.

"Sorry," JC said, clearing his throat.

"Yeah sorry," Justin said.

"So there's the two new songs to do too," JC said.


"Plus the remix."

"I'm guessing two months - at least."

"Or maybe three."

"At least," Justin said, looking at Mel and shrugging his shoulders again.

"Then probably four months then," Mel said. "If not five."

"Probably five," JC said. "Knowing us."

"Or six," Justin said, shrugging, his face slightly flushed, as if embarrassed.

"You two amaze me," Mel said, putting her hands on her hips.

"What?" said Justin and JC, simultaneously, each of their voices full of surprise, like they'd been caught stealing something.

"Justin Timberlake," Mel said, sounding stern, but with a trace of a smile starting to form on her face. "Do you really think that I'd be willing to just up and abandon my practice for six months while you make some silly record?"

"Well," Justin said, glancing at JC and then looking down at the floor.

"And what about the boys? They're just about to start at that pre-school we tried so hard to get them into."

"Well," Justin said again, still staring at his shoes. "I just thought that..."

"I don't think it's a silly record," JC said, mumbling to himself, and not intending for Mel to hear him.

Silence filled the room as the conversation abruptly stopped. Now both Justin and JC stood there, heads bowed like two altar boys about to take Communion. Mel still had her hands on her hips as her smiled slowly turned to soft laughter. Hearing it, Justin looked up at her. His mouth dropped open and he pointed at her. Laughing harder, Mel covered her mouth with both hands. JC looked up now too, and saw Mel laughing and Justin pointing at her with a shocked look on his face.

"Mel!" Justin shouted. "You are so evil. You were playing me!"

"Oh sweetie," Mel said, stepping forward and pulling Justin into her arms as she continued to laugh. "I'm sorry. I couldn't resist."

"Apparently," Justin said, kissing Mel on the forehead as he playfully shoved her away and then pretended to pout.

"You should have seen the look on your face," Mel said, still laughing.

"Okay, okay," Justin said. "So I'm a gullible dunce. Guilty as charged."

"Now sweetie, that's not what I intended at all."

"I know," Justin said, kissing Mel, first on the cheek, and then hard on the lips.

"Uh - guys," JC said, waving his hand as if reminding them he was still there.

"Oh...right," Justin said, pulling back from his kiss but holding on to Mel's hand and looking at her. "So you'll think about it?"

"Better than that," Mel said. "I think it's an excellent idea."

"Really?" Justin said, excitedly. "You don't mind?"

"Actually, I'd love to get away for awhile," Mel said.

"But what about your practice?" JC asked.

"Jayce!" Justin yelled. "Hello, you're supposed to be on my side here."

"Sorry," JC said. "But I just thought...anyway."

"Well, thank you for asking Joshua" Mel said. "But it's not so much an issue now. I've already cut back to only three half-days at the office so it's won't be difficult to shift the rest of my caseload to another physician in my practice. And with the boys two and a half now, I'd like to spend more time with them before they start at school. There'll be plenty of time to work more then."

"And we can afford to do it," Justin said.

"Yes we can," Mel said. "Since I married Mr. Money-bags here."

"That reminds me," Justin said. "Did you ever sign that pre-nup?"

"Pre-nup?" Mel said, starting to laugh again. "What pre-nup?"

"See," Justin said, pointing at Mel. "Way smarter than me."

"In any case," Mel said. "My mum will be thrilled to see the boys again."

"Damn," Justin said, his face falling. "I forgot about your mom."

"Now Justin. Be kind."

"Tell her that."

"She seemed nice enough at the wedding," JC said.

"She hates me," Justin said, cringing.

"She most certainly does not," Mel said.

"Anyway," Justin said, changing the subject. "JC has to get going."

"Yeah," JC said. "I have to stop by the Red Fox Inn on the way home."

"Is Lance back yet?" Mel asked.

"Early this morning," JC said. "He and Ang took the red-eye from New York."

"What was he in New York for?"

"Yeah - they did all the morning talk-shows," JC said. "And there was a press conference with some of the rest of the cast."

"Cool," Justin said.

"Guess who's in it," JC said, arching his eyebrows and pursing his lips.

"I heard Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher," Justin said.

"And Colin Farrell," Mel added.

"How do you know that?" Justin asked, a surprised look on her face. "You never follow that sort of thing."

"I've been known to sneak the occasional peek at the People magazines we have in our waiting room."

"Yeah, Colin's in it, but that's not the shocker."

"So who?"

"Brendan Fehr."

"No frigging way," Justin said, putting his hands on his hips and leaning forward, his eyes widened. "Brendan the butt-slut Fehr!"

"Stop!" JC said as he burst out laughing.

Who's Brendan Fehr?" Mel asked.

"It's a long story," JC said, wiping the laughter-tears from his eyes.

"And it ain't a pretty one," Justin said, shaking his head.

"Anyway" JC said, a smile beginning to form on his face. "Lance told me last night, after he got home. And - oh my god - you should have seen him. He was quaking like a five year-old before his first recital."

"Poor guy," Justin said.

"But I told him not to worry about it," JC said, sound extremely matter of fact about it. "Because I am so not worried about it myself."

"Are you sure?" Justin asked.

"You would not believe just how sure I am," JC said, smiling.

"Did you get it?" James said, looking up from the computer screen and his search on the internet.

"Yeah," Aaron said, whispering as he closed the door to his bedroom. "It was in my dad's overnight bag. He didn't unpack it yet from last night."

"He got home really late," James said, swiveling the desk chair around so he was facing the room and Aaron. "It woke me up."

"I know," Aaron said, still whispering. "You were flopping around for like an hour afterwards."

"Well you're the one that kept playing with himself."

"I did not!"

"You did too," James said, laughing.

"Shut up," Aaron said, blushing furiously.

"You don't have to whisper," James said, smiling. "They're downstairs."

"Oh yeah," Aaron said, laughing, but not loudly.

"So is it the shooting script?"

"Uh-huh," Aaron said, holding up a three-ring binder with a dark blue cloth cover. "But I don't think it's all here. It's too thin."

"See - that's what it said online," James said, pointing at the computer. "They're trying to keep it a big secret. Especially how it ends."


"Yeah. I guess no one's ever seen it. Like the last 50 pages of it."

"Except for Ang."

"Well, duh - he wrote it."

"We can only look at it for a few minutes," Aaron said, nervously.


"Then I have to put it back."

"Aaron - okay," James said, smiling at him. "Calm down. You look like you're about to pee your pants."

"Shut up," Aaron said, sitting down on the bed and opening the binder.

As the binder opened on Aaron's lap, the pages fluttered noisily, like the sound of dry leaves blowing across concrete. Aaron licked his lips and carefully turned to the title page. It read: STAR WARS, Episode VII: The Gathering Storm. Looking up, Aaron's eyes widened. James clasped his hands together and held them to his chest, pressing them there. His knees flapped together and apart like the wings of an excited bird.

"He changed the title," Aaron said, his voice one long excited hiss.

"No way! To what?"

"The Gathering Storm."

"See - now that's way better."


"So let me see," James said, moving quickly to sit next to Aaron on the bed and then resting his chin on Aaron's shoulder so that he was looking over it.

"Okay," Aaron said, carefully turning to the first page.

Seeing the words SCENE ONE in tall dark capital letters, James sighed, exhaling slowly. Aaron felt James' breath tickle the beginnings of hair on his arm causing goose- bumps to rise there. James leaned closer to Aaron to better see the script and to read it with him. Sliding his hands further under each side of the binder, Aaron raised it higher and started to read out loud.

Forty years have passed since the Battle of Endor brought forth the New Republic and restored peace and freedom to the galaxy.

But now there are troubling signs that what remains of the Old Empire is beginning to revive.

The Kampf system has seceded from the vast Thuringian protectorate and declared that it will no longer abide by the Treaty of Versok.

Deeply divided over how best to respond, the Senate has sent former-Chancellor Leia Organa Solo to negotiate a peaceful settlement with the new leader of the Kampf system, Bayreuth Stygian.

The Senate now awaits news of the success or failure of her negotiations....

"That's cool - don't you think?" James said, turning his head slightly to the right so that he could see Aaron's face.

"I bet there's going to be a war in it," Aaron said, still staring at the script.

"Of course there is," James said. "Now read some more."

"Okay - but only a little," Aaron said. "And then I have to put it back."

"Fine. So read."


A vast expanse of ink-black space fills the screen. What appears at first to be a small comet appears at the far left edge of space, moving quickly forward and across the screen, growing in size as if heading directly at you.

Seen now from the point of view of the comet, we see that it is hurtling in a straight line toward the planet. The atmosphere around the planet is a glowing, hazy, blue-gray line that defines the edge of space. The comet plunges through this line, swooping lower as it seems to change course. The sound of its entry into the atmosphere is jarring, frightening, and nearly-deafening. It shakes you.

The glinting vague outline of a vast city-planet comes into view. It is Corruscant, home to Republic Senate and the Jedi Council. The place is congested with buildings, crisscrossed with elevated float-ways, and buzzing with countless transports and ships.

The perspective changes so that we are above and behind what had appeared to be the comet. It is a ship, but not a large one, and thus it probably carries only one person. Suddenly two slots open on each side of it, and X-wings appear, making a high-pitched metallic sound as they slide into place and then lock with a sharp clank. The ship is now recognizable as an X-wing fighter, much like the ones of old, but sleeker, faster, and more maneuverable.

Sharply banking, we watch as the X-wing fighter pulls away, receding into the distance and then swooping behind a circular grouping of majestically tall buildings. Unlike those that surround it on all sides, the building have been each crafted from a different color of stone, so that the ring of buildings resembles a crown, and each building a different kind of jewel in it.

Our view continues to move smoothly toward the top of a blue-stoned building, as if we had been flying behind the ship, but had not changed course, intending to land on top of the building instead of going around it like the other ship had done. As we approach the roof of the building, panning quickly forward, we see a figure standing at the opposite edge of the roof, staring into the distance. It is a boy - nearly a young man - with long and wavy brown hair. He stands with his back to us, his legs spread widely, his arms not visible, probably because he had them folded across his chest. It is Lucas Anakin Skywalker, son of Jhon Skywalker and grandson of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker.

Continuing to pan, we circle around the boy seeing him from the front. The wind blows furiously, his loose tunic whipped by it, making a loud incessant flapping noise. His hair covers his eyes, blown there by the wind, but we can still see that his chin is strongly angular and his lips are full and relaxed. He is not smiling but not frowning either. With a sharp shake of his head, he flips the hair from his eyes. They are a deep green blue, and deeply focused, as if he is tracking the course of something far away.

Tipping his head forward, he takes a slow deep breath and then smiles. We see a shadow begin to slowly lengthen and move toward him as someone approached from behind. A hand reaches out to him, about to grab his shoulder, or maybe just to touch it. Before it does, and before the person who approaches is fully behind him, the boy smiles more broadly.

LUCAS(turning around): Father.

(Lucas says this before even seeing his father. As he turns around, Lucas quickly takes hold of his father's outstretched hand, gripping it tightly. Jhon steps backwards in surprise. He is unsure how Lucas could have heard him approach with the wind making so much noise. Standing face to face now, it is plain that Lucas is only a few inches shorter than his father and will someday soon be much taller than him.)

JHON: I thought I might find you up here.

LUCAS: I love this view. It seems endless.

JHON: It nearly is. If you look far enough.

LUCAS: Or deeply enough.

JHON: You sound like your grandfather now.

LUCAS: He's just arrived you know.

JHON: No. He's in Bespin. At the Jedi training facility. The trials have begun and he always oversees them.

LUCAS: Not this time. He's come to see to you.

(Jhon frowns and shakes his head.)

JHON: Lucas - be serious.

LUCAS: I am being serious father.

JHON: But how could you know that? Did you talk to him?

LUCAS: No. But I know he's here. I also know why.

JHON: Tell me.

LUCAS: You know why too.

JHON: Because he wants you to begin your training.

LUCAS: Yes. He hopes to convince you this time.

JHON: That's not something I'm willing to do.

LUCAS: I will not do it without your blessing.

JHON (quietly): Then you will not do it.

(Jhon lapes into silence, thinking. He looks frustrated and unsure as he moves his hands to his sides and clenches them tightly into fists. It is obvious that he's had this discussion before. Lucas looks at his father impassively, without expression. He does not look angry or disappointed.)

LUCAS: I respect your decision father. And I'm not angry.

JHON: Your grandfather was very angry at me when I refused the training and renounced the Force. And he is even angrier now, now that I...

(Lucas' eyes snap wide open, and then narrow, like he is staring into the distance, even though he is not looking at anything. His spine stiffens noticeably. He senses something. Looking back at his father, he holds his finger to his lips, signaling for him to be quiet.)

LUCAS (whispering): He is here.

(The wind seemed suddenly to change direction, whirling about Jhon and Lucas, like a small tornado, flinging dust into the air. The sound of flapping fabric wells up. It sounds like a ship's sail in a storm. Lucas lowers his head and closes his eyes for a brief second. Lucas then opens his eyes and smiles and holds out his hand. The air in front of him shimmers and Luke Skywalker suddenly appears out of nowhere. A long hooded cloak hangs from his slumped and aging shoulders. He is well into his sixties and it shows everywhere except for his eyes, which are clear and bright. When he appears, Luke is already holding his young grandson's hand. Luke looks at his startled son Jhon and smiles.)

LUKE: He grows stronger Jhon. That you cannot stop.

Aaron's head snapped up from his reading, startling James and causing him to recoil. Aaron stood quickly up and shut the notebook that contained the script he'd been reading. His head moved back and forth as if he was searching the room for some place to hide. He looked frightened.

"What?" James asked, jumping up from the bed.

"I think it's my dad," Aaron said. "I've got to put this back.."

James watched as Aaron ran to the door, opened it, and turned left down the hall. He had not heard Aaron's dad coming up the stairs, but he had no reason to believe that Aaron had just imagined it. Walking across the room, James stuck his head out the door and halfway into the hall just as Lance was walking in. They nearly collided. James jumped back to avoid the collision, losing his balance and almost tumbling on to the bed. Lance quickly stepped forward and grabbed James' outstretched arm, steadying him.

"Are you all right?" Lance asked.

"Uh - yeah," James said, clearly flustered. "I'm, I'm fine."

"Where's Aaron?" Lance asked, looking around.

"Oh, he's...," James said, and then paused, thinking.

"I'm right here," Aaron said, quickly entering the room.

Oh, great," Lance said, turning around to smile at Aaron. "Ang would like to say good-bye to you. He's heading back to Los Angeles now."

"Okay," Aaron said, looking at James nervously and then at Lance.

"You too James," Lance said, pointing at him.

"No - that's okay," James said, blushing. "I'll just wait here."

"Are you sure?" Aaron asked, taking hold of James' arm and tugging on it.

"You just go," James said. "Really."

"I'll be right back then," Aaron said.

Ang stood at the bottom of the stairs with his eyes closed. The fingers on each of his hands were spread widely apart with his fingertips pressed together as if praying. Turning slowly toward the sound of someone descending the stairs, Ang opened his eyes and looked up. A startled far away look formed suddenly on his face, and then a smile. He watched as Lance and Aaron walked towards him. Lance's left arm draped around Aaron's shoulders and Aaron's thumbs were hooked into the front pockets of his pants. Lance was not much taller than Aaron - four or five inches at the most. Looking up as he reached the bottom of the stairs, Aaron noticed the expression on Ang's face, and how he was staring at him

"Hello Mr. Lee," Aaron said, blushing as he extended his hand to him.

"Aaron - please. You should call me Ang."

"Sorry," Aaron said, blushing.

"Ang's on his way to Australia the day after tomorrow," Lance said.

"I can't wait to go," Aaron said. "My dad said I can get a new surfboard when we get there."

"No - what I said was that, once you got enrolled in your new school, you can get a surfboard if you get good grades."

"So maybe I should bring my old surfboard with me just in case," Aaron said.

"Clever boy," Ang said, laughing as he rubbed his chin between his right thumb and forefinger.

"Too clever," Lance said, putting his arm once more around Aaron's shoulders.

"You know Aaron," Ang said, leaning his shoulders back and looking Aaron up and down. "Since I first saw you at breakfast, it has been bothering me trying to think of whom you remind me. But now I know."

"Who?" Aaron said.

"Do you know?" Ang asked, turning to Lance.

"No. Not really," Lance said, glancing at Aaron and then at Ang. "But when he grows his hair long like that, I always think he looks a lot like Josh."

"I can see that," Ang said, looking once more at Aaron, appraising him. "But the person I was thinking of...well, I shouldn't say that really, because he is not a real person, but a character, one I created for my film."

"Really?" Aaron said, looking puzzled at first, and then deeply surprised.

"You don't mean," Lance said, speaking slowly as he realized what Ang meant.

"Yes," Ang said.

"We can talk about this later," Lance said, putting his hand on Ang's shoulder and gently guiding him to the door.

"I'll be at the studio tomorrow afternoon," Ang said, looking back at Lance and then smiling at Aaron. "Call me."

"Why don't we wait until I get to Australia," Lance said.

"No," Ang said, turning around and putting his hand on Lance's shoulder. "You need to decide before I leave. I need to know."

"Decide what?" Aaron asked.

"Nothing," Lance said.

"It's something about the movie," Ang said, letting go of Lance's shoulder while continuing to hold his gaze.

"And nothing you need to worry about," Lance said, glancing quickly at Aaron and then looking back at Ang.

"Call me tomorrow," Ang said, opening the door. "And then we'll talk."

"All right," Lance said. "I will. But don't expect to get the answer you want."

"I understand," Ang said, smiling.

Luanne sunk her chin into her upturned hands as she leaned on the bar and stared at her reflection in the mirror behind it. On Mondays nights they usually gave last-call at ten o'clock unless one of the Red Fox regulars was there. But tonight the place was a like a ghost town and she was just biding her time before locking up and turning off the lights. She had already closed the kitchen and sent both the cooks and the wait staff home. The clock behind the bar read ten o'clock, but she knew it was twenty minutes fast - bar time. Sometimes she thought that all clocks should be set that way. Hearing the scraping noise the front door made when it opened, she sighed and turned her head to look, hoping that it wasn't a straggler looking for a few drinks and some easy conversation. She smiled when she saw it was JC who had just walked in.

"Hey boss," Luanne said, giving him a small wave.

"Wow - it's dead in here."

"It's usually dead on Mondays," Luanne said, sliding off her stool. "Especially this time of year."

"You want me to lock the door?" JC asked, stopping a couple feet inside the place and pointing back at the door.

"Yeah, why don't you."

"Not a problem," JC said, turning around and then locking the door. "There."

"Thanks," Luanne said, going around behind the bar. "Can I get you something?"

"Sure. How about some wine."

"One glass of the good stuff coming right up."

"Thanks," JC said, taking a seat at the bar and watching Luanne fill his glass.

"So what brings you around these parts?" Luanne asked, sliding the glass in front of JC, giving it a small swirl as she did so.

"I came to talk to you."

"Yeah? About what?"

"About James."

"Oh-oh. He isn't driving you crazy is he?" Luanne asked, looking concerned. "I know he practically lives at your house."

"No, no, no," JC said. "Not at all. It's the exact opposite. We love having James around. And Aaron does too - of course."

"Those two. You'd think they were joined at the hip."

"I know," JC said, smiling. "They're fierce friends. And I think it's cool."

"So what's up then?"

"Well, James probably told you that we're going to Australia in three weeks."

"He has," Luanne said. "The Star Wars thing. It's all he talks about."

"Aaron too," JC said, nodding. "So what I was wondering was what you'd think of James coming with us - you know, to Australia."

"Are you serious?"

"Totally. Aaron really wants him to go. I mean, he'd understand if he can't. But I think it would be nice if he had a friend with him, it being a new place for him and all."

"How long you are planning on being gone?"

"See - that's the problem. Or maybe it is. Because it's probably going to be like six or eight months, at least."


"I know," JC said, conceding the point. "It's a long time. But I also thought that maybe, if you want to, you could come too. That is, if you want."

"Now seriously Josh," Luanne said. "How could that work? This place doesn't run itself. And you can't possibly want me underfoot like you do James."

"No. It'd be fine," JC said. "We rented this ridiculously huge house in Castle Cove. It has like eight bedrooms."


"It's like a small hotel."

"I don't know Josh," Luanne said, speaking slowly. "To be honest, I think I'd get dead bored. I love running this old place, and the regulars are like family to me too. So I'd miss it."

"I thought you might say that," JC said, frowning as he took a small sip of wine.

"But that doesn't mean James can't go."


"Well, this is how I see it," Luanne said, putting her hands flat on the bar and then leaning forward. "If you guys are gone, James is just going to end up moping around at home, by himself, while I'm at work. I mean, sure - he's old enough to home alone, but I don't think it would be good for him. He's always been such a loner, by nature, and he's never been one to make lots of new friends. But since he's met Aaron, he's come out of his shell, and really into his own, and it just makes me so happy to see it."

"He's a great kid," JC said, smiling. "You should be proud."

"Oh, I am," Luanne said, smiling. "And you know I'll miss him to death. But I also figure that I might be able talk my boss into letting me take a few weeks off - you know, a week here and there, so I can visit James."

"I don't know - I heard your boss is a real jerk."

"Eh - he's not so bad," Luanne laughed. "A little on the cheap side every now and then, but other than that, he's a pretty good guy."

"If you asked him nicely, I bet he might even pop for the plane tickets - you know, to prove he's not so cheap after all."


"Oh, puh-leez Luanne. Of course I will."

"It's settled then," Luanne said.

JC took his right hand from where it had been holding his wine glass and he laid it on top of Luanne's hand, squeezing it. Luanne laughed softly as a broad smile formed on her face. The neon sign behind her gave her hair an almost eerie bluish-glow, something that JC had not noticed until now.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" JC asked.

"I'll be fine," Luanne said, turning her hand so that she now held JC's hand. "See, I always liked being on my own when I was young. I mean, before I had James. So having the house to myself for a little bit just might give me a chance to have a friend sleep over, if you know what I mean."

"Luanne!" JC said, nearly shrieking. "Did you meet a man and not tell me?"

"Let's just say I have my eye on someone. So, I guess the answer is technically no. But keep your fingers crossed."

"I totally will," JC said, smiling. "And if taking James with us to Australia gets you laid, so much the better. Plus I won't feel so bad."

"There's no need to feel bad either way," Luanne said. "You guys are great for James, and he loves to spend time with you and Lance too, so it's not just Aaron."

"That's sweet of you to say."

"It's the truth," Luanne said. "But - hey, let me tell James. I want to see the look on his face when he finds out. He's not going to believe it."

"I won't say a word," JC said, squeezing Luanne's hand and then standing up.

"I'll tell him when I pick him up from school tomorrow," Luanne said, picking up JC's glass.

"You remember that he's staying at our house tonight?"

"I know," Luanne said. "Lance called and reminded me earlier."

"Okay. Good."

"Now get out of here so I can finish closing up."

"All right," JC said, waving at her and moving towards the front door. "I'll see you later then."

"Good night," Luanne said, calling after him and waving back as JC unlocked the door and then left.

It was a quarter to eleven when JC arrived home. Except for the light in the foyer, the lights downstairs had all been turned off. This usually meant that Lance was upstairs, but for some reason JC sensed that Lance was outside. Hanging his keys on the wooden key-holder that Aaron had made him for Father's Day, JC walked to the back door and looked outside. The moon was full and gold-hued and loomed low and large in the clear gray sky. JC could see Lance standing in the dark at the far edge of their yard. His hands were clasped behind his back as he stood there, staring straight ahead, as still as a stone, and silhouetted by the moon. It was an eerie sight, and it made JC shudder to see it.

Pushing open the door, JC went outside and walked across the grass, coughing to signal his approach. Lance turned around. He smiled, but JC couldn't see it because of the dark. JC quickened his pace and held out his hand. Lance took it, squeezing it especially tight and tugging him into his arms. He could feel JC's heart beating now, and it calmed him. JC felt Lance relax and he heard him sigh.

"Are you okay?" JC whispered.

"I am now," Lance replied.

Next: Chapter 33

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