Alvin and Simon

By moc.oohay@70esoomrm

Published on Jun 26, 2012


Disclaimer: I do not own anything even remotely related to Alvin and the Chipmunks. This is a fictional story involving the characters from the movie 'Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked'. This story is not suggesting anything about the characters or the creators. It is meant for entertainment purposes only.

This story involves chipmunks (obviously) and intimate encounters between two brothers. If that offends you, buzz off.

Previously, on "Alvin and Simon"...

The boys heard a knock on the door. "Hey, is that you in there Simon?" Dave yelled through the door. Simon leapt away from Alvin, panicking. "Uh, yeah Dave, it's me!" he yelled back. "Do you happen to know where Alvin is?" Dave asked impatiently. Simon looked over and Alvin shook his head, wide eyed and nervous. "Like I would've told Dave we were showering together." Simon thought to himself, shaking his head. "Simon?" Dave called again. "Uh, I think I heard him say something about going to pick up chicks." Simon said, smiling a little at the irony. He heard Dave sigh. "Ok, thanks Simon." Dave called, walking away.

Alvin was holding his breath the entire time Dave stood outside the door. He let out a huge sigh of relief when he heard Dave walk away. He glared at Simon. "Picking up chicks? Really?" Alvin said, still glaring. Simon just shrugged, his smile fading. "I thought you would want to keep up your reputation." he said. Alvin glared even more. "I don't care about my reputation. I mean, we shouldn't tell people we're showering together, yet, but I don't want to pretend to be something I'm not." Alvin said angrily.

Simon started to get angry now too. "If you're not trying to be something you're not, then why do you let Brittany hang all over you? Whenever she's around you, you're attached at the hip, literally!" Simon yelled quietly. Alvin softened a little, and instead of anger, he looked hurt. "What, you're jealous? Of Brittany? After everything we've done? After everything I've told you?" he asked quietly. Simon was feeling insecure, so he had to be careful not to lash out at Alvin. Unfortunately, his mouth didn't get the memo. "We both know that this is just temporary. Sooner or later, you'll find some girl you like better and you'll be all over her." he snapped.

Alvin just stood there, mouth open, as if Simon had just slapped him. Simon couldn't believe he had just said that. He tried to think of something to say, but his mind was blank. Alvin moved his lips, as if he were going to say something, but he just turned away and hopped out of the shower. Simon looked out after him, watching him put his shirt back on and walk to the door. He jumped up and turned the handle, opening the door a crack. Simon wanted to take everything back, and just hug him again under the warm water. Alvin turned around right before he walked out, looking straight into Simon's eyes. The tears in Alvin's eyes were almost enough to kill Simon. "Sorry, Si. I tried my hardest..." Alvin whispered, barely loud enough to hear. He closed the door after him, leaving Simon feeling cold and alone.

Simon couldn't believe that he had ruined such a perfect moment. He could only stand there under the water, while the tears started to fall. "I tried my hardest..." echoed through Simon's mind. Of course he had. This wasn't Alvin's idea, this was because Simon had taken him by surprise and kissed him. Despite what feelings Alvin may had unknowingly had already, Simon knew it must've been extremely difficult for him to open himself up to a 'relationship' the way he had. Simon knew he wasn't worth it, but Alvin had embraced the situation anyway. He knew he needed to go find Alvin and make things right. He couldn't let Alvin think that he didn't care about him, or appreciate the things he had done for him. The fact that Alvin had even given him a chance was unbelievable.

Simon wiped away the tears and turned off the shower. He hopped out and started to dry off. He was just going through the motions, still feeling a little numb. He threw his blue sweatshirt on and hurried out of the bathroom, towards their bedroom. He walked in and saw that Alvin was beneath the sheets in their bed. Simon hopped onto the bed, sitting down next to the lump in the sheets. "Alvin?" he whispered. No answer. "Alvin?" he said a little louder. The lump just shifted away from him. Simon sighed, he knew he deserved the silent treatment. "Listen Alvin, I just wanted to apologize... I know I screwed up. I should have never..."

That's when Theodore decided to pop out of the sheets. Simon screamed and fell backwards off the bed. Theodore peered over the edge of the bed, looking down at Simon. "Theodore!" Simon yelped. "So, what did you do to Alvin?" Theodore asked demandingly. Simon glared at him and picked himself up off the floor. "I... uh... said something I shouldn't have." he said, walking towards the door. "Oh ok. Well whatever you said, it really must've been bad. I've never seen Alvin cry." Theodore said matter-of-factly. Simon froze and slowly turned around. "You saw Alvin crying?" Simon asked quietly, his heart breaking. Theodore nodded. "Yeah, he came in, saw that I was in here, and he ran out towards the kitchen." he said. Simon just nodded his thanks and ran out towards the kitchen.

Dave and the girls were still in the kitchen. "Hey guys, have you seen Alvin?" Simon asked hurriedly. All three girls shook their heads no. Dave gave him a questioning look. "I just asked that a bit ago. You said he went out to look for girls." he said, suspicious. Brittany glared at Simon when she heard where Alvin supposedly was. "Oh yeah... I know. I... uh... just meant has he come back since then?" Simon covered. Dave shook his head, still staring with suspicious eyes. "Ok, well tell him I'm... uh... looking for him." Simon said, backing out of the room where everyone was suddenly glaring at him.

Simon decided to go out and look for Alvin around the ship. He must've left the room when he couldn't get any alone time. Simon ran out of the room, not knowing where to go next. He decided to start out by the pool. When he finally got up there, there were just a few people laying out in the sun, and one person actually swimming. "This is weird..." Simon thought. Where was everybody? "Simon!" someone yelled from behind him. Simon whipped around to see who it was, and was disappointed to see a girl of about 17 run up to him. "I can't believe you're out here! Can I have your autograph?" she asked excitedly. Simon put on a fake smile and nodded. "Really?! Thank you so much!" Simon just nodded again and took the pen from her hand and signed the piece of paper she gave him. When he handed it back to her, she looked at it and squealed with happiness. "This is so cool!" she said excitedly. "I just wish Alvin had signed it too..." she muttered. Simon dropped her pen. "You saw Alvin?" he yelled. She jumped a little, looking surprised. "Yeah, he stopped by the pool for a minute. I yelled to him, to ask him for his autograph, but he must not have heard me, 'cause he ran off down that hallway." she said pointing. "Hey do you think you could ask him to sign..." she started to say but Simon ran off in the direction she had pointed. "Wait!" he barely heard her yell.

Simon ran down the hall and ended up at a flight of stairs. He ran up them as fast as he could, taking two at a time. He ended up on the top deck, where people could use lounge chairs to lay out in the sun. Nobody was laying out, though. There must have been some sort of show in the auditorium. At the other end of the deck, Simon saw Alvin. He was just standing there looking out at the ocean. Simon didn't know what to do. He knew Alvin wanted some alone time, but he was afraid that if he didn't apologize right now, he would lose his chance forever.

Simon slowly walked up to where Alvin was standing. He must have been lost in his thoughts, because he didn't hear Simon come up behind him. He was just staring at the waves, and a couple times he sniffed and ran his sleeve over his nose, a clear sign that he had been crying. He looked so vulnerable that all Simon wanted to do was hug him as tight as possible and never let go. But he was frozen, standing there, afraid to move or make a noise. He was afraid of how Alvin would react. Anger, sadness, even the silent treatment. Just imagining it broke his heart, but he knew he needed to get it over with.

"Ahem..." Simon cleared his throat. Alvin just kept staring out at the ocean. "Uh... Alvin?" he tried next. Still no answer. "Um... If I talk, will you at least listen?" Simon asked hesitantly. Alvin didn't move for a second, and then he turned his head slightly to the side to show that he was listening. Simon breathed a small sigh of relief, and realized he hadn't thought of anything to say. He mentally kicked himself and just started talking anyways, hoping his mouth would translate his intense feelings into coherent sentences. "Alvin, I... I'm sorry for saying, uh, what I said. I was feeling a little, um, well I know I'm not good enough for you and..." When Simon got to that part, Alvin made a 'pfft' noise and shook his head, but Simon continued. "...and I kind of lashed out at you and, um, I'm sorry I upset you." Simon finished awkwardly. Alvin waited a second, and then shook his head again and continued looking at the ocean.

Simon stared at the back of Alvin's head for a second, not knowing what to do. "I apologized, what more could he want?" Simon thought, getting frustrated. He started to turn away, and then turned back angrily. "Hey, I said... you should at least... that was hard for me, you know." he said, loudly. Alvin turned his head again, showing he was listening. "You don't know what it's like to be with someone that's better than you in every single way. I'm afraid to lose you. It's like, uh, it's like trying to keep water in your hands. It works for awhile and then it starts to trickle away from you. Well you're like the water, and I'm the, uh, the hands..." he trailed off, blushing. Alvin just stood there a moment, and then started laughing hysterically. Simon blushed a deep red. He knew it was stupid, but Alvin could've been nice about it. "What I'm trying to say..." Simon started again loudly, still blushing. " I, uh, I love you." he said softly.

Alvin immediately stopped laughing, and turned around. Simon was looking down at Alvin's feet, waiting to see what he'd say. "Finally..." he heard Alvin say, and he felt Alvin's hand under his chin, pulling his face up towards Alvin's. Simon looked into Alvin's stunning brown eyes and heard the words he never thought he'd hear. "I love you too, Simon." Alvin said quietly. The words were like electricity, and they coursed through Simon's body, making him feel numb all over. Simon grabbed Alvin and hugged him as tight as he could. Alvin giggled a little and let Simon squeeze the life out of him. After a minute, Alvin leaned back and smiled at Simon. "I've been waiting to hear you say that again since the night you kissed me." Alvin said, blushing a little. "I wanted the chance to be able to say it too." he continued. Simon grinned, but then looked down again. "So, about what I said..." he started again but Alvin pulled his face back up and kissed him, cutting his apology off. Simon moaned a little and closed his eyes, loving the feel and taste of Alvin's lips.

Alvin stopped and pushed Simon away. "I'll forgive you, but I have three conditions." he said and Simon nodded. "Ok, number one, you can never say that you're not good enough for me again. You're perfect in every single way, and I'm going to find a way to prove that to you. Deal?" he finished, staring into Simon's bright blue eyes. Simon nodded, hypnotized. Alvin smiled, and continued. "Condition two, for your punishment, you have to spend the rest of the day with me, no matter what I do. Ok?" Simon nodded more eagerly, still hypnotized. "And number three, we have to finish what we started in the shower, when we go to bed, of course." Alvin said, winking. Simon grinned from ear to ear, nodding as hard as he could. "Perfect." Alvin said smiling. "Now, let's go have fun." he laughed, running off towards the stairs. Simon ran to catch up with him, still smiling like he had never smiled before.

For the rest of the day, Simon and Alvin just goofed around, doing whatever it was Alvin wanted to do. They jumped in the pool and swam around, trying to dunk each other. Whenever Simon pushed Alvin under the water, Alvin would get handsy, rubbing Simon's sensitive areas. Simon would squeal and jump away, and Alvin would come up, grinning devilishly. Simon tried it once when he got dunked, but Alvin just stayed where he was, and Simon could feel him start to get hard. He quickly swam to the surface, blushing, looking around to make sure no one saw. Alvin just grinned, and grabbed Simon, pulling him close enough so that Alvin could grind up against him. Simon giggled and swam away, climbing out of the pool. As he got out of the pool, he arched his back in what he hoped was a seductive way, just to tease Alvin. It must have worked, because Alvin's jaw dropped and he just stared as Simon slowly got up and went for his towel. Alvin shook his head slightly and climbed out too, getting his towel and drying off, never taking his eyes off Simon. Simon noticed a twinkle in Alvin's eyes. He smiled and continued drying himself off.

The rest of the day included putt putt, which consisted of Alvin hiding in the unusually deep holes and when someone would hit a ball in, he would pop it out. People would get so frustrated that they'd stuff their hand in the hole to see what the deal was, and Alvin would pop out, scaring the life right out of them. Then he would run off laughing and Simon would run after him, yelling sorry back at the terrified victims. Then they tried bowling, which turned into Alvin running down the lane, surfing and smashing into the pins with his body. The one time Simon tried it, at Alvin's request, was the time security happened to walk by. As he stammered out an apology, Alvin grabbed his hand and pulled him away, laughing hysterically again. Simon yelled out another apology as he was pulled away from the scene of the crime. Although he was slightly embarrassed, he was still enjoying Alvin's good mood. His mischievous side was part of the reason Simon loved him so much.

After they were done goofing around, Simon suggested that they go to the restaurant to have dinner with everyone. Alvin shrugged and shook his head. "How about we get pizza and watch the movie instead?" he asked somewhat nervously, as if he were afraid Simon would say no. Simon just smiled and nodded, and headed to the pizza bar. They got a huge slice of pizza to share and then plopped down in a lounge chair by the pool. The cruise ship had a huge projector above the pool that played movies every night. A man came around and asked people if they wanted a blanket, seeing as it was outside and starting to get a little chilly, especially with the wind. Alvin accepted eagerly and both boys curled up underneath it to watch the movie.

When it started, Simon noticed that it was the same romantic comedy that they played on the plane. He snorted and looked over at Alvin. When Alvin saw what it was, he groaned a little, but didn't make any signs that he wanted to get up. In fact, he cuddled up against Simon and wrapped an arm around him. Simon smiled, feeling completely satisfied, a feeling that he had never truly experienced before.

As the movie went on, Simon realized that for the first time, he could relate to a romantic movie. He used to never get it, the parts about love and broken hearts. But now he felt like he understood what it meant to love someone more than anything else in the world. Alvin must've been feeling the same way, because he looked up into Simon's eyes and kissed the end of his nose. Simon smiled and started to rub Alvin's back, causing Alvin to sigh contentedly. Alvin looked around at the people around them to make sure no one was watching, and then he pulled the blanket over their heads to block them completely from view. He leaned up and started to kiss Simon's neck, causing Simon to moan softly and buck his hips. Alvin kept up his assault until Simon pulled him away. Simon started to repay Alvin by kissing his way up Alvin's neck towards his ear. He gently nibbled on the tip of Alvin's ear, causing him to moan a little too loud, but Simon didn't stop there. He began to lick the inside of his ear, causing Alvin to gasp loudly. Simon jumped back and clamped his hand over Alvin's mouth. He peeked out of the blanket to see if anyone was watching. Nobody seemed to have heard them, so Simon went back under the covers.

Alvin was grinning again and Simon knew why. "Condition three, right?" Simon asked, smiling. Alvin nodded excitedly. "Well, let's go then!" Simon said laughing, pulling down the blankets. Alvin jumped up, the twinkle in his eyes shining brightly, and pulled Simon towards the hallway that led them down to their rooms. They ran the whole way, dodging people and service carts, trying to reach their room as fast as possible. When they got there, Alvin knocked and waited impatiently. He knocked again two seconds later and Dave opened the door. "Boys, where have you be..." Dave started but both Alvin and Simon climbed up his pant legs and shirt to give him a hug. "Sorry, Dave. We lost track of time watching the movie." Simon said. Dave was relieved to see that they were alright and of course he believed anything Simon said. "Ok, well next time let me know where you're going to be." he said, frowning. Alvin and Simon both nodded and ran to their room. "Night Dave!" they said together. "Uh, night boys!" he yelled after them. They got to their room and quietly snuck in, closing the door behind them. Alvin jumped up and locked it, and Simon ran over to see where Theodore was. Of course, he was asleep on the couch, Animal Planet turned way down. "Perfect." Simon said softly, and he turned up the t.v. slightly, hoping it would mask any noises that might occur.

Simon turned around to jump on the bed and Alvin was already there, laying on his side, sweatshirt off on the floor. He smiled at Simon and motioned for him to jump up. Simon smiled back and took off his own sweatshirt throwing it on the floor next to Alvin's and jumping up on the bed. Alvin grabbed Simon's hand and pulled him closer so he could kiss him. Simon pulled back a little and motioned at the sheets. Alvin nodded and pulled them up so they could get under. After they covered themselves, Simon pulled Alvin close and pressed their lips together. Alvin moaned a little and immediately flipped on top of Simon, grinding into him with his hips. Simon gasped a little and slid his hands down Alvin's back, pulling him closer. Simon could feel Alvin start to get hard, and he felt himself getting aroused too. He slid his hand lower, resting them on Alvin's butt and pulling Alvin harder into him, trying to get more and more pleasure for both of them. Alvin moaned a little more and started to move faster, the intense feeling building up between them. Simon began to feel a slight burning sensation in his groin, and Alvin must have too. He just kept moaning as their fully hard cocks rubbed against each other. Suddenly, both boys gasped and moaned at the same time. Simon felt wave after wave of pleasure shoot through his groin and Alvin collapsed on Simon, pumping his hips against Simon in rapid motions.

After about twenty seconds, Alvin rolled off and Simon layer there panting. "What... happened...?" Simon asked, breathlessly. Alvin turned over and looked down at Simon's crotch. He used a finger and wiped up some sort of liquid on Simon's stomach. "I remember... the boys in school... saying that they cum... or something." Alvin said, breathing hard too. Simon didn't understand. "I guess it's what happens when you rub your cock a lot." Alvin clarified. Simon just shrugged and laid back down. Alvin looked at his finger for a moment and then put it in his mouth. "Ewww!" Simon said sitting up. "What are you doing?" he asked, staring at Alvin with wide eyes. "I don't know..." Alvin said shrugging. "But I kinda like it." he said smiling. Now Simon was curious. He used his finger to wipe up a little bit of the liquid on his stomach and put it to his lips. He licked it off his finger, and found it to be a tad bit salty, but with a somewhat sweet taste, and a pleasant aroma. "Yeah, it's not bad." Simon said smiling.

Alvin leaned in and kissed Simon on the lips again, pulling Simon on top of him this time. "Whoa, again?" Simon asked, surprised. He could see Alvin getting hard again, and he actually felt himself start to get hard again too. Alvin nodded and pulled Simon down so that they could grind again. Simon had a different idea though. "Let me try something." he said, kissing Alvin on the lips and starting to trail kisses down his body. Simon was smart, so he started to put some things together. If it felt good to rub their cocks together, and the outcome was a pleasant tasting liquid, wouldn't it be better to just get it from the source? He trailed his kisses all the way down Alvin's body and started to kiss around his groin. Alvin sensed what was happening, and was completely frozen.

Simon looked up into Alvin's eyes and smiled, before slowly kissing Alvin's hard member. Alvin reacted by slowly breathing in and letting out small sighs of pleasure. Simon trailed his kisses all the way up to the tip before gently pulling the top into his mouth. Alvin gasped and arched his back, shoving his cock a little too far down Simon's throat. Simon sat up and started coughing, while Alvin apologized over and over, blushing a deep maroon this time. Simon just smiled as he coughed, saying "It's ok" between gasps. "I understand if you want to stop." Alvin said, wringing his hands, but Simon just shook his head and pushed Alvin on his back. If there was a way to give Alvin immense pleasure, Simon was going to do it.

He took the tip back in his mouth and Alvin moaned again, but this time he kept himself from bucking into Simon's mouth. Simon felt instinct take over as he started to bob up and down, making sure to not let his teeth scratch Alvin's most sensitive parts. Alvin completely filled up Simon's mouth, so after a minute, Simon took a break, stretching his jaw. Alvin watched the whole time, anxiously waiting for Simon to continue. Simon smiled and went back to work, each time trying to take more and more of Alvin into his mouth. Eventually he got to where Alvin first gagged him, and he managed to keep himself from having to stop. Simon considered that a victory and smiled a little more.

Simon could tell that Alvin was getting close to finishing. His breathing started to get heavier and he started to give small thrusts into Simon's mouth. Simon stopped moving his head and let Alvin thrust in and out of his mouth. Alvin put his hands on the back of Simon's head, pulling Simon down each time, almost gagging him. Simon managed to keep up without needing to stop and Alvin started to moan a little louder. "Simon... Simon..." Alvin said over and over again. Simon felt Alvin start to swell in his mouth as he let out a boyish moan. Simon felt Alvin explode in his mouth a few times, filling his mouth as he tried his best to swallow. After about three full pumps, Alvin stopped thrusting and pulled out of Simon's mouth, letting some dribble down Simon's chin. Alvin smiled embarrassedly. "Sorry about the mess..." he said. Simon just smiled and wiped off his chin. He licked it up and swallowed the rest. "Not bad at all." Simon said, causing Alvin to laugh.

Alvin pulled Simon in for a kiss and they passionately rolled around under the sheets, holding each other close and loving the feel of their bodies touching. Alvin leaned away to look into Simon's eyes. "I love you, Simon." he said softly. Simon felt like he was floating. "I love you too, Alvin." he replied, kissing Alvin's nose. Alvin scrunched up his nose a little and snuggled up close to Simon.

Simon felt Alvin's hand work it's way down to his still hard member. Alvin smiled over at him. "Your turn." he said smiling. Simon laughed and leaned back, waiting for Alvin to trail kisses down his body. But Alvin just smiled and shook his head. "I have a better idea... Let's try something else." he said, his mischievous grin reappearing. Simon gulped. "Uh oh..." he thought.


Alright, first off I'd like to thank everyone for the nicest emails. I really appreciate them! It's nice to know that there are people out there reading my stories! I apologize to everyone that sent me an email while I was out of the country. The one week I decide to leave, and I literally got close to 20 emails. I'm usually very good about responding in a timely manner, but I didn't have Internet access. Once again, I apologize.

Ok, I've been getting suggestions for new stories as well as a few people asking that I start a new Alvin and the Chipmunks story from the very beginning. I really like all of your ideas, and I'm taking them all into consideration. I've decided to do at least one more chapter in this series, and believe me, it's a grand finale like you have never seen. Haha ;)

Once again, I will take any suggestions, feedback, or whatever you guys wanna give me. Thanks again for the compliments, and feel free to talk to me about anything!

Mr. Moose

Next: Chapter 5

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