An Orderly Life


Published on Oct 26, 2019


An Orderly Life

Note for the reader

This story is complete fiction and fantasy. It is not based on any actual people, places or situations. As a fantasy, some societal rules and norms may be bent or ignored. This story contains many behaviors that lack explicit consent that in the real world be tantamount to extortion, blackmail or even slavery or rape, depending on the definition used. This is acceptable in fiction, especially in fantasy, where going beyond the bounds what would otherwise being acceptable is part of the exploration. In fiction, this is safe, healthy, and titillating. The author does NOT believe such things would be acceptable in the real world. In the real world, consent and boundaries are necessary for safe and mutually beneficial interactions. Additionally, some philosophies stated in this story are also highly controversial or just plain prejudiced. These are also literary devices, and should be taken as such. This story is not meant to be a blueprint for how the world should be. This story is meant for entertainment purposes only! There may also be some activities described in this story that are ambiguous (or are actually forbidden) morally and/or legally. If it is against the law where you live to read or possess stories that themselves describe illegal behavior, you should probably not read on. Nothing in this story actually happened, no real people were harmed in the writing of it. Finally, this story touches on and may describe sensitive topics, such as abuse. If reading about such things will cause you distress, you may wish to rethink your decision to read this story. Such elements in this story are necessary for the plot and are not gratuitous, you have been warned!

Chapter 3

The annoying buzz of Daniel 's alarm clock woke him sharply the next morning. He groggily slapped at his alarm hitting the snooze function. He groaned, and rolled back over, only to be woken up again in similar manner 10 minutes later. This time disabling his alarm entirely, he sat up and wiped the sleep crud from his eyes, shaking his head slightly to clear it. The events of the previous evening came back to him in a rush, and he whipped off the covers and inspected his crotch to confirm that he had not simply dreamed, or hallucinated the entire evening.

Sure enough, he saw the metal device encircling his cock and balls, and the metal belt securing it in place. It surprised him that he had grown so used to it in such a short amount of time that he had to actually see it to know it was there. He raised his hands to his face, and could feel the now dried cum had formed a flakey crust on his skin. Daniel stretched his arms and back, and quickly made his way to the bathroom, as pressure in his bladder was, aside from giving him a hard on, urgently alerting him that he had to pee.

After relieving his bladder, Daniel started the shower, and once the water had warmed to a more comfortable temperature, he got in. Daniel plunged his face directly in the stream, and cleaning the evidence of last night 's activities away. He quickly set about washing his hair and body, finding that while he could move the rings around his cock and balls enough to apply and wash away liquid soap, the best he could do with places such as under the metal belt and between his testicles and anus was to attempt to use the handheld showerhead to try and spray water under the device while attempting to push in the skin with his other hand to make a small gap between it and the device. Daniel removed the anal plug, letting it hang from it 's hinge, and carefully washed both his anus and the plug itself. Satisfied he had done the best he could, Daniel turned off the shower, and set about his other morning routines.

After shaving, putting on deodorant and brushing his teeth and hair, Daniel quickly realized he would not be able to get dressed without re-inserting the anal plug. He fetched the small bottle of lube that Lacey had handed him, and liberally applied it to the plug, and gently re-inserted it into his anus until the metal strip it attached to sat flush against his ass. He then proceeded to dress for work, a grey suit and black tie. He admired himself in the mirror, and noticed that it was impossible to tell he was wearing his device beneath his clothes. Which was good, since he could not begin to think of how he would explain it to his workmates and without the key to the lock at the back, he could not take it off. Even with the key he would need help removing it.

Daniel walked out of his apartment and headed to a local cafe he had come to like, A Latte Love. It was a small place, with only seating for barely a dozen patrons. However the coffee was excellent, the pastries fresh, and the barista who worked mornings was pleasant and chatty. When they were not very busy, which at this time of the morning, about 7:15am, they were not, she would come out from behind the counter and sit with him and chat while he had his coffee and breakfast. Daniel walked into A Latte Love and found it empty. He waved at the regular morning barista, Kathy, and walked up to the counter. Kathy was a sophomore in college. She had taken the job at the cafe to earn some spending money while she was earning her mathematics degree. It was one of the other reasons Daniel enjoyed this cafe, Kathy may be chatty, but she was also very intelligent, if a little nerdy. Which meant the conversation was often stimulating and engaging, rather than the mindless prattle you often heard from those in her position.

She had mousy brown hair that hung to her shoulder blades. Her face was pleasant, in a `girl next door ' kind of way. She had an attractive figure, but not like that of a model or athlete, more that of a girl who took care of herself for its own sake. Her voice was high and musical. He had heard her singing along occasionally to the music that played in the cafe, which tended to be love songs or power ballads from the 80s on. She had a wonderful voice, clear as a bell, but she could add nuance to draw out the emotion of the song perfectly. She could have gone professional singing in Daniel 's opinion, and he had told her so. She had denied it with a slight blush, but thanked him all the same.

"The usual Dan?" Kathy asked as he approached the counter, smiling at his entrance. She had been mucking around on her phone before he walked in, obviously bored. "Indeed Kathy" Daniel responded "Will you join me this morning?" "May as well" Kathy replied, "I doubt we are going to get swamped any time soon." Kathy set about preparing Daniel 's most common order, a cappuccino and a croissant. Daniel liked to keep his breakfast light, he did not like feeling sluggish as his body tried to digest a big meal in the morning. Kathy hummed along to the tune, If I could (1988) by 1927 that was playing in the cafe. Daniel grabbed his usual table next to the large plate glass window at the front of the cafe. He liked to watch the pedestrians walking by, and make up stories about their lives based on their attire, walk and his own flights of fancy. It was a great way to pass the time when Kathy was too busy to sit with him.

A Latte Love had a simple warm style, wooden chairs and tables that had trim around the edge with a sequence of red hearts. The walls had wooden placards hung with sentiments like "As the ocean is never full of water, so is the heart never full of love." Intermixed among these placards were letters, drawings and pictures donated by patrons that depicted or told stories about love. Some as simple as a child 's drawing of two stick figures and a large heart and the caption "I luv my mommy", donated by Annabelle, age 6, to a florid letter from a secret admirer donated by a loyal patron in her 60s. There was nothing lewd or tawdry, but everything in the cafe was a celebration of love in all its forms.

It was a matter of minutes before Kathy appeared at his table with two cappuccinos and a croissant on a tray. She set the tray on the table, and sat down at the chair opposite Daniel. Daniel took his cappuccino and immediately took a sip, a smile instantly blossoming on his face. Kathy made a damn good coffee. "So, did you get up to anything interesting over the weekend?" she asked. Daniel nearly choked on his coffee immediately. He could not tell her about what had happened the night before, she would think him a freak and he would become nothing more than a customer, if he was still allowed to patronize the cafe.

"Not really" Daniel replied, once he had recovered from almost swallowing his coffee down his windpipe. "Oh! Sorry! I should have waited until you finished drinking your coffee. Is it OK?" Kathy asked, concerned. Daniel waved away her apology "It 's fine, my own fault, truly and the coffee is perfect, as usual. I don 't know what I 'll do once you get your degree, I will have to fend for myself making my own second-rate coffee." Kathy laughed, "I 'll give you a personal lesson on how to make my cappuccino before I do. I would not want you to have to settle for sub-standard coffee." Daniel smiled at this.

"So, since I lead a boring old man 's life, did you get up to anything this weekend?" Daniel asked. "Well, I went to a concert on Saturday. Incubator. They 're an all girl punk band, and they put on an awesome show." Kathy replied. "I 've never heard of them. New?" Daniel asked. "They 're been around about 2 years, underground small gigs, you know? I only found out about them last month, and I really love their music" Kathy said. Daniel responded "You 'll have to play me some of their stuff some time." Kathy nodded "I will. But anyway, Sunday I spent studying. I was too spent after the concert Saturday. I was gonna go to some interesting party I saw going on down in Willy 's Stand, but I passed out about 9pm. Besides, I have to get up at 4 to open this place on time." Daniel stayed silent. Woodcroft Ln, where the party he was at last night was in William 's Stand. He wondered if she had seem the same flier as he had. Daniel didn 't think he could show his face in A Latte Love again if Kathy had seen him at that party.

Dan had been silent for several minutes, staring at nothing in particular, and occasionally sipping his cappuccino, when Kathy suddenly piped up "Hello? Earth to Dan? What 's up? You were a million miles away." Dan looked again at Kathy, "Oh, sorry. I was lost in thought." "Was it something I said?" Kathy asked. "No, sorry, just thinking about work stuff" Daniel lied. He had been imagining Kathy at the party. He wondered if she would have been welcomed as a potential Sister, or if she would be more like Lacey and himself. The thought of either made Daniel 's penis uncomfortably tight in his pants, and he made sure his crotch was hidden from Kathy by the table between them.

Kathy and Daniel talked of incidental things, her classes and classmates, his frustrations at his job, music, and such for another 20 minutes before the door of the cafe opening signalled another customer coming in. It was an older gentleman, retired. He shuffled towards the counter, despite nobody being there. Kathy sighed, "Well, duty calls I suppose. It 's been great talking with you. See you tomorrow?" she asked. "Certainly" Daniel replied, "and it 's been a pleasure." After Kathy got up and returned behind the counter, Daniel quickly finished the remains of his coffee and croissant.

He pulled out $20 from his wallet, far more than the cost of his breakfast, but he figured Kathy deserved the tip for sitting with him and keeping him company this morning. He got up and, with a last wave to Kathy, who waved back, he left the cafe. It was now a little before 8am, and Daniel headed towards the nearby metro station to catch his train in to work. It took him about 20 minutes by train, and a further 5 minute walk to get to his office, having him walk into his office at about 8:30am.

Daniel 's office was a 12 story steel and glass building. Not dissimilar to most of the other buildings in the inner city where he worked. He worked for the law firm of Slatherby & Goldstein, which occupied the entire 8th floor. They were a reasonably successful law firm specializing in family & civil law. They had 14 attorneys in all, of which Daniel was one. Each attorney had their own paralegal, there were two receptionists at the front desk and the two founding partners each had a personal assistant. Depending on the time of year, there were also often two or three interns in the office.

Daniel greeted the receptionists, Pamela and Clark as he walked in. They asked him if he had a good weekend, he said he had and continued to his office. He turned on his computer, and after it had booted up, checked his calendar for the day. His morning was fairly busy, with back to back clients until 2pm, meaning he was in for a late lunch, but he had time in the afternoon. He was going to need it, as one of the partners had asked him to talk about a case he had worked on that had been reported on in a local law journal with the rest of the company at the weekly company-wide meeting on Wednesday, and he had not yet prepared anything.

It was only minutes later when receiption called him to inform him that his first client had arrived. It was a man who wanted to divorce his wife. Daniel had set aside half an hour for this appointment. Daniel got up from his desk and walked back to the reception area, and escorted the gentleman to his office. Thus began a hectic morning of client after client. Daniel managed to, between clients, check his emails. Most of them he skimmed briefly, and then flagged to read properly later, when he could properly bill the time to the correct client. It was around noon, Daniel checked for new emails and saw one that instantly stopped him cold. It had the subject A few odds and ends, from Alvin Overton. Daniel only knew one Alvin, and he met him last night. The receptionist called him to tell him that his next client had arrived. Daniel thanked her, but waited another full minute, staring at the email without opening it, before going to meet his client. He was glad he had a habit of taking notes instinctively, as he could not remember a thing she had said once she exited his office 45 minutes later.

By the time 2:15pm rolled around, his last appointment running long, Daniel was starving. He was tempted to open Alvin 's email immediately, however he wanted uninterrupted time when he did so, and lunch time gave him that. Daniel made his way to a deli that was two blocks from his office. He had found this place, Harry 's Deli about a week after his company had moved to their current offices. The quality of the food was excellent, the prices were not exorbitant and the staff were friendly. He joined the queue to order, being late for lunch there was only one or two people in front of him. From about 11:30am through 1:30pm the line practically was out the door, and you could wait 20 minutes just to get to place your order. On those days, Daniel usually just phoned in his order. He didn 't get his food much faster, but he could stay in the office and be productive until his food was ready rather than wait in a line staring at the person in front 's back. When he got to the front of the line, Jim, a shorter man with black hair and Italian ancestry was there to take his order.

"Hey! Dano! What 'll it be today?" Jim greeted him happily. Daniel was a regular here, he knew all the staff, and the staff appreciated their regular customers. Even when Daniel had accidentally left his wallet in his office once, they had told him to just pay tomorrow rather than force him to run back to his office and retrieve it. "Hey Jim" Daniel said, "Why not surprise me! Last time you did that I loved every bite, and I would never have thought to order it." Jim laughed "You got it. One Jim special coming up." he called. Jim went off to make the sandwich personally, letting Jesse take over the counter for the next customer. Daniel watched Jim expertly slice a bread roll baked fresh that morning, and start loading it up with several different meats, roasted tomatoes, lettuce, cheese, some kind of bell peppers, jalapenos, olives, and top it off with some kind of vinegar-based dressing. He sliced it in half and met Daniel at the cash register.

"Here you go Dano, made with the official Jimmy seal of approval. You don 't love that I 'll eat my own sock!" Jimmy exclaimed. Daniel chuckled "One day, I 'll hold you to that. But I 've yet to not love anything you 've made for me. How much?" "It 'll be 9 bucks" Jim replied. That was another reason Daniel liked Harry 's. Harry had travelled abroad extensively before opening the deli. He noticed that many other countries included tax in their prices, and it saved a lot of time fumbling for change, or trying to calculate how much you were actually going to pay. So when he opened his deli, all his prices were tax inclusive. He also decided to round his prices to the nearest quarter, rather than setting prices like $8.99. It was a great hit with his customers, including Daniel. Daniel handed over a 10, and waved off Jim trying to give him his change. It wasn 't much of a tip, but Jim appreciated it all the same. "See you tomorrow Jim!" Daniel said, as he exited the deli. He walked back to his office, grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge in the kitchen, and took it to his office to eat, closing his door which indicated he did not wish to have walk-ins.

Daniel unwrapped his sandwich and took a bite. Jim had done it again, the sandwich was perfect. He unlocked his computer, and immediately opened Alvin 's email.

From: Alvin Overton

To: Daniel Carter

Subject: A few odds and ends


It was a great pleasure meeting you last night. The Order has reviewed your

paperwork you filled in, and performed our standard background check and found

everything in order. So I can now officially welcome you to the Order. As you

know you will, for now, be admitted as a mentee with your sponsor being Sister

Siobhan. You may only progress to becoming a full member when she has

determined you have achieved the required skills and knowledge for full


All members (mentee or full) must complete an annual physical examination.

Even if you have your own doctor, you will be required to take a physical with

a doctor in the Order. To this end, you are required to contact the office of

Dr. Sarah Goodard. Her office has been told to expect your call and has been

sent a copy of your intake paperwork. You will also be tested quarterly,

either by Dr. Goodard or your own physician for STDs. This is standard

protocol in the order.

Additionally, you must visit the order 's equipment manufacturer, Mr. Sanjay

Kalwani. He runs the tailor shop Sharp Cuts at 437 37th Street. Make sure to

call ahead, as he will need at least 15 minutes to measure you completely. If

Sister Siobhan wishes any equipment made for you, Mr. Kalwani will custom

create it to your measurements. As misfitting equipment can be unnecessarily

painful or cause abrasions or chafing, it is essential your measurements are,

and remain up to date.

We have taken the liberty of acquiring a gym membership in your name at the

Hard Line Gym in Shankstown. While this is a regular gym, the owners and staff

are either members of the Order or friendly towards it. Sister Siobhan has

organized for Lindsay Yellen to be your personal trainer. Sister Siobhan has

directed your follow her instructions as if they came from the sister herself.

Lindsay is to mold you into the shape the sister desires. You should contact

Ms. Yellen at the gym to organize your schedule with her. She will be in

direct contact with Sister Siobhan as to what is required.

Sister Siobhan is a stickler for cleanliness. Inside and out. As such, you

will, from this day onwards, be taking daily enemas. Sister Siobhan has

ordered same-day delivery of an enema kit to your home. The instructions

should be fairly easy to follow. As you have not been in the habit of internal

cleaning before, you will use this kit tonight, and then again tomorrow morning

(and every morning after that). This will not be the only change in your

hygiene routine, however I believe Sister Siobhan will explain more herself at

a later date.

Sister Siobhan has also decreed that you are forbidden to masturbate or in any

way attempt to achieve orgasm by your own means (including asking another

person to help you). If you cannot be trusted in this regard, she will have a

second device fitted to you that will make it impossible for you to even

achieve an erection, let alone an orgasm. I advise you do as you are ordered,

she will know if you do not.

Finally, Sister Siobhan has requested that you send a text message to 555

746-2426 acknowledging you have read this email as soon as you have done so.

You should also setup your phone to allow that number to ring audibly at any

time, day or night. She expects that you will pick up when she calls or

respond promptly to her texts or there will be consequences.

Dr. Goodard, Mr. Kalwani and Ms. Yellen will contact the Sister Siobhan

directly to report that you have contacted them and arranged the necessary

appointments. They will also contact her directly with the results of your

appointments with them. Sister Siobhan has assured me that if she has not

heard by noon tomorrow that you have made appointments, and by the end of the

week that you have kept them, she will see you punished for your lack of drive.

Once again, I would like to extend my warmest welcome to the order. If I know

Sister Siobhan 's style of mentorship, I will see you frequently, and I hope we

will be able to become fast friends. Please do not hesitate to contact me if

you have questions, but as I said last night, I advise you to complete your

assigned tasks as expeditiously as possible.

Yours faithfully,


Daniel read through Alvin 's email three times to ensure he had not misread it. He had not yet taken more than a single bite of his sandwich, the email had captivated his attention thoroughly. How was he going to get time during the day to visit a doctor and a tailor? He didn 't mind going to the gym daily, but he had no illusions that Lindsay would go easy on him. But enemas? Not allowed to jerk off? What was that all about? It seemed Sister Siobhan considered that, since she had sponsored him into the order, his body was now hers to control. Daniel had to privately admit, given that she had attached and locked remote controlled hardware to him, it probably was.

Well, at least Alvin sounded sincere. Daniel really did like that man. A stickler for protocol, but once that was done, he seemed like someone Daniel would not mind hanging out with socially. He might even be able to convince him to take that stick out of his ass. Daniel did a mental double take, remembering the device he was wearing, and considered that, like him, it 's entirely possible that Alvin DID have a stick up his ass. Daniel chuckled at this.

Daniel picked up his phone and sent a text to Sister Siobhan 's phone number. Within 2 minutes, he had gotten a response.

Daniel: I received Alvin 's email, sister.

SS: You will follow it to the letter, and be prompt.

Daniel continued to eat his lunch, while looking up the phone numbers for Dr. Sarah Goodard, Sharp Cuts and Hard Line Gym. The doctor and tailor were both reasonably local, he guessed that they had been selected for the convenience to Daniel 's work. It was nice to know that, whatever other control the Order might exert over his life, they were considerate of his own convenience. The gym was only one metro station away from his home. It was in the opposite direction of his work from home, but still, it would not impact his daily schedule too much to go there daily. Daniel began by calling Dr. Goodard 's office. When he gave his name, he was immediately told to hold and the doctor would be with him as soon as she was available.

It was approximately five minutes before he heard a mature, stern voice on the phone, "Daniel Carter?" it asked. "Yes, you are Dr. Goodard I assume?" Daniel asked back. "I am. You are to come to me for a through physical. I understand Sister Siobhan is eager for this to happen as soon as possible. You will need at least 4 hours for this. Can you come tomorrow?" Dr. Goodard asked. "Tomorrow? So soon? Uhh ... let me check." Daniel quickly opened up his calendar for the next day. It was not as heavy as today 's had been, only 3 clients, but they were spaced out differently throughout the day. Two of them in the afternoon, one in the morning. His morning appointment though, was a client he knew did not work. He figured he would be able to reschedule it. "I, uhh, can come tomorrow morning I guess" Daniel said at last. "Good. I will see you at my office at 8am. Do not be late." Immediately the phone went dead, without even a salutation.

Daniel was surprised at the abrupt ending of the Doctor 's call, but immediately sent an email to his morning client for the next day, telling her that an unavoidable emergency cropped up, and rescheduling her for the afternoon. Daniel called Sharp Cuts next. Mr. Kalwani himself answered the phone, and upon identifying himself they quickly got down to the business of organizing a time for Daniel to stop by and be measured. This would happen tonight, at 5:30pm. Finally, Daniel called the Hard Line Gym. Lindsay Yellen was busy with another client when he called, but he left his phone number for her to call him back. In the meantime Daniel finished his lunch and began to work on the presentation he would be giving on Wednesday in front of the rest of the company. It was just before 3:30pm when Lindsay returned his call. "Mr. Carter?" she asked. "Daniel, please" he replied.

"Okay Daniel. Sister Siobhan has told me exactly what kind of training she wants me to work with you on. However she has also given me a wide amount of latitude in how I carry out your training. She has also left the decision of how long and how often you trained up to me. Do you exercise much currently?" Lindsay asked. "Not really, aside from my daily walk to and from the metro for work" Daniel replied. "Hrmpf" Lindsay grunted, "that hardly counts. I doubt you are working up a sweat on your commute. But as you are not used to working your body, we will have to start at a lower level than I 'd like, and it will take longer to get you into the shape Sister Siobhan desires. As such, you will have a session with me each day for 45 minutes, starting tomorrow. 6:30am." Daniel groaned.

He already had enough trouble getting up at 6:30am now, but he would have to get up even earlier to make it to the gym ontime, he did not think that Lindsay would take kindly to him being late. "I, uhh, have a doctor 's appointment tomorrow morning. For a full physical. I am not sure I should wear myself out before that." Daniel said. "You are seeing Dr. Goodard, yes?" she asked, to which Daniel replied affirmatively. "Good. She is a very capable physician. But you are correct, she will want to put you through your paces herself tomorrow. You will instead be at the gym on Wednesday, be ready to work hard at 6:30am." Lindsay said firmly. "Okay" Daniel said. "Goodbye Daniel" Lindsay said. Daniel also said goodbye and hung up.

After the phone call, Daniel returned to working on his presentation. It was about an hour later his phone buzzed with a text message.

SS: I have heard that you have made all three appointments you were

requested to make. I am pleased.

Daniel remembered that Alvin 's email had mentioned that Dr. Goodard, Mr. Kalwani and Ms. Yellen would report back to Sister Siobhan after he had made his appointments. He was glad he had not delayed in making them, he figured it was better to gain some brownie points with Sister Siobhan while he could, and remain on her good side than vex her. The last hour of his work day, Daniel met with his paralegal, Stephanie, to go over the work he had asked her to do today, and any new information she had about his cases. As it was a busy day today, this took up more time than usual and it was around 5:15pm when Daniel finally left the office. It only took him about 10 minutes to get to Sharp Cuts, and he walked in about 5 minutes before his appointment.

As daniel had expected, the store had many displays of fashionable clothing. Primarily for women, though several different styles were on display for men, from formal business attire to the kind of casual wear one might wear to a country club. Along an entire wall were samples of different fabrics in different colours, patterns and materials. Beneath these samples were drawers with buttons, buckles and other accessories that could be used either functionally or to accent any item that was made. There was a small counter near the back of the store, behind which was a door leading to a back area. There were several changing rooms and an area used for measuring and adjusting fit that could be curtained off opposite the sample wall. The store was small, but well ordered.

Daniel supposed that, since this was a place where custom clothing was made, it didn 't need to be that large. However, Daniel could also tell that any garment made here would be very expensive. But he guessed you would expect that if you were getting one-of-a-kind garments made. Less than a minute after entering the store, which had been empty of anyone, a man came through the door behind the counter. Daniel guessed that the door had some kind of sensor on it that would notify those in the back that it had been opened.

"May I help you?" the man asked. "Uh, yes. I am looking for Mr. Kalwani. We have an appointment, I am Daniel Carter" Daniel said. "Ah, yes, Mr. Carter. I am Sanjay Kalwani. Please follow me." Sanjay Kalwani was a man of indian descent. He was slightly shorter than Daniel and had black hair cut short and a mustache. He wore a well tailored suit, black with grey pinstripes. Daniel guessed he had made it himself. Sanjay walked past Daniel and locked the front door of the shop and flipped the "Open" sign to "Closed", then turned and walked past Daniel again to the door behind the counter. He simply opened the door and walked through, expecting Daniel to follow him. Which he did.

The back room to which Daniel was led was a similar size to the store front. However it was full of the machines of the trade. Several sewing machines, presses and other such devices used for constructing clothing were arrayed around the room. Additionally several clothing forms for male, female and childrens ' bodies were around the room. They were very high tech, and he could see they were also highly adjustable, such that he could have them take on any measurements he desired while crafting a new garment. Daniel was amazed at the technology involved, he had always thought clothing manufacture one of those trades that had not changed in millenia, but this was state of the art!

Sanjay did not stop in the back room though but instead went to a door on the right side of the room, beside which was a large freight elevator. "I actually own the entire building, the shop is only a small part of it" he said in explanation. "I live on the top floor. The basement is a large store room where I store much of my fabric and other materials for making clothes. We, however will be going upstairs, which is where I make and store the equipment for the Order. It will be easier to measure you there, however I can not get to the front door in time if someone comes into the store, which is why I locked the door."

Daniel was surprised at how expansive Sharp Cuts actually was! Mr. Kalwani must be quite wealthy to own the entire building, it was 4 floors (without the basement), in the heart of the city! As Sanjay disappeared through the door on the right of the room, Daniel could see there was some stairs there, he followed Sanjay up the stairs. The top of the stairs opened up into a wide open space. Daniel could tell this was another show room, of sorts. However instead of clothing, the entire floor was filled with all manner of bondage equipment.

From tables and racks, to cages, to several styles of frames and stocks complete with built in restraints. Many other devices such as handcuffs, chains, suits of vinyl, leather, latex and even metal, flails, spreader bars and more were on display in another part of the floor. Across the large room were various kinds of technological devices, from automatic fucking machines to shock collars and electric probes, even one of the devices Daniel was currently wearing. It seemed that Mr. Kalwani didn 't just create custom clothing, but also custom BSDM gear of all kinds. Daniel 's mouth gaped at the variety of equipment on display in the room, some of which he could even begin to fathom their purpose. Sanjay chuckled at Daniel 's expression and tugged at his arm to keep him moving.

They went up another flight of stairs, the floor above the BDSM showroom was another work room. This was, evidently, where Sanjay created the equipment below. The room was divided into stations. There were areas for working wood, metal, leather and electronics. Much of the large room was filled with half completed projects, obviously custom orders that he was in the process of fulfilling. The forms in this room were just as advanced as the ground floor, but were anatomically correct. Another area had been set aside for fitting, however this one contained no privacy curtains and was significantly larger, presumably as this was where the new equipment he created was tested. This area had a metal frame near the back of the area, complete with built in restraints, that looked like it could be adjusted to position the occupant in any position that was desired and hold them there securely. Sanjay led him to this area, and turned to face him. "Please, strip" he commanded.

Daniel had expected this based on what Alvin had said to him after his audition. However, expecting something and it finally happening are two different things entirely. Daniel balked visibly. Sanjay noticed this, but said nothing, merely waited. Daniel knew there was no avoiding this, so he sighed and began to disrobe. In almost no time at all, Daniel was standing naked in the fitting area, with Sanjay looking him over with a critical eye. "You 're not quite the body type I was expecting, knowing Sister Siobhan. She often likes her playthings to be toned and muscle-bound." Sanjay said. "She is sending me to the gym, with a personal trainer" Daniel responded. "Ah, I see. You will have to come back to me to get re-measured as your body changes then. Accurate measurements are essential. But I imagine, knowing Sister Siobhan, she will see you fit and toned in short order" Sanjay said. "Now, please stand with your feet slightly wider than your shoulders apart" he continued. Daniel adjusted his position as Sanjay requested, and Sanjay pulled a tape measure with a digital readout from his coat pocket, and began to take Daniel 's measurements.

At first, these measurements were the kind of things Daniel would expect to be measured when getting custom-fit clothing. Inner thigh length, hip to ankle length, torso length, arm length, neck, arm and leg circumferences, etc. Sanjay had Daniel move and adjust his position as necessary to take these measurements, and Daniel began to get bored. After taking what Daniel considered typical measurements, Sanjay began to take more exotic measurements. He began to measure the exact dimensions of and distances between Daniel 's facial features. He measured the length of his hands and fingers individually, the length of each toe and size of his foot. Sanjay had Daniel stand with his hands on the back of his head, and told him to stay there, and continued by measuring the distance between his nipples. the size of his nipples and areolas. He measured the circumference and length of Daniel 's flaccid penis. He tugged on Daniel 's scrotum and measured how far it could be pulled before Daniel showed discomfort, and the size of the testicles within.

Sanjay pulled the anal plug from Daniel 's ass, retrieved a device from along the wall at the back of the fitting area, lubricated it and inserted it into his anus. Daniel felt the device expand until it was slightly painful, and stop, then begin to extend until he felt it pushing against something solid within him, and stop again. The device immediately contracted in both directions and Sanjay pulled it out, inspected it, and wrote yet more numbers down before re-inserting the anal plug on Daniel 's device. Finally, Sanjay stood directly in front of Daniel, dropped to his knees and without any ceremony took Daniel 's penis into his mouth. Daniel was shocked at both the abruptness and the nonchalance of the action. But this was business as usual for Sanjay it seemed, as in no time Daniel 's penis was no longer flaccid. When Sanjay determined it had reached it 's full size, he stopped his impromptu blowjob and took another set of measurements for length and girth (both of the shaft and the head) of Daniel 's penis.

Sanjay stood up without ceremony and said "You may relax now, I am done." Daniel let his hands drop from his head, but he still had an erection from the brief blowjob he had received. Daniel went to reach for his cock to relieve himself when Alvin 's email rang out in his head, and his hand froze and then dropped to his side, leaving his erection unsatisfied. Sanjay had watched this unfold, and said to Daniel "Good, well done. I am aware of the restrictions Sister Siobhan has placed on you, and had you attempted to relieve yourself, I would have had to report to the sister that you had disobeyed her. You show remarkable restraint for one so new." Daniel nodded in frustration, but said nothing. "You may get dressed again" Sanjay instructed. Daniel retrieved his clothing and re-dressed himself. It was hard getting his pants buttoned and zipped with his erection still pressing from his body, but he managed, and within a few minutes the tenting in his pants subsided.

Sanjay escorted him back downstairs and bade him farewell as Daniel exited the store. Sanjay locked the door again behind Daniel 's exit, and disappeared once more into the back room. It was now about 6:30pm and Daniel, lacking anything better to do, caught the train home. On the way home Daniel stopped at the local grocery store and picked up what he would need for tonight 's dinner. As he arrived home Daniel noticed a package sitting on his doorstep. Alvin had told him to expect a delivery in his email. Daniel collected it and walked inside. Setting the package on the dining room table, Daniel went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. Daniel was not a fantastic cook, but he could follow a recipe. For tonight he made a Chicken Cacciatore, with only chicken breast rather than from a whole chicken as the recipe called for. Daniel hated having to pick out bones, shells or scales out of his food once it was cooked. After cleaning up from cooking, Daniel sat alone at the dining table eating his dinner and and sifted through his mail. There was not much of interest.

After Daniel had eaten and washed his plate, Daniel returned to the dining table, scissors in hand and opened the package Sister Siobhan had sent to him. Sure enough, inside was an enema kit. It resembled a large hot water bottle, but with one end open. It had a hook with which to hand it, and 6 feet of tubing coming from the other end. The opposite end of the tube had an elongated nozzle with a hole in the end. A clamp was attached to the tube just above the nozzle. The instructions were simple.

Fill the bladder with warm water (not too hot), tightly closing the clamp on

the tubing once water is flowing past it.

Hang the full bladder from a height more than 3 feet off the ground. A shower

curtain rod is ideal.

Lie on the ground either on your back with your knees raised above you, or on

your side.

Lubricate and insert the nozzle at the end of the tube 3 inches inside your


Release the clamp on the tube and allow the warm water to drain.

Once the water has stopped flowing, re-clamp the tube.

Let the water rest inside your rectum for at least five minutes before

expelling it over a toilet.


Ensure you thoroughly clean your enema apartis after each use, the nozzle

should be cleaned with a dilute solution of hydrogen peroxide and then rinsed

with clean water to avoid bacterial growth.

Daniel picked up the box containing the enema kit and brought it to the bathroom attached to his bedroom. Daniel followed the directions, and soon had the full enema bladder hanging from his shower curtain rod. He proceeded to disrobe, hanging up his suit for tomorrow. He carefully once again removed the anal plug from his anus and lay down on the bath mat on his back, as the bathroom floor tiles were uncomfortable and cold to lie on. He pulled back his legs and continued following the directions for the enema, lubricating and inserting the nozzle and releasing the clamp. Immediately Daniel felt the water from the enema bag flowing into him. It was not an unpleasant sensation, but one he had never before experienced. He watched bemused as the water level inside the bladder lowered steadily and felt his bowels expand. It was only a matter of about a minute before the bladder was empty, and the water in the tube stopped flowing. Daniel clamped the tube and removed the nozzle from his anus and relaxed on his back. He could feel his lower intestines roiling as the water inside him settled.

About three minutes later, the first cramp began. It was minor, and passed quickly, so Daniel just closed his eyes and let it pass. After a full five minutes, another cramp, more painful this time hit. Daniel winced at this, and once it passed, he quickly positioned himself on the toilet and relaxed his anal sphincter. Water and waste rushed out of him immediately, but not all at once. Daniel remained seated for at least 5 minutes until he was sure that the urge to rush back to the toilet was not suddenly going to seize him again. After thoroughly wiping himself, he washed off his anal plug, which had gotten slightly splattered by the evacuation of his bowels and re-lubricated and re-inserted his anal plug. He had gotten so used to the plug 's presence in the past 24 hours that he almost felt empty now if it was not inserted. Daniel then cleaned his enema equipment as recommended and stored it in a drawer in his bathroom vanity. While he was here, he decided to take care of his other end-of-day grooming tasks and then headed back to his bedroom. Daniel considered watching some TV before bed, but it had been a long and exhausting day, so instead he merely turned off the lights and collapsed into his bed. He was asleep in under 15 minutes.

Next: Chapter 4

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