Another Nick and Noah

By Iain Robertson

Published on Sep 17, 2007


Copyright for this story belongs to and remains with the author. I don't have any major objection to my work being re-distributed, but ASK FIRST!!!

This is a gay adult story with the consequent language and images. If homosexuality and/or sexually explicit themes offend you then do not continue. If these are illegal in your area, then you have my sympathy, but you proceed at your own risk.

This is a work of fiction, and as such the characters are not bound by the usual dictates of modern society. Unsafe sexual practices can be undertaken with impunity only in the world of fantasy. In reality, it is your obligation and your right to play safely, sanely and healthily.

I hope you enjoy my work, and if you have any comments, or ideas that may inspire new work, please feel free to contact me ^Ö all emails will be answered to the best of my ability.

Another Nick and Noah

Chapter 5

When Nick, Noah, David and Joe finally said their goodbyes to Peter and Bob late on Sunday morning, they journeyed back to Wes' house slowly and quietly. Each of them was exhausted, but exhausted in a content, sated haze of spent passion and warm memories of their marathon session which had lasted some 36 hours, including time out for sleeping and recovery.

"Now that was a serious party!" Joe declared as they motored along the freeway.

"Oh, yeah," the others readily agreed.

Nick observed, almost to himself, "Pity we have to get back to reality!"

But they could not avoid it. At one point on Saturday, they had telephoned Patrick to let him know they were staying in the city with some friends, and to reassure themselves that he and Frank were okay. The two younger men had sounded quite at ease over the phone, so the six lusty leathermen had enthusiastically continued their raunchy games during the afternoon and through the night. Now it was Sunday afternoon, and they needed to get some rest in readiness for Tuesday's funeral.

When they arrived at the house, they found Patrick and Frank sitting by the pool, drinks in hand. Surprisingly, the two younger men seemed relaxed and unconcerned.

"How are you feeling, Patrick?" asked David.

"I'm okay," he replied. "Frank and I `tied one on' Friday night, and then we went out to see a friend last night and I'm feeling much better now."

"Good to hear," Nick declared. Noah was a little perplexed by just how calm both Frank and Patrick were, but said nothing. It was Joe who took the lead from there, suggesting they all have a swim, before ordering in some take-away food since the housekeeper was at her son's home again for the evening.

The six men spent a relaxed, if quiet, few hours around the house before retiring to their respective rooms for a well-earned night of slumber.

The next morning, the three couples breakfasted together in easy silence. Ahead of them stretched a long day with little to do, except wait for tomorrow's funeral.

"Do you two have any plans for the day?" Noah asked Frank and Patrick, concerned that they needed some distraction.

"No," Patrick responded non-committaly.

"I think we might head into the City," Frank offered. "No real reason, but a trip into town, check up on my place, could do us good. At least it will help pass the time."

"Sounds like a good idea," David nodded. "Nick, Noah, if you don't have any special preferences, then I'd like to go and see Phillip, Wes' ex, let him know what is happening."

Patrick gasped quickly at the name. "Why, Dave? Why do you need to see him?" he asked quickly.

David looked at the other with surprise. "They were lovers for many years. I think Phillip has a right to know. He will probably want to come to the funeral. Is that a problem?"

Patrick appeared agitated, looking from David to Frank and back. It was Frank who eased the situation.

"No, no, David, it's not a problem," he said reassuringly. "Patrick, Dave is right. Don't worry about it. I'm sure Phillip would want to know. It's not like he is going to say anything that will upset your uncle now, is it?" The whole time that he spoke, his eyes were fixed firmly on Patrick's face, and he held both of Patrick's hands in his own. Noah wondered at the intensity of the reactions from both, musing that the break-up between Wes and Phillip must have been more fiery than he had believed.

"Umm, okay, I ... guess," Patrick acknowledged, staring at his partner. He still seemed unsure, but accepted Frank's promise that all would be well.

"Okay then," David announced. "We'll head down to see him this morning. He still lives at the same place in Portsea, doesn't he?"

"Er, I think so," Patrick answered, almost nervously. Once again, Frank took his lover by the hand, assuring him everything would be okay.

As Nick, Noah, Joe and David made their goodbyes and bundled into David's rented car, Patrick hurried back into the house, closely trailed by Frank.

"I didn't realise that the break up between Wes and Phillip was so bad," Noah opined. "It certainly must have been nasty for Patrick to get so upset at the thought of you visiting."

David nodded. "I know it was pretty harsh at the time. Although I have to admit I didn't think Patrick would have been so involved, or have taken such an interest in it. I never did get much detail from Wes, other than that it was he who called an end to the relationship, and that Phillip had been really upset, and had wanted to continue, or to get back together for a long time afterwards."

It wasn't a long trip around the Bay from Wes' home to where Phillip lived. As he pulled up outside a pleasant looking home near the water's edge, David turned to his companions.

"Guys, it might be best if I go in and see him alone, at least to begin with. He will probably be upset enough at the news, without having to deal with three complete strangers. Is that okay?"

"Of course!" said Nick. The others nodded.

"We'll go for a walk along the beach, give you some time," suggested Noah.

David smiled. "Thanks. I'll call your mobile when I'm done," he said as he made his way toward the door and Nick, Noah and Joe ambled away in the opposite direction.

If David had been expecting shock, or even surprise, from Phillip at finding him at the door, he was disappointed. His knock was answered almost immediately, and as the door swung open, Phillip looked at him almost expectantly.

"Hello, David. I thought you might be in town," he said calmly.

"So you know then, about Wes, I mean," David responded.

Phillip nodded. "You know how efficient the grapevine is around here," he muttered. "Will you come in?"

David followed him into the living room, taking a seat. "I'm sorry you had to hear it from a stranger then," he commiserated. "I know you two weren't exactly speaking lately, but you didn't deserve that."

The other man permitted himself a wry smile before he spoke again. "I don't think I deserved a lot of what I've had from Wes in the last six months! He threw me out without a second thought, wouldn't even listen to what I had to say. He wouldn't take my calls, wouldn't let me try to explain. He just didn't want to know me, and after all the years I had given him ^Ö the guy was a real bastard!"

David squirmed uncomfortably. "Phillip, I don't know much about what happened ..." he began, but Phillip cut him short.

"Of course not! No need to tell you anything," he said sarcastically. "Wes was in the right. He was the innocent angel, and I was the devil incarnate. That's how he saw it, and how he would have told it to all his friends. He cut me out of his life like some cancer and never looked back, the prick!" Phillip hissed bitterly.

"Hey," David tried to sooth the situation. "I'm not judging you ^Ö or him. I just felt you should know that the funeral is tomorrow. I thought you might want to come?"

"No! I'm not going to give the arsehole that satisfaction!" Wes' ex-lover spat vehemently. "He wanted me gone, and now he's dead. Maybe he got what was coming to him, and I'm not going to go along and pretend all is forgiven at this late stage!"

David was truly shocked by the strength of Phillip's rage. He started to sputter an apology, but was cut off again. "David, I think you'd better go. I don't want to be reminded of him any more than I have to," Phillip stated emphatically.

Stunned and speechless, David stood quickly, and left without another word. Outside the house, he telephoned Joe to tell him he was done here, and looked back at Phillip's home, still incredulous at the hatred he had seen.

When the others returned to the car, David relayed all that had been said. "I had no idea it was so bad," he said softly. "I still don't know what happened, but whatever it was, Phillip really seems to hate Wes."

"That could explain Patrick's reaction," Joe mused.

"Maybe ..." David nodded.

Noah looked troubled. "It also means Phillip had a motive for killing Wes," he said, almost reluctantly.

"Shit, yes," Nick burst out. "Do you think he might have done it, David?"

"Up until a few minutes ago, I would have sworn no," David answered. "But I've never seen anyone quite as bitter as Phillip is. I just don't know ^Ö it would be so out of character from the Phillip I used to know."

"Well, at least we won't be seeing him at the funeral, so that's one less worry for Patrick I guess," Joe commented as the four of them got into the car for the trip back to Wes' home.

When they got back to the house, Mrs Fitzgibbon was in a frenzy. She had been through the entire place like a cyclone, cleaning and polishing, determined to have the building spotless for the guests who would come back after the funeral tomorrow. Patrick and Frank were not yet back from Melbourne, so the four friends decided to make themselves scarce, lest they be swept away by the fury of the housekeepers' broom.

Without really knowing where they were headed, Noah led the others out of the front of the house and along the driveway toward the gate. His only thought was to kill some time, possibly by taking a walk around the neighbourhood, but as they neared the entrance to the property, they were confronted by a largish man walking towards them with a determined look on his face. There was no vehicle to be seen anywhere nearby, and Noah wondered at where he had come from.

Seeing the four friends, the man stopped suddenly, looking a little confused. "Who are you?" he demanded.

"Who are you?" Nick shot back, "And what are you doing here?"

The other man eyed them all with a mixture of apprehension and suspicion. "Petersen is my name. I live next door." He waved his arm to the right, indicating the adjoining property. "I want to talk to Arrows-Smith's nephew, young Patrick."

Noah recalled Patrick's comments about the neighbour, and his outburst with Wes some time ago about purchasing part of the property. He looked the man over carefully now.

"Patrick isn't home at the moment," David said calmly. "I'll tell him you called around if you like."

"I assume he's the executor?" Petersen asked. "I know Arrows-Smith didn't have any other family. No doubt someone like him would have left everything to the same kind of person!"

All four of the friends bristled at this. The man's meaning was clear, and obviously homophobic. Nick stepped toward him, but Noah held out his arm.

"What business is it of yours who Mr Arrows-Smith's executor may be?" he asked coldly.

"I have a proposition for him," came the reply. "The old guy was a fool, refused to see what he was sitting on. I, err, we ^Ö have a great chance here. Between his place and mine, there is enough land to sub-divide into more than 20 separate lots. Each of those can be sold off for a huge price, making easy profits for almost no outlay. I tried to talk to him about it over and over but he just wouldn't even consider it. Arrows-Smith couldn't see true progress when it was barking at his own gate, the damned idiot. Surely the young bloke will have more sense ^Ö after all, I'm sure he will want to move back into the city and get what he can for the place. I'm going to be offering him a lot more than I'll bet he even thought was possible."

"As we said, Patrick isn't here," Joe replied, ignoring the tirade about profits and Wes' refusals.

"I'll come back tomorrow then," suggested Petersen.

Nick almost exploded. "No you won't!"

"Tomorrow would not be convenient," Noah explained evenly. "Mr Arrows-Smith's funeral is tomorrow, and after that there will be guests here. I suggest you leave it for several weeks. We'll let Patrick know you called, but I think it would be wise for you to allow him time to grieve his uncle's death for a respectable time before you start making any suggestions to him."

With that, Noah turned and headed back to the house. The others followed him, leaving Petersen to sputter in their wake. No matter how agitated Mrs Fitzgibbon may be, she was far less disturbing than this horrible man they left on the street.

It wasn't too late when Patrick and Frank arrived home from Melbourne. They joined Nick, Noah, David and Joe on the terrace by the pool, looking around the group curiously.

"So, did you see Phillip?" Patrick asked.

David nodded. "Yes, I spoke to him, but only briefly." To Patrick's questioning stare, he added "He won't be coming to the funeral."

"What did he say?" asked Frank.

"Let's just say that I didn't realise the split had been so bitter," David answered, leaving it at that.

Frank offered Patrick the slightest of smiles, and both men sat themselves down in vacant chairs.

"Your neighbour, Mr Petersen, called around to see you," Noah said quietly. "We told him to come back after the funeral."

"What did he want?" Patrick asked curiously.

"I suspect he's going to be pushing you to take the deal he was trying to do with your uncle," Joe answered. "He believes you'll be the new owner of the place.

"Ughh," Patrick exhaled. "The man is a low-life! I can't stand him. Even if he was offering some fantastic deal, I doubt I'd want to have anything to do with him."

Nick smiled in agreement, as did the others.

A short time later, Joe announced that he was going to get an early night. David grinned, and followed him upstairs. "I think that's a good idea," Frank said, nudging Patrick.

"Yeah, I guess so," he answered. The two of them bade Nick and Noah a good night, leaving them alone by the pool.

Ten minutes later, Nick stood, and turned out most of the lights, leaving only a soft lamp on one of the tables where they sat, and the underwater lights in the pool. He looked around at Noah. "Hey, what are you thinking?" Nick asked his partner. Noah had been quiet for some time.

"I was just wondering ^Ö about the way that possibly innocent disagreements can be made to look so important."


Noah smiled wanly. "Wes is dead, and we're looking for his murderer. Suddenly, the ex-lover looks like a suspect because they had a bitter separation, and the neighbour is also under suspicion because Wes wouldn't agree to some property deal. But are either of those things enough to warrant killing someone, or are we seeing more in them than we should?"

"It's hard to know," Nick offered. "But then, it never ceases to amaze me what people will kill for! Try not to let it worry you, at least for tonight. Are you gonna come to bed?"

Noah looked surprised. "You seem to be in a hurry to get to sleep."

"Oh, no," Nick whispered. "I had no intention of sleeping for some time yet," he grinned.

Noah chuckled with him. "You are so evil," he said. "But I like it!"

Nick stood, about to head upstairs, but Noah stopped him. "Wait here," he said intriguingly. He quickly dashed away as Nick settled back into a chair, gazing at the glimmering light on the pool on this warm evening. He only had to wait a few minutes before his man reappeared, grinning widely and wearing nothing but a towelling robe.

"How about a swim, stud?" Noah said quietly, his voice full of promise and desire. In his hand was a matching robe for Nick, which he threw onto one of the chairs, as he casually allowed his own to fall open, revealing his naked body in the soft light.

Nick's grin widened, and his dick quickly began to harden within the confines of his pants as he drank in the sight of his mate. Noah stepped closer, the material just hanging from his shoulders now, his muscular body revealed. Without a word, he leaned down and began to seductively unbutton his man's shirt whilst his eyes were locked on Nick's face, a lusty smile fixed on his lips. Nick settled back and enjoyed the show and the attention, as relaxed as he could be with the growing erection pressing against his trousers.

As he finished with the shirt, Noah pushed it away from Nick's torso, and casually turned his attention to the belt and then the flies of his lover's jeans before kneeling before him and tugging at the legs. Nick raised his backside from the chair to allow Noah to easily pull the pants away from him, leaving him naked. Standing then, Noah allowed his robe to fall from his body into a crumpled heap on the floor, stepping away from it. His prick was semi-hard, and he licked his lips as he stared at the naked man on the chair before him, then turned slowly and moved across to the edge of the pool.

Nick needed no more encouragement, rising from his seat and following Noah to the edge of the water. Together, they lowered themselves into the warm pool, making little noise and enjoying the refreshing, liberating sensation of being naked and wet in the dark of the night. The illumination within the pool highlighted the two beautiful bodies, one tall and smooth, the other shorter but powerful and hirsute, as they glided away from the edge and lazily drifted together, arms and legs intertwined.

With his head against Nick's, Noah whispered into his man's ear softly. "I'm going to fuck you here and now!"

"What?" Nick replied in surprise, although his tone suggested that the idea excited him ^Ö a lot! "Here in the pool? What about the others?"

"No," Noah answered. "I don't want to fuck the others, just you."

Nick chuckled. "I mean, what if they hear us, or see us?"

"Then I guess they'll be jealous." Noah grinned. "Seriously, I am going to fuck you in this pool right now! The chance that the other guys might see or hear is part of the thrill, I guess, but I've always wanted to have sex in the water, and this is our opportunity!"

"Mmmmm!" was Nick's wordless but evocative reply, as he snuggled closer to his man, their bodies hard against each other in the pleasant water.

As the two lovers moved together now, gliding through the crystal clear liquid until they backed up against one wall of the pool, their mouths met and lips locked in an extended kiss. Tongues explored and probed as they tasted each other and passions rose.

Nick felt the hard concrete of the pool wall against his back, and with the water supporting his weight, he lifted his legs and wrapped them around Noah's body. Noah's hands found his arse cheeks, lifting slightly and spreading those globes of muscle, and Noah's cock nudged it's way in and along the valley of sensitive flesh between the rounded melons.

Noah held his lover easily in the warm pool, and felt Nick's fingers playing with his nipples, exciting him even further. With the water lapping around their necks, the two men pulled into each other, and Noah felt his cockhead slide in to rest against the soft target of Nick's rectum. Still kissing his man, the taller blond slowly pressed forward, allowing Nick to relax and open himself to the insistent pressure. Without the usual assistance of lubricant, Noah's penetration of his mate was slower as they let the water combine with his pre-seminal outpourings to ease his entry.

With a muffled grunt, Nick accepted the invading spear of living sex, his sphincter surrendering as Noah's manhood breached his defences. The momentary pain disappeared, replaced by an incredible sense of fulfilment as he felt that long tube of heated flesh slide into him. He pushed against it, opening himself as his man filled him completely, then clenched his ring of muscle around the thick pole as Noah came to a halt.

They stayed that way for a long moment, each basking in the wash of sensations as they joined. Then Noah slowly eased back a little, before moving forward again. As silently as possible, the two found their motion, rocking back and forward as one, the muffled groans of their pleasure harmonising with the whispering slosh of water around their united bodies. If either man opened his eyes briefly, he saw his partner covered in tiny droplets and surrounded by a million pinpricks of light as the soft illumination glistened in the night air and the warm water enveloped their rutting union.

Noah took his time, sliding in and out of Nick's body in long strokes as his lips and tongue explored his man's mouth, and his hands and fingers caressed the heated body. Nick rode along in blissful arousal, letting his lover set the pace as they humped against each other, kissing and moaning in ecstatic pleasure.

Ignorant now of where they were, forgetting that the other couples were in the house, and that they could be easily seen by any curious eyes, the two men succumbed to their animal needs, and rutted hard. Faster and faster Noah fucked his man. Deeper and harder his rampant tool plumbed the depths of Nick's bowel. Nick responded in kind, clenching and pushing, his arms around Noah's frame, grasping him hard, pulling him in, as if that massive cock throbbing in his gut wasn't enough, and he wanted more of his man inside him.

As one, they fucked. Their motion became a frenzy as they slammed into each other and against the unyielding wall. The water around them churned into foam as they fucked with abandon and grunted their way toward paradise. With a stifled gasp, Noah thrust himself one final time as deeply into Nick's body as he could, then his entire body stiffened for a second, before spasms of release shook him, and his nuts pumped their creamy fruit into Nick's waiting repository.

Nick knew his man had reached the point of climax, and tingled with delight as he felt Noah shake, and then explode, emptying himself into Nick. The swarthy Mediterranean held on as long as he could, but the power of Noah's orgasm was so intense that he shuddered, and his own release was upon him, a flood of white hot manjuice filling the space between their bodies, covering both abdomens in a sticky coating of cum.

When they finally relaxed from the high of their peak, Noah held Nick tightly for a long while, reluctant to surrender his position. Eventually, and carefully, he slowly withdrew his still hard cock from Nick's ravaged hole, and together they weakly helped each other to the nearby steps, clambering from the water and draping the robes around themselves.

"Do you think we've made a mess?" Nick asked softly, inclining his head toward the pool.

"Probably," Noah accepted with a grin, and a guilty look. "Hopefully the filtration system will clean and hide the evidence by the morning."

"I think I might make sure I'm first here, tomorrow, just in case I need to do a little manual cleaning as well," Nick said with a chuckle. "But right now, I'm fucked!"

"Literally and figuratively," Noah agreed. "Me too!"

With arms around each other's waists, the lovers made their way upstairs for a long, deep sleep.

The next day dawned overcast and grey, appropriate for the mood of everyone in the house that morning. They sat silently together over breakfast, and Mrs Fitzgibbon managed to clear the dishes away in a muffled quietude. Just before they were due to leave for the service, Noah's mobile phone chirped. It was Detective Moran.

"Hello, Bob," Noah answered pleasantly.

"Hi there. I just wanted to wish you guys luck today, to let you know I'm thinking of you all."

"Thanks. I'll pass it onto the others," Noah said softly. "Are you coming to the funeral?"

The cop sighed. "No. I don't see any reason for me to be there, and having the police around often makes the family feel uncomfortable."

"Okay. Thanks again, for calling, and for your thoughts. We'll talk to you later."

The funeral was to be held in a small chapel not far from the house. Patrick and Frank would be in the first car of the official procession. David and Joe would be in the second, accompanied by Mrs Fitzgibbon, and Nick and Noah in the final vehicle making up the motorcade from the house to the chapel. As the cars drew up in front of the cold brown building, Nick whistled softly. The place was crowded with people.

"I had no idea this many would show up," he said.

"I guess Wes was a very popular man," Noah replied. "I hope there's room for everyone inside."

With the place packed, Patrick and Frank, Mrs Fitzgibbon, David and Joe, and Nick and Noah made their way to the front seats to take their places. A celebrant made a short speech, and read the eulogy that had been put together by David and Patrick the week before. Through it all, Patrick sat stony faced, not showing any emotion, other than a tightening of his hand in Frank's. At the end of the service, the celebrant announced that there would be no graveside ceremony, but that all were welcome to return to the house for refreshments and to remember Wes' life.

And that was it. Short, simple, quiet. Just as Patrick had asked. The procession back out of the building through a sea of unfamiliar faces was a little disquieting, and then the official entourage made its way back to the house, followed this time by a snaking train of private vehicles, headlights illuminated like so many lidless eyes.

Nick remembered why it was that he hated funerals. Almost as he thought of it, Noah turned to him and said "Promise me that if I die first, my funeral will be nothing like this. I want it to be as happy as possible, a real celebration of life, not some drawn out, miserable thing no-one wants to be at."

"Ditto!" answered Nick with feeling.

Back at the house, little changed. There must have been almost a hundred people there, but the place was hushed and grey, filled with whispering voices as though no-one was prepared to speak too loudly, or to remember Wes' life with any joy. It was more depressing than anything either Nick or Noah had seen in a long time. Platters of finger food sat uneaten on tables, and people stood around sipping slowly at their drinks, as if they were uncertain of what to say, or to whom it should be said. Patrick and Frank had been circulating as best they could for some time, but now Patrick seemed to have disappeared.

"I can't stand this!" Nick hissed at his man. "I need some fresh air."

Noah grimaced in agreement. "I'll join you," he said as they both headed for the poolside deck area. There, away from the milling, gloomy crowd, they found Patrick, a beer in his hand.

"Hey, are you alright?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, I just needed to get out of there," the young man answered.

"It's certainly a depressing gathering," Noah commiserated. "Don't any of your uncle's friends want to remember the good things about him?"

But Patrick simply stood, frozen to the spot.

"Patrick? Patrick, are you okay?" Noah asked quickly, only to be ignored.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Patrick suddenly hissed past Noah and Nick, making them spin around.

Facing him, facing them, was a mirror image. It could easily have been Patrick standing there, except that Patrick was now behind them. Nick's jaw dropped, and Noah looked from one man to the other in astonishment.

"Hello, Pat. It's nice to see you after all this time," said the other man in a tone which belied his words.

"I said, `What the fuck are you doing here'?" Patrick repeated.

"Paying my respects to Uncle Wesley."

Noah spoke out. "Patrick? What's going on?"

The other man finally acknowledged Nick and Noah again. "Gentlemen, this is Sean. My brother. My identical twin brother!"

"Unh, nice to meet you," Noah said haltingly.

"Shit!" enunciated Nick.

"Would you mind leaving us alone?" Sean asked, politely but coolly.

"Of course," Noah acceded. "Come on, Nick," as he pulled his mate away from the two men facing each other and bristling, and back into the kitchen area where they could see but not hear what was happening.

As they watched, it became apparent that the brothers were arguing. Both gesticulated wildly, and lots of pointed fingers and raised voices seemed leading into a fight. Not wanting to interfere, Nick and Noah waited, but made ready to go quickly to break the pair up if they came to blows. While they stood there, David passed by the kitchen door.

"David," called Nick urgently.

As the other man backed into the room where they stood, Nick hissed at him. "You didn't tell us Patrick had a twin brother!"

"What?" was David's response. "He doesn't have any brothers or sisters as far as I know!"

"Oh yes he does ^Ö look!"

There was no denying it. The two men outside were alike in every detail but clothing.

"Holy shit!" swore David. "I had no idea. Wes never mentioned a brother. Neither did Patrick! I wonder what the story is there?"

Suddenly, Sean slammed his glass down on a table so hard it shattered. He moved in very close to Patrick, so close they were no more than a centimetre apart, face against face. Nick tensed, about to interrupt, when Sean turned on his heel and flung open the door, racing through the house and out into the driveway. Patrick was visibly shaken, as he sat heavily in the nearest chair.

David hurried to the younger man's side, followed by Nick and Noah. "Are you okay?" he asked quickly.

Patrick nodded. "It was such a shock to see him here. And the things he said about Wes ..." He simply shook his head incredulously.

"So you have a brother?" David asked, more gently. "I had no idea. Wes never mentioned him."

"We never saw him," Patrick said softly. "Some time after I came to live here there was a huge falling out. We argued back then and he said he never wanted to see me again. He said some pretty awful stuff to Wes too. Wes told him to get out, told him to never come back."

Noah watched the young man's face with concern. "What was the fight about, back then?" he asked.

"Umm, it had to do with me living here, with Wes," Patrick answered evasively. "Sean didn't want our uncle to take me in. He said some things about why I moved in that I wouldn't want to repeat. He hated me, and hated Wes as well."

"So he's homophobic," Nick assumed. "Thought Wes and you weren't right, weren't `natural'? I've heard it all before!"

"Yeah, something like that," Patrick stuttered.

"Then why is he here today?" David asked.

Patrick chuckled mirthlessly. "He wants his share of the Estate! Said he had come along to make sure I didn't think he was going to disappear. He claims he is entitled to a share of Wes' money just as much as I am. He said he'd waited all this time, and now that Wes was dead, he wanted to make sure he got what was rightfully his ^Ö the bastard!"

... to be continued.

This story is a fantasy, it is not real and only happened in my imagination. YOU MUST REMEMBER that in the real world, you can DIE from having unsafe sex. It is your right and your duty to make sure that condoms are always used, whether you are giving or receiving. It doesn't matter how good looking or how ugly he is, and it doesn't matter whether you are top or bottom, USE A CONDOM!

Next: Chapter 6

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