Ant King

By CreepingDawn

Published on Feb 8, 2017


Warning: This story is unsuitable for minors and contains explicit descriptions of sexual activity considered taboo (and illegal) in most (if not all) jurisdictions. If such activity offends you, please DO NOT read any further. I do not condone any illegal activity and stress that this work is fiction, fantasy, and in no way meant to reflect reality. Sexual abuse of minors is a very serious issue and I encourage anyone tempted to engage in such behavior to seek help immediately.

Title: Ant King Last Updated: 2/7/17

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Without further ado...

Chapter Five.

William Shakespeare, in Hamlet, wrote "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." I've done a lot of thinking. I've thought and I've pondered and I've ruminated upon and I've queried. I've spend years, decades even, asking myself the big questions about life and free will and the nature of my powers. I did so because that night in Lester's house, so early in my journey, made me question whether my actions were good, bad, or something else. At the time, I craved an answer. To this day, I still do.

No answer has ever been forthcoming.

I don't know if my subsequent actions were good or evil. I really don't. And now, even with all the prosperity and peace in the world, I still find myself going back to that night and wondering. Is it right? Is it fair? Is it good to make others into my drones?

Or is it evil? Is it a terrible thing, to take away someone's freedom of choice? To subjugate them to my own wants? Even when, as Daniel and countless others have told me over they years, they are immeasurably happier now than before their invisible shackles?

I've made peace with that unresolved question. At least, I believe I'm at peace. Looking back on my life, I can say honestly that I would do it all over again if presented the same circumstances. I would not take a different path.

Maybe that's my answer, then?

I woke up the following morning amid a sea of bodies, four beautiful boys and sticky sticky sheets. We showered and ate, swam and traded more blowjobs. It was a great day, despite my troubled mind. I dropped the boys off at their home around 2pm, having left them with fond memories and instructions to go back to their regular and uninterrupted lives. I had my credit and debit cards from the bank by 3pm. By 4pm, I had loaded up Lester's massive Audi SUV and was heading north, out of Miami and along the open road.

I stayed the night in Jacksonville, finding a mid-range hotel and booking a room. Setting up my computer, I emailed UMT and informed the registrar that I was withdrawing from my classes as well as the university. I then went out to the beach and just kind of wandered.

Atlanta. Nashville. St. Louis. Three new hotel rooms, three evenings filled with wandering and thinking.

By the time I booked a room in Sioux Falls, I had started to come to terms with my thoughts and feelings. I began to feel less agitated.

Waking up in Jackson and wandering around Yellowstone, two days later, made me feel considerably more confident in myself and my situation.

I almost drove down to Cheyenne to be with my family, then, but continued westward, sleeping in Boise before Portland before San Francisco.

For those who have never done so, I encourage you to drive this magnificent county of ours. It is incredibly beautiful and filled with wonders that one could spend a lifetime exploring. It was the peace of the pavement and the meandering nature of my journey that settled me down and I think, ultimately, gave me direction. I didn't know. I didn't have an answer. Yet, in not knowing, I had the freedom to choose. I had the freedom to decide what was right and what was wrong. And, while the unanswered question still bothered me, and would for years to come, I was determined to choose what I desired so as to prove, through it's actualization, that it was the right and good choice.

Put simply, I was going to do whatever I felt like doing; questions of moral authority be damned.

With this new mantra and my mind mostly at rest, I knew what I was going to do. What I needed to do to seize control of my life. I was going to fuck a boy.

But not just any boy. A very special boy.

So I drove to Los Angeles.


Back in 2021, a subscription based online entertainment network featured a very popular half-hour comedy called The Wright Side of History which aired on Tuesday nights in the fall. Bringing in considerable ratings, The Wright Side of History had finished it's third season and critics and the public generally agreed it was one of the best shows on the market. I thought it was funny as hell and eagerly awaited Season Four to start. One of the selling points of the show, most believed, was that it's subscription online platform allowed the writers and directors to be a great deal more edgy than their network brethren and the show certainly pushed the envelope in a multitude of ways. Opinion articles from "concerned viewers" regularly criticized the show but these outraged citizens only fed the fire and encouraged consumers to tune in.

The show featured a small ensemble cast of quirky but lovable characters, the Wright family, who used a time machine to travel back to the past in order to document significant historical events. Hijinks always ensued. One particular recurring joke was that the son, pre-teen Marcus, always seemed to end up in sexual situations thanks to unexpected and hilarious chicanery. Indeed, the boy appeared almost naked often, with seasons one and two making sure that the boy's near-nudity was covered up for the camera (think well-placed plants or statues and camera angles that hinted but never showed). Season Three, however, took a couple of risks which many believed went beyond the pale.

Episode Twenty Eight featured an Arabian Sultan seizing a shirtless young Marcus in the middle of a dramatic scene and kissing the boy right on the lips. The scene was not over the top and fit naturally with the narrative but it made headlines anyway, with loud voices on each side arguing for or against the multi-generational kiss.

Episode thirty one featured Marcus in full 1970's BDSM gear while he and the family were being chased by an outraged sex-shop owner. As the chase ended, Marcus was revealed to have participated in the escape with a large black dildo crammed up his backside. As he waived it around while the laughtrack played and the credits rolled, the boy appeared to accidentally flip the switch and the tool began to buzz loudly, much to his chagrin and embarrassment. That episode was the talk of the town.

Then, in the season finale, the audience was treated to a scene which caused uproar around the country. As Doctor Wright and the pirate captain walked along the deck, their conversation moving the plot along, the camera caught Marcus in the background, his nude bottom clear as day, while he obviously urinated off the poop deck. As the camera stayed still, a nearby pirate reached over and goosed the boy, startling him and sending him right over the railing. Now this may not sound like such a big deal, especially with what happens normally on entertainment programs in this day and age, but it was shocking at the time. While adult backsides appeared in movies and occasionally in television programming, underage backsides had never been shown in American television up to that point.

That had been several months earlier and I had lost countless loads to those few moments of boyhood backside perfection.

A backside I now planned on plundering.

Liam O'Donnell, who played Marcus Wright, was going on fifteen but looked barely twelve. A late bloomer for sure, his petite and waif-like build was the butt of jokes within the show and one of the reasons his character regularly found himself in embarrassing situations. Interviewed on late night television, Liam admitted that he knew it was all in good fun and the boy honestly seemed bright, sweet, and dedicated to his chosen craft. He did blush when he discussed the fact that he regularly appeared missing most of his clothing but his self-confident nature never failed to charm the audience. With curly black hair and lily white skin, the boy was as cute as they came.

It took almost no effort to find Liam's address.

All I had to do was go to the office of the production company and introduce myself to the security guard as an investor there for a business meeting. Shaking the young mans hand, he then brought me deep into the back and introduced me to the executive vice president's secretary. I shook her hand and this new drone asked her boss if a representative from one of the local talent agencies had a minute to talk to him about a contract issue. Let into her office, I took her hand warmly and directed my newest drone to find the address for young Liam. She made a quick phone call and my destination appeared on a sticky note as if by magic. I then had the woman call Liam's agent, who happened to be the boy's father, and tell him she was sending over a new junior producer that evening with some paperwork that needed to be signed.

Ten minutes from start to finish.

I spent the rest of the day touring around LA and waiting for Liam and his family to get home for the night before I drove over there to have some fun. It was difficult to be patient, knowing what waited in store for me. Finally, as the sun set, I found myself driving through a posh neighborhood while my GPS directed me closer and closer to the boy's home. Then I arrived, passing through the huge gate which blocked the driveway before parking next to the front door of the impressive home.

"You're Mike?" the sturdy built man asked after I knocked. Having buzzed me through the gate a moment ago, I knew the man already knew my identity. I smiled at him and nodded, shifting my weight so the man could see a stack of papers in my left hand.

"Theresa said I needed to bring some documents over. Sorry it's after business hours." I stepped inside and stuck my right hand out. The man nodded and took it.

His wife was next, the woman standing in the kitchen as we entered. She approached, welcoming me to her home as I reached out and touched her arm.

Liam, their only child, was sitting in the den playing Drive The Darkness 3, the teen glancing over briefly as his folks and I entered before returning to his game. "Hey man. I'm Mike. Ms. Lotts asked me to bring over some papers for your folks."

"Yeah, Dad said you were coming. Are you a new producer?" His voice was a soft alto, hinting that it would be dropping soon but still boyish. I felt myself getting aroused.

"I am." Boy, the kid was good looking. Flawless alabaster skin and a smattering of freckles, freckles that the makeup artists apparently took great care to significantly minimize for the camera, the teen was a looker. His compact frame was outlined nicely by the tight shirt that he wore and the designer jeans curved his hips and thighs nicely. Despite turning fifteen in less than two months, the boy was petite and youthful. "Man, I loved Drive The Darkness 2. Haven't been able to play 3 yet. It any good?"

"Yeah!" The boy flashed me a grin before turning back to the screen. "It's awesome. My race is almost over. Wanna try two player mode once I win this heat?"

I was touched. Really. I hadn't made the kid into my drone and yet he was extending an offer to play the video game with him. What struck me, too, was that his tone and demeanor were not that of a child asking an adult to play with them. You know what I mean? The sort of "please play this game mister" that you might expect from a kid who wants attention. It was, instead, a young man being polite and offering a potential friend the opportunity to play a game that the potential friend had expressed an interest in. It was sincere and impressive. "Damn," I thought to myself. "This kid is almost fifteen! I got to remember that. I keep looking at him and seeing a pre-teen!" It didn't help, of course, that the boy had been significantly smaller during the first two seasons of the show and I, perhaps subconsciously, kept thinking of him as that tiny character Marcus.

"You're welcome to stay for dinner Mike," said the boy's mother. "We'll be eating in about an hour."

I smiled at the adults and nodded, taking a seat near Liam and picking up the second controller. The two adults left the room, with mental instructions to leave us be. For almost an hour, the two of us played the game in two-player mode, racing against each other before switching to the co-op to race against other people. We talked and joked, with me asking a lot of questions about Liam's experience on the show and him trying to find out more about me. I kept my details somewhat vague, though I did reluctantly tell him when he pressed that I was only nineteen. This surprised him but he seemed to shrug it off. Truth be told, we got along well.

I had a few friends in high school with whom I regularly gamed. We would have three or four or five of us, fifteen or sixteen years old, hanging out at someone's house and tearing it up on some first person shooter. Several of my buddies had younger brothers who regularly joined in as well and, when you included their friends, I was used to playing games with boys younger than me. Hell, there was one summer where I practically lived at my buddy Kyle's house and we'd have ten or twelve guys gaming together, ages seventeen to ten. Liam reminded me a bit of some of those younger boys and the hour passed very comfortably.

Liam's mother called us to dinner and I was treated to a delicious lasagna, homemade and piping hot. It was soul food, without a doubt, and I felt absolutely wonderful as I stuffed my face and made polite conversation with everyone. Sitting there, with the three of them, reminded me of so many family dinners and the feelings associated with a loving family. A pang of regret hit me as we finished the dessert brownies and I resolved myself that my next destination was Cheyenne. I needed to go home.

I almost left after dinner. I really did. Liam was smoking hot and as sweet as those wonderful brownies but I wasn't sure I wanted to fuck him. Hell, I wasn't sure I wanted to make him my drone. Perhaps he was the fish to cast back into the ocean? Perhaps he was destined to be free?

Before I could begin to thank my hosts and excuse myself, Liam asked me which game we should play next and I faltered. Looking him in his beautiful green eyes, I found I'd lost my voice so I shrugged. Within a few moments, we were back in the den killing zombies by the dozens. "Dude, you should totally spend the night tonight." he suddenly said, grinning at me.

"Um.. Isn't it a school night?" I said.

"No way, I'm homeschooled. Mom's cool with it I bet. I mean, she invited you to stay for dinner and she never does that with people from the network. I bet it's because you are only a little bit older than me." Pausing the game, he scampered out of the den and asked his mother. I knew that she would deny the request (my link telling me that she would not want him waking up tired and had a lesson planned for the morning) so I sent a mental order to acquiesce the to request. Liam returned a moment later, his face alight. "She totally said yeah! She even said I could take tomorrow off from any schoolwork!"

"Cool," I said, turning back to the screen.

Liam sat right next to me then, surprising me as he had been sitting on the other end of the couch. "Yeah. My mom must really like you. Must have made a good impression, huh?" Before I could react, the boy struck out his elbow in a friendly and teasing manner, nudging me on my own bare arm. Our skin connected. It all clicked.

Liam had few friends. In part because he was pretty physically immature for his age and in part because he had overbearing parents, the boy found it difficult to connect with his peers. Other boy's his age also tended to stay away from him because he had achieved some professional success and said success was rather intimidating. Being homeschooled didn't help.

And he wasn't totally straight. Yes, he was going to grow up to prefer women over men but he did find his puberty-addled mind had a healthy appreciation for the male form. A very healthy appreciation. He appreciated masculine beauty so much, in fact, that his jack-off fantasies regularly included homo-erotic and downright gay imaginings. And that's why he was so friendly to me when I walked through the door. He had a bit of a crush.

So I reached into his mind and set the story for the night. Then I reached out and told his parents to go to bed.


The next few hours included a lot more video games before we turned off the console and ordered an action movie. By this time, it was nearly 10:30pm and we delayed starting the movie until both Liam and I had showered, brushed our teeth, and put on pajamas. I had my stuff in the car, of course, so it was nothing for me to get ready to bed in his house.

I had thought we would watch the movie in the den but Liam turned the TV off and informed me that we should watch it in his room so that we could go to bed right after. I shrugged. We headed up to his room where I found, much to my delight, that he had a nice large TV in front of a large leather recliner. It was really only sized for one person, I could tell, but two could sit there if they didn't mind being smushed together. Plopping on the leather recliner, Liam smiled at me and blushed before saying "There's enough room. My friends and I sit here all the time," (A lie, I knew). Then he took up the remote.

I sat next to him, then, and the heat from our bodies mingled as we were pressed together. The movie began to play and I grew hard. The boy did too, I could tell.

We hadn't even gotten ten minutes in before Liam sat up slightly and said "Way too hot on this leather." Then he slid off his nightshirt and I groaned inwardly. His torso was smooth and perfect, with a slight sheen of sweat. "You're probably hot too, huh?" he said, looking at me. I nodded and slipped out of my own shirt, his eyes wide. We sat back to watch the movie, then, with his right shoulder pressed against my left and our skin in constant contact.

Minutes passed and I could tell the boy wanted to go further but was trying to summon up the courage. I beat him to it. "You know," I said, "it's still really hot." He nodded. "We're both dudes here, right? Why don't we just strip down?" Did it make any sense? No. Of course not. But his eyes danced and he grinned. He wanted this as much as I did and any pretext, however flimsy, would work. We both stood and, as we watched each other intently, lowered our pajama bottoms and boxers. Both hard as rocks and both covered in sweat, we stared at each other lustily before I sat back down and gently took the boy's hips, pulling him onto my lap as my hands began to explore his body. I pretended to watch the movie as he purred against me, my hard cock wedged between his cheeks as my fingers touched his nipples, sides, thighs, and tummy.

For as small as he was physically, the boy was much more pubescent once naked. A small patch of pubic hair framed his swollen cock and low hanging balls and I estimated that the boy was probably between four and five inches long. I felt up to his pits and my fingers found just the slightest fuzz. I wanted him so bad.

Grabbing the boy's face gently, I turned it towards me and kissed him, all pretense of watching the movie gone. My tongue invaded his mouth and he kissed me eagerly in return, moaning excitedly as our tongues dueled for dominance. My hand slid down to his cock and, finding it wet with pre-cum, I began to slowly jerk the boy off as he ground his ass back into my cock. We did this for several minutes, pleasure radiating through the link as we enjoyed each other's bodies.

Liam groaned before getting up and falling to his knees, his hot mouth finding my prick almost instantly as he began to blow me with passion. "Oh fuck yes," I moaned as he took much of my cock in his mouth. "That feels incredible." Looking down, I saw the boy over whom I'd lusted for years bobbing up and down on my taunt member and I almost lost it. Only clenching my abs and pelvis kept me from cumming but it was a close thing. Sitting up myself, I pushed the boy onto his back and fell between his own legs, engulfing his member while my thumb sought out his hot virginal hole.

"Oh God! Oh shit!" he grunted as I began my assault on his cock, my thumb grazing his hole a half second later. "Mike!! Oh!" His crack was hairless but sweaty and my thumb took great delight in aggressively playing with his little pink rosebud. He moaned and groaned as the seconds ticked by and I knew he was getting close. Removing my hand and wetting my index finger, I reached back to the boy's undefiled pussy and slid my finger home, curving it slightly as I assaulted his prostate.

He squealed and came.

"Ahhh! Fuckkkk!!! Ohhh!" The boy thrashed under me as I worked his cock and button while squirt after squirt of pure boycum fired deep into the back of my mouth. I swallowed greedily, drinking the nectar as a man drinks water after a desert journey. It was magnificent.

I let go of Liam as he came down from his climax, standing slightly and stooping down to lift the quaking boy to his feet. I pulled him over to his twin bed had him crawl up on it, his legs spread apart slightly so I could see my prize. As his bottom parted and I saw, for the first time, his beautiful boypussy, I knew I'd made the right choice. I dove in without preamble, my tongue shoved as deeply as it would go while I twisted and turned to a chorus of Liam's yips and groans. I ate his ass for almost a minute while the boy made the most delightful sounds and his tight sphincter, thanks to my aggressive and assertive tongue, slowly relaxed and opened. At some point, his arms gave out and his chest and head fell to the bed, the boy overwhelmed.

"I'm going to fuck you," I said as I reached over to my pants and pulled out a small bottle of lube, opening it quickly and slathering it on my rock hard cock. Liam gave a moan of approval. Guiding my cockhead to his entrance, I licked the boy's shoulder, tasting sweat, and send a mental order that he should relax as best he could and pretend as if he was taking a shit. I felt his hole dilate just slightly. Then I began shoving forward. The mushroom tip, wider than the shaft, pushed at his resistant flesh for only a split second before it sunk home and the rest of the cock began to slither up Liam's backside. I took him like a dog.

"Fuuucckkkkkk!" I groaned, the hot tight boypussy exquisite as my cock bottomed out.

"Uuuggghhhh!" Liam echoed, his body responding positively to the invasion as his own cock, which had become fully hard during my rimming, grew even more rigid.

I began to pump into him. Slowly at first, my instincts took over and I was soon long-dicking him, my six inches pounding into him hard before almost pulling out completely. The boy moaned and writhed underneath me, his body reacting to the stimulation of his boycunt by thrusting his ass back towards me on each of my forward thrusts thrusts. The room filled with the wet slapping sound of our coupling, my grunts and his moans bouncing off the walls.

I'd wanted to fuck a boy for years but the next few minutes were more life-altering and profound that I had ever imagined such an act could be. I was addicted to boypussy and knew that any previous reservations I had maintained were gone. Taking Liam's virginity freed me of my burdens and I felt closer to the divine than I had ever felt in my life.

Our sweaty bodies rubbed against each other as I fucked him, the boy clearly lost in a sea of pleasure as I jackhammered his asshole. I reached underneath him, then, and began to tease his throbbing boyhood. He moaned even louder. Grasping the boy's hips, I pulled all the way out before flipping the teen onto his back so I could look him in the eye. Then I shoved by manhood back in, balls deep.

"Aye! Oh! Ah! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!" he squealed as I plowed him, his moaning high and intense. Then, to my surprise, the boy began to cry. "There! Ah! No! Yes! AH! RIGHT THERE! AHH! UGHHH!" His magic spot. His little love nut. My fat cockhead, at this new angle, was punching his prostate with each stroke so I redoubled my effort and fucked him with every ounce of my strength. His arms flew wide and gripped his mattress as he howled and his body spasmed. His cunt became a vice around my cock but I plowed him anyway with short hard trusts.

"YESSSS! YESS!! AHHH! I'm CUMMINNGGGGG!!!!!" He cried. One. Two. Three blasts of white teenage splooge erupted from his cock while he shivered and quaked through his orgasm, my own pounding slowing slightly as I let him cum handsfree. But I didn't stop. As his panting continued but his climax began to fade, I poured a healthy dose of lube all over my still moving cock and picked up the pace. Within a few moments, the boy was a sobbing mess as the pleasure overwhelmed him and he tried to orient himself. I didn't give him a chance.

I fucked him. Hard. Fast. Brutal. I put every frustrated night with my hand, every weekend spent watching boys at the mall, every erotic story I'd read on the internet into that fuck and I bred Liam for all it was worth. He blubbered. He whined. He moaned. He squealed.

Then he climaxed again, his body tensing up as I forced another anal orgasm to overtake him. "MIIKKKEEEEE!!!" he wailed as several small spurts of boy cream poured out of his cock and his pussy clamped down upon me. That was enough.

With a roar, I came. A hot torrent of cum erupted into my little lover as I thrust home one final time, filling his backside with my load. Blast after blast after satisfying blast soaked his insides and my own orgasm lasted until well after his third of the night had died down.

Groaning, I collapsed beside the boy and our eyes met. "Thanks" he said weakly before leaning over and kissing me. We were asleep within seconds, my cock still buried deep inside of him.

Next: Chapter 6

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