Artie and Finn

Published on Sep 29, 2010


Glee, and its characters are the property of Fox. I do not own these characters. I welcome your comments

Artie was excited. His outstanding performance at a regional solo competition had earned him an audition for the all-Ohio show choir in Cincinnati. The prospect of getting to perform in the group was great, but he was also looking forward to spending a couple of days alone with Mr. Shue. Mr. Shuester was a great guy and a great teacher. He was always patient and understanding with Artie and treated him like an equal instead of a nerd (like almost everyone else in the school). Mr. Schuester was fun to talk to. He liked all kinds of music and the hours long drive to Cincinnati was made shorter by their chatting and occasional singing.

They arrived a little late to the auditions, but Artie felt that he nailed it. His deep baritone was clear and even throughout. He was a big hit with the judges and was told that he made the first cut. The next afternoon, he would need to audition a second time for all the judges. It was late by the time that Artie and Mr. Shuester made it to their hotel, a dumpy motor lodge on the edge of town. Artie didn't care, it had been a great day and he was having a blast.

Mr. Shuester went into the office to check in and came back upset. Mr. Shuester had called ahead to make sure that the room they would share would be handicap accessible. He had been assured it would be, but now the hotel was saying they didn't have any rooms with special amenities such as accessible tubs or showers, etc. Mr. Shue was mad, but Artie wasn't. This wasn't something new. It seemed like every time his family went on vacation, something similar happened. Artie took it in stride. Artie got around pretty good without any special amenities, and didn't really understand why people who weren't in a chair got so upset about it. Artie was a game day player.

Mr. Shue and Artie put their bags in their small, dingy room on the first floor, next to the ice machine. Artie unpacked and got settled while Mr. Shue went out and brought back a sack full of greasy burgers. They sat around the tiny round table in the corner and ate them, recounting the events of the day. They discussed the auditions of others they had heard while waiting for Artie's turn. "That girl from Massilon was amazing." Artie would say. "It sure was a shame when that guy from Athens blew that high note" Shue would say. "Bet that got him sent home." Artie was having so much fun.

It was while Mr. Shue was telling a story about when he was in high school glee club that Artie realized that he was suddenly very attracted to Mr. Shuester. Artie had discovered recently that guys could be just as hot as girls, and his luck in scoring with guys had been a lot better than with girls. Tina had recently broken his heart by dumping him, and he had found some solace in the sexy arms of some of his male choir mates. He had always though Mr. Shue was hot, but suddenly, he wanted him bad.

Artie couldn't believe it hadn't occurred to him before. Him and Mr. Shue, alone, in a hotel room. When would he get a better opportunity? Artie had never been the one that flirted or instigated a sexual encounter, but suddenly, at this moment, it seems like the only thing to do. Artie continued to smile and laugh, but in his mind, he was formulating a plan.

After another hour of talking and laughing, it was getting late and time to prepare for bed. Artie had a plan that seemed almost fool-proof.

"Mr. Shue," Artie said in the quiet bashful voice that he usually never used around people he was this comfortable with. "I hate to ask, but I might need your help getting in the bath."

Artie knew he would have no problem at all getting in and out of that tub. Artie had incredible upper body strength and was quite talented and moving around, even without the chair. Artie didn't need help, but he knew that Mr. Shue would say yes. And he had seen plenty of late night movies on HBO where a bath turned into sex.

Mr. Shuester hesitated for only a moment before saying, "Oh, of course Artie. Whatever you need."

Artie wondered why had Mr. Shue hesitated? Was he uncomfortable with his disability? Worse, had Artie miscalculated? What Mr. Shue a 100% hetero Spanish teacher that just so happens to sing and dance for fun? Artie had gotten a slightly gay (or at least bi) vice from Mr. Shue since the first time he met him, but what if he were wrong? Worse still, what if he was into dudes, just not into Artie? Artie convinced himself that he was overanalyzing the situation as he often did. Maybe he just isn't the kind of teacher that wants to see his teenage students naked? Artie hoped not.

Mr. Shue excused himself to the bathroom to run the bath. Artie could have taken this time to undress, but thought it would be better if Mr. Shue helped with that too. He still wasn't sure if this gamble was going to pay off. What if Artie made a move and Mr. Shuester freaked? What if he told everyone? Artie was terrified and exhilarated. Artie unbuttoned this shirt and waited for Mr. Shue to come back.

After a few minutes, Mr. Shue came back from the bathroom and announced that the bath was ready. He seemed nervous.

Artie decided that he was doing this no matter what, so he made eye contact with Mr. Shue. "I may need some help getting undressed." Artie said.

Mr. Shuester maintained the eye contact, but still seemed nervous. As Artie pulled down his suspenders and removed his button down shirt, Mr. Shue untied Arties Chuck Taylor's and took them off his feet. Shue rolled down Artie's socks and removed those also. Artie pulled his muscle-t undershirt off too, revealing his surprisingly muscular upper arms and his tight, muscular torso. Artie was short and very compact. Mr. Shue had never noticed before, probably because of the loose clothes and bulky sweaters that Artie always wore. The two were quiet but both looking at each other the entire time. Artie unhooked his belt and unbuttoned his jeans.

Mr. Shue looked so nervous. He spoke quietly, but maintained eye contact with Artie, "What the best way to, um...". Artie knew what he was trying to say. "I'll hold myself up if you can pull my pants off." Artie said. Artie wasn't nervous anymore. He didn't realize that he was playing the role of the seductive teenager seducing the teacher, but he had slipped into this role somewhat easily.

Artie grabbed the arms of the wheelchair on each side and lifted himself up off the seat. When he did this, the muscles in his arms and torso tensed, making them even more defined. His almost completely smooth chest and stomach looked even better under pressure. Mr. Shue seemed to notice too, but only hesitated for a moment before grasping the waist of Artie's jeans and pulling them gently down and off. Artie, now only in his black boxer-briefs, lowered himself back down into the chair. Artie was almost disappointed that Mr. Shue hadn't taken his underwear off at the same time. Was he unwilling to take them off? Had Artie misread the situation?

Mr. Shue stood from his kneeling position and for just a moment, lingered his eyes on Artie crotch. Artie was, by some miracle, still fully soft. Even completely soft, Artie's junk was massive. Even covered by his underwear, Mr. Shue could clearly see that Artie was big for his age, (big for any age really). Artie caught him looking and Mr. Shue looked away. Artie had him. That small delay, that quick glance, Artie knew that look. Artie had seen it in the eyes of Finn, Puck, Kurt, and even a drunken Mike Chang. Artie knew he was in.

Mr. Shue walked around to the back of the chair and wheeled Artie into the bathroom. Artie locked the wheel on the chair and looked over his shoulder at Mr. Shue. Artie did his best to sound bashful.

"Can you help me off with these and help me into the tub?"

Mr. Shue seemed so nervous, "Um, yeah." He walked around the chair and faced Artie. He kneeled down once more in front of the chair and put his hands on either side of Artie's underwear. Artie once again lifted himself up off the chair and Mr. Shue pulled down Artie's underwear, exposing Artie's sizable package. For just a moment, Mr. Shue's face was within 6 inches of Artie's cock. Mr. Shue pretended not to notice, but he was shocked at just how big Artie's soft cock really was.

Mr. Shue cleared his throat and then spoke quietly, "Ready?"

Artie looked back at him, "Ready."

Shue knelt again and this time put this left arm under Artie's knees and his right arm behind Artie's back, just under his shoulders. Artie put his arm around Shue's neck and Shue lifted Artie effortlessly out of the chair. For a moment, Shue just stood their, holding Artie in his arms. Shue took a half step toward the bath, then positioned Artie over the tub. Shue bent at the knee and lowered Artie gently into the warm water. As he did so, Shue got the sleeves of his shirt wet. He hadn't thought to remove his long sleeve shirt before dipping into the water. His face also once more came very close to Artie's exposed crotch.

Mr. Shue stole another glance at Artie's naked body, then turned his head and began to turn away. Artie couldn't let him leave.

"Oh, you got your shirt wet, I'm sorry Mr. Shue."

"It'd okay Artie, it doesn't matter." Mr. Shue was said, still looking away. Artie decided to make a move.

"Mr. Shue," Artie said, pretending to be shy, "I hate to ask, but can you help me? Soemtimes I have trouble sitting up and washing my feet at the same time.". This was a total lie. Artie had no trouble bathing. But it was the only way he could think of to get Mr. Shue's hands on his body.

Mr. Shue hesitated, but then said, "Sure Artie, let me just change into a short sleeve shirt real quick." Shue started to leave, but Artie stopped him. "Why don't you just take it off Mr. Shue, its already wet, and I'd hate to get another one wet." Shue stopped dead in his tracks. "Besides," Artie said. "Maybe I wont feel so weird about being naked if you take your shirt off.

Bingo. Artie had him. Artie could tell by the way Shue was looking at him that this was the invitation that he had been waiting for. If there had been any confusion before, it was over now. Shue wanted Artie as bad as Artie wanted him. Shue turned around and smiled. He was still nervous, but he knew the score now.

Shue looked at Artie as he unbuttoned and removed his shirt revealing his slim, toned, slightly hair chest. Shue was in great shape. He cash his shirt aside and knelt down next to the tub. Shue looked away from Artie only long enough to unwrap the tiny hotel soap and grab a washcloth from the shelf. Artie almost jumped out of his skin with anticipation as Shue gently touching the top of his left foot. As Shue began to wash Artie, starting at his toes, he took a good long look at Artie. Shue hadn't noticed before what a hot little fucker Artie was. His body was lean and mostly smooth. His legs were thin and furry. But his cock. Shue hadn't seen all that many cocks in his day. He had fooled around a little in high school and in college, but he had never seen one like this. Shue wasn't even sure if they were this big in the porno movies he watched online on lonely nights. Artie was still soft,

but it looked like it was getting bigger.

Shue continued to wash and take in Artie's body. Artie was not getting aroused and before Shue had even finished washing Artie's feet, Artie's cock had become fully erect and stood up like a cobra before it strikes. Shue glanced over and did a double take.

"Whoa!" he said, half out of teasing, half out of legitimate surprise.

Artie smiled and pretended to be embarrassed. "Sorry about that." Artie's big toothy grin made Shue smile too.

"That's okay Artie, happens to the best of us."

After another minute of washing Artie's feet and his skinny legs, Shue locked eyes with Artie again and gently wrapped his hand around Artie's hard throbbing boner. Artie shuddered a little just at the touch. Shue spoke softly, "is that okay?" Artie smiled and knodded that it was. That was all the invitation Shue needed. Shue began to gently stroke Artie's massive cock. Artie smiled and cooed with delight.

Artie's cock felt so good. Shue couldn't believe how hard and big Artie was. Shue leaned forward and gently put the head of Artie's cock into his mouth. Artie moaned as Shue began to slowly blow him. Shue hadn't sucked a dick in several years but it came back to him pretty fast. Artie was bigger that the biggest one that Shue had ever had, but Shue loved it. Shue could get about half of it into his mouth comfortably, so he used his hand to gently tug the other half, eventually picking up a rhythm that worked well for both of them.

After several minutes, Artie panted. "Let's go to the bed".

Shue pulled the stopper on the tub. As the water drained away from under Artie, Shue began to gently dry Artie, enjoying every contour of Artie's lean body. Shue was so into it. Once the water was gone and Artie more or less dry, Shue once again picked him up, and carried him into one of the two full beds that were in the motel room. Shue sat Artie down and started to join him on the bed when Artie put his hand on Shue's chest to stop him, "Take your pants off." Artie said, suddenly very sure of what he wanted. Shue quickly stripped out of the rest of his clothes, standing before Artie naked. Shue had a great body. Artie noticed that Shue was already hard. A solid 7 inches and thick like a heavy rope. Artie smiled and Shue smiled back.

"Let's 69." Artie said, almost embarrassed to use the term. Shue sat on the bed smiling, "Are you sure? You don't have to do anything to me if you don't want to." Shue said softly. "I know," Artie said. "I want to."

Moments later, they were laying facing opposite directions from one another, each on their side, sucking each other off. Artie sucked Shue's cock with gusto. They each bobbed up and down on the other's cock in tandem with each other. Artie, hoping to gauge Shue's interest in the subject, began to playfully touch round the edge of Shue's ass. A gentle touch around the edge turned into Artie gently slipping his middle finger inside of Shue. Shue moaned around a mouth full of Artie's cock, but he didn't stop sucking or give Artie any indication to stop. Artie continued to slide his skinny finger in and out of Shue's butt.

After several minutes of fingering and mutual Shue pulled off of Artie's cock, panting for air. "I...can't believe I'm doing this! You are so good!" Shue said, smiling.

Artie smiled again too. "So are you."

"Artie," Shue sounded nervous again. "You can put it in me a little if you want." Artie was surprised but pleased. He had recently discovered that he liked fucking guys in the butt. Artie told Shue to get a condom from his backpack, and moments later, Shue was rolling a condom down onto Artie huge thick shaft. Artie lay on his back now as Shue began to lower himself down over Artie. Shue tried lowering himself down enough for Artie's cock to slip inside of him, but Shue wasn't loose enough to accommodate Artie's huge tool without help. Shue got up and pawed through his overnight back, coming back to the bed with a small tube of hand lotion. Not the best choice for this, but Shue was determined.

Shue lubed his own butt and Artie's cock with the lotion and tried to lower himself down again, this time the same amount of effort resulted in Artie's cock popping just inside of Shue's ass. Shue cried out in pain. Artie tried to steady Shue as he tried to ease down onto this cock, but Shue couldn't seem to get much more than in inch inside of him. After another minute, Shue stood up, Artie cock popping back out of his butt.

"I can't do it Artie, its too big!" Shue said. There was a tone of disappointment in his voice. Artie motioned him back to the bed, "It's okay Mr. Shue, we don't have to do that. Plenty of stuff we can do."

Mr. Shue knelt on the bed next to Artie's head where Artie immediately resumed sucking Mr. Shue's dick. Shue began jerking Artie' huge cock. After a few more minutes of intense sucking, Shue, without warning, pulled his cock out of Artie's mouth and shot onto Artie's chest. Shue shuddered with every shot until finally collapsing onto his side next to Artie. With Shue's jizz still covering his chest, Shue began sucking Artie again. It was only moments later that Artie pushed Shue's head off of his dick and shot six big shots onto Shue's face and onto Artie's own chest. Artie convulsed with pleasure until he was fully spent. Shue laughed as he lay down next to Artie, wiping Artie's cum away from his face. The two laughed and smiled at each other.

Shue dipped his finger into one of the big puddles of cum on Artie's chest, "Guess you need another bath now."

Next: Chapter 6

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