Autumn Blue

By Rick Sambrano

Published on Aug 3, 2010


Warning: There is content beyond this point of the sexual sort and should not be viewed unless you are of age. Please cooperate with these rules and leave now if you are not of age, or if homosexuality is offensive to you. This story is about male love and if you have a problem with that please vacate this page now.

Disclaimer: Any persons in this story that resemble a person in real life is completely coincidental. No characters in this story are exact representations of real people although they may be similar. This story is purely fictitious.

This is only a small snippet of a big idea I've had for a while now. Finally I've had the time to write it out and I really hope you all enjoy it. This first portion is short, but you get to see a glimpse of the main character and some of his main attributes. I hope you enjoy and any comments you have feel free to send them to me at: under the subject "Story Comments"

There was a gentle breeze that blew in from a small crevice in the window. The breeze soared through the air lightly dancing on surfaces with an elegant touch like that of a ballroom waltz. The soft air gentle nudged the ceiling fan making in creak at a very soft level. The faerie-like wind slowly taunted the nerves of Kris's cheek which cause him to stir and shiver. His eyes began to open as he realized that a new day had arrived. And that new day was something dreadful yet great; a day that every kid hoped for and dreaded; that day was the first day of school as a high school senior.

Kris's eyes slowly adjusted to the beams of light that illuminated his room. He could feel the effects of his lack of sleep weighing his eyes down. Finally, several minutes later, he was able to clearly see the numbers on his alarm clock. Kris was still a bit dazed from his slumber, but it didn't take long to realize he had woken up half an hour late. He still needed to shower, eat, brush his teeth, and get all his school supplies ready (not that he needed much since he was a senior). Somewhere in between all that chaos he still needed to ask his best friend if she was going to give him a ride to school.

As Kris zoomed through his not-so-daily routine, he barely even had time to acknowledge the massive morning wood he was sporting. All he could think about was whether or not he would make it to school in time so he wouldn't get detention on the first day.

Kris was actually a very good student. He was rather well liked by his peers. He had never been in a physical confrontation, and his grades were very commendable. He was also in the school orchestra as the second chair cellist in the top orchestra (the first chair was, not trying to be harsh, but a complete loser with bad grades since she spent all her time practicing her instrument). Kris absolutely loved playing his cello, though. If it weren't for the mountain of homework he received from his advanced courses, he would play his cello just as much as Lydia (the first chair cellist).

Once Kris was ready, looking stunning as usual on the first day of school, he dialed up his best friend and awaited her answer.

"Hello?" Kris heard someone answer the phone but no voice had come across yet.

"KRIS!!" Kris was taken aback by his best friend, Penny, and her enthusiasm.

"HOW ARE YOU?! ARE YOU EXCITED FOR TODAY?! READY FOR ALL THE SUPER AMAZING CLASSES WE GET TO TAKE?!" Penny went on and on, seemingly forgetting the fact that school started in 15 minutes and she still needed to pick Kris up.

"Penny?" Kris tried to interrupt subtley but to no avail. "PENNY!" Kris yelled in a tone a bit harsher than he intended. Running late always made him a bit moodier than he liked. "Sorry Penny but I really need you to pick me up A.S.A.P. We don't have much time before school starts you know." Kris said in a genuinely apologetic tone.

"Oh, right..." Penny said in a distant manner. "Listen about that...well I kind of mouthed off to my parents yesterday and they...uh.....sorta took away my car..." Penny was afraid of Kris's reaction. She knew how he often reacts to bad news and that was certainly not well. Not well at all.

"WHAT?!" Kris practically screamed so the neighbours from several houses down could hear him clearly. "Damn it Penny how the hell am I going to get to school now? You know your parents won't take me and no one is here at home with me right now." Kris's parents were into some kind of business where they often went to exotic islands and vacation spots to sell something like timeshares. At least that's was Kris had always guessed.

"I'm really sorry Kris. I'll call around and try to find you a ride okay?" Penny quickly said bye and hung up so she could try and make things right with her best buddy. Kris was a complete worry wart and this was not good for him. He needed to be in school, in his seat, and ready to be a full fledged senior, but things just weren't working out for him that way at all. He could never catch a break; he could never have things go exactly as he wanted, just once. His parents weren't there for his first day of school, he best friend couldn't take him to school even though that was the plan since the end of junior year, and worst of all he was still worried about having to come out to Penny.

Penny and Kris had known each other for at since the diaper days. They grew up playing house together and running around exploring the endless possibilities their backyards seemed to relish. As they grew into their adolescent years, though, Penny had started to realize the dangers of a platonic friendship. She couldn't hold her feelings in any longer and in grade 10 she confessed her undying love at her own birthday party.

Kris at the time, however, had still considered himself curious and he, like most high school sophomores, was completely taken aback by the idea of a girl "loving" him. Especially since it was his childhood friend. Kris had had to set her straight as gently as possible but it made the rest of that year unbearably awkward for the two of them. When that summer rolled along though they both apologized to one another and things continued just like before. The only difference was that Kris had figured one major detail within that year: he was gay.

As Kris paced back and forth and did circles around his living room he heard a knock at the door. "Could that really be Penny?" he thought to himself. But he was wrong. This unexpected knock that reverberated throughout the nearly empty house set the wheels of fate into motion. Wheels that had only been fantasized were now spinning at a sluggish speed but accelerating with each passing second. Kris had no idea that behind the door, behind the sound that filled his soul stealthily, there was his key to happiness, disappointment, balance, and most importantly: love.

Next: Chapter 2

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