Baby Boy Damien

By Devin Fox

Published on Jun 23, 2014


Hey guys.

Before I get into this story, I'd like to clarify something. These short stories are comprised of ideas between two consenting adults. While elements of diaper fetishism and the DL lifestyle come into play, in reality these are two grown men enjoying their sexualities together and exploring their fetishes. Damien is a young man of legal age and his daddy is a few years older. The rest of their characterization is up to you.

Once again, please take the time to donate to Nifty. As I always say, they keep your cocks hard and my stories flowing, so we'd all really appreciate it as they are a nonprofit website.

If you have any questions/comments/snide remarks, please don't hesitate to email me at Keep cumming. ;)


It was a Tuesday night, and Daddy had one of his friends over for dinner. We were sitting around his dining room table, slowly eating and having a drink or two. I was dressed in nothing but a pair of white briefs, as Daddy said I'd been a good boy and deserved to stay in my undies for a few days. His friend was very handsome. Short, dirty blond hair, pale green eyes, and olive-colored skin. He had a loud and almost disrespectful laugh, drank Pabst Blue Ribbon, and smelled rank as if he'd just come from the gym. His name was Eric, and he'd been coming over every other Tuesday for drinks and to catch up for a couple of months now.

I had a few drinks myself, and was feeling a bit tipsy when we fed from the dining room to the living room. Daddy disappeared into his bedroom, and so Eric and I were left alone. Eric let out a rough, grumbling fart. It wafted into my nose and I recoiled, but my cock bounced through my tightie whities. Eric looked at me and raised an eyebrow while he downed his beer.

"You're a nasty fucker, aren't you." A statement, not a question.

"Yes, sir." I answered.

"Hmm." Eric smiled, before letting out an equally-loud belch. He crumpled his can in his fist and placed it on the coffee table in front of us.

Daddy returned with his briefcase and glasses in hand. I didn't know what was going on.

"Hey, I got called into the office for a little bit."

"Really? But it's almost ten..."

"It's kind of important. Eric, you okay to stay here and keep Damien company?"

Eric looked stone faced. "Yeah, sure, bud."

"Thanks bro. I appreciate it."

Daddy grabbed his coat, hoisted it over his broad shoulders, and opened the door. He turned back at the last second and looked me in the eyes, "Our plumbing isn't working, the repairman won't be here until tomorrow afternoon." And with that, he shut the door.

I gulped.

Eric looked at me, raising an eyebrow again. He gave me a huge smile, before he got back up again. He grabbed another beer from the fridge, not even asking if I wanted anything. I stood up and made my way to the TV before I was knocked to the ground. Blindsided, I looked up to see Eric standing over me, holding the beer in his hand.

"I gotta fart, faggot. And from your little pathetic dick bouncing earlier, I could tell that you liked my fucking gas." I couldn't move.

He leaned over me, his heavy brown boots thudding against the wood floors. He pushed his ass up against my face, and I could see a worn-out pair of boxer briefs from the top of his hairy ass. Without much warning, he let out a stinky fart in my face. Grunting, he managed to push out another one. I couldn't help but inhale them, as it was the only air that I had. Eric pushed out another, and I finally registered what was happening. His rank, stank gas was filling my nostrils and my caged cock was screaming to break free.

I was still flat on my back when he got up. Eric looked back at his own ass, and reached a hand down into his crack. He wiped his ass with his own hand and grabbed my face with the other. He ran his hand up against my upper lip and nose and shoved his finger up my nose. "Like playing stinky finger with me, faggot? Say you like my stinky finger."

"I fucking love your stinky finger, Eric." I moaned, and he deposited his stinky finger into my mouth for me to taste.

"Oh, you fucking like my dirty hole, faggot?" I moaned while still sucking the rank flavor off of his finger.

"Good. More's fucking coming, faggot. You know what a stinky finger leads to, right?"

I didn't know what to say.

"You'll fucking see." He stifled himself as he felt his stomach grumble. Dinner had apparently already hit him, and he resumed his earlier position over my face. He pulled down his loose blue jeans a bit, before letting another fart rip in my face. But without warning, and I don't even think Eric knew of this, he began to shit himself.

Eric's gas and his stinky hole were no match for the smell of his manly shit. He groaned as his already dirty boxer briefs filled with a huge load of poop. He couldn't stop himself, and the bulge in his ass began to fill and got closer and closer to my face. It brushed up against my face and my cheeks, and I could tell it wasn't completely solid. "Fuck----fag-----" was all he could get out. He shit his underwear in silence over my face.

Finally, Eric finished. He looked back at the low-hanging bulge over my face, and sat down on it. Practically crushing me, I could feel the shit spread from the top of his ass all the way down to his heavy crotch. He smeared it around, and I gasped for air, only smelling shit. Eric pulled up, gave me a second to breathe, and plopped his hairy, stinky ass on my face again.

He finally stood up, and turned around to face me. I was bewildered, and my little boy cocklet pressed hard up against its cage in my tight underwear.

Eric sniffed the air. "Faggot, I'm not wearing this dirty shit. And your toilet isn't working, so the only solution is for us to trade underwear. I'm not gonna be a douche and shit in my buddy's house while he's out of town and not clean myself up. So that's where you come in."

He began to slowly shove his ruined boxer briefs down. They landed on the floor with a thud. "Take your fucking briefs off, faggot." I did as he said.

"Now put my underwear on."

I grabbed his nasty, shit-covered underwear and put my legs through. While they were a size larger than what I normally wore, I still managed to pull them up. His shit was still warm and creamy, and spread around my hole and over my caged cock.

Eric gave me a weird look. "Faggot, you honestly expect me to put on these white faggot undies with a nasty swamp ass? You've got another thing fucking coming. Now come here." He grabbed the back of my head, shoving it into his dirty crack. "Chow down, faggot." Eric laughed.

I took in my first inhale. I didn't know if I could do it.

"EAT MY SHIT, YOU FAGGOT." Eric yelled, and my shuddered. I began to slowly lick away at the shit on his nasty hole. It tasted horribly. I'd tasted my own shit a few times, but never someone else's. Eric obviously had a horrible diet, and it showed.

I licked, chewed, and rimmed my way through his dirty hole until I got it clean. He turned back around, saw my shit-covered face, and smiled. He gave my chest a push while he put on my underwear. It stretched over his muscular and hairy ass, and he let out another big fart. He threw his jeans back on, and looked back at me.

"Hm...." Eric rubbed his chin, while I sat on the floor in his shitty undies.

"You know, I know you belong to my buddy but I wanna make you my own personal pig too. You know, brand you a bit. Keep it in your head that you're my little shit pig, not just a diaper faggot."

He snapped his fingers. "I know. Gimme one second." Eric went into the kitchen and returned with a small key. Then, without hesitation, he undid the confines of my cock. My semi flopped out, and I shivered as cold air touched it again. It was covered in the dents of the wiring of my chastity lock, and I immediately began to bone up again.

"Faggot, I want you to jerk your pathetic little dick off while I finish up a beer."

I was happy to oblige. I couldn't remember the last time I got to cum, let alone masturbate. I began to do it dry, and Eric came over me and slapped me across the face. "Not dry, you fucking pig. Use my dirty shit as your lube. Okay?"

I was mindlessly following his orders. The smell of his rank hole still affected my entire being.

I reached into his undies I was wearing, and pulled out a soft turd, still pretty warm. I squeezed it around my boning cock and proceeded to beat off with it. The shit gave in and lost its shape, and soon covered my white dick in brown. It felt amazing. I moaned, and sped up my rhythm. It didn't take long before I knew I was going to cum. I began to shoot rope after rope, which contrasted against the creamy poop, and landed in every single direction around me.

Eric was gulping his beer down on the couch while he watched me shoot my load. I finished moaning, and looked back up to him. By that time, he'd finished his beer and smiled at me.

"Faggot, come here." I followed his order, attempting to stand up while not getting poop on any of Daddy's stuff.

"Hold on. Crawl, faggot."

-=To be Continued=-

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